Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 49: Volume 3 – Chapter 9 – Part 1 – Azazel, Dream and Scathach

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A few weeks later

Mount Olympus




It's been a few weeks since Jin has been in our realm, things have gone back to normalcy since the Tournament of Power ended too. However, there's another problem at hand…my long-time friend, the Goddess of Blacksmithing and Divine Smith, Hephaestus.

I was in her home since I just wanted to visit her…and this Goddess…is acting like a lovestruck woman, I'm happy for her, but at the same time, it feels and looks quite strange.

The calm, collected and serious Hephaestus has been left in this state...she didn't have a modern phone before Jin left but…she—and I mean WE, she dragged me with her to the human realm to buy a phone for herself.

I helped her set it up…and the first thing she did was put Jin's number into it, load it up, buy a plan and start texting the guy. I mean, I know Hermes and I have been in communications with him too but…she—I would say is a bit excessive.

Hephaestus had finished doing some orders for the armor and weapon shops in the Tower of Heaven. We were in the dining room as she sat on a chair, giggling to herself and waiting for Jin to respond to her…

"Um, Hep, let's go out and enjoy the day?"


She barely acknowledged me, she had a happy grin forever plastered on her fast, but when out for business or just when I can drag her out—it's the usual calm face and demeanor from her…is this how love affects people? Such a strange thing…

Since I didn't have anything to do…I decided to go to the kitchen and practice my cooking. That comment from Penemue annoyed me…and I also feel bad for Jin, he looked so uncomfortable eating mine and Aphrodite's cooking, so I vowed to get better and show them!

I—I wanted to start out making something simple so I was making an omelet…for some strange reason, it became purple…am I just naturally bad at cooking…?

No! Hestia! Fight on! You can get better…just a lot of trial and error….yeah that's it…I look back over at Hephaestus, she had her eyes closed, hugging her phone with a happy smile…at least one of us is having a good time.



Goddess Danu

"Áine…why are you here?"

"You know why~ Jin's mentioned you in our chats~ and that he'll be coming back to Ireland because he has to fight Scathach~"

I was aware of that; I have also been in contact with him…I was currently in one of my flower shops across the Country of Ireland, mainly the one in Dublin. I do have employees but since I'm here for the day…I gave them the day off.

Áine had waltzed into the shop with her usual attitude. She was looking around the shop, taking glances and sniffing at different flowers.

"Did you know? Jin got into an alliance with the Greek Gods a few weeks ago. Our own Gaelic Alliance and now the Greek God's Alliance has been widespread across the supernatural world."

She looks back at me with a smirk…what does she mean by that? I know his name will spread across the supernatural world, that's only natural.

"You seem confused, let me elaborate~ t-h-a-t means~ he'll have more eyes on him, not just the Gods and mystical beings~ but also women~ he is also known as the Harem Dragon Emperor now~"

What kind of title…? Is Jin fine with that? No, knowing him he'll most likely embrace it with open arms.


"That means~ his harem will keep on growing~ didn't you say the two of you are 'intertwined by fate'? how about others across the globe? Do you think you're the only special one? From the conversations, we had with Valerie and Ophis…"

"I am aware that he loves many women and how he feels about them. But how does that relate to me?"

"Are you really going to ignore the' intertwined by fate' thing, Danu? For the past hundreds of years, you refused to be found by anyone until he came along, and bam! You let yourself be found, and even went to the festival!"

Áine looks at me with a frown and sighs. I do not know; I am just compelled. Perhaps Jin is just another Primordial God? But that doesn't make sense since he has the [Boosted Gear]…maybe a Demi-God? But I did not feel any divinity from him…


Just then a couple came into the store and starts to look around, Áine glances at them and smirks…she is also a mystery. I know of her tragic past life, how she hates men—even her own offspring from many years ago.

What is she planning with Jin? she has acted like a typical teenage girl…you have been wandering Ireland for many years, barely staying in one place for too long. Keeping everyone at arm's length, why change now?

"I have my reasons, Danu. We've heard of many Red Dragon Emperors over the years, Jin seems interesting, right? He also has a harem…I want to see the 'real' him. How he really is when pushed, like how most men are."


How he really is? Not every man you come across will have ill intentions, Áine…not just men, but people—beings in general.

"Well, I'll get going~ we'll see him within this week. He'll be sparring with Scathach after all. Bye now~"


I watch Áine as she leaves, the young couple still looking around my shop. Does it still haunt you after all these years, Áine?

Once a happy Goddess of summer, wealth, and sovereignty as well as love and fertility...those events changed you much. I can understand where your pain comes from.

A once bright and happy Goddess was reduced to a bitter and vengeful one….I hope Jin does prove you wrong. Since it doesn't reflect your name 'Bright, glow, joy, radiance, splendor, glory, and fame'. Regardless of who does it, r—pe is never right.

"Excuse me, can we get these?"

I look over at the couple as they had picked had pointed at 'Easter Lilies' I smile and walk over to them.

"How many would you like? A bouquet perhaps?"


Gremory Territory

Jin Skyward

A few weeks have passed since I visited the Greek Gods and a few things have happened. Over those few weeks, Scathach had asked me about our duel…I promised it would happen during this week.

There were only two weeks left before the Rating Game that happens between Rias and Sona. Everyone has been hard at work and their mastery and control have gone up, even more, I would say they won't have any problems in the upcoming Rating Game…

Unless Sona came up with a decent enough plan to hinder them, or just waste time since I think there is a time limit for it? They did fight Ddraig and since he's a few ranks higher than some of them…but they'll just have to be creative about it.

Natsume and Shigune also moved in a week after my visit with the Greek Gods. They already get along with everyone in the home so it wasn't too big of a transition, but since a lot of them are in the Underworld, they'll need to wait until summer is over.

What surprised me was…that Griffon and Poh were in my home a lot. Those two said that they wanted them to be a bit freer since in Grigori Azazel didn't want them out and about. I didn't mind and it's like having pets around the place…

I've also received a few text messages from a few people. Namely, Hestia, Hephaestus, Hermes, Rossweisse, Goddess Danu, Áine, and Suzaku. The Greek Gods were just checking up on me, okay—two of them were, Hephaestus wanted to, well, chat and we had done that the last few weeks…

I didn't think me getting rid of that defect on her eye would make her fall for me, but I guess that happened so I'll work from there then. I got updates from Hermes and Hestia on how their realm is taking the alliance and a lot were for it. There were some that were against it but…Zeus quelled those by mentioning the name Black Alice.

I don't know if that was the right call or what, but he's the leader so whatever. Hermes also did tell me that Ares was getting a bit sneaky, the same with Athena…though now that think about it, she felt 'off' somehow. I don't know how though.

Danu and Áine were just checking up on me and asked when I would visit the country again…well this week so they're probably going to be with me when I go there. Rose was complaining to me about her job as per usual.

Since 'that' incident happened a few months back, we rescheduled my meeting with her grandmother, so it would happen when the school term starts up again. She was busy with her own thing…whatever that was since Rose didn't know either.

Suzaku also double-checked with me on my plan, I'll need to make contact with the Shinto Gods and form a relationship with them. I'm an outsider of the Himejima clan, Shuri and Akeno are exiled so that means fuck all to them.

I thought about just using mind control but I doubt Suzaku or Shuri would like that. Akeno didn't care, she thought it would be… 'fun'. So, I'll meet up with her before making contact with the Shinto Gods, I'll try to get as much info from her since my own knowledge might mean nothing.

I mean…Zeus and Poseidon were a surprise, right? Who knows what might be relevant to the Shinto Gods. I also plan on getting that alliance with Asgard…though I might also check out the Egyptian Mythology…

Kurousagi, she had the title of [The Spear of Sun God Ra], so I became curious. I'll check it out, in the future…I wonder what it looks like there and where they reside at?

Apart from that…both the Gaelic Alliance and Greek Alliance became widespread around the supernatural world, which also meant a lot more attention was on me because, well, I was responsible for it.

Attacks from the Khaos Brigade had started to increase as well, though it's at mostly random areas so far and no notable places, they managed to defend themselves which was good.

Ting! Ting!


Lianne was training Xenovia and Kiba, the rest had their turn earlier and were resting, they were meditating to recover faster. Lianne was in her casual clothes and using my bokken sword, she was casually carrying and blocking their attacks.

But she had a look of a proud parent seeing her kids growing stronger. Xenovia was in her 'Scale mail' for [Grand Chariot] and Kiba was training with his [Blade Blacksmith]. Even though those two were working together and Kiba using his full speed, they weren't pushing Lianne that much.

"Two weeks are left, what are your plans, Jin?"

Azazel was sitting beside me; he was reading over something…the Underworld newspaper? I decided to join them here since I didn't have anything planned. Altaria had given me updates during the few weeks and things have been relatively fine up in Heaven.

But…Gabriel does apparently visit her quite often. They've become good friends and she asks about me a lot….Gabriel, you can always visit or talk to me through the transceiver you know…?



I take out my phone and look at the message sent to me…

|Dude!!! There are so many hot babes in Hawaii!!! So many tits! So many thighs! I might lose my virginity this week!!!|

It was Kouta and he was in Hawaii? I had gotten a few texts from him but I didn't think he'd be in the state of Hawaii…well good for him. I put my phone back in my [Inventory] and look back at Azazel.

He had been looking at my phone and he gave me a thumbs up…this guy…

"I'll be having a duel with the Witch of Dún Scáith…I don't know what else is happening but I'll see when they happen, I guess?"

"Hmm I see, then how about….the winner of this Rating Game?"

"I would say Rias, but I don't know what Sona has been up to even if I'm with Serafall she doesn't say much about their training."

"Kah!!! Getting the Satan Leviathan in your harem, you probably buttered up some Greek Goddesses too, right?!"

How is this relevant? I just mentioned Sona and Serafall…

"Right…anyway, Sona and her peerage fought Ddraig before I went to Heaven and to meet the Greek Gods. So, if she plans accordingly, she can just stall for time. Rating Games are for entertainment and you don't also win with brute force power."

"Yeah, the younger sister of Serafall is a genius, after all, not many in her generation can be on par with her intelligence. Rias is smart, Sairaorg is a balance of the two, I'm not sure about the rest…you….uhhh, you're above average, I guess?"

Gee thanks. But I don't disagree with that, I'm no genius and any smart crap that I manage to spew out usually comes from Cúntóir, the two Dragons or Rudra, or a combination of all of them. I'm just a bit paranoid now and have some safety nets in place.

"Where are the rest of your harem? I know Natsume and Shigune moved out a few weeks ago, how have they been?"

"I mean…they're at my home in Kuoh? They have lives outside of me you know. I know Ingvild went out with her friends quite a lot during summer vacation. Natsume and Shigune are doing fine, hell, they acted as if they've always lived there. Poh and Griffon are out in my home nearly twenty-four seven."

"I did say they couldn't just bring them out all that often but…it's not like I forbade it. They were allowed to be out in their own rooms or when training."

That makes sense, but I think you should have said it like that…from what they told me it sounded like it was outright forbidden apart from when they decided to train…


We look over at the field, Kiba and Xenovia were on their knees defeated by Lianne. She says something to them as they nod, she looks over at us and appears beside me.

"Haaa…that never gets easy, I couldn't even sense anything…"

I would be more worried if you could…Lianne leans against my shoulder. I've been wondering if I should make another being that'll be a good sparring partner for her…maybe, the 'Golden Rakshasa' …I don't know, maybe.

"Time for a break then, Grayfia should be arriving soon."

As If on cue, Grayfia and some other maids arrive with a tray of food and drinks for everyone. The Gremory group flies over and starts taking their refreshments.

"Good work, guys."

Akeno…takes a seat on my lap as she happily eats and drinks away. Shirone and Asia looked a bit annoyed by her actions.

"Spoil me, feed me."

Akeno demanded making me chuckle. I take the snack from her and feed it to her, she lets out a gleeful groan as she closes her eyes and puts her head on my neck. I've been back for the last few weeks and Akeno—no, the girls are still acting like I was gone for hundreds of years.

They try to get me to spoil them every chance they get…not just the ones here either, it also includes everyone else in my home in Kuoh…well…I glance at Kiba and Gasper, those two included too…

I did hear that Coriana Andrealphus, Sairaorg's [Bishop] has been becoming a frequent visitor of Gasper. Rias knew so she didn't mind, but Gasper was a bit wary of her. While he wasn't hostile, he just didn't feel comfortable around her at first.

A few suspected her to be here to spy on them but…that was quickly thrown out the window as the rest of the peerage saw that she mostly spent her time with Gasper. At first glance, you would think she 'Ojou-sama' type of character but she's a lot more caring than you would think.

I even saw her a few times as I stayed here the last few weeks; she gave me thankful looks and nods anytime she got. Anyway, Gasper started to loosen up a bit in her presence, she's even made the guy blush and be flustered at times.

I brought Valerie here during those few times and she was happy for him, though I don't know if any of his feelings are romantic yet, she's definitely not giving up that easily. She has forced him to be more confident or courageous as she sometimes drags him out to places with a lot of people.

She's doing my work for me; I'll have to thank her for that. One thing in particular that Coriana and Valerie share is…they don't mind Gasper cross-dressing, I approached her about this and she didn't care if he wore girls' clothing or guys…more power to her, I guess…

Meanwhile Kib—

"Jin-senpai, feed me too?"


Speak of the devil and he will appear…dude, I won't feed you. Anyway—he's been…I don't know, weirdly 'affectionate' towards me? Just like that, though I think he's just having fun…

"Oh right, Jin. Sirzechs—the Four Satans want to speak to you, just you know general stuff. Maybe even thank you for the work you did."

"Uh, when?"

"Anytime today would be good."

Why would they need to thank me? I'm doing this for my own reasons too you know? Well, whatever, I can go meet Serafall during this so it's not all bad.

"Can I bring someone? Or do I have to go by myself?"

"Official business, so by yourself."

Unfortunate…but today, huh? I have nothing to do so I might as well go early…and see what it's all about. I look tap Akeno on her back as she looks up at me a bit upset.

"I'll go now then so I can have more time later…"


She did not like that, she clung to me harder while aggressively rubbing her head against my chest. Azazel let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"C'mon now Akeno-chan, he'll be back soon. I'm pretty sure Sirzechs said he won't take much of his time."

Slowly but surely, Akeno took herself off me, still looking displeased with it all.

"Alright, let's resume training in a few minutes then. Ah right, Jin. What the hell did you do to Penemue?"


"She's been acting strangely after getting back from the trip you guys went to. Did you put the moves on her or something?"

Um, no? I would say Penemue and I just became slightly closer friends, but nothing past that? We had a little bonding moment but apart from that, we've been normal.

"Whatever, I'll deal with it or check on her sometime in the future, how about you?"

"I don't mind. Anyway, I'll get going, I'll see you guys soon."

I walk over to Grayfia and give her a kiss before leaving.

Lilith: Current Satan Territory

Lilith, the current Capital of the Satan territory ruled by Sirzechs Lucifer. It has one of the most advanced hospitals, which is named Serafall Memorial Hospital. During the Demonic Beast Riot, the city came under attack by the Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky created by Annihilation Maker, forcing an evacuation of the city residents.

I would like to take a look around here in the future, but I wanted to get this little meeting thing the Satans want to be done as soon as possible. I quickly find their auras and flash stepped towards the place, much like any other city…it has shops, bars, and other shops all over the place.

There were many Devils walking around doing their business. No man saw me unless I stopped for a second to look at a particular shop that caught my eye. But as I said I was in a rush so I didn't stay for too long.

There was a very large building that was unmistakably the place where the Satans are currently. I mean, it had their auras, and…it was huge. I quickly got there and I stopped in front of the steps up to it. I sigh and decided to slowly walk up it.

I was a little surprised that there weren't any guards or a giant gate to this place, the last time I was here Serafall was the one who teleported me into a room in there before I met the others for the first time, so I had no idea where I was back then.

Even though this was their 'headquarters' it was surrounded by normal buildings, they're quite relaxed I guess? When I got to the top, there were guards that stood there guarding the place, they noticed me and started pointing their spears at me until I summoned the [Boosted Gear].

They stop their motion, nod, and put their spears down.

"Ah—the Red Dragon Emperor, the Four Great Satans are waiting for you. Please, go ahead."

"You guys thirsty? Hungry?"

They seemed a bit stunned but both replied that they were thirsty, I nod and summon two bottles of water. I hand them both one and went through, I heard them thank me as I continued onwards. The inside of the building was quite interesting. I didn't really pay much mind to it last time either.

It was rather simple and sleek while also giving the vibe and look of 'royalty' if you get what I mean. Smooth stone walls, that were bone white, the ground was the same with purple carpet, there were also African black wood used for the furniture like the tables, chairs, and frames of the couches. Not to mention the chandeliers above me.

I walk up to the receptionist, who was a female Devil with black and grey hair that was in a bob cut.  She had yellow eyes and was wearing a professional suit. She looks at me as I summon the [Boosted Gear], there weren't any other Devils there aside from us.

She smiles at me and gives me directions. There was a flight of stairs beside the reception desk and I take them, and of course, it was the final floor. I didn't think I was up that high, not wanting to delay this further I flash step up all the flight of stairs until I arrive at the top.

Once there, I continue forward, taking the left then the right, and I arrived by that long hallway again. I quickly move down it and arrive by the door.

Knock knock


After hearing Sirzechs voice I push the doors open, once inside the Four Satans and Asteri were there. Serafall starts to wave at me when she stops herself and assumed a serious expression, I shook my head at her as Sirzechs chuckled at her.

"Sup, ya'll need me for something?"

"Su—Hello there, Jin."

Sirzechs tried to greet me the same way when Asteri put a hand on his shoulder, making the Lucifer's mouth twitch. I really do wonder who has the pants in their marriage, is it the Satan Lucifer…or the wife?

"Yes, we would like to extend our thanks to you for getting quite a number of alliances during your summer vacation…though did you get enough time for yourself?"

"Yeah, I had time, I mean those are basically me going on trips across the world so it wasn't all bad thing, met some people, made new friends. So, I didn't really see it as a bad thing."

I didn't expect Sirzechs to worry about me…no, it makes sense, he—they already see me as part of the family, I guess. It makes sense for him to worry, and also to keep up good relations with me, personally.

"We've had some discussions through magic circles, the attacks of the Khaos Brigade have started to increase after all…you also informed us of a new faction within them, yes?"

"Yeah, the Monkai Association, mostly made out of Monsters and Youkai. Azazel told you what I told him, right? I did find out more since their leader is Black Alice, she had a run-in with the Greek Mythology years back."

I'm sure they know about that since I relayed all of that to Azazel a few weeks ago and he set up a meeting with these guys and they should be informed.

"Yes, we know…though who is strong enough to just resurrect powerful beings just like that? Or do they have some kind of tool for it? Azazel should know more about it, but he's not entirely sure yet, he has his speculations."

Whatever it is…it isn't it, since Nyarlathotep is responsible. He's probably thinking of the [Sephiroth Graal], Valerie has one of the three because she managed to get a Subspecies Balance Breaker with it.


Ajuka calls out my name and I turn to look at him.

"There are rumors of you and the Witch of Dún Scáith having a duel soon? Is that true? May we know why?"

I didn't think he would be all that interested in that…but sure why not?

"I dunno, she just 'felt' my power and wanted to test me, I guess? I mean…the fight with Thor and summoning Ddraig are also the reasons she wants to spar with me, I guess?"

"I see."

"So, anything else you need? If not I'm gonna go…"

I start to turn around when Falbium calls out to me. I stop and look at him.

"Jin Skyward…you met my granddaughter, Iryuka?"

Oh, he's asking about that? The other Satans look at Falbium strangely as he's not one to talk about…his personal life. I nod.

"Yeah…I visited Latia and she was there, we spoke for a bit."

Falbium nods and doesn't say anything else…what the hell was that about? I look at the other Satans and they shrugged. I do a quick head gesture saying I want to leave and they nod, looks like they had nothing else to say to me.

"Well, see you guys around then."

I turn around and leave while waving my hand behind me. I reach the door when I felt Serafall tackle me from behind, we tumble out of the room and I closed the door just in case.

"Hello to you too, Sera. Need something from me? Don't you guys have more stuff to discuss?"

"It's fine, it'll be quick…"

I turn around…haaa, this woman. I think I've spoiled her too much in the last few weeks. Anytime she was free she would either spend it with Sona or me, she's always clinging to me, and wanting to be spoiled, much more than those young—


"I'm still young! Anyway! Magical girl Levi-tan wants a kiss~ chuuu~"

I inwardly chuckle and kiss her. I pull away and she seemed satisfied, she cheerily says a line from a show and goes back into the meeting room.


"I guess today won't be a relaxing day then…"

I pull my phone out of my [Inventory] and check it, the text message was from Reni.

|Jin? can you please come home, we have some…visitors.|

Visitors? Wanting to find out who those were, I teleport back to Kuoh.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

I teleported directly into the living room; the girls were there. Ingvild and Shigune were chatting with each other, Poh was out on Shigune's lap. Valerie and Natsume were speaking with one another and Reni was by the doorway.

"Ah, Jin! welcome back, so…they're outside. We all know them so…"

I nod and go to the front door, I could recognize the auras, that was a lot faster than I anticipated. I open the door and in the front garden were Irina and Griselda.


"Hello, Jin."

They both greet me and I invite them in, they come inside and go to the living room first.

"Woah, when did you upgrade your house? It wasn't this big last time we were here."

"At the start of summer vacation, anyway come to the living room, we can discuss on why you're here there."

They both nod and we go over there. The girls look up from what they were doing, Reni was already sitting on the couch and patted her spot while staring at me. I inwardly chuckle and join her. Irina and Griselda sat on the couch beside us.

"So, you're both transferring in?"

"Yes! I'm going to be in….uh….the second year! Sirzechs Lucifer-sama managed to get me in Asia and Xenovia's class!"

"And I'll be one of the school's nurses, I heard the previous one retired because she was near the retirement age…Michael-sama didn't have any problems with this since he wanted some members of his faction to be here."

Originally it was only Irina, but I guess he trusted Griselda to be here too. Roygun was the school nurse…I wonder if we'll have two in the future? That's for the future, for now these two need to pick their rooms…

"So, you guys want to live here?"

"Did you offer this to us, Jin-senpai?"

I chuckle, yes, I did. But I just wanted to make sure that they really want to live here…it's quite chaotic at times.

"Yes, I did but I wanted to double check if you're fine living here. It can get a lot rowdier when the girls are back from the Underworld after the summer break."

"We're fine with that, Jin."

"I see, alright then. Let's go and pick your rooms…oh if you need them to be bigger, I can always expand them."

They both nod and we go upstairs, we go past a few rooms and after that, there was an infinite hallway with doors, I just told them to pick any and explained to them what it was, but they both just shook their heads.

They each picked one that was across from one another, I offered to help them unpack but they declined.

"Jin-senpai, do you really want to see what I wear underneath? How shameless…"

"You may have prevented us from falling to many things, but I can't allow that to happen…..yet."

Irina teased me while giggling, Griselda explained it in a more logical approach…I did hear that last bit and I smirked at her. She had her usual smile but sported a small blush. Since they didn't need help, I went back downstairs to the living room.

"Looks like we have new roommates."

"Potential harem members, they already have the rings, Jin."

Natsume quickly corrected me with a smirk as Valerie awkwardly laughed beside her. I shrugged, I mean yeah, they'll eventually join since I'm interested in the both of them. Hmmm…what to do, I'm in no rush to go back to the Underworld and it's still just past one in the afternoon…


"Are you going back?"

I felt Reni hug me from behind and asked me in a sad tone, geez…if you say it like that, then how can I say yes?

"No, I'm not going back yet…."

I go back and sit down with Reni, she decided to use my lap as a pillow and closed her eyes. I pulled out my phone and checked my other texts, there weren't many, only Kouta complaining about being ignored in Hawaii…

Keep trying dude, you'll get laid, I guess? –suddenly the grand piano that Shigune requested started to be played, and Ingvild started to sing as well. We all went silent as we listened to the duo do their bit, it sounded pretty good...but the song sounded familiar…like, it was from 'Doki Doki Literature Club – Your Reality'.

I have no idea if Ingvild came up with it or if that visual novel exists in this world…a quick google search and it turned up no hits, so I guess it's another 'original' Ingvild came up with. How the hell does she do it?

The song eventually ends and we call clap, Poh was quietly sleeping beside Shigune during all that, he's a lot more behaved than I initially thought, the same with Griffon, I made a few bird stands and well, places he can just perch on.

"What's the song called, In?"

"Your reality, I've been working on the lyrics for a while now…but I didn't know what to do with the ...instruments I guess? But Shigune can play the Piano so…we collaborated."

"Mmm, I think it turned out well, I just needed Ingvild-san to help me with writing the score."

These two quickly became friends, even during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension] their love for music, I guess? Though I only knew about Shigune's love for music around three years in.

Ingvild has an electronic piano in her room but was excited when Shigune asked for a Grand Piano, I asked why Ingvild didn't request for one. She was embarrassed and said she might have been ordering too many things.

I mean, we have the space, so…who cares? We also have the money too…I look down and Reni had fallen asleep, geez, how tired was she?

[Maybe she just missed you?]

{She did she that anytime she sleeps with you, it's the best in her life.}

'Maybe it's true for some of the others?'

Okay, okay, I get it. I start to lightly stroke her hair and pet her head. The two start up again but it was a different one…it was the one Ingvild sang to me in the park after Rias's Rating Game against Riser.

…Music, huh? I guess I can breach that topic with Shigune to get closer to her and…Natsume with her sister. Kanami is in Russia, why? I dunno I just checked her aura around the globe after I got back to Japan a few weeks ago.

I spent the next few hours there with the girls, chatting and just being lazy, Griselda and Irina joined us around an hour later, they both didn't have much to unpack.



Gremory Territory

I usually split my time by sleeping here or back in Kuoh, I couldn't sleep here all the time since not all the girls are in the same place. Last night I slept in Kuoh, tonight will be here…though I couldn't sleep and was walking around the Gremory home.

Everyone else was asleep apart from Azazel, I wanted to chat with him for a little bit. I had already located his aura and was making my way to where he was, it seemed like he was by the back gardens of the home.

I hadn't been there but…it more or less was a giant field with some trees, I didn't bother looking further since I had a goal for being back here.

"Hmmm? Oh, Jin. What's up?"

"Just wandering, found out you were awake so…I wanted to talk."

"Good, I wanted to speak with you too actually."

I wasn't expecting that but I guess it works out for the both of us? I stand beside him and we look up at the moon, even though the sky is artificially made, it's not bad.

"Did you guys move into the Underworld yet?"

"Nearly. We started moving after the treaty was signed, the Underworld has a lot of space, after all, we're also a small enough faction. But we should be done soon."

I see, though it makes sense that it taking them a while, I mean with all that shit that they have—research facilities and equipment and other crap….it makes sense it takes time. I wonder where they'll go though? Did Sirzechs just give a random place that's unpopulated?

"Why won't you create your own reincarnation system?"

To that, Azazel laughed at me. I already knew the answer but…since I've done a few things differently and fast-forwarded certain things, I wonder how his answer will be.

"We the Fallen Angels only exist because we pursued our humanly and worldly desires. In reality, we aren't that different from Angels. We just have different colored wings…also Michael informed me of what you did to the System in Heaven."

"That's the final nail in the coffin, Jin. Fallen Angels were never meant to exist. You fixed that, there are only a small number of 'sins' Pure Angels can commit to fall, if there are more that fall for whatever reason, we—Grigori will accept them with open arms. If they're not there to start trouble that is."

"I and the other leaders…don't see a reason to continue our race. That's why we didn't bother making our own system. The Fallen Angels and Grigori….can end with us—with me."


Azazel had a sad smile on him as he looked back up at the sky. Is that how you truly feel, Azazel? Kinda sad if I'm being honest. The Demonic Beast Riots will start in the future, during that event…Grigori will suffer an even bigger loss in numbers. I will prevent that…I made a lot of friends and acquaintances there.

"Okay, my honest with me, why the hell do you want a harem?"

This question again...I'll give you the answer I recently gave then.

"I don't know—but if I have to give you an answer now, then it's probably because I'm scared."


Azazel looks at me with a confused expression, I nodded.

"You know, scared of being alone? Scared of not having love, typical shit like that. Where did this come from….? Probably cause my parents are already dead, also probably me having zero luck in romance back in Ireland, heh."

Azazel snorts at my reason. In reality, I have no idea.  I've gotten that dream during my time in the Greek God's realm, but I still don't have enough information.

"…Don't die, Jin."

"If you say that, then you're just setting up a flag, Azazel. I said that to myself with Reni and she...anyway, I won't—hell I doubt I will."

"How are you sure?"

He was looking at me again and I smile. I cover the small area around us with a barrier and removed my suppression seals.



"As you can see, this is just a single percent of my power. I will say this now, I will get stronger in the future…so, I doubt I'll die, Azazel. You can rest assured on that."

I put my seals back on and remove the barrier, I repair the small damage I made in the area. Azazel had started to sweat profusely…sorry I lied, Azazel, I held back a bit there. I didn't exactly want to kill you since you were standing beside me.

"…I see, well…regardless…I'll still say it. You do realize how much you mean to those girls, right?"

"I'm aware, also, it's vice versa, Azazel. When I saw that happen to Reni, I was prepared to end this world and everyone in it."

Azazel looks at me uneasily and sighs heavily.

"After experiencing whatever the hell that was a few seconds ago, I'm more inclined in believing you, Jin. But…I can only say this about Akeno-chan and Lavinia Reni since they're the ones I know more about but, those two are really dependent on you. I'm sure you're aware of that."

"I don't know much about Lavinia's past but—she wasn't like that when she worked for me in the past you know? Even when team Slash/Dog and Tobio helped her. So, I was beyond shocked when she started to act like that around you."

"The big unknown, the new guy, the Red Dragon Emperor of the supernatural world…you already know the reasons for Akeno-chan. I felt responsible for all of it, you know? Would everything be different if I didn't call Baraqiel back that day for a mission?"

"Akeno-chan wouldn't have to needlessly suffer, that's one of the things I regret to this day…seeing her that happy is…at least, reassuring, you know? Ahh shit, why are we being emotional right now."

Azazel starts to scratch the back of his head furiously while lightly flustered. He looks at me while I shake my head, there's nothing wrong with guys being honest to one another.

"As I said earlier, there's zero chance of that happening so rest assured. Anyway, can you tell me more about Penemue? I mean after we came back."

"You're after her too? she's an old hag you know."

...Dude, if she heard you right now…she would have kicked your ass…She's interesting, and we made up so yeah, I'm interested in her.

"I am, I already gave her the ring the girls have. The same with Griselda and Irina."

"Heee? Is that so? Well, you do you…but to answer your question, I guess Shemhazai said she's been a bit more…aloof? Her heads up in the clouds I guess, what did you do?"

I didn't do anything…I tell Azazel what happened between her and I, and a conversation between Penemue and me in the Lamia's city. In the end, he just has a confused look on him too.

"Then, I have no idea what's up with her. She never asked me that question before."

"Did she have a lover or something in the past?"

Azazel snorts and bursts into laughter...…Uhhhh what? Why are you laughing?

"Good joke, Jin. Do you know why she fell? Of course, you don't. She fell because she wanted to teach mankind how to read, and write and give them wisdom. She didn't fall because she had sex like Baraqiel and I."

"She has a great love for humans you know? But since she did that, Father thought it was a sin so she fell. I mean, look at it like this, reading leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to thinking, thinking leads to sin and bam! She fell!"

"Anyway, she's the biggest virgin I know. She was quite strict with herself and to those around her, I doubt she's kissed anyone at all. Hell, I even tried to recruit her to my harem from a long time ago! Just to give her practice, you know? Course she said no."

"Haa….well whatever, if you're serious…then go for it. She's a grown woman, she can decide whatever the hell she wants. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Night."


Azazel walks back into the Gremory mansion and leaves me there to myself…so that's the reason she fell? Though I don't think those two are super buddy-buddy so he won't know everything.



Jin Skyward

"This is…I'm dreaming again…this was a lot quicker than the last ones, is he giving me more?"

I was in an unfamiliar place, but it looked like a room of sorts…the past me was a lot older too…he was currently on the ground—on all fours and he was shaking. What the he—

"Oppai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uwoooooooooooooooo!!!

What the fuck?!?! Why did he just scream oppai?! Why is he crying?! He was bawling his eyes out…Jesus Christ dude, what is this?! He was laughing maniacally while still sobbing…did past me finally lose it?

Bang bang!

"Shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's eleven at night you dumb cunt!!!!!"

Past me did not stop though—he just kept on going. He suddenly jolted up, and put on a coat and his shoes. He went outside and locked the door…he started to run….huh?! wait! Hold up!

I started to chase him…now that I take a look at my surroundings…oh! This was! College! I was…he was…we were in Waterford! I remember! I went to Waterford Institute of Technology! W.I.T, wait! The way we were going was the wrong way!

No, no…it's night where the hell was past me running too? it was cold! When he was running his breath could be seen, was it winter? I take a look around again and…there were Christmas lights! Was it December?

I kept following him, the streets were empty as we ran down the road…we eventually reached the small town and by the docks. He jumps over a fence and runs…towards the pier?! He was still crying but was silently doing it.

We finally reach the pier…and he stops…he takes out his phone, puts on earphones, and…plays something…his tears started to increase again…was I bipolar or something? Past me puts his right arm out and smiles shakily.


I couldn't hear him…what the hell was he saying? Oh, come on! Why did you cut this part out?! ...wait I can hear him again; he puts out both his arms out and seems to be stupidly happy and shouts…

"Uooooooooooo!!!!!! I've been a fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!! Shit!!!!!!! This degenerate weeb will move on forward with his life!!!!!!!! Aoifeee!!!!!!!!!!! Watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

After past me screamed with all his might he looked down at his phone, I walk over and take a look….the song that was playing was….the High School DxD original soundtrack, Shouri…the one where it plays when Issei first chants his 'Cardinal Crimson Promotion'….

"My God…you motivated yourself with that…? No, no we're missing pieces here?! What the fuck?!"

"A---- T---- is going to make a huge fucking come back!!!!!!!!"

With one final shout…the name was still blocked but he said his full name…he ran away. I stood there watching him….what in all hell did I just witness? Wait…did he just, chant the 'Cardinal Crimson Promotion' chant before he screamed that last part I heard…?

"Oh my god!!!!!!!!! I was so cringey!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I could feel my own face heat up in embarrassment…what the hell was he thinking?! I look around quickly but couldn't see anyone…thank fuck no one saw that…or heard it. Dammit past me, what the hell?!

The scene around me began to change, it changed to…Phoenix park? I was there with….Ryan! I was bowing to him and saying some stuff. Ryan was…smiling and smacked past me on his back, he looks back up as he puts past me in a headlock and started to laugh.

"I have no idea what the hell happened but…I'm glad you're back bud."

"Sorry for being an asshat the past few years…"

Ryan lightly punched past me on the head and laughed again.

"You best be, fucking idiot. You'd be making Aoife roll in her grave! Right then, let's hit the pub."

"It's still five in the afternoon…"


Past me had a complicated smile but still let himself be dragged to the pub in Dublin…the scene changed again….no, it was rapidly changing, it showed past me apologizing to several people and reconciling with them….but it has never once shown my parents, why?

"…It's the white void again…was that it for now?"

It took past me a while…but he did move forward, in the most cringiest way…I won't tell them about this…I would die of embarrassment. Those two dragons and Rudra would make fun of me…hell to the no!!!

"It was quite entertaining…"


Noo!!!!!! Someone did see it all! I turn around and could see Irene there smiling at me—no she was fucking smirking at me!!!

"Forget about all of it."

"Make me."

We stared each other down before she starts to laugh to herself.

"You did not hear his chant, did you?"


"I heard it….he did not chant the same thing Issei Hyoudou did….he made his own, perhaps when you finally unlock those memories…you'll use it as your own?"

...…I made my own? That's even worse!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean! I could probably use it for my [Queen] form but shit! I made one back then?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—I clutch my head out of embarrassment and fall to the ground.

I felt Irene put her hand on my shoulder, I look up as she offers her hand to me. I take it and stand back up, she wasn't smirking anymore but genuinely smiling at me, I was still blushing since I wanted to punch my past self….ugh…

"Allow me to reveal a line, use it as you wish. 'I will become an Emperor of All Dragons' is what he said before the final line."

I will become an Emperor of All Dragons…? Pretty pretentious of past me…maybe it was just in the heat of the moment? Whatever...I sigh and slap both my cheeks.

"Thanks, Irene…but seriously, please forget about it."

"I will not…I am the few that can come here and witness these…I was also there for the last one, Jin."

Did she see that one? I didn't see her though…did she hide herself? Well, whatever…

"At least keep it between us."

"Very well...this is ending now, I will see you soon, Jin."

Oh…the dream's ending—


I felt her lips on my cheek, my eyes widen, and look at Irene who had a victorious smile on her….wait hold the fuck up lady—


Gremory Territory

Jin Skyward


I have so many mixed emotions right now…I don't know what to feel, Irene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can hear me! ...….she didn't answer back, God dammit!

[Is something wrong, Partner?]

No, it's nothing, Ddraig. Don't worry about it…it's just a minor inconvenience.

[If you say so.]

At least I got to see…well part of it, in how past me got better, and it was through his own efforts, huh? but it apparently took him six years…I don't want that, hell I don't think I'm as bad off as past me.

Hell, that heavy feeling isn't as heavy as it was during the five years…maybe I'm just slowly getting over it, ah whatever—I'll just—


"…Alright, time to wake up…"

Kuroka's foot hit me on the face…most girls were with me right now; the bed felt a bit cramped.



Kuroka jumped up after I lightly bit her ankle, this in turn made the rest of the girls wake up. They all looked angrily at her. Kuroka was rubbing her ankle and looking at me with a light glare.

"Good morning."

"Don't 'Good morning' me, nya! Why did you wake me up that way?! I would have preferred a gentler way! Hell, shove your dick into me! I would have rather preferred that—ow nya!"

Shirone crawled up to Kuroka nd punched her in the gut, Kuroka keeled over and clutched her stomach. That would be….r—pe, Kuroka…I won't do that…

"Ooohhh….Shirone….so mean to your Nee-sama….."

I sigh and healed her back up, she instantly forgot about what had transpired and forgave me…like I said I didn't even bite that hard…sheesh…another hectic day…

A few days later

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

"So, we're all ready, right?"

Today, I go back to Ireland for the sparring match with Scathach. I was bringing Shigune, Natsume, and Valerie with me. Reni and Ingvild were going to take Griselda and Irina around town and beyond.

They hadn't had time to check it out themselves as they had to go back to Heaven a few times for something, I didn't ask so they didn't tell. I had made the offer to everyone and the ones left were these three.

But every time they did come back…Gabriel had asked about me, and also said she'll visit soon, apparently to them—she was quite…grief stricken…I should visit her just so she doesn't get too sad, or I should talk to Michael about her moving in with me.



"We get to meet them again, it hasn't been that long, huh?"

That's true, it's only been a few weeks since we've been to Ireland…it'll be also the first time for Natsume and Shigune. I look at them one last time before we left.

Ireland, Dublin

We decided to meet Danu and Áine by her flower shop here in Dublin. She gave me instructions on the phone but…I'll just search for her aura, the same with Áine. From where we were, they were quite close.

We were in an alleyway away from prying eyes and the two girls were looking around the place, eager to see the country. I chuckle and start walking, they quickly follow. I did take them here before but it was on top of Crann Sióg and not down here.

Once we were out on the main street…it wasn't too far from where we were, the streets were crowded since it was summer, and the girls got a few glances and a few outright just staring at them—Shigune was feeling pretty self-conscious about it.


I feel her hold onto my arm as I hear the other two chuckle, making the girl even redder. The two join in and cling onto me, making many guys that were walking past us glare at me with jealously...suck it!!!!!!!! Hahaha!!!


{Jin, what in the world happened?}

[You've been acting strangely the past few days, Partner. Is something wrong?]

Cúntóir: Answer: Jin was shown a dream by Azathoth a few days ago, Irene was also there to witness it…it made him embarrassed.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Shut up! Don't tell them?! Cúntóir!!!!

[Ah, I see. Don't worry, Partner. We'll find out in the future.]

{It is inevitable, Jin.}

Whatever….let's just hurry to the shop...…..It didn't take us long to get there as it was mostly straight. The shop was before a crosswalk, so in a way—it was a corner shop. The four of us go in and...the two of them were there. Valerie and Natsume had let go of me, Shigune was still holding onto my arm.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Deirdre."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Danu nods at the girl as both she and Áine walk towards us, she gestures for us to step out and so we do. Once outside we stand beside the wall I—


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Goddess Danu suddenly hugs me, this makes Áine snicker as she was staring at Shigune and Natsume. I turn to look at them as both their eyes were wide—wider than I had ever seen…why were they so shocked?


I was suddenly pulled back by Shigune…it took her a few seconds to process what she had done before turning even redder and letting go of me. She slowly went behind Natsume and went completely silent.


"Pfft—great harem there, Jin. She's a shy one, huh?"

Aine giggles to herself while taking peeks at Shigune who had her head pressed against Natsume's back.

"Right…anyway, we'll be going to…The Land of Shadows, so…we'll be going to Portee it's the nearest town to the Isle of Skye."

From the texts Scathach and I exchange, her little realm is on the Isle of Skye, once there we just…well she said I would feel it, so I'll just trust her on that.

"I tried to enter before…she wouldn't let me, of well~"

I guess…Scathach didn't want to let her? Or was Áine just that weak…? No, looking at she's the standard, though even with that raw power, she's probably not that trained. She probably does know basic self-defense, right? If I take into account two or three of her myths…I mean, she has to learn self-defense.

I wanted to make sure so I pulled out my phone and checked the map…Portee is still quite a long way from the Isle of Skye…we'll need to take the A87, and then once we reach a certain point, we'll need to go offroad.

But there is a place called Sligachan, there's a hotel there as well as a camping site…but I doubt we'll be there for too long. It's just a quick sparring match between Scathach and I.

[Remember, Partner, sparring match…]

I know Ddraig, I won't just end it quick…she wants enjoyment out of it. So, I'll do what I did for Dulio and Sairaorg in the past. I put my phone away and tell them my plan to get there, or suggested we just teleport near Sligachan.

"C-Can we take the more scenic route?"

Shigune who was still behind Natsume spoke up, Valerie and Natsume were in agreement, and I look at the two Goddesses.

"I don't mind~ I get to flirt with Jin a bit more~"

"…I do not mind how we get there or how long. I am here to accompany Jin, that is all…"

A bit dramatic there, Danu but alright…I start walking away towards the same alleyway since no one ever uses that place…not even the junkies, I don't know why nor do I remember the reason, but it's convenient for me. I don't feel magic from it so it definitely wasn't the supernatural at play.

Once we arrived there, they all gathered around me, I decided to teleport to the 'Isle of Skye Candle Co. Visitor Centre'.

United Kingdom

Scotland, Portee

When we teleported there, it was mostly quiet and empty. Dublin was the main city so it got a lot of traffic so it made sense that there were already a lot of people there. It was still early, well by my own standards, it was around ten in the morning.

The building was mostly made out of wood, the walls were red and the roof was made out of black tiles I think? We make our way to the front of the place and there were a few cars parked at the front, I look into the place but there was only a receptionist and they looked tired.

No one was here so I'll take advantage of that, I turn to the girls and make them invisible, the same with myself. Once that was done, I gesture for them to follow me, I turn South and stretched a bit.

"I'll go at a moderate speed, Is anyone not confident in their speed?"

I knew the three girls would be fine, I didn't know much about the two Goddesses, I assume Danu was mostly supportive and defensive? Áine is a blank…but she is a wanderer…so I don't know.

"Me~ carry me~"

Áine immediately raised her hand and wanted me to carry her. I nod, I didn't have a problem with that.

"I will be fine, if needs be I will ask you to slow down…"

Goddess Danu answers me reasonably, I gave her a nod and turn back to the road…I check the entire path we'll be taking and…there were a few cars on the road, we just needed to avoid them. I'll tell them as we go.

"This place is pretty, what's that lake called?"

Natsume points to our left, and there indeed was a large body of water. By the entrance of the Visitor Centre, there was a statue of an eagle…I wonder what its significance is?

"That's the Loch Portee, anyway, we'll just need to follow the road A87, we'll come across Sligachan and we can catch our barrings there, ready?"

I was given a varied numbered of responses but they all meant yes, I do one little jump before I started to run.


I look behind me and the girls were keeping up…Áine was in my arms seemingly not bothered by the speed so it's all good so far. All around was were mostly bushes, trees, posts, and the occasional wall.

I would expect it to be like this since I kind of assumed the architecture is the same as Ireland, I mean we're basically neighbors with a long history…and not much of that was good, anyway! I'm curious about the Mythos in the United Kingdom too…I wonder if any of 'them' are still alive?

A few minutes passed and our surroundings didn't change, but the girls behind me with the exception of Danu as she had been running beside me…that was surprising, I look at her and she smiles back at me. The girls behind were just chatting and making comments about the place.

"What do you expect out of this duel, Jin?"

"Quick but hopefully entertaining for her. While I don't have any plans after, I'll probably just take the girls around Dublin or something, they did seem excited to be here, I took them here once but we immediately went to the Faerie Kingdom so that doesn't count…"

I answer Áine's question as we arrive at a spot called 'Allt Dubh View Point' we go to the side where there was a resting spot, in front of us were several mountains. I don't know the names of these mountains but they weren't that big, can I even call these mountains? Or do I call them just large hills?

This place was close to Sligachan so after resting there and checking out our surroundings for a few minutes we continue on our way. The road here had gotten a little smaller and there were signs telling drivers to slow down or an accident may occur.

It didn't take us long to see a sign saying 'Sliganchan' a little further in front of that was the small town? No, this has to be a village. It had a small park, a slide, swings, and little areas kids would play at.

Across from it was the Sliganchan hotel and beside it was a brewery, beside that was a grill and steakhouse! If we have time, we can probably have lunch there.

"We can have lunch there when we're done with Scathach's request. We can take her there too…if all goes well, that is."

"Yes please."

Shigune immediately answered…I wonder if her having Poh as a Sacred Gear increased her own gluttony? From what I remember…Shigune said her gluttony is a family trait…if she has siblings…I can only imagine the food bill, thank god I can just create money at will.

We follow the road A863, but we immediately turn left and jump go off the path. We go to the nearby river called 'Allt Dearg Mor' since if we follow it, we'll end up at Skye.

"This place is so…serein, the air feels fresh and the small breeze here even with the cold weather…"

"Mmm…it's nice."

I put Áine down while the girls talked, and I canceled our invisibility. Áine joined them as Danu and I walked ahead, I do agree though. It's nice and quiet, you could see the natural beauty of the place even if it's mostly mountains, grass, and stones.

I could feel something further in front of us, seeing as how Goddess Danu had closed her eyes and was hugging my arm…it wasn't anything that could harm us, but what was it? It didn't feel like a barrier or anything like that.

We kept walking until we reached…some sort of lake? In front of it…was a man.

The man is a blue-haired, red-eyed man whose primary outfit is a deep ultramarine full body tights covered in Runic protections, grey metallic pauldrons, and a metal plate over his lowest abdominal section.

He wears his hair in a rattail that reaches his mid-back. He also wears a pair of silver earrings. He was facing us while grinning.

"Finally! I thought you wouldn't come here!"

"Cú Chulainn? Where's Scathach?"

I was confused, it was Cú Chulainn that was there, and now Scathach…wait, did she just send us here to fuck with us? Does she actually live in Dunscaith Castle? That little…I should have put that together yesterday…

"Shishō sent me to meet you guys here. You could say…it was her own practical joke, as weird as it sounds. Though, she hasn't really kept in contact with me for years…being suddenly called out like that was a bit of a shock."

"Anyway, long story short I'll be sending you over there…but you guys did get to see a bit of the scenery of this place, yeah?"

Yes, we did, it was pretty good…but seeing how that castle is quite far away…we'll need to teleport back to Sligachan just to eat, a bit irritating but nothing world-ending.

"Is that so? But yes, we did see a lot of it…"

"Right, let's get going then…well you guys get going, Shishō just asked me to make the runes to teleport you guys there—ahh! Make sure to have some sort of invisibility spell on! I think there are tourists there today."

I nod and put back the invisibility back on us, Cú Chulainn nods as we step onto the rune circle he had made.

"Red Dragon Emperor, if you beat Shishō today...I'd like to fight you in the future. I can feel it, it's stupidly faint but…the blood in me is telling me to fight you…I hope you grant that request."

He's a lot humbler than I thought, he looked excited but was respectful…I mean I don't mind…as long as you ask sincerely and do not demand then I'll put some time in the future…being able to move one's body every now and again isn't a bad thing.

"Sure, when I have is my number."

I summon a piece of paper and give it to him; I'm assuming he has a smartphone…he grins at me.

"Thanks, I appreciate it! Now then! To that castle, you go!"

He summoned his own Gae Bolg and tapped the end onto the ground. The rune circle below us brightened and we were consumed in a bright light.

Dunscaith Castle

As soon as we teleported there…I could feel the barrier that Scathach had placed…in front of us is a ruined castle on the coast of the Isle of Skye, in the northwest of Scotland.

It is located in the Parish of Sleat, in the Highland council area, and in the former county of Inverness-shire. Also called the 'Fortress of Shadows'.

The area had a few people walking around, taking pictures, or just admiring the view.

"Well, let's get this over with…you guys want to look around Dublin, right?"

Natsume, Valerie, and Shigune nodded, yeah, I guessed as much. That's the plan after this then…the two Goddesses just smiled at the girls.

"If you want~ we can be your tour guides along with Jin~"

"I don't mind…we're here, you guys ready?"

We reached…the 'barrier' to her realm, I also didn't mind them being the guides. I glanced at everyone. Danu was still hugging my arm so she nodded beside me, I walked past the barrier first…

Land of Shadows

Once we all got in there I canceled our invisibility.


"It's so…."

In front of us was a large dark land of shadows, the ground, the sky, and everything in between was just darkness. There were shadowy tendrils coming out of the ground, however, in the distance were rocks and a small mountain range made up entirely of shadows.

Around us were ghosts around the place but they didn't do anything, they were just watching us from a distance. If I could describe this place in one word, it would be 'death' it just was everywhere, and it also felt lonely.


A rune circle appeared in front of us and the lady in question came out from it. She had her usual confident smile on her. Her appearance was slightly different as she had…more armor plating on her? On her body, knees down, arms, and had a little cape on her. She also had her Gae Bolg Alternative by her side too.

"Jin, Valerie, Goddess Danu, Áine…and two new partners I do not know off. Welcome to….The Land of Shadows, my home."

"Glad to be here, so…want to get to it?"

Scathach smirked and nodded. She turns her head and the ghosts who were watching us vanished, even the tendrils around the place vanished…she has full control of this place, huh?

"So…how do you want to do this? Purely physical? All out with everything, or do you wanna fight Lianne or something?"

"Hmm…I have been thinking about it since we went our separate ways, I wish to fight you, Jin Skyward. If you could create such powerful beings…how powerful is the one that created them? That thought kept going through my head."

I see, that makes sense I guess? I didn't mind…but keeping it entertaining for her while also not making her feel insulted will be tough. Scathach seems like the type to like an even fight, and she'll probably find out that I'm barely trying when we do.

[You've caught yourself in a bind, Partner. What do you plan on doing?]

My best….I guess?

[You've been saying 'I guess' a lot lately.]

I gu—hmmm probably. Whatever the case…I'll need to keep her entertained while not outright humiliating her—otherwise…romance and any relationship forward will be strained. But I trust Scathach to be more logical than some brute force woman.

"Sure thing…so, we fighting here?"

I gesture around us and she nods. She jumps back away from us and stands there. I shake my head and look back at the girls.

"I guess we're just going to go at it right away. Though…there isn't much to explore here, anyway, I'll get going. Just stay back we'll try not to get you guys involved or hit."

"Good luck, Jin!"


The girls wished me luck as I jumped to the opposite side of Scathach.

"I wish to fight the Red Dragon Emperor, use your armor, Jin."

What a demanding woman…but I strangely like it. I wonder how she is when affectionate?

[Partner! Not the time!]

Right, my bad. Alright sure! Whatever! Let's do this!

"Boosted Gear!"

I shout out my Sacred Gear's name and the red gauntlet appears on my right arm. Scathach who had been standing there saw it and started to power up…the area around her started to crack, shake, and be destroyed.

She had a very intense and excited look in her eyes, she was ready for this and wanted it to be fun. Could I classify her as a battle maniac? ...wait I should make a wager…

"Hey, Scathach!"


"How about a little…wager?"

"Hooo? And what would this wager entail, Jin? huhu, perhaps—if you win, I shall enter your harem?"

I…no I was actually going to ask her to be like a trainer or teacher to the girls since she has a lot of battle experience…that proposal of hers doesn't sound bad either.

"W-Well, no I was going to ask you to be a teacher to my lovers…I just thought since you've tutored Cú Chulainn in the past you'd be a good choice…you can probably also fight Lianne and anyone else that—"

"Interesting proposal…it won't be outlandish to think this is your way of courting me, Jin….but I will accept it. Now then, enter your Balance Breaker!"

I guess she sees more perks to it? I mean those three—Valerie, Shigune, and Natsume are much more powerful than her in terms of raw power, but she has more experience…so it might be an even fight? She might even win against them…

'Jin, this will be an interesting fight if you don't end it by taking away her power. Test yourself.'

Um, Rudra?

'Enter it!'

"Alright already…sheesh…ahem. Ddraig, let's go! Balance Break!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!]

My full body was covered in the typical red armor. I stood there ready for her to attack; she stood still when—

Ting! Clash! Skrrrkrkrkr!

She appeared behind me instantly and tried to stab me through the chest! This woman wasn't playing around—she was serious…I don't know if this was a test of my reflexes or what, but she really tried to kill me…

"Good reaction."

"Thanks, but try not killing me please."

She didn't answer me but instead started to attack me with her spear, the Gae Bolg Alternative! Might as well fight with a weapon too…I jump away from her—



Scathach's eyes brighten even more as the sword Ascalon came out from my right hand. I correct myself midair and push myself back towards Scathach, she readies herself—


Her spear and my sword met and when they did a large shockwave occurred around us—the ground beneath her was destroyed and left a giant crater. Scathach had a wide smile on her, I could feel her fighting spirit getting higher and higher.


I increased my strength and she makes a pained face, but the grin never left her expression. I pull away and stand where I landed.

"I love it…but, I know you're holding back for my sake, don't, Jin. Show me more!"

Tang! Tang! Clang! Clang! Boom! Boom!

We disappear from both our respective spots and clash at different points in her domain—the Land of Shadows. Each strike, each hit—every time we clash…the area around us shook, large shockwaves occurred and sparks flew every time our weapons collide.

It felt strange, most 'fights' I've had after killing Kokabiel and meeting Nyarlathotep…I've ended rather quickly—even during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension] I only 'trained' them so I didn't put much thought into it.

Clang! Clang! Boom! Boom! Kwshhhh!!!

It feels like when I fought Thor, even though I'm holding back…I felt some excitement in me. Scathach looked disheveled as we kept on clashing. She got some injuries but she healed them back up with the power of her runes.

That's how she's been able to keep on fighting since I was matching her power—no, I was just slightly above it every time we clashed. While she hasn't hit me once, I have had nicked her time and time again, but I don't want too seriously—

Is she…looking to die or something? She's acted differently from her Nasuverse counterpart…so I doubt it, is she just looking for a challenge then?

'Do not let your mind wander, Jin. Focus.'


One last clash we made created a large explosion forcing both of us back…we both landed at opposite ends. Scathach then healed herself up again, she spins her spear around before tapping it on the ground.

"Good, very good, Jin. I haven't sustained that much damage in a very long time…but show me more, of what the Red Dragon Emperor can do!"

She grinned at me and powered up again…sheesh, alright then. I won't fight as an Outer God, but as the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig! Let's do that!



Red Draconic aura surrounds my body, let's use my Illegal Move Triaina then!

"Sure thing, Scathach… Mode change! Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!"

[Change Star Sonic!]

"Armor release!!!"

When I shouted that more of the excess armor from the scale mail to drop and fly to be shed from me. Scathach had a dumbfounded look on her place, yeah this is new, get used to it!

"Here we go then!"


I appeared behind Scathach as she hadn't had time to react yet, I cock my arm back and punch her on her back!


Scathach is sent flying! She crashes towards the ground and rolls away for a few seconds before fixing herself. She stands back up and had an even wilder glint in her eyes.

"Interesting! I haven't seen this before, Jin!"

"Mode change! Welsh Draconic Rook!"

[Change Solid Impact!!!]

The previously shed armor pieces come flying back at me, even more just appear out of nowhere, as it slowly built my scale mail into a giant hunk of metal. Scathach had appeared in front of me and made a stabbing motion with her spear!

Don!!!! Tang!!!!!!! Bwshh!!!!!!!

My fist and her spear make contact! Another powerful shockwave occurred around us but!!—



My strength was much higher than Scathach's and I sent her flying again! But she quickly corrects herself…Scathach jumps up high into the air and….


She was staring down at me with a large smile—her spear started to shine…wait, isn't that Cú Chulainn's Noble Phantasm?! The shining on her weapon becomes brighter and brighter! She's ready to throw that thing!


"Mode Change! Welsh Blaster Bishop!"

[Change Fang Blaster!!]

Charge it! I'll feed you all the energy so just be slightly above that attack! The charging time in this mode normally takes time, but I can completely get rid of it. Scathach looked like she was ready to…this should be the finale then.

Gae Bolg versus Dragon Blaster.

Valerie Tepes

"W-What is that? A new form?"

We had been watching the intense fight between Scathach and Jin, the shockwaves and ripples they made in a short amount of time were quite something. This surprised the two Goddesses with us, however, we're mostly used to it.

"Jin modeled those forms after the Evil Piece system, so like chess. The forms you saw were his [Knight], [Rook], and now [Bishop] forms. He hasn't…shown what his [Queen] form to us yet…he said he's working on the chant."

"Incredible! I didn't hear any past Red Dragon Emperors do anything like this! This is pretty exciting, huh?!"

Áine-san seemed quite excited by it…Goddess Danu…she was praying? No, she was just holding her hands like that, she may be cheering Jin on. Natsume and Shigune were quite casual about this, the same as I.

"This should be the final clash, hopefully, Jin doesn't destroy this realm by accident…"


Those two…they really are relaxed and quite trusting of Jin, huh? I mean i was too but...though…him destroying this place was a bit…it would be a problem—


I create a small barrier in front of us to stop any debris or wind from hitting us. Looks like it's settled then…

Jin Skyward

"Gae Bolg!!!"

Scathach threw her spear as a giant amount of divine energy was rapidly approaching me. I'll respond in kind—

"Dragon Blaster!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The two cannons from my back fired a large amount of green and red draconic energy blast! I applied a lot more power to it, just to make sure I won this! The two attacks were going collide—

Boooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rumble rumble!

Once the two attacks collided, the entire realm of the Land of Shadows shook, the energy that were in those attacks were powerful enough to shake a realm created by Scathach! But in the end—

My attack overpowered her spears! The Gae Bolg was thrown to the side as my Dragon Blaster kept on going and hit Scathach! But instead of a pained expression—she was still smiling! She enjoyed getting hit?!

Are you a Masochist, Scathach?! –—she was glaring at me!!! You heard that?!


The attack finally exploded! The dust and smoke quickly disappeared—from there Scathach was falling to the ground. I quickly went back to my base form and dashed to the falling Scathach—I could feel it, she had no more energy. She used it all up on that attack…talk about going out with a bang—literally.

I caught her and she had a satisfied smile on her face, she wasn't…that badly hurt. She can tank a High-Tier God-class powered Dragon Blaster, then props to her. She's one tough cookie, I start to slowly heal her. Once I landed, I flash stepped back to everyone.

I exit my [Balance Break] and was still holding Scathach. How long do you plan on being in my arms?

"I know you're awake, Scathach…I already healed you."

"Hmph, let a lady relax for a moment, will you? I just had one of the most intense battles I've had in a long time. At least let me rest."

She opened her eyes and frowned at me. I sigh and shake my head, whatever, lady…but I guess I won? So…

"So, does that mean I win? You'll be a teacher to the girls then…"

I look at Valerie, Shigune, and Natsume who had strained smiles on them, I wish you all luck—you have no idea how much of a spartan trainer this woman is.

"…Are you that excited for me to join your harem, Jin? I'm flattered but aren't you going a bit too fast?"

She was smirking…this little…that's not what I mean and she knew it! What the hell, woman?! Should I drop her?

"You know that's not what I meant, Scathach…"

"Ha-ha-ha! I'm teasing you, Jin. Fret not, I will keep romance in mind as I spend my time with you from now on."

.....I don't even know how to respond to that? She was just smugly looking at me…I finally let her down as she stands on her own, she moves her arms and legs checking everything was fine.

"Since you're going to be a more…regular visitor to my home…let me upgrade your ring."


She seemed confused, the same with the other two Goddesses. I nod and tell them what the rings that Valerie and the two Slash/Dog girls have are really capable of. They were a bit shocked, Scathach had a smile—not her usual confident one, but a normal one as she stared at her newly upgraded ring.

"Anyway, it still has the transceiver function and all those things."

"Does this mean you have some trust in me, Jin?"

"Well, yeah…I did just wager you to be their teacher too you know. Anyway…we should be done here—actually. I can do the same thing with this place and my home…I did the same thing with Irene and Yasaka…"

I have experience in this so it's quite easy now. I create a door in front of me and connect it to an empty room in my home. I turn around and explain what it does to Scathach.

"Interesting, please move it to that spot since I spend most of my time over there."

I look at the spot where she was pointing at…there is a throne made of darkness there…talk about being a bit…edgy—okay she's glaring at me. I flash step over there and move the door, once done I go back to them.

Looking back at it, she spends her time here just…sitting there? Maybe train on occasion? That's pretty boring—almost like Ophis, just…mindlessly spending eternity here. Well, if she spends more time at my home, it'll be a bit more lively—she can also fight, spar and train the girls.

"I shall accompany you back to Dublin."

"Um, are you sure? We're just going to be—"

"I do not mind; I will accompany you."

She didn't leave any room for argument and I shrug…

We had left the Land of Shadows and went back to Sligachan to eat that the Grill & Steakhouse for lunch, the menu was well, normal. It wasn't anything special—nor the food…though it's probably because I ate a lot of it in my past life—maybe my stomach—my soul remembers? As weird as that sounds…

After that, we went back to Ireland to tour around Dublin.

Ireland, Dublin

"Any requests? We can just end the day in Crann Sióg when we have dinner, and yes, I can pay so don't worry about it…I took Akeno there already."

"In that case~ let's go~"

Áine grabbed a hold of my arm and started to pull me away. Lady, we're meant to be helping these three around you know?!

I tried to protest but the girls said it was fine, throughout that whole day…I received a lot of jealous and hate-filled glares, suck it, idiots! Blame my dragon genes for making it happen! That's how it is in the supernatural world!


Gremory Territory

August 15th

Another week has passed, and the training by the Gremory group has finally finished…our summer vacation was also coming to a close. The day that I spent back in Ireland with the girls with the Goddesses was…interesting, but that's a story for another day.

Today is the fifteenth of August…the Rating Game is on the twentieth, also today is the Satan-sponsored party. I was also invited via Serafall and Sirzechs, which means I'll be meeting a few Devils today…probably Sairaorg, Latia, and all that…

It was around five in the evening, the party doesn't start until seven, so I have a few hours left. But everyone was busy getting ready—we had to look the part after all.

I was wandering around the Gremory estate with my black suit on when I came across Venelana. She was just sitting on a chair reading a book…we haven't spoken much or as 'deeply' since that night—that night she gave me a kiss on the forehead. I just feel a little awkward around her…

"Ara? Jin-kun? Come join me."

She spotted me, my fate is sealed then…I nod and join her—huh, from where I was the chair looked like a chair but it was actually a large couch. I sat down beside her—she was reading…some devil book about housewives.

"It seems like you're ready to go to that sponsored party."

"Well yeah…It doesn't take guys too long to get ready…I think, or I'm just weird."

Venelana chuckled as she looks at me and then at my neck—probably my tie, she then frowned.

"Excuse me."

She puts her book down and leans forward, her hands grasping both my shoulders—forcing me to stay still….she then starts to fix my tie…am I that bad at…well, tying that thing?!


Thanks, guys, very supportive. Venelana finishes fixing my tie for me.

"Thank you, I'm just bad at doing that…"

"It's no problem, J—"

"Venelana-sama, Zeoticus-sama is looking for you."

A maid interrupts her, we turn around and see a random maid there bowing, Venelana sighs as she gets up, she says goodbye and leaves with the maid….and I'm alone again. Whatever.

I walked around the Gremory home more since there's still a lot of time left…I was nearing Gasper's aura as he was in a random room…I decided to check up on him since I was curious. When I got there, he was looking at a big mirror and…making faces?

Knock knock

"Gya-suke, what's up?"

"Jin-senpai! Uwa…I was just practicing on trying to make a confident smile, I want to make a good impression today."


Gasper twirled around as he was wearing a white tank top with a blue frilly skirt…he even had a little ribbon behind his head…who the hell picked this outfit for him…?

"Yeah, Coriana-san helped picked it out for me."


These two have gotten this close? Also…she's really into making him cross-dress, huh? …haaa, sure whatever. I don't have a say in this.

"I see, you two seem to be getting along, Gya-suke. She's the one that's not in Rias' immediate family or peerage or Valerie for you to get along with."

"…I get along with your harem, Jin-senpai."

"You know what I meant, Gya-suke. I was only gone for a few days—and it turned into this? Such a quick and developing friendship, huh? or is something more?"

Gasper turned red at what I was're so obvious it's painful, geez, I didn't think my junior would fall this quickly. What did you do to him, Coriana?

"W-W-W-W-We're just friends! We just talk…a lot, about different things! This is usually after training!"

You don't need to try to explain it to me, Gya-suke. I get it. I nod along to his ramblings and this went on for at least ten minutes. At the end of it, he was out of breath. I put a hand on his shoulder and look at him.

"I get it, Gya-suke."

I then left….


I was outside the venue as everyone else was inside. It hadn't started yet but it was close to it, not everyone had arrived though, an example was the Sitri group. I was also making sure no random bullshit happened here. So, I was constantly checking out the entire territory we were in.


When I turned to look towards the familiar voice—Saji was there, was he the first to arrive or something?

"Saji, why are you here?"

"Ah, President Sona will be going to the meeting place along with her sister Satan Leviathan-sama, I came here on my own since the rest will escort them. After that, I inevitably ended up wandering aimlessly around the mansion, until I arrived here."

This place was big, so I don't blame him at all. Saji took a seat a little bit away from me and spoke while wearing a serious expression.

"The game will be taking place very soon now."


"I trained."

"I mean, I hope you did."

"Well, I also did an extremely hard menu after you left that day!"

I see. He put forth great effort in his training. Naturally, it will affect his master's victory or defeat. I'm curious about the results myself.

Saji spoke while scratching his cheek.

"Jin-senpai. Do you remember the time when the young devils gathered a month ago?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"We were serious then….M-My…d-dream is to become a teacher!"

All of a sudden, Saji said that with a red face.

"Teacher? What will you teach?"

I knew but acted dumb. Even though he was flushed red, Saji answered my question sincerely.

"President Sona is trying to establish a Rating Game specialty school in the Underworld. It isn't an ordinary school. It's an open school for anyone and that accepts devils regardless of whether they are high-class or low-class, aristocrat or commoner."

"I heard from President Sona that things like discrimination and traditions have been softened in the devil industry little by little, but there is still a part at the root of it all that refuses to accept these changes."

"That's why the current Rating Game School only accepts high-class devils from aristocratic families. The games have to be equal for everyone—"

"This is what the present Satan-samas have decided. Though it's equal, the path of the games is far for low-class devil commoners. That's strange, right? Though even a non-aristocratic devil may be promoted to a High-level devil depending on the method. The possibility shouldn't be zero!"

That's an admirable goal, Saji. But it will be a thorny path you'll be walking through. But seeing how determined you are…I feel like you'll succeed along with Sona, I'll try to help when I can.

"President has told me that she wants to do something about that. That she wants to teach so that even Low-class Devils can participate in the games."

"That's why she'll make a school that anyone can enter in the Underworld! President is even studying in the human world as well for the sake of that! To give a chance to the ones who never got into the spotlight!"

"Even if it's just by one percent! Even if it's almost zero! As long as it's not zero, one might be able to become a High-class devil!"

Saji made a declaration while raising his fist. He was quite passionate about this.

"T-That's why I will work as a teacher there. I'll study a lot, fight in a lot of games, and store up various things. I'll become a teacher who teaches about [Pawns] with that."

"President also said that she wants to help me. Even someone like me may be able to become a school teacher…I-I've only done stupid things in the past. I've also caused trouble for my parents and was disliked by the people around me."

"But, if it's President Sona, I can see a dream! I will stay by President's side and help her for life! Presidents' dream is my dream!"

Saji spoke while feeling embarrassed. but it didn't stop him from saying it.

"Hehehe. I kept the fact that I became a devil secret from my mother, but even so, she cried when I told her about my future dream."

"'You, become a teacher!' She may have said that because it doesn't suit me. But it wasn't bad, the relieved face of my mother."

So that was Saji's dream. It's not a bad dream, we just have to strive towards that. Perhaps he may become the 'Ultimate' [Pawn] in this universe?

I already have my plans for the future—in terms of the human world, as for the supernatural? I'll see how things go. He intends to serve his master his whole life.

"I think that's a wonderful goal, Saji. Become a good teacher."

"Yeah, it's also for the sake of that goal that we have to beat the Gremory peerage!"

"Is that so? well, good luck with that. Hopefully, after Ddraig beat you guys it helped a bit."

"Yes! we went through my simulations and have many battle plans and strategies! we're confident!"

Is that so? then I do look forward to seeing it in a few days. However, a teacher, huh? I suddenly remembered Azazel, but… well; this guy would never be like that...hopefully.

"Anyway! I'll go inside, Senpai! I'll wait for President in there."

A little while later, Sona and the rest of her peerage came, Serafall was missing. Sona also looked stressed.

"Sona? What's troubling you?"

"It's nothing…and good evening, Jin. It was just my…Onee-sama, she put up a fight since she couldn't see you."

Ahh—she was probably forced to go with the rest of the Satans and Azazel, it can't be helped. She is a Satan after all. Now that I look at them…they all look good. They all wore nice dresses for the occasion. I gave them a thumbs up.

"Looking good, girls. Anyway, everyone is in there including Saji. Once you go in, I'll follow right after."

"I see…thank you, let's go."

They walk past me as I got a few 'thank you's' in return for my compliment. I saw a few lingering gazes at me but I shrugged them off. I wait a full minute before concluding no one else was arriving. I cover the area with a barrier and went inside.

"Princess Rias. You've become more and more beautiful…"

"Sirzechs-sama must also be proud."

Everyone was looking at Rias. She had said that they wouldn't be excited, but they were plenty excited right now! I was also somewhat happy, annoyed, and proud of it.

I watched from a distance—again, this was a devil's party, while I was invited, I was sort of out of place here, so I decided to keep my distance. Gya-suke was wearing his dress but was a lot more confident, I guess Coriana really did help him through that last bit, huh?



"Sairaorg, couldn't resist coming to me, huh?"

I turn to face him and grin at him, he does the same and we fist bump. The rest of his peerage was with him, Coriana had gone over to Gasper and they started to chat up a storm.

"Looking good, the same for the rest of you, guys. Anyway, you guys should enjoy the party…I'm kind of a glorified bodyguard since I'm not really mingling with anyone."

"Fuahaha! Enjoy yourself too, Jin! I heard you made two more alliances over your summer vacation, yes?"

"Yeah…that's become quite widespread already."

Sairaorg started to smack me on the back as he said he'll go greet some devils…what surprised me was that his [Queen] Kuisha Abaddon had stayed behind and stood beside me. She had a midnight black dress that went all the way down to her ankles.

"Jin-sama, it's been a while."

"Yeah, it has, so, any progress?"

Upon hearing this, I could see her slightly deflate…so no progress huh?

"N-No…well…on my end, but… Silveteela Stolas, the current heiress of the Stolas clan—she—she's been coming over to Sairaorg-sama's home quite frequently…"

Silveteela Stolas? That 'Hohoho-ing' girl that I saw on the way to Latia's home? Sairaorg…you…I mean, I'm glad but damn. I glance at Kuisha as she looked uneasy and I could also tell her emotions were in turmoil.

"Don't assume things yet, Kuisha Abaddon. They may just be friends even—"

"I saw them kiss."


Well shit. She sounded like she might cry when she said that—ahh fuck, how do I? I inwardly sigh, shit, I barely know you….ugh what to do.

"I do not know when it started, but it seems like they've known each other for a few years now. Maybe I was oblivious? Or chose to ignore it…I—"

She was about to start crying, so I put a hand on her head and started petting her while putting a calming effect on her. She immediately calmed down, honestly one of the most useful abilities I have…well, that concerns other people.

"How do I say this…I mean, you could always confess your feelings? Just to get it off your chest and then move on? Or keep on pursuing him and try to make him fall for you. It's your choice really."

"...I will think about it, thank you, Jin-sama."

She composed herself before bowing to me and leaving to join her peerage. Love, how complicated, hopefully, though there won't be some kind of cat fight…I close my eyes and let out a sigh.




I hear two voices that I am familiar with again…I open my eyes and could see Latia Astaroth and Ravel Phenex staring at each other…Shirone was also there, but she was silently looking at me and ignoring the other two.

"It's been a while, Latia, Ravel…Shirone, do you need something?"

"Why are you over here by yourself, Jin?"

"I wanted to thank you, Jin-sama."

Shirone said nothing but came up to me and hugged me—no, she basically wrapped herself around me…Ravel looked a bit annoyed while Latia was already used to it.

"I'm no Devil so I'm just relaxing over here, and you don't need to thank me, Ravel."

"W-W-Well I just wanted to! After my Onii-sama slapped me it already immediately healed…I am Phenex after all—I was just shocked, but you still 'healed' me, so thank you again."

...…That slipped my mind back then, fucking hell—how stupid was I?!

[It's the thought that counts, Partner, don't be too hard on yourself.]

Yeah, I guess so…

"Anyway, how's Riser doing?"

"…Thanks to you, he's been in low spirits. It seems that his defeat and having Rias-sama stolen away by you was a great shock. Well, since he had always relied on his talent and got cocky because of it, it should have been a good lesson for him."

Is that so? Well, he was the one who challenged me…I just traumatized him a little…he should be able to get himself back up—if not, then they can probably request for me to help…

"A-Anyway, I just wanted to say that…G-G-Good day to you!"

With a weird huff, Ravel quickly left, I'm pretty sure she still has things to say to me but was probably too nervous…well, I can't blame her, I did beat her brother to near death.

"Iryuka not with you today, Latia?"

"No…she isn't attending for whatever reason; she has someone else here—someone from the Glasya-Labolas clan attending...a-anyhow, Jin…d-do you have your menu set up yet for your future restaurant?"

"Hmm? No, not yet, but the number of foods I consumed over my vacation around the supernatural world was quite vast so…I may incorporate those into my menu in the future, why do you ask?"

Latia smiled and summoned…a book from her ring, and she hands it to me. I look at the cover and… 'The 500k+ Recipes of the Underworld by…..Latia Astaroth…?' did—did she write this herself?

"…Thank you, Latia…this…this took you some time to write up?"

"Y-Yes, I mean n-no! I used a computer so typing it up didn't take too long! I hope that is useful to you. I must get going!"

She tries to walk away but I move Shirone to the side and hug Latia, she let out a quiet yelp but accepts the hug.

"Thank you, it definitely will. I appreciate it."

Latia blushes and nods, she then slips away to mingle with the Devils. I put the book away into my [Inventory] and look down at Shirone who had fixed herself again.

"Shirone, is something wrong? Actually, why didn't Kuroka come with you?"

"She's not part of the peerage, also, you have special circumstances—being the Middleman for one…Nee-sama went back to Kuoh."

I see. That does make sense though…

Poke poke


"Jin-senpai…please…take me tonight."

....Eh? I felt like my thoughts stopped there for a second, like that one damn meme, of a cat, and its owner putting a pink flower over its head. Then the words 'The Prophecy is true' is said…

"Um, by 'take me' do you mean…?"

She blushes and nods…I see, well…if she's fine with it then—

"We'll have space…I asked Akeno-senpai and…"

She trails off, yeah okay, I get it—we'll have my room in the Rias' home to ourselves…huuu, so it's time to take the younger sister, huh?

The Satan Greetings went on like normal, and the area didn't get attacked…since Kuroka and Bikou were meant to do that, but I changed that so it isn't happening. I also didn't feel anyone trying to break into the barrier…

Shirone stayed by my side for the rest of the sponsored party, other devils also greeted me once the word spread that I was the Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor…they really tried to butter up with me—but I saw through it all.

Rias, Sairaorg, and Latia had to stop me at certain points during the night from beating up some devils who wouldn't stop, or outright tried to harass my lovers….it was a lot more…annoying than I initially had thought.

And so, the night came to a close.

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