Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 6: Volume 1 – Chapter 5 – Episode – Akeno Himejima

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Akeno Himejima

4 years old

"Mom! Dad!"

I called out to my parents.

"Hmm? What is it, Akeno?"

Mom asks me, she's the best mom in the world, she always makes me my favorite food.

"Can we go to the park later?!"

I ask her, when we went before there were so many kids like me and I could get to play with them.

"Sure, we can, right dear?"

Mom says and looks over to my dad.

Dad was reading the noosepaper? (Newspaper) but after mom asked him, he looks up at her and smiles

"Of course."


I couldn't help but start jumping around happy that we could go again.

Dad got up and put the thing down on the table and walked towards me, he started patting my head

"We'll all go together."

He says with a smile.


5 years old

"Mom? Where's dad?"

I don't know how many times I've asked this question.

"He's working right now dear."

Mom had a sad look on her face, she missed dad too.

I found out on my 5th birthday that I wasn't human, well a full human. I was something called a Fallen Angel. I was surprised that I was part angel, but my parents decided to explain the truth to me.

It was hard to understand but I tried my best, I also understood that I couldn't tell my friends at school about this. If I did, they call me a liar and not play or talk to me anymore.


I couldn't help but reply a bit sad, he's always away working.

"He'll be back dear don't worry."

Mom told me and hugged me.

6 years old

Dad after coming back from work came with a man in a suit. Mom looked like she knew him and greeted him like they were old friends. Mom walked back to me and the man looked in my direction.

"So, this is Akeno-chan huh? ain't you a cute little thing."

He reaches out to me but I run and hide behind my mom.

"Ahh—I scared her, I promise I'm not scary!"

He started making funny faces and I couldn't help but laugh. I finally left my mom and greeted the man.

"My name is… Akeno Himejima, 6 years old…"

I was still shy around the man.

He just smiled brightly at me

"I'm Azazel, your dad's friend and boss."

"You're the leader of the fallen angels?"

I was excited and scared to meet the leader of the fallen angels, he's also my dad's friend! That's so cool! He cocks his brow and turns towards my dad

"She knows about that?"

The man called Azazel looked surprised.

"We decided to tell her the truth last year, she's kept it a secret since then. Akeno is a big girl now, right?"

My dad asked me and I puffed out my chest

"Yep! I'm a big girl now, I can keep secrets like that!"

Feeling happy about being praised by my dad, happiness swelled inside me.

I could hear my mom laughing behind me, I turned around and glared at her.

"I am!"

My mom stopped laughing, crouched down and started patting my head

"Of course, you are dear."

She kept smiling and petting me.

"Does she know how to fly yet?"

Azazel asked my dad and he shakes his head.

"I haven't gotten around to teaching her."

Dad explained he looked at me a bit sad.

"Then how about teaching her now? I can help."

Azazel offered.

"Are you sure? Aren't we here to…"

"It's fine."

We then went out to the backyard and my lessons on flying began.

7 years old.

"You both take care now, alright?"

My dad tells us, mom was also beside him. They were going on a trip somewhere and they couldn't bring me with them. I threw a tantrum, but they said one of my cousins would look after me.

I was excited because I never met any of them before. I wondered what they would look like, I didn't have to wait long, since I met her in the morning.

"Suzaku please keep her safe."

Dad tells my cousin with a look for worry.

"Of course, uncle, don't worry, Akeno will be safe with me."

My cousin Suzaku Himejima told my dad. Mom walks towards me and hugged me.

"Be careful, okay? And listen to your older cousin when she tells you something, alright?"

I nodded to her, my parents always made sure nothing bad happened to me, and today they were extra careful. Mom turned to Suzaku who she told the same thing

"Call us if anything happens."

After that they both left.

"Akeno-chan what do you want to do?"

My older cousin asked me.

"Can we play a bit and then can you teach me some magic?"

Suzaku-nee-san became shocked when I told her I knew about the supernatural.

"You know about the supernatural?"

She asked me and I answered with a nod. "How much do you know?"

"Mom and Dad told me about it all when I was 5, I also started to use my wings last year and learned a bit of magic…"

"I see...alright let's play before I teach show you some, alright?"

She smiled at me and we proceeded to play for a few hours.

Suzaku-onee-san and I played chase, tag and other games. It was really fun, she always managed to find me even in my secret spots, how does she do it?

After playing Suzaku-onee-san started showing me her fire manipulation, everyone in our family could apparently use it with enough practice. I got excited because I could use it if I practiced hard enough.

She then started to use magic and showed me other elements like ice, water, wind, lightning and earth magic. It was all so amazing, I wanted to be able to do that in the future. Suzuka-onee-san was so cool, I want to grow up like her, a cool, calm and collected beauty!

Mom and Dad eventually came back home and they were relieved when we were both safe, they thanked Suzaku-onee-san a lot. I was sad when she said she had to go home. When she was about to leave, I called out to her.

"Come play again, Suzaku-onee-chan!"

I felt sad but I hoped she would come back to play with me again. She turned around and smiled

"I promise to come back and play, Akeno-chan"

She said and waved goodbye to us.

My parents asked me what I did with Suzaku-onee-san while they were away. I told them that we played a lot and Suzaku-nee-san taught me some magic. But I could only summon a little bit of lightning and fire before I got tired.

My parents looked shocked and proud at the same time. They started praising me and it felt nice, dad offered to teach me more about lightning.

"Why just lightning dad?"

I asked him a big confused.

"It's better to master one element at a time before moving on to the next. If you try mastering all at the same time, you'll only make things harder for yourself."

He stops talking and looks at me and grins.

"I'm also called the Lightning of God and I'm the best at using Holy Lightning."

"The Lightning of God…Holy Lightning…dad your so cool!"

I didn't think dad had such a cool nickname; I was really excited to learn from him now! Dad smiled at me and started to teach me the basics of everything.

8 years old

I've been slowly getting better at the use of lightning magic and also holy lightning, I decided to master this form of magic first as I had a very high affinity with it. I also worked with some fire magic but didn't focus on it that much.

Mom also started teaching me some magic that was associated with Shinto priestesses and some simple purification when I turned 8 years old. It wasn't as difficult as I thought as I had already trained with dad. Mom was surprised at how I quickly picked it up.

Life was going well…but I would sometimes hear weird noises at night and wasn't sure what it was. I wasn't sure if I should mention it to my parents, but having more knowledge about the supernatural had me worried so I would confront them about it today.

"Mom? Dad?"

We were having dinner and our previous chatter had stopped and the room went silent apart from our chopsticks hitting our plates. They both stop eating and look up at me.

"So, maybe there's someone lurking around the last few weeks? Maybe they're part of the supernatural. I think they only show up at night because I keep hearing weird squealing and moaning."

As I finish my small report to them, they had seemingly stopped moving altogether.

"Um, is something wrong? Is this threat serious?"

I was getting worried now

"Maybe we should call Azazel to send backup?"

My mom finally lost it and started giggling uncontrollably while dad was slowly turning red.

"Um, did I say something wrong?"

They still didn't answer me and I was left really confused. After a few minutes mom finally stopped giggling and answer me.

"You don't have to worry about that sweetie, it's got nothing to do with the supernatural."

I tried asking what it was but the both of them kept dodging and deflecting the question, so I relented and left it at that.

Later that night I was determined to find where the source of the noise was coming from and what made it. So, I waited until it started

I snuck out of my room and followed the sound, to my surprise it came from my parents' room. The door was slightly ajar and I peeked in. What I saw shocked me to my core, my mom…wearing something strange, while my dad was tied up in rope and gagged.

Third Person Point of View


"Do you like that you pig?"

Shuri asked her husband Baraqiel as she planted one foot on his exposed rear. She didn't get the answer she wanted and kept hitting Baraqiel on his back and rear with the whip she had.

"Answer me!"

"Yes!!! More!!"

Baraqiel squealed with no remorse or dignity while panting heavily.

"What a giant masochist pervert."

Shuri replied and whipped her husband again as a sadistic smile was stretched across her face.

Akeno Himejima


I didn't understand what was going on and seeing both my parents like this felt strange, so I decided to leave and go back to sleep.

The next morning, I couldn't look at either of them in the eye. They both tried to get me to answer but I was too embarrassed to do so, finally at the end of the day my father got a little irritated and demanded me to answer them.

"I…I found out the source of the strange sounds, you don't need me to elaborate right?"

I sheepishly answer them.

This caused my dad to spit out the water he had just drunk and my mother to cover her face with both of her hands. They were clearly embarrassed to be found out.

The rest of that day felt very awkward.

9 years old

Summer was nearly ending and my family was going to the summer fireworks festival along with Suzaku-onee-san. She had visited our family a few times over the past few years and I had grown close to her, she's like the older sister I never had.

It wasn't time yet but I was excited the whole day, some of my classmates were also going to the festival and I wondered if I would be able to see any of them. Mom had prepared a kimono for me to wear, and mom also prepared one for herself and dad. Suzaku-onee-san also said she was going to wear one during it. I can't wait for it.

When Suzaku-onee-san arrived around 3 p.m. I gave her a hug like usual.

"Welcome back Suzaku-onee-san! Are you excited for the fireworks festival?"

She hugged me back.

"Hehe, yes I am Akeno-chan."

She pulls up a bag.

"I also have my kimono ready."

I let go of her and run back to tell my parents she had arrived.

"Mom! Dad! Suzaku-nee-san is here!"

I lead my parents back to her and they greet each other. They speak about something for a few minutes that I didn't hear, but it was probably some adult talk.

"Akeno dear don't go running around now!"

My mom told me as I skipped around looking around at all the food and game stalls that were everywhere.

"I'll keep her company."

Suzaku-onee-san told them both and caught up to me.

"We wouldn't want you to get lost now, do we?"

She says and holds my hand, I nodded and we went around the festival together while my parents also followed along.

"Do you want some cotton candy?"

I was staring at some sort of food when Suzaku-onee-san spoke up. I nodded vigorously wanting to taste this new food, she ordered one and gave it to me.

After staring at it for a few seconds I took a bite.


I couldn't help but say it to the world which earned a couple of giggles around me.

"Is it? I'm glad."

We started walking around again while I ate my cotton candy.

We went to a small hill along with other families and waited for the fireworks to start. Mom and Dad were being all lovey-dovey and Suzaku-onee-san had me on her lap while we talked about anything and everything!

Boom! Crackle! Boom!

The fireworks started to go up high into the sky and started to explode, so many colors and shapes started to take shape after they exploded, everyone started to cheer around me and I joined in.

This was one of the best days of my life, with my family and my favorite cousin…I wish this time could last forever…

Later that year

Dad's been away for work for almost a week now and mom and I have been just doing our regular everyday things. The day was ending and we just finished having dinner when…



We both felt and heard the loud booming noise and became alarmed, it also felt really close to us.

"Akeno dear, get behind me."

Mom said in a serious tone.

"Eh? But mo—"

I tried to protest but she cut me off again.

"No buts, get behind me now."

Not wanting to argue I ran towards and behind her.

The door to our house exploded off its hinges and people with black wings and masks entered.

"So, this is where they live huh? cute place."

One of the men commented.

"Who are you?"

Mom stared them down and slowly pushed me further behind her.

"Oh, just some rogue fallen angels and we're here for some revenge, that's all."

The now identified fallen angel says with a wicked grin. The others also showed the same cruel and wicked grin as they summoned spears created out of…light?

"Akeno run!!"

My mom shouted from in front of me.


She screamed the command again and I started to do so but when I turned around again something out of a nightmare was in front of me.


My own mother had those light spears coming out of her body as blood slowly seeped from her wounds. I couldn't say anything and I could feel tears fall out of my eyes.


She weakly said and fired back with fire magic at the fallen angels.

Before I could understand anything, my body responded on its own and I was running out of the backdoor. I could hear the sounds of magic spells being thrown around as I ran away from my home I've known for so long.


I hear another voice shout.

Hybrid…freak…? why? Why is this happening to me—to my family? Why? I couldn't understand why they would attack us like this.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a magical spell hit the spot beside me


I couldn't help but let out a terrified shriek and forced myself to run faster. I ran towards the wooded area of our city and thought it would be a good place to try to lose them.

Going through with my plan I ran towards it, while I could hear more voices behind me and spells barely missing me. I'm thankful for their terrible aim or I would be injured by now, or worse, dead.

I'm sorry mom… seeing my mom like that and not being able to do anything made me sick. Why am I so weak? I couldn't help but think.

I found a tree trunk with a big hollow inside and ducked in it, using a small illusion spell that both mom and Suzaku-nee-san taught me I placed it in front of the entrance and tried to hide my magical and life signature as best as I could. I spent the next few hours doing this until I fell asleep from exhaustion.



I woke up from my sleep and looked around.


The memories of what happened started to come back and I started to shake. Mom! I got rid of the illusion at the entrance and looked around carefully to see if any of them were still there, thankfully there doesn't seem to be anyone.

I left the tree trunk and slowly and carefully made my way back to my home. When I got there, my house was up in flames, police and firemen were there as they tried to get the fire under control.


Everything I knew was gone. My house, my mom…but my dad was still nowhere to be found. Why? Why didn't he come home and save us? If only he was here to prevent this and save mom! I could feel a strange feeling boiling inside of me.

"It's his fault…if he only he was here…then mom would still be…"

I eventually left, and my hatred for my father and fallen angels started to form. It was both their fault, if my dad wasn't a fallen then this wouldn't have happened, if he didn't make enemies this wouldn't have happened. If…mom hadn't fallen in love with him, and I wasn't born…none of this would have happened!

Tears fell from my eyes as I sprinted away from my old life, the happy life I once had. Learning magic, spending time with my beloved cousin, the fun and silly times.

All gone in one night.

10 years old

It's been about a year and a half since I lost everything, I've journeyed throughout Japan and earned a small living through doing my skills of purifying evil spirits that I learned from my mom when I was younger.

With this, I was able to eat and drink water. If I saved enough, I would use it to buy clothes so I wouldn't look like your typical homeless person.

People gave no mind to it and usually went out of their way to ignore me. I would find abandoned places to sleep and hope no one attacks me. But I could always defend myself with magic as the normal person wouldn't know about it, they typically would run away in fear once seeing it.

Everyone I knew assumed I died, well, the normal human families did. They couldn't find my body in the fire, so they assumed I was burnt to a crisp.

A certain town in Japan

I was in a completely different town, looking for jobs to make ends meet when I heard a scream. Following the scream, I came across a human and…a devil?

"No…no!! stay away!"

The human screamed as they stumbled back in horror.

"C'mon now, why so scared? I won't bite."

The devil snickered.

"Just be a good little human and wait fo—"



The devil screamed as I hit him with lightning magic. He absurdly turns around and glares at me

"Who the fuck are you?"

He looks at me intently.

"A mage? And just a mere child."

He chuckled to himself. He lunged at me and aimed for my through, ducking and dodging his blow I sent another lightning bolt towards his chest and it hits sending the devil tumbling back.

The devil was about to retaliate again when he started to leave

"Fuck this, I ain't letting my freedom taken away."

And ran away from the spot.

I sighed in relief since I didn't have to keep fighting since I haven't done it too much the past year. I turned towards the human and bowed before leaving.

Third Person Point of View

The human was shaking after the encounter with the devil, but it wasn't the first time they had met with the supernatural. He was actually contracted by a devil from the Gremory clan.

They were apparently a big deal in the Underworld, when he found this out, he was a bit scared and had stayed formal when speaking to them, that was when he formed a contract with them in exchange from something from him.

The man came out of his stupor when the magic circle he recognized appeared beside him.

"Is something the matter, sir?"

"I—you're a bit too late…I was attacked by; I think you called them 'Stray devils' before? A-anyway, some girl that could use magic saved me and the Stray ran away."

The man explained still a bit shook up. The Gremory devil nodded.

"I shall inform our head of this and take matters from there."

The devil left the man there, nothing really being done.

"Fuck my life."

Akeno Himejima

I had stayed behind to check what the human would do, but when I heard him talking to a devil, even more so when he was from one of the prominent clans of the Underworld, I was terrified. Are they going to hunt me down and kill me?' I didn't want that to happen so I'll lay low and hide for now.

I still need to make some money before leaving this town. My own fears of my fallen angel heritage had started to take place and I rarely used my fallen angel powers anymore. I refuse to, as it reminded me of that man.

It's been a few weeks and I've had luck making some money and I've been thinking of leaving this town and staying in another. The amount of supernatural activity was starting to increase and I felt uncomfortable staying here because I wasn't strong enough to win those battles.



I felt something head towards me, I jumped away and the attack made a small dent on the ground. "Who's there?!" I called out.

"We finally found you, you disgrace."

A man says and a few figures joined him from the shadows.


These people have some resemblance to mom, are they perhaps part of my family clan? But why would they attack me? I held some hope that they might take me in after finally finding me.

"W-Why did you attack me? A-aren't we—I from the same clan? I can see some of our facial features are the same…"

I try to explain myself but was cut off.

"Silence, you disgusting hybrid. We, of the Himejima clan, would never associate with… a thing like you."

He said with malice in his voice.

"As the current head of the Himejima clan, it's my responsibility to rid of the world and our clan of a mistake like you."

"Why?! I never did anything to you?! My family didn't do anything wrong!"

My anger was rising at and I started to shout at him. But he just looked indifferent.

"You mother, Shuri was meant to be the next head but was ultimately exiled because she fell in love with that dark-winged bird, and then you came to be. Such a pity, she had so much potential."

He pauses reminiscing about it.

"We tried several times to get her back but failed because Baraqiel was there, so we waited, waited until he wasn't there anymore, and tried to take her back. We contracted some rogue fallen along with our own members to take her back."

"Unfortunately, a tragedy struck, protecting…"

He stops and looks at me in disgust.

"You of all things, and sacrificing her own life for you, I can't understand such a thing. You are not meant to exist; your whole birth and existence is a mistake."

"The Shinto Gods will surely punish as all once they find out about you, so, I—we have to keep your existence a secret, and what better way than killing you?"

He finishes with a cruel and cold smile. No humanity was left in this man, he wanted to keep the status quo and would do anything to keep it that way, even if it meant killing me, a child.

"A couple of dumb rogue crows and clan members couldn't kill a single child, how embarrassing."

One of them comments.

They hired them?! And sent family members too?! I was too shocked to reply.

He finally finished his speech

"Kill her."

The two with him launched their selves at me using the understanding of magic I defending myself, but it was futile and they overpowered me with ease. They had more power and experience; I was nothing but a small and insignificant child who could barely do anything.

He walked over to me and placed a gun on my head.

"With this, my mission comes to an end."

I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable to come. I'll join you soon, mom. I thought as tears started to fall from my eyes.


I heard the sound but the pain didn't come, the world didn't go black.

"W-Wha—why are you here, devil?!"

I opened my eyes shocked by what the man said. What I saw an older man who had changed the course of the gun and had it fired to the side.

"Now, gentlemen may I know why you're about to execute an innocent child?"

The man asked. The head clan and the two others backed away and had their guard up.

"Why did you help this thing?"

He points back at me.

"Why? She is but a child who was going to have her life taken away, anyone would step in and stop that, no?"

The devil explained himself.

"And who are you to do such a thing? The one beside the leader asks. The old man smiles

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, a bishop piece for Zeoticus Gremory of the Gremory clan, and a prominent member of the 72 pillars of the Underworld. It's my pleasure gentlemen."

He finishes with a curt bow and smile.

"A servant of the Gremory Clan…tch." The clansmen took a step back, it looked like they couldn't take this person on.

"How about a proposal gentleman?"

"A proposal?"

"The Gremory Clan shall take this child with us back to the Underworld."

"What's in it for us?"

They weren't against the idea, they only wanted her completely erased from their history books.

"First, she shall stay away from any and all Himejima clan territories from now on, and two she shall stay beside Rias Gremory's side, always."

"Rias Gremory?"

The family head wasn't sure of the name so asked the devil.

"Rias Gremory is the daughter of my master, she will receive her evil pieces once she becomes a certain age, she will also make this girl her servant."

Servant? Rias? I'm going to become a devil's servant? I didn't understand what was going on, I didn't have a choice either, be killed or become a servant? Neither choice sounded nice, but if I could live longer then…

The three of them went away for a moment seemingly to discuss the proposal, but they eventually came back

"Very well, we agree to your conditions, BUT if we ever see her in any of our territories, then a kill on sight is in immediate effect."

The two of them shook hands and my clan members left, giving me a last look of disgust.

"Now then young lady, shall we get going?"

He took my hand and teleported away with me.

"Lady Rias, I have returned."

He announces to the red-haired girl in front of us.

We had been teleported to the local park, it was nighttime and the street lights were the only things to keep it illuminated.

"Welcome back Heinrich…who is that?"

The girl greets the man and then points at me.


He looked back at me; he didn't even ask for my name yet…


I hesitantly tell them.

"Akeno Himejima, she will be a future piece for yourself, we shall take her back to the Gremory territory. I shall need to explain this to your father once we get back."

"Hmmm, okay!"

She looks at me with suspicion for a moment before going along with it.

Henrich grabs the both of us and teleports us away. My normal—well relatively normal life was going to take a big change starting from today and onwards. Being exiled, and finding out the truth was a lot to take in.


Gremory Territory

Third Person Point of View

After the three appeared in the Gremory house Rias immediately grabbed Akeno's hand and dragged her away, the poor girl didn't know how to react nor respond so she let it happen.

Heinrich gave the girl an apologetic smile and walked away, presumably to his King. Heinrich reached a certain door and knocked on it.

"Come in."

A voice is heard behind the door.

Heinrich entered and bowed.

"Master Zeoticus I've returned."

He looked up and saw his Master and King.

"Welcome back Heinrich, how were yours and Rias trip to the human world?"

Se asks his servant as he continued to go through a few documents he had.

"It went quite well; however, I have something to discuss with you."

This catches Zeoticus's attention and he puts down his papers and gestures for his bishop to proceed. Heinrich tells the Zeoticus the whole thing from his perspective, from the hybrid saving a human they were contracted with, to her being attacked by a human clan called Himejima, her hybrid status, and his inevitable rescuing of the girl.

"Hmm, I see, if Rias has no problems with it then I also don't mind."

"I sense a lot of potential from her, she will also serve as a friend for Lady Rias."

"Very well, I approve of this, go and get her sorted out and teach her the ways of being a proper lady and soon-to-be devil."

He dismissed Heinrich and continued to look at the documents he had.

1 year later

11 years old

Akeno Himejima

"No no, like this Akeno!"

Rias tells me, her friend and servant as she shows me how to act all lady-like. Rias was eager to befriend me when I first moved here, I was anxious and wasn't sure how I was going to be treated, but I was surprised at how well they did.

Heinrich explained the evil piece system to me, the underworld, and how the Gremory treats their servants well and like they were family.

Rias and I quickly grew close and I had made a friend after being alone for nearly two years. I was happy about it and cherished my time here.

"It's a lot harder like this…Rias-sama…"

I complained as I tried to copy her.

"Akeno! I told you not to call me that, just call me Rias, you're my best friend after all."


I had turned 11 and things started to change for me, physically, the same for Rias. It was strange but we both went along with it.

Rias was also about her engagement with a person called Riser Phenex, and the devil male was…an arrogant asshole for someone our age. He tried to touch Rias in different ways and she kept slapping his hand away.

Rias asked her father, Zeoticus Gremory why he had done this. He had replied that he made this promise when he and Lord Phenex were both drunk one night and it just stayed like that. He apologized to her but couldn't back out now because it would look bad on them.

Rias threw a tantrum the rest of the day and complained to everyone including me. I understand where she was coming from…if I was forced to marry someone that I didn't love, I would be heavily against it too.

But her father told her that the marriage wouldn't happen until she became of age, which was 18 for devil society. So, she had time to, well, prepare. I also trained over the past year to improve my magic. Heinrich told me that when an evil piece if used on me it will turn me into a devil and my mana would be replaced by demonic energy.

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I also refuse to use that side of me as it reminded me of the man who failed to protect my mother and me. When I think about it, it makes my blood boil, so I have refused to use it ever since.

I also met the Rias's brother Sirzechs Lucifer as well as his wife Asteri Gremory and their son Millicas Gremory. Seeing their interaction made me feel jealous, seeing a happy family like that. It made me wonder what my life would be like right now if that tragedy never happened. I would feel sad but remembered that man and it would soon be replaced with hatred.

They also involved me with a few family outings during that time, but I would always feel out of place, I would usually join the other servants and watch them from a distance.

12 years old

Another year has passed this year was quite annoying since both my body and Rias's started to develop more and got a few lecherous eyes wandering towards us, a few devils of other families tried courting us but we both knew they weren't interested in us, but for Rias's family name and our bodies.

My hatred for men grew because of this and I would enjoy exposing and humiliating them when they cross a line. Maybe my mother's sadistic side had started to come out in me? I wasn't sure but I took pleasure from humiliating them. But my fears also grew, if they found out I was a half-fallen angel…how would they treat me?

The only ones who knew of this were Rias's family and they didn't discriminate against me, but I would see other servants give me disgusted looks from time to time, mainly some butlers and maids.

Rias and I also started attending the middle school division of Kuoh when we turned 12, it was an all-girls school, and had middle school, high school, and a college division. Rias and another heiress Sona Sitri would take charge of Kuoh once they both start their 1st year of Highschool. We would also move their starting their first year.

I met Sona once when she came over to hang out with us, she also brought her older sister who was also one of the Four Great Satans, Serafall Leviathan. I was nervous when meeting her but she was a lot more cheerful and energetic, almost like a happy child in an adult's body.

She would also sometimes call herself 'Magical Girl Levi-tan' which was quite strange the first time I heard it.

2 years later

14 years old

My body slowly started to develop more, much like Rias's and we got even more attention, I also had more chances to humiliate some male devils who got cocky enough. I also started flirting with them on purpose to show their true colors before putting them down.

If they retaliate and fought me, I would use my mastery over demonic lightning and put them in place. I was eventually given the nickname of 'Priestess of Thunder' which I didn't care for. But when some male devils hear of it, they become hesitant which was a good deterrent of them.

A year after we started middle school Rias finally got her evil pieces and immediately reincarnated me as her first piece and also [Queen] piece which I was happy about. We've known each other for a long time now and I trust her as my best friend, while I was hesitant at first, I've never regretted being brought to the devil's side. Not now, and probably not ever.

Rias has also become a big fan of anime a year after being in Kuoh. She binged watched so many anime that it even surprised me. It also felt weird being back in the human world.

Rias also found three other members during the two years, A knight and a boy called Isaiah, he was reincarnated by Rias when she went out on her own so I wasn't there to witness it. The boy was quite distrustful of us which I understood, but he eventually went under the tutelage of Sirzechs Lucifer's [Knight] Okita Souji who he opened up to.

He encountered a Stray Devil one day when he was paying tribute to his fallen friends and fought for his life, eventually being saved by Okita Souji which led him to trust us more and accept a new name 'Kiba Yuuto'.

I tried seducing him but he wasn't interested in the opposite sex as he only had one thing in mind, which was revenge and nothing would stop him from getting it.

So, I stopped, I placed him along with all the other males who weren't complete leeches, along with Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub, Okita Souji, Heinrich, and Millicas.

The other member was our [Rook] piece, formally called Shirone and now Koneko Toujou, she accepted this name from Rias as she wanted to forget about her earlier life, she was a Nekoshou and one of the few of her species left. She doesn't show much emotion because of the trauma she suffered because of her father. She usually lazes around and likes sweets, but occasionally trains, like me.

The final member currently was a boy, a Dhampir. Rias apparently found him when he tried escaping his family's castle only to be promptly almost killed, Rias took pity on him and reincarnated him, to her surprise only her mutated bishop piece worked on him, to which she was happy with.

His name is Gasper Vladi and he's male, although he nearly looks like a girl. However, Gasper was quite powerful and that's why he was mostly locked up his entire life in the castle and for his reason of attempting to escape.

He was half human half dhampir, which also gave him a chance to get a Sacred Gear, [Forbidden Balor View]. But with his previous power and Sacred Gear, the boy didn't have much control and was sealed up, he however was happy about it as he was scared of the outside world.

Rias and I were one year away from officially becoming high schoolers and from moving to Kuoh, she was looking forward to it as she and Sona were going to have a hand at ruling said territory. They would each get half of the town to govern.

This would include getting rid of Stray devils that popped up, as well as Rogue fallen angels and other supernatural beings. If any supernatural being wanted to stay there they had to ask permission first. If found and they didn't have permission they'd have to deal with heavy consequences.

2 years later

16 years old

Rias's peerage and as well as Sona's peerage integrated easily into Kuoh. Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and I are in our second year now and we're looking forward to our trip to Kyoto, Rias especially.

We didn't have many problems during the two years, but a small case of bullying did occur and was directed at the four of us. It was very petty things between girls as Kuoh academy was still an all-girls school at the time, this year it had become mixed since Rias wanted Kiba to attend.

The bullying was quite tame at first, just name-calling and putting disgusting things in our lockers and as well as writing profanities on our desks. But that soon changed when they started to try to get physical. But it didn't work out as we were devils and were stronger than humans and they quickly backed off.

They tried to use other ways but were soon dealt with and the girls who were the ring leaders were expelled.

Now…the current problem was the males. While some of the females last year became clingy and even started a fan club, the males this year were even worse. They also started to influence the girls and some became open perverts. Especially two young men who got the infamous nickname 'The Perverted Duo'.

I also came under fire recently, a case of stalking. A boy in his 2nd year and in mine and Rias's classes.  Chase Akuno, he was American-Japanese, he was well-liked, athletic, and quite popular, even getting the nickname 'King' of Kuoh to compliment Rias's title.

But he suddenly became very interested in me. Which was a bother as he didn't take no for an answer.

"Himejima-san please go out with me."

The boy named Chase asked me out in front of the school, everyone had thought I would say yes to him, since I was kind to him, but I was kind to everyone, it was a common courtesy.

"I'm sorry, but I have to decline."

I responded much to the shock of the student body, even more so for the boy.

"May I know the reason?"

He sounded angry but kept himself in control.

"I'm just not interested in dating right now."

I wasn't lying as I don't have a good opinion on men.

"I see."

He left it at that and got on with his day, I thought it was the last of it but I was very wrong.

That day I would catch glimpses of him looking at me, I brushed it off thinking he was just looking at me and what could have been, but I was naïve.

I would notice some of my things would start disappearing and even recently noticed him stalking me back home but not going up the stairs of the shrine that I made my home.

Occult Research Club

With the Gremory Peerage

"Rias, that boy I rejected a couple of weeks ago, I think he started stalking me."

I told everyone in the room as I finished pouring her tea. Both Kiba and Koneko looked up at the two of us in shock, and so did my King when I faced her after pouring the tea.

"What do you plan on doing, Akeno-san?"

Kiba asked and Koneko nodded along.

"I thought he was a decent person, not like the perverts, but I guess I was wrong. He's even worse."

Koneko adds.

"I'm not sure what to do, I'm more than capable of fighting him off but I'm really not sure."

I gave them my thoughts on it. So, I decided to ask Rias about it.

"Keep an eye on him, get evidence of the stalking and harassment and after that, we'll go from there."

Rias answered, I was a bit surprised by her answer. I thought she'd tell me to just go scare him and erase his memories.

"You could also just scare him after getting the evidence so we can kick him out."

She adds, never mind it's there.

"Alright, I'll do just that."


He's stalking me again today. It's been a few weeks after my talk with Rias and I did just what she told me; I gathered evidence against the boy but I haven't confronted him. While he stalks me, I have an invisible camera recording him from behind. I've done this a few times so I could have solid evidence against him.

Whatever he'll try to do or say won't hold any weight to whoever we present this to. But I wanted this to stop, so I'll be dealing with this my way, well Rias's way. A bit of trauma should do the trick.

I made my way to my home and to my surprise as well as joy he followed me up the stairs. It seems like he's making his move too. I sped up a bit so I could beat him up the stairs. When I reached the top, I increased my speed and hide behind the trees.

It was already starting to become dark and lamps started to turn on, when he got up the stairs the boy was confused because I had just seemingly disappeared.

"Ara ara, could you be looking for me, Chase-san?"

I say as he turns around to find me there.


He didn't finish his sentence as I zapped him with a little bit of demonic lightning, this caused the young man to fall to the ground and convulsed a bit.

"Hmmm? What did you want to say? Chase-san please speak up ~"

I couldn't help but let a cruel smile sneak its way onto my face. He stops convulsing and finally looks at me horrified


He roars. He gets up albeit shakily and looks at me with pure rage.

"What could you mean? I haven't done anything?"

I put my hand on my cheek and kept my smile on me.

"But could you stop the stalking, please? I have a lot of evidence about it and if I want, I can release it to the whole school, maybe even the whole of Kuoh."

His anger turned into horror but quickly reverted back


The same wicked grin graced his face as did those rogues fallen all those years ago. This slightly triggered me a bit and I hit him with another bit of lightning.

"So, you were just after my body? Typical of men your age, always disgusting."


He just started mumbling sexist and derogatory things and eventually started maniacally laughing while on the ground from being zapped.

"You're really arrogant, for a human you know?"

My comment brought him out of his ramblings, and looks up at me. I brought out my devil wings and started to float

"You really think you're top of the food chain?"

I ask him and let lightning crackle around my hand.

He now looked absolutely terrified; a wet patch even formed around his pants.

"Pissing yourself? That's not a very 'Alpha male' move, don't you think?"

I ask him mockingly. I didn't let him respond and launched a weak lightning attack at him. This caused him to shriek in pain and start convulsing again.

I landed back down and kicked him on his genitals to which he shirked in pain again and woke up. I brought lightning back up on my hand and leaned down close to the boy.

"If you stalk me anymore, or say anything to anyone."

I aimed my hand at his heart.

"You'll end up dead, do you hear me?"

I backed away from him and gave him my usual smile.


He screamed and ran away. Maybe I went a bit overboard? I'll just send the videotapes to the local police and get Rias to handle it.

The next week, the news spread throughout the town, and as well as the footage 'leaked' an emphasis on leak, since I was the one who spread it. Chase was brought into questioning, but couldn't say much and was expelled and was served a restraining order, Chase's popularity plummeted right before he was expelled and was ostracized.

After this incident my year went to our trip to Kyoto, Rias had the time of her life, but didn't plan accordingly and ended up not getting to see everything she wanted, I also had fun since it wasn't every day, we get to go here.

Summer came and I thought it would be any summer like the other, but little did I know, my life would have a drastic change.

It was a warm day like any other in the summer, a few weeks after my 17th birthday a young man had shown up at the shrine. I prepared myself for the incoming harassment.

"Excuse me?"

He called out to me.

"I'm sorry, I won't go out with you."

I reflexively answered while staring the young man down.

He looked taken aback but blurted out—

"Huh? No, I was going to ask you if it's okay if I look around the area a bit. I moved into town a week ago and haven't really had time to explore the place."

He said with an awkward smile. I was embarrassed and bowed

"I'm sorry, I'm usually asked out by men the second they start speaking to me, and to answer your question. Yes, feel free to look around."

He proceeded to ask me for directions to the supermarket and I gave it to him. Something felt off, like, some kind of power emanating from the boy. 'I have to inform Rias.'

He thanked me and started to walk away and look around the shrine, it really looked like he only was here to sightsee. After a while, he finally starts to head back to the stairs.

"How was it?" I find asking him

"Very…Shriney. As expected of Japan!"

He exclaimed; I couldn't help but giggle.

"Ara ara ~ is it your first time in Japan by any chance?"

"Yes ma'am! I'm originally from Ireland, moved here after…well…both my parents passed from an accident, so I just wanted to move to some other place and here I am. Oh, I'm Jin Skyward, by the way, 17 years old!"

He put his hand out for a handshake and smiled.

"Where are my manners? My name is Akeno Himejima, Japanese and 17 years old as well. Nice to meet you…handsome~"

I tried to seduce him but he seemingly brushes it off and asks about Kuoh academy, it looks like he's transferring to it in a month. He'll also be transferring as a 3rd year…

"I guess so, anyway, I guess this makes us, classmates? Friends?" He chuckles.

"Yeah…friends…Hey Jin, do you want me to help you with shopping and lead you to the supermarket?"

I ask him hesitantly. I can keep an eye on him this way.

"Hmm? Oh, if you're free then that would be great, I'd appreciate it Akeno…san?"

"Fufufu, well I'll go get changed, also just call me Akeno, we're the same age after all."

After telling Jin I was going to change, I go back into the shrine which is also my home. I close the door and create a communication circle.


I call out.

"Yes, Akeno? Do you need something?"

"I just met a new person who moved into your territory. He seems like an interesting individual. It's just a feeling but…I think he has some sort of power."

"Hmm…what's his name? also any other information?"

Rias asked.

"Jin Skyward, 17, He's from Ireland, who moved here last week after his parents died from an accident. He's also going to attend Kuoh next week, he's also going to be a 3rd year like us." Akeno replied.

"I see, thank you Akeno. Can you keep an eye on him? And inform me of anything you find suspicious. I'll ask Sona about it later."

"I understand, President."

I cut the circle call and get changed.

At the Supermarket

"Holy crap this place is huge!"

He exclaims like a kid and started looking around. I couldn't help but giggle again at his childish nature.

"What do you plan on making tonight? Or are you just buy enough to last you for a bit?"

I ask the boy.

"I want to make a stew for tonight and I might as well stock up so I won't need to buy ingredients for a while."

He gives me a firm answer.

"Alright, follow me."

I lead him around the store as he tells me the ingredients needed for the stew he was going to make. We make idle chatter about what we see and the upcoming year, I'm surprised at myself spending time with a man that wasn't the ones I've known for years. I'm a bit shocked at myself.

We eventually finish getting everything and are at the checkout.

"It's nice seeing a young couple shopping together."

An old lady commented behind us. Couple…? once I realized what she meant I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. I was about to correct her when Jin beat me to it.

"Haha, we aren't a couple ma'am, we just met today. She just offered to help me since I'm new to the area."

He happily explains the situation to the old woman and she started to apologize as well. I just give her an understanding smile.

Most guys would play it off and try something with me, maybe he's different? I shook those thoughts away, we just met and he could be playing it off. I have to keep my guard up.

We finally leave the supermarket and walk away, presumably his home.

"Thanks for the help, Akeno."

Both of us are leaving after finishing shopping. I have 2 plastic bags on me, meanwhile, Jin has 4.

"It's no problem, Jin. I enjoyed myself."

I say while looking forward with a smile.

Jin proceeds to offer to cook for me and I accept since he was offering and I was curious to the stew he was making. When we made it to his house, I was a bit shocked at how big it was.


Were the words that escaped my mouth after seeing his house. Is he perhaps rich? He doesn't act like it.

"Haha…yeah, I kinda, bought a relatively big house just to future proof you know?"

"Future proof?"

I tilt my head not understanding what he meant. He chuckles nervously

"Well…when I get a family for myself you know? For my future wife and kids."

He turned to me and smiled.

I stare back at him and blush a bit.

"I-I see…"

I couldn't hold it and breaks eye contact and turn away. What is wrong with me?! I've had bad experiences with men all my life and now I'm acting like this?! Focus Akeno!

He eventually takes his keys out and we enter his home. Even the inside is bigger to which I comment to, I could see him smirk at my comment but said nothing.

He told me to relax and he started to make dinner. He asked me If I had a curfew to which I said no and the conversation died down.

He gave me some tea and said I was free to explore his house. I took him up on his offer and explored it, maybe I can get some information out of this? But as I explore nothing out of the ordinary can be seen.

Not including the master bedroom with the absurdly big bed

"Does he move around a lot while he sleeps?"

That was the only thing I could think of.

I hear him calling for me after I explored for a while, apparently, dinner was done. I went back and we ate the food together and it was delicious! It feels like I'm eating something from a 5-star restaurant. It's called Irish beef stew and it's been changed to fit his family's recipe.

We talk about mundane things as well as school, and he asks to what to look out for, I just told him about the perverted duo and that students may comment on him to his face.

I tell him I'm part of a club and he expresses that he believes in the supernatural but doesn't have any concrete proof, he then asks if he could join the club.

"The occult huh? I believe it's real, haven't seen proof though, haha. Maybe I should apply for the club? If I, do I look forward to meeting the club members."

My eyes widen but I quickly compose myself just as quickly.

"I-I'll talk about it to Rias and see what she thinks. But I'm sure she'll be happy about it."

I say with a forced smile.

"Well, if your club has specifics on who can join then I won't push for it. So, don't try too hard haha."

He gets up finally finishing his food, and I finish mine as he takes both our plates and begins to wash them. I don't answer back though.

"Thank you for the food, Jin, but I should get going…"

I trail off.

"Oh, okay."

He answers back, He turns around to see me getting up and making my way to the hallway.


He gets a lunchbox and puts some rice and the stew into it along with some other bits of food.

"Here, something for tomorrow?" He gives the lunch back to me in a plastic bag.

"Oh, also"

He takes out a piece of paper and writes down his phone number.

"My number."

I take the plastic bag from him and the piece of paper, I smile and blush.

"Thank you, Jin…, and good night."

"Good night, Akeno! No—HIME! (Princess)"

He shouts out with a grin as I walk away from his house. When I heard that my head snaps around and I look at him in surprise and with an even bigger blush.

He just chuckled at my reaction and wave me off, I do the same and finally, leave his line of sight.

He called me a princess… I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face, eh? Why? I don't understand my feelings right now, he's a friend for now. I shake my head of these thoughts. I turn into an alley and make sure no one is around and make a teleportation circle and teleport to where Rias and everyone were at.


I call out to my best friend.

"Ah, Akeno, glad you could make it. Everyone is here now. How about you explain your day to us?"

"What do you mean President?"

Kiba-kun asks Rias.

"Akeno met a new individual that has come to devil territory and she said she felt some sort of power within him."

She explained to our lone [Knight] piece Kiba Yuuto.

"Some kind of power?"

Koneko-chan asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, Koneko, it may be magic or a sacred gear."

The girl nodded, she's our lone [Rook] piece, her name is Koneko Toujo.

"Yes, I met him around the afternoon. He claimed that he moved here after his parents died from an accident. He's originally from Ireland, his name is Jin Skyward, 17 years of age."

I pause and look at everyone.

"I felt some sort of power radiating from him after he introduced himself to me and why he was at the shrine. He was new to the area and wanted to look around and was out to go grocery shopping."

I explain to them. Rias asks me what happened after and I told them the rest of our time together. Rias accuses me of just going on a date and I turned red.

Koneko interrupts us by coming closer to the bag and sniffs it

"This smells good."

She points out still monotone. I blink a couple of times and take out the lunch box.

"It's called Irish beef stew, it tastes really good, would all of you like a taste?"

I ask them trying to change the subject.

"Yes please."

Koneko replies while the rest of them nod. I went to the small counter we had and brought out some forks and spoons. They each take one and proceed to taste the food.

"Oh wow, this tastes amazing."

Kiba comments, while Koneko was nodding furiously, this was the most emotion she's shown. I turn to Rias and see her just staring at the fork she just ate from.

Rias asks if he was single after eating the food he made, I don't know why in felt uneasy after hearing my King say that. I hate men so it shouldn't bother me…but it does.

Rias quickly approved of his admission when I told her he wanted to join the club, Jin will have a hard time while attending the last school year here.

The next day Jin and I met by chance, he was still trying to get an understanding of the city and I was just going home after doing my contracts, I again offered to take him around. We went around to the local shops and cafes I recommended and we had a great time.

"Maybe I should get new clothes…"

He mumbles to himself.

"Do you want to go in? I can help you pick some clothes."

I offered him.

"Really? I appreciate it then."

He smiles and I grab his hand and drag him into the store, we go around looking at clothes he might fit well in. He picks a few and tries them on.


He asks and he looks like some kind of generic village and I giggle at him, he seemingly likes it. He goes back in and comes back with a very childish-looking pajamas

"I look like a panda."

To which he chuckles at himself and so do I. He goes back in for a final time and comes out with a slick and clean-looking tuxedo.

"I like this, could be used for formal parties."

"Mmm, yeah it looks good on you, but your tie is a bit crooked."

I get up and fix it for him.

"There better."

The clerk that was watching us finally comments.

"Ah, young love…"

To which I blush at.

"Hehe thank you but we're not dating, but whoever does end up with her will be a lucky guy."

After he said that he went back in and got changed.

Lucky huh? if they find out what I really am I'm afraid they wouldn't be so sure then. Jin and I left the clothing store and went around Kuoh again enjoying each other company.

Again, the next day Jin and I run into each other again, this was after I finished my contracts again.

"We meet again Akeno; this has been a weird series of coincidences."

He finishes with a chuckle. I smile

"It really has been. Are you out for a particular reason?"

"Just taking a stroll, I don't really have plans before school starts after all."

He says. I skipped beside him

"Then want to take a walk together?"

I offered him. He agrees and we walk around and enjoy the warmth of the day, we eventually went to a small restaurant and order some drinks and food. Jin leaves for the bathroom and I'm left alone for a moment.

"Hey hey hey!"

I hear an obnoxious voice ring out. I turn to see a group of teenage humans strutting around like they own the place. Unfortunately for me, those calls were aimed at me and they made their way to me.

"Hey there pretty girl, how about spending some time with uh?"

The supposed leader asks.

"You got nice tits there."

A vulgar comment from the blonde hair one. The last one doesn't even say anything and just stares at my chest.

I didn't answer them and stare straight forward and hoped Jin would come back soon. This is why hate men. I couldn't help but say that to myself for who knows how many times already.

"Don't ignore us you cow with big tits."

The blonde one was the first to get annoyed. Just as I was about to say something I see the leader aggressively shoot his hand to grab my shoulder.


"Can I help you guys?"

Jin had finally come back and grabbed the leader's wrist, but I heard a small crack when he did.


The leader pulls away and checks his wrists.


The others started to gather around until security came and took them away.


The leader screamed as they were kicked out.

"Sorry for leaving you, they didn't do anything did they?"

He looked at me genuinely worried and scanned me thoroughly.

"…I…I'm fine, thank you."

W-what is happening to me?

"Well let's get going then before those assholes come back."

He didn't wait for my response and grabbed my hand and leads me out. He thanks the security and we leave.

"Jin…my hand…"

I finally squeaked out. It was embarrassing that he held my hand this long.

"Hmm? Oh, shoot my bad."

He finally let's go and chuckles to himself.

"Sorry got caught up in all that adrenaline."

We enjoyed the rest of the day by each other's side, I was slowly letting my guard down around him, even when I reported back to Rias, I just gave her the usual 'Nothing happened, he hasn't shown any signs of knowing about the supernatural and the like.'

2 days later

The day before I was busy all day and didn't get a chance to meet up with Jin but we texted during the day and made plans to meet up by the local swimming pool in Kuoh. It wasn't small by any means, and the fact that it was summer meant that it had a lot of people there.

We had the set up at the supermarket for our meeting point, I got my contracts done as fast as possible today because I wanted to spend time with Jin…. Eh? I wanted to spend time with Jin? w-why? Wait…do I…

"Akeno! Sorry for taking so long I just got caught up with something."

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jin's voice. I look up at him and felt excited to spend the day with him.

"It's fine, I wasn't here long."

He held out his hand

"Shall we get going?"

He asks and smiles.


I reach out and hold his hand, and he proceeds to intertwine around fingers together. Yeah, I definitely like him. I never thought I would start liking someone this quickly…

I had finished changing a minute ago but I wasn't sure about going out so I waited. I wanted Jin to be the first one to see me in this new swimsuit I bought yesterday after I finished with my contracts. It was a black lace bikini, I wanted him to only look at me today.

I finally had enough courage to leave and when I did Jin was waiting there patiently staring at the ground.


I called out to him; he looked up and his eyes widen for a second before going back to normal.

"You look wonderful Akeno."

He comments on my looks as he inspects me. I could say the same to him, he was wearing black swimming trunks which complimented his black hair and black eyes, not forgetting about that six-pack he has.

He grabs my hand and we went into the pool, we just haphazardly splashed each other with water as we laughed at each other. I wanted to do this at least once, but…let's not think about that for now and just enjoy myself.

Jin noticing me becoming a bit down had sneaked behind me and grabbed my waist


And proceeded to suplex me into the water.



We had come up for air and started laughing at each other, which resulted in a spur-of-the-moment wrestling match. Being this intimate with a man would have been impossible just last week. But now…

After doing so for a while we had just floated there for a moment before he lightly put our foreheads together and chuckled, he closed his eyes

"This has been pretty fun Akeno."

I didn't move from my spot as I felt like I was frozen. Our faces were just inches away from each other, especially our lips…but Jin eventually floats back and splashed me with water again.

Jeez, it felt like we were having a moment there! And he had to go ruin it. I could only pout to myself before splashing him back.

We enjoyed the rest of the day like this, just like children.

After the unofficial date at the pool, it's Safe to say Jin and I have gotten a lot closer within a week's time span. We've hung out nearly every day and talked about anything that comes into our minds. I've also been thinking of revealing that the supernatural was real to him. If he plans on joining the club, Rias might reveal it to him and take him for herself. I don't want that!

"Akeno? Are you okay?"

I hear Jin's voice and look back at him. I give him a half-hearted smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

I replied, but he looked unconvinced and looked at me with concern.

I see… it may have been a bit quick, but I may have fallen for him. Thinking about it, my cheeks heat up and I get a bit lightheaded. But when I think about revealing what I am to him and being rejected, I get scared. What am I supposed to do?!

"Hey, Akeno. I was wondering…" He trailed off and look at me. I couldn't help but stare back at him with curiosity and hope.

'Is he going to…?!' "Yes?" I answer quickly and nervously.

"W-Would you b-" he was cut off by a voice behind us.

Rogue fallen! No! why now? But before I could do anything they had attacked Jin.

My entire world slowed down to a halt, why…why did this have to happen now? No no no no no, this can't be happening! Tears started to stream down my face, I didn't even get to confess to him. I need to call Rias! We can reincarnate him…please… I don't want to lose someone like this again, I care for him too much to lose him now.

But, to my surprise and as well as to the fallen Jin was alright, even more so when he summoned a Sacred Gear. 'The Boosted Gear?! Is he the Red Dragon Emperor?!' was this that weird feeling I had about him?

He proceeded to annihilate the three rogues with no effort and just chuckled to himself. He turned to me and gave me a sad smile. He removes his Balance Breaker and helps me up.

I couldn't stop staring at him, I was still in a state of shock after all.

"First things first."

He says and I look at him questioningly.

"I like you, please go out with me."

He takes a step back and bows.

The silence was deafening.


I squeak out almost in a whisper. He finally looks up and tears were still streaming down my face.


I launch myself at him and bear hug the idiot. He responds with a hug back and strokes my hair reassuringly.

We went back to the shrine and had tea and spoke for a while, he then reveals to me he has TWO sacred gears and explained that it was more complicated than what he was showing me and that he'd explain more in the future.

He then asked me out on a date and I agreed. My brain was a mess and my heart was still aflutter. But what I wasn't expecting was that the next few days would feel like a dream, one of the most beautiful and happiest dreams I could have.

My mother had seemingly been revived by my recent boyfriend, the subsequent repairing of my relationship with my father.

I had believed that I would always hate him, and loathe him, myself, and my heritage, but after his tearful apology and Jin giving me the push I need, I had found the will and courage to forgive him, everyone makes mistakes and my father deserved a second chance.

I looked back up to where I had seen Jin and smiled, I couldn't describe the feeling I had right now…but if happiness had a physical form right now, I would be it.

I love him, I love him so much. Fate…fate definitely brought us together. I'm sure of it.

Later that night we all met up and Jin had told me that they'd both given him their blessings, we wouldn't have to worry about getting married straight after we graduate if he wanted, thinking about it made me feel like butterflies were in my stomach.

I was all that surprised by him getting a harem. I had thought about it, if I introduced him to the supernatural, he would end up with one.

But…I want to be the main wife, that seems unlikely though, Rias seems interested in him. But if I think about it. Legality and name don't matter, I just want to be with him.

I had spent time with Kuroka and we discussed many things and how we ended up with him, we agreed to help each other whenever we can.

When I found out he was the one who helped Kuroka become free again I felt pride swell up in my chest, Koneko once she found out the truth of the whole ordeal of her past broke down crying, she had always been near-emotionless during the time I was with her so seeing her like that pained my heart.

The two-sister met in the Underworld in the Gremory Territory and had a heart-to-heart and fixed their relationship, at the time I didn't know it was Jin, but if I met them, I would definitely thank them. So, finding out it was my boyfriend, I really wanted to reward him.

I didn't get a chance since we were all busy with what we were doing. Quite recently he brought us into some sort of pocket dimension he created and had us fight for eight hours. That was quite the ordeal.

'But he was really close to that Lavinia Reni person. I could also see that the woman was completely enamored by Jin. I felt a bit jealous; this was intensified when she said she took his first kiss! That was supposed to be with me!'

Jin still had many firsts to lose and I wanted to be at least one of them…


When I woke up, I saw both Jin and Kuroka were still sleeping, I turned my head and saw that it was still 4 a.m. so I still had more time to sleep.

I turned back to Jin and gave him a peck on the cheek and snuggled back into him.

I promise you Jin, I'll be the first one you lose your virginity to. I'll make sure of that…

As I finished that sentence I drifted back to sleep.


Fun fact: Chase Akuno, Chase means hunter, and Aku no means wicked or evil. So his name means Evil Hunter or Wicked hunter.

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