Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 66: Volume 4 – Chapter 6 – Part 1 – The Purple Rose, Short Date and Queen Halloween

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Mount Olympus


Soon, the long-awaited match between Jin and the heir to the Devil clan Bael, Sairaorg Bael, would begin. Since our alliance with the other factions and pantheons many have been excited to see this.

Jin did not fight during the Tournament of Power. However, his subordinate Lianne Sandlot did. That's why many of the locals are looking forward to it.

"Zeus, Freyja is back…"

"I heard…I wonder what she'll do…"

Freyja, the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold and seiðr. A Goddess that was previously part of the Norse Mythology, however, due to…circumstances she has moved into our realm.

"Are you referring to Jin?"

"Yes. His goals, to unite the supernatural and his harem, are known to everyone. I wonder what Freyja's thoughts are on that."

Freyja has slept with many beings of this realm and in the Norse realm. She regularly visits the human world and does those activities over there as well. She certainly lives up to her title as the Goddess of Sex.

"Won't she try sleeping with him? Perhaps even try charming Jin?"

I shake my head.

"While our interactions were brief and we only saw Jin a handful of times. I don't think he's the type of person to just sleep around with any women, I believe he has a certain…standard he sticks to?"

"…Hmmm now that you say it like that…"

It seems like Hera agrees with me. We were about to discuss more when—


The door slammed open and in came in…Hermes.

"Hermes? How may I help you?"

"Yo, Zeus! Did you hear about the news? About Freyja coming back? Well, she's already in the red-light district and getting busy. Haha, she certainly doesn't take any breaks, does she?"

She's already there? She certainly has her priorities straight…though she's always been like that. This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened.

"That is not new, Hermes. Did something else happen or is this all you came here for?"

Hermes grins and starts to wave his finger from side to side.

"You don't get it do you, Zeus? Jin said to Hestia, Hephaestus and I that he would come back here in the future since he's not done exploring our realm. Not to mention that we may ask him for something. Freyja will surely get wind of this…then—"

"Their meeting will be inevitable…"


He certainly seemed excited about that fact.

"Whatever happens to Jin and Freyja is between the two of them is none of our business, unless it somehow involves our entire pantheon then I won't take any action."

"Hmmm~ we'll see in the near future, won't we?

That, we shall, Hermes. But the next biggest thing that's happening is—

"Oh yeah, I recently heard of a certain rumor."


"Sir Skyward has departed to the Shinto Gods. We may experience some Japanese culture here sooner or later. We have been getting some through the Youkai but maybe there will be an influx of them when he does get them to join?"

Hermes looks up with a starry look on his face—

"Not to mention all the new things we got access to with this alliance~ ahhh~ the food is great~"

That is true...if you join you will reap more benefits than anything else.

"Well, in any case, that fight between Jin and… the Devil Sairaorg Bael will happen soon, right? How will we show it to our people? In the stadium?"

"Yes, that is the plan. We plan on projecting the fight in the stadium as well as multiple parts of the realm. Especially in the parts with quite a large population."

"Hmm-hmm, I see, I see…send me a list on where you specifically plan on putting them and I'll check them."

"Hmm, I will send it to you in a few hours."

Hermes nods and leaves the room. I do not know how Jin interacted with the races in our realm in those few days he was here. I wonder how they will react to seeing him fight…? I felt Hera touch my shoulder—

"Zeus. Ares…"

"I know, we'll find him…what a troublesome son. Apollon is already looking for him, we also asked Athena but she has no idea in where he is…"

"She may be putting up a charade and does know, it would be prudent to keep an eye on her."

"Yes, let us do that…"

Ares, where did you go?



"You will need to use that for the foreseeable future, Ares."

"Tch, as long as I can fight with it, I don't care."

Since joining Hades' 'Alliance of Hell' that's a faction of Khaos Brigade, I have been given a new opportunity to get back at them—at that stupid bitch. The shitty Dragon is also to blame…!

Sealing my powers?! I am a God! A God!!! Just the thought of it makes my blood boil. I look down at the item I was given. A mass-produced Artificially created Sacred Gear.

"What is it?"

"Break it and find out."

The woman in front of me, she calls herself Avezza and is one of the lead researchers here. She along with another have been mass-creating Divine Beasts, Cryptid and in the last few months, Sacred Gears. I break the thing she gave me and—

Kshshshshshs!!!! Shiiiing!!

It falls from my hand and glows in a black light, when it disappeared there was…a small black lion cub in front of me. It had glowing green eyes and had a green fire symbol on its forehead.

Using this and the Divine Beasts as a foundation, I created an independent type of artificial Sacred Gear. A black lion of the night, hmmm, how about we call it [Twilight Monarch: Felis Leo] or in other words, Monarch of Darkness: King of Beasts."

She grins at me—

"This little fellow works differently, seeing as how your powers are sealed, you're essentially useless, however, I made him with that in mind. This Sacred Gear with Divine Beast mix works off its own power. It's a God-class item essentially. Of course, a [Balance Break] is also possible."

She turns around and starts to walk away but then glances back at me.

"Oh yes, it has its own…[Breakdown the Beast] but…in a way you're just going to fuse with it, if you do use it. Additionally, it's permanent, so use it as a last resort. Figure out that dumb chant yourself."

With that she finally leaves the room we were in.

"[Twilight Monarch: Felix Leo], huh? I certainly feel a powerful aura coming from you…now then how about I name you…Agnar."

As if responding to what I said it made a small roar, but that roar also shook the room…I felt a grin spread across my face. Perfect…let's get use to this new power, shall?

"…Now then let's go and try out our [Balance Break]…"


"So, do you think he will use it, Avezza?"

As I walk into another room, a woman in a purple gothic Lolita dress asks me a question. I turned to face her and it was Walburga. Walburga is a magician from Hexennacht. They had joined us a few months backIn the end, it was a temporary alliance that led them to joining us.

Courtesy of Lapis of course. This also meant she had joined back with her former organization 'Wizards of Oz'.

"Yes, he took it quite well actually. I never thought a God like him would use it, he has his pride to keep after all."

She scoffs.

"Well, he must hate the Dual Dragon Emperor that much to throw it away like that and use it."

"Maybe, however, there are rumors of the Middleman—he can apparently steal or seal your powers. That makes him even more dangerous. Nevertheless, we must keep going with our plans. Are they ready?"

Walburga shakes her head and frowns.

"I would give it a few weeks then we'll be ready to commence part two. I'll be in Ireland, Mard Geer in Russia and…Ignia in Egypt, he'll be bringing Cao Cao and some of the Hero faction, right?"

"Yes, he will be. Good, we can set up the points there to draw the False King nearer to us. Lapis said that we'll need to make more at different parts of the world, the last two should be in the north and south pole."

"So much shit to do just go get a universal destroying being here…"

"It will be worth the trouble."

"I know I know."

Walburga waved me off and left the room.

"Fufu, the Irish mythology may be the hardest to break through since the Middleman hails from the country but…Queen Halloween should be easy to break. She may not have that much influence in the country but it should be enough…"

"I'll leave Russia to Mard Geer, he can definitely rile up the supernatural there…as to the Egyptians…Ignia-sama will have no problems; however, Cao Cao and his faction will be the wild factor."

I put a hand on my hip and stare at the door that Walburga had passed through. That child, Cao Cao is too obsessed with trying to get even with the Middleman's subordinate…. 'Aurelia' was it? I can only hope that the Middleman won't be returning to that mythology any time soon…

"But…we do have a backup country if it fails. But first…"

Many of us in Khaos Brigade know of the upcoming exhibition match between the Middleman and the Bael Devil. Many will also be watching it to see any weaknesses. A foolish thing to do, you're only giving us a chance to exploit any weaknesses he has.

Two days later

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Jin Skyward

"You know…life is pretty unfair, don't you agree, men?"

"Yes, sir!"

The guys in the classroom glance at me and continue—

"Why are we single? Why does a certain individual have what appears to be a harem for himself? Is it fair? Is it justice? Why can't we enjoy the same youth as he does? Why is God so cruel?"

Because he's dead.

The guys in the classroom were given a weird speech by Najima and Kouta. It was morning and classes hadn't started, or homeroom but…they were already riled up by me. For all intents and purposes…Akeno no longer cared about hiding our relationship, and I didn't either so…it's whatever to them.

Since it was also before classes started, she moved her chair and desk closer to me and was leaning against me. Rias tried to warn her about it earlier but just let her do it in the end. The guys then turned back to me—

"That is why! Skyward-sama!"


"Help us find dates!"

"…I refuse."


I am no cupid. Also, you should know that ninety percent of the student body, more specifically the males, hate me for some dumb reason or another.

"Do it yourselves…"

Najima slaps Kouta who then looked stunned at him—

"Then at least give us some advice!"

"Why did you hit me?!"

"Spur of the moment!"

The two argued back and forth for a little bit before looking at me with expectation. I look at all the guys, at the girls and then the Devils.

"Keep your perverseness at a reasonable level…learn to tone it down a little and…I guess self-improvement?"


They answered unanimously...…you guys are beyond saving. I know being a giant pervert is part of being a teenager since hormones are flying around but Jesus Christ. I see Sona and Tsubaki giving me strange looks and inwardly chuckle at them.

Yes, I am a pervert to my girls, but I mean that's natural, we're in a relationship…

"You asked for advice, I gave some. You don't take it so whatever…it's up you guys…"

"That's too limiting!!! You expect us—teenagers to go with those rules?! Are you insane?! Are you like a one-hundred-year-old man with zero libido?!"

Akeno opens her eyes and looks at the guys…I didn't like where this was going but decided to let it play out.

"Jin's quite healthy, it's a nightly thing."


The room falls silent, the guys left with their jaws hanging open. Rias started to have a coughing fit, Ingvild gave Akeno a strained smile and the two other devils just sighed.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

A guy falls and starts to quietly sob…another apparently passes out from shock and the rest had varying reactions of despair.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! My Himejima honey!!!!!!!!!"

What? Why English?!

"It's over…my springtime of youth…it's over…"

You still have a few months left my guy. Another guy turns to another and—

"Today, I officially become gay."


The other guy starts to back away slowly as everyone else turns to look at him. Unless you always felt like that my guy…don't go doing or saying something that you'll regret. But if you are gay and just decided to use this time to come out…congratulations, I guess…?

"A-Anyway, did you guys know there's a new teacher transferring in? They're apparently a female and she'll be our new science teacher!"

Kouta decided to change the subject. Yes, I was aware and their aura felt similar, I checked earlier and man…Rose was shocked to see her here. I'll…keep it a secret from Reni for the time being and let her see the shock later on.

"What?! Seriously?! What does she look like?! Her name?! Is she single?!"

"I heard it from Azazel-sensei but she's apparently a foreigner! And a real beauty!"

The guys cheered and some discussed how to get her good side...this went on until school and homeroom started.

"She's coming!!!"

One more class until lunch and the new science teacher was coming. We had classes with Rose and Azazel earlier and they warned us—well, me to watch out. My school life might get a little more turbulent, apparently.

The door opens and a teacher walks in. She was female with fair skin, green eyes, and wavy, light honey-brown hair, which is tied in a loose side ponytail.

She wears a short sleeve purple shirt, purple mini skirt, black lace stockings, and black high heels, and an earring is visible on one ear. She wears a gold necklace around her neck, and she also has a purple flower on the tie of her ponytail.


The guys say in unison, the devils became alert but look over at me as I shake my head, so they relax. She gets up to the front of the room, places her clipboard and books down. She then looks at us and smiles.

"Hello everyone~ I'm your new science teacher, I'll be taking over your previous teacher since she'll be moving over to the college division~ call me Lisa-sensei."

She winks at the end of her introduction making the guys go wild, but I felt that wink directed at me Why in the world did she come here…? I guess I'll wait until lunch to ask, I mean if she comes over to the Occult Research Club…

The rest of the class was normal as she was quite knowledgeable and could teach the subject in an easy-to-understand way. Her ability to make even the dumbest understand made her even more popular.


I was standing in front of the school's first-year classroom. It's Shirone's and Gasper's classroom. Today, the Ojou-sama of the house of Phenex, Ravel, transferred here. Ravel is more of an Ojou-sama than Rias since she lost most of it over the years.

However, she does revert back to it at times when she's a little flustered but it's nothing serious, her outbursts are brief and are few and far between. But today is about Ravel, she'll be attending a normal school after all.

Will she be able to cope with the lifestyle within this school? I was worried about that. I came here during our break as I was worried about her, but…

"Isn't that Skyward-senpai? What's he doing here...?"

"I heard he's trying to gather a harem for himself..."

"But he's cool, isn't he?"

I guess word travels fast, huh? Even among the first years, I was already infamous. But I don't really mind.

"Ara, Jin also came to see how she's doing?"

I  heard Rias's voice. When I turned around, Rias was also there.

"You're also worried about her, Rias?"

"Yes, that's why I came here, we can go to the clubroom together after this."

When I checked out the classroom with Rias. Shirone and Gasper were there. Gasper who was casually sitting at his desk reading something. I wonder when those two will start heading to the club room...?

Now where is....Ravel? I look around the room and...Oh, I found her, she was awkwardly conversing with her classmates, she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Phenex-san, do you have the textbooks?"

"Phenex sure is a rare surname. It sounds cool!"

"I'm glad that this class was the one to have another foreign transfer student after Gya-kun!"

Just like that, she was surrounded by the girls of her class. I see, since she just transferred, it can't be helped if she is approached by her classmates. Likewise, if a bishoujo from a foreign country transferred, she would be treated as an idol today.

"Ah…um…yes, it is, isn't it…??"

Her gaze then catches both Rias and I. Because Rias had arrived in the first year's floor, the first-year girls who are Rias's fans started to make a racket, so she must have become curious.

She then immediately got up from her seat by saying 'Excuse me', and approaches us.

Ravel takes Rias's and my hand, and tries to guide us somewhere. She let go of our hands after we took a turn in the corridor…..

"Is something the matter, Ravel?"

When I ask her with apprehension, she blushes as if embarrassed.

"...I-It's my first time transferring to a school, so... I d-don't know how to interact with everyone…..I-I'm a devil, so I can't find a topic to discuss with everyone who are humans….."

That makes sense, she's a devil, a high-class one at that. An Oujou-sama and this school is full of ordinary humans, not including us, then yeah, it'll be difficult for her to find topics to talk about.

Seeing Ravel like this is cute. The usual haughty attitude is absent and she's just laid out bare here.

"It's not like you don't want to talk to them, right?"

Rias asks her.

"...O-Of course. E-Even I am maturing! I feel that getting to know people who aren't nobles and learning from the commoners' lifestyle is also important!"

She's a lot better than her brother, Riser, that's for sure. The so-called Raiser got depressed after losing against me, but after that, we somehow made him stand up again after Ravel came to consult with us.

Thanks to that, his dragon-phobia was cured and he was able to return to his previous lifestyle. It has also been reported that he will be returning to the Rating Game soon. That person's head was just up his ass and he became arrogant.

He had never done anything to his girls in his peerage, so he's not that despicable, just a giant fucking pervert. I mean I'm one but still...I keep it mostly behind closed doors. Anyway, this'll be an easy solution to fix.

I give Ravel a thumbs up and look back into their classroom—

"Shirone, Gasper, come here for a second."

Both my juniors look up and nodded, they excused themselves and came over to us.

"Shirone, Gya-suke I have a favor to ask both of you."

"If it's within my power…then I don't mind…"

"What is it, Jin-senpai?"

Ravel's support...I want you two to support her in her school lifestyle. You two are in the same year and also in the same class, right? Do this for me, please?"

Shirone is one of the school's idols, and I hear that she is getting along with her classmates even better now than she did a few months ago. If she was to start a discussion using Shirone, then I think it will be easier for Ravel to open up to her classmates.

The same for Gasper, he's popular...even for the weirder reasons, he has connections and has become very confident and can keep up with normal conversations.

"I don't mind, Jin-senpai! Ravel-san, let's get along!"

Gasper answered enthusiastically making Ravel sigh in relief and nod in agreement.

But, Shirone seems a bit hesitant. She twitched her eyebrows, and her smile turned upside down. She looks cute, but I understand what she's thinking right now.

After thinking for a bit, she sighs.

"...If Jin says so then I don't mind."

She lost her honorifics and addressed me with just 'Jin', she usually just reserves that for when we're alone and having an intimate moment.

"Great! I can rely on my two juniors then—"

"...Useless Grilled Chicken-Princess."



A moment of silence. Veins appears on Ravel's forehead. She then says it with a trembling voice.

"W-What did you just call me...?"


Shirone answers without any pause. But unlike canon, she wasn't saying this out of genuine annoyance or frustration, but was...teasing her. I could tell from her emotions right now...

I never thought the day would come that Shirone would casually tease people. This is because her expression is the same as it has always been, Ravel may not see it that way...

"Y-Y-You! To talk to the daughter from the house of Phenex in such a manner...!?"

"Talking like that, in such a posh manner...and then becoming useless at crucial times? I thought you came to the human world with a strong resolve?"

"If you keep this up, you'll just trouble President Rias and Jin.....What a useless and clueless Chicken princess."


I heard something snap from Ravel! Ravel who is emitting a creepy and dangerous aura!

She was losing her temper, but Shirone didn't back down and blankly stared back at her with smugness.

"Mmmmmmmmm!!!! I-I didn't do anything like that! To trouble Jin-sama is the last thing I want to do...! T-This Nekomata...!"

The two glared at one another until—a normal human female fell over and a few of her things she was carrying scattered around the ground. Ravel goes over to her as if on reflex and starts to help her.

"Are you okay? If I remember, you are from the same class as me? Your name is…..I still haven't asked you yet."

"T-thank you very much... So, you recognize me, Phenex-san? My name is Murota."

"Ravel is fine. Murota-san."

Shirone and Gasper also help her and they quickly get her things back in order as she walks back into the classroom. Prior tensions subsided and the two got along relatively well. Gasper was there to mediate between the two of them.

Occult Research Club

I had contact Rose as soon as lunch started and asked her and Azazel to try to bring Lisa to the Occult Research Club. This was before we went to Ravel and all that happened. As expected, she was quite popular with both students and staff. She hasn't gotten a weird nickname from the student body yet but it'll come eventually…

Thankfully she kept her professionalism up, so she didn't try to speak to me or insinuate that we knew each other. Though, we really didn't since I only knew her from Rose and Cúntóir, as well as briefly seeing her in Asgard.

"Before any of you ask…let's just wait until they get here. Rose will know more, you know? I know small things from Cúntóir."

Everyone agreed to we went back to waiting for them to arrive, but that didn't take too long.

Creak~ Open~ Close~

"Haaa…this woman is exhausting…"

Azazel came in first looking tired while also slouching. He immediately sat down on free chair and started drinking tea that Akeno poured him. Rose and Lisa were next, Rose seemed a little stiff while talking to Lisa but the latter was quite relaxed and friendly.

"Ara? So many cuties in one room~"

Lisa says while walking away from Rose, she sat down across from me beside Gasper and Kiba. Gasper immediately became uncomfortable and tried to scoot away.

"Ara? Do you not like me, Gasper-chan?"

"I…I, well I do like you, Lisa-sensei."

"Do you hear that? He likes me, huhu~"

Lisa began to giggle beside Gasper. It was my expectation that the guy would blush or be flustered, but he just sighed and looked to his side. Heh, I guess he's completely fallen for Coriana, huh? All that's left is to wait for them to get together.

"Um, Lisa-san, why did you come here?"


Lisa looks over at Rose as she directed that question to her. Everyone else waited for her answer as she put a hand on her cheek while looking at the table in front of her and then to me.

"Before I answer that, how about I tell you a little bit about myself? It seems that many of you have no idea who I am. Huhu, Jin and Rossweisse-chan are the only ones who know about me~ even Governor-chan isn't aware of me?~"

Lisa says. Azazel shakes his head and takes a sip from his cup.

"I know a little bit about you, but not enough. Grigori has been in contact with Grauzauberer way before the Kuoh treaty and the current 'DxD' alliance that Jin started. So, I learned a thing or two from Mephisto."

"A genius magician on par with Lavinia Reni or even greater, created, modified and perfected her own magic circles, a genius with the use of lightning magic, her own lightning turning purple for unknown reasons and has two monikers know throughout the supernatural 'Purple Rose' and 'Purple Lightning'."

"You were in the position of being the right-hand woman of Mephisto but suddenly disappeared, some assumed dead, or turned rough. However, you just vanished completely, and now I find out you are alive and have been living in the Norse realm? If that doesn't scream suspicious, I don't know what will."

Azazel finally finishes and takes another sip of his tea and silently stares at Lisa. The rest who were not in the know stared at her in surprise.

"So, you're THE 'Purple Rose'…I see, I've heard many of your achievements throughout the years, even when I was younger. But to think I would meet you here of all places…"

Akeno says while staring at her with a squint and a hint of excitement. I didn't know she was a fan of Lisa…I glance at everyone and they more or less had the same reaction. Lisa smiled and clapped her hands.

"My~ I didn't think I did that many things to warrant such popularity~ well, you're all more or less right. As for the reason of my disappearance? Ufufu, let's leave that for another day, shall we? I came here because…"

She pauses for dramatic effect and stares at me directly—

"I was bored~ I had been in the Norse realm for so long that I had read all the books I had, experimented with everything that I could. I just thought 'Why not return to the current supernatural?' And so I did."

"Of course, I also heard many things happening over the years, and in light of the recent alliance being formed by none other than Mr. Jin Skyward, I thought why not go to his school and see him for myself?~"

She was bored? I mean…I totally get it. If I did the same thing but for an even longer time, I would also go out and explore the 'new' world again. But I am curious on why she left Grauzauberer…wait she didn't 'leave' it per chance she just stopped showing up…

[Can you even 'leave' that kind of organization? It's not like it's an ordinary job and place, Partner.]

{Would she be labelled as 'rogue' now? Or just MIA?}

I don't know, we can just ask Reni about it…or Azazel he seems to know a bunch of stuff.

"Azazel, now that Lisa resurfaced, is she considered MIA, rogue or something else? Can you even leave Grauzauberer? What's the deal?"

He glances at me and nods. He takes a deep breath then exhales—

"Mephisto is an intelligent man, so he didn't label Lisa as such. According to him, she had been sent on a long mission, and he wouldn't know when she would return. Mephisto knows that Lisa wouldn't just randomly disappear without a reason."

"I also share that sentiment, you don't need to share why you disappeared, Lisa. But you will need to report back to Mephisto to tell him you're doing okay. I know Jin wants you and Lavinia to meet before he chooses to do anything."

I look at him with a questioning look and he snorts.

"I've known you for months now, I should start to more or less understand how that mind of yours works."

I chuckle at him. Yeah, that makes sense though I want to say the same thing to him but…I'm not one hundred percent certain. When I look back at Lisa, she had gone into contemplation. She sometimes sipped her tea, but ultimately remained quiet.

After around two minutes of silence and lunch slowly coming to a close, she looks up and begins to speak.

"Yes, let's wait until I meet up with Reni~ I haven't seen her in a long time, I wonder how much she has grown?~"

Ding~ Ding~

"There goes the bell, we better go."

I say while getting up, both Asia and Shirone jump off from my lap. Everyone else followed suit as Azazel sighed.

"Fine, but after that you have to at least call or contact him somehow, he's quite worried about you, you know? One of his most talented magicians did just randomly disappear."

"I know, I will."

We slowly left the clubroom and headed back to the main school building. The same questions were on all our minds, why the hell did she really come here? And why did randomly disappear and why now?

I glance at Lisa as she just smiles back at me then resumes speaking with Rose…

After school

"Akeno, do you have the exact measurements of everyone?"

"Yes, President."

We were in the clubroom after school. The usual contract work for them was being delayed. This was because Rias wanted to double check some of the things for the culture festival

"Yuuto is everything working well on your end?"

"Yes President, I had brought the form to President Sona and she's approved of it...though she did say it's a bit generic and asked if Jin-senpai was okay with it…"

Kiba chuckled nervously at the end. I mean…yeah, it's a maid and butler café, it'll be fine. I'm not a child and will throw a tantrum at guys ogling them…no sir…

[You seem pretty annoyed about it.]

Hush now Ddraig, I will not admit to that. But in all seriousness, I know nothing will happen. For example, if someone takes an upskirt picture, then phones will be exploding like during classroom observations.


Rias looks over a few more things as Rose also checks up on things on the documents. Azazel had left earlier saying he was called back to Grigori. During that time, Penemue also notified me that the Mahjong competition would begin soon. Hopefully this is after the match with Sairaorg and before I move on to the other mythologies.

Once that was done, everyone else got to doing their contracts leaving Rose, Rias, Irina, Griselda and I in the clubroom.

"Jin, how is the recruitment of your future business progressing?"

Rias asks me from her desk. I got up and started to brew some tea and coffee. I was planning to wait for Lisa to come here before traveling back home with her.

"Inaie has offered to work for me, the same with Kanami. She's also been asking me if she should become a [Pawn] for you. She said she doesn't want to die off too early…Haha, I should ask some of you about 'that' soon too."

"What do you mean by 'that', Jin?"

Rias asks as everyone else listened in.

"…Erm…sure, why the hell not? During our summer holidays, I made Grayfia, Asia, and Akeno immoral. I made Reni an immortal before…all that shit happened with Kokabiel and Azrael."

I turn back to them as the kettle stopped boiling and poured water into my cup.

"I was planning to ask everyone else in my harem if they would want to become immortal, you know? I mean I am so; it would be pretty lonely in the next one million years without you guys."

I pour some tea for the rest of them and brought it to them, they stare blankly at me but accept their cups.

"W-Wait and they accepted?"

Rias stutters out and I nodded.

"Yeah, those four will be with me for the rest of time. I would slowly ask the rest of you that."

Irina blushed at what the implication was, the other three were thinking about it seriously. Griselda looks back up—

"What would happen if…someone refuses?"

"…? I mean, they said no so I'll accept their answer? I won't force them, you know me…consent and everything. So, they'll, well, die."

Saying that out loud made me uneasy. I was split since they would either say yes or no. Is it conceited of me to think they would all answer yes? I mean probably…Everyone here is fine, they all have at least ten thousand years of life in them so I don't need to worry too much.

Still, Shigune and Natsume...anyone that's still essentially human. Unfortunately, your lifespan doesn't increase with how powerful you get. I'll need to ask those two eventually.

"You four are already not human. A Pure Devil, a Valkyrie and two Reincarnated Angels. Haaa…anyway, that's just what I was thinking. Don't think too deeply into it."


"Ara? Did everyone else go do their devil duties? Jin~ I'm here, take me home~"


I look at the two angels, valkyrie and they nodded. They started walking out of the room along with Lisa. I go over to Rias and we share a quick kiss.

"I'll see you later tonight then."

"Yes, I'll see you then."

I feel her grip my sleeves a bit tighter then give me one last kiss on the cheek before letting go. I glance at her one last time as she smiled at me. Finally, I left the room as well.

Skyward household

"Cooking? I would like to have a taste of you—I mean a taste of your cooking~"


It's in her character, you should know. She's been like that all day, albeit more subtle during class. We had finally arrived home and I push the doors open.

"Welcome ba—Lisa?"

Reni was there to greet us but as soon as she saw Lisa she froze and stared at her. Both broke into a smile and hugged each other.

"It's been so long! I heard from Jin that you were in Asgard but…why? How are you here?"

"Huhu, let's talk about then in a bit, Reni. How about we get settled in first? Do you mind showing me your lover's home?"

Reni looks at me and I nodded...this is as much my home as it is yours. You don't need my permission every time...she nods and then leaves with Lisa in tow. I and everyone else headed into the kitchen.

"Did someone else come with you, Jin?"

Grayfia asks as we enter the dining room.

"Yeah, I'll tell you…or she'll tell everyone about it later. She's probably planning to stay for dinner, maybe even for the night, I'm not too sure yet."

"I see."

Griselda and Rose takes a seat while Irina runs off upstairs for whatever reason. I join Grayfia in the kitchen and start helping her. We share a quick kiss and continue on.

"Where's Inaie?"

"She's out with Kuroka. Inaie wanted to explore Kuoh more. So they headed out to look at shops and landmarks…Jin, do you put money into our accounts every week?"

"Is that so? I hope she enjoys it then and yes it was weekly before but now it's monthly. I put around ¥500,000 into all your accounts. By the way I pay Rose ¥1,000,000 a month. That should be the same for Inaie soon too."

"Is that an allowance for the rest of us?"

"Well, yours is the same as Rose, you are my maid after all. But yes, everyone else gets an allowance. I mean, we just spent fifteen years in the [Pocket Dimension] where gold was constantly dropping from them."

Grayfia nods as she continues to work. Griselda then asks behind us.

"But…I didn't see any 'gold' dropping, Jin?"

"Mmm, I set it up during the last visit, in the five years. There were already a lot of us there so I just changed it so that every monster's gold would just automatically go into my…spatial storage."

I hear Griselda make an 'Ahhh' sound behind us. I could also hear those two chatting up a storm. They certainly sound like good friends…

Dinner was fast approaching, everyone was here including Azazel, Kiba and Gasper. Everyone was mostly spread out in my home. Azazel was at the very top smoking and just drinking, I told him not to since it may ruin his appetite but he just brushed me off.

Everyone else was either in the training facility, living room or entertaining floor. In front of me, Grayfia activated her communication function on the ring and connected to everyone—

[Dinner is ready, please come to the dining room]

She then makes a communication circle and told the ones without the ring the same thing. Slowly but surely everyone else came here but…Irina was missing, I could feel that she was still in her room. Grayfia looks at me and I nodded.

I left the room, walked up the stairs and made my way to Irina's room. I knock on it but…no response…this is déjà vu, something similar happened with Reni, didn't it…? I checked the door and…yes, it was open and I wasn't surprised to see Irina was asleep.

When I stepped into her room and closed the door…it was quite girly. Shelves full with some shoujo manga, a few other miscellaneous items scattered around, and even…some stuffed animals on her bed.

Irina was hugging one of them—funnily enough it was the [Boosted Gears] scale mail and she was sucking her thumb…

"She really fell asleep, hugging the pillow and sucking her thumb. You just do things at your own pace, don't you?"

I chuckle to myself and walked over to her. I sit on her bed and start to shake her but she doesn't wake up. I continue to do this until—

"Hywah? Nhyo…I dun hab fyood…"

Irina mutters and goes back to sleep. What in the world did she say? Something to do with food…? I keep on shaking her until she finally opens her eyes back up again and sits up.

"…H-Huh…? J-Jin-senpai…?"

"It's time for dinner, everyone's here. Let's go."

Irina nods while still hugging the stuffed [Boosted Gear] Scale mail.

"Cute room by the way."

I walk out of the room as she begins to scream at the realization. I wait outside while chuckling to myself. After a few seconds of loud sounds coming from her room Irina stumbles out and I catch her.

"I know I said she called us but…no rush, Irina."


Once she'd gotten off me, we went back down, all the while I felt a hand on my sleeve. Cute angel.

"Mmmmm~~ I heard good things from Rossweisse-chan but…to think it's this good! Thank you for this Jin, Grayfia~"

Lisa says while enjoying her meal, we were all eating dinner…well nearly all of us. Azazel took his share and went back up to chill. He said he'd come back down when we're all done.

"Right? Jin and Grayfia are great at cooking~"

Reni also gave me a little praise; I shot her a smirk as she smiled back at me. I see Akeno try to say something but stopped herself in the end and just quietly ate....What was that about?


{Are you insane?}

[…What? It might be! Don't look at me like that!]

"Hmm, oh by the way, Jin. Isn't your exhibition match coming up?"

Lisa briefly stops eating to ask me that, I nodded.

"Yeah, it should be in a few days, why do you ask?"

"Aren't you worried that you're exposing yourself to any potential enemies?"


It's not like they can do much. I also have Ignia was a double agent now so I should receive some relevant information when the time comes. Lisa gives me a strange look and I just shrug; she'll find out eventually.

She doesn't ask me more about it and resumes eating, we make idle chatter until we were done and all gathered in the living room. Azazel also came down on time so we were ready for her explanation and probably calling Mephisto.

Lisa decided she would stand in the middle of the room to address us, Reni was also beside her, I don't know what they discussed but it seems like she'll be helping her? Lisa glances at Reni and nodded, she then makes a communication circle.

"Hmm? Oh, Lavinia. I haven't heard from you in a little while, what can I do for you?"

Mephisto Pheles's voice came out of the communication circle.

"Hello Chairman, I have some…wonderful news to share with you."

"Wonderful news? And what might that be?"

The two look at each other and then—

"Hello, Pheles-chan~"

"….?! L-Lisa?! Is that you Lisa?! What the…where in the world have you been the last few years?!"

"Oh, just here and there but I'm back. I'm actually here in the Japan with Reni. Anyway, should I report back to you soon or am I kicked out of Grauzauberer?"

Mephisto was clearly shocked to hear his former top magician alive and well.

"…Come to our headquarters in the State of California in the USA. I will give you detailed instructions as to where our base is at now and how to get there. I have a lot of questions for you."

"Sure thing~ I'll get going then~"

"Haa…as relaxed as always, huh? You certainly haven't changed…Alright, I'll see you soon."

Reni then dismissed the communication circle as Lisa chuckles to herself, she turns to face and starts speaking.

"Hmmm, where do I start?"

"Well, from the beginning. Why did you randomly disappear? Why hide all these years? Why in the Norse Realm? And why resurface now?"

Lisa asks no one in particular but Azazel crosses his legs and stares at her seriously. I guess he's not our teacher or club advisor now, but the leader of the Fallen Angels.

"Hmm, I guess you're right, Azazel-chan. Let's see…as you know and Reni will probably know I love reading books, experimenting and just gaining more knowledge. I may have dug a little too deep that time. Anyway, I found an old grimoire, it's called 'Satanae Grimoire' and as you know it's—"

Rias interrupts Lisa while standing up in shock. Azazel's eyes were also quite wide as he stares at her in disbelief.

"Impossible! That book…was meant to be lost! After the original Satan's died and Satan-sama himself, the Grimoire of Satan, one of his most prized possessions just…vanished!"

Everyone else looks at her in surprise. Azazel nodded and continued for her.

"That's right. I heard it from Father a long time ago, Satan himself wrote it, it held many forbidden techniques, skills, information and sacred text lost to the current world. You could say, it's in a way, Satan's diary. But if you read it, it's supposed to kill you…"

Azazel looks at Lisa in concern. Everyone else became even more shocked and was staring at Lisa like they were looking at a living ghost. Lisa nodded—

"Yes, that's what it was supposed to do to you. The knowledge I gained from opening that book and reading through it…it's a curse. I, myself don't know how I am not dead, but…I researched more about it throughout the years and I came to a conclusion. My life span may have been cut instead. As to why? I truly don't know."

"As to why I picked Asgard? That lake in Rossweisse-chan's home is quite special…because of the fish and other factors."

"T-The f-fish? O-Other factors?"

Rose stuttered out confused and looked strangely at Lisa, the rest followed suit.

"Yes, as you know Vidar changed how that lake works, as well as brought many fish around the world into it. It has its own ecosystem, only unique to it…he also imbued some of his powers into it, making them even more special."

"I used that; over the years I felt my own mana slowly being drained. This may have been the reason why I wasn't instantly killed. I had a large amount of it…it may have taken it as a substitute to my life force."

Lisa frowns and looks to her side.

"However, over the years as I mentioned my mana has slowly been draining. I also felt that I couldn't regain much of it anymore. Every time it refills, I felt a large amount disappear. Once that dries up, my life force may be next. I'm living on borrowed time…"

"Now back to why I chose Asgard and more specifically why Rossweisse-chan's home. The fish, or the lake is rich in many energies and also regenerative abilities. Now normally it wouldn't just help me regain my mana since I don't have divine energy like Vidar, so…I created a large magic circle around my home."

"That magic circle converted all those energies into a sort of filter for me to naturally regain my mana. So, I lived there the last few years gaining it back. However, it doesn't necessarily negate the initial amount of life I lost that day."

"At the very least, I delayed my own demise. But…now I have enough to enjoy life a little more, I decided to re-enter the supernatural world. I may as well enjoy the little time I have now, right?"

Lisa smiles at us, but the room had become a little gloomy after finding out her reasons.

"Haaa…that's a lot to take in. But you're one hell of a human to be able to live through that. I would wager you have to be at least Ultimate-class or higher with a large mana pool to survive it."

Azazel says and then looks at me…no, everyone was looking at me. Lisa became confused and I just sighed. Alright…I'll have a look. Since in a way, Grauzauberer and Grigori are already allied with one another, Lisa being Reni's friend…

I get up from my spot and stand in front of Lisa. She looked confused and stared back. Cúntóir, analyze her.

Cúntóir: Answer: Analyzing Lisa...…..Processing.....Complete.

Cúntóir: Answer: Lisa had an original life span of 172 due to many experiments, she unintentionally increased her own life span. She had naturally high mana reserves, equaling to that of weak Gods. As a result, that was her saving grace.

Cúntóir: Answer: Currently and due to her efforts in preserving her life, she will die at the age of 47, she is currently in her 30s. The necklace around her neck is also connected back to her home in Asgard as it helps regularly give her mana.

You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

I see…alright, let's remove whatever curse of that book is left in her, and also increase her life span back to its regular one. I move a bit forward and touch Lisa's shoulder.

"Ara? Reni-chan, is your boyfriend making a move on me? This is a forbidden relationship between a teacher and her student!"

Lisa joked around as Reni gave her a strained smile. Do it, Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing any and all curses of 'Satanae Grimoire' from Lisa...…removing any and all impurities...returning previous expected life expectancy...…returning previous natural mana reserves....

Lisa's body started to glow purple just like her. She became a little surprised but when Reni put a hand on her shoulder, she stopped panicking. She stood there waiting for it to die down.

Cúntóir: Answer: Success, any residue of 'Satanae Grimoire' has been removed from Lisa and her previous healthy condition has been restored.

The light finally stopped as Lisa gave me a strange look.

"Well, we're done."


I look at her and chuckle.

"I removed that curse the book put on you, gave back your lifespan and as well as your previous mana reserves. You can live your full life again, Lisa."


Lisa stared at me dumbfounded, Reni giggled beside her and hugged her. The rest behind me just sighed, yeah, the typical day with me….I get it…I shrug and go back down to sit.

"Do I get a reward? Like…a lap pillow maybe?"

I sat down beside Natsume and Ingvild, the hybrid pulled me into her chest. I am fine with this. Lisa starts to check for herself while conjuring up some magic circles and closing her eyes. This goes on for a full two minutes before she opens her eyes back up in total disbelief.




I was lightly hit by Natsume and Azazel groaned. I mean, I can't just tell her so I just shrug.

"Classified information, but just trust me on this."

"Haaaa…whatever, anyway I'm going. I found out what I needed and Jin did his Jin thing. Anyway, go report to Mephisto as soon as you can, Lisa. You did just get your full life back and probably some extras knowing this guy."

I summoned something from my [Inventory] and threw it at Azazel, he reflexively caught it and looked back at me in annoyance.

"It's those pills that made you feel like you slept a month. You can't replicate it so don't go using them up. There's like three hundred of them."

"Kuku now that's what I'm talking about, Jin! I can experiment and research for as long as I want! I'll put a good word in for you for Penemue!"


That wasn't my intention you know? Azazel then teleported away looking like a child that just got his birthday present.

"Ara? I appreciate the help, Jin, truly. However, why?"

I turned to look back at Lisa and shrugged.

"You're Reni's friend and colleague, also Grigori and Grauzauberer were already in an alliance so I thought why not?"

Also, after hearing that story of yours, I felt bad. Opening a book only to lose your lifespan? I mean we're lucky that you didn't outright die.

Hmm, yes that's the reason, no other one…I reassure myself as I bury myself further into Ingvild's bosom. I felt her starting to stroke my hair.

"Ara, is that so? Thank you…"

Lisa thanks me again but I also felt her gaze still on me.

"He's just like that, hehe. Jin can flip a switch from being mature to immature in an instant. From spoiling us to us spoiling him. Anyway, Lisa, shouldn't you go Mephisto? He did say he wanted to speak with you."

"Hmmm…alright, but will you come with me, Reni? Mephisto also said you hadn't gone back to Grauzauberer in a while."

"I don't mind, shall we go then? It should be morning in the USA."

I take myself off Ingvild's chest and sit back up, Reni had come up to me and we shared a quick kiss, Lisa tried to tease her but she wasn't really affected by it. The two of them teleported away.

Not too long after Gasper and Kiba left for their own home. The rest of the night we just relaxed and waited for Reni's return.

Next day

Reni and Lisa were still gone but Reni did call me saying she'll be back later on tonight. She and Lisa were basically hounded because they had been gone for quite a bit of time. So, they'll be staying there for a little bit.

It was Friday, normally most students would be looking forward to this day but I was skipping, well, my avatar was going to the school for me. I did promise Valerie and Ingvild to go on a date with them and I chose today as it.

"I don't think we can go to all those places today since we're limited to just one day but we can probably get to two places. So, Tír na nÓg and Land of Heroes and Giants?"

I turn to face the two of them, Ireland's weather should be colder so they've dressed appropriately, they had bought these clothes not too long ago. Both of them were wearing long coats, Ingvild's was light purple with crowns and flowers as design patterns.

Valerie's was red and brown. Both were wearing blue jeans; Valerie was red and yellow converse while Ingvild wore black Ugg boots. I had enchanted them already so they could even wear those in the desert and they'd be kept cool.

Since I also needed to fit the part so we wouldn't make people look weirdly at me I wore brown long coat, black jeans, and black sneakers.

[You sure like the color black, Partner.]

I guess so…maybe it carried on from past me? Or because of my Outer God form? I mean Cúntóir did say I was a massive black dragon or something.

Cúntóir: Answer: I did say you have an Outer God form, but I never said what you looked like, however, you may be able to theorize your appearance through your wings.

Black, blue and with streaks of gold and red? Well, whatever, I'll probably try to transform into that in the future…

"You guys ready? Do you want to go to Crann Sióg for dinner?"


"Before we do…Do you want me to directly teleport to Tír na nÓg or we jump down?"

Valerie looks at me unamused and Ingvild became confused.

"Is there a difference?"

"No, but it would be…fun—"

"We are teleporting there directly."

Valerie stated firmly making me chuckle, yes ma'am. Haaa…I would have liked to see Ingvild's reaction in us just jump off the edge of a cliff though.


Tír na nÓg

We had teleported in the middle of the busy and bustling streets of Tír na nÓg. When we did a few locals recognized Valerie and I so they stopped to greet us.

"Oh, it's Jin, welcome back!"

"Hello, we're just here to visit and check up on you all."

I greet one of the locals, she smiles and nodded before going back to what she was doing. It was Ingvild's first time here so she was looking around the place eager to see what it's like. Valerie was already hugging my left arm and I urge Ingvild to follow us making her hug my other arm.

We go through the streets and like earlier we were greeted by the locals, I even bought a few of the things that were being sold by their stalls, they were mainly vegetables, fish and other meats. I could use them to cook later…

We quickly get through the small shopping district of Tír na nÓg and come across the Inn that we previously stayed in and to my surprise, the same person who accommodated us was outside water the plants.

She turns around to see us and became a little surprised.

"Oh? Jin and Valerie! You brought someone else here, huh? What's your name, miss?"

"Ingvild, nice to meet you…?"

"Eithne, called me Eithne. I'm the owner of this little Inn if you hadn't noticed, hehe. Will you guys be staying here again?"

Valerie shakes her head—

"We're just here to check up on the situation on Tír na nÓg, and it seems like it's been good. I'm glad."

Eithne gives her a thumbs up.

"Yep! Since that problem of ours was fixed we've mostly gone back to being the same old same old. The next thing on the list is to find a man so we can keep going, if you get what I mean. Of course, the Middleman is more than welcome to try and offer!"

She said that so offhandedly that I just gave her a strange look making her snort at me.

"Tis just a suggestion! No need to take it too seriously! I mean, you're already on your way to having a pretty large harem, you know?"

I won't deny that, Eithne but you know…

"Right…anyway, it's nice seeing you again Eithne. We'll be going to Queen Mia then. Good luck with your business."

I decided to move the conversation along and get going too. She gave us another thumbs up before going back into her Inn. We start to walk away.

"She's certainly cheerful…"

"Yeah, she was like that even when this place was quite sad and gloomy. She's quite cheerful which helped during that time since she did make the other locals here a little happier."

Ingvild makes a comment as we walk away and she isn't wrong either…we quickly reach the gates and entrance where the female guards were, they were a little surprised to see me but I just waved to them and they let us through. As we passed them, I summoned some water bottles and sandwiches for them.

[You seem to like doing that, Partner.]

They do a boring job that can be dangerous once in a while, they deserve a little snack, Ddraig."

[Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just making an observation.]

We quickly went through the small yard in front of us and into the building's entrance, once through there…Aoife was by her reception area looking down and was busy writing on a bunch of documents.


I call out to her, hearing this she looks up and her eyes widen. She quickly gets up from her seat and walks over to us.

"Jin, Valerie, and...someone else, welcome back. Why are you here today?"

"She's Ingvild, one of my lovers. Anyway, we're here just to check up on Tír na nÓg as a whole. Is Mia free?"

"Yes, she is, please go ahead and thank you for checking up on us."

Aoife bows to us before going back to her previous spot and resuming on her work. We go towards the platforms we took from before. Valerie pointed some things out to Ingvild as she got on the platform, it then took us up quite quickly.

Ingvild stumbled a bit as Valerie chuckled at her making her a little pouty. We quickly reached the top and stepped off the platforms. Once there we walked forward and I could feel a single person up here.

We quickly reached the open doorway and Queen Mia there sitting on the throne while she held something in her hand and she was looking at it intently. We walked forward and I flared up my aura a little to get her attention, she became alarmed and she looked towards our direction.

Valerie and I waved at her as she calmed down and smiled at us.

"Jin, Valerie…welcome back to Tír na nÓg. Is this one of your other lovers?"

"I'm Ingvild, nice to meet you, Queen Mia."

I nod and Ingvild does a small bow.

"And to you, Ingvild. May I inquire as to why you are here, Jin?"

"I'm on a date with these two. Valerie and I wanted to check up on you guys and maybe have a small part of our date here. It seems like everyone's doing well, Mia."

"I see…and yes, thanks to your help back then. The last Island has also flourished and a new village has sprouted there, however, we are still in the process of building it."

I see, that's good. They're also already trying to make the last island habitable again, huh? Should I offer some help? It shouldn't hinder us since it'll be quick…I glance at the two girls with me and they were already looking at me with smirks.

Am I becoming that easy to read to them…?

[Yes, you weirdly helpful bastard.]

{You know it's in his nature, Ddraig.}

[I know, I know…]

"Queen Mia, I can help speed up the process if you want? What's left to do in the last island?"


"I insist."

She tried to protest but I quickly stop it. She sighs, closes her eyes and thinks about it. She finally opens her eyes back up after a minute.

"Only a few houses were built there recently, we wish to make a few shops and other necessary buildings for it to be able to function normally. Of course, we also wish to have the tree that houses the fountain of youth."

"I see…we'll go there after we check up on the other islands. I'll try to keep the design the same as here."

She smiles at me and nods.

"Then please take this as a request, Jin."

"Sure thing."

We turn around to leave, all the while I could feel her gaze upon my back. It felt like she wanted to speak to me more so…I summoned a piece of paper in front of her.

"My number, if you know how smartphones work then you can text or call me."

"Thank you…"

Once we left the throne room, I teleported us to the first island. The island of Ilana, the magical deer. Once there Ingvild looked around as per usual, she touches a few plants and we watch her as she explores our immediate vicinity, when—

Rustle~ Rustle~

'Come kids, we're going to your step father's home.'


The same group of chicks and the mother chicken came by…the father was not to be seen. Also, step father, huh? I guess even in the world of chickens their lives keep on going…

[More chicken drama?! I'd watch that…]

Rustle~ Rustle~

As I watch them go, I felt a familiar aura. I look to where the rustling was as Ingvild look over there too. Out came…a blue and glowing deer. It was Ilana.

"Hmmm? One is surprised to see you again, Middleman. Has thee come to visit Tír na nÓg?"

"Yep, just here on a date and checking up your world."

Ilana nods and stomps her hooves to create a small gust of wind. The leaves and bushes around her shake and she looks back at us.

"One has been well; I trust that you have been too?"

I nodded as she walks over to me. I reach out to touch her but stop, she makes a small nod and I fully reach out and feel her body. It was…normal, I was expecting it to me a little, I guess, strange or unique? But I guess it just glows and that's it.

But her fur was soft and she seemed to enjoy the light stroking and petting I was giving her. She also gave Valerie and Ingvild the go ahead and they also pat her.

"Is Aralia doing well too?"

"Yes. Aralia has been speculating on your return, she will be delighted to see you two again."

"Is that so? Oh yes, this is Ingvild by the way, one of my other lovers."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ingvild."

"Call me Ilana, young hybrid."

Ingvild seemed a little surprised and I explained that Ilana can apparently tell the races of people. She nodded and gave Ilana a bit of praise.

"Anything new happen in this island?"

To my surprise she nodded.

"Yes, once you helped with the dilemma of Oisín and Niamh this and the Aralia's Island have become much richer in its soil. Perhaps Niamh giving us one last blessing?"

I don't know how powerful she was but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

"Come, one will show you around. There are few changes in the island."

We walk around with Ilana again with Ingvild as she takes in the surroundings and we do notice a few small changes. A few new groups of animals had formed, previous ones gone and some still the same.

The pond with the waterfall was also still there but…it seemed like more animals also made this their home. None of them attacked us before of Ilana but they did keep their distance. AT the end of it she brought us to the same tree branch bridge to go to Aralia's Island.

"Please do come again, Jin. One does not have many visitors."

"When I have time, then sure, Ilana."

She nods and starts to walk back into further into her island. I jump up followed by the other two. Valerie had been telling Ingvild small pieces of information about Ilana's Island and now she's doing the same with Aralia's.

These two became strangely close friends, I don't know the reason but I can only speculate. We eventually go jumped off the bridge and I started walking towards the tree where Aralia stayed at. We quickly arrived there and Aralia was already waving at us.

"Hey, Aralia, how have you been?"

"Good! Very good! Since your alliance with the other Irish Gods and that 'Gaelic Alliance' thing, we've been getting regular messages from Queen Titania and King Oberon through their Fae's!"

They have? That sounds good, it's better to be connected then.

She starts to move around us, she particularly hones in Ingvild and walks around her before nodding. She looks at me and—

"Good tastes, Jin. She's a woman…Valerie, you have a ways to go."



Both girls become shocked and speechless at what Aralia says. I wasn't expecting it either since I didn't take her as a pervert? I look at her strangely.

"Forgive me if that was rather blunt but I was expecting something to happen between Jin and Valerie while you were gone. But it seems like he brought back someone else who he conquered."

"Anyway! Nothing has changed here! Well, the soil around the entire island did become a lot richer but that's about it!"

"…Why do you sound weirdly proud of that?"

She shrugs and looks at me blankly. What in the world happened? Did she have a psychotic break for being bored for too long…?

"Oh, I did receive some new fruit and they have grown well. Would you like to see?"

Seeing no problem with this I nodded. Aralia retreated back into her tree and was gone for a few minutes before finally returning. She was carrying a—

"Wait, isn't that Durian? I remembering trying some out when a Filipino classmate brought some over before…"

"Oh! You know this fruit?"

Aralia asks and I nodded.

"Durian is native to Southeast Asia, growing in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. In some of these regions, it's referred to as the King of Fruits."

"Ripe durian has a strong, recognizable aroma that some people find overwhelming. This is due to the presence of compounds like esters, aldehydes, and sulfurs. Hey knowing a little bit about this stuff should help me as a cook, you know?"

The two girls were already use to this but Aralia was staring at me strangely before I explained myself.

"I see, I see…interesting, very interesting! Would you two like to try it?"

The two look at each other before nodding. Before Aralia would do anything, I snapped my fingers and it automatically got sliced in two halves and the aroma hit everyone's noses. The two recoil back, I didn't since I expected it but even Aralia recoiled.

"That…that's certainly a strong smell…"

Valerie says while Ingvild agreed with her.

"Just use your hands to eat it, pick it up and just…well go for it."

The two did as I said, they picked up the small chunks of dorian and ate them. Their faces scrunched up but in the end they both had pleasantly surprised expressions on them. Valerie was the first to go for another bite followed by Ingvild.

"It's a unique taste but once you like it or get used to it…it's quite good."

"Hmm-hmm! I agree!"

Aralia and I watch the two slowly but surely eat all of the dorian. In the end I gave them some drinks to wash it all down, they were satisfied with it.

"I didn't think I would it in the end but…it certainly surprised me."

"Yes, I agree. Jin, can we get more? I-I mean when we get home…"

"Sure. The others can try it for themselves too."

I agree with them, we hadn't eaten much variety lately so this should shake things up. I glance at Aralia as she was shaking her head.

"The rest are still growing, if they were ripe, I would have offered some now. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Aralia, thank you though. We should get going, we're limited in time after all."

She seemed a bit disappointed but understood.

"I see…well please do come here again, Jin! Next time I will definitely have more durian ready! W-Well if you need more that is…"

"Really? Then I look forward to them, Aralia. Let's go fly over there instead of just teleporting."

I thank Aralia and then turn to my two dates. They agreed and spread out their wings. I summon [Divine Dividing] and flew up. We have goodbye to Aralia before flying away.

"She seemed nice."

"Mmm. I was caught a little off-guard by her comment though, haha…"

The two of them blush after remembering Aralia's words, we quickly approached the last island and it had changed a little more than what Queen Mia said. There was not a docking area for boats and ships they use to get here.

There were also some small camps built near the shores but there were no signs of life there, they probably weren't working today. The rest of the things there were unfinished buildings like what Mia said.

We land on the island and I quickly scan the entire area.

"I see…the buildings here will more or less look like the ones in the main island. Since there's limited space, I'll keep them to small or medium in size."

I point my right hand at the unfinished buildings and with Cúntóir's help I quickly construct them into usable and safe buildings. These had red or white roofs with white walls, red doors and glass windows.

This is good practice…I'll be doing the same thing with Uwabami's inn and probably my own shop in Kuoh. The two girls watch me as I do this to the rest of the homes on the island. The ones I hadn't tackled were…the businesses.

I turn to Valerie and Ingvild.

"What do you guys think? How should I construct these shops?"

Valerie walks over to one and checks some of the signs. She picks one up and reads it out loud.

"This one says 'General goods', so I would make it a little bigger than some houses, add a few shelves and storage, backrooms and other relevant things these shops are meant to have?"

"General goods…huh?"

I nodded and she puts the sign back down then stepped away. I did the same thing to the general goods shop and had it constructed, the next few were a clothing shop, toys and blacksmith…I hadn't noticed a blacksmith shop, so I wonder who'll be creating weapons for them…?

"Next up is…the tree with the fountain of youth in it."

I quickly walk to it with the girls in tow, Valerie telling Ingvild about what had happened here—the story of Oisín and Tír na nÓg. Safe to say Ingvild shed some tears for the pair, I didn't know she was the emotional type. I pat her head as she looked at me with some tears still present.

"Nothing like that will happen to us, Ingvild, don't worry about it."

She nodded as we reached the tree, I look back up and some of the crystals were still off and a few broken. I might as well fix those first and then the rest. I aim my hand up and fix the broken crystals by reversing time on each of them.

Once that was done, I did the same to the overgrown vines, branches and leaves that were blocking the full view of the tree. Once the crystals started to glow the area at the top was slowly illuminated.

I turn my attention to the fountain of youth and cleaned that up, next was the surrounding as the path was destroyed over time. Weeds, overgrown grass and other debris was removed. I also added some floating glowing lights.

"And that's done. Anything else they wish to add, they can do so themselves since I don't know all the plans they have. There are more spots left to build but yeah…"

When I turned back the two were looking around at the place in awe, well…I guess when I do the same it did look a lot different from the ancient looking thing from earlier.

"So, next stop, the Land of Heroes and Giants?"

Valerie shakes her head confusing me.

"Let's go tell Queen Mia first, don't just fix things and leave, Jin…"


We then teleported back directly to Queen Mia's throne room; she was a little startled at our sudden appearance but quickly composed herself.

"Jin, everyone. Welcome back, how did it go?"

I nodded and summoned a hologram beside me, it showed what I had done and what else was left for them to do themselves since I had no idea in what they had planned for them. Queen Mia seemed pleased with what I had shown her.

"Splendid work, Jin…um, however, I do not have your reward ready yet…"

"I did finish it quite quickly, don't worry too much about it, Queen Mia. Just let me stay the night for free if an Inn is built on that island, haha."

"A-Are you fine with that?"

"Yeah, I am…anyway, we have one more place to go to before we finish our date. So, if you'll excuse us, Mia."

"O-Of course, thank you again, Jin…. Sláinte chugat."

….I wasn't expecting some Irish here…

"You too, Queen Mia, Good health to you too."

She waved us goodbye as we left for our next destination."

The Land of Heroes and Giants

"We haven't been gone for too long but…it feels like it changed, as if it's…more relaxed?"

Valerie comments as we stood in the streets of TLOHAG. The streets were as bustling with life as ever, even the same street vendors were still here.

"So many tall people…"

"Haha, yeah, even I feel small here."

Humans and giants of all varying sizes walked around us as we made our way back to the castle like structure of the place. It was a long way away so we were walking at a rather quick pace. I felt a lot of eyes on me since my match with Sairaorg was soon.

I was briefly stopped by some of them and they asked me to sign some merchandise they had. I didn't mind and did so. I was mostly called the Dual Dragon Emperor, I guess they just see me as both now, huh?



You two are way too happy about that title, just to remind you, we're also called Oppai and Ketsu Dragon, you know.


After a few more minutes of walking and signing we finally reached the draw bridge. The guards saluted me and quickly opened the bridge, I guess I didn't even need to say anything. I did the same things to these guys as I did to the guards in Tír na nÓg.

Once we entered the gates we come across Ceria, she seemed a little surprised to see me.

"Sir Jin, Lady Valerie, welcome back. You brought a new companion, are you here to have an audience with the royal family?"

"Yeah, they're not busy, are they? We're just here to check up on them and Siobhan, so if they're busy…"

Ceria smiles and shakes her head.

"No, they are not, please follow me."

We start walking to the throne room and followed Ceria relatively quietly, Ingvild was mostly intrigued by the world and so she took everything in.

"Is Siobhan doing alright? Is she adjusting well after being, you know, kidnapped?"

"Yes she is, Princess Siobhan is still quite young so her fear was mostly erased and replaced with the fact that the Middleman came to rescue her."

Really? I thought she would be a bit traumatized; I mean, she was kidnapped and was threatened to be killed. Siobhan also looks like she's old enough to understand some of the world, you know? But hell…what to do I know? For all I know, she could be a pretty strong minded and willed kid.

We reached the door and Ceria pushed it open. The ones in the room were the King, Queen and Princess. No one else was there.

"Excuse me, King Darragh, Queen Isabella, Princess Siobhan. Sir Jin has arrived."

"Oh? Welcome J—"


Siobhan interrupted her father as she got up from her mother's lap to run towards me, she basically jumped towards me expecting a hug, so I bent down to catch her.

"You came back!"

"Yes…I did promise to. Have you been well?"


She answered quite energetically while hugging me, I hugged her back gently. Both King and Queen were looking at us with fond expressions. I picked her up and carried her.

"Sorry for randomly barging in like this. I wanted to check in on all of you, I also promised this little princess I would come back to visit. I can't stay too long though, forgive me, Siobhan."

She seemed sad at the fact but nodded her head. She's quite understanding…I rewarded her by lightly ruffling her hair, that made her giggle.

"It is fine, Jin. We did not have anything important to do today. Welcome back to our world, I take it that you have been well?"

"Yes, I have. I'll assume so for all of you too?"

He nodded in confirmation, Queen Isabella did so too.

"By the way, what happened to the rebels?"

"Hmm. They have been imprisoned, and they're in special prison blocks that prevent the use of magic so they won't be able to escape. Jacob has been sentenced to death; he will be executed in a few months' time."

I made sure to distract Siobhan while we spoke about that by showing her small tricks with light constructions on my free hand. But…sentenced to death, huh? I mean he did help them and even nearly told them to…I look at Siobhan and frown. She's twelve, that's just messed up.

"I see. So, he's just getting his comeuppance."

"Yes. Let us move on from this heavy conversation, shall we? What will you do after this, Jin? Oh, we will also be showing your exhibition match here in our world too."

King Darragh quickly moved the conversation as it was a little depressing to talk about.

"Well seeing as how we spent a bit of time in Tír na nÓg, and now here since we were stopped multiple times by my…er, fans? We'll be going back to Ireland and starting or continuing our date there."

"Hahaha! You stopped your date to check in on us? Well, we shouldn't interrupt you any longer, now, shall we? Siobhan, honey come here."

Siobhan while reluctant nudged me to let her down and I did so, she then scurries back to her parents.

"Thank you for checking up on us, Jin, we truly do appreciate it. However, do go out there and enjoy your day. We may ask for your future assistance in…a certain island rising once more."

They're rebuilding it? I wasn't expecting that…I nodded to King Darragh as he smiled at me.

"I see. Well, we'll get going then. You know how to get that request to me, so just go through those channels."

"Yes, I will, good day to you, Jin."

Ireland, Dublin

"Haaa…we certainly spent quite a bit of time there."

When we got back to Dublin it was around four in the afternoon.

"Don't worry about it, Jin. I enjoyed myself, we also got to see how they've been it was reassuring to see them well."

"Mmm! I haven't been here before so I enjoyed it a lot! But I do hope I can come back here with you in the future."

Both girls say while hugging my arm.

"Is that so? Then thank you for being so understanding…anyway, let's get this started."

We had grabbed a quick bite at a nearby McWanalds, yes, that's the knockoff of this world…

"So McWanalds is universal, huh? They even have them in Ireland…there's another one across the street…"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure there are multiple ones in the city and they're always crowded even before and after rush hour, or lunch."

We were walking around as we ate our small snack. Valerie was silently eating her food while holding my hand, Ingvild was a little bit ahead of us while looking around the city, she has been quite curious today.

"That's the same in Japan so it's fine…but…this city sure is crowded. It's a weekday but there are still a lot of people."

"Mmm! There's also so many shops everywhere I look. I wasn't expecting this at all…there's also the Fairy tree and the Dublin spire…they're all so interesting…"

The two on them comment on anything they see; Valerie has been here in the past but she didn't get a chance to look at anything. So, in a way it's still a new experience for the both of them. We go around O'Connell Street window shopping and going into shops that interested the two.

We were in a random clothing shop as the girls seen something they like at the window and so we went in. The staff there saw me with those two and were giving me strange looks, well the women were, the guys gave me nods of approval…

I follow them as they went around picking and choosing clothes off the racks and shelves.

"Jin, stand here and wait for us."

We were in front of the changing rooms as Ingvild says that. I nodded and the two disappeared into the changing room. Two staff members came by, a male and female.

"Mate, what's up with you and those two?"

I turn to see the guy ask me that, the female was suspiciously eyeing me up. I just shrug.

"I'm dating both of then, we're on a date."

"Fucking yuppa!"

He puts his hand up for a high-five and I oblige him, when we do, he goes into a weird fit of giggling and the woman there just rolled her eyes.

"Polyamory relationships? God the youth today is unhinged…where are the days of just two people being in a relationship?"

The male staff looks at the woman and gives her a really judgmental look. I mean anyone if free to choose what they want out of life…so I don't see how this is your problem, lady.

"It's becoming a thing, the same with being gay, Maya. Like literally Kevin is gay, and Grace is pansexual."

The two start to argue as I just ignored it and waited for the both of them to come out. A few seconds later they do and they were wearing some cute clothing, though they did shiver a little. I gave them both a thumbs up.

"Looking good you two. Do you wanna buy them?"

They both nodded and then went back in, this repeats a few more times and the two staff behind me had fallen silent. The last time they went back in the spoke to me again.

"Damn man those two are a catch."

"I know. I'm pretty lucky."

He pats me on the shoulder signaling his approval, the female staff member didn't say anything until—

"Who the hell are you marrying first then?"

"…We're a bit too young for that, also none of your business, lady…"

She just scoffs at me and starts to walk away. I hear a heavy sigh beside me.

"Don't mind her, she's just an overall bitch most of the time. Anyway, come to counter when you're ready."

"Yeah, thanks."

The girls come out with the clothes they want to buy and we go up to pay, the lady that was with me earlier avoided us and was whispering something to someone else who was rolling their eyes. I guess she's not that popular here, huh?

[How will the hiring process in your restaurant go?]

Honestly, I have no idea, maybe I should consult Zeoticus, Grayfia or something with experience in that field? Using [Observe] on someone can only go so far.

[Hmm, who knows? Let's just wait and see, Partner. You do have Rossweisse and Inaie as staff already. Kanami might join in the future too.]

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. We left the store and started to walk around aimlessly until I suggest we go to Phoenix Park.

"Oh, I heard from Akeno about that. I actually wanted to go there…"

Ingvild explains to Valerie what it was and they were in agreement so…off we went. On the way there I had Cúntóir book a reservation of three in the Fairy Tree. We took a bus there and got off at the stop.

"It's not as crowded as the city…"

"Yeah, most tend to stay there on weekdays. You'll see more people here on the weekend or when the weather is good, today is just the typical weather for Ireland…cloudy, and with a chance of rain."

Time slowly passed by in a blink of an eye as we kept on exploring Phoenix Park, we met a few locals and random people who stopped us for a chat, most of them were older folks so they had plenty of time on their hands.

Crann Sióg

"This is the second time I've been here, so hopefully that ass of a waiter isn't working tonight…"

I said that as we walked up multiple flights of stairs, the girls were looking at everything inside since it's the fancier places in Dublin. Once we reached the top and to the restaurants entrance, the two guards from the same time I went here with Akeno looked at me in surprise.

"Sup lads, is Dick-head-McGee working tonight?"

They look at me, then to each other before chuckling to themselves.

"No, he isn't. He actually got fired for being rude to a lot of customers. He got it coming to him…"

"I see, good. Anyway, excuse us."

They nodded and opened the door for us. I tell the girls of what happened last time and they just shook their heads.

"That's quite judgmental of him…"

Valerie says with a small frown. I wave a waiter down and it seems she recognizes me; I show her the reservation made and she takes out to our seats. It was a table for four but since there were three of us, they modified it, how convenient.

She came back and gave us menus to order from, the two were obviously shocked at the price and look at me. I tell the waiter that we'll order in a few minutes, she nods and leaves.

"You know we can afford these…"

"I know but still…they're quite expensive."

"Mmm…I don't even know some of these things on the menu, what do you recommend, Jin?"

I get up and go to their side, I tell them to point at things they may try ordering and I'll tell them about it. This goes on for a few minutes until they picked what they wanted. I wave to the waiter and she comes back to us and we order our food.

"But still…this place looks quite fancy, huh? I think it's on par with the restaurant below the Tower of Heaven in the Greek God's realm."

"Yeah, I can see where you're coming from but…I think the food over there is a little better than the ones here. Maybe I just like Greek food?"

Ingvild was confused and Valerie explained to her—

"I would like to go there in the future…"

"Well, I do plan on going to Greece and then to the Egyptian mythology so…if you want you can come with me."

Ingvild nodded and then looked at Valerie but she shakes her head.

"Someone…else wants to go with you. We know your plans with Egyptian mythology."

Someone…? I wonder who… I ask Valerie but she says she can't say. They want to ask me themselves. I see, I don't mind the wait…I wonder who?

Eventually our food came and we thanked her before digging in. Ah….Irish food, how I miss you. If I could choose what to eat in my home, we'd be eating Irish food for at least four times a week…

But Grayfia will probably not like that, or the other girls…we chatted about random things as we ate our food, the girls were also surprised in how good it was.


"I know, I know, I'll make these in the future too."

Happy with my answer, Ingvild continued to eat. I could feel some of the staff looking at us, man they like gossiping, huh? We also ordered some deserts so when we finished our main course, they cleaned our table and brought out traditional Irish apple cake.

"I miss this…"

I took a bite and sighed in satisfaction. I love apple cake…I should try other apple cakes around the world…and then make them a stable desert in my restaurant! A genius idea, Jin!

"Jin has a dangerous glint in his eyes…."

"What's he thinking about…?"

I look back up to see the two of them giggling to themselves. Geez, can't a guy be excited to himself. I chuckle and tell them my thoughts, they both gained thoughtful looks but agreed with my thinking in the end.

"W-Wait, Jin. You mentioned before that you didn't have a menu written up for your restaurant, right?"

"Hmmm? Ah yeah, I don't, why?"

Valerie asked me, she looks at Ingvild, the two of them communicating to each other without saying anything. Ingvild then nodded. They both look back at me.

"Then will you take some suggestions?"

I nodded. So, they proceeded to tell me what kind of things they'd want to see in my menu, they were…interesting suggestions. I agreed with a few, others were a little too out there. But I did take note in the ones that I would like in the menu.

We ate our desert while talking about my future menu for my restaurant. We eventually finish and I paid the bill using my black card. We left through the entrance and I tipped the guards €500 each. They were quite happy with it.

Seeing as how Akeno and I ended our date at the observation deck, I did the same with Ingvild and Valerie. Once we were up there, they quickly broke away and looked around the place. Nothing had changed and there were a few people here, including the restaurant from earlier.

I go over to the front and take in the view of Dublin; the girls eventually joined me too. Satisfied with checking out the place.

"Sorry if this date felt a little underwhelming, you kind of just accompanied me when I went to the supernatural part of it."

"Jin, we asked you to bring us there, also…you don't need to make every date over the top or extravagant. The point of it is to spend some quality time with the person you love, and I would assume Valerie thinks the same way."

"Mmm. I agree with Ingvild, I enjoyed myself, Jin."

"Is that so? Then thank you."

Did I make my other dates before extravagant…? I-I don't think so…? Akeno was in Dublin, Kuroka in Hokkaido, Rossweisse in Kyoto, Shirone in Kuoh, Natsume and Shigune and now you two in Dublin…

No…I've been relatively normal…


"Stop over thinking it…Anyway we should go home. I'm a bit tired."

Ingvild says and Valerie agreed.

"Yeah alright, let's go…"

Chu~ Chu~

They each take a turn to kiss me and I hear a few people around us going 'Woooh' or something along those lines. I chuckle and also kiss them back before going back home.



"Mistress…do you think we should join the Gaelic alliance? Even Cana Cludhmor has resurfaced and some rumors express that she may join it too."

First Goddess Danu resurfaced and now Cana Cludhmor. This new 'Dual Dragon Emperor' and 'Middleman' has been making quite a ruckus around the supernatural the last few months. Even his match against a devil will be shown in certain groups.

"…I do not know yet, however, we're not that influential anymore, Aífe. I do not doubt that my opinion won't be taken seriously. We also have some…unsavory guests that have been loitering around our home."

"Tch…those guys…who the hell are they?"

"Only one culprit comes to mind, Aífe."

"…Khaos Brigade? Should we inform the alliance then?"

"They're most likely monitoring our movements, if we do, they may try harming our citizens. We can only hold out for now. The Middleman has shown that he's interested in going to different realms of factions and pantheons."

"…You are putting our world and citizens in his hands, then my Queen?"

"If what he says does stay true, then we may get his help in the future."

Aífe looks to her side and nods.

"I will go with what you say, as the Queen of our realm and the progenitor of Halloween, and my personal savior…I will follow your orders."

"Thank you, Aífe."

Personal savior, huh? You are the rival of Scathach, Aífe. You challenged her and her student Cú Chulainn in the past to a duel to the death. But I came across you and saved you. You detested me for a few years….but now look at you.

Aífe looks at me strangely before I shake my head.

"Halloween isn't even celebrated everywhere around the world; it's limited to a few countries…my power and influence is limited. To call me the progenitor of the holiday...nevertheless, let us stay vigilante."

"Yes, Mistress Maeve."

"Geez, call me one and not two things, Aífe!"

She smiles at me but doesn't say anything. Pick Queen Halloween or Maeve!

To those wondering about the Riser bit, I will explain it once Chapter 7 is out. I had a change of plans. Please bear with me.

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