Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 68: Volume 4 – Chapter 7 – A Crimson Determination and Love

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Mount Olympus


"He won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hestia jumped up in joy, the ones who had formed some sort of friendship with Jin cheered for joy. This was because he had unveiled his new [Queen] form and won the exhibition match with it.

We were watching from our own realm, the ones who traveled to the Underworld were Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. The rest of us stayed behind and helped our residents watch the match using holographic visions laid across the realm.

"His armor is completely different; it does not reflect his moniker of 'Red Dragon Emperor'. Do you think he will gain a new one?"

Artemis says while looking at the screen.

"How does 'Black Dragon Emperor' sound? Is it too edgy?"

Hermes suggest, but many of the Gods present put their thumbs down, making him chuckle.

"Wouldn't 'Golden Dragon Emperor' make more sense?"

A few of them argue back and forth as to what the new moniker for Jin would be. However, I glanced at Freyja as she had a very dangerous and curious glint in her eyes. It looked like the eyes of a hunter looking at prey…

She sees me and smiles at me, I awkwardly look away… I can't get use to her. Only a few people can deal with Freyja naturally, and I'm not one of them…

Now that his match is over…does that mean our date...… When I think about it, my face heats up. Jin will surely contact me soon…

Apollon, Hera and Chronos were just smiling and nodding approvingly at the screen. I guess they like the results of the match…



Goddess Danu

"He won!!! And that new armor he has!! Incredible!! I want to meet him!!!"

Cana was jumping up and down as she celebrated Jin's victory. I wasn't too worried about him, but I was quite surprised when he was engulfed in a bright light. However…

I glance at Áine as she had her hand over her mouth and had a complicated expression. Earlier she shouted 'Harem King-sama', whether she was mocking him or meant it, I do not know. Even when looking at her, she showed that she was also unsure of it.

"Danu! Áine! Amazing, he's amazing! I really want to meet him! When is he coming back?!"

"…I did feel him come to the country a few days ago…"

Cana looked at me with horror—

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"He was on a date with two of his lovers…"

Cana made a 'Ah' sound and nodded sagely. She is reasonable, even if she sometimes wears her emotions on her sleeve. Cana then started to go over the match with a very excited tone. Áine and I just listened, however, Áine's mind was somewhere else as she only nodded absentmindedly to Cana's questions or statements.

What did this mean? Did this match affect her views towards Jin? We did feel his power all the way here. I can assume that the rest of the supernatural also noticed too, more eyes are on him now…

"Perhaps I can play him a song with my harp when I meet him? That will surely impress him!"

Cana smiles as she summons a harp and starts to play it. I smile at her, maybe… From what I could tell, Jin still loves our country, so he may appreciate it.


Sixth Heaven


"Jin won!! Brother!!"

"Indeed, he did…"

It was a splendid match; Gabriel was sad that she wasn't able to go to the Underworld when she was invited, but… We did compromise in letting Heaven watch the match so she wasn't to upset.

"…Jin-sama… He really…"


As I and the other angels looked over at Altaria, tears were streaming down her cheeks. We became a little surprised and Gabriel walked over to her and hugged her.

"What's wrong, Altaria?"

"…It's nothing, Gabriel. Forgive me, I became a bit too emotional… Worry not, Jin-sama is fine. This… This was a step he needed."

A step he needed? What did she mean by that? I look back at the screen as Jin had a big smile spread across his face, his opponent, Sairaorg Bael also had a satisfied smile on him.

"I want to go see Jin soon…"

Gabriel looks at me pleadingly… Please don't do that. I already feel horrible for keeping you away from him, but we do have our jobs… Even if Altaria does a lot of them now with efficiency. In a way, and at times, we do feel a bit… UselessThe way father used to govern Heaven is almost like how she does now.

"If you complete the remaining tasks you have, you may leave, Gabriel. That's fine, right, Michael?"

I nodded.

"I see no issue with that, Sister, if you hurry along you may—"

"I'll get going!"

Gabriel quickly left to finish her tasks. I smile as she does this while the rest of her brothers and sisters have awkward smiles on them.

"Things will get a little more complicated for Jin from now on. He evolved his Sacred Gear to a point that it does not resemble the 'red' armor of the Red Dragon Emperor anymore…"

Tuatha Dé Danann


"A fine battle!"




We were in our usual spot and were watching the match between Jin and Sairaorg Bael. This was also being shown to many of our people within our world.  Many of us were expecting Jin to win quite easily, however…

"His [Queen] form is certainly different, no? I wonder what he will name it. His other forms were called…"

"[Illegal Move Triaina]. Áine was the one who spread the rumor, it was confirmed today as well."

I finish Nuada's sentence and he nods. Yes, not too long ago, Áine came to multiple groups of Gods and started to tell us about Jin and Scathach's duel. She also articulated that Jin had used a new form of power with his [Boosted Gear].

Not many believed her, however, the rumor did spread across the supernatural world. Nevertheless, there were some who were convinced he was the man who had made many seemingly impossible things possible.

"Yes, that. Any suggestions? We can even have Áine relay it to Jin!"

With that, many of us started to discuss amongst ourselves what kind of name he would give this new form. It seems like that burden on him was lifted during this match. I couldn't help but smile.

"Come on now, Lugh! Suggest a name!"

"…I do not have one, forgive me."

Smack! Smack!

"Just think harder!"

Dagda started smacking my back while laughing heartily. I shook my head, just another typical day here…

Land of Heroes and Giants

Darragh Mac Cumhaill

"Wow! Wow! Amazing!!! Jin won!!"

Siobhan was jumping and running around in joy as Jin had just won his match against his opponent.

"Mom, Dad, I want to get strong too!"

Isabella and I look at one another in shock... We were aware of our daughter's fondness for Jin. However, I did not think she would want to start training this early. She always had an interest in books and never in fighting.

Did being put in that situation from back then influence her…? She did say that she saw the Witch of Dún Scáith fight and was awed by it…

"A-Are you sure, Siobhan…? Don't you want to do your usual hobby of reading books…?"

"I still want to do that too, mom! But I want to be strong, so I don't get into that situation again!"

Siobhan answers my Queen and wife with a determined expression, not one a child of her age should have… That event really did change her. However, it may have been for the better…?

Isabella had a complex expression on her face as I looked at her. I will support whatever they decide, so I will wait for my wife's decision.

"…Think about this decision more, Siobhan, but if you are certain… Then we will support you."

Siobhan nods.

"Yes, thank you!"


Tobio Ikuse

"Let's fucking goooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Broooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kouki jumped and shouted, which caused Sae and Ajamu to jolt backwards in surprise. Jin had just won his match against the Devil Bael and also presented his new [Queen] form to the supernatural.

"Now that's a totally new type of armor and I dig it!"

Kouki says while admiring the new armor Jin was donning. Yes, it's unlike what we saw from his other ones, it's mostly black in design with various other colors all over it. Green and red are still present, even if they are small amounts.

"It was a well fought battle. I wish to spar with him when I get a chance."

Ajamu says while looking at the TV screen. Sae was just clapping her hands beside me while Gin and Nattsu played around the room. The bar was closed today because we wanted to watch this match.

"You know you'll lose, right?"

"Even so, I wish to test myself."

Kouki looked at Ajamu with a questioning look, but Ajamu did not change his answer. In a way, I also felt the same. I lost in a very lame way against Jin, my mind was somewhere else during that time. To how useless I felt fighting against that Cryptid and to Sae still being…


"Tobi? You're making a really scary face right now…"

"…Sorry, I was just thinking about something… Anyway, how about we go to Kuoh Academy's cultural festival that's coming up? Jin and I had been texting about it, I mean, if we don't get a mission and if you guys don't mind."

I ask them.

"I don't mind, Tobi. It'll be a pleasure to see everyone again. What about your aunt and uncle?"

"They'll be going."

"I mean, if we don't get an assignment, fine by me! I want to ask bro some stuff…"

"I have never been to a cultural festival before, so I wish to attend it. I also haven't thanked Jin enough for giving me another chance."

Looks like everyone was in agreement. I'll inform Azazel about it as soon as possible. I turn back to the TV as the ones in the stadium were still going wild, they were really hyped about this…


"He won and with a new fancy suit of armor. I swear that boy… Haaa…"

Shuri says as she gripped Baraqiel's arm tightly, my fallen angel comrade just closed his eyes and sighed.

"Isn't it good, Shuri? I mean, Akeno and Suzaku texted us earlier that Jin looked quite well and ready for it— Ow ow ow ow!"

"Those two are in love with him, of course they'll say that. But… I am happy that he won."

You pinching your husband while staring daggers at the holographic vision isn't exactly convincing anyone, Shuri...… She then looks at me and I look at her back.

There were also a few other Fallen Angels here that watched the match. Shemhazai, Armaros, Sahariel, Tamiel, Raynare, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek, Mittelt, and other high to low ranking fallen were gathered here to watch it.

Jin did make many acquaintances and friends here, so they were quite excited to watch him fight. When Jin won, I glanced at Raynare and saw her ball her hand into a fist and pumped it, she did it in a way that no one could see.

I'm also glad he won. I and everyone in his harem all knew he would... I mean, finding out THAT secret is a bit...… But an Outer God, huh? I didn't expect things to be that big… If what he told us was the truth, then he has a lot of responsibilities in the future.

"I heard from Azazel that Jin's interested in you, Penemue. Care to comment?"

Shuri asks me that as many heads in the room turn to me. I felt myself blush and awkwardly laugh at her.

"Me? Please, Shuri… I'm old enough to be his great times fifty grandmother…"

That hurt saying… Ugh… Shuri also didn't know look like she believed me. She stared at me suspiciously before shaking her head and turning back to face the vision. You have a very tough mother-in-law, Jin. Even though she already accepted it.


Yoshitsune Minamoto

I and a few of my friends were in Uwabami-san's inn watching the match between Jin and the Devil called Sairaorg Bael.

"Haha, he won, Jin-kun sure is amazing. Paaaaaah!!"

I look over at Benkei as he gave some praise to the man, we knew for a few days, she then drank from her gourd. Yoichi, Benkei, and Uwabami-san were here with me, there were a few other patrons here as well.

"So… Cool!! That new armor…!!"

Yoichi after finding out about Jin as the Middleman and as the Oppai Dragon became a hug fan. He bought some merchandise from the Underworld; he was particularly excited when he found out that Jin-san was coming to our realm.

But he tried to act cool when he was here and… They didn't interact much because of it. However, he was gifted goggled and a new bow, so he was quite ecstatic with it. Yoichi then summons the bow and looks at it expectantly.

"Maybe he….!"

I don't think Jin-san added a function that will allow your bow to transform into an armor set, Yoichi... Benkei snickers and tells him the same thing, the two then starts arguing.

"What a passionate fight, those two were really going at it, huh?"

Uwabami says while still looking at the screen. I look back as well and see that Jin was still holding the defeated Bael, he had a big smile on his face. I could help but smile, too.

"Indeed, it makes me want to have a small sparring match with him too…"

The two stops arguing as everyone turns to look at me. D-Did I say something strange…? I did not believe so… If anything, it sounded quite reasonable after seeing that display.

"Hmm~ I probably agree with you, but I doubt I would win, how about you, Yoichi?"

"No, thank you, I would lose."

It seems these two agree with this at the very least. Uwabami-san hasn't said anything but… She was looking intently at the screen, I wonder what—

"I should order figures to sell for that new look of his."

She says that while turning around, she then gained a confused look.


We chuckle at her. She is only thinking about the future business she can do with Jin.

"Didn't Amaterasu-sama, Fūjin-sama and Raijin-sama go to the Underworld to watch it from there?"

"Yes, they did, Uwabami-san. They received the invitation from Lucifer-sama and Azazel-san."

I answer Uwabami-san's question, yes, a few days after Jin left, we finally got in contact with the Devils and Fallen. They have offered to do some cultural exchange with us, as well as the Norse Gods and Irish Gods.

We are looking forward to seeing what we can do once their help and research come to us, perhaps we can create our own Sacred Gears? It sounds like a stretch, but rumors say that Azazel, the Governor of the Fallen, has created some.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop! Benk— Ow!!"

My thoughts were interrupted once I hear Yoichi screaming, I look over to them… Benkei's gourd was on the ground and the sake was spilled over. She had an angry look and choke holding Yoichi…

"What in the world are the two of you doing…?"

Tír na nÓg

Queen Mia

"Yaaaaa ~ thanks for inviting us over, Mia. It has been a pleasure being able to watch this match along with all of you~"

"It is no problem, Oberon. I thought it would be better to see this together, I would have liked to gather more, but time wasn't on my side."

I had invited both Queen and King of the Fae over to Tír na nÓg. We were in my home, we also had magic circles showing the match to everyone else in Tír na nÓg and the Faerie Kingdom.

"It's pretty amazing, huh? ~ Jin-kun showed his [Queen] form, but why not call it [King]?"

"Oberon, you can't change into a [King] in chess. I believe his base [Balance Break] is his [Pawn], he did show a [Knight], [Rook] and [Bishop] earlier."

"Ah! You're right!"

I had tried to invite other Gods here, including Queen Halloween, however, she never got back to me in time, and so she never showed up. She was easy to contact until recently, should I contact Jin and send in a request…?

But, if I'm wrong then I will waste his time…perhaps I'm just overthinking this, I will hold off for now.

Clink ~ Clank ~

"The food is great as always, Mia ~"

"Thank you, my staff are great cooks. Please do enjoy yourselves more. The upcoming game between the two devils will take place in a week's time. Will you be watching it too?"


Titania lightly smacked Oberon, who tried to reply while still eating his food. I envy these two, their relationship is strong, even if it doesn't look good at first glance...… Oberon finally finished eating.

"Yes, we do, I don't know about the rest but… I believe Jin trained the Gremory devils? So, it will surely be a fun watch! ~"

Titania silently agreed with her husband with a nod. The match was over, so we chatted casually for the next few hours…

Khaos Brigade


The room had fallen silent. We all vaguely knew of what was to come when father reached this. We were watching the match alongside the rest of the supernatural, and it was interesting. Though, once he used his [Queen] form, we became silent.

This meant one thing, he fulfilled the first part of his evolution. We all were vaguely aware of it thanks to our mother. The situation has been this way since we were created: "When your father evolves, your life and mine will end.". There is no way around it. Accept it'. I would like to think I'll survive in the end.

Even so, the agreement I had with father still puts me at risk when I venture into the multiverse. This is because I am certain that there are beings out there that can match my strength... Or not, I am uncertain. But I do look forward to it.

"Well, he's one out of two. One more and we die."

I tell the rest of the room bluntly.

"Hohoho! Then I will go out with a bang, I won't be staying here anymore. Farewell."

Frieza got up and disappeared. Meruem sat there staring intently at the screen while Lapis had a blank expression on her—



She started suddenly convulsing on her seat, but quickly stopped and was panting heavily."

"The hell's wrong with you?"

"I came, seeing daddy like that made me pretty hot."


I need to ask father about mother. Perhaps he can explain why Lapis is so… Weird. I should meet up with him soon. I did get the details for the plan after all.


Jin Skyward


I was still being piled on by the girls, but I didn't mind, in a way, it was comforting. But I do need to physically check on Sairaorg in order to heal him.

"Okay… Okay… Girls time out…!"

I hear a few of them giggle before getting off me. I finally get up and face everyone. But before I could speak, they congratulated me.

"Thank you… Anyway, you guys can head home before me. I want to go and visit Sairaorg and probably heal him up. I can't just cripple him to make it easier for your upcoming Rating Game, Rias."

She smiles and lightly hits me on the shoulder.

"Of course not. I want my cousin to be at full power when our peerage fight... However, to think his ace was the Sacred Gear [Regulus Nemea]… I see why Sairaorg was quite confident in fighting us."

The rest of her peerage agrees.

"Yes, to think we will be facing a fellow devil with one of the original thirteen Longinus for our Rating Game."

Despite Kiba expressing his thoughts on it, I could tell they weren't too concerned. Azazel lets out a heavy sigh, attracting everyone's attention.

"Jin's right, you guys have a week to do any last-minute preparations. Utilize it wisely and don't waste it. Of course, I'm not telling you to just abandon everything and not enjoy yourselves. I know that we have a culture festival coming up."

Rias agrees with Azazel.

"Yes, let's go back, everyone. We can go to the training facility for a short while."

"I agree with Ojou-sama, I will also need help with cooking up the feast."

A few of the girls agree to help Grayfia with the cooking and everyone prepares to go home, Rose stands beside me. Everyone else understood and left.

"You know… You really don't have to."

"…I want to, can't I spend some time with you…?"

She cutely says while looking at me. Geez, Rose. If you do it like that, I'll feel like an ass. I sigh and nodded.

"Sorry, sure thing… Let's go then."

She smiles as she's happy with my answer. So, we left the VIP booth and I started walking in the direction of where I felt Sairaorg's aura. We passed by many staff members and a few noble devils as they congratulated me.

Some noble Devils offered their daughters to me, but I had to decline… Please don't treat your own children as some kind of bargaining tool… They have feelings too, you know?

"Oya? If it isn't Jin-kun."


On our way to Sairaorg's room, we come across two of the four Satans. It was Sirzechs and Serafall. Asteri and Millicas were also with them.

"Oh, Sirzechs, Sera, Millicas and Asteri… Hello, I hope the match was entertaining enough for you."

"Jin-nii-sama! You and Sairaorg-san were amazing!"

Millicas ran over to me, so I crouched down, and we share a high-five. He still seemed fired up by it…

"Is that so? Thank you for your support, Millicas."

"It was a splendid fight, Jin. It seems like it helped you in a way?"

I stand back up and look at Sirzechs.

"Yeah, it did, though many people helped me along the way. I guess I just needed a good ol' fist fight to push me through the last bit."

"I see…well we will be on our way, Jin, Rossweisse."

Millicas goes over to Sirzechs as they started to walk away. Asteri just gave me a small nod and smile. Rose and I continued our journey towards Sairaorg.

Knock ~ Knock ~

Upon entering the room where Sairaorg was, his peerage, mother, and Silveteela Stolas were all present. They turned to look at me and smiled.


"Hey, how's he doing?"

I step into the room with Rose behind me. The two of us went over to Sairaorg's side, and he was still sleeping. I looked over his entire body and saw he was mostly okay. But to be sure, I touched his shoulder and healed him.

He glowed a small golden glow for a few seconds before it died down. Any visible injuries on him quickly vanished, and not too long after that his eyes started to open. Once it did, he was staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before turning to his side.

"Mother, Teela, Jin… Everyone… I see, I lost, huh? Haha…"

He says tiredly and then sits up, then sighs.

"My second defeat to you, Jin. But I don't regret it, I feel like I grew in our match. I certainly will be ready for my Rating Game with Rias in a weeks' time."

"Geez man, I know I just healed you, but take it a little easy. There's a week, you can afford to relax for at least one…"

He looks at me with a little surprise before he laughs like he usually does.

"Yes, I will take it easy for the rest of the day."

"Excuse me."

We turned around when we heard a voice, I recognized the aura— It was Sirzechs, I did feel Millicas and Asteri's aura leave while his stayed. I wonder what he's doing here?

"Ya. Jin-kun, Sairaorg, everyone. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything. I'm just here to congratulate the two of you.

"It truly was a magnificent fight. I feel strongly about that, including the other higher-ups and other Gods who saw it. It will certainly be a fight that is talked about for the next months, even years."

"Sairaorg, I can say that it made me feel hopeful for the future generations after seeing that. You surely inspired many young devils— No, young children of the supernatural, to be like you."

"Thank you, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama."

Sairaorg bowed to him from his bed, as did everyone else. Rose and I just stood there watching it, then he turns to me, making me confused. He chuckled at this.

"Depending on what happens in the Rating Game between Bael and Gremory, there are talks of promotions for both groups. Please pass that onto Rias for me, she was already gone when I went to check their VIP booth."

"Promotion, huh? Are the candidates decided yet or…?"

"Yes, however, I would like to keep it a secret for the time being."

I nodded to his answer, I can live with that. If I remember correctly, Kiba, Akeno and Issei were the ones to get promoted to Middle-class after the Rating Game. Now I wonder who'll take Ise's place for the promotion?

[Maybe it'll be decided once the game concluded? I mean, they most likely be judged on performance.]

Hmmm, that makes sense, Ddraig. But… I glance at everyone in Sairaorg's peerage, they were High-class to middle Ultimate-class, not including Regulus and Sairaorg. Kuisha is the strongest at Ultimate-class, well, she is the [Queen] of the group.

Will she and Akeno be fighting during it? I wonder how that will go… But I can see Akeno winning, not including the large power gap.

"That's all I was here to say, good luck on the Rating Game, everyone. Until we meet again."

Sirzechs smiles at us before turning around to leave. I also turn back to them.

"I'll get going too, I'll be watching your game with Rias in a weeks' time. Good luck."

"Right. Thank you again, Jin."

"No, I should be thanking you."

We grin at each other before bumping fists. Rose and I slowly start to leave the room, once outside I prepare to teleport back home when—



I hear both Misla Bael and Kuisha Abaddon's voices behind me. I turn to look at them as they gesture to step further away from the room. We walk away and then stop to talk.

"How can I help the both of you?"

Yank! Gyu ~

One moment I was standing normally, the next I was in Misla Bael's boobs. She had pulled me into a hug, shocking the ones around us. I didn't know how to react, so I just stood there.

"Thank you. I do not think I conveyed these to you enough. For helping me with my sleeping disease and to helping my son. Even if he lost to you today… As his mother, I feel like he grew again."

She finally lets me go, and I take a step back.

"It's no problem, Misla-san. Heck, Sairaorg did as much for me too, so I guess we're even in that regard…"

She just smiles at me and I turn to Kuisha who was still a bit shocked.

"I-I… I also want to thank you, Jin-sama. Those words you told me during that night stuck to me, as well as…a-anyway, I just wanted to thank you. I have moved on and… F-Found someone else I'm interested in."




Smack! Bonk! Boom! Don!


…What the hell are you two doing…?

"Really? I hope it comes to fruition this time, then."

"Y-Yes! T-Then excuse me!"

"Fufufu, a maiden's heart is complicated, right? Goodbye for now, Jin."

Once that was done, the two of them headed back to the room and I turned back to Rose.

"Haaa… What an emotionally exhausting day. Let's go back to our home, Rose."

"Yes, let's go back home…"

4 days until Rating Game

Kuoh Academy

""Rock! Paper! Scissors!!!""

"God dammit!!!!!"

Najima threw his pen to the ground out of frustration. It was early in the morning and I had come into the classroom while the Gremory peerage was in the clubroom talking about strategies and tactics. They don't know what the rules of the game are yet, but it's essentially a one versus one…

Can Gasper fight against Coriana if the time comes?

[Maybe, he's grown a lot since then. He's come to Albion and I during our time in the [Pocket Dimension]. He asked for some tips in hand-to-hand combat.]

{Indeed, he has a good grasp on it, too.}

"What?! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Kouta screaming, I look over to him and saw him on the ground. I give him a strange look and then—

"Skyward-sama… A cute first year girl is here to see you…"

Najima says to me while patting Kouta on the back. I nodded and got up; he's taking this a lot better than I thou— Never mind actual tears are streaming down his cheeks… I quickly left the room and found Ravel outside.

"Ravel? How can I help you?"

"U-Um… Here…"

She takes out something from behind her and hands it to me… It's a letter…? Wait a minute, is this the famous love letter from anime?! I was a little speechless but decided to open it since she wasn't leaving or stopping me.

I quickly read over the contents of the letter and chuckled to myself. I see… It was a letter from Lady Phenex and a small section by Ravel. It basically asked if she could live in my home…

I look at the girl in question as she was blushing quite hard.

"Sure thing. You can do it today, right?"


"Cool, I can help you bring them then. Just take them to the clubroom after school."

"Y-Yes! E-Excuse me!"

After that, Ravel quickly dashed away while still blushing. I guess it's fine, right? She's progressing at her own pace… The same with Kuisha.

Tug! Yank!

"…I'll seriously consider it, so give me advice."

I was yanked back into the classroom, during that brief interaction between Ravel and I there were multiple students watching. Some wondered if she was giving me a love letter.

"Haaa… Ravel, I know her parents and that letter was from them asking me if I could let her stay in my home as she studies here…. Geez, you guys need to chill…"

But they fell back in horror, the other more reasonable ones understood it and went back to what they were doing. Najima began to point at me—

"H-How many are living with you now…?!"

"I'm pretty sure Akeno-san, his foreigner girlfriend, Ingvild and a few others!! This guy seriously has a harem…!"

Kouta and Najima come to a conclusion that they should have arrived at a few months ago. I just sigh and shake my head. I headed back to my desk and let them talk amongst themselves.

After school

"Done with festival preparations for the day. You have everything with you, right?"

I ask Ravel as she brings over one last suitcase and puts it on the ground. In total… She had around twenty-five large suitcases. My mouth twitched, if I had to carry that normally I would rather die…

Why do you need that many?! Why do women need so much clothing…? A-Am I just a slob…?

[Well, you wear the same thing nearly every day, just with a bit of change. Like, a different colored shirt but the same design and brand.]

'Apart from the few times, Jin. Your clothing selection sucks.'

Thanks, Ddraig, Velgrynd… Very encouraging…

'I will help you pick out clothes in the future, be ready.'


'If I could hit you right now, Rudra, I would.'


A lover's quarrel…


"Ahhh…? Haaaa? Oh, uh, I'm here. Ready to go?"

Everyone else snickered at me making Ravel even more confused. She doesn't know yet, but it's fine. I summoned a small capsule and put all her suitcases in it.

"I'll give this back to you when we're in my house."

She seemed a little confused, but agreed in the end.

Skyward household

"And home."

"Welcome back, dear."


I look down to see Kuroka in some maid outfit and doing a dogeza towards me. What in the world…?

"Um, Kuroka…?"

Her body starts to shake and then shoots back up.

"I can't do this nya!!!!!! Grayfia this is torture!!"

She looks towards the kitchen and Grayfia, Raiko, Inaie were there, all of them wearing the same maid attire as her.

"Did you not say you wanted to try being a maid, Kuroka?"

"I'm sorry, it's too difficult, I don't want too anymore…"

Grayfia shook her head and sighed. She comes over to me and sees Ravel.

"Ah, Ravel-sama, are you moving in today?"


The Silver Queen of Annihilation, even though she's no longer considered the strongest [Queen] since she isn't part of any peerage anymore, that moniker is still widely known.

"I see, Inaie please help Ravel pick out a room."

"Yes, Grayfia-san."

Inaie bowed to her and came over to us. She seems to be taking this maid thing quite seriously. I look at Grayfia, and we communicate without saying anything.

'You're fine with other maids now?'

'It is my own development, Jin.'

'Pfft, okay, great job Fia…'

After our silent communication, I hand the capsule to Ravel.

"When you pick a room, throw this onto the ground, and it will summon back all your suitcases. And take this, too. Do the same thing, and it'll make your room three times as bigger. Seeing as how much stuff you have; you'll probably need it."

"Ah, y-yes, thank you very much, Jin-sama."

"Please follow me."

Ravel nodded and followed after Inaie. The two of them headed upstairs. During that time everyone else left to do their own thing, so I was there with Rose. I sensed that the Gremory peerage was already down at the training facility.

"They don't stop, do they?"

"Their Rating Game is drawing near after all."

"I know…"

Rose and I spoke briefly before going into the kitchen. Kuroka was being grilled by Grayfia and was being put through her maid training, she looked a little clumsy. She even looked at me with… Puppy dog eyes? No, she's a Nekomata so… Kitty cat eyes…?

But I'm sorry, I won't go against Grayfia's maid training, she seems very serious about it. Even Raiko was taking it seriously… Why though…?

Later that night


"Nyan nyan nyan!"

I could hear Shirone and Kuroka arguing through nyas, why? I do not know; I wasn't planning to stop it though… I was currently in Shigune's room as she played her piano. She was a little frustrated with the constant nya-ing.

So, I put a sound barrier around us. She looks back at me with a thankful expression and continues to play.

"By the way, Shigune… Where do you want to go for our date?"

Shigune stops playing the piano and stares at me. She closes her eyes and thinks about it, she finally opens them—

"C-Can we go to Hawaii…? I recently read some things about their Gods and Goddesses, so I became interested…"

"Hawaii? I'm sure I have been there with Gabriel… I know a little bit, so sure, why not?"

"Gabriel-sama… D-Do you want to invite her too? I feel bad for her, she rarely gets to come here… M-Maybe you can ask Michael-sama or Altaria about her situation?"

Hmmm, I've been meaning to do that too… I want to spend more time with Gabriel, after all. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Altaria and Michael about it. So, Hawaii, huh? I look forward to it, Shigune."

"Yes, I do to—"


We look at each other before laughing. I wonder what those two are so riled up about…? I'll check it out in a bit.

1 day before Rating Game

Japan, Kuoh

I was out buying some things for the club since we need some items for our attraction for the cultural festival. Rose was with me and I stopped by the place where my future restaurant will be.

"This wasn't here a week ago. The Gremory's are quite meticulous, huh?"

The area where my restaurant will be located had already been sectioned off, and the old building had already been removed. The area was a little larger since the other shop was relocated and the entire area was flattened. A sign that says 'Future restaurant' was put there with a chibi drawing of Zeoticus.

"Yes, it seems like it's becoming a reality. When will construction start?"

"I don't know, I'll need to speak with Zeoticus about that. I should start making blueprints soon… Anyway, let's go back."


As we were approaching the school again… I could see… Sona, Tsubaki, Najima and Kouta? We quickly approached them as she was lecturing the two of them. Once we got closer to them, I could see that the two of them were a bit injured.

"Hey… What the hell happened? Did you two fight again?"

Everyone turns to Rose and I. Najima just sighs and shakes his head.

"It's the typical dumb thing we do, Jin. Don't worry about it…"

"Yeah, but we got caught this time around, how unfortunate…!"

Sona just shakes her head and lectures them for a little bit more before letting them go. She then turns to us.

"What was the reason?"

"Something about paper airplanes…"

P-Paper airplanes…? I look at the two as they walked away, they were already buddy-buddy, acting like nothing happened.

"I see… Oh, right. Good luck on your Rating Game, Sona, Tsubaki."

"Yes, thank you. Your match with Sairaorg was also quite entertaining, Jin... We must get going, goodbye for now."

Sona fixes her glasses before leaving, Tsubaki gave a small bow before following her [King]. Rose and I made our way to the clubroom to finish up the final parts of our attraction.

Later that night

Skyward household

It seems like the Gremory peerage were still in the entertainment room still strategizing for the Rating Game tomorrow. They know Sairaorg's trump card now, so they can plan accordingly, but my question is, how will the dice thing turn out?

The higher-ups and the ones running the Rating Game should know how powerful the Gremory devils are… I wonder if Rias will be the same number as Sairaorg? Both may be 12, meaning they can only go out when the maximum number is rolled…


I was in the backyard reading a book while I thought of that too. I heard a voice behind me and I turn around to see it was Ingvild. She walks over and sits beside me.

"Oh, hey Ingvild. I was just reading something out here… Do you need something from me?"

She shakes her head.

"No… Everyone's just busy with their own things. I heard from Rossweisse that the area for your restaurant has been cleared up?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too long now until it's constructed, and I can start my business… I'll probably spend most of my time there, as well as doing my job in the supernatural. I'll probably only go to college for exams or something. I'll let my avatar deal with it."

Ingvild and I talk about random things ranging from the news, internet and the supernatural. She wasn't really there for anything specific, she just wanted to hang out.

I was up at the top floor of my home, I thought of taking a dip in the jacuzzi but… Held back against it since it was nearing one in the morning. Almost everyone was asleep, safe for a few that are still up for whatever reason.

I feel like this was becoming a more common thing since I'm up here a lot. It was in the backyard before…

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~

I turn around to see Rias there, first her [Queen] a few days ago, and now the [King] has paid me a visit. She smiles at me and walks over to my side. We silently look over at Kuoh as a small breeze hits us.

"How do you feel about tomorrow?"

"Our strategy meetings have been… Fruitful, Ravel has also joined in on them and gave her opinion. She's a smart girl, I can see her being a [King] of her own peerage when older, she's certainly smarter than me…"

I look at her in a bit of a surprise. She looks back at me unamused, I didn't think you would admit that right away… No, am I in denial? She's grown a lot since we first met.

This makes sense. Rias doesn't see herself as like some genius with a quintillion I.Q, but she is smart, since she did come up with plans on the spot during the five and fifteen years in the [Pocket Dimension].

"You need a [Rook] and [Pawn], right? Why not have Kanami or Ravel? Ravel for maybe… [Rook]?"

In Canon, Rose was made into her [Rook] but she specialized in magic, but all her [Bishop] pieces were already used. But it did help her a bit since it increased her offense and defense, but [Rooks] are usually slow…

Maybe Kanami? She is already fast on her feet, the increase in offense and defense should be beneficial for her. She's also been wanting to increase her lifespan; I did offer her that, but she's been thinking about it.

"I don't think Ravel will join my peerage, but Kanami has said she may, but I'm still waiting for a reply. But… It can wait, I don't need to add a piece right now. I just need to focus on the current game. But…"

Rias looks at me with a frown.


"I have some trouble with my own trump card, I can use it but… I feel like it's incomplete."

Ah. The one where it's like Issei's [Cardinal Crimson Promotion]? But her armor is a little more transparent since it's made out of her [Power of Destruction]. I have only seen her use it a few times in the [Pocket Dimension] but it does have some functions like my Scale mail.

She can make boosters from behind her, it also increases her offense and defense as well makes some attacks she does easier. She can even use the Dragon Blaster, I'm pretty sure she calls it [Extinction Blaster], though as I said I only saw it a few times.

"I see. Let's make it complete then."

She seemed confused by this, I chuckle and poke her forehead and gave her a bit of permanent draconic energy. She jolted a little and looked at me confused. I essentially made it easier for her to transform into it and made it a little more solid. I tell her this.

"…Thank you, Jin."

We sat down on a bench and spoke for the next few minutes on what their strategy for the game will be. Rias seemed a little more relaxed after I made her new form 'complete'.


Agares Territory

We were back at the same stadium and I could feel many auras from a week ago were also here. I was going towards the Bael team's room first before joining the Gremory's.

"Knock, knock."

The door was already open, so I just say that out loud, and they all turn to me.

"Jin! Did you need something?"

Sairaorg approaches me and we bump fists.

"No, I'm just checking up on all of you. You guys ready?"

The had confident smiles on them and nodded. Sairaorg sees this and nods approvingly.

"As you can see, we're in top form for today's match. We will be going full-throttle from the tart."

"I see… Then I wish you the best, go kick ass."

He nods, and we bump fist one more time before I leave for the Gremory team's room. I roam the hallways when I come across… Roygun? She was with Oleander, her [Queen].


They both turn to me when I called her out.

"Ara? If it isn't Dual Dragon Emperor-sama. You hadn't contacted me in a while, you know ~"

"We texted like two days ago… I would say that isn't 'a while' you know? Anyway, how have you been?"

I glance at her and then to Oleander, who nodded. I guess he's the same as ever, then.

"Huhuhu, we're here to watch this Rating Game as both are rated quite highly by many in the current Rating Games. I do look forward to it. We must be off now, until we meet again, Jin ~"

She blew me a kiss before turning around to leave, Oleander gave me a sympathetic look before following his [King]. Keep on fighting, man, she does seem like a handful to deal with on a daily basis…

As I was finishing my pep talk to everyone in the Gremory team, a certain man came into the room

"Pardon me."



Rias and Ravel exclaimed. The rest of the team looked at him in surprise. Yes, this was none other than Riser Phenex.

"Yo, I've come, Ravel. I see that you're doing well."

He puts a hand up and then goes to sit on a chair. I was more or less expecting this, since helping him out months ago he's been on the steady rise to being himself again, while also being less of a douchebag.

Akeno got up from her seat and poured some tea for him, he genuinely thanked her after receiving some.

I came here to talk about the upcoming match. Basically, today's game has the same amount of attention as that of popular teams competing against each other.

Even the seats are going to be filled out. Add to the fact that almost everyone knows that the Middleman is close to all of you and has trained you... You can see why it's quite hyped.

Don't forget about the previous match between Jin and Sairaorg. Many have high expectations for this game. Don't get overwhelmed and just do what you need to do.

Your own ratings will change depending on your actions during this game. Remember, Rating Games are also to entertain the crowd, so make it fun for them.

Riser says quite seriously to them. Rias narrows her eyes at Riser and sighs.

"I said this last night to Jin, but... I am not as talented as Sona at coming up with tactics, or your sister Ravel. However, I, along with my family, have become stronger over the last few months."

"I can rely on them, and they do the same for me. In spite of that, I will always strive to be better. I have many supporting me."

Rias declares. Riser has a stunned look on him as he stares at Rias without saying anything.

"Heh, is that so? But keep this in mind, Rias. Strategies and tactics can be improved over time, they can't be learned in an instant. You need experience as well."

"I had to go through the same, I hate 'Working Hard' but seeing as how I won't be able to compete without doing so in the future, I must. You have a talent for drawing in people too, but I think a lot of it comes down to—"

Riser stops to look at me, everyone else followed suit. He sighs and continues.

"It was your fate— No, it was ALL your fates to meet him. Whatever was at play, all of you met him in the end and that set something in motion. Even if the trait of a dragon drew others to him."

He gets up and starts to head toward the door. He stops and glance back.

"Have some confidence, Rias. These guys and the Dragon are your treasures."

He blushes and continues to try to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm a pro, so I have experience, so I can guarantee it. You guys beat me fair and square back then, in my personal opinion, the Bael group won't win today. I look forward to competing against you in the future, Rias."

Riser finally reaches the door—

"I will be rooting for you guys. –Win it."

Rias smiles confidently.

"Yes, of course."

However, Riser doesn't move but.

"Jin. Thank you for what you did. I won't forget."

With that, Riser finally left through the door. Leaving the room to look at where he once was. Xenovia turns to me and asks.

"What happened between the two of you?"

"…It's nothing too serious, just a bit of man-to-man and me beating him up a bit. Anyway, I'll get going, the game will start soon."

I was in the VIP lounge for the Devils, on the way there I met up with Rose. She went to find the VIP room that Odin was in and wanted to speak with him, Sirzechs had invited me there and a few people were there that I knew of. This included the previous Riser who was with Yubelluna.

"Ya. Jin-kun, glad you could make it. It'll start in a minute."

Sirzechs walks over to me, and we walk back to some seats. Millicas greets me enthusiastically, the same with Asteri. The same commentators were there, Azazel, Naud, and Diehauser.

[Now, the battle of the century is about to begin! From the east gate, it's Sairaorg Bael's team!]

The crowd went wild. The dome felt like it was shaking to how loud people were screaming. I hadn't noticed this in my own match.

[And finally, from the west gate, it's Rias Gremory's team!]

Another round of cheers, this time it was even louder. Both teams go to their respective bases and waited. The announcer goes through his usual as he explains a few things to the viewers and crowd.

[There is a special rule in this game!]

He goes to explain the same rules as the one in Canon. It was going to be a Die figure game. In a match style game, each piece has a value, and whatever value both die land on are the ones able to participate. It goes something like this:

[King] = Kings can range from 1 to 12 Pawns depending on the estimated value given by the judging committee (based on the strength of the [King] themselves, value of their servants and comparison with the opponents).

[Queen] = 9 Pawns

[Rook] = 5 Pawns

[Knight] = 3 Pawns

[Bishop] = 3 Pawns

[Pawn] = 1 Pawn (Base value)

Each King then rolls their die, depending on what they land on, they add them and whatever number that equals to, those are the allowed participants.

In the Gremory team we have Akeno at 9, Kiba and Xenovia at 3, Gasper and Asia also at 3, and finally Shirone at 5 as the only [Rook] on the team.

The announcer speaks a little more before—

[Now then, the chess-piece value numbers the judging committee chose for each [King] is this!]

When the announcer shouts that out, Rias and Sairaorg's name appears on the huge monitor written in devil-letters, and the numbers under their names are spinning.

[Combatant Sairaorg Bael is 12! Combatant Rias Gremory is also 12! Oooh, both [Kings] have the max number! They both can't participate unless they both roll a 6!!]

"There is no guarantee that Sairaorg or Rias will go on the field if the number is rolled to a 12 though."

Sirzechs and a few devils around me agreed.

[Also, another rule. You cannot send out the same combatant continuously. This also goes the same for the [King]'s!]

Rias Gremory

"Normally, I would be against sending out Asia as she's quite valuable to our team, but… I trust my servants' abilities. We can win this; we have been working on our team work in the training facility. I know you guys can do it."

I say to my family and get energetic responses.

[Now, the game is about to begin! Both teams, are you ready?]

The broadcaster raised the tension, and the arbiter raised his hand high.

[Now, the Rating Game between Sairaorg Bael's team and Rias Gremory's team will begin! GAME START!]

Along with the sound of the start for the game, the cheer from the crowd echoes throughout the stadium…..

Finally, the game began....

[So, then, will the two [Kings] step in front of the stand.]

Being urged by the arbiter, I and Sairaorg go in front of the stand.

[We will start the first match. We will choose the combatants who will be appearing. Will both of you hold the dice?]

I do so.


You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

After the arbiter's call, I roll my dice. It rolls for a few seconds before stopping. The monitor shows the image of the two dice. And the values are...

[The value combatant Rias Gremory rolled is... 2! On the other hand, the value combatant Sairaorg Bael rolled is 1! That is a total value of 3.]

[They will be able to send out their servants within that value! In this case, since the value of the [Pawn] of Sairaorg Bael is high and Rias Gremory has no [Pawn], they will only be able to send out 1 [Knight] or [Bishop] which have values of 3! So, which members will both sides send to the field!?]

The arbiter then announces.

[You get 5 minutes of planning time. So please choose the combatant who will be participating within that time. Also, the promotion for the [Pawns] will be available once they arrive at the field. The promotion will be deactivated every time a match ends, so please use promotion every time you get on the field.]

Five minutes... The maximum value I can send out is 3. That means I can send out Yuuto, Xenovia, Gasper or Asia.

"We can conclude that Sairaorg may assume I will send out either one of my [Knights] since both of them are the value of 3."

"They don't know about Asia or Gasper's training, but they have seen them fight... Well, Gasper during our match against Riser."

Everyone here is essentially a [Queen] and all-rounders. Whoever I choose will bring us victory. I have seen them grow, after all.

"Yuuto, please go."

"Yes, President."

The five minutes quickly ended.

[The five minutes are about to be over. Would the combatants participating in the match please make their way to the magic-circle. The magic-circle is a transport-type. You will be transferred to a battlefield prepared in a different dimension.]

[The match will then be fought on that battlefield. The battlefield will be randomly picked from the ones already prepared. Until the combatants are transferred to the different field, the bases of both sides will be placed in a barrier, so the bases will become invisible. And that barrier will only be taken off every time a match ends.]

Kiba Yuuto

"I will get going then."

"Good luck, Kiba-kun."

"Good luck, Yuuto-senpai."

I nodded as I step on the magic-circle and was transported to another dimension. It was not the first time for me, or for my comrades, but the place I was transported to was unique.

In front of me was a young man with brown hair and green eyes. In battle, he wears medieval armor whilst riding upon Altobrau who was emits blue-white flames, which gives him the appearance of a medieval Knight.

[Oooo! The combatants for the first match have appeared! As you can see, the field is a vast green land! And this vast green land will be the stage for the first match!]

[The ones chosen from both sides with the value of 3 are.... The young noble man of god-speed from the Gremory team! It's combatant Kiba Yuuto! Princess Rias's [Knight] has appeared!]

I heard many of my fans cheer my name. But I focused on my opponent in front of me.

[And from the Bael group...]

Before the broadcaster introduces him--

"I'm one of the [Knights] that serve our master Sairaorg Bael-sama, Beruka Furcas!"

"...…I have luck being a swordsman because I was given the opportunity to exchange swords with the infamous Kiba Yuuto-dono of the holy-demonic sword, by my master."

"I also look forward to having this duel with you."

[Without further ado, begin!]

Both of us take a stance...

"I challenge you! Let us see if the speed of Altobrau and I can match you!"

Beruka says as he disappears from his spot... However, I was used to even greater speed than that!


With one fluid motion, I bring my demonic sword to my right side and stop his attack. I heard him make a surprised sound, but he quickly moved on and kept on attacking me.

He would disappear and reappear at different points around me. However, I only needed to do small movements to block his attacks.

[Oooooooooooh!!!! [Knight] Kiba Yuuto is blocking Beruka Furcas's attack while standing in the same spot!]

"Magnificent! I can't even land an attack on you!"

I nodded before dashing towards him. He tried to counter— But! I did multiple feints, surprising him! I then appear to his side and kick him!


I do not need to draw this out, this small display should be enough. I faced Aurelia-san in the [Pocket Dimension] and couldn't do anything, even now I doubt I could even match her.

As Beruka-san was still in the air, I decided to finish it. I dashed towards him! I change my demonic sword into the shape of a demonic katana blade.

I saw Jin-senpai do this during the last fifteen years, so I observed him doing it and tried to replicate it.

"[Shishi Sonson] (Lion's Song)!"

I sheathed and unsheathed my demonic katana while I passed my opponent!

Shing! Slice! Kshk! Clank! Thud!

When I turn my opponent, Beruka-san was on the ground, the same with his horse. Both were defeated and were unconscious. His armor was destroyed, and he had a cut on his shoulder.

I made sure to hold back, so I wouldn't kill him.

[Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Kiba Yuuto-kun ended it quickly! And with a single swift strike from his demonic sword!]

Beruka-san then disappears in a short burst of light. Then the arbiter announces.

[Combatant Sairaorg Bael's [Knight], retires!]

We take the first battle...

Rias Gremory

[The team which dominated the first match is the Gremory team! Now, then, what will happen in the next match!?]

"Well done, Yuuto."

"Thank you, President."

Yuuto had teleported back into our base as we wait further instructions. He was also congratulated by his fellow members.

Sairaorg and I roll the die again. The value rolled was... 6 by me and 4 by Sairaorg. It's total value of 10, this time it's a rather large value.

[Oooo! This time the total value is 10! Both sides will be able to send out combatants within the value of 10! Of course, it's a value where you can send several combatants!]

I turn to look at my members... 10 is the value. I can't send out Yuuto again, so the ones left are Akeno, Xenovia, Gasper, Asia and Shirone.

"Let's go with Koneko and Asia. Both of you support each other."


"Y-Yes! President!"

Both of them step into the circle once the planning phase was nearly over.

"Go win this, Asia, Shirone!"

Xenovia put her fist towards them. The two of them did the same before teleporting away.

Shirone Toujou

The place Asia-senpai and I were teleported into seemed like to be inside a dark shrine. We were inside a building with giant pillars, there was an altar further in it. The ceiling was destroyed, and we could see the outside through it.

In front of us were our opponents.

A blonde haired, gentle-looking man equipped with light armor and a sword. Also, a giant man who seems to stand 3 meters tall.

"I'm one of the [Knights] of Sairaorg-sama, Liban Crocell. This big one here is the [Rook], Gandoma Balam. We two will be your opponents."

A silent giant….. The [Rook] Gandoma Balam has a large build. His arms are especially huge down till his fingers. His face is more like a monster than a human.

…..Crocell, one of the former 72 pillars. The descendant of an extinct house. Asia-senpai should be aware of this.

[The second match starts now!]

The arbiter announces.

"Asia-senpai, please support me."


I felt her put some buffs on me, and I covered my body in touki. Our two opponents get ready as they go into their own stances.


I appear beside the [Rook] Gandoma as he hadn't caught up with my speed. They may have underestimated my speed, since I'm labeled as a [Rook]...


I punch him on the side, and he was sent flying towards the wall. His teammate gained a surprised look and tried to attack me. I, however, dodge them all easily and jumped towards the downed [Rook].

I held back on my punch, as I didn't want to blow a hole through him. But as I approached him, he— Gandoma was already swinging a right hook at me. I maneuver mid-dash and jump over him; I land on the part of the wall that wasn't destroyed.

He punched nothing and I jumped back down and landed an axe kick on his head!



His fellow [Knight] shouts at the sudden development. Gandoma falls to the ground, knocked unconscious.

[Oh! It looks like the [Rook] Gandoma is already knocked out by Princess Rias' [Rook] Koneko!]

The [Knight] Liban looked annoyed, but decided to attack Asia-senpai instead. Little did he know...


His eyes glowed, and I felt the surrounding gravity increase.

"That should keep you in place for now. I will deal with the suppor—"


Liban, the [Knight] of Sairaorg Bael flew across the underground shrine and hit the altar hard. While he was looking at me and walking towards Asia-senpai—

She had gotten up, covered her body in touki and punched him. Asia-senpai has the nickname 'One Punch Woman' after all. Nee-sama said her mastery in touki is unnatural... Even for youkai standards.

[....C-Combatant Sairaorg Bael's [Knight] and [Rook] retires!!]

The arbiter wasn't expecting that... Nor was the crowd, as they had mostly remained in stunned silence. Our match was over, and we took the second victory.

Rias Gremory

[With the second match finished, the Bael side has 3 members that have retired while the Gremory side still have their full team! Gremory is in the lead, but we don't know how the rest will play out!]

"Wonderful work, you two."

I praised the two as they nodded. Yuuto then said.

"Asia-chan ended it with a single punch, much like many of her battles in the [Pocket Dimension]."

We both stepped up to roll our dice again... And this time, we rolled... A total of 8! I look back at my peerage... Who shall I send out? Perhaps Yuuto?

"...Yuuto and Gasper, please go ahead."

"Yes, President."


The two of them walk towards the magic circle while chatting.

"Gasper-kun, if we face against Coriana-san, what will you do?"

"...Regardless if I do, I must do my best for my [King]!"

"Good answer, let's go."

I felt a sense of pride well up in my chest. Gasper... You've come a long way since I first met you... The shy shut-in vampire who hated socializing with anyone.

Now look at you... You can interact with just about anyone without being nervous, and it looks like you may get a lover soon...

"We feel the same way, Rias ~"

I turn back to look at Akeno.

"He's come a long way from where we once knew him. Due to his own efforts and with Jin's help..."


That's right, It's because of him...

Kiba Yuuto

Gasper-kun and I were transported to some sort of flower garden. There were different types of flowers blooming all over the area, the scent was quite overwhelming if I'm being honest. However, in front us were—

"Hi, hi, Gasper ~"

I glance at Gasper as he had a face of determination, but also waved back at the female in front of us. Well, there were two of them, actually. Both of us had the value of 6. I, the [Knight] and Gasper the [Bishop].

In front of us was… A person he and I knew very well. Coriana Andrealphus, one of Sairaorg Bael's [Bishops] and the other was… A tall and lanky man with dark green hair and red eyes.

"How do you do, [Knight] Kiba Yuuto? I am Ladora Buné the other [Rook] of Sairaorg-sama."

The other [Rook] introduces himself. I see, so it's like that, huh? I look at Gasper—

"Kiba-senpai, please let me face Coriana-san alone."

"If you are certain, then I won't interrupt you."

Coriana also says the same thing to Ladora, he and I look at one another before jumping away to a different spot of the flower garden.

"That may be a lover's battle."

He says, and I couldn't help but smile and summon a demonic sword.

"It indeed will be. Best of luck."

"To you too."

Ladora then brings his arms in a cross shape on his chest.


He exploded in a large explosion of light, when it was finished, he had transformed into a dragon… Buné… I see, now I remember. That's one of the clans from the 72 pillars. If I remember currently, they are tamers of dragons.

It does come as a surprise, he's a survivor and can transform into a dragon? His dragon form is mostly brown and has a look of a western dragon.

Ladora fires a breath attack towards me!


I avoided the attack by jumping to my side. But he doesn't stop his assault as he continues to spew balls of flames at me. I quickly maneuver around the flower garden and avoided the attacks.

I summon my [Flame Delete] demonic sword and aim it towards the flaming coming towards me.


The flames that were coming towards me froze once they touched my sword! He became surprised and flew away as to not get frozen as well. But I didn't let him escape as I quickly followed after him.

I appeared above him and summoned [Destruction Sword], it required both of my hands to wield but as the name suggests it's quite destructive and has a lot of attack power! I brought down the sword on the fleeing Ladora!

Bang! Crash!


However, he wasn't defeated yet, as he slowly got up, and I backed away.  He fired another but larger flame breath toward me. I summoned [Flame Delete] once again and froze the flames. This time he didn't have the strength to move.

I appeared in front of him and with one swift motion— Defeated him.

"…Wonderful, I enjoy our short duel, Yuuto Kiba."

Ladora says as he disappeared. I de-summoned my swords and turn to look at Gasper-kun and Coriana-san.

Gasper Vladi

"Who would have thought we would face each other here, Gasper? ~"


I also didn't think it would happen; however, I will still win this. We have to put aside personal feelings and relationships during Rating Games. I had been training relentlessly in the [Pocket Dimension], I have many people to thank for helping me…



Her eyes widen as she stares at me, a little surprise. Yes, I covered myself with touki. I'm good friends with Koneko-chan, her sister Kuroka-san, Jin-senpai and many other touki users. I thought it might be good for me to learn how to use it.

So, I approached them during those years and learned from them. With the use of my darkness and shadow manipulation plus my Sacred Gear, and finally touki…

"Here I come, Coriana-san!"

As I prepare to dash towards her, to my surprise, she—

"W-W-W-W-W-W-What are you doing...?!?!"

— She started to strip! W-Why?! Also, please don't show your body to the rest of the supernatural! It's indecent! I was stunned in place as she was already in her bra and underwear.

"Fufu, I know how innocent you are when it comes to this kind of thing, Gasper ~ so, I thought I could use it as an advantage for our game. Of course, if we did fight one another ~"

"K-Kiba-senpai is still here…"

But I did say I would fight her alone…! I glance to my senpai, and he had a complicated expression on him, but he didn't come to help…. So, I am left to face her by myself then…


It was only a few more days before our match with the Bael peerage and I had a question brewing in my mind. I knew of it already, months ago… But the reality is closing in and I wasn't sure if I could go through with it.

So, I approached the one person I know who had a lot of experience with relationships. He was making lunch as Grayfia-san was back in the Gremory home as she was needed for a job.

"What's up, Gya-suke?"

He answers me without turning around. I go over to a chair and sit on it.

"Our game with the Bael team is near, I have a question I wanted to ask…"


"…There is a possibility that I'll fight against, Coriana-san, right?"

"Hmm, that's right."

"What do I do in that situation?"

He stops what he was doing and turns around to face me. He stares at me for a few seconds, it felt a little awkward but…

"Before I answer that, do you like her, Gya-suke?"

.........E-Eh…? L-Like her? W-Well, I certainly don't dislike her… But I don't think Jin-senpai will accept an answer like that. He's not telling me to confess but… Is he rather asking me how I truly feel about her?

I look down at the ground. When she first came here, I was a little weirded out, she started to hang out with me and speak to me about many topics. It was… A strange feeling, but I didn't dislike it.

It felt a little like how Valerie and I used to speak for hours on end about anything and everything. We still do on occasion, but we're a little preoccupied… I enjoy my time with her.

"You seem to know your answer, just think about this. What if another man takes her?"

…Thinking of it like that, I don't like it. I didn't think I would feel about someone like this.

"Yes, I think I like her."

"Okay. And what were the rules we had to follow as the only guys in the Occult research club?"

ORC group's male lessons:

"1. A man has to protect a girl!"

"2. A man has to stand up no matter what!"

"3. Don't give up, no matter what!"

I repeat what Jin-senpai said to Kiba-senpai and I a few months ago. He nods satisfied.

"You know, I had to fight a lot of my lovers during the time we spent in the [Pocket Dimension], but I always held back. I don't know how you'll feel when the time comes, but… Just do what you think is best. No hard feelings on the Rating Game field, right?"

Do what I think is best…?


I activated my Sacred Gear [Forbidden Balor View] and froze Coriana in place, she seemed shocked. I'm sorry, but, I want President to win this! For her dream in the future, I can't stop here…

"No hard feelings, Coriana-san!"

I dashed towards her, my body flowing with touki and punched her in the gut!


"Ah… Gasper…"


She fell to the ground, unconscious. When I look back up, a large part of the flower garden was destroyed… I-I didn't hurt her too badly, right!? I felt a panic rising within me—

[It's fine, Gya-suke, she's fine.]


However, he didn't answer me, but the arbiter did instead.

[Combatant Sairaorg's [Bishop] and [Rook] retires!!!]

Rias Gremory

"Well done, Yuuto, Gasper!"

"Thank you, President. Gasper-kun did well too."

"Thank you…"

Gasper seemed a little tired, even though he ended his duel quite quickly. Perhaps it took an emotional toll on him? It's very likely, as he's quite close to Coriana-san. He goes to sit on a chair and summons a carton of juice and drinks from it.

Sairaorg only has his lone [Bishop], [Pawn], [Queen] and himself left… Who will he use…? I go up to the stand again and roll the dice, and the total value is… Eight again. I turn back to my family…

"President Rias, let me go."

Xenovia stood up and was looking at me with serious eyes. Her value is 3 as a [Knight]… Who shall I pair up with her then…? But before I could think any further, Asia also got up.

"I want to support Xenovia-san!"


I look at the two as they turn back to me—I sigh, very well.

"Very well, good luck and be careful. Cover for each other's weaknesses."

""Yes, President!!""

Xenovia Quarta

Asia and I arrived in a wasteland type dimension. In front of us was just a single person.

"I am Misteeta Sabnock, Sairaorg-sama's last [Bishop], I am prepared to put my life on the line… Because Sairaorg-sama's dream is our dream!"

The [Bishop] called Misteeta, he is a young boy with light green hair and violet eyes, with two identical hair ornaments; one on each side. He then summons… A staff?

[The fourth battle starts now!]

The arbiter announces.

I summon Ex Durandal, but when I do— I felt a weird shock to my body! He— Misteeta was aiming the staff at me… I felt some sort of weird sensation coming onto my body, but I resisted and broke free!


"W-What?! H-How can you resist [Trick Vanish]?! It's supposed to seal any opponents' abilities for a short amount of time…"

He was genuinely shocked. He didn't think I would resist and break free…?

"[Trick Vanish]? Is that some sort of Sacred Gear?"

But he didn't answer and clutched his head. Is the drawback for such a powerful Sacred Gear painful? I glance at Asia and she nodded.

"Forgive me, you are the only one."

Dwosh! Bang!

I dashed towards him and defeated the [Bishop] with one powerful swing of Ex Durandal. He didn't try to avoid it— No, he couldn't avoid it. I saw it, while brief, he tried to move out of the way but… Couldn't.

With no backup or support, wizard-types like him are easily taken out of Rating Games. He had a sad look on him as he disappeared.

[Combatant Sairaorg's [Bishop] retires!!!]

The crowd cheered again; all our fights don't last long, so they may be looking forward to seeing Sairaorg fight our [King].

Rias Gremory

"I did not think he would have a Sacred Gear, it seemed to be a rare one at that. He called it [Trick Vanish], but I think you can resist it if you're strong enough."

Xenovia and Asia came back as I congratulated them in their quick victory. Sairaorg only has two members left, and then himself. His Sacred Gear [Regulus Nemea] which is also his [Pawn] and his [Queen] Kuisha Abaddon.

I stepped up to the stand again and rolled it… It was a nine this time. I and everyone else looked over at Akeno as she got up with her eyes closed. This… It should be a battle of [Queens], unless Sairaorg sends out Regulus on his own, which I doubt.

"Good luck, Akeno-san."

"Do your best, Akeno-senpai!"

Her peerage members started to wish her luck, once she got on the magic circle, she opens her eyes.

"Thank you, everyone, I'll be right back."

Akeno Himejima

I had been teleported into a strange area, there were many giant towers that were made out of rocks, and they were lined up in a strange way. I was standing on one of these towers, at the other rooftop was…

— Kuisha Abaddon, Sairaorg Bael's [Queen]. Hailing from the 'Extra Demons', house of Abaddon. The current third rank in the Rating Games also comes from the house of Abaddon.

Kuisha is a female with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes.

She wears a costume that is open in the chest area revealing her large breasts and cleavage and part of her stomach, the costume has a section cut off in her arms revealing her shoulders. She wears a belt and long trousers.

Jin told me what clan trait they have. It's apparently called [Hole]. This technique allows the user to create and control portals that expand and retract according to the user's will, and are able to absorb attacks and reflect them back as they choose.

Once these holes have absorbed something in them, the user can reopen them in a different area of space nearby to release everything they've absorbed. However, Jin mentioned that they have a limit.

Depending in on how strong the user is… They can only absorb a certain amount before it shatters and breaks. I know the difference between us is quite large. I can also tell from a distance she has become stronger, she's at least Ultimate-class.

'Hey Akeno, it's ponytail versus ponytail if you and Kuisha fight in the Rating Game!'

Why did I remember such silly words from Jin just now…? I couldn't help but smile, making my opponent across from me tilt her head in confusion.

"So, you came, Holy Lighting Priestess."

"Yes, I did. Let's get along, shall we?"

We stare at each other with unmoving gazes.

[Without further ado! Let the fifth match, start!!!]

Both of us fly into the sky and start sending out fire elemental attacks towards Kuisha. She swiftly avoids them while also firing some attacks back at me. It seems like we were both testing the waters.

I sent out a large volume of water towards her, and she counters it with wind. Even if I'm holding back, she's doing well in countering my attacks… I'm doing this for you too, Jin ~ I know what this woman feels about you ~

But unknown to her, I was already preparing a large attack above us. I keep up my farce as I wait for the attack to charge up. I had worked on this during the fifteen years we spend in the [Pocket Dimension].

I wondered if I could charge up a [Kirin] without doing the motions, but… Using my demonic energy and manipulating it with my own will. It took many attempts and help from Jin… But it's possible, and I'll use it today.

"What's wrong, [Queen] of Gremory? Are you only going to run away the entire match?"

I could tell that she felt a little frustrated. I had deliberately used less power in my attacks, so she couldn't use her [Hole] ability on them.

"Ufufufu ~ I do wonder ~"

Bang! Bang!

We fired another round of elemental attacks at one another, each of them canceling one another. But the crowd was still liking it so… I'll keep it up, the attack is nearly done after all.


Kuisha Abaddon stopped attacking me and floated on the spot. She was just glaring at me; did she get frustrated with me?

[My! I wonder what happened?! Are the two [Queens] of both teams just an even match?!]

The arbiter asks, and the crowd became even more hyped. I smiled and glance towards Sairaorg Bael's base.

"I'm sorry for the wait, Kuisha."


"Vanish with the roar of Draconic Holy Lightning…"

She looked confused at me. I then point to the sky; she looked up and— A large dragon made out of holy lightning came down from the sky and was heading towards her quickly.


She desperately tried to use her [Hole] ability but was too late—

Fshhhkk!! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Combatant Sairaorg Bael's [Queen] retires!!!]

However, she somehow retired before my attack hit. Once my attack was finished, that part of the dimension was no more. The cheering of the crowd had stopped as they looked at the damage I caused with shock.

"Did I use too much…?"

I asked no one in particular while putting a hand on my cheek.

[T-T-T-The dimension was destroyed by Rias Gremory's [Queen]'s attack!!!]

Sairaorg appears on the monitor. He had a mortified expression.

[...I made Kuisha retire forcefully. At that rate, she would have been killed by Holy Lightning Priestess. You were trying to kill her, were you not?]

I shook my head.

"I forgot to regulate my attack power, I became too excited at the thought of fighting your [Queen], my apologies, Sairaorg-sama."

I bowed and heard him sigh.

Rias Gremory


"I'm sorry, President, I should have held back a little more."

Akeno had teleported back in and was frowning; she was upset with herself. This hadn't happened before, and she was really beating herself up about it.

"I will go apologize after the game…"

I nodded and turned back to the stand… One last match… What will we roll?

[May I put in a suggestion?]

Suddenly, Sairaorg appears on the screen again.

[Oh? What might that be, contestant, Sairaorg?]

[For this next match— No, this last match, I wish to have a team battle, it is only I and my Sacred Gear [Regulus Nemea] left, and we are, in a way, a one-person team.]

Emperor Belial appears on the screen.

[Certainly, that seems like the right course of action. He and his [Pawn] are both required if we wish to see his [Balance Break] again. With the Gremory team having a full house… It will be an interesting battle.]

I look at the screen, and then back to my peerage. It will depend on the committee's answer to Sairaorg's request, so we have no say in this.

[I certainly don't see a problem with it, but… I have personally seen these guys fight and having them all fight Sairaorg Bael would be a bit…]

He didn't finish his sentence, yes, I also agree. It would be… A bit unfair, and I don't think the crowd would like it that much.

A few minutes go by, and then the arbitrator reappears.

[I'm sorry for the delay, everyone! It seems like the committee has… Decided deny the request! However! They have suggested something else! It seems like they also see contestant Sairaorg and Regulus as [One] participant and so will allow for them to both participate in the final match!]

[The next match will have an automatic number of 12! Meaning—]

[It's a battle of [Kings] then.]

Azazel and Emperor Belial finish the arbiter's sentence, and he nods furiously with an excited expression.

[Do both contestants agree?]


Sairaorg and I agree without hesitation. In this revised scenario, it gives Sairaorg a chance to win if both [Kings] are up against each other. I also wanted to fight against him, so it worked out for me…

"Good luck, Rias."

"Good luck, President."

Everyone wished me luck…

"Thank you, I will bring in the victory, everyone."

I stepped on the magic circle and was teleported away.

The place I was teleported to…

"This is…"

"Fuahaha! How ironic! It's the same place I fought Jin in!"

Sairaorg laughs heartily across from me. He had his usual confident smile plastered on his face, Regulus was also beside him, but he did not have his hood or mask on anymore.

"Rias. There's something I want to say before the fight."

Sairaorg says it directly to me.

"Your servants fought well, it is clear to me and everyone else that they care a lot for you too. You are a very caring [King] after all. It makes me a little jealous."

He closes his eyes and gains a serious expression.

"However, for my dream, I must win this. I will be going all out from the start."

"Of course, I expected that from you, Sairaorg."

He smiles at me—



"[Balance Break]!!!!"

Sairaorg dons his golden lion armor once again and goes into a stance. I also cover my body with the [Power of Destruction].

[Let the final match, begin!!!!!!!!!!!]


[[[[[Princess Rias!!!!!!!!!!]]]]]

The crowd went wild as both of us powered up. One moment Sairaorg was far away from me, the next he appeared below me, he was readying to punch me.

Don! Gan!

He sent a punch towards me, but I blocked it with my leg. That part of his armor was instantly destroyed. He backed away once he saw this. If he touches me, then he will get hurt, now what will you do, Sairaorg?

"I see, that's one mighty defense, Rias… However, I am willing to sacrifice this body in order to win. Even if I loss both my hands."

He dashed back towards me; I avoided all his attacks! Each and every time he makes contact with a part of my body that I blocked, his armor would shatter but then instantly repair itself! That was to take a lot of stamina to do.

Don! Shatter! Don! Shatter!

[It seems like Princess Rias Gremory is untouchable! The [Power of Destruction] that surrounds her body is constantly destroying the armor around Sairaorg Bael's hands! What will he do?]

[He cannot do much, Sairaorg Bael is a Power-type, while Rias Gremory is more of a Wizard-type. They're quite incompatible. Add to the fact that young Rias seems to have mastered her clan's trait to a high degree, almost like her brother, Sirzechs Lucifer…]

Emperor Belial makes an observation and tells his thoughts to everyone. I continue to block and parry Sairaorg's attacks. He's quite relentless, however, I know he won't back down just because of this… The only way to beat him is to knock him down.

I have been training with many people over the years in the [Pocket Dimension], this includes hand-to-hand combat… Just like Jin, I will show 'that' here, right now. Putting a little more strength into my legs, I send a kick towards Sairaorg, he sees this and puts his arms up to guard.

Bam! Kshhhhhhhhh!!!

"I know you won't retire even if all odds are against you, Sairaorg, so I will face you head on too."

I jump far away and gather more of my [Power of Destruction] around my body, slowly… My clan's trait started to form a transparent crimson armor around my body. Crimson chest plate, leg guards, footwear, arm guards, a helmet and boosters behind me.

To finish it off— A single green jewel in the middle of my chest. I recently added this after Jin helped me complete it, a symbol— To the man I love.

I had thought of doing something like this because I heard Jin speak of his [Queen] form at multiple points while we were in the [Pocket Dimension]. My own love for him grew as we spent more time with each other.

He helped me— No, helped all of us reach this level of power… I personally don't think we would have reached it otherwise. I also have come far… He was the one to show me my faults, and I was forced to improve and grow up.

I was in heavy denial for a long time, but eventually started to take it seriously, even if I was just trying to get back at the 'Masked-man'. Looking back at it now, it's laughable…

In my eyes he was 'perfect' but… As time went on, he showed his own faults, his imperfections. We weren't the only ones to grow… He was also growing alongside us; I tend to forget that Jin is still the same age as us.

Even if we know the fact that he was twenty-six in his past life, he admitted that he stopped mentally and emotionally growing for a long time before his death. I— No, we felt it that day. The day he used his [Queen] form and grew even further.

I want to win… I want to win and show Jin that I can stand beside him and not just behind him! Can I walk beside him in the future and not be left behind? He's going to have many people around him…

[W-What is that?! Princess Rias has just… Created armor from her [Power of Destruction]?! Governor Azazel, any comments?!]

[I've never seen this before nor has Sirzechs mentioned being able to do anything like that… At best he has… Never mind I can't say that, but I did not expect Rias Gremory to have an ace like that!]

"First Jin… And now you, Rias?! Fuahahahahaha! It seems like you two take a lot from each other! Let us continue, then! Come!"


Activating the boosters behind my back— The color of black and crimson, energy comes out of them and propels me forward! I appear in front of Sairaorg and send a punch towards him.

However, it seems like he was expecting this, as Jin did the same thing. He was already throwing a punch my way— So, our fist collided.


"Augh?! … Ha… Fuahahaha!"

Sairaorg started to laugh as our fists hit one another, as he continued to laugh, I could feel his entire life's energy being poured into those punches. A man desperate to fulfill his dream. I summon my wings and fly into the sky.

I create multiple small balls of [Power of Destruction] behind me, there was probably around a hundred of them. Sairaorg grinned at me and I did a small gesture with my hand as they all fly towards him!

Sairaorg desperately dodges them all! And jumps up towards me while shouting my name.


Bam! Crash!

Copying Koneko's move, I avoided Sairaorg's attack and axe kicked him on top of his head. This made him crash into the ground, I quickly fly down as he already started to get up.  Jin was holding back a lot and let him have a fighting chance…

I'm sorry, I won't be doing that. But I am holding back in order not to accidentally kill you. Akeno nearly did the same to your [Queen]. I hit Sairaorg with a barrage of kicks and punches, each of them aiming at a vital spot.

Don! Don! Don! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Each time I hit him, his armor broke and repaired itself, however, that also eventually hit its limit. With one final kick, I send him flying in front of me… Just like Jin. I summoned transparent crimson-colored canons above my shoulders and charged them with my [Power of Destruction]…

[Ooooooooohhh!!!!! Is this the end for Sairaorg Bael?!]

Sairaorg Bael


Strong… Rias has become so strong. I know Jin was holding back during our match to let the crowd enjoy it, but… It feels like Rias is quite relentless, it feels like I'm fighting Sirzechs Lucifer-sama and I never stood a chance.

I feel really uncool now. Jin, you trained them, didn't you? Did you know the outcome of this Rating Game before you came into our room…? No, you definitely did, but… I couldn't help but chuckle.

There are still many individuals that are above me… Now my cousin who wasn't this strong a few months ago can just do this to me… I feel… Quite proud to be born in this generation. But, my dream may come to an end…

[It won't end, Sairaorg, not unless I have a damn say in it.]

…..?! J-Jin…?!

[Fuahaha! Is what you would say, right? I may not be a devil but, if I can help out a friend who helped me out of a rut… Then I'll try my best in having your dream realized. Stand proud, Bael.]

I see—


Rias Gremory

"…Extinction Blaster."

Schhhhkkkkkkkk!!!! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An enormous crimson and black energy wave came out of my cannons, and they quickly headed towards Sairaorg, who didn't seem to try to avoid it. It reached him and confused him before exploding.

Once the explosion died down… He was lying on the ground completely out cold, then his body began to disappear.

[Resignation confirmed!!!! …..T-T-The winner is, Rias Gremory!!!!!!!!!! The Gremory team has won!!!]

The crowd exploded in loud cheers and shouting as I exited my crimson armor. One step closer to my dream… But I had to deny another of his…

Japan, Kuoh

Day of Culture festival

Jin Skyward

"Please line up in one row!"

Asia, who was in a cute waitress outfit, was making the students line up in the corridor. It's a really long line for the café.

The ones who had survived the haunted house section were here, lining up for the café portion. I didn't think we would be that popular, but low and behold we are! Shaula was the one manning the fortune-telling section, but many males came to the café giving me the stink eye.

I asked Shaula what happened, but she said that they tried to flirt with her or ask her out on a date, and she bluntly replied that I was her lover… Yeah, alright, I can see why they're pissed off at me…

Irina was also wearing a waitress outfit but was the one advertising for our café, even though the ones that come here had to go through the haunted house… So, I kinda see this as pointless, but I won't tell her…

"Say cheese ~"

A student was taking a photo with Rias. She and many others here were quite popular... The one who suggested this was Griselda. I was against it but was voted out so all I can do is sulk about it. But we are charging them for it, so they gotta pay up.

Though, Rias did look gorgeous in it. She sees me looking at her and huffs.

"Jin! Come here and help!"

Hey, I was doing my part too! The most important, in fact!

[And that would be?]


[Shut up and go help!]

In the distance I could hear some screams coming from the haunted house, many weren't of terror though. Kiba and Gasper were helping out in that section, but it's only for a brief time. The youkai and ghost we hired are doing most of the job.

"I kind of expected that… So, all the higher-ups who were supporting Sairaorg withdrew, huh?"

I was talking with Azazel as I counted up the ticket sales we currently have. I was taking a break after putting in actual work. He lost to Rias so… This was the outcome, his dream gone… Well, not unless I have something to say about it.

"Yeah, they withdrew. It just means that they aren't the kind of people to reach out and help you unless you're useful. If they perceive you as a 'loser' then why the hell would they help you?"

"It's cruel, and I honestly hate those... 'Boomers', that's right, right?"

I nod.

"Anyway, if they don't see any worth in you or fail to meet their expectations, then they'll discard and throw you away at a moment's notice. Anyway, Rias manhandled Sairaorg, honestly… You holding back was the highlight of his fights."

Well, I won't deny that. From the moment both [Kings] fought, it was already obvious who was going to win, even after I healed him. The way Rias fought was smart, using her [Power of Destruction] like that.

One positive thing did come out of this… For now, at least, is that he's still the heir to his clan. Sairaorg is still a strong devil, and they can't just throw him out like that. Otherwise, they'll suffer, even if they have a backup.


"Jin! Dude! What the hell?!"

Just then, both Najima and Kouta came into the room. Both Azazel and I look at them with questioning expressions.

"What's up?"

""Who's Shaula-san?!""

Azazel gains a shit-eating grin before dipping out, little fucker, come back here! I just sigh and shake my head.

"Another harem member, deal with it."

Both just fall to the ground, done with it all. Just then, Ravel comes back out with more tickets.

"Jin-sama, I have new tickets."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, thanks Ravel. Let's go… Ah right, here. Try your chances with this."

I take four tickets from Ravel and hand them to the two, they instantly regained life.

"Ohhh!!! Sasuga Skyward-sama, his benevolence knows no bounds!!!"

"Dates ~ dates ~ dates~"

Both of them quickly left and were probably going to try to get dates for the day… Ravel was mostly confused, and we quickly got back to our jobs.

"Oh right, thanks for the snacks earlier, Ravel. They were quite tasty."

"I-I-I-I'm glad you like them, J-Jin-sama!"

"So, the Sitri group had a flag battle, huh?"

"Yeah, so we had to run around the field, and I'm still dead tired afterwards.... Aaahhh... I want to slack off..."

Shirone and I were on another break while we walked around the building with Saji, he was on patrol since he was part of the student council. We had come across him while enjoying the festival, so we just went around with him.

It seems like the Sitri group had a match against the Agares group at the same time as Rias and Sairaorg. They had to take each other's flag, it involved a lot of strategy and tactics.

Unlike the one with the Gremory and Bael which was just beat the living shit out of each other until they win.

"You guys won, right?"

"Yes, we won by a narrow margin. But since it was a battle to take each other flags, being stupidly powerful wasn't necessary. But..."

"At the very end, I used my [Vritra Promotion] and turned into the Dragon King and went berserk. I ended up destroying the battlefield, and we got horrible ratings... Ugh... I caused problems for President Sona..."

Saji puts his head down in disappointment.

"I still need training… Otherwise, I'll always have to rely on you, Jin-senpai in order to get out of that state… Ugh.... Aaahhh!!! You!!! Don't sit on the flower bed! Isn't there a sign there?! Sorry, Jin-senpai, Koneko-chan, I have to go!"

He quickly leaves us to scold the student. I feel a tug from Shirone.

"Let's go do those shooting games…"

"I will do my best to get you a prize, Shirone!"

She cutely nodded as we headed towards them. I indeed win a prize for her, it was just some candy but hey, it's better than nothing, right?

The school festival was now at its climax and there were camp fires on the school ground where everyone was doing 'Oklahoma mixer'. Right about now, the guys and girls were having fun dancing.

A few individuals did come here to check the festival out, but... That's a story for another time. Sensing Rias' aura in the clubroom go into it, most of the members are avoiding the place, so I went in there. But there was someone else there, hopefully they won't interrupt us…

Since the school festival was ending, mostly everyone had changed back into their school uniform. Rias had also done the same thing, she was in her school uniform, I phased from the door and then knocked on it to get her attention.

She turns my way.



I walk over to her as she was looking through the window, while we were a bit far from the camp fires, we could still see them from here.

"It's our last year here, you know? I wanted to come here, even if it's just for a little bit."

"I see…"

Maybe I should start this off? I mean, she seems quite hesitant…

[Go for it. You haven't exactly said the words to each other, though… What was that saying? 'Actions speak louder than words?' Both of you have been doing that for months now.]

I get it, Ddraig. I'll do it, yeesh. I started to say something when Rias suddenly hugs me. I, on reflect, hug her back.

"Thank you."


"Everything you've done until now, thank you, Jin. I don't think I or the rest of my family would have come this far if it weren't for you."

I don't think that's totally accurate. I just gave everyone a push in the right direction and they got over their own personal troubles by themselves, of course, with a bit of help from the rest of us… But I think saying that will ruin the mood, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

"There are so many things I want to say… I don't think we would have enough time in the day if I said them all… But…"

She pulls away from me and looks at me, tears were already streaming down her face. She touches my cheek—

"Jin, I love you... I want to stay with you for the rest of my life."


Yeah, seeing her grow this much has been great to see. No, everyone has grown… I would like to think I'm also part of that mix. Both of our faces slowly inch closer to one another until we share a kiss.

Chu ~

Our kiss eventually ends, it wasn't like the usual sloppy kisses but just a regular one but I could feel a lot of emotions from it. We eventually ended up just hugging for the next few minutes.

"Huuu... I've been meaning to say that for the longest time now, you know…?"




Just then, Ravel came into the room wearing an apron and mittens, in her hands was a big cake. She looks at her cake and then to us.

"Um, did I interrupt something…?"

Ravel was sporting a small blush as she puts down the cake on a nearby table. Rias and I both chuckle at her.

"No, it's fine Ravel… Did you make that cake?"

"Ah— Yes! W-Would both of you like to try it?"

We both nodded and went over to have some. Eventually everyone else also came to the clubroom, followed by team Slash/Dog, Akeno's parents, Rias' extended family, a few Gods and the rest of my lovers.

We enjoyed a light-hearted rest of the night.

A few days later



I turn around to see Ignia there with a grin. We were in a random desert as he said he wanted to speak with me.

"Father. I have some great news for you."

"Go on."

"Ireland, Russia, and Egypt. Those are the locations of part two of the plan that they had come up with for some big plan they came up with. Dunno the exact details, since this was in the works for the longest time."

"Anyway, those are the countries being targeted."

Ireland, Russia and Egypt? Why?

"I see, I'll go and get some shadows to defend those places then."

"Mmm, anyway, I'll be in Egypt with the Hero faction, so… If you want to blow a big hole in their plans, you can start there."

"I'll do that."

Ignia then grins as his fighting spirit explodes. I had already erected a barrier around us.

"Alright, let's tango then."

"I've been waiting for this!"

Dimensional Gap


"Is this fine, Bellion?"

Kamish asked his fellow shadow soldier.

"Jin-sama asked us to protect this dimension, Mothra and Godzilla are in another part. Yes, this should be part of it. I do not know why the Hero faction is here but… We did just kill a large part of their organization."

Bellion looks at the corpses of the humans they just killed.

"However, no key members are here, perhaps they were just here to scout? Regardless of the reason, I shall report this to Jin-sama."

Kamish made a grunt, as he didn't really care what happened to the humans here. They trespassed and even tried attacking them, as far as he was concerned. That was asking for death.


Bellion looked at a few corpses, some had… Robes on them? Could hey have been magicians? He will tell his creator this as well.

End of Volume 4. I will be back in a few weeks with the start of Volume 5. Goodbye for now.

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