Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 71: Volume 5 – Chapter 1 – Part 3 – D ∞ D, Beasts, and Vera

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Dimension Lost

Jin Skyward


Boom! Splat!


The Oni started to speak, but I threw a punch in front of me and blasted them away. The dust quickly settled, and the male Oni had lost his arm and was bleeding profusely. The person beside him was panicking.

"Tch. Can't even wait for my introduction?"


"Not interested."


I appeared behind them, and tethered them on the spot. Although they tried to struggle quickly, they were unable to do anything. I upgraded all my binding techniques to seal anyone's powers once they are bound by it. I used [Observe] on them to see who they were.

The male Oni was called Yaku, and the female one-eyed youkai was Kubota. I touched their heads and froze them in time.




"I see."

"You… See?"

Azazel repeats, and I open my eyes to stare at him.

"Yeah. I read their memories. To put a long story short: What Ignia told me was true, and these two were lied to. They weren't that high up in their organization, but they had some sort of authority over a majority of their organization."

"I guess glorified henchmen with false authority would be a fitting way to put it. Anyway, this one is Yaku, and the other is Kubota. A few more powerful monsters and youkai will be in Russia with Mard Gear, as well as one of the leaders."

"I believe they're the other fallen that disappeared along with Azrael, so… Jibrail, Mīkhā'īl, and Isrāfīl. There are only three countries being targeted. Therefore, I'll assume either one, two of them will be at one of those countries, or two, they have another country in mind to attack."

"They know nothing about the Hexennacht, but do have information about the Hero Faction. Right now, Cao Cao is very unstable. Aurelia, when the time comes, I'll let you deal with it. End him, or kill him. I'll be able to extract his memories soon enough after his death, so contact me. Or contact me before you end him."

"Very well."

"Furthermore, only around 40% of the Hero Faction remains. Bellion and Kamish didn't know the exact percentile, but I confirmed it in his memories. Seeing as how unstable Cao Cao is right now… He may charge into Egypt with all the remaining members."

"I see some value in some of them, so I won't kill them all. Rehabilitation may be possible, but... if not, I will proceed as I plan to do with Avezza. But first... Let's get insiders."

Cúntóir, remove the blood, and control their minds.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing Azrael's blood... Putting influence over the minds of 'Yaku', and 'Kubota'...…. Processing...… Success.

Now then... These two will do my bidding without question, but will act in the same way when they're around their 'allies'. But first…

Shove! Wosh! Crack! Shatter! Boom!

I pushed the two forward while removing the bindings from them. I also used a bit more force to push everyone who was with me. The only person who managed to resist was Aurelia, who held her ground.

"Fufufu ~ I won't be going there today, but letting the [Dragon Eater] lose will be fine, right? The Two Heavenly Dragons are there, and the Ouroboros Dragon."

"That voice… It was Black Alice, and it looks like they're unleashing the Dragon Eater here."


From the portal that Black Alice was speaking from came out a tentacle. The entire dimension started to shake, and a very ominous aura started to emanate from it.

[Tch… Even though I'm a lot stronger than I was—]

{I also feel it too, Ddraig.}

'What is this…?'

'You too, Velgrynd? Dragon Eater, such an interesting name…'

The rest of it started to emerge, a head, a torso, black wings, and a cross. There was something impaled on the cross, as well as objects restraining it. As well as disturbing letters written all over its body, it also had blood dripping from its eyes.

When it appeared in our field of vision, we could fully see it for what it was. It had the lower half of a snake— No, those were the lower half of a dragon with scales on it, the upper half was of a fallen angel.


It moaned in pain and it echoed throughout the area. Its mouth was covered with fangs as it salivated and bled. It also emanates many emotions. Pain, jealousy, suffering and resentment. This thing, it harbors a deep hatred towards us.

I glance at Azazel as he had begun to shake in anger.

"These psychopaths! To bring such a thing... You're telling me they broke the seals that were placed on it from Cocytus?!"

"W-What is it, Azazel-sensei?"

Gasper asks as he stared at it in concern. No one was really scared by it, they were a little disturbed by its appearance, but nothing too severe. I answered for Azazel.

"Presumably it is the poison of the God of the Bible. This is thought to be the result of the evil intentions of the God of the Bible. A forbidden being that made the people that resided in Eden eat the fruit of knowledge."

"The first crime that was judged by the current dead God of the Bible... [Dragon Eater], or Samael. The Angel that received the curse of the God of the Bible who hated Dragons and snakes. A dragon whose existence was erased from the records of history."

"Jin is right."

Azazel says and continues.

"Do you know the story of Adam and Eve?"

They nodded.

"The thing that transformed into a snake, and made Adam and Eve eat the fruit of knowledge is that thing. As a result of its action, it brought the fury of the 'God of the Bible'. After that incident, father started to have a hatred for snakes and dragons, and it was to an extreme level."

"That is why dragons and snakes are portrayed as evil in many of the church's texts. The being that was created is one that was made out of the evil intentions of God. Because of God's hate, it naturally received many curses, and poisons on its body."

"Naturally, it's almost impossible for God to have evil intentions. That's why it's so poisonous. Not only can it kill dragons, but it can affect other things beside dragons. That's why it was deemed too dangerous, and sealed in the deepest depths of Cocytus."

"The curse it received from the God of the Bible is said to be the most powerful way to exterminate dragons. That's why it's also considered to be the most dangerous and brutal dragon slayer."

Azazel finishes, and lets out an angry sigh.

"I guess that's why Hades joined Khaos Brigade then... Or he was always part of it, and now he's finally making his moves."

"That dead piece of shit. I knew he wouldn't like the fact that Zeus made an alliance with us... Jin, is it safe to assume that there are more 'Evil' Gods on his side?"

"Yeah, and I can't detect them since they probably drank Azrael's blood to get stronger. The same with the other fallen angels I mentioned."

Azazel made a 'tch' sound, and his anger was already rising even more. The portal that Black Alice summoned was dispelled, and she left this thing with us.

"Well too bad I'm here."

I was about to move when—

Grab! Grip!

"Jin! Think carefully, even if you are a Dragon God, I don't think you'll come out of it unscathed. It's going to target you, Vali, and potentially Ophis and Irene in your necklace!"

"…It's fine, Azazel. I'm immune to those poisons and techniques."

I removed his hand, he was about to say something else when I disappeared, and re-appeared behind Samael and touched him on his back. He then suddenly vanished from existence. I fly back to them as they blankly stared at me.


"No… No… What the hell did you do now?!"

Azazel was furiously scratching his head. I gave him a strange look and pointed at the box that was dangling on my hip. It was attached to my belt. I was pointing at my [Lavender Box], I had trapped Yasaka's former husband there, and now Samael had joined him in there.

"Elaborate dammit! I have no idea what that is!"

"I call this thing the [Lavender Box]. This was created to trap any enemies I might encounter. Anyway, I have Yasaka's former husband in there since he was also part of Khaos Brigade, but he was practically useless. Anyway, Samael is also in here now."

"Furthermore, it seals their powers, and basically tortures them endlessly."

Azazel backed away from me. I ignore him and look around us. We still needed to get out of here. Unfortunately, it seems Hades has already made his move, as I said earlier. We're surrounded.

"Hello? Earth to Jin?"

"Azazel, do you feel that?"

"Huh? Wh— Hmmm... We're surrounded. These feel like… Grim Reapers? So that shitty skeleton geezer is really making a move, huh?"

I restored the building that was destroyed by Vali crashing into it. Also, we had entered it, and I had surrounded it with a barrier. Now, if I were to remove this dimension, then the grim reapers would spill into the Underworld and who knows what might happen?

Since I doubt the rest of the DxD alliance knows of Hades betrayal... Well, maybe Zeus? But I'll contact him after this meeting. I don't want a misunderstanding to cause friction between the Devils and Greek Gods. Both are reasonable, but the residents may react emotionally rather than logically.

"We're surrounded. Jin-senpai's barrier is the only thing holding them back now. What shall we do, President? Azazel-sensei?"

Kiba asked Rias and Azazel. The Governor stared at me seriously and sighed.

"I know what you're thinking, Jin, and I also agree. It's too reckless. We don't know what kind of orders these guys have been given."

"What do you mean, Azazel-sensei?"

Asia asks, but Rose answers for us.

"Jin can easily destroy the dimension that was created by [Dimension Lost], however if he did such a thing… These Grim Reapers that have us surrounded may attack the innocent Devils if he did destroy it. We have no idea what kind of orders they have been given by the God of the Undead."

"No, I know what they're thinking."

Azazel raises an eyebrow, urging me to continue.

"Kill. Kill anything that moves, even if the Dual Dragon Emperor destroys the barrier. So, we have to kill them all, or else the innocent will be slaughtered."

"Tch. That bastard…"

I shrug and got up.

"You think of a plan. I'll just wander this place. But the Gremory group, Rose, Aurelia, and Kuroka. You don't need to hold back. I'll reinforce this dimension so we can finish this quickly. Vali, Le Fay, and… Calantha, was it? Come with me for a second."

I left the room followed by the current team Vali, as well as Raiko and Rose… Haa… Whatever. As we left, I heard Azazel starting to speak to everyone else. We reach another part of the restaurant. I had made the barrier large enough so we could go outside.

The Grim Reapers just slammed themselves and their weapons against it. They would also occasionally use some magic on it.

"So, how's the dominating the past wielders working for you?"

"I'm getting close, but not quite there yet. I'll get that new form, Aniki."

"I see."

I glanced at Vali as he stared ferociously at the Grim Reapers. I then turn my attention to Le Fay who sees me and smiles.

"Are you getting along with Fenrir?"

She seemed surprised but nodded.

"Yes! Hmm, so you know about that, Jin-sama?"

"Yeah, I have my ways of knowing, but I was surprised by a vampire that joined your team. Calantha, was it? Care to tell me why you joined this… Rambunctious group?"

The female blonde vampire giggles beside Le Fay and nodded.

"The world of vampires is too stuffy and proper. Since I was born, I have never fit in. Well, that's not entirely accurate. I put on a fake persona and was the picture-perfect 'lady', however, I always felt out of place. So, when Vali offered me a position here, I accepted."

She gestures towards Vali and he just snorted. Still trying to act cool here, huh? Well, whatever floats your boat, Vali.

"What a surprise to think that a lady of the House of Vordenburg was so different. The world truly is changing."

She didn't give me an answer but just said 'Ufufufu'.

"Jin? What will we do with Yaku and Kubota?"

Raiko asks from beside me. So, I tell her what I plan to do to them, and how the mind control works. What I hadn't divulged to them is… If their status gets compromised, so if they find out they're being mind controlled by me, they'll automatically die.

"I know it's not exactly morally correct, but I can tell you this with confidence, they weren't virtuous youkai. Since their younger days they have taken pride in looking down on and hurting others. They took the chance to join the new organization when it formed."

"Meaning, they've killed many innocent people, regardless of whether they were youkai, devil, human or whatever. I read that from their memory. I don't feel remorseful for doing this. I will change Avezza so we can gain a valuable ally."

I finish, but Vali gave me a questioning look.

"What do you mean by that, Aniki?"

I face Vali and tell him my plans for her. He seemed rather uneasy after hearing it.

"Well, take it easy. I won't do that to you, and that extends to your team."

"Why? We're terrorists."

"Vali, I made a promise to Reni. Also, I see you more as a problem child that needs a good spanking than as an actual terrorist. I know your reasons for getting stronger, so if you need help in the future don't hesitate to contact me."

He looked annoyed at me, but turns away when I mentioned the last part. But I do hear him mumble a 'thanks' under his breath, making his team laugh and tease him.

"Ahh, he's being a tsundere! Vali ~"

"Vali-sama, it's most appropriate to accept Jin-sama's kindness."

"S-Shut up! Leave me alone!"

He storms off embarrassed. But I am glad that all that happened to him was being kicked into a building than being poisoned by Samael. It did fuck him up for some time. Also, the Gremory group being beaten like ragdolls by Cao Cao using his [Balance Break].

It was a blessing in disguise that they sent those two youkais instead… Though, I wonder if he can still use it?

[Truth Idea], or also known as [Brightness of Supremacy] is a forbidden technique that is exclusive to the [True Longinus]. It's a similar technique to the [Juggernaut Drive]. And as Azazel puts it in the Light Novel, 'The Dying Will of the God of the Bible'.

Consequently, the effects of [Truth Idea] will depend on God's will, which resides within the holy spear. It is capable of doing several things, based on the level of ambition of the wielder as well as the strength of their opponent. This could grant them absolute power to destroy their opponent or a blessing that captures their hearts.

Also, it's not a guarantee that [Truth Idea] will side with its wielder since in Volume 12, he attempted to use it against Issei. However, God's will chose Issei's dream over Cao Cao's ambition.

"Haa… Let's do that then."

I put my hand up and strengthen the dimension. With this, they can go as hard as they want without worrying about destroying the dimension.

"What did you do?"

"I said it earlier, I strengthened this dimension. So, the Gremory group, and my lovers can use their full powers without restraint."

"Anyway, I'm heading back. You're free to spend the time how you like. I'll call everyone back once they're done discussing their plan."

I started walking away after saying that. Rose and Raiko quickly joined me. There are a few people I need to protect. Ravel, Raiko, Calantha, Le Fay, and that's about it. I also include Azazel to an extent, but he can look after himself.

I stop and turn to Raiko. I hadn't given her a ring yet, but I think this should be a good time. She knows how they work since she's asked about them. It's my own blunder that it's taken this long, there's no other excuse.


I grabbed her hand and surprised her. Then I made a ring for her and gave it to her.

"It's yours. You know how they work, right?"

She nods.

"T-Thank you, Jin."

She quickly slips it on and I kept on walking. Should I give Le Fay one…? As I considered this, I returned to the room where everyone was in. Not too long after, the Vali team returned.

"Good, everyone's back. So, this is what we've got... Let the Gremory group deal with them. That's it. We don't really need an elaborate plan for this. I mean, if we wipe them out, and prevent them from being sent to the Underworld, it's a win, right?"

He looks at me.

"I mean, Jin did make this dimension stronger, so… Yeah. But I do have a warning. Grim Reapers are a lot more dangerous than you think. Avoid being hit by their scythe. Grim Reapers trim down life spans while also damaging you, even a graze from those things will cut it down. So, make sure you avoid them at all costs, or you will end up dying."

"Jin, is Hades or any other Ultimate-class Grim Reapers here?"

Azazel asks me, but I shake my head... Well, for now that is. Pluto will show up and we'll have to deal with him, as well as Shalba.

"For now? No, I don't sense any, but they could also have confused Azrael's blood making it so I can't detect them."

Azazel clicked his tongue but accepted my answer in the end. He turns to everyone again.

"Alright, let's get started in a few minutes. Gather what you need, prepare what you need before we proceed with our escape plan."

This is an extremely significant part of this world's history. It's when Issei dies again. However, I won't be dying since I have Samael with me in my [Lavender Box]. However, I'm unsure if Shalba has that blood from Samael he used to kill Issei. No, an arrow or blood won't reach me because of my [True Infinity].

"I don't have to worry about that…"

I muttered. I won't die, it's impossible. Haaa. I need to stop worrying. Even with the weird death flag that Azazel set me up before the Rating Game between Sona and Rias. I'll permanently kill Shalba here, provided he is still alive. I didn't find a body after our confrontation back then.



When I looked up, I saw that most people had left. The only ones left are Akeno, Rose and Raiko. I guess they went off to relax for a little bit. Even Azazel wasn't here.

"Is something wrong? You said you didn't have to worry about something."

Akeno had a look of concern as she grabbed a chair and sat beside me. I look at the girl and shake my head.

"I— ...No, it's really nothing. I don't expect to die today, Akeno."

I could feel a wave of fear and anxiety immediately appear in Akeno, even without that, the face she was making said it all. Maybe… I shouldn't have said that. But I did promise them to be more open about my thoughts and feelings…

"What do you mean by that, Jin?"

Rose asks, she also looked uneasy.

"I know I said that there weren't any Ultimate-class Grim Reapers here, but I did say 'For now', so I'll tell them that there may be a chance, unless they picked up on that. Also, I expect another visitor to come."


"Shalba Beelzebub."

They were a bit surprised since they expected him to be dead. But Rose continues. Raiko didn't really know the guy so she kept quiet.

"And which Grim Reaper did you think might come?"


"The legendary Grim Reaper that's recorded in history? Isn't he…"

I nod.

"Yes, he is very loyal to Hades, and is pretty powerful. Only a few Grim Reapers ever get the title of 'Ultimate-class' since they need to be stupidly powerful, and other crap…"

Pluto, Pluto 2, Orcus, and Thanatos are the few that come to mind.

"W-Why did you say you might die, Jin?"

I turn back to look at Akeno as she still looked quite pale, and was shaking slightly. I sigh and pull her into a hug.

"No, it's nothing. It won't happen... I believe when Shalba arrives he'll have some blood from Samael. He may try to splash some on me or use another way to inflict it on me. But—"

"Y-You have that wall of infinity, right? I-It won't reach you…!"

"Yeah, that's why I said not to worry about it."

Akeno somewhat calms down, as did Rose. So, we just waited in that room until everyone else came back. Raiko also joined us as she asked some questions about Shalba.

"Are we ready?"


The Governor asked, and got very enthusiastic responses. I put an extra layer of defense on Ravel just to be safe, the same with Le Fay, and Calantha. Ravel already had her ring, so she was relatively safe, the same with her enchanted clothes. I just put some [Infinite] on both female members of team Vali.

I also told them about the chance of an Ultimate-class Grim Reaper showing up, as well as an original descendant that may come.

Vali refused my help since he wanted to fight. He wasn't poisoned this time around, so he was actively participating.

"Alright, start it, Jin!"


I point my right hand into the air—

"[Jio Graze]."

And we waited, and waited, and waited... Until—


This attack from [Jio Graze] was much larger than the one I used against Darcel. In total, the whole thing covered the entire dimension. I felt many Grim Reapers had died outside. Their auras started to vanish quickly, however, there were a few who survived for some reason or another.

Finally, I punched in front of me breaking the barrier, and wiping out more Grim Reapers in front of us.

"Let's go."

Everyone leaped through the massive hole I made. Vali quickly entered his [Balance Break] and went around annihilating the Grim Reapers.

Zip! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Many large explosions started to appear all over the dimension, everyone else hung back as they didn't really have a role except to move forward.

"Jeez Jin, they're monsters at this point. Their growth is way too irregular… I feel like all those years of half-assed training, and my natural power means nothing just looking at these guys."

"I-Is this Rias-sama and her servants use all their power?"

"No, not all of it. But I would say around where Ophis used to be?"

They didn't even question me at this point and shook their heads. We were slowly moving forward as everyone around us took out the Middle-class Grim Reapers. Well, they ranged from Low-class to Middle-class. There wasn't a sign of a High-class Grim Reaper.

<This is quite troubling. Perhaps we shouldn't have left it to those two.>

A mysterious voice echoed throughout the area, and we looked towards its source. The space distorted, and another Grim Reaper appeared from it. It was Pluto. So, he finally decided to show up, huh?

Pluto wore a black robe, but it was darker than the robes of the other Grim Reapers to indicate his authority as one of Hades's generals. He wore a black robe adorned with ornaments that made him look like a dark, disoriented clown, complete with a creepy mask that covered his face. You could also refer to him as The Clown of the Dead.

Among all the Grim Reapers, Pluto's Scythe was the darkest. From the blade to the handle were tentacles and hands that looked as if they had recently been sliced from a dead person's flesh and which had been wrapped around the dark scythe.

"Y-You are…!"

Azazel stutters and his eyes widen. Pluto then bowed to Azazel.

<This is my first time seeing you, Governor-dono of the Fallen Angels. I am one of the Grim Reapers that serves under Hades-sama. My name is Pluto.>

"Tch. The Ultimate-class Grim Reaper, Pluto, huh? To send such a Grim Reaper here, aren't you quite legendary? Well, I'll be damned, that stupid skeleton geezer did something pretty unexpected... Even if Jin did say you might appear."

A creepy grin appears on his face.

<You have allied yourself with one of the terrorist groups of the Khaos Brigade, the Vali team. Which means you tried to break the alliance between the allied factions and pantheons.>

<Doesn't that mean it will result in your death? You did just betray us. The same applies to the Middleman, for not killing their leader when you were so close. You surely are going against your role of uniting us.>

Hah. So that's how he's planning to try to spin it, huh? You're assuming wrong, Pluto. Who said you'd come out here... As 'yourself'?

"...I see. So, you're intending to make it look like that, huh? Falsifying that information, and trying to make us look like we betrayed the alliance, and then saying you killed us because it endangered you? I wonder how long that skeleton geezer has been planning this for?"

<Your words mean nothing, crow. As of this day forward, whatever you say is a lie. Now then. I will also participate; I am not that weak to fall behind devils and fallen angels.>

Pluto disappeared from his spot, and swung his scythe towards us. Le Fay, Calantha, and Azazel got ready, but Ravel panicked so she didn't react on time.

Don! Woosh!


But I punched Pluto in the stomach and he was thrown backwards while clutching his stomach. He then coughed up some blood. Hmm, even if I held back there… I can't kill him, well I don't really care if he did die, I can just revive him…

[Is this where 'evil' and 'good' come in when you throw away your own rules, and ethics, Partner?]

Maybe, who knows?


Multiple golden chains appear from the ground and air. As soon as they reached Pluto, they restrained him. The Grim Reaper struggled to break free, but it was in vain. However, he keeps on trying.

<Wha— T-These are…!>

"Jin, when did you…?"

I glanced at Azazel before looking back at Pluto. His powers were already sealed. It's very similar to [Mana Chains] or [Mana Ropes]. In addition, I added the sealing powers when I use [Enkidu], which are also the same for [Gleipnir].

"I made these shortly after we beat Loki, I also made my own [Gleipnir], so I can choose these, or others. His powers are already sealed… I'm going to control him. He's close to Hades, and having another insider in his faction of Khaos Brigade will be beneficial."

Fwosh ~

I appeared beside Pluto after he had heard my short explanation to Azazel, and he looked horrified.

<I will never betray Hades-sama, do your worst, you fool!>


I dismissed his scythe, and then grabbed his head with quite a bit of force making the Grim Reaper howl in pain. Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing Azrael's blood... Putting influence over the mind of 'Pluto'...…. Processing...… Success.

Once that was finished, I land back down with Pluto beside Azazel and the rest. If I can get an insider in all factions inside Khaos Brigade, that would be pretty neat, huh? But I would like a higher level one than Yaku and Kubota.

"To think you'd do that to a Grim Reaper of legends… Don't do that to me, you hear me?"

"I don't really see the benefit of mind controlling you, Azazel."

"Hey! I have a lot of value, you know?!"

"That's not what I meant…"

I shook my head and looked at the sky, and then around us. Everything was slowly wrapping up. It seems that the Hero Faction won't show themselves today since they would already have. So, they just used [Dimension Lost] and left, huh? I guess Cao Cao was really fucked up in the head now…

But there's still one person left to appear, and it's Shalba.

"Pretend to fight Azazel, and the group here but hold back."

To my orders, Pluto absentmindedly nodded. He assumed the same stance as before and summoned his scythe! He swung it towards the group, but it was greatly exaggerated and it was slowly swinging towards them.

"Wait, we have to fight?"

"Shalba may come, and when he does, I want it to be as realistic as possible."

"I see. Okay you lot, let's keep up the act then."

Swosh! Dwosh! Ksh! Ksh!

All of them flew up into the air and 'clashed' with Pluto. I remained on the spot and waiting for Shalba to appear, it should be soon, right? But I can't really gauge it since this is where the famous… [Bust] technique should be born…

I glance at Rias and her jiggling breasts… A technique used by Issei. He touches Rias' breasts and it replenishes his stamina and power, albeit at the cost of Rias' breast size. As they shrink with each use, but they do eventually grow back to normal.

As I thought of this, Rias looks at me too and blushes… Erm, was I that obvious…?

The rate of explosions around me slowly started to decrease when—

Sparkle! Sparkle!

A strange sound echoed through the dimension again. Everyone glances at a new portal that opened, and out came…

"Shalba Beelzebub!"

Rias shouts, and he shot her a glare. It seemed he survived; I felt a bit of Ignia's aura on him. Did he heal him when I nearly killed him?

"It's been a while, fake devil heirs, Vali, Red Dragon Emperor."

Vali joined me and spoke to Shalba.

"…Shalba. I did receive a report about you. But I didn't think you would be acting by yourself."

"I will give my thanks to Ignia as he was the one to personally heal me, but I did lose the majority of my powers, and I do not feel the power of the red vial anymore."

"And why did you come here?"

He smirks at Vali.

"Nothing much. I thought I would declare war on all of you."

Hmm… I should prevent this. I should prevent the Demonic Beast Riots… Suddenly Leonardo, the wielder of [Annihilation Maker] appeared behind him. Shalba touched his head and the young boy screamed.



A large gust of wind is created pushing everyone back except me. I stood my ground and appeared behind them. Shalba expected this and already sent a punch towards me when I appeared behind him.


I dodge it. Something felt off, his arms… No, did he cover himself in Samael blood? What? ...…No, this psycho expects to die, so he's going all in. I back away, maybe my own paranoia is making me wary of this idiot.

From Leonardo's shadow came out a giant head.


He forced him into a temporary [Balance Break]…

Leonardo's sub-species Balance Breaker of [Annihilation Maker] that creates 13 new anti-monsters: 12 Bandersnatchs and one Jabberwocky. The Bandersnatch are over 100 meters tall and very powerful. They have the ability to create numerous smaller copies of themselves, where between 10 and 100 small monsters are produced each time.

The Jabberwocky is over 200 meters tall and has a humanoid shape and even more powerful that withstand attacks of 'The Emperor', Diehauser Belial, and his group.

Jabberwocky is strong enough to fight against the entire Lucifer peerage (without Sirzechs), which is considered the strongest peerage in the Underworld. Like the Bandersnatch, it can create numerous smaller copies of themselves. The Jabberwocky also has incredible regeneration powers.

Once that was done, Shalba created another portal and shoved Leonardo through it, and the portal vanished.

"Fuahahaha! And let's transfer them to the Underworld!!!"

"Stop them!!!!"

Rias shouts and everyone immediately killed them— However, maybe it's due to Leonardo having Azrael's blood, and I don't know how much… Even more were created, no, the number was beyond just 12 Bandersnatch and 1 Jabberwocky…

"Fuahahaha! That red vial sure does come in handy!"


"Ghh!!! Red Dragon Emperor!!!"

Shalba was sent away, but then he brought out something and pressed it!

"Lapis-sama, you are very kind to me."

Shatter! Shatter! Break! Break!

The dimension started to collapse around us, the grin on Shalba's face never leaving. I dashed towards him and punched him again, but he didn't flinch. I kept on pushing him back with my punch as we flew away from everyone else.

"A curse! This is a curse! I shall become the poison who will devour the Underworld! Those devils who declined me! Me!!! I have no business with such a pathetic Underworld!"

"I don't care about them anymore! I don't care about the authority they hold! I don't care for controlling it! Fuahahaha! I, Shalba Beelzebub shall use this last bit of power to destroy the entire Underworld with these monsters!!"

He then directed his insanity at me, his grin widening even more.

"That's right! The children you care deeply about will be all killed by my curse! My monsters! Red Dragon Emperor!!! Suffer, receive my curse! Struggle, die, die, die! I want to see you bleed!! Fuahahaha!!"

"My curse will kill the pregnant, the low-class to the highest of elites! New offspring's will not be safe! Die! Die! Die! You think you can play Hero?! Fuahahahaha!! A world with no discrimination can be achieved? Fuhahaha! That's just a dream!!!"

…I'll make your death as humiliating as possible, Shalba. As he spouted out his insanity, the dimension around us was about to break. So, I'll make this announcement then.

[All of you listen up. Defend the Underworld. I won't be there for it, but I'll be back. I need to take care of this dumbass at a different place. Rose!]

I created something and throw it to her. She catches it and looks confused.

[That will create barriers around those monsters, and the Underworld. Kill them quickly.]

Everyone else gathered around each other after I announced that. Shalba kept on laughing. I'll take this to the Dimensional Gap; it should be fine there to use 'that'. I'll reinforce it just in case though.

As I was about to teleport away from the place— I hear Akeno's voice behind me.


I turn back to look at her.

"Come back to me— No, to us!"


As I teleported away with Shalba, Akeno still looked uneasy. But I didn't feel that at all, I ain't dying.

Dimensional Gap

As soon as we reach the Dimensional Gap, I cover the area with a barrier. I then followed up by kicking Shalba in the face and he crashed to the ground!

"Do you hate me, Red Dragon Emperor?!"

Is he not up to date with my new and more widely known moniker…? Well, whatever, I doubt someone as arrogant as him would watch such a thing.

"I am fond of the Underworld, and the kids there did nothing wrong. Killing them is scummy, so you need to die."

"What about it?! This is natural! We are devils! We are made to create chaos and disorder! Those new Devils growing up in an Underworld managed by the fake Satans?! They are lower than bugs!"

"Even if I did allow them to grow up into adults, they still won't show me, a true Satan, the true descendant the respect I deserve! That's why I unleashed those monsters to teach them all a lesson!"

"Those are strong monsters created by [Annihilation Maker]! With even stronger regeneration powers! It will cause havoc and destruction across the Underworld, and once that's done!"

"A new and pure Underworld will be reborn from the wake of its destruction! That is the ideal Underworld I wish for!"

This guy is a lost cause... Once you're dead, Katerea will be the only one left, and she's in prison.

"Respect is earned, Shalba. Just because you were born on a silver platter doesn't mean people have to be respectful to you. The current four Satans earned their positions after showing their potential, might, and integrity."

I scoff at him.

"But what did you do? Nothing. The only thing you ever did was look down on people, and do things for your own pleasure. Who in their right mind would want to put the future of the Underworld in your hands?"

"You would bring it to ruin rather than make it prosper. You're also weaker than them, even before you were on the verge of death. Don't make me laugh."

Everyone deserves a future, many can redeem themselves, but I've also come to know that not everyone deserves that chance. You certainly don't, and I can think of a few names that come to mind too.

While I want to see the best in people, sometimes they don't exist. Although I am not a hero, or anything like that, since I reflected on some things during those years in the [Pocket Dimension], ...But I'll keep on doing what I'm doing since peace is better than constant war and suffering.

There are some people I won't save, but only the ones I believe deserve a second chance at life. Is this arrogant of me? Maybe! But I am being set up as the next ruler of this fucking omniverse so I have to at least change a bit of the way I think!

As I did in the recent mind control attempt, I'll have to employ some underhanded tactics.

"I should be the one saying that, you disgusting lizard!!! Don't make me laugh!! That's all-wishful thinking, absolute power rules all!!"


Shalba fires multiple demonic attacks at me, but I reflect all of them and they explode behind me.

[Partner! Will we use our [Queen] form?!]

No. We'll use something else.

[Huh? W-What then?]

Ophis, Irene, can you both hear me?


Good, Ddraig, we'll be doing that. I'll need both your help. As I tapped my necklace, I sent what I wanted to do to Irene and Ophis.

[Ufufufu, I did not think I would be involved in such a way. Very well.]

[Yes, anything for Jin.]


{D-Did he just say 'kya'?}

'Indeed, he did.'

'I've never heard such a girly scream come out of a male before.'

[Sh-Shut up! Leave me alone!]

"Balance Break!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!!]

Donning my red armor, I faced Shalba.

Don! Don! Don!

"Ghhh!!! Arghhhh!!!"

I hit him with multiple punches at a speed he couldn't follow, but he's strangely resilient even while I hold back. He sends a punch my way and I dodge it; I follow up by kicking him in the gut and he was launched backwards again.

"Damn you, Red Dragon Emperoooooooor!!!"

Shalba created multiple demonic circles behind him and fired multiple attacks towards me. I summoned a canon from my [Welsh Blaster Bishop] form into my right hand and shot a draconic beam towards them. It consumed all of them and also hit Shalba!


Once the smoke cleared, Shalba was struggling to get up. I summoned healing slime and threw it at him.

"W-What? W-Why did you heal me?"

"I promised myself that I would make this humiliating for you. Now keep on struggling before me."


In a rage, Shalba rushed towards me, but I easily dodge his attack, it seemed like the world went into slow-motion as we make eye contact.


I kicked him in the gut and sent him into the sky. He slowly fell down and once he was at the right level—

Don! Fwosh!

I punched him in the face, and he was sent away again. He crashed into the ground with a bloody and disfigured face.

"How does it feel? Your powers mean nothing here, 'Original descendant'."

"Cyurse gyou!!! Dhis myeans nofthing!!!"

He shouted back at me, but his disfigured face made it hard to understand. Alright, enough. Let's end this. All of you, help me out. Let's sing.

[[[Yes!/ Very well/ Hell yeah!!!!]]]

So, I started to chant. I clutched my right hand.

"The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance—"

A Crimson glow was emitted from the gem on my right gauntlet.

[The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar—]

Ophis then chanted the next line. At the same time, the gem on my left gauntlet unleashed a jet-black aura.

[The jet-black God of Infinity—]

A crimson aura enveloped my entire body.

[The glorious God of Dreams—]

Irene says her line with an authoritative tone.

It was encased in a jet-black aura, and I added an additional aura - the aura of an Outer God.

"[[Watch over the [True] forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries—]]"

"[[Thou shall dance within our [Perfected] radiant inferno!]]"

"[[D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!!!!!"]]

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

My crimson armor was melded with a jet-black color, and further changes followed. My gauntlets, greaves, breastplate, wings had the color of crimson and black fused together, and their shape also changed. And from there, the symbol [∞] and the letter [D] flashily alternated on all the gems around my armor.

[Dragon ∞ Full Drive!!!!!]

As Ddraig announced the transformation, a massive amount of deep crimson, jet black, and Outer God aura poured out of my body to an insane extent.

"Wha— What is this?! A… A God?! You're a God?! Lapis-sama never told me about this?!"

Terror was evident in Shalba's voice.

Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Bam!


I dashed in front of Shalba and hit him with a barrage of punches, and then kicked him into the air. Each hit I gave him; I also healed him so he wouldn't die that easily.

"Let's end this, Ddraig."

[Hell yeah!]

I aimed the cannons embedded in my four wings in front of me! There were two above my shoulders, and two under my armpits; the barrel of the cannons widened!

"[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!>>]"

I saw the symbol [∞] in my gems flashing alternately between red, black, and my aura.

Dyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ~~~

The cannons were charging up. As our powers were focused into them, they received the powers of a Heavenly Dragon, Dragon God of Infinity, Dragon of Dreams, and an Outer God.

One last time, Shalba glanced down at us. A look of utter despair on his face.


"<<[∞ Blaster !!!!!!]>>"

Along with my voice, the thick and intense cannon attack which was a combination of crimson, jet-black, and my aura was fired from the muzzle of the four cannons at once! The blast from the four cannons instantly reached Shalba as he began to scream.

"Red Dragooooon Emeproooooooooooor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The sky of the Dimensional Gap was engulfed with a massive explosion, booming sounds, strong winds, and other phenomena. The strength of my attack made the entire Dimensional Gap shake.

'Jin-sama, is everything alright?'

I heard Bellion ask.

'Yeah, don't worry about it. I just got rid of a pest.'

'Very well.'

Once the attack had ended, a large portion of the Dimensional Gap was missing. I should repair that... And so I did. With my outstretched hand I reversed time and it slowly changed back to what it was before.

"Next is..."

[The Underworld! Are we going to show this off?!]

No. Let's go back without the armor.

[...Right, that makes sense. I-I'm not disappointed at all...]

Looking down at my hands, I am relieved that my [True Infinity] has been keeping the blood of Samael from touching my skin. Since the blood was still on the wall of Infinity, I removed it. It would be a bit awkward if it got on me now…

[That would be a lame way to die, Partner.]

Shush now, Ddraig. Anyway, let's go to the Underworld…



Shatter! Shatter!

The dimension around us had finally broken and shattered. Following that, the beasts summoned by the Balance Breaker of [Annihilation Maker] were teleported away.

I immediately activated the item Jin gave me. I suddenly felt a large barrier encompass the entire Underworld, as well as smaller ones that showed where the monsters were.

You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

"Rias-san. I suggest we split up, each of us can handle a beast by ourselves, to the ones that may not be able to please team up with someone who can."

Aurelia-san steps forward and shakes her head.

"No need. We can kill them quickly, so the others don't need to do anything. From here… I can feel around fifty in total.  Jin calls those monsters that are 100 meters tall the 'Bandersnatch', and the 200 meters tall monster the 'Jabberwocky'."

"There are around 40 Bandersnatch, and 10 Jabberwocky. They're all encased in barriers that they cannot leave or destroy. Well done on activating it right away, Rossweisse."

Aurelia-san tells us and nods at me. I look at Rias-san, but she was busy speaking into a communication magic circle. She finishes and turns back to us.

"I've alerted Sirzechs Lucifer about the situation, and the peerages of the four Satans have been deployed. The top rankers of the Rating Games have also been deployed. They will try to defeat these monsters."

I see, I do not know if they can but if they could at least hold them off until we get to them then…

"We can't rely on them, but at the very least they can distract them for the time being. Everyone that's been with Jin to 'that' place, you have the power to kill it instantly, but it may regenerate, so destroy its entire existence at once."

Aurelia-san turned to face another direction. She radiated the aura and feeling of a leader or commander.

"Pick one, and go to it. We have 50 in total to kill. Now go!"


The Gremory peerage, and Kuroka immediately left our visions. The ones left were Azazel, the two mind controlled youkai, Ravel, team Vali, Azazel, Raiko-san, Aurelia-san and I.

"Vali, I suggest you leave the Underworld for now. I'll have to inform the alliance of what just occurred. Maybe you might lose your titles as terrorists."

Azazel says this to them, and they agree.

"Right… We're leaving, Calantha, Le Fay."

All of them quickly teleported away leaving, Azazel also spread his wings and started to fly away.



"Take Raiko with you. I will have the daughter of Phenex accompany me."

I look towards Raiko and she nodded. Ravel also didn't have a problem with that, so she quickly joined Aurelia-san's side.

"What about the two youkai?"

After I asked Aurelia-san, she touched both youkai and they turned invisible. She then proceeded to put them in a corner of the restaurant.

"This will be fine. I will inform Jin about this."

Satisfied with herself she prepares to jump.

"Follow me, Ravel Phenex."



"W-Wait for me!"

Aurelia-san jumped away with a loud boom. Ravel panics and brings out her fiery wings and chases after Aurelia-san.

"Shall we get started, Rossweisse?"


Jin Skyward

I had come to the Underworld and I was floating in the skies. I could feel my barrier around the Underworld, and I could also see other smaller ones, but they were quickly disappearing. I could see there were around 50, but as I said they were quickly dwindling.

From 50, to 45 to 30, and so on. First, I needed to find the two youkai I mind controlled. I quickly located them… They were at the restaurant? I teleported there and found them with some kind of invisibility spell on them.

It was probably the work of Aurelia… They'll be fine there for now. As I left the restaurant, I spotted another monster, so I flew towards it... I found Sirzechs Lucifer's Peerage facing it upon my arrival. I land beside Okita Souji, and Asteri Gremory.

"Asteri, and Okita Souji?"

"Oh? Well, if it isn't the Dual Dragon Emperor, did you come here to help us? And yeah, I'm Okita Souji."

"Jin… Yes, if you wouldn't mind helping us…"

"Sure thing."

There are many of these left in the Underworld, however, they are starting to disappear at a rapid pace. So, I'll make quick work of this. I stood in front of it. All six of its eyes turn to me and it directs its hostility towards me, it suddenly swipes at me, but is stopped by my [Infinity].

"That makes this easier. [Devour]."

I touch the appendage that it had hit me with, and a large black mass comes out of my palm before it instantly covers and consumes the beast. The enormous shape disappeared from the spot.

"I'll get moving to other ones, though there are like 8 left, the Gremory group sure is making quick work of them…"

I told them and they agreed. It's a relief that they didn't have an overblown reaction. I guess that comes with age?

Also add the fact that the Hero Faction isn't here to help attack the Underworld. Or is Pluto here, so that means Vali won't get to use his [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive]. In any case, if I take what he said to me in the dimension at face value, then he hasn't unlocked it yet. I wonder what's taking him so long?

Well, whatever. Hopefully the next time we see him, he'll have it.

"Yes, stay safe, Jin. Oh, and come visit us."

"Sure thing, Asteri. See 'round, Okita Souji."

"Oh! Let's talk more in the future Dragon-boy!"

I flew up and headed for another monster. As we spoke, another died leaving 7 left to deal with. They're really making quick work. I wonder if Aurelia gave them instructions?



I had arrived by Gasper and Coriana. I see, it seems like the Bael peerage were also helping the Underworld out. But… Darkness, a lot of darkness was coming from Gasper. Beside him was an injured Coriana? And….

"Hyahahaha! That dumb bitch was so weak! Part of the strongest youth's peerage? Give me a break! A Low-class devil could fucking kill her! If your dumb little shota ass didn't arrive on time we could have had some fun—"


Slice! Boom! Doom! Splat!

The youkai, who I'll assume was from the Monkai Association was cut in half. Gasper killed him instantly after he had been laughing quite arrogantly and had threatened to do unspeakable things to Coriana.

The monster that was also in front of him was cut into hundreds of pieces, I don't think that it would kill it permanently, so I discreetly used [Devour] on it too.

However, this is an interesting development. Is that even Gasper at this point? I looked at the attack that he used and it was still trying to break through the barrier. I pointed at it and dispelled it.

"Ahk… N-No… I don't want to die yet…!"

I held no sympathy for him, so I left him to bleed out. I crouch down and heal Coriana first, after that I walk over to my junior who was still emanating a lot of rage, and hate towards the dying youkai.


He was preparing to attack him again when I put a hand on his head, and forcefully calmed him down.

"Gya-suke, it's done."

That wasn't Gasper, it was the power of the original 'Balor' residing within his Sacred Gear. A portion of its consciousness is still in it. So, I forced it back.

"…Eh? J-Jin-senpai? W-What happened? ….?! C-Coriana-san?!"

Gasper quickly comes out of it, and rushes over to his downed... Friend? Lover? Soon-to-be lover? Well, whatever they label each other, he went over to her side.

"She's fine. I healed her just now."

"I'll hel—"

"No, I'll carry her, Jin-senpai. Thank you for the offer."

Gasper quickly cuts me off with a confident tone. I wasn't expecting that, but I agreed in the end. He picked her up, and we started to walk away. We left the youkai to die there, Gasper didn't feel bad about it, or he simply didn't remember.

During that short time, the rest of the demonic beasts were taken care of by everyone else.

[Meet up by the restaurant]

I brought out the [Communication Function] on the rings and told them that. I only got a few responses back, but they definitely heard me.

But… This portion of history was concluded a lot quicker, huh? Well, I didn't die so we skipped most of that, and them being stupidly powerful, and not being depressed… We quickly finished it.

As we were nearing the restaurant—

Rumble! Rumble! Shake! Shake!

"What is that, Jin-senpai?"

"Probably Sirzechs, and Azazel confronting Hades. But that feeling… It's definitely Sirzechs, Ash Crow can't do anything like this, haha."

"Even when away from each other, you can't help but take a shot at Azazel-sensei?"

"Nope. I mean, he'd probably do the same thing to me, you know?"

This made Gasper chuckle. He answered with an 'I guess you're right.' We finally reached the outside of the restaurant, and everyone else was there, along with the Bael and Sitri peerage.

They notice us as we finally reach them.

"Hey, how was it on your ends?"

"It didn't take long; they were quite weak."

Rias answers me. Bael and Sitri peerage both gave her strained smiles in response. I can just imagine that those two peerages had trouble trying to take them down, and we have Rias here just casually saying 'they were weak'.

"I see. I came across these two, she's alright now though since I healed her."

Gasper was still carrying Coriana on his back. She was still knocked out, but her breathing was steady. Sairaorg thanks us.

"What was that rumbling from earlier?"

I tell them what I told Gasper.

"As expected of Onii-sama."

Rias says while nodding her head sagely. Even though you're technically stronger than him now… Well, whatever.

"Jin? Do you think this was part of their attacks? I mean, part of the second phase of their plan?"

Raiko asks me, I glance at the others around me and I could see that they knew, so I shook my head.

"I don't think so. I believe Hades did this on his own. Whatever he planned didn't work... Anyway, I was planning to take it easy for at least a day, but I'm scrapping that. Instead, I'm heading directly to the Greek Gods' realm to find a certain someone."

I look at Raiko and Rose—

"That also means we're leaving tomorrow."

They both nodded. Well, whatever. As I said, the Underworld is going to suffer the aftermath of what just happened today, and we have to fix it. I know that Grigori will lose a lot of members since, more particularly some higher-ups since they were giving out information to Khaos Brigade…

But he won't step down this time since he didn't try hiding Ophis in the Hyoudou household without notifying the Devils or Angels. So, he'll stay as Governor, but their situation with the decreasing natural births is still a thing.



"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing."

I was wondering if they would show up, but I guess they did. Tobio and Dulio were here. I guess Azazel asked for a little backup. But they just left.

"Anyway, let's go fix some shit up before going back home…"


"Even though I chose this idiot to be my spear… Ah well, he's a lost cause. But… No, never mind. I won't meddle with it. I would rather save my own skin."

I, Indra turned to look at a very unstable Cao Cao. Ever since he lost his arm, and that short duel with a woman named Aurelia, who is apparently a subordinate of the Middleman. He has been like this. However, it's not entirely her fault. He has consumed something; those were his words.

"It will go, it will go, it will go! No, it will be perfect. Sakra-sama! No one will get in our way of success."

He wasn't even listening to me, though he never did. Unless I was actually putting my aura out. I've abandoned him. Should I take his Sacred Gear? No, I will watch with keen interest on how his story ends. Will the Middleman show you mercy? Or will your life come to an end?

I felt a grin spread across my face.

"I can only wait in anticipation…"

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household


A few hours after dealing with the aftermath of Demonic Beast Riot, though a lot more contained rather than in Canon. We were back in my home. I only had a few hours left to rest, but I'm planning on contacting Ignia to ask a few things.

I had sent the two youkai that were in my control back to their organization. Maybe they can also get some good information for me. It was after dinner and everyone was just unwinding for the rest of the evening, but I had decided to spend some time at the top portion of my home. The breeze here was great, so it only makes sense.

"Hmm. I was wondering when she'd come and see me…"

I muttered as the door opened and closed. Out came Akeno. I was expecting this, but when I saw her in the Underworld after temporarily splitting up, a giant wave of relief washed over her. I was staring at her as she came over to me and hugged me.

"Were you that worried?"


"Well, I did say I would be fine, Akeno. Nothing to worry about."

"You nearly put a death flag on yourself!"

I can't exactly deny that. Sighing to myself I hug her a bit tighter.

"My bad, maybe I should have just kept quiet."

"…That would have been worse if you didn't come back."


"I heard, mister!"

The familiar voice of Reni came through the door, she was followed by… Suzaku? When did she get here? My eyes met with her and she smiled a gentle smile at me. She really does put me at ease, I wonder why?

Cúntóir: Answer:...…

Hey Cúntóir, if you tell me, I'll kis—

Cúntóir: Answer: 3/4 Fated Ones!!!!!!




I see…

Cúntóir: Answer: Y-You promised, right, Jin?!

Sure, but let's talk more when I go to sleep. I wish to find out more about this. Since I reached my first requirement, you can tell me more things, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes. Very well.


Reni points at Akeno who I was still hugging. However, she doesn't answer her and just kept hugging me.

"Ah, you mean Akeno? The death flag thing?"

She nods. Once they got over to me, she hugs my left side and looks up at me cutely. I chuckle at her—

"This is no laughing matter!"

"Right, right. My bad… Welcome Suzaku, when did you get here?"

"…Just a few minutes ago. May I stay the night?"

"Of course, you're always welcome here…"

Suzaku nods, and hugs my right side and sighs in content. Akeno to my front, Reni to my left, and Suzaku to my right… Is this… Heaven? I awkwardly walk over to a seat with the women clinging onto me.

Once there we chat about random things, but I do keep my attention on Suzaku since I just found out about her being one of my 'Fated' ones, that's three now. Lavinia Reni, Velgrynd, and Suzaku Himejima… What the hell connects them?

Poke ~ Poke ~


I look in front of me as Akeno started poking me. She sees me and just smiles at me, but she stops and looks at me seriously.

"When will you propose to us?"



"Akeno, you should wait until you graduate from education before thinking about something like that…"

Akeno nods—

"I agree with that, Suzaku-nee-san, but don't couples talk about if they want to get married in the future or not? I think talking about this with Jin is okay. Reni and I will be with him forever."

"I understand, Akeno… But what do you mean by 'forever'?"

Akeno tells her what I had done to her, Reni, Grayfia, and Asia. Suzaku looked a bit surprised and was staring at her, and then at me intently.

"…I see…"

"Well… I'll keep that secret for the time being, Akeno. But rest assured, I will eventually propose to all of you."

Happy with my answer she lays her head back into my chest, but she pulls her head back. She looks at Reni, and then at me.

"Why do you call Lavinia, 'Reni'?"

I stare at Akeno, and I look at R-Reni… Uh... When did I start calling her that…? However, the girl in question just giggles beside me.

"I found it strange at first, but I got used to it quickly. You know Jin giving everyone weird nicknames from time to time? I guess he just chose my surname. But I don't mind. In the future it will change."

She says with a blush, and I felt my own cheeks heat up a bit. Wait, which do I choose? Skyward, or Toole?

Lavinia Skyward… Lavinia Toole… I mean, probably Skyward since that's my current name.

[Why not keep their previous surnames as new middle names? Something like Lavinia Reni Skyward if you're that concerned about it, Partner.]

Point taken, I'll run it by them. So, I did.

"I… I don't mind either, Jin."

Re— Lavinia answers me. The other two hadn't given me an answer yet.

"Well, I better start calling you Lavinia then? Lavi? Avi? Vinia? They don't really stick well…"

We talk about a few more topics before going back to the living room to join everyone else. Tomorrow, I go back to the Greeks' realm, and confront Kurousagi about her title of [Spear of Sun God Ra]. And hopefully convince her to take me to the Egyptian realm.

Jin's Soul



"No matter how many times we do this, Belzard, it won't change."


As soon as I go into my soul, I saw Garrett and Belzard arm wrestling, well I saw him being slammed into the table and get up. But yes, they were arm wrestling.

[Hmm? Oh, Partner, welcome.]

{You have come, Jin.}

"Yeah. Where's Cúntóir?"

{[Behind you.]}

As I was about to turn around, my eyes were covered by hands.

"If you wish to receive more answers, I want my reward first."

She says behind me. I sigh and agreed. She then uncovers my eyes, and I tuned around to see her on her tippy toes, eyes closed, and her lips pursed waiting for the kiss. I lean forward and give her a quick kiss.

Chu ~

I take a step back, and wait for Cúntóir to get out of… Whatever the hell she's in, because she was giggling to herself.

{It's like a maiden in love…}

[Yeah, it's kind of gros—]

Doom! Ding ~


Ddraig was suddenly launched into the distance. I could hear team rocket's 'we're blasting off again' echoing in my head.

"So, mind telling me more"

"Yes. Of course, Jin. There are four in total, you know that."

I nod.

"They all connect to you. In the past you were human, and even now you sometimes still think 'I am human.' Even though you are not anymore. You may not think or say it, but at the very depths of your subconscious, you still do."

"That's why Lavinia Reni, and Suzaku Himejima are two of your Fated Ones. Both are normal humans, and Azathoth was the one who…"


"Perhaps, or he let 'fate' do it. Even if you're not tied to it. The next one you know is…"

She looks behind me and at Velgrynd. I also look behind me and she averts her gaze from us. Velgrynd already knows about it since we told her during the fifteen years we spent in the [Pocket Dimension].

It took her time to digest that information, but so far, she isn't too bothered by it.

"She signifies the 'Dragon' part of you. You are an Outer Dragon God. That is self-explanatory. I take it that you have a clue on your last 'Fated' one?"

…Two humans, a dragon, and finally—

"A Goddess? Because the only one left is my 'Godly' part, I guess?"


"Have I met them yet?"

"...I am not being prevented from telling you who, but would it not be better for you to find out for yourself, Jin? Take some time to reflect on which Goddesses you've met."


So, she's not against telling me, but thinks it's better for me to find out on my own? Let's see, let's start with the Irish Goddesses: Goddess Danu, Áine, Scathach and Brigid. However, Áine said she wants me to meet someone, if I assume it's another Goddess, then I can count them…

The Greek Goddesses: Hephaestus, Hestia, Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Atë, Athena, Demeter, Eris, Hecate, Nyx, and Amalthea. If I take out the 'Evil' Goddesses then it cuts it down even more. But the ones I'm in good terms are Phae, Hestia, Astraea and Demeter. The rest are… Questionable.

Norse Goddesses… Um, the maids of Odin count, right? So, Hel, Fulla, Hlin, and Gna. Wait, aren't Valkyries Demi Gods? So, Rossweisse and Zelma should count…

Finally, the most recent are the Shinto Goddesses… Amaterasu, Fūjin, Raijin, Inari, and that's about it… Wait, does Tamamo count?

I look back at Cúntóir after going over the Goddesses I know…. And…

"There are too many! I'm going to meet even more! At least help me narrow it down!"

"Fufu, you will find out eventually, Jin. Do not rush. You already know why this exists. They are your main pillars after all."

I sigh and rub the back of my head. Whatever, it's not that crucial, I guess… But, Suzaku, huh? Lavinia, and finally—

My eyes meet with Velgrynd and we stare at each other until—

[Huh? Why are those two looking at each other like they're all lovey dove—]

Doom! Ding ~

[Fucking Dammi—]

{When will you learn, that your actions have consequences, Ddraig…?}

"He won't. He's just like that."

Rudra goes back to reading the book he had with him. When I looked back at Velgrynd she had already walked away towards Rudra. What should I do to get closer to her? She has this weird wall that won't let me through.

Gyu ~


"It is my time, I wish to spoil you, and be spoiled."


So, she dragged me away to spoil me. I hadn't seen Amaris and Elsha. I wonder where they were at…?

Next day

Since waking up today… Everyone has been looking at me strangely, and I didn't know why. We were eating breakfast and they would look at me quickly before looking away. I am very confused.

"…Okay, you're all killing me, why are all of you taking quick glances at me?!"

Grayfia sighs, summons a mirror and hands it to me. I was confused, but deduced that it may involve my appearance. I took the handheld mirror and looked at myself.


My left eye had turned silver. Um… What the hell happened? Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: Not just that, look at the tips of your hair.

I did so and they had also become silver. The tips of my hair became silver…

Cúntóir: Answer: While it was a bit delayed, your body has started to permanently change. You did reach the first requirement of your evolution.

I see. I don't know how to feel about this. Whatever, I can just put some illusion magic on me when I go to school. My avatar can also do the same thing.

"Haa… Don't worry about it. Just a side effect."

Surprisingly enough they didn't need me to elaborate, but they know about my evolution thing, so I shouldn't be too surprised.

The Gremory peerage, and everyone else who had school had already left. I wasn't going to the Egyptian Mythology yet, so I won't be bringing Inaie yet, but I promised to teleport back to get her once I do go there. So for the time being, she's training her cooking with Grayfia, and also being a maid.

To my left was Rose, she was in her usual business suit. To my right was Raiko, she was also in her usual tight suit attire. Seeing as both of them were ready, we left for Little Olympus.

Little Olympus

"Haaaa… Little Olympus… How I was just here a few days ago. Let's go."

I hear them chuckle behind me and I walked towards the guards. I had teleported just outside Little Olympus, once the guards saw me, they let me in without question. Once we got close to the middle, and near the Tower of Heaven…

"Now then…"

"Oya? Jin, why are you here? ~"

The familiar voice of Hermes said to my right side. I look over and saw him there.

"Hello, Hermes. I'm just here to go to the rabbit youkais of this realm."

"Hmm-hmm, the rabbit youkai, huh? So, you're curious about Kurousagi, huh? Fufu, they're an interesting bunch. Do you know where it's at?"

I see. I guess he also knows about the history of Kurousagi? You're making me very curious now, you know?

"I believe south west? That's what I heard the announcer say."

Hermes gives me a thumbs up.

"Yes! You are correct, Jin! Well, it doesn't seem you need my help. Huhu, do enjoy your little adventure there."

After saying that, Hermes dashed away. I guess he just came across us by accident. But—

"Wait! I forgot to mention!"

He quickly came back and nearly crashed into me. Hermes takes a bit to catch his breath and looks back at me.

"Freyja… Freyja is back in our realm."

"Freyja…? Isn't she—"

"Yes, a Norse Goddess, but she's moved here. Anyway, I feel like your relationship with her will be complicated! Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you, good bye again! Oh, right! Nice new look, Jin!"

Dwosh ~

Hermes disappeared again. Freyja, huh? I did feel a new divine aura here. I look at Rose and Raiko, but they were too busy looking around Little Olympus, and hadn't said anything yet.

"Let's go. Just follow my lead."

I float up and so does Rose, but… Raiko awkwardly stands there… Right, she can't fly. I go back down and apologize to her before picking her up and carrying her. Once I re-join Rose, I could feel she was feeling a little jealous but didn't say anything.

I begin flying to the south west of Little Olympus, I protected Raiko with my [True Infinity] since she was probably not used to flying and at this speed. While I wasn't going stupidly fast, it was at a good enough pace that Rose had to use a little effort to keep up.

"You doing, okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

South west. South was Minotaur and Orcs, and west were the sirens. Wet + greenery… Do I expect some kind of marshlands or something? As I thought of what kinds of sceneries we would come across—

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~

We were suddenly assault by a downpour of rain. When I looked below us, there were indeed some muddy places below, but I wouldn't call it a marshland or anything like that. There weren't any kind of civilization below us. Though it's not a suitable place to live…

Looking back ahead, I could see that the rain cuts off at a certain part. It looks like—

"It seems like only this marshland-like area is constantly raining. I wonder why?"

Raiko makes her thoughts known to us, and Rose agreed.

"Yes, however, I heard from Jin that Typhon attacked this realm long ago, so is it right to assume that this area might be heavily affected?"

"Yeah. Since west is the sirens, and from what I heard the area was probably flooded by Typhon's attacks. I don't know why it's constantly raining though. We can check it out another time."

As we quickly left the area, I could see in the far distance a village, it wasn't anything large, but it was small and cozy. The buildings were around small to medium in size, with the occasional larger building thrown in there. One of the largest buildings there was the windmill.

Their homes are mainly built in stone, or wood. It also seems that they tried to incorporate nature into their village as much as possible since I could see many plants, trees and bushes around their own homes.

"I'm not trying to sound rude, but is it wrong to assume they're somewhat poor…?"

I tell them my thoughts out loud, and Raiko who was in my arms agreed. The same with Rose, but…

"While I agree with you, Jin. I would suggest not saying that out loud when we arrive, they may be sensitive about that topic."

"Yeah, I won't... Hmm?"

As we quickly approach the village, I could see many rabbit youkai walking around and going about their daily lives. But I also felt a divine aura here. We finally land near the entrance of the village and many eyes are drawn to us.

"Is something wrong, Jin?"

"No, I just felt a familiar aura here…"

Step ~ Step ~

As we stood there about to discuss our next steps, we hear footsteps approaching us. We turn to look at them and…

A female rabbit youkai stood there. She has a long, straight violet hair that reaches her hips, blue-violet eyes, pale skin and she has developed body. Her rabbit ears also twitch on top of her head.

Why is she wearing a maid's clothing...?

"Oh! The Middleman! I didn't think you would come to this village!"

She says while quickly walking over to me, and inspecting me while walking around me.

"Hmm-hmm. It seems like Goddess Amalthea was right!"

She didn't elaborate any further, and gestured for us to follow her. A bit confused at what just happened, we glance at each other before agreeing. I didn't expect that at all. But we followed after the rabbit youkai and we go through the small village.

Many eyes are drawn to us as we walked through it. A few children point out that the Oppai Dragon came to their home and were excited. I waved to them as this happened.

"So, who are you?"

I asked from behind her, and she chuckles.

"Oh, right. I'm Coella by the way! We don't have any leaders in this village per se, but we do go to one central figure for advice, whether that be personal or a decision for the village. I guess they're the most senior here?"

"I see. Nice to meet you. I'm Jin."

As we continue on our short journey, I noticed that not all rabbit youkai look like humans, some are like literal rabbits walking in two legs, and can speak, others are a mix of the two. I take a look at Coella again, and she's mostly human, but has rabbit ears and tail.

We eventually reach a medium sized home, and Coella knocks on it. The door eventually opens and we saw another female rabbit youkai.

"Hmm? Oh, Coella, how can I help you? ...Oh, it's the Middleman. Please come in."

She sees Coella, but then sees us and immediately invites us inside. We enter her home, and once inside… It was normal looking. Chairs, tables, shelves with books, a few areas being illuminated by magic, and other décor like plants, pictures and the like.

"Jin. We meet again."

Hearing a voice, I turn my attention to my left side, a person was sitting on a chair by a table as she drank some tea. It was Amalthea. I wasn't expecting to see her here. We've only encountered each other twice, but she's the divine aura I felt, huh?

"Hello, Amalthea. It's good to see you again."

"Oh? Are you wishing for me to kiss you once more?"

"No, that's not what I meant…"

"I jest, Jin. Come and sit."

Raiko, and Rose go over and sit, along with Coella, and the owner of this home.  Instead of sitting I stand at the end of the table. Amalthea who had closed her eyes after seeing me upon entering this place opened them again. Her eyes widen for a split second before going back to normal.

"Hmm. What has happened to your eye, Jin?"

A hint of concern in her voice as she asked me that, but I shook my head.

"It's nothing to worry about. Anyway, may I know who you are…?"

I turn to the other female rabbit youkai. She had long blonde hair that was in a braid, the left side of her hair on the front was also braided. Her eyes were mostly shut, I think this is the first time I've seen this 'trope' in this world.

A character keeps their eyes 'closed' all the time but can still see. That's how This rabbit youkai is right now. She wore a white shirt that reached to her elbows, on top of that was a black vest. She wore short black shorts, and black boots. She also had black gloves on her hands, and grey stockings.

"I'm Rini, the unofficial leader of this quaint village, I guess?"

She phrased that as more of a question rather than a fact. Amalthea chuckled beside her.

"Yes, she is. She has been the leader for around one hu—"

"Ah! Amalthea! Please don't go telling people my age!"

She starts waving her hands in front of her in a panic, and Amalthea responded by chuckling at her. It seems like they're good friends at least, if they can joke about that. Amalthea looks back at me and continues.

"What business do you have here, Jin? Surely you are not just here to explore, correct?"

She's a lot smarter than you would think, but I guess that comes with age...… As I said that to myself, I could feel her staring daggers into me. I gave her a strained smile and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm actually looking for Kurousagi, but if she's not here, then can you point me towards her 'rival'?"

Both Rini and Amalthea gained serious expressions and looked at each other. Coella was just mostly confused.

"I see, you're here about 'that', correct? Kurousagi is here, and her rival Vera is also here. I would suggest you go meet Vera first before you confront Kurousagi about it. She's a little more… Sensitive about the topic."

I nod.

"I see… One last question… Why is there barely any male rabbit youkai? I've mostly seen women."

Rini smiles and answers me.

"You make already have heard, like the harpies, but the chances of male rabbit youkais being born is quite rare. My knowledge of this is based what I know here. Perhaps it's only relevant to our race in this realm? Because I am unaware of how it works outside of our realm."

"I see. Thank you for answering my questions, and sorry for intruding. And thank you, Coella for bringing us here."

I started to walk back to the door. Rose and Raiko quickly joined me.

"Ara? Why not stay a little while, Jin?"

"I'm sure you're aware of what's happening to the world right now. As much as I'd like to stay, chat and explore more, I have a job to do. I hope you understand, Amalthea."

"…I suppose you do. Forgive me."

"No, it's fine. Anyway, I'll try to come again in the future."

We finally left through the door and went to look for Vera.


I never would have imagined that Jin would come here of all places, however, from what I heard from young boy Hermes… He had the desire to explore, not just our realm, but many others. So, he didn't find a chance to come here…

"Amalthea, what did he mean by that?"

A long time friend, Rini asked beside me. I took another sip of tea and nodded.

"Hmm. It's another sensitive topic, however, keep this a secret for the time being, do I make myself clear?"

I glace at both of them. Rini agreed, while Coella agreed as well, albeit a bit scared. So, I told them what Chronos told the rest of us. Once I was finished, they were clearly shocked by what is about to happen.

"W-Will we need to prepare…?"

"This village? No, however, we are preparing some extra defenses for Little Olympia, and Mount Olympus. We believe they'll only target the main areas of our realm. Please take no offense to this, Rini, Coella."

"N-None at all! But yes, it does make sense if we look at it that way. The places they've mostly attacked on a large scale have been places of importance or relevance."

Rini and I converse as Coella seemed to be panicking. I got up from my seat and hugged her from behind making the young girl freeze.

"If you are still worried, Coella. Jin has offered to help us, while the Governor of the Fallen Angels may have said it in a joking manner, Jin will definitely provide us aid. So, if they do attack here…"

He'll surely—

"He'll definitely come help, is what you're saying?"

Rini finishes my thoughts and I nodded.

"Perhaps it's presumptuous of me, but I believe that's the kind of person Jin is. And I hope I am right…"

I focus my attention at the door where he just recently left. He's certainly an interesting individual. He has already changed again after our initial meeting. I do wonder what happened in such a short amount of time…

Jin Skyward

[So, Partner. We'll go to those countries once you convince either Kurousagi or even Vera?]

Yeah, I have a feeling that those two came from Egypt, and not just Kurousagi.

We had been waking around the village and I was using [Observe] constantly at anyone we came across. Since the rabbit youkai here were mostly females, so I assumed that Vera was also female.

As we walked around, we were greeted by the locals of the town, and we finally came across a more unique looking female rabbit. When I used [Observe] on her….


We had found Vera. She has gorgeous looks with beautiful and long flaxen hair, big red eyes, plump lips and a charming face. She gives an impression of nobility and dignity by just standing still. Her rabbit ears were white, and she had some sort of rapier with a jewel mounted on the grip on her hip.

She sees us looking at her and waves at us. I wave back and walked towards her.

"Ara? The famed Middleman has approached me. How can I help you? Oh, I'm Vera by the way!"

"Hmm. I was hoping to ask you some questions. Can we go to a place a little more private?"

Her rabbit ears twitched and she agreed. She starts to walk away and we follow her. She turns a few corners, and goes up a small hill. We were being led away from the village, but we could also overlook it.

We find a short little area with a small tree. She walks over to it and stands underneath it.

"Is this about Kurousagi?"

She says, and I nodded.

"I did pursue her after all. As you may know, or guessed… We are from the Egyptian realm. We are from the race called the 'Moon Rabbits'. In our race, we are meant to serve two Gods in our mythology. But before that, I would like to say this…"

"Unlike here in the Greek realm, male rabbits are born more frequently over at the Egyptian rabbit youkai, as such… Us females are rarely born, but we are not as nonexistent as here. I would say the ratio is 70:30, unlike here where it's 90:10."

"This is relevant since it goes back to my other point. Male rabbits once they reach a certain age will go and serve the God Osiris. While the few females will serve the God Ra. As so why? I am not sure, but it was told to me by my parents that's how our ancestors made the deal with the two Gods."

"In turn they provided us with protection, and so this has been a tradition for many years… Until Kurousagi broke it. I was the other candidate to serve God Ra, you know? As to how we're chosen? It's based on our overall abilities."

"Kurousagi excelled in many aspects, and she won over me in the physical department, hence why she was chosen over me. But what they failed to account was her weak and fragile metal fortitude and was weak to high intense pressure, as she would break down or lash out."

"But she did well in hiding this, but when time came…"

Vera trailed off and shakes her head.

"It would be better to hear it from Kurousagi herself. I have approached her time and time again, but she just avoids the topic. When I first pursued her here, I tried to force her back, but we would end in a draw."

"That's also when the Gods of this realm stopped us, and approached us. That's why we always attend the Tournament of Power. If Kurousagi beats me in it, I would promise her to stop trying to bring her back to our realm, but if I won…"

Vera chuckles to herself.

"If I won, she would come back with me. But every time I won, she would obviously say no and resist, but she would eventually lash out violently if I kept pushing her. So, I was forced to stop since I can't exactly win against Gods…"

She stretches her body and looks back at us.

"Anyway, we can speak to her about it. You're hoping to us her, or us to get into our mythology, right? Not a bad idea, you're probably aware of some of our resident's hatred for you after all. Hey, if you can convince me to bring her back, then I'll advocate for you!"

"I'm quite well known over there you know? Hehe, anyway let's go to Kurousagi then!"

Without waiting for us to answer she starts to walk away. But… I see; however, she didn't explain to us why Kurousagi left in the first place, and why she's so against going back. But I guess she did say we have to ask her ourselves…

[But that means, you have to deal with her violent reaction, Partner.]

Yeah. But I can deal with it. Let's hope we don't need to resort to it though. Vera was ahead of us and was basically skipping through the village.

"It seems this is a lot more complicated than we had thought. Whatever problems Kurousagi has…"

"She needs to deal with them herself, or have someone give her some encouragement or the push in the right direction."

Raiko says, and Rose added. Why do I feel like they're implying that I have to do it… I mean Akeno was the one who convinced Inaie you know…?

We finally reached an open field; grass was all around us and a lone figure was training in the distance. The blue hair that swayed as she moved around stood out in all this green. She finally finishes doing a move, and turns to look our way.

"Yoohoo ~ Kuro ~"

"…Vera, and the Middleman…"

She frowned when she saw Vera but became even more warier when she spotted me.

"Why have you come here?"

"They're here to help you fix that problem ~"

Wait, what?

Edit: We hit 1 million words with this chapter! Yay ~

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