Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 76: Volume 5 – Chapter 3 – Part 3 – Meruem, Prawia, and Demise

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{Huh? You're following me?}

I was flying towards the middle of the lake when I saw Edel flying beside me. However, she only smiled at my question. I wasn't really bothered by it, but I would have assumed she had already checked this out…

"Am I not allowed?"

She asked looking a little hurt. No, while we've only interacted briefly, she tends to tease people but not to the extent like Penemue, it's just 'light' teasing.

{No, you're free. You already explored this, right? Is there anything notable you can share?}

We were slowly closing in on the massive hole in the middle of the lake. Edel shook her head in response to my question.

"No, unfortunately. However, I can sense something deep within it. Whatever it is, it's very valuable to Khaos Brigade, and I believe that they will focus more on this rather than the other realms. But, that's just what I think, Albion-chan ~"

{If you say so.}

We arrived above the middle of the lake. We slowly descended nearer to the water, and when we got close enough, we stopped. It was faint, but there was some kind of power emanating from deep within the place. Some kind of ancient weapon or something?

Even though I have been alive for a very long time, I have only been exposed to certain parts of the world, and Russia wasn't one of them. Whatever happened to this area of the world before humans came, it was probably something significant.

"Hmm. I didn't analyze this when I first came here. Granted, I did not delve into it, however, whatever is down there, or whatever Khaos Brigade is targeting, they have to contain something similar. They have to contain some kind of mighty power."

In the short time I've known her, Edel usually has a gentle or calm demeanor. But right now, after saying that she looked quite serious, it's a bit off-putting to be honest. But I could say the same to the Ice Princess, and many others who I regularly see as just 'sweet' towards Jin.

{This place is a bit harder to defend since quite a lot of normal humans are here. I don't think Khaos Brigade will care about them and will attack regardless of the circumstances. Honestly, it's been a miracle that they haven't just outright attacked a normal city and slaughtered thousand.}

I said to myself, but Edel agreed with me.

Despite their current tactics of guerrilla warfare, they are only targeting small settlements or small populated cities around the world. If you look at it logically, it doesn't make sense. It would make sense if they attacked larger cities whose populations are in the hundreds or thousands.

Then why do they just attack them? Do those locations offer the same things as this? If so, shouldn't they keep attacking them? Or are they just testing something… Wait, testing?

{What if their attacks were just tests?}


{Yes, tests… But for what? The blood? Their current strength? Seeing the current alliance's response rate? If it's the latter then it's kind of poor… Well, it was poor. Jin has made more Shadow Knights and spread them across the world, so it should be fine. I think.}

"Hmm. Let's tell Jin-chan that when this is over, for now let's just focus on this. They're not here yet which is quite strange."

{Yeah… Well, let's just head back.}

Edel agreed and started to go back first. I looked back at the large hole one last time before heading back to shore. What is the reason for attacking these countries? I wonder if Querehsha and Antares are having any trouble?

Ignia apparently didn't say if they were attacking the North or South Pole. Those two have their own armies, so it should be fine…

Khaos Brigade


"It seems like the attack in Egypt failed since the Middleman was there. Cao Cao is no more— No, the entire Hero Faction has been wiped out. There are survivors but they have been captured."

A member of the 'Alliance of Hell' says. Well, yeah, I captured them and will contact father when this is all over. But I did put a sleeping spell on them to prevent them from waking up too early, as well as heal them slightly.

The person turns to me.

"Ignia-sama, you were there. Could this not be prevented?"

I shrug.

"I was in the human realm, where some were planning to attack Pyramid Lahun. One of the Middleman's subordinates was there and I fought him, but the others were already wiped out when I got there. He was strong, see?"

I brought my injured arm up. That piece of shit really injured me! But I didn't care since it was a fun fight, but still... Even after father told him, he still attacked me quite seriously. That's how I got this injury. I should meet with father to get it healed, but won't that seem suspicious…?

"I see. While unfortunate, we are glad you got out unscathed. We have placed his current known subordinates on a 'do not approach' list. Fleeing is top priority when encountered by them."

He turns to a different person.

"How are the attacks on Ireland and Russia coming along?"

"They are currently in progress, sir!"

"I see. Report any new developments to me when they arise."

He turns to me and bows before leaving. If I'm not mistaken, Isrāfīl went to Russia, so he should be dead or captured by father. The same with Jibrail who went to Ireland. All that's left is Mīkhā'īl who's in Russia with the Monkai Association.

I don't think father will just capture him though… Whatever he has planned for him, it should be different since he's quite high-up in Khaos Brigade. Simply killing him or capturing him won't give him too many benefits, even after reading his memories.

So... Maybe mind control? It would be possible for him, but would he do it? I don't know, but I'll ask him when I meet up with him again. I walk around the base and eventually come to our usual meeting room. I felt Lapis in there, but Meruem was nowhere to be found.

I pushed the doors open and Lapis waved at me.

"Ignia-chan ~ hey, hey, did you know?"

"Know what?"

"Frieza finally showed up in the Slavic Gods' realm! I don't know why he's there though ~ maybe he'll cause some trouble and then go to the country of Russia before trying to destroy earth from there?"

"Father won't let that happen though… He'll be the first to die among us."

Lapis happily nodded; she didn't even seem bothered by it. She skipped around while humming.

"Well, I don't think we'll all die. You know how daddy is ~ but who knows? He has been a bit different lately ~ I wonder if he'll take Meruem under his wing? He's the oddest amongst us ~"

No… YOU are definitely the weirdest… I call Jin 'father', Friezaza refers to him as 'Papa-san', Meruem, even though he rarely speaks. He addresses him as 'that man' or even 'father' sometimes, but you… You call him 'daddy'… Like what…? You also have mother's obsessive love towards him…

So, I don't want to hear that from you. Frieza and I don't get along, but hearing you call someone else the odd, is odd in itself…

"Don't give me that look! I am the most normal out of all of us!"


"I was created as the most suitable partner for daddy ~ mother did so in a way, we're the same person, but I am a little more toned down. Ah ~ it truly is destiny! It must be fate! I'm getting horny so I'm going to masturbate to daddy, bye-bye ~"

After saying very questionable things, Lapis left the room we were in. I will never understand that woman… But that makes me even more curious. How will father deal with her?

But… Frieza is in the Slavic realm, huh? Why there of all places? Unless he had some loyal followers that informed him, or has insiders himself, I would rather believe the former rather than the latter.

However, since I helped with this, I'm sure father will let me fight him.... No, I'll ask him if I could fight God Serena again. I want some kind of revenge on him. That little shit did break my arm!


Land of Heaven Falls

Goddess Danu

Why… Why did I do that…? After arriving back in the realm of the Tuatha Dé Danann, I had to steady myself by holding onto a bench. My other hand was covering my mouth, and my entire face was completely red and warm.

I should be ashamed of myself when I blush after kissing a man younger than me - a Goddess who has lived for tens of thousands of years. I must calm down…


I hear the familiar voice of Cana, and I look up as I was staring at the ground. She was with Áine and she had a look of solicitude towards me. I quickly composed myself, and straightened myself.

"Yes, Cana?"

"Where did you go? You disappeared all of a sudden and we got worried. We've been looking for you, you know?"

"…I thought I felt something strange in a different direction, so I decided to investigate by myself. But there's nothing to worry about. Nothing was there when I arrived."

I explained to Cana, whether or not my lie was believable, I wasn't too sure myself since my own thoughts were still jumbled up at the moment. Cana seemed to sigh in relief, however, Áine was looking at me suspiciously.

"Huh? Is something wrong, Áine?"

Noticing her staring at me silently, Cana asks her fellow Goddess. But Áine just shakes her head.

"…No, it's nothing, Cana. I'm glad that Danu is safe too. Now, let's go back to patrolling. We don't know if the attacks are still ongoing or if they've stopped. But it's better to stay alert."

Áine turned around first. Cana tried to stop her but was unable to. So we were left by ourselves. Can turns back to me and with a more serious and mature look—

"Did you really go investigating something by yourself, Danu? You've always been a bad liar…"

Feeling a smile creep up on my face, I stare at Cana and smile. Even when you have your more childish personality out, you don't fail to notice the more subtle things, but I suspect you saw Áine's reaction this time around…

"…I went to Skellig Rocks to meet Jin."

Cana giggled at me.

"My, to think you would abandon this realm to meet up with the Middleman. He has his hands on you, doesn't he? Even though you only met up a few times in the past, Danu."


I didn't know what to say to her. I'm also curious, however, that can be touched upon in the future.

"Let's go catch up with Áine, Cana."

"Okay ~"

The next time I'll see Jin is probably when he takes Áine's request, the date.


According to Cúntóir, the Slavic realm should be in the Suhaya Mountains, near Lake Tibercul, Siberia. So, I quickly made my way there. My speed was fast enough that most humans wouldn't be able to perceive me.

I did not know much about the Slavic deities until I was informed by Cúntóir, and in turn I was intrigued enough to research them myself. However, this was the same for the other pantheons. I did not know which one I would be sent to so I gained some general knowledge on them all.

Cúntóir mentioned that there is one Chief God of the Russian mythology, which is Perun, the God of sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility and oak trees. However, two others also rule with him, however, they tend to leave the final call to Perun.

The other two leaders are Dazhbog who is the Solar God, which I interpret as God of Light or Sun. The other is Svarog, the God of Fire and Blacksmithing. As I thought about this, I quickly approached a large clear blue lake.

As I approached this area, I had turned invisible since I decided to slow down and not attract unwanted attention. There was a lake in front of me, beyond it were mountains, and I could feel a power barrier coming from those mountains.

I jump down from my resting point and land on the rocks below. I do not know if the lake is translucent all year round, however, this area gives a more serene atmosphere. Much like the blue lake where the Khaos Brigade plans to attack.

There were few to no flowers growing here, however, there were plenty of green grass around the rocks. It was also cold in the area, but we, the Electa, had been engineered to be resistant to the change of temperature, even if we were naked.

As I made my way toward the barrier, the entire place was mostly silent. The occasional animal's cry, or my own footsteps, but that was it. It was an idyllic moment that I will cherish before I face whatever awaits me beyond that barrier.

The Slavic realm. I wonder what it looks like?

My hand touched the barrier when I reached it. I was still invisible, but I still looked around me to make sure that there wasn't anyone watching me. I didn't feel other life energies near me or see anyone with my own eyes. So, I nodded to myself before stepping through.

Slavic Gods' Realm

"This is..."

I was surprised by the scenery in front of me, but also by the lack of security. Although, I feel like I am on a cliff edge. It seems like the realm is in a constant state of winter. A slow but cold breeze that carried snow was slowly blowing into me.

There were many large and unique looking buildings, but what stood out to me was some kind of large ice structure. This seemed to be in the middle of some kind of lake. Beyond this city lay a solitary range of mountains. I wondered if there was more to this realm than this city.

Currently, right now I could feel five Gods in this city. Perun, the Chief God may have sent the other deities to help out other settlements in this realm? I sigh, I will find out soon. Looking to my right there seemed to be a pathway covered in snow, however, there were signs indicating on where to go.

Following the path, I slowly descended the small hill I was on. I eventually came across some kind of archway that was also covered in snow. However, there was a lone guard on duty. They spotted me and put their hand up.

"Stop, who are you?"

I nod, and pull out an item that Jin-sama gave me beforehand. I pour some magic into it and the video plays.

[Hello, this is the Middleman. Anyway, to make a long story short, I can't personally make it to the Slavic Gods' realm right now and I sent my subordinate instead. If you could let him through and meet your Gods, that would be greatly appreciated.]

The guard seemed a little stunned but nodded his head in the end.

"I see, yes, Master Perun has been expecting a visit from the Middleman. Please follow me."

Hmm. That's to be expected. Jin-sama's fight was broadcasted all over the supernatural world after all. It is inevitable that he will be sought out by certain pantheons. I follow the man who was guarding the gate.

"Before you ask, I am not a guard. Master Perun and the other Gods… They received a message from the Governor of the Fallen Angels about what's happening, so they were expecting the Middleman any day now."

"I see."

It seems that Azazel was helping Jin-sama in his own way. I will put a good word in for him. Jin-sama may reward him with more of those pills. However…

"May I ask which Gods are currently present here today?"

"Sure. They're Master Perun, Svarog, Dazhbog, and Mistress Mokosh and Zorya. The other Gods and Goddesses were spread across our realm after a decision was made about when they would formally invite the Middleman here. However, as I mentioned, we received a concerning message not too long ago."

He explains.

"I see, may I ask who you are?"

"Me? I'm just a servant to Master Dazhbog. Since I was looking forward to meeting the Middleman, I decided to volunteer to wait for him. Oh, I'm Ollopa by the way."

The man called Ollopa has short white hair that's swept backwards, gray eyes and tanned skin. He wore a red plain coat.

He wears a black body armor which consisted of a black tight and sleeveless shirt with silver accents that outlined his muscles and a metal plate on his collar. He also had black pants that had two black straps on his thighs, and another two strapped around his shins separate from each other. He wears black metal-plated shoes, which appear to be attached to his trousers.

"I see, nice to meet you. I'm Celestin, a butler of Jin-sama."

"Butler? I didn't know the Middleman was rich, though, thinking about his job. He must get a lot of money for it, right?"

"Yes, he indeed does."

Our conversation stopped there and we walked through the streets of this realm. However, it wasn't silent as Ollopa was quite well known and apparently popular as he was greeted multiple times on our journey.

"Ollopa, what's that ice structure in the middle of the lake? I can see others like it in the distance. I have been curious about them since I saw them."

"Ahhh… Those, ahaha… They're just old remnants of a prank Master Perun did in our realm. However, the people around here liked them, so he didn't get rid of them. They are more like tourist spots since the inside of them is like outer space or the galaxy, but a bit colder and made out of ice."

"Each one is a different part of outer space. He himself doesn't know how he managed to create such an effect, but didn't question it and left them there. Do you want to go to one of them?"

I shake my head. While I'm curious, I have a mission to finish. Jin-sama may want to in the future though.

"I will have to decline, Ollopa. However, I am confident Jin-sama will do so in the future. So, is the tall building across from us where the Gods are at?"

I could also feel their divine auras from there. To this, Ollopa nodded.

"Yes, it is, although it was built with that kind of aesthetic in mind, you know? There is only one building here that people may mistake it for, and we're coming to it right now."

We had arrived in the western half of the city and there was a building with a large glowing sphere. I could also feel many people in there, and below it. Perhaps an underground portion?

"This is?"

"Our laboratory, or research facility. The Governor of the Fallen Angels isn't the only one trying to do research into creating Sacred Gears. However, he was the only one that had been successful, not including Khaos Brigade."

"Our hope is that when we join the alliance we will finally be able to perfect them. Well, that's one of the reasons we wish to join. The other is maintaining the peace that Master Perun desires, and even some old Gods in other pantheons joined, he saw it fit to do so now."

A research facility, huh? On closer inspection, many of the buildings and structures here seem quite unique, almost futuristic, but still reminiscent of an older era. However, they also wish to create their own Sacred Gears. Although they are not the first, I wonder what Jin-sama will think of it?

We were quickly approaching the large ice structure. Even from a distance I could see the inside was quite dark, and I could see there were some shapes in the ceiling. Interesting. However, we had to turn left and so I did not see anymore.

"Are you not cold in just those clothes?"

"Jin-sama created these with different temperatures in mind. Currently, I am quite warm. If I went to the Egyptian Mythology, it will change to keep me cool, it's quite convenient."

Ollopa's head fully snapped backwards as he was only glancing at me. His eyes were quite wide, he was apparently shocked by this revelation.

"Seriously? That would… That would really sell a lot if the Middleman did it in the supernatural, you know? Why hasn't he?"

I shook my head. I do not know. Jin-sama tends to hold back in releasing many things to the public, as to why? I do not know; he never divulged that information to us.

"Perhaps Jin-sama is waiting for the right opportunity? Or does he have a larger plan? I am not sure. We will all just have to wait, Ollopa."

"I see. It's unfortunate, but I think I know why. A lot of companies in the supernatural world will try to copy him, and he probably doesn't want his potential earnings to take a hit."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reasoning. Yes, it would make sense if Jin-sama wanted to do it for profit, but he can basically create money, and also go to the [Pocket Dimension] to earn more gold to exchange for currency.

Ollopa looks confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Jin-sama isn't worried about making a profit. With his job as the Middleman, and other ways of making money, he's essentially a trillionaire already. I am also sure he can stop any others from copying it. So, if he were to truly release that, then it would probably be because he just did it on a whim. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Trillionaire… Geez, I can only imagine owning that kind of money in my dreams."

Ollopa and I spoke more about Jin-sama, but we eventually came to a small bridge and crossed it. To our immediate right was the building where the divine aura of the gods were. There were more guards there, and Ollopa saluted them and nodded. They did the same thing to him.

I wasn't stopped as I was with him, and we walked into the building. Like the rest of the realm's buildings, the interior of this building was of the same design. Of course, it had furniture in it, but they were mostly made out of Russian birch, also known as Baltic birch.

"They are in the middle tower, at the very top."

I followed Ollopa, however, I was expecting to climb upstairs but instead he brought us to an elevator. It was a modern one but powered by magic. We both stepped on it and he pressed a button that was numbered '0'. The elevator quickly shot upwards and a few seconds later we arrived at the top.

The doors opened and we stepped through. This floor was much more professionally done. It had some vending machines, landscape paintings, illuminated by magic lights, and other décor that made it look like something from a rich person's home.

We walked forward because not too far from us was an ornate door with many beautiful designs on it. Once we were in front of it, Ollopa pushed it open. We stepped through and were in the room. There was a rectangular-shaped table that was in a vertical position.

At the very top of it was an intimidating looking man. His eyes glowed blue as did the jewels on his armor. He wore a golden crown, golden fingerless gauntlets, belt, pants, and shoes. He had long white hair, and a long white beard.

To his right was a woman, who had merlot colored hair, it was just like red wine, hence the name, she also had cerulean eyes. She wore a unique looking toga that was green and white in color, she was also covered in some vines and plant life.

Beside her was another woman. She had light gray hair and dark gray eyes. Her haircut was in a long ponytail. Her outfit was a one piece that consisted of white, black, blue and silver. She had some sort of shoulder guard on her right shoulder with a large wing design that reached to her waist.

Across from them was a man who wears a sunflower-patterned haori and a large, woven hat with hanging floral wind chimes. He has long, black hair coupled with sharp eyes and distinctly-shaped thick eyebrows.

Also, beside him was a man with golden colored hair, golden colored eyes, a golden colored robe, and some sort of spikes protruding from his head. He also had gold clouds constantly circling him.

"Ollopa, you have returned."

The golden-haired man says, and Ollopa nods.

"Yes, I have, Master Dazhbog. I brought one of the Middleman's subordinates."

Ollopa turns and nods at me, so I took a step forward and bowed.

"I am called Celestin, one of Jin-sama's subordinates and butler. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am here for business; however, I trust you all know that already?"

They nod and the man at the top of the table grins. I bring out the device I had earlier and play it. They all watch it silently and finally nodded in the end.

"I see, as unfortunate as it is, we are glad to have you here, Celestin. I am Dazhbog as you heard earlier. The grinning buffoon is our Chief God, Perun. Ignore his childish way of looking intimidating."

Dazhbog said making the Perun stop grinning and frowned at him.

"…I wanted to surprise him, Dazhbog, why must you ruin it? Kah! Nevertheless, I welcome you to our realm, Prawia, Celestin. Thank you for coming. It hasn't been long since the Governor of the Fallen Angels contacted us."

"Before we get to it, the man beside Dazhbog is Svarog, the lady beside me is my wife, Mokosh, the one next to her is Zorya, the Goddess of Dusk and Dawn."

All of the Gods and Goddesses present give me a curt nod.

"Now then, not all of the Gods here are present, many of them are in different parts of Prawia as we decided to have some of them protect the smaller towns and villages outside of this city since we do not know where Khaos Brigade will attack."

"Will you be assisting us?"

"Yes, of course, that is why I am here. However, a fellow subordinate and the [Vanishing Dragon] are protecting a different part of Russia that Jin-sama suspects they may attack, so leave it to them."

"Hmm. I will leave it to them then. All that's left to do is wait."

I nod and put my hand up which confused them. I smile and create a barrier around the building. Khaos Brigade may already be here, so this may be worthless, but it will give them some relief. I also hope they only attack this city and not the other towns and villages spread across this realm.

That would make it easier for me to defend, although I won't have any problems traveling to other places if the need arises. They were looking at me curiously and I explained to them what I did.

"Hoho! To think you could do something like that, interesting! So we can suspect that the Middleman can do the same thing, eh?"

Perun asked and I nodded.

"But please keep in mind that they may already be in your realm, so all I did was prevent them from getting more reinforcements, so we still need to defend your home."

"I see. Nevertheless, it is still appreciated, Celestin."

We spoke for a little bit more, although only the male Gods spoke with me as the Goddesses opted to stay silent and listen in. However, Perun did elicit some soft giggling from his wife, Mokosh. Goddess Zorya on the other hand stayed completely silent.

They even commented on it, as she usually does speak, I also found it fascinating, but I had left the building and was currently walking around the city. I wish to know the layout, and hopefully come across some Khaos Brigade members.

Although it is very unlikely since the majority of them have likely consumed some of Azrael's blood, so detecting them will be impossible. As I walked through the streets of this city, I came across a multitude of people and some food vendors.

I approach a certain street vendor and inquired about the food he was selling.

"These? Ah, you must be new here. These are called pirozhki. Pirozhki are either fried or baked. Mine are fried. They come in sweet or savory varieties, and mine are sweet. Mashed potato, mushrooms, boiled eggs and cabbage are the fillings in mine. Would you like some?"

Pirozhki, I see. I am interested. I can analyze it and recreate it back at Jin-sama's home. After that, the recipe will be shared with Grayfia and Sharon. Of course, Jin-sama will also be interested in it. Perhaps he could add it to the menu of his restaurant?

"Hmm. Yes, if you don't mind. How much can you give me now?"

"H-How much? Um… I can make around thirty of them for you, after that I need to restock my supplies in that grocery store over there."

He was a little surprised and then points to a grocery store behind us. I nod—

"Then I will take all thirty, will this be enough?"

I present to him around €2000, or ₽126,015 Russian rubbles. The man's eyes bulged out of his sockets before going into a coughing fit. I offer him a handkerchief and he accepts it. He eventually stops and starts to wave his hands in front of him.

"T-This is too much!"

"Please accept it. I won't be taking it back."

He tries to give most of it back, but I stayed firm and he eventually accepted it all. But he was quite enthusiastic in making my food.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is someone that's as rich as you in a place like this? While our realm doesn't have 'low-class' or 'high-class', there is a disparity in wealth."

"Hmm? Is that so? I am here in behalf of my master, Jin-sama, the Middleman."


"Excuse me, are you alright?"

"E-Eh…? A-Ah, y-yes, I am. I'm sorry, give me a moment."

The man puts down the food he had on his hand and runs away towards the large lake. He then screams for a few seconds, this action attracts a few eyes to him, but he ignores them and runs back panting quite heavily.

"Did you get whatever you had out of your system by doing that?"

"Y-Yes! Thank you for coming here!"

After that, he kept on asking me about Jin-sama, and about myself. He was just trying to fill in the gap of silence, but he didn't need to, but it's appreciated. The food was eventually finished and I summoned a bag to store them in.

"Thank you very much."

"N-No, thank YOU! C-Come again if you or the Middleman are back in the realm!"

"Yes, of course."

I finally left him to his own devices and walked away. I took a piece of Pirozhki and took a bite...… My, these are quite delicious. Jin-sama and everyone else will definitely enjoy them. I summoned my smartphone and Googled a few things.

"It seems like you can add different fillings into it… I can experiment with this; I will also tell Grayfia and Sharon this. We'll create our own version."

'Our own', in terms of Jin-sama's unique way of cooking things at times… Bananas with oyster sauce, strawberries and mayonnaise are a few examples. Certainly they are unique, but he doesn't force anyone to eat them. Rather, he's his own guinea pig when it comes to them.

"Now, we wait…"

Mard Geer

"It's ready, yes?"

"Yeah, boss."

"Good. I heard from Lapis-sama that Frieza-sama is also here in the Slavic Gods' realm, so we may have some more help. Let's commence the operation now."

"Yes, boss!"

We, the Monkai Association are currently in the realm of the Slavic Gods', Prawia. Some members had already infiltrated it months ago, they had been gaining the trust of the locals and assimilating into their main city well.

Our target is the main city. We need to collect those ice structures. According to Lapis-sama, her 'mother' was responsible for making them. If we collect them, we can make attracting the False King here much easier.

The real targets are the Blue Lake in the country of Russia. In the human world, it has a core that is buried underground. There are also icicle structures in Prawia, the shrine dedicated to Amaterasu. Additionally, the ancient statue is buried deep within Skellig Rocks, and the second core is sealed deep within Egypt's Pyramid Lahun.

If we can acquire the statue and core, then the other two can be acquired at later dates. Rizevim is already working on unsealing Trihexa, the Beast of the Apocalypse. Lapis-sama said she could do it easily, but told Rizevim to do it himself. For what reason? I do not know. No one knows. Lapis-sama is sometimes eccentric and chooses to do things without rhyme or reason. Nevertheless, we will persist.

"Boss Mard Geer!"

Another subordinate of mine, a kangaroo youkai. He had a run in with the Middleman a few months back, he has drank even more of the red vial and has gotten stronger, however, his sanity has gone down. But he can still act normal for certain periods of time.


"One of the Middleman's subordinates is here… This may make the mission a bit difficult."

"Only one?"


"If that's the case we can simply overwhelm him, or lure him out to fight Frieza-sama, so we can focus on our objective. Get to it. Take some Divine Beasts with you if you must."

"Y-Yes boss!"

He is right, this will make it more challenging, however, if we can lure him away, and have Frieza-sama fight them, then it will work in our favor. If I trust that stupid kangaroo's word, then the Middleman did not send any other reinforcement with his subordinate, perhaps we can even capture and use them?

"Only time will tell."

I closed my grimoire and start walking away until I come across a fellow—

"Oh, Kyôka. Are you here to assist us?"

"No, I am here to tell you that, 'he' is headed to the Blue Lake."

"He, as in…?"

"Revri, he's heading there. Rest assured he's powerful."

"I know about him, but he's…"

Revri, the first to be given a new kind of magic from Lapis-sama. He has not mastered it, but the new magic is foreign to this world and is quite powerful. As I mentioned, he has not mastered it and he can only unleash powerful spells and nothing less.

God Slayer Magic. The magic to be able to kill Gods, different from Sacred Gears. I do no know if Lapis-sama can do that casually, but I will inquire about gaining new magic from her in the future.

"It doesn't matter, as long as he kills whoever gets in our way, we win in the end."

"Very well."


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

As I was trying out more foods in the realm, the entire city began to shake.

"So it's started, huh…?"

I look below me and at the twenty Shadow Knights assigned to me. I nod and they leave my shadow. I will leave it to them to keep the residents here safe. Suddenly the Gods I met earlier appeared beside me.

"Celestin! Is this…?"

"Yes, it seems to be starting. I will fight whoever appears, please I also have some 'Shadow Knights' that are here to help, please keep that in mind!"

I tell them before jumping into the sky and flying towards the source of the shaking and rumbling. Out cam—



I block the punch! Looking at the culprit, it was… Frieza?! W-What's he doing here…? I have to tell Jin-sama.

"Hohoho! No need to contact Papa-san, let me have a bit of fun—"

Bam! Don!

I cut him off by kicking him on the side and followed it up by punching him in the face. This sent him far away from the city and I quickly followed him… I must leave it to the Shadow Knights to defend this place.

[Jin-sama! Frieza is—]



?! I look upwards as I saw a large black ball of flames! W-What the hell… I was about to move when Edel beat me to it. She gestures with her hand and a large amount of water suddenly shout out from her palms.


The two attacks collided and they cancelled each other out. However, the collision created steam and it covered the sky. Earlier, we covered this area with a barrier, and Edel used some kind of hypnosis magic to make normal humans avoid this area.

I wish I could do that, but I'm quite limited to what I can do. I should ask Jin in giving me some new powers…

"Albion-chan, focus."


I re-focus on the situation as the steam finally disappeared. Once it was gone— We saw just two people there…

A man that has long and spiky blonde hair that reaches down to his lower back. He has a psychotic grin on his face as he shows his teeth. His red pupils consist of several concentric circles, which further enhances his crazed appearance. He wears a yellow and dark blue skirt-like armor with a red waist ribbon that exposes the right side of his chest as well as his right shoulder.

The one beside him was...… One of Jin's 'children', that's!—

"Meruem. One of Jin-chan's 'children'. Albion, I will deal with him. Unfortunately, you aren't near his power level yet. Please deal with the other fellow."

{...Leave him to me! I am a Heavenly Dragon after all!}

As much as what he said hurt my pride, I couldn't deny that. I, and everyone else that's close to Jin, with the exception of the Electa are just Universal, and from what Cúntóir said before, all the children are peak Multiversal.

I'm at the low end of Universal, so I would just die quite easily… Jin would probably revive me just to beat me up for doing something reckless.



Both Edel and I appear beside the two invaders, and they were visibly shocked. I kicked the blonde-haired man and Edel slaps Meruem away.

"Hyahahahaha! As expected of the [Vanishing Dragon]! Make this exciting for me!"

This man looks like Zancrow from Fairy Tail. Ddraig had forced me to read the entire series with him up until the 100-Year Quest sequel. I have yet to read that, however, if I had to guess this guy has—

"Fire God's Bellow!!!!"

The Zancrow clone fired a large mass of black flames toward me! I already touched him so— [Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!]. Using [Divide] four times in a row made the attack weaker and smaller until a small spec hits me.

However, the man in front of me just grinned. He wasn't bothered by what had just happened. No, this reminds me of how Ddraig and I used to be. We just enjoyed the fight in front of us. Perhaps I can do the same here…

"I'm Revri, Fire God Slayer. Nice to meet 'cha, [Vanishing Dragon]."

{Albion, [Vanishing Dragon] and White Dragon Emperor. Enough chatter, come.}

"Hell yeah!"

Don! Don! Don! Don!

Revri and shot forward and exchanged punches! However, he was significantly weaker than I am, but he made up for it by imbuing his fist with Fire God Slayer magic and they hurt a little. But my punches made Revri flinch and bleed, but he still enjoyed it.

Was he some kind of masochist to pain?

I sent another punch toward Revri, but he dodged in time by ducking below, he then tries to sweep me off in the middle of the air, but I swiftly dodge that and so a spinning drop kick onto his head.

This caused the young man to quickly plunge into the water below us. However, after crashing he quickly recovered and— He spreads his arms and legs and unleashes a giant ball of black flames around himself.

It kept expanding until he sent it towards me!



I slapped the attack back toward Revri who wasn't expecting that. However, he dodged it instead of trying to eat it. I appeared beside him and kicked him on his ass and launched him into the barrier. The barrier was significantly stronger than I was so it didn't break after Revri hit it.

If I remember currently, don't slayers eat their own element, but… I guess Natsu Dragneel did say that they don't eat their own flames since it's weird... Also, this is the Draconic Deus, not the world of Earthland, maybe it works a bit differently?

Revri spins around with that grin of his still present. Revri starts to do some motions with his hands and then molds a scythe out of the black flames, an even crazier grin appears on his face as he swings it towards me! I dodge it but—

Slice! Slice! Slice! Boom! Boom!

The attack passes by me, but slices and destroys the trees around us. It also feels like his power is slowly increasing over time. If he keeps going like this, he may get to a point where a hit from him may deal some damage. It's better to end this now.

I put my hand forward—

{Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!}

And used [Divide] on Revri. After his powers were divided five times, Revri's body slightly slumped and he had a hard time looking up at me. He was sweating quite profusely and seemed unsure in what to do.

Vali Lucifer, I will take this move from you, even though you took it from a different character's move set…

I gather a large quantity of draconic aura around my right fist. Revri notices this and tries to flee but his body does not respond, so he was stuck to the spot. He gathers a bit of black flames around his fists in a desperate attempt in defending against my attack.

The draconic aura had encompassed the area around us, as the attack had finished charging. I then rush towards Revri as he thrusts both his hands my way. I, however, dodge them with minimal movement and punch him in the chest.

"Holy Nova"


A large explosion of white draconic aura covers the barrier, after my fist made contact with his chest, and the subsequent explosion, his body disappeared. Once the attack is finished and the white explosion is gone, Revri's body was also gone, I did not feel his presence anymore.

However, I do not know if he is dead or not. His body just disappeared, so I'm not sure if someone teleported him away or something else happened. I will ask Jin about it later, all that's left is...

I turn to face where Edel and Meruem were and they had only been staring at each other. They had not fought yet at all.


After I sent Meruem away, I assumed that he would immediately start attacking me since I attacked him, but it was not like that at all. He just floated there and stared at me. I could not read his emotions since there were none to be found.

"Are you not going to attack me?"


He did not answer, and only kept staring. It also seems that Albion-chan has finished his fight. However, the way his opponent disappeared seemed bizarre. I will consult Jin-chan after. Finally, his body twitched.



I was confused. Why did he ask 'why?' Did he not come here to try to take over this lake? I tilted my head in confusion, so he continued.

"Why do I need to attack you?"

"…Because we're enemies? Did you not come here to attack this lake? You came together with your other members, did you not?"

"…He merely dragged me with him and said that he wanted to see me fight. However, I do not have the desire right now since it does not benefit me whatsoever. To your other point, yes, Lapis has mentioned this place's importance."

"However, I do not participate in any of their experiments or missions because I do not see a reason to do any of them. I merely wish to find a purpose for my existence."

After he said that, Albion-chan joined my side.

{He's certainly interesting.}


Finding a purpose for his existence? Jin-chan and Ignia-chan did say that he may be easily influenced if done right. Is he questioning why Nyarlathotep created him? And what purpose does he serve other than causing chaos and 'pranking' Jin-chan?

Fwosh ~

"Would you like an answer to that, Meruem?"


{Jin? So you're done with Egypt and Ireland?}

"Yeah, I am."

Suddenly, Jin-chan, Raiko-chan, Rossweisse-chan, Inaie-chan, and Lavinia-chan appeared! Instinctively I floated to Jin-chan and hugged him from behind. He chuckled at this.

"Not the right time, but alright… Anyway, how about it, Meruem?"

Jin Skyward

Before I teleported away from Skellig Rocks, I received a message from Celestin that Frieza was in the Slavic Gods' realm. I was planning to make my way there, but noticed that Albion and Edel were currently engaged in combat.

I had watched Albion and he definitely killed his opponent; his attack was just that powerful. However, what caught my attention was Meruem. From when he was first introduced to his universe, he was quite violent and cruel. He saw himself as above everyone else and killed anyone that defied him.

He only became a bit wiser and calmer after meeting Komugi. He does not have that person here yet, well, not that I think so. So why is he like this?

"You have the answer for me?"

"Answer? Probably not, but I can put you on a path that might eventually lead to one."


Edel lets go of me and floats beside me. Meruem looks down at the lake below, seemingly thinking about what I had said. If what Ignia said were true, then I could gain a useful ally while also taking away firepower from Khaos Brigade.

"However, I would like you to think about it for a little while longer. No, more like, try to find it yourself for a little longer. Once you can't… Find me, and I'll put you on that path. Oh, humor me for a second, why are you so… Calm? I expected you to be a bit more violent."

He finally looks up and stares at me without changing his expression or emotions.

"Very well. I also wish to try to find that answer myself. But when the time does come, I will. Perhaps I was like that when I first woke up from my slumber. I did fight Frieza and Ignia to a stalemate, but I also continued this when we headed to Khaos Brigade."

"There were many who were prideful and arrogant, so I taught them their place. Their place was below me, now and into the future. Of course, the ones who did not bow down were killed. I do not need disloyal followers and henchmen. However, I started to question my own existence after watching the events over the last few months."

"It will be inevitable that we will die if we stand against you, but I have not found my 'purpose', so I would rather not perish before then. If accepting your deal means that I get to live a bit longer, then I will accept it."

After saying that, Meruem disappeared. He's certainly interesting. In our short interaction, it seems that he doesn't share much of his thoughts with Ignia or Lapis, so I can trust he won't mention this to Lapis.

"Anyway, let's go to—"

"I will stay here—"

"No, let's keep the Shadow Knights here. We can deal with the rest in the Slavic Gods' realm."

"I interrupt your interruption!"

I point at Edel before she starts giggling. Albion just sighed beside me and the rest were just confused. Oh come on, we have a JoJo equivalent in this world, and you don't know?! If Rias was here, she would definitely join in…

{Jin, did you not run into Cao Cao in Egypt? Where is Aurelia?}

"Ah… So, here's the deal."

I told them that Khaos Brigade was planning to attack Japan as well, so I sent Aurelia, Scathach, Lianne and Selene over there. It may be overkill, but it won't hurt. Also, they each had some Shadow Knights in their shadow, so it's not just four of them…

{That's going to be a slaughter…}

"Yep, anyway, let's go to their realm. Celestin told me where it was."


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Hahahaha! Perish!"

When we arrived in the realm, I saw a very familiar face that I failed to capture back when we were dealing with Diodora. It was the Kangaroo youkai. He was floating in the air while laughing, and to my surprise, his power had shot up to the peak of True Satan-class.

[Oh, right, Partner!]

Hmm? What's up, Ddraig?

[So, Avezza managed to change their vial and now they can take a lot of it making a lot of them even stronger. We really need to target her soon. But the problem is…]

You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

We don't know where she'll show up, or if she would even show up again... No, we can get Ignia to lure her somewhere to talk. That may work since he's essentially her boss, you know?

[Oh yeah, that doesn't sound terrible. Okay, let's find a way to do that after all this is over!]


I focused back on what was in front of me. Even though there were a lot of explosions around the city in front of me, there were virtually no casualties. This is because of the Shadow Knights protecting the citizens and other people helping, who I assume are the Gods.

I raise my power and they all notice me. A large and buff looking man with white hair and a beard approaches us.

"The Middleman! I'm glad you made it, as you can see—"

"Perun, right? Don't worry about it, we'll help."

He nods and flies away. I send the remaining Shadow Knights to the girls' shadows and Albion's. Ddraig also comes out of the [Boosted Gear] to assist us.

[Alright, let's do this.]


Two dragons rush off to help, or perhaps they just want to fight some of them... My attention turns to the girls with me.

"Inaie and Raiko. You two watch each other's backs. The Shadow Knights will step in and protect you if necessary. Rose, Lavinia, can I leave you two here to oversee everything? I'm going to go join up with Celestin and deal with Frieza myself."

""Yes, of course, Jin!""

"Oh, right. Keep the kangaroo alive."

They both answered enthusiastically and nodded at the same time. Before I left, Edel decided to go back into my ring. I located Celestin and finally joined him.



"…?! J-Jin-sama?!"

I had appeared near them and immediately punched Frieza in the gut and sent him away. Celestin was doing well from the looks of things, but Frieza was already in his golden form, and was relentlessly attacking him, but didn't land a hit.

"Sup. Leave him to me, go help everyone else, Celestin."

"…Very well, I wish you luck, Jin-sama."

Celestin then left. Frieza looked at me with a cruel smile.

"I'm glad you could join me, Papa-san. Let us finish what we started, shall we?"


Don! Swhshshbsbsb!!

I punched Frieza in the gut again, but this time I teleported us away from the realm, and back to earth. I then put more strength into my punch and launched him into outer space. Frieza's body crashes through Jupiter and creates a large hole through it.

I quickly flew around it and repaired the damage I caused. Hey, Cúntóir, make sure you repair any collateral damage that may occur.

Cúntóir: Answer: Affirmative.

Frieza finally stops himself and looks at me with even more rage. However, he calms himself and begins to chuckle to himself.

"Haha… I will at least make this entertaining for myself, and destroy as much as I can."

He then starts to transform. Frieza's lower body, neck, tail and arms become dark in color. His shin and arm guards and most of his head turn a dark silver, the former two continuing their new color onto Frieza's hands and feet. The rest of his torso and lower face region remain mostly unchanged, retaining Frieza's purple shoulder sections.

So, he's using it, huh? His Black Frieza transformation… He then gestures to me.

"Nah, I'm good."


Without warning Frieza appeared in front of me and tried to punch me in the gut. Probably trying to get some payback, but I catch his punch before he reaches it. His power, speed and overall stats have jumped up by a significant amount. Right now, he was at the very lowest of Omniversal.

I knee Frieza and follow it with a kick in his face. Frieza once again flies backwards but quickly corrects himself. However, even though he was grinning his anger was slowly rising. It would be a safe play to get him away from here. Who knows what he'll do?

Fwshp ~ Don!!

Using a speed that was beyond Frieza, dare I say, beyond the speed of light, I punched the psychotic alien in the face and punched him throughout the galaxy. Since Frieza was removed from our neighborhood of the universe, I kept up with him by using more speed. We passed by many planets that haven't been named or haven't been discovered yet.

They vary in shape and size. Frieza finally slows himself down and flies towards me while yelling.


Don! Don! Don! Don!

Our punches collide, and the space around us shakes, distorts and breaks. Anything that was destroyed was immediately repaired by Cúntóir per my request. Each time our fists met, Frieza would cringe in pain, but he kept on going.

The desperate attempt of a soon-to-be dead former conqueror. Even though they weren't the same person, they were modelled after them to a certain degree. Whether this Frieza is stronger or weaker than the original, it remains to be seen. I should have just created a Goku Electa to see how that would turn out…

Frieza uses his right leg to kick me, but I do the same with mine, so they clash. A large gust of wind is created. Frieza scrunches his face up and scoffs before disengaging. He summons hundreds of large balls of ki and throws them at me.

I extend my right hand and snap my fingers. This destroys them all instantly, pissing him off even more. Once again—

Don! Don! Bam! Bam! Bang! Bang!

Both of us disappear from our respective spots and clash at multiple points around space. The planets we came close to were destroyed, and Cúntóir repaired them. The same with the dwarf stars we got close to. Frieza, however, did not care about them, he was not only interested in fighting, he was also interested in the opponent he faced, which was me. Even if his actions were in vain.

Grip! Rip! Spshhhhhh!!!


In one swift motion, I avoided another punch from Frieza, grabbed the arm he punched me with and ripped it off him. Immediately blood started to spurt everywhere, and he backed away while clutching the stubble that was left.

He summons some fire and cauterizes the wound. Frieza grits his teeth as he patches up the injury he just received.

"Do you know why I'm doing this, Frieza?"

"…Silence, monkey."

He then continued to attack me, but I avoided it all and decided to continue. However, since Frieza only had one arm left, he was a bit less effective.

"It's just like Shalba. I'll extend it a bit more before showing you this: None of it matters in the end. Honestly, it's probably just you and Lapis who will meet a horrible end. Even Ignia took steps to prolong his own life. Depending on what Meruem picks in the end, he may also live."

I cocked my arm back and punched in front of me, destroying most of what was in front of me.

Swoshm! Boom!

Cúntóir: Answer: Repairing damage done… Previous punch destroyed 40% of the plants and stars in that direction.

My bad, I'll keep that in mind. However, Frieza's lower half was missing after that punch. It's just like how he ended up back when Goku first went Super Saiyan. It's almost poetic in a way. Cúntóir, which direction has the smallest number of plants and stars? Also, please don't worry, I'll help with the repair process.

Cúntóir: Behind you, most of them are just space debris.

Roger that. Suddenly, I appear behind Frieza and kick him in the direction I was previously in. With only one arm left, he didn't have much of a choice, and he was likely dying even before I kicked him.

"…I still win."


"…Before I confronted you, I set up a delayed ball of Ki to manifest just above the earth. Right now, it will definitely collide with the earth and destroy it. I will win in the end, monkey. Your precious planet will explode."

He said that with elegant rage. Instead of just lashing out, he was quite calm about it. But…


Nah, I'm good. After the meeting of the Youth Devils, I set up a barrier around the earth. Lapis has zero idea why you did that since you went MIA and were basically acting independently without Khaos Brigades' help.

I also don't remember who mentioned it, but whatever you guys used to bypass it was only small enough or powerful enough to let you four in. So, I won't need to worry about the earth exploding, though…

Cúntóir: Answer: No need to worry, Jin. The humans won't see it.

Is that so? Thank you. I turn back to Frieza and smile.

"No, you lost way before you did that… But I won't elaborate on that. You lost, and did nothing of significance, Frieza."

Pointing my palm towards him, I prepare to use [Hakai] on him. With the remaining energy Frieza has, he just chuckles despairingly

"It seems that you gaining that first requirement was our downfall, wasn't it? Perhaps we should have done more before it happened. It's our own fault."

"…Is that so?"

I activated my [Hakai] and Frieza slowly started to disappear. A low purple glow emanates from him before it fully consumes him and he disappears. I turn back around.

"Now then, shall we go home? I don't even know where the hell we are… Cúntóir please ping earth so I can get back to it."

Cúntóir: Answer: Pinging… Complete.



Ise, Mia Prefecture

Lianne Sandlot

"I did not think Jin would send some reinforcements my way."

I was reading on a nearby bench as the area had been cleared earlier. I had used a bit of magic to make it like that, so no humans would be hurt in whatever was coming here. However, Aurelia, Scathach, and Selene suddenly appeared and approached me.

"To think you would be just relaxing here, Lianne."

"I am simply waiting for them, Aurelia. Join me while we wait."


Scathach didn't mind, so she sat beside me and summoned her own book from her ring. Selene was next, but she summoned a teacup and drank from it. Aurelia looked flabbergasted at the scene and shook her head. However, she also joined us.

"Hmm. We would be approached by males if you didn't put up a barrier around us and as well as that spell to prevent humans from coming here."

I glanced at her and nodded in agreement. The three of them are quite beautiful, and from what Jin has said, I also look quite beautiful. I would say otherwise, however, I will take his word for it.


As if on cue, all of us look towards the sky and silently stare in a certain direction.

"Heh, it seems like one of Nyarlathotep's children is finally deceased. Three left then."

Aurelia says before closing her eyes and crossing her arms. This is a normal occurrence between the three of us. If we do not have a topic to discuss we can enjoy each other's company without needing to converse. It seems like Selene may join our group now.

"Oh, that's right, Lianne."


I turn to Aurelia as she calls out to me. Her eyes were still closed— But she does eventually open them up and stares at me with a smirk.

"Have you made any progress with Jin?"

"…What do you mean by that?"

"Intimately, physically, sexually, emotionally. Pick one."

Scathach stops reading her book and looks at me. Selene also stops drinking her tea as one eye opens to glance at me.

"…We have not progressed much. A few weeks ago, we took a bath together, but nothing happened… Well, we did kiss, but that was the extent. Why do you ask?"

This happened after his match against the Bael Devil. However, Jin seemed a bit preoccupied during those two weeks, as if he was reorganizing his own thoughts and feelings. But it was probably due to him remembering his name and moving forward.

"I see. No, I was thinking of asking Jin to have sex with me soon... Hmm, now that I think about it, we haven't properly kissed yet. However, I have pleasured him down there before, although it was just with my hand."

She said nonchalantly. It was her turn to be stared at as this topic was a bit random. There was no build up or anything like that.

"Hmm? Why are you all staring at me? Is this not a topic we sometimes discuss?"

Scathach sighs.

"Yes, but we should always ease into it, Aurelia. However, I would also like to be a bit more intimate with Jin, but the way he goes about romance is a bit slow. Perhaps we may need to be a bit more direct about our feelings and intentions. I did make a small amount of progress back in the [Pocket Dimension]."

"Hmm. I was a bit forceful during that small moment in the bath with Xenovia and Lianne, but it hasn't happened since."

Aurelia looks at me and smirks. That time… I see, yes, I remember. It seems like a lifetime ago, however, that was the first time I kissed Jin. We have done so a few times since, but it's not to the degree with the women in his harem.

Does that mean that we— The females of the Electa are not seen as…? I am stunned by the revelation I have just received.

"Lianne, is something wrong?"

I look back at Scathach and nod. I also tell them about the realization I came to. Aurelia was also a bit shocked, however, Selene did not. She finally opens her eyes fully and chuckles. We look at her a bit confused.

"Is it not obvious? Jin-sama created most of us during a period of time when he was at his lowest. He may have— No, he definitely created us with a large amount of affection towards him, however, I believe it's not to the point of being hopelessly in love with him. He certainly doesn't just accept the affection we show him and just start a relationship with him."

"If he did, would that mean that both Aurelia and Lianne would be apart of it already? However, Jin-sama hasn't shown it yet."

She looks at Scathach.

"So, by the process of elimination, Scathach should be the closest among us. Of course, you are no Electa, but in this group…"

"Umu, I am the closest."

Scathach looked at us with a victorious grin. I felt a pang of pain in my chest, and seeing Aurelia's reaction, she felt the same. However, she tried not to show it.

"Fufu, do not be too distressed, Lianne. Jin-sama seems to be attracted to blondes. We both are, so we needn't worry."

I felt a sense of relief after Selene said that. Aurelia gets up and faces all of us.

"But it also looks like Jin has an attraction to older women! Some examples are Yasaka, Grayfia, Raiko, Gabriel, although she is a bit too innocent, Griselda, Hephaestus, Irene, Lavinia, Penemue, Serafall, and Suzaku. This works in our favor; we are also in that category."

Even though it is true, I don't like being called an 'old woman'. An even larger smirk appears on her face. I don't like where this is going…

"That's why I propose we all attack hi—"


A large explosion occurred and that stopped Aurelia from continuing. After that multiple magic circles started to appear everywhere and many cryptids started to come through, and some youkais and monsters. The youkai and monsters did not feel natural, as if they were artificially created.

"We can continue later. I will go ahead and kill them."

Aurelia summoned her weapon and rushed ahead of us. Many of the cryptids were cut down instantly. However, there was only one individual that stood out that came through the magic circles.

A tall, young and slender man with golden hair and purple eyes. He wears orange, gold or bronze armor with a matching crown underneath a large, gold-trimmed, white shoulder cape that in and of itself features exaggerated, pointed shoulders. The cape features a golden emblem on its left side; the outfit is finished with matching white and gold boots.

He sees us and smirks. He feels like a—

"That's a dragon, but he feels different."

Selene says as she stares at the man floating in the air. The man then opened his mouth.

"…Hmm. This is a losing battle. I will retreat. My life won't end here today."

And with that he disappeared. However, in his place appeared several more cryptids, some resembling small dragons or wyverns. Why did he appear and then leave so quickly? If he was a dragon, he must belong to the Monkai Association or—

"He may be part of the new generation of Divine Beasts. We met some of them in Ireland. Jin-sama has made them into his shadows. This one seems to be more intelligent than the other two. Perhaps he is from an even newer generation?"

Selene stared with interest at where the man once stood. So, the leader of the assault here gave up? It was an unexpected move, but Jin won't need to worry much about this place then, however—

"Are you planning to help so we can make this faster, or are you just intending to sit there?"

Aurelia appeared near us again and seemed a little irritated. She can get rid of them herself without any help, however, I do agree. I get up from my seat and don my armor and summon my lance.

"Very well, let me help."

Scathach did the same thing and summoned her spear. We looked at Selene; however, she was in deep thought. It does not look like she will be helping us.

"We will be fine, let us clean up and inform Jin."

All three of us set out on our over-exalted cleanup mission without another word.



Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Inaie, please get behind me. Some of these are a bit too powerful for you."

"…Yeah, I tried to attack one earlier and my light spear just bounced off, ugh…"

The assault on the city was still in full swing. I, Rossweisse was helping defend it along with Raiko, Celestin, Lavinia, the Gods and Shadow Knights. Many of the residents here have started to fight back too, but they were few and far between.

Celestin arrived not too long ago and said that Jin was fighting Frieza instead.

"Hyahaha! That's it! Destroy everything!!!"

A lone kangaroo youkai was just floating and laughing to himself; however, he was quite strong, but nothing comparable to me and Lavinia, but still above Inaie and Raiko. Both Ddraig and Albion were somewhere else, but the constant explosions and powerful bursts of wind indicated they were still nearby. Lavinia summoned her Ice dolls and let them deal with any enemies that came close to the citizens too.

Jin said to keep the kangaroo youkai alive, for what? I don't know but I'll follow his orders. I summoned several magic circles behind me and fired them toward the laughing youkai. He was alerted and dodged some of them, but—

Boom! Boom!

"Ugh… You bitch! I'm going to rip those tits off you!"

No! Jin likes these! As if I would let you! I cover my breasts in disgust at his comment. He rushes towards us but—

Bam! Crash!

He came across a Shadow Knight who accidentally slapped him down to the ground and knocked him out…

"He's useless."

"Inaie, be nice. Although he is an enemy, be careful not to take it too far. We still need to capture him."

"Yeah, Jin did say that."

With Inaie in tow, I land beside the unconscious youkai and use my own magic to summon some magical ropes to tie him with. I strengthen the ropes even further just in case, and put some weights on his wrists and ankles.

Finally, I ordered a Shadow Knight to watch over him, and they dutifully did so. I went back up with Inaie and could see that the numbers were slowly dwindling and everyone was starting to relax. But… The attacks have been somewhat weak, even the ones in Egypt…

Or is it because Jin took care of most of it along with Aurelia and the other Electa?



The area was suddenly engulfed in a bright light, and a large cube appeared in the sky.

"What is that…?"

"I don't know, Inaie, but please stay close to me."

"It's ominous."

Even Lavinia-san thought it was a bad thing. I felt the girl grip onto my clothes tightly. I fired a large ball of fire towards it, but to my surprise it was absorbed by it and the cube grew in size.

Fwosh ~

[That thing… Did it just absorb your attack?]

{How much power did you put into it, Rossweisse?}

The two Heavenly Dragon Appeared beside us and looked towards the cube too. Raiko and Celestin also joined us.

"It appears demonic, however, it's a bit different from the Devils of the Underworld. Perhaps that thing was artificially created? But to be able to absorb the attack from Rossweisse-sama…"

Celestin says and looks at the thing with concern.

"I used the power of a Dragon God on that attack just now... Is it safe to assume that it is of that power class? It doesn't feel alive…"

As I finish saying that, Celestin shakes his head.

"No, it's definitely alive. It's like a floating fortress that's alive, but I do not feel any other life forces from within it. It may have been sent here as an experiment."

"…Just like the latest generation of Divine Beasts, however, this one doesn't seem sentient at all."

Celestin nodded at my account of what we saw at Skellig Rocks.

"I see. If we assume that it is a new generation, then it may be powered up by more blood but with no sentience, it may be just following pre-set orders from someone. But—"


Suddenly a mouth appeared in front of it and multiple tentacles.


Grip! Grip!

"T-This is…! Destroy them and fly into the sky, everyone!"

Suddenly tentacles also shot up from the ground and tried to restrain us! I destroy it quite easily, however, Inaie and Raiko seemed to struggle, so I destroyed the ones holding Inaie down, and Celestin helped Raiko.

Ddraig and Albion just burned them away with their fire, and Lavinia froze the ones around her. We all flew into the sky. However, the citizens who weren't near the Shadow Knights were captured by them and they slowly started to turn into stone. The Shadow Knights defended those near them by not allowing the tentacles close to them.

Even the kangaroo youkai was turned into stone, the Shadow Knight protecting it had departed to another area to help the other residents here.

I summoned thousands of magic circles and fired them all towards the cube-like enemy. Some of the attacks were absorbed, but just as I thought, it couldn't absorb them all and it started to take damage! Once the smoke died down when it made impact with the cube— To my horror, it started to regenerate… What? How can… Is that things regeneration on par with a Dragon Gods? How?

Then how about— Just as I was about to summon even more magic circles and use more power, power that was called 'Universal' by Jin, Celestin stopped me.

"Rossweisse-sama, it seems that the attack and power you used just now is enough. We do not want to destroy this realm. However, I have some anti-healing magic. It's the same as Jin-sama's so let me apply it to it first before we attack it again."

He turns to everyone and nods.

"I will attack first and apply my anti-healing to the enemy. Everyone else, please get ready to attack."

Celestin flew towards the cube at an impressive speed. The tentacles that appeared on the ground tried to attack us during that time. However, the Shadow Knights were there to help defend us, so we could focus on this more.

[He didn't tell us what kind of signal he'd give…]

{Knowing Celestin he'll inform us in some way, do not fret, Ddraig.}

[I'm not…]

Ddraig cups his hands and—

{Seriously? God, an otaku dragon… How embarrassing…}

[Sh-Shut up! Leave me alone! It's cool!]

Albion sighs again before cupping the sky with his right hand and creating a large white ball of draconic aura. Ddraig gained a grin…

[That's just the [Spirit Bomb] you hypocrite!]

{…It is not.}

[Why was there a pause in your reply?!]

"You two, enough! Focus on this and not on your arguments!"

I scolded them and they begrudgingly agreed. Beside me Inaie had created a large light spear but she looked quite exhausted after doing so.

"Do not push yourself, Inaie. Any amount is fine."


She seemed disappointed with herself. She may feel useless right now since she didn't fight in Egypt that much, or Ireland and now the enemies she's facing here are much stronger than her. Raiko felt the same but had her katana ready.

"Raiko-san is that—"

"Yes, it's the Doujigiri Yasutsuna. I will assist with this."

She readies her sword in a stance and a large amount of electricity started to gather around the blade. Raiko had a very serious expression on her face. She was planning to put most of her power into this attack. It was quite admirable. Perhaps her desire to accompany Jin may have her jump up in ranks by a large margin when we go back to the [Pocket Dimension].

All the Gods present also avoided the attack, and they apparently heard our plan since they were also preparing their own attacks. Then Lavinia, who was silently looking at it, created a gun...? Eh? As she saw my reaction, she smiled.

"Khaos Brigade and the Monkai Association, how wicked. You harmed our realm, and for it, you must perish!"

A bearded man said. The others with him silently agreed.

Doom!!! Bang! Bang!

A large shockwave occurred, and a single large firework was shot up into the sky. Is that the signal?

[It's the signal! Fire!!]

All at once, everyone unleashed their attacks toward the cube, and I too joined in. They quickly approached it and hit it! But what stood out more was how large Lavinia's attack was. Even the Gods who were with us were in awe.


Another explosion occurred, however, this one was much larger and—

"It's working…"

Inaie says tiredly beside me while pointing below us. I follow her finger and the tentacles below us started to disappear and the people who were turned into stone started to transform back to normal.

"Kukuku. It seems the experiment turned out well."

A voice echoed throughout the area. A lone magic circle appeared and showed the face of a man. He was also smirking quite widely.

"Thank you for destroying the first version of the cube. We learned many things from it. Even though this failed, it's a learning experience and we can improve for the future. Although we did lose a faction in our organization, perhaps it will give birth to a new one? Fufu, maybe? Maybe not? Only time will tell."

They plan on attacking again…?

"Farewell for now, DxD Alliance."

The magic circle disappeared and just then...

"Ah, I was late…"

Jin appeared.

Jin Skyward

"My bad… Damn, I shouldn't have gotten distracted looking at those plants and stars… Anyway, Rose, Lavinia can you two update me?"

I was making fast progress on getting back home, but got distracted by certain planets I saw. That was the furthest I had ever traveled in space. Even further than when I first became an Outer God.

A planet full of butts, boobs, and one that was made out of jello. Yet there were no inhabitants there, as Cúntóir had claimed months ago. Wait, do butts count…? No, if Cúntóir said so then…

Pinch ~ Pinch ~

"Listen to me…"


"My bad…"

I had started to monologue and ignored the two of them, which resulted in them pinching me. So, I listened in to what had happened, and my gaze slowly drifted to the still knocked-out kangaroo youkai.

"I see… Well, let's—"

Clap ~ Clap ~

Suddenly we hear clapping and from a magic circle came a person. He had 16 pairs of wings. Some were white, while the others were black. He had red horns, white hair, and wore some unique looking armor.

This had to be Mīkhā'īl, he had a calm look on him and was floating a reasonable distance away from us. His back was also adorned with a large sword. I was expecting him to look more dignified, but…


"Oh? The Middleman knows me, huh? I'm hono—"

I put my hand out and stopped him. Just like his two fellow Fallen Angels, I froze him in time. I slowly floated towards him.



I said nothing as he struggled to move. His panic was rising quickly and he was using every ounce of power he had to try to break free, but it was futile. I then read his memories.




Hmm… I see, so there those spots had their own uses, huh? I'll go back to that Blue Lake and put a barrier around it. The same for this city. Hell, since I'm here I might as well. I snapped my fingers and an invisible barrier appeared over the city.

But they also have new generation Divine Beasts like we suspected, and new types of artificially created Sacred Gears… Even Ares has one that's an independent type.

But what had me concerned was Áine… She showed up in the memories. Some 'independent' or 'rogue' members wanting to cause their own chaos made contact with Áine, they plan on working together with her to 'expose' me.

But they had their own reasons for helping her. Brain wash, and also for her own body. They even revived one of her old husbands. They plan on doing something between them… Ailill Aulom. Beyond that, only vague topics are mentioned, such as future world events, so nothing too significant is mentioned.

Their plans with Grigori are going to be thwarted, but since the others are missing, well... Satanael is still a factor, since he's definitely building up his Abyss Team. They may not be normal humans anymore; I saw them being forced to drink the vial.

For now, I'll turn him into another insider, so I'll have another one. So, in total: It's Yaku, Kubota, Pluto and now Mīkhā'īl. Not including Ignia and maybe Meruem in the future.

In addition to the betrayal thing, I will also warn Azazel about the higher ranking fallen and we'll take it from there. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.

[Partner, is something wrong? The face you are making is pretty…. Intimidating.]

"You mean scary, right, Ddraig?"

[H-Ha! I'm not the type of person to get scared, Inaie!]


[Shut up! No one asked you!]

"…No, it's fine. I just saw a few things. I'll tell you guys about it when we get back. I'll need to inform Azazel about something. Anyway… I'll be taking that kangaroo youkai if you don't mind, Perun."

The Slavic Gods had been watching silently until now and I called out to the Chief God. He nods and comes over. He puts his hand out and I shake it.

"Hmm, feel free. It is up to the alliance to deal with him. Your subordinate Celestin was accommodating. We wish to join the alliance, Jin. Please come back here in the future."

"Yeah, I will. I need to go visit two other places first though."

"Mmm. You need not rush, young one."

"Thank you."

Perun then proceeded to introduce me to the Gods that were currently here. They all seemed unique, but Zorya had been intensely staring at me during all of it. It was a bit unnerving. Perun notices this and chuckles.

"If you want to speak with him that much, go ahead Zorya!"

"…No, it is fine. I will speak with him when he comes back."

Zorya turned away after saying that and Peru shrugged.

"Is that so? Very well then. We should—"

There wasn't much damage here probably due to everyone defending it. However, I put my hand up and repaired whatever damage was done, and I received a thankful nod from Perun. I finally land in front of the kangaroo just as he was beginning to wake up. My group joined me, although Albion and Ddraig retreated back into their respective Sacred Gears.


"Yes, I'm Jin."

The kangaroo youkai was confused by this, so I took another look at his memories.




No, nothing useful. Just him going on crazy ramblings, well… He did drink more of the blood and that made him at least Satan-class, but that really doesn't mean much since a Shadow Knight accidentally knocked him out…

After reading his memories, I sealed his powers and made him float beside me. The next thing I need to tackle is Avezza, and getting her out with Ignia. After that, I can focus on Áine, and whatever else happens in Ireland. But for now…

"Okay, we're heading home…"

Everyone gathered around me as we said our goodbyes to the Slavic Gods for the time being, and even now… Zorya for whatever reason was staring at me. What does the Goddess of Dusk and Dawn see? I'll find out in the future, well… If she tells me that is.

Japan, Kuoh

A few hours later

"Yeah, thanks. Okay, go and tell them that. Thanks, Azazel."

A few hours had passed, and we were all at my home in Kuoh. The four women who were in Japan had also just recently come back. They said they took off on a small shopping spree after they finished their job.

I just finished speaking with Azazel and told him about the three fallen, and the potential traitors in Grigori. He was a little upset but understood and would wait till I get there since he wants to interrogate them.

Also, I don't mind the girls doing some shopping but I kinda wanted them to be back earlier since I needed to know some info…

"So, tell me what you found out."

"Nothing much, Jin. However, there was an interesting character that showed up briefly and then left."

I wait for Scathach to continue, she then proceeds to tell me his physical appearance, and my eyes widen. That… That description looks like the person I saw in Mīkhā'īl's memories. The person they saw by Ise was probably Áine's former husband, Ailill Aulom, but…

Selene mentioned that he felt like a dragon? Did they revive him using a Divine Beast made out of a dragon's flesh or something…? These next generations Divine Beasts are annoying. I audibly sigh.

"I see, thank you…"

I slump back down on the couch. Akeno and Lavinia were hugging both my arms so I couldn't really move... Alright, let's contact Ignia.


'Father? What's up? I was wondering when you were planning to get the Hero Faction members? I have them with me…'

'Oh, right, that… Yeah, I'll come get them soon. Anyway, do you know where Avezza is?'

'Avezza? No, I can't say I have. She tends to stay in her own lab at our base. Why?'

Ignia didn't seem to be lying.

'Is there a chance for you to… You know, lure her out?'

'That's not likely, but why? Do you have plans for her?'


'Well, that's not good. She's quite paranoid and won't go out unless it's needed. I mean, you took care of Azrael, Kokabiel, and all the other things recently. Lapis also confirmed that Frieza is dead, so we're in chaos right now. Heh, chaos, Khaos…'

He likes puns? Nice… No, wait, focus Jin! But… That means I'll need to wait for her to come out herself before I can change her entire existence. Now that's just frustrating…

[We'll get that chance sooner or later, Partner. Don't worry.]

{Ddraig is right, do not rush, Jin.}


'I see. Anyway, let's meet up where we fought before. I'll hand them over to the alliance afterwards. And we can fight, but not now.'

'Nice! Also, I want to fight that God Serena person, asshole broke my arm! I want some payback!'

'…Is that so? I see, I'll bring him with me when you want that sparring match then.'

'Cool! I'll get going, we're having another meeting… Ugh…'

Hero Faction… Oh that's right, I have the [True Longinus] now. To whom should I give it...? I looked around the room and there were only a few spear users. But I also want to give it to Kanami. Maybe she can make a new [Balance Break]?

She sees me staring at her and she smiles at me. Natsume sees this and looks suspiciously at us. Kanami giggles and whispers something to Natsume, which makes the girl blush and punch her sister on the shoulder.

So, the immediate danger has passed, but they still have more plans…


[Antares? Is something wrong? How is it on your end?]

[It has been quiet, but I contacted Querehsha and we wish to stay here longer.]

Okay, now that was a curveball, why…?

[And why is that?]

[Call it intuition, but protecting this place may help us in the long run. However, if you need either of us in the future, we can leave our armies here and return to you.]

Intuition, huh? Antares is smart and cunning. If his intuition is telling him that, then I'll leave it up to him to decide.

[I see. Very well, permission granted.]

[Thank you very much!]

Lick ~


I felt Akeno lick my cheek and I turned to look at her as she just giggled at me.

"You've been staring at the ceiling. Your call ended, right? Relax a little…"

She said while giving me puppy dog eyes. Shirone and Ravel then jump onto my lap while glaring at each other.

"…Yeah, I'll do that."

I need some downtime before I go charging into whatever mess is waiting for me… I also felt Rias' and Shigune's gaze on me since I've come back. Although, when we did teleport back a few hours ago, she greeted me quite cutely…

I wonder what they are looking for? Do they desire to be physically intimate? Rias, I get, but Shigune… Unless she's the type to want to…? Or does she just want to get spoiled a little more since we're dating…?

I mulled over these thoughts and the previous ones for the rest of the night…

Jin's Soul

"Haaa…. My soul is exhausted."

"You're exaggerating."

I say that while Velgrynd gave me a lap pillow, everyone was obviously surprised by this development, but I accepted it. I get to enjoy dragon thighs, so I'm not complaining. Rudra was quite amused by this…

However, I looked over at Cúntóir, and she was looking at the scenery in front of us. She has barely spoken to me since I came here. Everyone was curious but in the end, they didn't disturb her.

Poke ~ Poke ~

"If you're curious, go speak to her."

Velgrynd pokes me on the forehead, and nearly my eye. So, I got up from her lap, and for some reason was upset… Pick one woman! I either stay there and enjoy your lap or I speak with Cúntóir!

Velgrynd quickly left and joined Rudra, and stuck her tongue out at me. He sees this and chuckles. Well, so much for development… I walk over to Cúntóir and join her side.

"Hey, is something up?"

I finally looked at her and—

"Wha— W-Why are you crying…?"


Tears were silently streaming down her cheek and she sounded genuinely surprised. Despite touching her cheeks and wiping them away, she didn't stop crying.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what's wrong with me, Jin. W-Why am I crying…?"

Yeah, I'm also confused, Cúntóir, the fuck? But seeing as how it wasn't stopping, I just hugged her.

"I'm sorry…"

She repeated again. In response, I squeezed her tighter.

"Don't worry about it. You helped me when I was down in the dumps along with everyone else. I can at least hug you in return, right? Even if it's something small…"

She didn't answer me but nuzzled her head deeper into my chest. We stayed like that for a short while, all the while I felt Velgrynd's gaze on my back…

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