Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 86: Volume 5 – Chapter 8 – Part 2 – Parents, Proposal and Posterity

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Jin Skyward

"It's been a while since I came here. Not much has changed, huh?"

I say this while looking around and a few fallen angels see me and wave at me. Now then… I turn to Akeno and Asia.

"I'll be speaking with Azazel for a bit. You two can go and catch up with Baraqiel and Shuri. You can both sense them after all."

The two nod, we share a quick kiss before walking away. Well, since I'm here, I might as well visit some other faces after the meet-up. He said over text that team Slash/Dog will be in on the meeting along with a few people I know.

It's been a while since I last saw Ajamu, so it'll be a good opportunity to catch up with him.

[You're fine with him now, Partner?]

I spoke to Kiba about him a few times in the [Pocket Dimension] and he said that he wasn't that bothered by it. This is after I told him about his past. He actually sympathized with him since they were kind of in the same boat, albeit at different times.

So, I will assume we're on amicable terms. After hearing his backstory, him working with the alliance and team Slash/Dog advocating for him, then he's fine. I start walking away and heading to the meeting room since that's where I feel their auras.

However, when I get close to it, I come across a certain short blonde midget. Who also sees me. She jumps back with a mop; hits the bucket she was using, trips over, and falls flat on her face.


"This is your fault!"

How?! I literally just walked here?!

"Don't look at my panties!!"

I'm not?! Why are you trying to hide them?! I'm not interested! ALSO, you fell in a way that didn't show them! However, she just kept glaring at me, so I sigh and walk past her. If I keep interacting with her, I feel like I'll lose more brain cells.

"…It was the right choice to give her a second chance, right…?"

This was the first time I seriously questioned myself in this regard. The other three have made big steps in changing. Mittelt, however, has not… I worry about her future.

I come across a few more fallen angels and we have a small chat before I arrive at the meeting room. Pushing the door open I step in and see that everyone was already there waiting.

"Finally, it took you long enough."

Azazel says while tapping a nonexistent watch on his wrist.

"A few people stopped me, had to chat, my bad. Anyway, let's make it quick."

I got over the same conversation I had with Azazel not too long ago. However, this time team Slash/Dog, and a few higher ups were here, including Baraqiel. As a result, Shuri is currently the only one in the house... I need to give them some kind of safety net, possibly even give them both shadows.

"Satanael, huh? He has been missing for a few years already… But I didn't think he would stoop that low."

Penemue says and frowns. A few others agree with her.

"He and I have always seen things differently. He wanted to push any Sacred Gear to the limit and force them to evolve into a new Longinus. He didn't care how it was done, or how it might cause chaos or disorder."

Azazel looks at Tobio who nods.

"You were once asked to participate in those experiments, weren't you? Thankfully you declined. Koga wasn't as lucky. Well, he's fine now and is also a field agent for us. Anyway, if what you say is true, Jin, then Khaos Brigade doesn't only have two geniuses in them, but three. Avezza, that Promestein chick and finally Satanael."

Koga Hyousuke, the final wielder of the former 'Four Fiends'. Of course, it's 'Five Fiends' now since I changed Sae's Utsusemi into an actual Sacred Gear. Koga wields Húndùn; the Fiend of Chaos. He also named it 'Blitz'. It also looks like a dog, much like Tobio's Sacred Gear.

Speaking of Sae, I glance at her and she seems to be fine. However, Nattsu and Gin were running around the room playing. Even though they're Sacred Gears that can literally kill Gods, it was both cute and strange seeing them like that.

I can't imagine Ddraig like that…

[Hey! I was adorable when I was a young dragon!]

'{'I doubt that.'}'

Albion, Velgrynd, and Rudra all said the same thing at the same time, and then there was a loud thud in my head, followed by weeping. Be nice to him…


But I don't think it's just three. If we assume that all the 'Seekers of Truth' are smart, or even on par with those three, then they have a few of them. It is unknown how many are in the group, but perhaps more than ten and less than twenty.

"Yeah, most likely, anyway, onto the next topic which is the upcoming attack on Grigori. I mentioned this after the attacks on the pantheons but I read Mīkhā'īl's memories. They were already planning it, but it seems like they're still following through with it after the 'death' of the other two."

Well, I did spare Mīkhā'īl but still have the other two in the [Lavender Box], so he's still over there. I also haven't heard anything from Ignia yet. I'm also curious about Meruem's decision…

"Hmm. Well, we certainly lack the manpower since some of those higher-up fallen angels fled after being exposed by you after the Demonic Beasts Riots fled. So our numbers that have fighting experience and power are low."

Azazel looks around the room as he speaks.

"The ones in here can fight, but just like the women around you, I can't feel Penemue's power anymore… I guess we can rely on her and the girls in Slash/Dog, but…"

"I know, I know, I'll help out."

This will be a good opportunity for them…

"Kishku, Ezeri, come out."

My ring shines and the two brand-new male Electas come out and kneel in front of me.

"How can I be of service, Jin-sama?"

"…Kukuku, I can feel a fight coming soon ~"

Kishku greets me politely while Ezeri looks like he just wants to fight. Great, another battle maniac… I tap my head and send the information to them. Both nod, however, Ezeri seems even more excited. I look back at Azazel who was just sighing.

"These are Kishku and Ezeri, my new subordinates. Anyway, they'll be here for however long it takes for the attacks to take place. Don't worry too much, they can find out the layout of your organization in a few minutes."

Azazel looks at me with a 'Really' expression seemingly tired of what I was saying. I chuckle at him. The two Electa then vanish.

"Anyway, I trust that Slash/Dog can help defend this place, the same with your Cadre, well… I guess you can too."

"Hey! I'm the damn Governor you know?!"

I laugh at him, and he sighs at me but nods.

"Yeah, we're capable enough, and we've already started construction of a shelter for the less combat oriented to take shelter in when it does happen. But we're still nowhere near done."

"Huh? If that's the case, just ask me. I can snap it into existence."

Azazel stares at me, blinks a few times before facepalming. The Cadre around him chuckles at him.

"…I should have requested that, didn't I? Ahhhh!! All our money and resources!! We would have only paid at least a quarter of the amount with Jin! Dammit! Jin, please help us with that!"

A genius idiot, never change, Azazel, never change... After that we spoke a bit more pertaining to other defenses that could be made in Grigori, and I agreed to make them today before leaving.

Everyone finally left the meeting room with Azazel excitedly going back to the research facility. He wanted to tinker more with Sacred Gears. Shemhazai followed after him, telling him he still had some paperwork. Penemue also left saying she needs to finish some work.

The rest came to talk to me. Well—


Lavinia was already hugging my arm and silently humming to herself. I walk over to Tobio and we bump our fists.

"I take it you're all well?"

"Yeah, just college, missions, and working at the bar. The usual."

Ah, that's right he's still in college… I wonder if Sae enrolled in the same one as him? She should be the same age as him now.

"I forgot you go to college; man, how are you, Sae? Everything going well?"

Both of us laugh at each other and I turn to Sae, who puts a hand on her chest and nods.

"Yes, I also attend the same college as Tobi now. Even Ajamu is enrolled there since he wants some kind of education. Azazel pulled a few strings in order for him to attend, but he seems to be doing well."

Sae explains, and both Nattsu and Gin walk over to me and I bend down to pick them up. Lavinia who had her eyes closed opens her eyes before taking Nattsu from me. She then hugs him. Gin in his smaller form also acts like a little puppy which was cute. So I was left with him.

"Really? I'm happy for you then, Ajamu. Good luck."

We both nod at each other; I think that's all we're getting from each other. I need to get friendlier with the guy… I turn to Baraqiel who had been watching the whole interaction silently.

"I brought Akeno and Asia with me. I was planning to head to your home after I dealt with the shelter, and other defenses. So if you want to see them now is probably a good time to do so."

His eyes widen, he nods and quickly runs away. What a doting father. We laugh at Baraqiel. He's usually calm and collected, but if it involves his family, he becomes completely honest with himself, although I can understand why.

"We're technically just on break, so we'll get going, Jin, everyone. We'll see you guys soon."

Tobio announces, they start to leave. However, Kouki, who had been quiet until now, grabs me, asks Lavinia to let him talk to me for a second, so she lets go. I also let go of Gin as he ran to Tobio.

"Bro, good news…"

He says with a grin. I can make an educated guess as to what it means…

"Go on…"

"I'm dating her…!"

He lets go of me and pumps his fist into the air before—

"Helll yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Keep it down, cat."

"Screw you, bird! I'm not single anymore! Anyway, see you bro."

He jogs away happily, well, he passes Natsume who he gives a middle finger to. Shigune and Kanami had to hold her back from chasing him down. I chuckle as we watch him jog away. Now then…

"I'll be heading to the Himejima home soon. Why don't you guys go there ahead of me? I'll be doing some of my requests before going there. It shouldn't take too long."

Lavinia didn't want to, but after a bit of convincing from the other girls, she reluctantly agreed with them. I stood by and watch them leave. When they were finally gone, I turn around and go to the spot where they were building the shelter.

When I arrived there, it was still being built. It was an underground shelter. The ones overseeing it were Dohnaseek and Kalawarna. They see me and wave me over, so I went to them.

"You two are in charge?"

"Ah, yes, we are Jin-san. We got word that you'd be helping with this project from Azazel-sama?"

"Yeah I will. Do you have blueprints of the design? Anything relevant will do, honestly."

Kalawarna nods and gives me a clipboard, and a folder with a bunch of documents and other items. Looking through them, it was obvious that this shelter was quite large, and very expensive. It makes me wonder how the hell Azazel was able to get the funds to make this thing.

"I'll start building on the surface then. Did you guys order the workers to stop?"

They nod to my question. Well that saves trouble. I walk forward and touch the ground. I'll make it a simple structure that can take on Dragon God-class attacks. So even if they only make it inside this part, they'll be safe.

The ground glows for a brief moment before a structure starts to appear from the ground and builds itself. A medium-sized building erected itself out of reinforced stone and was covered in powerful magic. It had no doors, and only four windows in total, two at the front and two at the sides.

Nothing else was inside except the stairs leading down to the actual shelter. I descend the stairs and only a small section was dug out, and nothing else was there. Looking over the plans one more time, they were all quite, how do I say this… Lavish? It was basically another Grigori, albeit on a slightly smaller scale.

"…He just wants me to build another Grigori. I should just have him strip naked and run around Kuoh during school time as compensation…"

As I say that, both fallen angels with me gave me strained smiles. I sigh and snap my fingers. I'll create the necessary space first. Therefore, after the snap, the small hole in the ground became quite large. However, we couldn't see much in front of us as it was mostly darkness.

"Let's see… 302 rooms in total."

Another snap from my fingers, and the entire thing starts to slowly build itself, with Cúntóir's help, it makes this process easier. Hundreds of walls began to go up, the ground beneath us also started to come into shape, lights, furniture and other necessities soon began to appear as well. By the entrance, where we were standing was a first aid kit. On the other side was a vending machine.

To get the water and food from them, all you needed to do was pour some of your magic into it. I tested it out by pressing '1', which was a small candy bar. I placed my hand on the designated spot, releasing some magic from my hand and out it came.

Satisfied with this, I teleported the candy back into the machine. I start to walk around the place followed by the other two. They seemed flabbergasted by it.

"…I didn't think you could do something like this."

"I can make things too, and not just destroy you know?"

Coming to an open area, I stop and so do they. They're quite confused by this. However, I make a couple hundred nano birds and have them survey the rest. I didn't want to do this manually.

"They'll take pictures of the entire place, and will come back in a few minutes. So we won't need to do the check-ups manually. Let's just stay here."

I explain and they agree. There were multiple benches around so I pick one and sit on it. Kalawarna joins me while Dohnaseek sits a bit away.

"How are you two adjusting?"

Dohnaseek was the first to answer as he takes his fedora off.

"Very well, and I'm thankful for this opportunity, Jin-sama. Besides being able to freely do what I want, I have come across many opportunities and even risen to the position of leadership. Although I still wish to become stronger, it isn't my main priority anymore."

Kalawarna nods after he finishes.

"I agree with him. Thank you for this, Jin-sama. I have received a lot of opportunities too, and I spend most of my time helping Penemue-sama, or Kouki-kun. Although I haven't gotten stronger, he has offered to help me and I'm thankful for that."

She blushes at the last part. She's probably hesitant to tell me about their relationship, but I give her a reassuring nod.

"It's fine, I know. He told me earlier; he was quite excited, actually."

She blushed even harder and I laugh. But…

"What's up with Mittelt? It looks like she's so against change. Did something happen to her or something?"

I ask the two of them but they look equally confused.

"We don't know. In truth, we don't really know each other's past, especially about Raynare and Mittelt. Only the part she told us months ago when we were captured. However, Mittelt has always been stubborn. If she sets her mind to it, she will follow through with it. And I guess rebelling against this 'change' is what she has put her mind to."

Kalawarna explains and Dohnaseek nods in agreement. Talk about annoying… So she's just doing this to spite me? Should I do something then…? I'll give her a few more months, preferably a year, and if she doesn't change, I'll take some steps in trying to change that mindset.

I chat with them for the next few minutes about their lives after giving back their powers. They seem to have changed for the better, so I may take away those bracelets that let me track them. However, I just need to see Raynare one last time, and take it from there.

The nano birds eventually come back, and one of them prints out a whole stack of photos in front of me and I grab them. Once it was done, I reinforce the place one last time, and dismiss the nano birds.

"Let's go."

We head out and ascend the stairs. Once outside I turn around and hand the stack to Kalawarna and Dohnaseek. I split them up so they could carry half and half.

"I'll leave it up to you two. I still have to do some checks around the rest of Grigori. I already added extra defenses in there since Azazel will probably ask me about it."

They nod and walk away. Now then… One of the spots I need to head to will have me near that nursery that Raynare works in, so I can see her that way.


This is taking longer than I anticipated. It's been around fifteen minutes since I started, but I am almost done. However, I did come across a few spots that made it quite easy to infiltrate. I wonder why they were made this way…

Nevertheless, I fixed it, strengthened it, and prevented any exit or entry through it. I sigh and finally go towards the last spot. I'll try to do the job before meeting her, unless she already left for the day then that's just unfortunate.

Arriving at the spot, it was an easy fix, so I did just that, sighing to myself, I was finally done with this job. I finally walk by the nursery that Raynare works at, and to my surprise, they were still open and she was still working.

From the window, I could see Raynare and the other fallen angel playing with the kids in there. She has a bright smile on her face and she looks like she is genuinely enjoying herself. The other fallen angel taps her on the shoulder before pointing at me.

Raynare looks at her, then at me and a look of panic washes over her face and she starts to blush. She, however, quickly composes herself and nods. She plays for a short while with the kids before excusing herself.

"J-Jin… H-How can I help you?"

"…You're still stuttering?"

"I can't help it?! Ah…"

She covers her mouth after snapping back. I just laugh at her and she glares at me. I walk over to the bench and sit on it; I pat the spot beside me and she joins.

"So, how have things been for you?"

"…Fine. I'm just doing my job, training and living normally. I occasionally text with Asia, b-but that's about it."

I summon some canned coffee and offer her some. She takes it and begins to drink it.

"Thanks… Why are you here?"

She asks while glancing at me.

"Official business, checking in with future in-laws, and I wanted to see you."

She was still drinking the canned coffee when she begins to violently cough after hearing me say that. She puts her drink down and just coughs for the next few seconds. However, it eventually calms down and she looks at me while red.

"H-Huh? Why?!"

"Why what? The job, the in-laws, or you?"

I ask confused and she points frantically at herself. I just sigh at her in response.

"We're past that Raynare, you're also friends with Asia, so I want to have a better relationship with you."


"Anyway, Asia actually asked if you want to move in—"

"I do!"


I didn't get to finish my sentence before she cut me off. Again, she looks rather mortified of herself and turns away. Man, she really is all over the place with her emotions. I did ask Asia about this not too long after the whole Áine incident.

Asia being Asia, she wanted to get to know Raynare better, and befriend her. They're finally at a starting point, so I wasn't against this suggestion from her. Although I kind of expected her to be hesitant, I guess she wants to be friends with Asia, too, huh?

[...You're a fucking idiot at times, Partner.]

{Wait, now hold on, Ddraig. He may have his reasons for pretending to be dense.}

'This is him pretending? Now I wish to see Aaron being actually dense, that would be interesting to see…'

[Don't encourage him, Velgrynd, he might.]

Leave me alone. Alright, I may be pretending, but still… I don't want to just barrage her with affection and have her overload and be put off. Also, being too over-friendly would just also put her off. I'm taking it slow. Our relationship started off rocky, you two know that.

"I'll tell Asia that then... Actually, she's here, she's in the Himejima home. Do you want to come with me? I mean, if you're still not on shift that is."

She gets up and runs back into the nursery. I guess she's going to ask the other fallen if she can take off…? I wait for two minutes before she comes back out in a black turtleneck shirt, dark-blue skintight jeans, and black ankle boots. She also carried a small bag with her, and was slightly panting.

"S-Sorry for the delay."

"Don't worry about it, let's get going then."

She nods and we start walking away. She walks a little bit behind me and not beside me. I also noticed this when I took her to Asgard and Ireland. I sigh, grab her hand and force her to walk beside me. Of course, I don't let go and just decide to hold her hand.

Raynare turns red but doesn't say anything. I try to start a conversation with her but it seems like she was too preoccupied with the hand holding thing. Therefore, we just fall into silence as we make our way to the Himejima home.

Once we arrive at their new home, I press the doorbell. It didn't take long for someone to come over and open it. The one to do so was—

"Jin-san, Raynare-san! Welcome!"

Asia was the one to open it. Asia notices me holding her hand and giggles. Raynare seems to remember we were holding hands and yanks her hand away out of embarrassment. Asia then pulls her inside and I follow after them. We go into the living room and Shuri along with everyone else was there. She notices us come in and she frowns at me…

Everyone was sitting on couches or chairs; some food was on the table along with drinks. Baraqiel was silently crying for some reason, and Akeno was comforting him. Poh, Griffon, and even Sylph were out and about.

Shuri comes over to me and puts both her hands on my shoulder and stares at me seriously. This draws everyone's attention and they wait for her to say something. She sighs and shakes her head.

"…Now you have Raynare-chan, I hope you can afford to feed all these mouths, Jin! Not to mention the children you may have in the future!"

I was expecting a scolding, however, she was just concerned for us in the end. She points at everyone, including Kanami and Raynare.

"Lavinia, Raynare, Natsume, Shigune, Kanami, Asia, and finally Akeno! Those are the only ones here. What about the rest? I know you have a restaurant planned but can that make enough money?"

"…I have a way to make a lot of money, Shuri. You don't need to worry about that. They all have a ¥100,000 in allowance from me, Rose and Inaie who work for me get more so… I'm not exactly worried about my finances."

I answer her as she stares blankly at me. However, Shuri turns around and gives Akeno a thumbs up and she does the same back to her mother....... What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

"I see, Jin… Then I won't need to worry about it anymore. Good luck."

She lets me go, turns around and happily walks back to Baraqiel and Akeno. I still don't get it; what the hell was that supposed to mean?!

[Gold d—]

Another word, and I'm cutting your tail off.

[…I was joking!! Partner!! What the hell?!]

I was also joking Ddraig, let's get along again.

[…The way you're saying that is making me nervous, so I'll just keep quiet…]

"Now that everyone is here, my future son-in-law and the multiple other wives he'll have… Let's have a little celebration, shall we?"

Shuri announces, and everyone was more than happy to participate. However, Raynare looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Um… Should I be here? I'm not exactly…"

Shuri tilts her head confused and blurts out—

"Hmm? You like Jin, don't you? I see no problem, the same with Kanami."

Raynare turns red again. I swear if this keeps up she'll evolve into a damn tomato… However, Kanami just laughs it off and starts to eat the food on the table along with everyone else. Even though this was supposed to be a short trip, we ended up staying there until around eight in the evening. Even Raynare started to enjoy herself towards the end as she laughed and joked with everyone else.

Clank ~ Spshhhh ~

We had finished eating dinner and the girls had wandered back into the living room and we could hear them laughing and talking. Baraqiel, Shuri and I were left in the kitchen. I was also helping her clean the dishes. I didn't take no for an answer since she refused my help in helping her cook earlier.

"You sure are pushy when you need to be, Jin."

"I tend not to, but I can put my foot down when I need to. I like giving people choices and not try to force them if I can help it."

"Should I refer to you as Freedom-kun then?"

I snicker at the dumb nickname and the two of us banter back and forth as Baraqiel drinks tea behind us. We finally finish washing the dishes and I start making my way back to the living room when Baraqiel stops me.

"Jin, can we have a word with you for a second?"

I turn around and sit down again in the dining room chairs.

"Sure, what's up? Do you need money or something?"

After asking that, some tea starts to come out of Baraqiel's nose. He was probably a bit shocked when I asked that, however, Shuri just laughed at him, and wiped his nose. After the brief spectacle they both look at me seriously, although I couldn't help but smirk at him.

"N-No, that's not why we want to speak with you. Graduation is coming soon for a few of you, right? We just wanted to make sure you're ready. We spoke about this with Akeno earlier, the same with Asia, although she still has a year left."

He says while Shuri nods along.

"Oh yeah, I am. I'm planning to speak to Zeoticus about the restaurant when we go back in a few days. I didn't really get a chance to do it last time since a few things happened so quickly and left no room for us to speak. However, I'll also be attending college, but my avatar will go for me instead since I'll probably spend most of the time in the restaurant or doing requests."

"You already know I'm not too worried about money, oh and if you need help with anything financial don't hesitate to ask me. I'm more than happy to help. But uh, can I ask what brought this on all of a sudden? I-I appreciate the concern though."

They both nod but Baraqiel keeps speaking for them.

"Hmm, we're just concerned parents, Jin. For our daughter, Asia and you. This also extends to anyone you decide to marry or be in a relationship with… We did give you our blessings when you first brought Shuri back to life. You remember that, right? We were also serious about it."

Baraqiel finishes saying and looks at Shuri who nods in confirmation.

I mean I didn't think they were joking but marriage at that time was so far away from my mind that I didn't really think much about it. However, now... Even though in this universe we barely spent a year, in reality, I've spent around 21 years in total with Akeno and the rest around 20 or 15.

"Yes, I'm aware, but it was so early in our relationship I didn't think about it too much, but now we've been together nearly fif— A year, and we're also graduating soon. I mean, we're still going to the same college, but yeah…"

"So what do you plan on doing, Jin? We're not pressuring you to propose to her or anything, we were just curious about your plans for it."

…I know she's listening right now. I can feel her just around the corner. I don't mind letting her know. But my plans never work out the way I expect them to. So it doesn't matter, I already proposed to Yasaka too…

"When we graduate, straight after the ceremony and after all the goodbyes and crying is done, I'll propose to Akeno. After that is Kuroka, and finally Lavinia at night. That's my current plan. I intend to propose to three of them on the day I graduate."

This was the first time I told anyone in detail about my plans for marriage and stuff. I think it's fine to tell them, right? They are her parents. Both of them were a little surprised but nodded in the end.

"I see, I'm glad then."

Shuri was the first one to speak up. She gets up, stands beside me and gestures for me to stand up. I do so and she hugs me. She forces my head into her chest. I felt Baraqiel also getting up and also joins the hug. I was a bit confused by this development.

"I know I was against you having a harem at the start, but you can understand why, right? I am human, even if I'm part of the supernatural. I just wanted my daughter to have a stable love life, and not have to worry about competing for your affection. However, I doubt she would leave your side at this point."

"Akeno's a bit eccentric at times. She has both our personalities, and 'that', you already know what I mean. But please take care of her, okay? I already know that you do, but I'll keep on saying this until I die again."


"As far as we're concerned, you're already part of this family, Jin."

Baraqiel says and puts a hand on my head. Shuri finally lets me go and I look up at him, as he gives me a warm smile. Shit man, you're going to make me cry, but I'll hold back for now…

"I see… Thank you."

Is this the familial love I lacked back then? If so, this… This feels nice. I like this feeling, and if one day I have children, I want to replicate this feeling for them. No, I'll make it better…

"Akeno told you about that already?"

"Yes, so you'll be meeting with Amaterasu-sama around next week, right? Please don't embarrass yourself, Jin. Also, while I don't particularly mind being exiled from the clan, the same with Akeno… I will accept it since Suzaku has been trying quite valiantly to get us back, the same with Tobio."

We were sitting back again after that short little emotional moment, and I asked them if they knew about my meeting with Amaterasu, and apparently, they did.

"I-I know, I'll try to. But I'll be taking her around Kyoto for a little bit. This will help her to get reacquainted with modern society, or at least I hope so, unless she already has an idea about it. If she does, then it'll cut that part short, and we can deal with the Himejima clan. But I don't know how she'll do it."

Amaterasu mentioned that she'd do it civilly, and if they don't comply in the less violent way, then… I don't know what she has planned. I tell them that, and what we spoke about when I first visited the Shinto realm.

"…If you want, maybe I can bring you guys there for a little day trip after we graduate?"



Baraqiel was cut off by Shuri's acceptance. She looked at him with 'those' kind of eyes, and it left almost no room for argument. She then looks back at me and gives me the same look.

"Jin, can you leave us? I wish to speak to my husband for a little bit ~"

"…Sure thing, good luck, dad."

"...N-No wait, Jin, please!"

I moon walked out of the dining room and stepped into the short hallway. However, when I got there, Akeno was still there, looking at the ground. I walk over to her and hug her.

"…You alright?"

"…I do."


"You already heard my answer…"

Her head was on my shoulders as we hugged. When I pull away from the hug and look at her, she was crying. Akeno buries her head in my chest and hugs me again.


I… Does it even matter at this point? Waiting isn't going to change the answer. I steel my resolve and nod. Pulling Akeno away from me makes her confused. I hold both her hands and look directly into her eyes. Even though I just said I reaffirmed my resolve, I get a bit nervous. I feel my cheeks heat up, and a blush appears on my face.

"…Well, you already heard my plans. Might as well, right?"

Her eyes widen.

"Akeno Himejima… Will you marry me?"

The tears that were supposedly drying up, starts up again, and even more came up this time. However, she couldn't find the words to answer me, so she just kept nodding her head while silently crying. I'll take that as her accepting my proposal, so I just hug her again.

"Did you calm down yet?"


We were still in the hallway, but a few minutes had passed. Akeno had finally calmed down enough to speak and we were still just hugging each other. She looks up at me and smiles brightly.


Akeno stands on her tip-toes, leans forward and kisses me. I didn't have time to react when she did these things in succession, but I still kissed her back. However, it isn't our usual 'lewd' kiss, it is just a normal kiss. I guess she's feeling quite lovey-dovey right now. We finally break the kiss—

"I'm really happy right now…"

She whispers.

"Let's do it, Jin."

"…W-What? Here? Akeno we're still—"

Creak ~

"I'm sorry, I can't. I need the bathroom!"

The door to the living room opens and Raynare runs out while looking miserable. Akeno and I are stunned to see this. She was also blushing as she ran past us. It was so absurd that we just started to laugh. Maybe I was distracted, but I didn't notice her aura at all. Perhaps Raynare was accidentally listening in? I did hear the other girls still enjoying themselves after all.

"Akeno! Can you come here for a second?"

We then hear Shuri's voice from the dining room. Akeno looks hesitant to leave my side but eventually does after a bit of coaxing from me. However, before she leaves, she leans back into me and whispers into my ear.

"Let's do it a lot before we go to sleep tonight."

She kisses me on the cheek before heading into the dining room. I chuckle to myself as I watch her leave, and then Raynare comes back down, blushing and looking a bit ashamed of herself. I turn to face her as she turns redder.

"Did you hear all of that, Ray?"

"…Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I wanted to go to the toilet earlier, but found it way too awkward to come out into… Well, that. U-Um… Congratulations…?"

I shake my head and walk over to her; she was already fidgety so when I arrive by her side she freezes. Christ all mighty, Raynare, do you think I'll punch you or something? I put a hand on her head gently ruffling her hair.

"Don't worry about it, we'll tell everyone about it soon. Anyway, it sounds like you're having fun."

"…Y-Yeah, I didn't think I would, but I am. Thank you for inviting me."

"Yeah… Oh right, when do you want to move in?"

"…Please give me some time, I still need to process all of this. I'll text you when I can."

I nod and we go back into the living room. The place wasn't as messy as I thought it would be. It seems like Shigune and Asia were the ones keeping them all under control. Raynare walks over to sit by Asia as they start talking instantly. Lavinia joins my side and I take my phone out and text Suzaku.

|Hey, I got some update on the visit with Amaterasu. We'll be heading there next week instead since a few things came up, but rest assured we'll be there.|

|Good evening, Jin. I see and thank you for the update. I look forward to seeing you.|


I feel Lavinia hug my arm and cutely complain beside me. I text a goodbye to Suzaku before turning my attention to her.

"We'll get going then. I'll see you guys soon."

We were outside their home and were going to go home. I hadn't told them about me proposing to Akeno and we spoke about it, and decided to wait a little bit since we did just have the conversation. Raynare also promised to keep it a secret.

Asia has been told by Raynare that she'll move soon so she's quite excited about it. I also put a shadow soldier in both their shadows just for a bit of safety.

"You better visit more often! It feels quite lonely here from time to time, you know?"

"Yeah we will, we'll get going now."

We wave at them as we teleport away.

A few days later


Gremory Territory

It was the day of the 'party' and we were back in the Gremory home in the Underworld. Everyone had been busy helping Rias, and of course the others were also hard at work. I told Michael that I would try to visit today or tomorrow, it depends on how long this lasts, and I'm also planning on visiting the Bael peerage.

Why? I wanted to check up on them, and also, I got a request from Coriana, a personal one, so that's the other reason for going. I more or less know why; it probably has something to do with Gasper. The guy has been tense for the last few days for some reason. I asked him about it but he insisted that he could deal with it himself.

I mean, I'm proud of him since he would usually come running to us about any problem he used to have. However, now he's trying to deal with it himself, but I did say that if he can't, we'll be there.

Currently, the party or festival is being held in the Ceremonial Hall in the Gremory home. This place is usually reserved for special occasions or events. However, since this is kind of a special event, they're using it. A stage was set up a level higher in the spacious hall where there were the necessary equipment somewhere around it.

The majority of people that know of her existence were here, so the Gremory family, Rias' peerage, Rose and I. In the book, Irina tagged along, but for some reason she wasn't here. I asked her earlier in the day, but she didn't want to come.

However, Runeas was the one missing and we were waiting for her arrival. In the center of the venue there was a teleportation circle. All of a sudden, there were a great deal of flashes and dazzling lights, and eventually the protagonist of the day appeared.

Runeas was wearing the same outfit as the day we saw her last. However, what made her stand out even more was that she was sitting on a god damn camel. The camel had four humps as well making it extra special, I think?

She finally gets off it—

"Gremory means camel, right? Did you know that it's a rule for the women of the Gremory name to ride a camel? Doing so will show off her cuteness when she appears! And that's a rule made by me, the First Generation Gremory! ...But I just made that now, so it will stay from this day onward."

She proudly states.

You just made a brand-new rule just now?! You can do that?! But without missing a beat, she introduces the camel to everyone present.

"This one is a rare-endangered species of camel in the Underworld—"

"Nice to meet you, ladies and gentlemen. I'm the Four-Humped Camel from the Underworld, Gabun".

Suddenly, the four-humped camel started speaking. The audience was equally stunned as it spoke.

""It speaks?!?!?!""

Quite a few of them half-screamed at the camel. I don't know much about the animals of the underworld, but apparently camels with various numbers of humps are sort of a big deal, like the three-humped back camel that's usually seen with the Gremory clan. However—

"…A-A-A camel spoke…. Oh, Satan this is a nightmare…."

Rias, who was standing beside me was shaking like a leaf. Ah, right... She's completely terrified of camels... Apparently when she was younger, the camels they owned in the mansion/castle kept on bullying her, and that left a deep trauma in her. That also explains why there are no camels to be seen here anymore or at the very least kept away from her sight.

"It's different from the Three-Humped Camel from the Underworld in the Gremory territory since the Four-Humped Camel can speak."

The camel beside her nods.

"Pleased to make your acquaintances."

It still feels surreal being greeted by a camel even if I've seen weirder shit in the past. After that, Runeas was ushered to the main table. It was quite luxurious, and the position had a full view of the stage. She was sitting on it gracefully.

She sees me looking at her and winks. To the ones who know why, they didn't react, to the ones who didn't, they were confused and I awkwardly look away.

Grayfia and other maids and butlers brought a sumptuous meal and expensive-looking wine to the table. After seeing this, Runeas makes a small magic circle appear on her hand. From it, she pulls out two boxes for some kind of raffle?

She looks at everyone before declaring—

"Then let us begin! Are your preparations ready? I will now decide the order!"

After saying that, Runeas puts her hand in one of the boxes, and after rustling around it for a few seconds, she takes out three notes one by one.

That's how the order was decided. The first one that's going to perform is Zeoticus, Rias' father. Starting with the current head, huh? Next to perform was Millicas, and finally the last one to perform for the day was Rias. Not including me since I'm not officially part of the family yet. So, I'm technically last.

Next was the other box, that should contain the three topics they'll have to perform each.

"Very well, let's start with Zeoticus then."

Runeas shoves her hand inside the box while looking quite excited. She ruffles around the box for a few seconds before pulling out a piece of paper.

Huh, so that's his. It looks like it's not changing from the books. This should be entertaining. I felt a grin appear on my face. Rose who was beside me looks at me confused.

"Is something wrong, Jin?"

"No, this will be quite entertaining."

Still confused, but decided to accept what I said, she nods. 'Dance' was written on the piece of paper.

"I see, dancing, huh? Alright then, go ahead!"

After confirming what he needed to perform, Zeoticus immediately moved to the back of the stage. We waited in anticipation for five minutes, during which the venue's lights dimmed and the lights on the stage lit up.

Suddenly, some cheerful music began to play, and a deformed-looking camel costumed mascot character, a cartoon-character costume appears!

If memory serves me right, that's the costume mascot character from the Gremory territory, 'Gomorin'! Sweet Lord in heaven, he was in that, wasn't he? I had to stop myself from bursting into laughter as everyone else look at Zeoticus in stunned silence.

Then he began to dance, while matching the rhythm of the cheerful music.

"Gomo, gomo, gomo, gomon!!"

Shouted the cartoon character. He sounds so into it! I look around as everyone was still too stunned to speak, although two ladies were affected in different ways.

"Yes, Zeoticus is inside of that..."

Venelana says with a bitter smile, the edges of her lips occasionally twitching...

This also confirms one other thing... Zeoticus has worn that thing before! He is way too comfortable doing this! Who would have thought that the current head of the Gremory family would wear such an absurd costume, and moreover would dance! And he's so fucking enthusiastic about it!

I look at Rias. Her shoulders had dropped and she had a look of defeat on her face. Although Millicas had a different reaction, he looked quite excited and impressed by this. At least the little guy is cheering him on...

However, the other lady, the mother of Zeoticus... Chysis Gremory, she was…

"No way! Kyaaaaa!! Zeo-tan!!!"

She was holding a fan with Zeoticus' picture on it, a glow stick in the other hand and was super excited to see her beloved son's appearance. Chysis then puts her hand over her mouth, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

".....This is too much. Zeo-tan, you're so precious that it's tiring."

The tears then spill as she looks on at Zeoticus. The over-doting parent, Chysis looks very proud. However, Asteri bent down and addresses Millicas in a serious tone.

"Look closely, Millicas, the family head is someone who can do things like this with elegance, even if it's… Anyway, you understand, yes?"


Millicas answers Asteri even though he kind of looks confused! What a good kid! While some people started to murmur things, he continued to dance, and sometimes saying some strange line.

"Ufufufu, Zeo-tan, that was a good dance. But I did expect as much as the current family head."

Runeas says, and she looks satisfied with the performance. But not too long after, the dance from the current family head, Zeoticus ended, and it was time to draw the next subject. The second to perform was Millicas.

Millicas watches with bated breath and was bracing himself from the corner of my field of view. I focus back on Runeas as she pulls out another piece of paper. What she pulled out was 'Music' this time.


Millicas says cheerfully then heads backstage filled with a lot of motivation. After a while of waiting, the venue lights dim again, and the spotlight was focused on the center of the stage.

When Millicas came out of the side of the stage, he received everyone's applause. Millicas stood in the spotlight and a piece of music I've never heard before started to play in the hall.

"It's a folk song that has been handed down from ancient times in the Gremory family."

Venelana says to everyone, and Runeas nods in confirmation.

"Even I heard of this, however, I do not remember if it came from my generation or the ones after."

Ah, so it's a Gremory folk song then...

"——♪, ——♪"

Millicas was the youngest among us to perform today. However, he sang splendidly. Hell, dare I say he may have a future in it one day if he keeps on practicing.

Everyone was captivated by his voice, and listened to it in comfortable silence. Even Runeas didn't say anything as she looks at the youngest child in the family with deep affection on her face.

I then remembered what Zeoticus said around a week ago, that she held deep affection for her descendants. I guess that was very true, huh?


However, when I look at Asteri, she was in tears. She was so moved by her son's big moment that she couldn't help but cry. Moreover, she was holding a small video camera in her hand and was filming Millicas. As a mother, she wants to preserve this moment of her son singing for the rest of time, huh?

"She really wants to show this to Sirzechs, huh?"

I say to no one in particular, but I see Rias nodding beside me, the same with Asteri and Venelana.

You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

As the song continued, Rias who was beside me kept her composure since it was her turn after this. The only remaining subject was 'theater'. I only poked my head into the club and at home when she was practicing all three. However, she did it quite seriously and seemed to do well with just one week of practice. She didn't want to use the [Training Facility] as she didn't want to 'cheat' so we just let her do what she wants.

So, Rias was going into this with a lot of confidence, regardless of which subject she was given, and now the last one was theater, so she knew what she had to do. So she felt both excited and confident.

Finally, Millicas' song ended, and we gave him another round of applause as he bowed. He gets off the stage and then it was Rias' turn. For 'theater' she had quite a handful of partners, and surprisingly Shigune was one of them.

I didn't think she was into it, but I just accepted it in the end. The others who helped were Akeno, Ravel and Ingvild. The rest of the peerage did their best… At cheering from the sidelines, albeit quietly.

Rias then turns to Akeno.

Akeno, you're also prepared for this, yes?

Yes, President, whenever you're ready.

While they spoke to one another, Runeas drew the last piece of paper. The subject that Runeas drew for Rias was 'Gag'. The word that was written on the piece of paper was gag. Everyone was stunned into silence when they saw that.

Rias who had a look of confidence just a few seconds earlier, completely froze on the spot.


A few seconds later, she became completely flustered, and she looks mortified.


She shouts, not sure in what to think at the sudden curveball. Zeoticus who stood by Runeas, and didn't have his costume looks at the piece of paper with confusion and asked her.

"Hmm? Did we have a subject like that in the past?"

Runeas who had a mischievous smile looks at all of us.

"Ufufufu! I added a new one! This kind of thing needs to happen and match the era, don't you think? ♪"

Well, can't argue with that, she's technically the First Generation, the progenitor of your clan, what can you do, right? But that mischievous smile tells me otherwise... She did this on purpose. What Zeoticus said a week ago echoes in my mind again. She definitely has a 'devilish personality'. However, she continues.

"Don't just do some random gag. It should be fun! A feast like this goes well with some comedy!"

What an absurd request, although I can somewhat agree with her. There were comedic acts in the past during parties, right?

Rias then asks Runeas—

"H-How about the Power of Destruction?"

"That's the special characteristic of the Bael's."

Complete rejection!

"Then, how about my crimson armor I created during my Rating Game against the Sairaorg Bael?"

"Will that make me laugh?"

Another rejection!

"My favorite Japanese traditional art form?"

"Does that hold your distinctive characteristics?"


Runeas rejects all of Rias' ideas, one after the other. Rias was also at a loss for words. Despite being shocked she keeps her face down for a couple of seconds, pondering what to do. Suddenly, with a rather determined look on her face (and also tears threatening to spill from her eyes), she turns to me.

"Jin, can you help me...?"

That's not good for my heart, Rias. I clutched it and scrunched my face up. The look of desperation on her face was enough to kill me, and she was quite serious about it.

She was determined enough to throw away her current sense of pride in front of the First Generation Gremory, and as the next family head!

"Sure thing, Rias. I have a plan, but it's going to be embarrassing."


I nod and the two of us went backstage. I mean, I still have to perform after this, so it wasn't a big deal for me. Like before, the lights dim and we come out. Rias was wearing a dress and I was in my [Boosted Gear]'s Balance Breaker.

I'll be taking a technique out of your arsenal, Issei Hyoudou...

"Jin! Let's do it!"


I shout back, but that also confuses Rias, but she just shrugs it off. Rias then pulls down the top part of her dress showing me her bare breasts! Even the crowd gasped in shock!

These large breasts! Iconic to the women of Gremory! Last week I was given a chance to see many of them. I'm lucky as shit!

"Poke them, Jin!"

"On it!"

I poke Rias' nipples and a lot of power surged through me! Then it came out in a large dense aura!

"J-Jin... Do it! Use my breasts to make a telephone call to Akeno's breasts!"

"Roggger thaaaattt! Go! [Pai-Phone]!!!"

Rias' breasts glowed and then Akeno in the crowd, her breasts also started to glow as she blushed and tried to cover them up. Everyone turns to her in curiosity, and then from them—

[Akeno, can you hear me?! It's me, Jin!]


However, she answered with a threatening 'Ufufufu'! I don't know how to take that!

[Pai-Phone] is a variation of Issei's [Pailingual] that allows him to talk to women's breasts after creating a space. I don't need to make a space, and the first time I used [Pailingual] was after the fight I had with Scathach in Ireland.

I went on a date with the girls that day, Áine, Danu and Scathach decided to tag along too. Near the end of it, I used [Pailingual] on Áine's breast to tell me what she really felt at the time.

I kept on using the technique and connected with Xenovia, Grayfia, Rose and Asia's breasts. However, when I looked at Venelana, Chysis and Asteri, they gave me the death glare. Therefore, I opted not to. Runeas looked like she wanted me to, but I decided against it.

"Ahahahaha! That's amazing! What kind of technique is that?!"

Runeas was amused and starts to laugh. She laughed so hard that she started to cry at the strange performance. Everyone else just had strained and awkward smiles on their faces.

Rias' turn finally ended and she went back to everyone else, her face as crimson as her hair. I went backstage again and prepared. The song I'm going to sing is.... JoJo's second opening! Bloody stream! I'm going to add so many damn poses, Rias will probably have a stroke!

Akeno Himejima

…That was embarrassing, too embarrassing… I wish he told me before hand, although I doubt they knew of this outcome…

I sigh as my breasts finally stopped glowing. Rias had also come back down, wearing the clothes she wore before changing.

"…I want to die."

"You agreed to it, dear."

Rias says tiredly, but Venelana-sama corrects her making our [King] turn redder. I then ask her.

"Do you know what Jin is going to do?"

However, Runeas-sama was the one to answer.

"I let Jin choose what to do, and he chose 'Song', so just like Millicas, he will be singing. I am looking forward to it. Did any of you by any chance hear him or mention what song?"

However, we shake our heads at her question. Jin was quite secretive about what he was going to do. He didn't mention that he chose to sing either. During the classroom observations he also sang during music class, and he got a lot of praise, but he said that he wasn't that good.

I believe at the time he was quite harsh with himself even though he sang quite well. Finally, the lights around the hall dim, however, the entire stage was illuminated, and not just one spot. A large puff of smoke covered the stage, and after a few seconds it clears up.

In the middle was Jin in some kind of outfit. He also had a guitar with him. Several musicians surround the stage, including a female with a saxophone, drums, and a guitarist. T-Those are…!

"Kei Ōzora?!"

Rias shouts in disbelief.

"Kei Ōzora? Who's that?"

Runeas-sama asks her and Rias nods.

"Kei Ōzora is the name Jin identifies himself by when he transforms into a female. He can also make clones or avatars of himself. Therefore, my guess is that he made three other clones and had them transform into women and are now going to play along with him."

"Hoho? Jin is certainly going all out then. I can't wait."

"Jin-tan do your best!!"

Runeas-sama nods looking rather excited now, and Chysis-sama cheers him on. It seems he got quite close to them after their first meeting. I wonder what happened…?

Suddenly! They all started playing their instruments! Jin who had his eyes closed opened them and grinned.

"From the silent —..."

"Depths of darkness —..."

He starts to sing, but—

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! It's GoGo!!"

Rias involuntarily screams shocking everyone around them, but the ones who knew it were laughing as they look back at Jin. Who keeps on singing, and playing the guitar. The song played on for a while, as he sang quite passionately. Everyone had stayed silent during it; it was different from the one Millicas-kun sang.

If the one that Millicas-kun sang was an emotional one, then the one Jin was singing was quite upbeat and 'hype'. Rias, who couldn't help herself, started to quietly sing along, and even started doing the poses. Jin was also doing some on occasion.

Gasper-kun and Kiba-kun couldn't help themselves and sometimes did some too, while also singing along. Suddenly—

"Let me do it too!"

Runeas-sama stands up from her chair. She had been observing the others doing the poses and started doing them. Everyone fell silent and then began to smile at her. I couldn't help but laugh on the inside. Everyone joined along and started doing silly poses. They had no idea on what to really do, so just did whatever they want.

I look back at Jin as he was smiling. Was this what he was aiming for? In each performance everyone had different types of reactions. However, only during Millicas did we all have the same one, although the atmosphere at the time was a bit somber. However, this one is—

"Jin-kun is trying to make everyone smile and happy right now, and probably trying to take their minds off my daughter's embarrassing performance. Even though he was responsible for it. Fufu."

Venelana-sama whispered quietly, but a few of us heard her. In response, Jin stops to quickly grin at her as she waves at him.

"Jin-nii-sama is amazing…! I want to perform like that in the future…!"

Millicas-kun says looking at Jin with a lot of admiration and pride. Asteri-sama was also recording this. Perhaps she'll share this with Sirzechs-sama and spread it across the Underworld? Maybe even upload it to DeviTube.

"Floating and indelible, the bonds of pride infallible will BURN!"

"Clasping together —"


Saying the final lyrics of the song, Jin stops and looks at the crowd, and then a louder round of applause starts, a few jokingly asking for an encore from him. He just smiles at us before the curtains fall and the lights turn back on around the hall.

Jin finally joins us as Rias looked like she wanted to say something but Runeas-sama claps her hands drawing our attention to her.

Jin Skyward

Sweet Lord that was kind of tiring, not physically mind you, but emotionally. I didn't think I would get into it as I kept on singing. Is this how singers feel?

"That was splendid! I had a lot of fun, especially the last performance. It has been quite some time since my heart has been beating so fast and loudly!"

Runeas says while looking at me. I just chuckle at her.

"However, I will now give the three of you a reward now!"

She looks at Rias, Millicas, and Zeoticus. Everyone becomes confused, but she winks at me for some reason. I wasn't expecting a prize, but that wink is giving off dangerous vibes...

After saying that, she snaps her fingers and a teleportation circle appears and from there, three four-humped camels appear.

They were like the talking endangered species camel that greeted us earlier. All of the camels lined up beside her as she smiled at us.

"I'll give you one of these children to each of you. After all, Gremory means camel♪."

She adds a cute wink. So these camels are their rewards, huh? Makes me wonder what mine is. One of the camels, Gabun turns to look at Rias.

"Then I will be under your care from now on, next family head-dono."

In response, Rias' face paled, as she begins to sway back and forth.

"....This is a nightmare...."

And then she falls unconscious and collapses on the spot! I manage to catch her on time. However, Runeas just bitterly smiled at her.

"Please get used to camels... Anyway, this era and world right now seems interesting with Jin in it, so I plan to stay awake for a long time, so I'll be under all your care♪."

I see everyone's mouth twitching. If she was this eccentric, it makes you wonder what kind of requests she'll try to give us in the future. It surely will be interesting…

"Jin, a moment if you will?"

We partied a little while longer, many of us getting both Chysis and Runeas caught up with the modern-day Underworld and the human world. I also helped Runeas get used to typing on a phone. She was a quick learner which surprised me a lot. However, it shouldn't be since Rias is a quick learner herself. The same thing happened with Chysis.

We were about to go home when Runeas calls my name. Everyone else had gone back to what they were doing. Zeoticus had to embark on another business trip much to Chysis' displeasure. Therefore, she was currently sulking. I also missed my chance to speak with him...

I shuffle over to Runeas and bend down and she whispers into my ear.

"I have a reward for you too, but it will take some time. Will you wait for it?"

A little confused by this, I pull away and nod. A mischievous smile appears on her face again and she nods in agreement.

"Marvelous! Well then, we'll see you again, won't we?"

Runeas looks at Chysis who had stopped sulking and agrees with her.

"Perhaps we will visit your home in the human world, Jin-kun, ufufu♪."

"Sure thing, just make sure to text or call so I can let you in."

I turn back and start walking towards the Gremory peerage when I remember my other request.

"Ah, that's right. I'll be staying in the Underworld, actually. I have another request to fulfill."

"Request? Who requested for you, Jin?"

Rias asks confused.

"The Bael. I'll be heading over there."

After saying that, I see Gasper's eyes widen, and he begins to blush. Safe to say he probably knows why. Sheesh, I gotta help a junior again. They nod and leave first. Rose stayed behind to accompany me. I turn back around to see only Chysis and Runeas standing there. It seems like Venelana, Millicas and Asteri left while I spoke with Rias.

"It seems you have an idea on what the request is, Jin."

Runeas says to me looking interested at what it might be.

"Yeah, it seems like I have to help my junior with his love life a little bit. But I'll probably just give some advice and encourage them to take the next step."

I tell her and she nods sagely.

"Mhm, it seems that love is blossoming everywhere. Perhaps this old relic will find some in the future, kufufufu."

She says it in a rather cryptic manner. I just look at her strangely as she laughs it off, then she starts to wave her hand at me.

"Well? Aren't you going to go? Your job awaits you! Ah, a moment again, come here."

She gestures for me, and I bend back down. She proceeds to fix my tie and hair while humming to herself. Once she was done, she pats me on the head like some sort of kid…

"There you go, all prime and proper♪."

"Thank you?"

Although I was confused by this gesture, I accepted it nonetheless. Finally, I stand beside Rose as we leave the Gremory Territory.

Bael Territory

Deciding to teleport just outside of Sairaorg's home, I could feel the entire peerage, himself, his mother and not to my surprise, Silveteela Stolas was here.

"I haven't been here before. Do you mind telling me what you think the request is about, Jin?"

Rose and I start walking towards their home. The usual maids and butlers just around the large front yard cleaning and trimming hedges.

"It probably has something to do with Coriana and Gasper. She might try asking me on how to proceed. She also probably asked the rest of the peerage including Sairaorg and Silveteela, maybe even Misla, and now wants another opinion from someone closer to Gasper."

"I mean, we've seen Gasper the last few days and he's been a bit fidgety, right?"

Rose nods as we continue walking in silence. We navigate the home quite easily since I've been here before and came to a stop in front of a certain door. I knock on it.


The same confident voice echoes from within it. I chuckle and push them open and step inside.

"Jin! Rossweisse-san, welcome."

Sairaorg gets up and we bump our fists. He puts a hand on my back and we walk towards a free couch. Once Rose and I sit down he orders one of the maids to get more tea and snacks.

"What brings you here today?"

"I'm actually here for a request."

I tell him and look at Coriana Andrealphus one of his [Bishops] who was sitting there rather nervously. He sees this and nods.

"I see, it's about that then? Very well! We will see ourselves out. Take your time, Jin, Coriana."

Sairaorg leaves the room with his peerage. However, not too long after a maid comes back, puts some snacks, pours us tea and leaves. Rose and I eat some of the snacks and drink some of the tea. I did it out of obligation, we already ate earlier but I wasn't full, hell I could eat forever and just— You know what I mean.

"So, what's your request, Coriana? My junior has been fidgety all week, you know?"

"A-Ah, yes, of course, I'm sorry. The truth is, we're actually going out on a date soon, and I'm not that sure in what to do, how to act. Gasper said to leave it up to him so I did, but I'm still worried about him."

[Yoooo!!! He did it, he actually did it!!]

{Of course, he won't stay the same forever.}

I felt a weird sense of pride swell up in me. I was expecting her to ask me if she should ask him out or wait for him to do it. But I wasn't expecting them to be planning a date, but I see they need help with it, huh? I open my mouth to speak, but Rose beat me to it.

"Then trust Gasper-kun. I am sure he is thinking of a wonderful date for the two of you, and Jin here will speak to him about it. Although when he tried to approach him about it earlier in the week, he said to leave it up to him."

"As for you, I would suggest just acting like usual and wear whatever you think suits the date, although we will try to find out where you will be going so Jin here can relay it back to you so you can plan accordingly."

[As expected of your secretary, she's on top of things.]


Coriana and I look at Rose a bit stunned by what she said. It seems a bit weird if I'm being honest. Compared to the Rossweisse I first met, to her now. She could give wise advice from time to time, but anything related to love she would get a bit flustered or wouldn't know what to say.

But her giving Coriana genuine advice regarding it, and not being bothered by it… I couldn't help but smile at her. I look back at Coriana and agree with Rose.

"Yeah, I guess I agree with what Rossweisse said. I'll go and talk with him when I get back, try to get some idea of where he might take you and text you. Try to act the same way you always do when you two are together. It would be strange if you start acting stiff now."

For a few minutes, Coriana stared at the floor, contemplating the idea, while Rose and I ate snacks and enjoyed the silence. Finally, she looks up and nods.

"I see, thank you for the advice, Jin-sama, um, Ro-Rossweisse-san?"

"Don't worry about it, Coriana. I gotta help out my juniors whenever I can, right?"

I laugh, and she smiles back at me. The only one left now is Kiba, and for that to happen, I'll need to find Tosca and rescue her. But I still have things to do, and keep an open mind. I don't know where in Europe they were taken to be experimented on.

Kiba hasn't shared that part of his life at all, or with his previous family members. Randomly scanning the world would be a waste of time. No, this can be made easier. It isn't top priority since she's technically safe as of right now, even if she's in stasis.

Shadows in Europe, search for a girl with this description, and Sacred Gear, however, do not engage anyone if you find her. Report back to me. After informing the shadow soldiers in Europe, I turn back to face Coriana. She and Rose had started to speak to one another.

Tosca has white hair tied in a braided twin tails. That's all I could give the shadows since there wasn't much about her in the book. Although she was a part of the Sigmund Institute, she was unable to meet the requirements for becoming a warrior. Therefore, she was sent to another project and subsequently ended up with Valper.

She survived being disposed of only because her Sacred Gear awakened. It's barrier-type and sealed her in it. This also halted her aging, so she should look around twelve or thirteen years old. If I get her back and get her to train in the [Pocket Dimension], then she can age up to Kiba age…

[Geez, Partner, you're like a scheming old man. Are you that desperate to get Kiba Yuuto off you?]

I care for Kiba, Ddraig. I don't want him to cling to something that doesn't exist. However, whether he somehow changes into 'Yumi' permanently, I don't think I can change my mind since we've known each other for twenty plus years.

[So, if Kiba was 'Yumi' from the start, you wouldn't have any problem with it?]

It would take a little while, but probably yeah. I would probably be more open to the idea.

[...…Cúntóir! When this fuck goes world traveling set course for an alternate universe where Kiba is female!]

Cúntóir: Answer: Do not order me around, [Welsh Dragon], however, I will note your suggestion.

Please don't…

After a few more minutes of chatter, Coriana gets up, thanks us and leaves to go somewhere else, presumably to get ready for her upcoming date with Gasper.

"Well, it feels like we're done here. Let's get going."


We leave the room, and start making our way towards the entrance, but on the way there, we come across… Kuisha Abaddon, Sairaorg's [Queen]. She looks up, sees us and walks over.

"Jin-sama, it's been a while."

"Yeah it has. How have you been, Kuisha? I take it you're well? How were you after the Rating Game? The attack by Akeno didn't affect you too much, did it?"

I reach over and start looking at her like a concerned dad. This makes her blush but she didn't try to stop me. I didn't feel anything wrong so it should be fine, although Sairaorg did forcefully retire her to avoid getting her killed.

"Sorry about that."

"N-No, it's fine. Will you be staying a while?"

"No, I'm going back now. I had to deal with the Gremory family earlier and it was quite a big deal and I want to go and relax for a little bit since I'm going to Heaven later."

Kuisha seems to deflate after I say that. Geez woman, at least try to hide that… I pat her head.

"Well, you do have my number so if you want to text or chat, just call me. I usually answer when I'm free. Anyway, we'll get going, Kuisha."

"…Yes, I will, thank you."

I ruffle her hair a little bit before I start walking away with Rose, but I felt Sairaorg, Misla and Silveteela just ahead of us. I look at Rose and she was sighing to herself.

"Uh, is something wrong?"

I ask Rose, and she sighs at me.

"You are aware, yes?"

"…Well, yeah."


She gives me a look that says to elaborate.

"Er, well, she was after Sairaorg for years. I helped her with it, but I don't want her to think I'm taking advantage of that. I don't want to sweep her off her feet or something. Therefore, I'm taking it slow with her. I am aware she may like me."

I tell her my reasoning to which she just sighs at.

"You make things overcomplicated at times, Jin. I don't think she's thinking of it like that, but if you want to go about it this way, it's up to you."

After saying that we arrive to where Sairaorg, Misla and Silveteela were at. It seems they were waiting for us. Sairaorg sees us and puts his hand up and we walk over to him.

"Oh hey, Sai—"

Gyu ~

I was suddenly hugged by Misla Bael confusing the hell out of me! Why?! Using a bird's eye-view I could see that Rose was the only one confused by this, not counting me mind you. Sairaorg then chuckles at this.

"Mother, please let Jin go. He's confused by your actions."

She does and I breathe a sigh of relief. I look to Sairaorg for answers and he nods. Silveteela was just silently giggling at me.

"Mother has… Well, to put it bluntly, has great affection for you and wishes to treat you like another son, so a brother of sorts… It happened after our exhibition match, Jin. I'm sorry about this, Jin. However, she insists. So… Could I put it as a request?"

[He got son-zoned! Bwahahaha!]

...…This is, what the hell? I was so confused by this?! Why?! Also, a request?! How do I respond to this? I look at Misla who was looking at me rather expectantly. Ugh, lady don't look at me like that, it makes rejecting you a lot harder…


I sigh again and nod.

"I mean, sure…? I don't particularly mind…"

[…He's into milfs isn't he? Venelana, Chysis, Runeas, Shuri and now Misla— Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Wait, no, Partner, I was joking!!! Oiii Albion heeelppp!!!]

{...…I'll sit this one out, Red one.}

'You only have yourself to blame, [Welsh Dragon].'

Both Albion and Velgrynd refuse to help him. I also don't hear anything from Rudra, so he probably takes the same stance as them. What did I do? Well, I summoned a fake Tiamat inside my soul and it's chasing him around. Kukuku…

As I listened to the fiasco that was happening within me, Misla hugged me again, my face being shoved into her breasts. Good thing I didn't need to breathe. However, I come back to the real world and slowly but surely pry myself off her.

"Jin-kun, please call me 'Mommy'."

"…I respectfully decline."

She frowns—

"Then, Mother dearest!"

"…No thank you."

She puffs her cheeks like a child.


I nod.

"I'll alternate with Mom or Mother, is that fine?"

She in response, hugs me again. I'll take that as a yes. I let her do this for the next few minutes until she lets me go herself. I'll ask her another time about this. I turn to Sairaorg as he has looked like he wanted to say something to me.

When I do, I glance at Silveteela, who hid her hand… I see. I think I know what's going to happen.


"Congrats, man."

He looks stunned before bursting into laughter and starts smacking my shoulder. Silveteela was also surprised by what I said.

"You noticed?"

"Just now, your fiancé did hide her hand, so I kind of guessed."

He nods and she stands beside him.

"We plan on getting married a year from now. Hopefully, by then things around the supernatural world would have calmed down. I also want to invite you along with anyone you want, of course, this extends to your harem. This home can hold a lot of guests."

"You're getting married here?"

"Hmm. We have talked it over, and wish for it to happen here."

I nod, well if that's what they want then I have no say in it.

"Ah, I also would like you to be my best man."

He says casually, leaving me stunned. W-What?! M-Me?! B-Best man?! Why?! He sees my shocked reaction and laughs again.

"I think it's appropriate, of course. I asked my peerage and they said it was fine. I offered it to them too, but they declined saying that you should be it."


Honestly, I couldn't believe it. I calm myself and nod.

"If you're fine with it, then I'm more than happy to, Sairaorg."

"I wouldn't have asked otherwise, Jin. However, thank you for accepting. We won't keep you here any longer."

We fist bump one last time before Rose and I teleport away. Misla, wanted to 'spoil' me a little more but Sairaorg held her back. Sheesh, I didn't think she was the doting type.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

A few hours later

"…Ah that feels good, Griselda…"

"Is that so, Jin? I can do this for you more often."

"That's a tempting offer…"

I was lying on my stomach as Griselda gave me a massage, she offered to do this after she and Irina came back, apparently, they were asked to do a small mission. Even though she's also tired, she's doing this for me. Gotta thank her after this…

"And done ~"

After a few more minutes of the massage, it was over. I sit up from my bed and Griselda sat down. I let out a satisfied sigh making the woman beside me chuckle at me. I activate my ring and contact Gabriel who was in Heaven.


[Jinnn ♪! How can I help you? ~]

She cheerfully greets me, although sounding a little tired.

[I'm heading there now so we can—]

[I'll go tell brother Michael!!]

She abruptly hangs up and I laugh. I guess she was quite excited about it…

"You're going to Heaven now?"

"Yeah. It shouldn't take too long."

I get up and stretch a bit, snapping my fingers and putting on the same clothes I usually do. I turn back to Griselda and she comes up to me and fixes my tie. I feel like a lot of women have been doing that lately… It only used to be Grayfia, Akeno and Lavinia at the start.

Once she was done, she smiles at me.

"There, you're all set."

"Thank you."

However, instead of stepping back she starts touching my hair and looking at me.

"Your hair has grown longer, Jin. Do you plan on cutting it anytime soon?"

"My hair?"

I touch it and yeah, it's nearly touching my shoulders, even though at the start it was just around my ears… Wait a minute, hey Cúntóir why didn't my hair grow in the [Pocket Dimension]?

Cúntóir: Answer: Just like with aging, it's been disabled. However, if requested it can be turned back on. Would you like it to be turned on, Jin?

No, thanks though.

"I guess I need a haircut soon?"

I posed that as more of a question than a statement. Griselda chuckles at me and nods.

"I can do it for you then, Jin. I cut Xenovia's hair before, the same with Irina."

That's surprising information…

"…Hard to imagine those two with different hairstyles."

Just imaging those two with different hairstyles was odd, although I won't be against it if they do decide to change them.

"Fufufu, it is. It's almost like their 'look'. But will you accept?"

"Yeah I will, let's set aside some time before I go to Kyoto then. Anyway, I'll get going then."

I turn around and check my time. It was around seven at night, so dinner won't be here for another hour or two.

"…Yes, have a safe trip."


Turning back around, I give Griselda a short peck on the forehead, grin at her and teleport away. The nun in question, smiles and blushes at me.

[C-C-C-C-C-Combo breaker!!]



I don't even want to know what happened…

{Oh no, he was just sparring with Cúntóir.}

I really doubt that, Albion…


Seventh Heaven

I teleport directly into Seventh Heaven and in front of me was Altaria sitting on her chair while reading a book. She puts the book down and sees me.

"Jin-sama ~"

She lets out her golden wings, flies over to me and hugs me.

"Working here is tiring…~"

"Sorry for pushing it all on you. I'll be making another Electa to lessen that burden."

"Mhm ~~"

I hug her back and contact Gabriel again.

[Hey, we're in Seventh Heaven, come here when you're ready, Gabriel.]


She answers ardently. I release Altaria from the hug and she steps away. I should just start the process right now. However, I feel all of them teleport into the room as I touch the ground in front of me.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new life… Processing image… Appointing power level...… Complete…


A magic circle appears from the ground and a female figure starts to emerge from it. A beautiful woman with wavy ankle-length blonde hair that is braided back by a black bow with bangs hanging over her forehead.

It's mostly hanging on the right side and chest-length hair strands which hang on either side, pale blue eyes that are often covered by a black blindfold, full pink lips and a voluptuous body. She wears white robes with blue outlines and a golden decoration around her hip.

I had time to think of a name for her, so I'm a lot prepared this time. I look at her as she kneels in front of me, I also feel the other Seraphs just right behind me, Gabriel opted to stand beside me looking at the new Electa.

"Layla. That is your name."

"Thank you very much for giving me a name, Jin-sama…"

She then lets out her wings, they, like Altaria were golden-colored. Now two— No, three angels in heaven have golden-colored wings. First Michael, then Altaria and now Layla… I look at Gabriel who tilts her head.

She will be the fourth, hopefully…

"Well, that's done."

I say this while turning around to face Michael, Uriel and Raphael. Michael steps forward and shakes my hand.

"Thank you for the help, Jin-kun. As you read the letter, this will surely help us, thank you again. Gabriel, please be safe down there, and of course, you are welcome to visit anytime. This is still your home after all."

"Yes, thank you, brothers Michael, Uriel, and Raphael!"

Gabriel hugs all three of them as they smile at her. I glance back to see both Altaria and Layla already conversing. I got them done, thank goodness, I can go be lazy until my meeting with Amaterasu…!

"Oh right…"

I mutter, and create another ring. I walk back over to Layla and Altaria, they both look at me and I gesture for Layla to come to me, she does so and I take her hand and put the ring on.

"I forgot to do that earlier, my fault."

"…Thank you, Jin-sama."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Anyway, good luck, and just talk to me through that or you know, telepathically."

They both nod and go back to talking. I walk back to Gabriel as she looks like she was ready.

"We'll see you guys soon then."

"Yes, take care of her, Jin-kun. And be respectful over there, Gabriel."


Gabriel replies rather cheerfully making Michael give her an awkward smile. We finally left for home.

A few days later

Skyward Household

"So you're heading to Kyoto?"

"Yeah I am, sorry, you can't come with me, Gabriel."

"It's no problem, Jin! I can just help Raynare train ~"

I was standing in the entrance hallway as I got ready to go to Kyoto again to meet up with Amaterasu and eventually Suzaku. I miss her and haven't seen her in a bit. Raynare also moved in a few days ago. She texted me and I got her the day after, so she's been settling in well, Asia has been with her most of the time along with Griselda, Penemue, Inaie, Akeno, Irina and Gabriel.

Raiko was there to see me off. She decided to come up just for this.

"I'm sorry I can't come with you Jin, even though I—"

I stop her by putting a finger to her lips.

"Stop, stop, we already spoke about this. Don't worry about it and go train, and just come join me when you're ready."

"…Yes, thank you."

I turn to Gabriel and pat her on the head.

"I'll get going now, good luck with the training."


Alright, Himejima clan… How stubborn are you willing to be?

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