Wish upon the Stars

Chapter 115: Chapter One Hundred Fifteen

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Cark took the other Dullahan apart. We literally just sat there and  watched him slowly demolish the thing. The wights were downed fast  enough, and the others just came over to sit with us as we spectated. We  offered to help but Cark seemed pretty into it so we mostly just  enjoyed the show. Zeke hadn't been kidding about undead having a  weakness to fire, and given his high Might Cark was already the optimal  choice to take one of these things down.

As he fought, I  watched how he was moving, and it staggered me to see how different it  was from me. I had a bit of boxing knowledge from one of my minor  skills, but mostly my combat abilities came from tons of DS and  massively overpowered stats. I knew absolutely jack shit about fighting,  and it was never more apparent than when I watched Cark solo that  Dullahan bare handed.

When he finally finished prying the  warped pieces of armor apart with his bare hands we all made our way  over to congratulate him. "Damn man, you crushed that thing. If it was  as strong as the other one you are WAY more powerful than we are." I  hadn't actually asked what Carks stats were, but judging from that  showing I was guessing he really was HIGHLY specialized towards might.

He  just shrugged. "It was weird, I felt like the things were made of  like...concentrated darkness somehow. My flames seemed to weaken them.  But even so yeah, I'm almost positive your Might is way lower than mine.  Still, those things were no joke, glad you took yours down. Scared me a  bit there after you took that hit glad to see you're alright." He  clapped me on the shoulder before the others arrived to congratulate him  on the solo fight. That was fine with me because I still needed to  check in with my girlfriend. She'd been pretty freaked out there.

I  jogged over to where she was standing off to the side, and she fixed a  smile on her face. I just pulled her into a hug. I could see the  adrenaline draining away as she stood there and I wanted her to know I  was there for her. She clung to me for a minute before letting go with a  rueful chuckle. "Sorry, I know it's over but that was just...I've never  worked with a team before really, except people stronger than me, and  ever since we started working together we've been punching down. It's  just kind of a shock to see you take a hit like that."

I  shook me head. "No, I get it. Hell it kind of knocked me for a loop that  it happened too. I think I've been so focused on raw power I haven't  been doing enough actual training. When we spar its always with powers  and between stats and skills I kind of just brute force it. Can you  teach me how to actually fight? Like no skills or tricks just real  combat lessons?" I could have traded her for the memories, but then she  wouldn't have them. I didn't want to make her LESS able to defend  herself.

With skills losing progress didn't rank them down  so a bit of a hit here or there was fine, but losing your combat  ability would make you less able to fight, and while the skill portion  would remain able to synergize with other skills that didn't fix my  problem at all. She nodded, seeming a bit pensive. "Yes, but my actual  combat abilities aren't really that impressive. Much like most  Ascendants I tend to lean on my power way too much. I have an idea  though. I wish for the most in depth mastery of the most suitable  martial art for the two of us to learn."

I blinked. That was...really vague. But to my surprise after I saw the usual

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