Wish upon the Stars

Chapter 141: Chapter One Hundred Forty Two

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As described, The Wavestriders (which made zero sense as a name  because none of them had water powers) were a pretty intimidating group,  visually speaking. The leader, Boreas, WAS short, but the green haired  bearded man made up for it with some seriously wide shoulders. The  really huge dark skinned guy, Raleigh (presumably no relation to the  raiders) was holding a huge hammer in his heavy braceleted hands, as  we'd be warned he might, and the small and delicate looking Astara was  resting her hands on a pair of very thin and pointy looking daggers.

They  were all standing in a way that made me kind of assume they had  practiced this in the mirror, because there was no way that pose was  natural, but despite the somewhat silly nature of their stances, they  did actually look like a threat. Boreas had a cocky grin on his  admittedly somewhat handsome face as his green eyes bored into the bag  we'd just finished pulling closed. "I admit, I didn't expect the team to  beat us here would be some randos we've never heard of. I thought for  sure Fisher or MacDonald's crew would be the first ones to the beads.  It's impressive you made it so far, but I'm afraid this is going to be  the end of the line for you folks. Why don't you pass us the beads and  we can let you leave in peace."

I raised an eyebrow, not  that he could see it behind my mask, and looked around at our group.  "You...you know there's three of you right? Because we have five G  rankers here. Plus wolves. Like...so many wolves. More wolves than most  people. I don't mean to come across as arrogant, but this doesn't seem  like it's going to go the way you think it wi-" I noticed a slight  shimmer near Astara and spun on my heel, acting on instinct, dropping my  cane and catching it two handed near the tip as I spun, swinging it  like a bat at the spot where the redhead was just now appearing to try  to grab the bag.

She gave a squeak as she saw the silver  head incoming and tried to dodge. I clipped her narrowly before she  vanished again, reappearing back at their side without the bag. She was  also holding her shoulder, which is where I'd apparently made contact,  and glaring at me. I tsk'ed loudly. "See, that was just rude. I was  talking and you just pop over here to try to steal our shit? Not cool.  This is why everyone says you can't trust a teleporter." I paused. "Ok  they don't say that. But I do. Or I'm going to start."

I  heard a loud sigh from my side. Callie cut me off. "Sweetie, you're  babbling. You were nailing it there for a second but you kind of  spiraled at the end. You landed a hit, just take the win." I shut my  mouth. She wasn't wrong, I wasn't really sure where I'd been going with  that. Astara popping up had shaken me a bit and I tended to run my mouth  when I was nervous. I'd gotten way too used to fighting monsters again.  Callie reached over to give my arm a squeeze, I assumed to apologize  for cutting me off, but I just put a hand on hers and squeezed back, not  bothered at all.

Boreas, who apparently was not a fan of  being ignored while I was monologueing, cleared his throat. "To answer  your question." He said forcefully, obviously trying to drag our focus  back to his much more strained looking smile. "We are The Wavestriders.  We're some of the strongest freshman in the whole Academy, and we aren't  worried about a bunch of nobodies or their stupid dogs."

Aforementioned  'stupid dogs' might not be people level intelligent, but they were  still smart enough to pick up on his disdainful gaze, and the growls  rumbling from their barrel chests was intimidating enough that it  somewhat derailed Boreas's sneering tangent. I snickered a bit when I  saw his face pale slightly. Callie was smirking as she responded. "Sorry  if that disturbed your rant. Regardless, we aren't handing over  anything to you. Like Solomon said, there are more of us. Plus no  offense, but you seem like kind of a dick, and I don't want to give you  anything you ask for just on general principle."

I saw the  big guy, Raleigh's, lip twitch a bit, and got the impression Boreas was  a big enough asshole even his own teammates enjoyed seeing him taken  down a peg. Astara didn't seem amused, but mostly that was because she  was trying to glare a hole in my skull while forcefully and from the  sounds of it, painfully, popping her dislocated shoulder into place. Her  blue eyes were boring into me so intensely it was actually making me a  little uncomfortable. Like, I knew that had hurt but damn, someone had  to have hit her before at some point.

Boreas, whose grin  had now officially faded to a look of steely anger, spat to one side,  presumably to be intimidating, though it didn't really work. "Fine. You  must be new transfers. Anyone who had been around a bit longer would  know their place. I guess it's up to teach you how things work." He took  a menacing step forward, but before he could close the gap more than  that, a wall of shadows slammed down over the whole room courtesy of  Callie, blinding everyone in the place.

I wasn't sure how  long she could keep it up, but I was guessing teleportation was a no go  in the dark when there was fucking lava pools around, and I was  determined to make use of the distraction. I activated Seek Hidden,  happy they were close enough for me to be able to spot them, and then  Leaf on the Wind as I dove forward to try to take out the redhead before  the shadows came down. She was their most mobile fighter and would be  the hardest to pin down once the blinding effect ended.

I  used Mercy Kill as I came in, aiming for the same shoulder I'd hit  earlier. Assholes or not I wasn't willing to kill these people. They  were students at the Academy, not monsters who were brainwashing  innocent people. I figured if I messed her up bad enough her  concentration would be shot though, and I didn't imagine it was safe to  teleport around a magma chamber when you were hurting too bad to focus.  To that end I triggered Consecration of Flame and Touch of Tears right  before the cane made contact.

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I'd  used the combination on my tonfas plenty, but it seemed like it was  more effective on the higher ranked material of my cane. I could feel  more power in the blunt weapon than I ever had before, though it still  wasn't enough to have any chance of killing a G ranker in one hit. Her  vitality would resist the effect like and of my friends would, so as  long as I only hit her once it was pretty safe to use on her. I slammed  the can down on her injured shoulder, and she bellowed in agony as I  released what little force I had along with it.

The  poison and flames invaded the injury, permeating the damaged flesh and  causing what I assumed was unbearable agony as I leapt back out of the  way. Raleigh had heard the impact and lashed out at the spot I was  standing with unnerving accuracy, his hammed crashing down into the  stone of the cavern floor with enough force to crater it even as I  dodged the impact. I continued my backpedal, rejoining Callie and the  others, and grabbed my girlfriend's hand to make sure she knew I'd  accomplished my goal.

She  dropped the shadow construct, revealing the entire room again, which  was a smart call given the complete lack of ability to move around in it  for our friends or the wolves. When the darkness cleared, Raleigh was  holding Astara who was clutching the top of her arm tightly, teeth  clenched in extreme pain as the green glow of poison fire spread from  beneath her fingers. Her eyes were closed and her face was screwed up  with agony and turning bright red. I was pretty sure she wouldn't be  teleporting anywhere for a bit.

To  his credit, Boreas actually did look really pissed about the damage to  his teammate. I wasn't sure if it was an affront to his pride as a  leader or if he actually gave a shit that she was hurt, but I decided to  give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he cared about his friends  and wasn't just stupid green hair and a too white smile in a way too  colorful costume. He stepped forward, gritting his teeth as he hissed.  "That was a mistake rookies, we could have done this the easy way, now  we're going to have to hurt you."

Callie  just sighed. "Do you? Do you really? Is this really worth it? Can't you  just walk away and sell whatever you got here for a nice profit? I get  that you want to win, but even if you get the beads from us you have no  guarantee that you'll be able to take down Fisher and whoever else shows  up to get the Heart of the Greater Mountain. And they will show up.  Lots of them. It's going to be much easier to find than this was, and I  would be shocked if that whole thing isn't a free for all by the time  any of us get there."

The  gritted teeth turned into a sneer, albeit a much angrier one than  earlier. "You think we're just going to give up? Figures you nobodies  wouldn't get how important this is. We need to win this. It's our best  chance to stand out. We may be impressive to the Freshman class, but  we're nothing compared to the next few years. Those people are all older  and stronger and have their own publicity bases. If we're going to beat  any of them we need to be the ones who win and get featured in the wrap  up stream and publicized. You might as well ask us to quit being  cultivators."

Once  again I was pretty thankful for my ability. If I didn't have the power I  did we would be completely at the mercy of other people just like all  the other Ascendants. Sure we needed to pay attention to that stuff too,  but it wasn't something that controlled us. We could redistribute  points to the stats we most needed and make our powers more impressive,  which made it that much easier for us to get attention. Especially me  since I had the option of trading stats from other people and not just  among the team.

Still,  now wasn't the time for that observation. Despite having most likely  taken their teleporter out early we still had a team to deal with, and  they weren't going to be pushover the only major upside was that looking  around I didn't see and of the H rankers. I assumed Callie had moved  them with a construct and pushed them out of the room to make sure they  didn't get caught in the middle of this. Their wolves had gone with  them, leaving us with just our five strongest and five wolves. Hopefully  more than enough to take down these posers.

They  obviously noticed the missing team members, but since Callie had chosen  to keep the bag with us (presumably to prevent them from going after  our weaker teammates) they ignored them and focused on instead. With  everyone visible it was easier to coordinate all of our teammates too  however, so we weren't at a disadvantage, especially not with Cark here,  who should have enough muscle as a high G ranker to counter one of  their brutes. Here was hoping that would be enough.

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