Wish upon the Stars

Chapter 250: Chapter Two Hundred Fifty One

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Waking up the next morning was so relaxing. We slept in, which should  have been routine since we'd been doing it for a while, but there was  something different about a day when you had training later and a day  when you were just doing whatever you wanted. I rolled over, and was  greeted with a grunt of annoyance and a hand shoving my face away  sleepily. I sputtered a bit, and then started laughing, sitting up to  look down at my girlfriend, who was never in a good mood when someone  woke her up.

She opened one eye, glaring at me balefully.  "S'bright. N' Cold. Lay down." She'd somehow managed to slip in here  after I went to bed and burrow under me like I was a giant blanket. The  sleepy, squinting annoyance of someone who wished they were still  sleeping was adorable on her.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm  pretty sure we need to go down for breakfast. I smell bacon. I bet your  mom made us some food. We can't just stay up here forever. Also how did  you even get in here without waking me up. My Perception is pretty high.  Did you use stealth or something?" I didn't try to hide the humor in my  voice that she wasn't comfortable staying in separate rooms for even a  day. Or the happiness. It made me smile.

The other eye  creaked open as she glared hared. "Ugh." She said, clearly forcing her  vocal chords to warm up and actually function. "My bed is too big. And  cold. It was annoying. I WAS perfectly warm here until you got up like a  jerk. But fine. If bacon is more important to you than your beloved  girlfriend I see how it is." She turned her head away, too lazy to get  up and roll over to shun me. "You can just leave me here to freeze."

I  grinned and hopped out of bed pulling on a shirt to go with the sweats  I'd been sleeping in. "Oh, ok. Glad you understand. Can't expect a man  not to prioritize his bacon. Well...if there's any left once I'm  finished with it. I love me some bacon." I turned to leave with a  snicker, planning to wait outside for her since I knew that we would  definitely be out in a second.

I apparently underestimated  her as I felt a slipper smack into the back of my head. I turned in  shock to glare at her, but barely managed to catch sight of her as she  pushed her ridiculously high Might to blitz past me and make it to the  door before I could. "You asshole!" I yelped, turning to bolt after her.  She wasn't going all out since she didn't want to shatter the floors or  anything. Fantasy could warp the world a bit to allow us to use our  power without some of the inconveniences, but hers wasn't as high as her  Might.

Little things like that were part of the training  we'd gotten over the last few weeks. Learning to harness our abilities  better and use our stats to the fullest. At the beginning of the last  month I wouldn't have been able to bolt down the hall after her at top  speed without breaking anything. I'd have shattered the floor or run  into a wall, but both of us were so much more than we had been.

She  got to the kitchen a second before me, and I scooped her up by the  waist and spun her around, dropping her outside the doorway as I bolted  for the plate with the bacon on it. She gave an offended squawk and made  to follow but we both stopped when we heard a loud throat clearing  noise from one side. Frozen at being caught, I slowly turned to regard  an amused looking Alexander, sitting next to an annoyed seeming Amelia.  Our hostess smiled archly.  "You two seem spirited."

Turning  to Callie, I was shocked to see my usually unflappable girlfriend  looking like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. We were so  used to our mornings together we'd gotten a bit lost on what would  happen if I chased her down the stairs and into the kitchen. She cleared  her throat, looking just like Alexander for a second. "Ah. Hello. Fancy  seeing you all here. Lovely morning isn't it?"

It was  probably the most blatant attempt to ignore reality I'd ever seen, and  Callie could literally make fake copies of herself from pure darkness.  Amelia smirked. "Yes, fancy seeing me in my own kitchen." She stared for  a minute, before sighing and rolling her eyes, breaking eye contact  before she looked back to her plate. "And yes Calliope, it is a lovely  morning. Or what's left of it. It's almost noon." Her smirk became sly.  "The two of you must have been comfortable."

Callie's  expression became semi-panicked. She stalked over and grabbed a plate  from the cabinet, slammed it down on the counter and started shoveling  food onto it. Proclaiming loudly. "SO, what are everyone's plans for  today!? Are you all coming with us to show the Cark siblings around town  and meet up with Benny?" Her obvious change of subject wasn't commented  on, though there were more than a few muffled snickers from around the  table. Mostly Cark and Jessie.

Zeke shook his head. "Nah,  I've seen the whole town. Amy said I could relax in the garden, and I'm  getting some of my favorite lager delivered. It's a local microbrew you  can't get in Rajak. Damn brewer won't export it. Says it's meant to  bolster the local economy or some nonsense. A beer maker who won't sell  beer. What is the world coming to I ask you?" He looked to the other two  older members of the breakfast group. "Amy, Alex, are you two going to  tag along with the kids? I imagine it'll be nice spending time with  Callie at the very least."

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I was pretty sure he just  wanted the house to himself to get drunk. Though I had become less sure  he could actually GET drunk from anything he could find here, as much as  he liked to act sloppy and ridiculous when drinking. I was pretty sure  his Vitality had to be high enough to make that nearly impossible.  Amelia smiled at him. "I might just do that Ezekial, thank you. Alex, do  you want to join me?" She gave him an oddly bashful smile, like she was  talking about a date, and Alexander swallowed hard before replying with  a smile that he would love to.

My uncle clicked his  tongue, surprising me by saying. "In that case, it might be bad form to  get the beer delivered. I can just go pick it up myself. I can stock up.  I didn't bother last time I was in town because we left in a hurry and I  didn't know they wouldn't ship." He smiled nostalgically. "Maybe I'll  bring someone to Stella as a peace offering. She might be willing to  actually speak to me since I've been gone for a while. Maybe she's  finally figured out that she misses me."

Jessie  shrugged. "I'll tag along. I want to visit with Maria. She broke up with  her boyfriend and I think she's feeling down about it, but she doesn't  feel comfortable sharing that with Shane or Benny because she knows they  both hated him." I shrugged at that. It was true. Her smile became  softer. "Plus we haven't had time to talk as much since we've all been  busy." She raised an eyebrow at me. "Speaking of that. I don't suppose  you're planning to offer her the same choice you're giving Amelia?"

That...hadn't  really occurred to me. Maria was like a little sister to me, but she  was still sixteen. Only two years younger than us, sure, but I'd seen  what that kind of attention had to Callie so early. It was a ton of  pressure. On the other hand the earlier she got her ability the more  sought after she would be when she managed to get to higher ranks.  G-rankers under twenty got poached for the Academy for a reason. Younger  people who reached higher ranks experienced a much faster swell in  reputation. Everyone loved hearing about prodigies, after all.

She'd  ALSO see a massive bump in lifespan. Impact reduced aging to one  physical year for however many chronological years you had of Impact.  That meant if you had another eighty physical years to age, you would  enjoy potentially hundreds of extra years of living. There were good and  bad aspects of it, and in the end Jessie was right. Maria was the only  one who could make that call for herself.

I nodded. "I'll  make the offer. You aren't wrong, I probably should have considered  that, it's just not something that popped into my head until you  mentioned it." I gave her a grateful smile, before turning to Amelia.  "Speaking of that. Is there a specific time you'd like to talk that  over? I'm sure Callie mentioned it to you, and I'm happy to make the  time whenever."

For the first time  since I'd met her, Amelia looked...uncertain. I knew from talking to  Callie that this was a tougher decision for her than it seemed. 'Do you  want superpowers?' might seem like a no brainer at first glance, but  Amelia had been married to an Ascendant for years, and had serious and  justified issues with the culture. She wouldn't dismiss it out of hand,  if only because her daughter was the one pushing for it and the lifespan  it promised would let her stay with her child for much longer, but  still it wasn't a simple question.

I'd  known that when I asked it of course, but just because someone doesn't  know the answer doesn't mean you don't still have to ask. She needed to  think this through, and her indecision just made it clear she'd been  putting it off. Still, I held up my hands placatingly. "No rush or  anything. It's something you need to think about and I get that, but I  wanted to at least put the thought in your head, just let me know when  you're ready to at least discuss it."

Callie  didn't look happy at that, but she was more upset at the situation than  anything. She wasn't angry at me for giving her mom time, or her mom  for taking it, she just didn't want to wait. It was understandable.  Amelia noticed and reached out to take her daughters hand. "No." She  said after some hesitation. "No I don't need time. I'll take you up on  that. We can do it later tonight if you like." She offered Callie a  strained smile.

My  girlfriend bolted out of her seat and threw her arms around her mother,  smiling brightly. "Oh, thank you mom! I promise you're going to love  it. You don't need to rush or anything. We can push you up to G-rank  before we leave and you can take your time from there. No need to go to  Rajak or involve yourself in politics. I just...I want you around for as  long as possible? We could have so many more years together this way!"  She completely ignored Alexander, who didn't seem surprised anyway. I  wasn't sure if that was stoicism or really good information gathering  but either way he knew the truth now. With Zeke here he wasn't a threat,  and I doubted he would screw up Amelia's chances of living longer.

After  Callie released her mother and sat back down, she turned to address the  table. "Well, seems like we all have our plans for the day lined up.  Let's enjoy this delicious breakfast mom made and we can all head out.  I'm sure Benny is excited to show Celine around town. There's definitely  plenty to see." She flashed us all a wild grin. "I personally want to  drop in on some old friends if we have time. It'll be so good to see  them." From her smile, I was guessing friend was a strong word, and I  wasn't sure they were going to feel the same about seeing her.

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