Wish upon the Stars

Chapter 86: Chapter Eighty Six

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Grimmegap was waiting for us at the Academy the next morning. We  showed up there for a short time to climb on some air shuttles and catch  our ride to the site of the hunt. There were literally hundreds of the  things, but even so we had to group up and I was pretty sure we would be  seeing multiple trips back to pick up students. As we lifted off and  started to race away into the distance I turned to Celine. "So, how many  freshman are there anyway?"

She was staring at Benny,  clearly shocked by his upgrade, but tore her eyes away to shrug at me.  "Perhaps two or three hundred thousand? It varies year to year. Some  classes stick around longer than others." She looked like she wanted to  say more, but she was smart enough not to let her mouth run in mixed  company. Besides, she hadn't known Benny before he hit H rank, so she  didn't know how fast he'd ranked up.

We all avoided  talking to anyone about rank specifics for this very reason, and only  people at the tower (which we never bothered visiting anymore) would  have been able to really comment on his rank up speed. Hopefully our  results here would help justify that. I wondered how many people were  watching this little event. I knew that it was broadcast but I was  pretty sure the scavenger hunt wasn't one of the more widely followed  competitions. Too many weak rookies who couldn't show anything  impressive.

Cark was sitting off to one side, avoiding any  talking or interacting, clearly uncomfortable with new people, or maybe  just the situation in general. Whatever the case the bounty hunter was  quiet and pensively sitting off in a corner of the shuttle flipping  through pictures on his scan ring. I stood up and walked over to sit  next to him. The pictures were of Cark with a little girl, one who  looked a lot like him. "That's your sister right?"

He  seemed lost in thought, but at my words his eyes jerked up to meet mine.  "Hey. What? Oh, yeah. Cassidy. Sorry, just been worried. You sure this  is going to help find her? Because no offense man, but I don't see it."  His face was drawn, haggard even, and I was briefly worried he might not  be in any condition for this. Luckily Jessie's new ability should help  with that. I hoped. I'd send he over to juice him up when we finished  talking.

For now thought he needed to know this wasn't a  waste of time. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. These are the  same people. They're going to come for us, and if we hit them hard  enough I'm pretty sure the puppet master will come out. This is his best  shot to get me away from all my support back in the city. Plus, I'm  sure there has to be some kind of range on that stupid mind control  skill. Wouldn't make sense for it to work from anywhere at our rank."

The  more I thought about it the more sense it made for the big boss to jump  us during this thing. I didn't know how the spectators would see but I  doubted it was anything omnipresent, not for something this low profile.  Callie agreed with me on this too. She was absolutely certain that they  would try something out here. It was literally too good of a chance to  pass up.

Not just me either, Callie herself, Celine, Cark,  a nice mix of important targets and annoyances to get rid of. Cark  looked...afraid. I hadn't considered that he might not just be worried  about getting his sister back. He might be wondering if he COULD get her  back. I was hopeful the hypnosis took a while to sink in. They usually  kept the kids for weeks, so undoing it should be possible if we got her  early enough, especially if we could kill the asshole pulling the puppet  strings.

If not I was betting there was SOMEONE we could  hire to undo the damage, given the pull the WCP had, even if it would  probably be stupid expensive. I stood up, figuring I wasn't helping  things at this point. "Listen man, we're here for you. Getting Cassidy  back is our number one priority. We baited this trap, and now it's time  to let the bastards walk right in. I know it feels like this is a waste  of time, but this is your best chance at getting her back soon.  Especially considering all the backup you'll have."

He  slumped back. "I know. Sorry. Kicking down doors hasn't exactly been  getting results either. If I really didn't think this had a chance at  working I wouldn't have come with. Clearly whoever these assholes are  they have a vested interest in you, so sticking with you all is my best  shot at finding them." Despite agreeing out loud, his voice sounded  tired and hopeless. This was not my area of expertise.

I  patted his shoulder again. "We'll be there soon man, and then we'll find  them. You'll see." Then I turned and headed back over to where my team  was. "Agria, do me a favor and put a little pep in our friend's step. He  seems out of it and that's dangerous. He could use a pick me up, and  maybe a pep talk if you can swing one." Jessie was an unconquerable  bastion of friendliness and cheer on her worst day, and hopefully  combined with the energy boost she could get our ringer out of his funk  before we had to trust our backs to him.

Not that I didn't  think he had a reason to be upset. But reason or not the guy was going  to be fighting a death cult with us. I wanted him at the top of his  game. Jessie popped to her feet with a smile, giving me an overly  serious salute and bouncing over to talk to the bounty hunter. I stifled  a chuckle. He wouldn't even know what hit him. Then I turned back to  Callie. "So what's the plan boss?"

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Callie was clearly  ready for the question. "Simple, we have to set up a position for us to  meet up. We're mostly going in different waves. Sadly I didn't have a  chance to get my Might Stone score reregistered, but I've had my ranking  a few days more than you which offsets that a bit. I'm up to the three  hundred thousands myself, so the two of us will be moving out together  in the third wave. Agria and Clockwork will be moving out at the  official start time, and Cark will go with them since he's hired help.  As much as I'd like to have one of us watch the base and the other  scout, given the potential enemies sticking together is our best bet.  How about your team Celine? What wave are you all coming out with?"

The  elven noble shrugged in annoyance. "Given our ability ranks we haven't  been able to push ourselves very high. Sixth wave. We would have been  seventh without the mission, so we owe you our thanks. That's another  hour of time we get in the hunt, and that's nothing to sneeze at." Her  gratitude was clear in her voice, and I was glad we'd helped them out.  This clearly meant a lot to the elf, though I was shaky on why. Probably  some kind of noble thing.

With that  settled, we all double checked our supplies and equipment. Aside from  weapons we'd all brought plenty of food, water, and some camping gear.  I'd also brought along some basic building materials for making a base. I  was curious to see if I could use inventing when building a structure.  Though I was also mildly afraid of what might come of it if I did. The  last thing I needed was to accidentally make some flesh hungry house  golem, but I figured the chances of that were low. It would take a ton  of Vitality to animate a building, even a small shelter, and I only  brought mortal materials.

Just  as before, I didn't really feel it when the shuttle slowed down and  landed. The propulsion system on this thing was so smooth even my  Perception wasn't enough to pick up on the deceleration. When we landed  everyone filed out, doing our best to stick close so as not to get lost  in the massive field of Ascendants who had come along with us in the  fleet of air shuttles. We stuck together, backs to the outcropping of  rock nearby as a man in a purple suit with a wide brimmed hat stepped up  onto a small stage and cleared his throat.

I  felt a pulse of Impact as he let loose his aura like Zeke had done, but  much weaker, especially over such a large area. I was guessing E rank.  Rather than driving me to my knees it was more like an increased  heaviness in the air. Not noticable at all without focusing, but it was  enough to get everyone's attention. We all looked up, and the man stared  down at us in boredom. "Oh good. You've noticed me. As some of you  know, my name is Professor Tricks. I'm an E ranked member of the Fantasy  faculty, and I've been tasked with watching over you this trip."

I  blinked. I'd honestly forgotten there WERE professors. It was easy not  to pay attention to the faculties you weren't involved in, and the  Creation faculty didn't really bother with them because you could join  one of the sponsored workshops for instruction. It occurred to me I  might want to look into some of the classes, when I had a chance. This  guy seemed like the real deal.

Professor  Tricks pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Behind me is a section of  wilderness." He paused. "Also in front of me. And to either side. We're  just kind of in the middle of the wilderness right now. Point is outside  this clearing is the stage for your scavenger hunt. Each registered  team will be given a list of random objects confirmed to be within the  area. It is a BIG area. There are a LOT of objects. Despite that some of  your lists may overlap. The areas where teams are likely to intersect  are monitored and are being broadcast, just so you all know."

He  sounded completely ambivalent, and was very deliberately not mentioning  any sort of ban on fighting or killing each other. That seemed brutal,  but this WAS cultivation, it wasn't a surprise. He continued, still  sounding bored. "As you know the teams won't be moving out as one.  Contestants will be released in waves. First and second waves were  already released, as some of you know since you've been waiting around  for hours while your teammates scout ahead. Now we're releasing third  wavers."

He  gestured around him. "I'll tell you what I told them. This is the wilds,  it's brutal, harsh, and dangerous. Move out at your own peril. We  aren't going to be protecting you in secret. We aren't going to be  watching your back. If you get lost or feel the need to give up  emergency beacons will be provided, and no one with a lit beacon is a  viable target, but aside from that one safety feature anything goes. If  that's too scary for you feel free to catch a ride back when the  shuttles head back to pick up the next group. For all the rest of you,  good luck, and don't die."

With  those words the man in the purple suit vanished and suddenly we were  all holding beacons, with a list of items in the hands of the team  leader. We all kind of stared blankly at each other, and I wondered what  the hell that guy's power was. Regardless though, now wasn't the time  to deal with that. Now was the time to get going. The third wave had  begun, and Callie and I had our head start. Time to put it to use.

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