Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 11: 11

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Eldest Young Master is also odd and a little heedless.


 Madam Meng handed over the account books for the registry, watched the steward lock the storehouse door, and handed in the key. When she finished her task, it was already the period of the rat,1 and what overcame her was a sore waist and an aching back. Calling to mind that her daughter was still waiting for her, she rushed to the main courtyard without stopping for a breath. Upon her arrival, she was already able to discern that a lot had transpired here while she was in the storehouse. The Pei family’s eldest son, Pei You’an, who had departed many years ago, returned unexpectedly, and Quan-ge’er had fallen ill again. She thereby went to look for Madam Xin, told her a few words, and took Jiafu home.

 When she bid farewell to Madam Xin just now, the other merely plastered on a smile and cursorily uttered a few words of thanks without wasting even a few steps to send her off, her manner perfunctory all the while. Madam Meng knew she was worried about Quan-ge and naturally did not mind this slight breach of etiquette. As she sat in the carriage on the way back home, she conferred with her daughter about the things she had seen and heard earlier. After some brief chatter, she began prattling on about Pei You’an who had just returned this evening. She could not help but sigh, “How readily apparent it is that a person must not make even a single misstep. Make one misstep, then the following steps will all likely be missteps. I can still recall how esteemed this child had been in those years. If he hadn’t done such things in a moment of confusion, it wouldn’t be as difficult for him to return home. He endured all those hardships, but it was probably even more distressing to his elders. Old Madam, needless to say, I remember that she loved him most dearly back then. It also wasn’t easy for Madam. She was pregnant for ten months and gave birth to twins, yet the other passed and only he was left. His physical state has been poor since he came out of the womb, and he’s been susceptible to illness since young. Originally in Madam’s heart, he was held the most dear, but I heard people say that this child was different from other family’s sons when he was younger and refused to get closer to Madam. Later, Madam gave birth to your second biaoge. She and your second biaoge grew closer, and as a mother, she naturally favored the younger one more……”

 She blathered on about these old affairs about the Pei family, not even sure herself where she had heard them from. Realizing that her daughter was rather absent-minded and seemed to have something weighing on her mind, she ceased talking and asked her what she was thinking.

 That sidelong glance Pei You’an had cast her earlier this evening threw Jiafu into a flutter.

 She suspected that he might know something but thought it unlikely. This plan of hers could be described as flawless, so she refused to believe that he was able to infer any clues.

 His glance was perhaps purely inadvertent, and it was only her who had doubts regarding all manner of things.

 On the way back, Jiafu ceaselessly reassured herself in this way, but the feeling of apprehension in her heart could not be snuffed out. Hearing her mother’s inquiry, she returned to her senses and raised her eyes. When she saw her gazing at herself, she attempted to muster a smile and assured, “I’m not thinking about anything. I’m just a little tired.”

 Madam Meng fondly drew her daughter into her embrace. “You should nap for a while. After today’s birthday celebration, you should have nothing to worry about. Mother reckons that a matchmaker from that side should come once Quan-ge’er recovers. Since the matchmaker will come and you’re an unmarried young miss, it would be unbefitting of you to keep visiting that place. In two days, Mother will visit the sick child alone. You don’t have to come along. Just stay at home and rest.”

 Jiafu did not utter a word, burrowed into her mother’s embrace, and closed her eyes.

 Two days later, out of courtesy, Madam Meng truly went to the manor to visit Quan-ge.

 Pei You’an was truly well-versed in the art of healing. This time, after following his medical advice, Quan-ge’s condition greatly improved in just a couple of days. This was originally a good thing, but Madam Meng had a bellyful of ire, because as soon as she entered, she heard some hearsay from the momo she was close to. She mentioned that the day before yesterday, Madam Song learned about the recurrence of Quan-ge’s illness and rushed over early in the morning with utmost exigency. After which, she said something to Madam Xin in the room and left with her entourage. These two days, rumors began proliferating on the sly, suggesting that Madam Song suspected that the Zhen family’s Young Lady and Quan-ge had an ill-fated affinity; if not, why else would the previously healthy Quan-ge, who was not in the least unwell, catch the same strange disease in both times she was around and came into contact with him?

 Madam Xin never expected this layer, but with Madam Song stirring her, she was now rather dubious as to what to believe. When she saw Madam Meng approaching, her manner grew colder by the instant. Madam Meng sat there for a brief period and returned home. The more she brooded over it, the unhappier she grew, but she was anxious that her daughter might catch on to the source of her unhappiness, so she did not dare mention it whenever Jiafu was around. However, what she did not know was that, no sooner did she return home than Jiafu had caught wind of the news from one of her maids.

 Things were indeed progressing according to her anticipated development. These two days, she worried most about Pei You’an, but there was hardly any movement from his side.

 His sidelong glance that night was perhaps truly just unintentional. Probably because of her diffidence, she thought too much and frightened herself. Nothing more.

 Jiafu’s taut nerves these past two days finally relaxed, but upon laying eyes on her evidently sullen mother with a countenance suggesting that she feared letting Jiafu discover something, shame and unease bubbled up in her chest. Just as she was pondering about how to console her, a granny came running in to report a matter. The maid called Yuzhu who served the Grand Duke Manor’s Old Madam had come.

 Madam Meng was aware that the Old Madam must have sent Yuzhu and hastily bid someone to let her in. A short while later, she saw Yuzhu clad in an aqua blue robe stride in with a beaming face ahead of two young maids carrying a food container. She took several steps forward and personally welcomed her.

 Yuzhu promptly remarked, “Auntie, take a seat. I’m merely a servant. How can I dare trouble Auntie to personally welcome me?”

 Madam Meng clasped her hand and replied, “What do you think will happen if I take a few steps to welcome you? Will my legs break? Looking at you standing there, how are you inferior to those honorable young misses? It’s only because of your bad fate that you can’t compete with them.”

 Yuzhu responded with a smile, “My only fate is to serve others, but since I have received such a praise from Auntie, I have not lived in vain.”

 The two had a pleasant chat. When they took a seat in the warm chamber, Yuzhu ordered the young maid to proffer the food container and smilingly said, “Auntie, Old Madam praised your family’s Young Lady for being decent and proper. Here are several kinds of delicacies she usually likes to eat. Today, she especially instructed the kitchen to make more food and ordered me to deliver it to Young Lady. I’m not sure if the degree of saltiness is to Young Lady’s taste. I would like to ask Young Lady to inform us after eating, so we can cook it according to Young Lady’s preferences the next time.”

 The young maid uncovered the food container, within which was a bowl of bird’s nest soup with shredded chicken and mushroom, a plate of buttered soybean and wheat, a saucer of fried osmanthus radish cake, and a cup of goat’s milk pastry. All were still warm and emitted scalding white steam.

 Madam Meng was both bewildered and delighted.

 How could she not tell that these things were merely trivialities? This very moment, Old Madam suddenly asked someone to bring these dishes over while at the same time praising her own daughter. The implication was nothing else but to express her stance.

 Several days ago, she arrived in the capital and strung her daughter along to the manor with the intent to pay respects to Old Madam, but they never got to meet, and her attitude then had been rather indifferent. Never did she expect that after only a few days, the Old Madam would suddenly express her approval of her daughter. Although she could not conjure a reason even if she were to break her head open, the point was that her daughter had entered the elder’s eyes, which was ultimately a good turn of events.

 Madam Meng felt as if a warm current was surging into her heart. The spite she had suffered at Madam Xin’s place this morning had also mostly subsided. She quickly summoned Jiafu, pointed at the variety of dishes, and recounted the words Old Madam had imparted with a radiantly beaming visage.

 Jiafu stuck a smile on her face, but she had complaints in her chest.

 She absolutely never expected Old Madam to abruptly devise such an approach.

 She meant well, and Jiafu understood it clearly in her heart, but this was exactly the last thing she wanted right this instant.

 ”On a day convenient for Old Madam, I will take A’Fu there to convey our thanks to the elder,” said Madam Meng with a smile.

 ”Auntie doesn’t need to be polite. Wait until I get back to pass on the message for you.”

 ”Then we’ll have to trouble you.”

 The two chatted about mundane family affairs, and after a while, Yuzhu expressed, “I heard that Young Lady is not only skilled at needlework, but that she’s also adept at painting. I already have a draft, but I can’t paint well. I would like to ask Young Lady for advice.” She then threw Jiafu a meaningful glance.

 With how smart Jiafu was, she knew at once that the other must have something to tell her in private. She suppressed the perplexity in her chest, rose to her feet, and expressed that she would teach the other in her own room. Madam Meng naturally agreed. Jiafu led Yuzhu to her boudoir. After entering, she dismissed the maids and asked Yuzhu to take a seat. As she was about to fetch one of her own drafts, sure enough, Yuzhu obstructed her and uttered a few words of praise about the elegant furnishings in her room. She then leaned over and muttered with a lowered voice, “Young Lady, to tell you honestly, I came over to do one more thing. When I was just about to exit the gate earlier, Eldest Young Master suddenly instructed me to drop by and have a word with you in private to tell you that, in the time to come, you shouldn’t smoke the incense you’re using right now, as it might be harmful to others.”

 Jiafu suddenly felt like a drum was beating within her heart. At once, her entire person seemed to quiver, yet she assumed a nonchalant appearance and looked towards Yuzhu, asking, “What does this mean? Did Eldest Young Master tell you in detail?”

 Yuzhu herself was also puzzled.

 She surreptitiously took a whiff of the scent Young Lady Zhen was emanating. Subtle and refreshing, it was similar to the ambergris Madam Xin consistently used in her room.

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 Although one could smell the fragrance on a woman’s body, it was a quality that could neither be seen nor touched and was rather indistinct, which would easily remind people of the undergarments beneath her clothes. Hence, it could also be considered as one of the most intimate things a woman in her boudoir could possess. This Zhen family’s Young Lady was closer in ties to the second branch, so despite addressing Eldest Young Master as ‘da biaoge’, in the end, she did not know him well enough. Furthermore, she and Second Young Master would soon be betrothed, so it was rather baffling for Eldest Young Master to care about the fragrance Young Lady Zhen was using not long after his return.

 But Eldest Young Master had issued such an order, so Yuzhu naturally complied. Hearing Jiafu’s inquiry after passing on the message, she shook her head and said, “I’m also rather puzzled. Eldest Young Master only instructed me to convey this message to you and that you must do as you are told.”

 The uneasy feeling that had faded away for just a short time once again rose from the bottom of Jiafu’s chest.

 As it turned out, it was not merely her own apprehension.

 Now, she was completely certain that on that night, Pei You’an was indeed able to immediately discern the imperceivable link between the incense on her body and Quan-ge’s illness.

 But just how many of her secrets was he able to decipher? For him to relay a message through Yuzhu in such a manner, was it a reminder out of goodwill or a warning due to dissatisfaction?

 Nevertheless, these were all secondary matters.

 What concerned Jiafu most was: would he reveal the real cause of Quan-ge’s illness?

 Judging from Yuzhu’s tone of voice just now, it was unlikely that he had revealed it to others. But there was no guarantee that he would not bring it up in the following days.

 If, supposing that, if by any chance he would declare that the real cause of Quan-ge’s illness was simply the presence of borneo camphor, all the schemes she had meticulously laid out with her painstaking efforts these past few days would be wiped out in a day.

 This plan of hers was originally one that gradually advanced and entrenched itself at every step. Everything was entirely within her grasp.

 But she never expected that just as it was about to conclude, such a fatal variable would emerge without warning.

 The weather was cold, but Jiafu’s inner garments had clung tightly to her back due to cold sweat.

 She compelled herself to set her mind into order and replied with a simper, “Many thanks, Sister, for passing on the message. I’ve been enlightened. Since it might harm others, I won’t use it anymore.”

 Yuzhu smiled and nodded her head. “Eldest Young Master is also odd and a little heedless. But since he’s skilled at medicine, he must have his reasons for saying so. It’s great that Young Lady didn’t take offense. There’s nothing else for me to do, and I’ve relayed the message, so it’s time for me to return. I have to prepare and pack some things because Eldest Young Master will send Old Madam to Ci’en Temple early tomorrow morning to worship Buddha and redeem a vow.”

 Jiafu was terribly upset and perplexed. She perfunctorily uttered a few good words and sent Yuzhu out. Madam Meng and Yuzhu stood in front of the reception hall to bid each other farewell. Zhen Yaoting just wandered in from outside and witnessed his mother in conversation with a beautiful miss clad in aqua blue. With his sight transfixed on her, he called out “Mother” to Madam Meng.

 Yuzhu had never personally met Zhen Yaoting before. Hearing this, she knew right away that he was the son of the Zhen family and observed that, while he had the outward appearance of a talented man, he had a demeanor that rather reeked of impetuosity. As he stood there staring at herself with intense eyes, she turned towards him and performed a curtsy, calling him “Young Master”, then faced Madam Meng. “Auntie, no need to see me out. I will take my leave.”

 Madam Meng smiled and told her to travel safely, then ordered a granny to send her out. When her figure disappeared, she turned to her son and reproached, “Where were you this morning? You’ve only just returned! This place isn’t like Quanzhou where you can just meander about everywhere. If you cause trouble for me, you already know what I will do!”

 Zhen Yaoting spouted profuse promises, then explained that he only visited the City God Temple2 this morning to take a stroll in its gardens and bought some playthings for his younger sister. With a roguish smile, he drew close to her and asked, “Mother, that young lady just now, which family’s miss is she?”

 Madam Meng was in a better mood because Yuzhu had dropped a visit. Noticing her son’s impish expression and knowing that he was one to luxuriate in ‘picking flowers and trampling grass’,3 she grabbed his ear and scolded, “That’s the head maid serving Old Madam Pei. If you dare have other ideas, I will send you back to Quanzhou immediately!”

 Zhen Yaoting yelped, hurriedly extracted himself from Madam Meng’s grasp, and covered his ear. As he rushed inside, he said, “I won’t do anything, all right? I’ll go and look for Sister!”


 This night, Jiafu was completely plagued with wakefulness.

 Early the next morning, she got up, finished freshening up, and trod to Madam Meng’s room. Hardly had the mother and daughter exchanged a few words when they heard the din of footsteps from outside, followed by a servant’s voice drifting in, “Madam! Someone from the Grand Duke Manor has arrived and is asking you to come over to discuss a few things!”

 Jiafu’s heart pounded wildly. She forcefully calmed her nerves and followed Madam Meng out.

 It was the granny serving Madam Xin who had a good relationship with Madam Meng. As she spoke, Jiafu gradually understood.

 As it turned out, Madam Xin had invited Madam Meng to come over, claiming that it was to discuss the marriage.

 Listening to the granny’s tone of voice, the cause of Quan-ge’s illness must not have been disclosed yet.

 The frenetic pounding of Jiafu’s heart slowly settled down.

 Madam Meng hastily changed her clothes and ordered Zhen Yaoting to behave himself at home and not to take a single step out, bidding Jiafu keep an eye on him for her. She then took a few servants and got into the carriage, making headway towards the Grand Duke Manor.

 Jiafu’s eyes followed her mother’s departing figure as it steadily vanished. She returned and took a seat, motionless and entranced for a brief period of time. All of a sudden, she sprung up and told Zhen Yaoting, “Brother, since you have nothing to do, come with me somewhere.”

 Being the simpleton that he was, Zhen Yaoting was the type of master who could not sit still at home even for a moment. As he was pondering about how to persuade his younger sister to let him go without exposing him to their mother, she suddenly brought it up of her own accord, which precisely aligned with wishes. When he asked for the location and upon learning that it was Ci’en Temple, he laughed out loud and exclaimed, “I know, so you want to worship Buddha and ask the deities to bless you with a smooth marriage? All right, I, this brother, will take you there to guarantee your satisfaction so you can marry the perfect husband!”


1 子时 (zǐ shí): 11 pm-1 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)

2 City God Temple or Chenghuang Temple is a real place in Shanghai.

3 拈花惹草: lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom); fig. to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one’s wild oats; dally with women

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