Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 13: 13

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May Madam seek another good marriage match for the Heir. I will take my daughter back to Quanzhou first.


 Jiafu slowly released a lengthy exhale, anticipating that Pei You’an would not apprise Old Madam of her trip to Ci’en Temple of his own accord. She then recalled that her mother had gone to the Grand Duke Manor this morning and ought to have returned around this time. Anxious to know the outcome, she swiveled round, hurried to the front hall, and trod away.

 Zhen Yaoting was meandering around over there, glancing absentmindedly every which way. When he suddenly saw Jiafu returning with Tanxiang, his eyes brightened, and he strode over to them. “Well, have you met Old Madam? Can I go see her to pay my respects?”

 Jiafu shook her head. “Old Madam is asleep. It would be impolite to disturb her, so I didn’t meet her. Mother must have returned. Let’s head home right away.”

 Zhan Yaoting was greatly disappointed. Absolutely refusing to leave just like that, he reasoned, “Sister, you’re hungry, are you not? I asked a monk to prepare vegetarian meals for us. It won’t be too late for us to leave only after we’ve finished eating……”

 Jiafu had already sauntered ahead. “Brother, eat by yourself. I will head back first.”

 Zhen Yaoting peered at his younger sister’s departing figure advancing towards the monastery’s main gate. She took a quick sharp glance behind her and ceased walking, so he was left without a choice but to follow her. The brother-sister pair entered the city and returned home. When they inquired, Madam Meng had indeed returned at an earlier time, resting in her chambers at this very moment. Jiafu abandoned the thought of changing her clothes and hastily went to look for her. Before she arrived, she happened to catch sight of Liu momo plodding on the corridor with a rather sullen countenance and thereupon arrested her step.

 Upon raising her eyes and seeing that the brother and sister had returned, Liu momo rushed towards them in a flurry.

 ”Momo, what did they say about the marriage? When is the betrothal, and when will the marriage take place?”

 Liu momo had gone with Madam Meng over there this morning, so Zhen Yaoting opened his mouth to ask.

 Liu momo restrained the words that sprang to her lips, ultimately letting out a sigh.

 Jiafu had already formulated a conjecture. Suppressing the excitement that bubbled up from the depths of her heart, she swiftly pulled her into her room and soon learned of what had transpired after catechizing her.

 It turned out that when Madam Meng had arrived at the Grand Duke Manor this morning, she found that Madam Song was also present. The moment Madam Song opened her mouth, she spoke nothing of the imminent marriage and instead, reckoning on the coincidence that Quan-ge had fallen ill on the two occasions he came into contact with Jiafu, implied that Jiafu had a cursed fate, expressing her fear that Jiafu would someday harm the child. Her daughter had been long gone, leaving behind only this one of her flesh and blood, so how could her heart be at ease? No matter how benign Madam Meng’s nature was, or how constantly she made concessions for the sake of her purpose, how could she endure listening to Madam Song spewing such words right in front of her face? She cast a rebuttal, stating that her daughter’s Eight Characters had already been delivered to the Pei family beforehand and that their good compatibility had long been confirmed. With this, how could Madam Song claim that Jiafu had a cursed fate and would thereby harm the child? Madam Song retorted with sheer cynicism, contending that she had heard from others that, in order to climb the high branches by means of marriage, it was not an uncommon occurrence for people to hand over fraudulent Eight Characters.

 As she was saying these, beside her, Madam Xin was as mute as a post from start to finish.

 Madam Meng was so incensed that she interrogated Madam Xin what it was she was insinuating, trying to pry a single word out of her mouth. Madam Xin conveyed she was also rather beleaguered, and that Quan-ge’s illness had rendered her slightly preoccupied. She expressed that she was not usually like this, then told Madam Meng not to worry. What she ought to do was to first return home and take Jiafu’s Eight Characters to an expert for verification, and they could then talk about the rest at a later time. Madam Meng sprang to her feet forthwith and bolted out of the Grand Duke Manor.

 After concluding her narrative, Liu momo was riddled with indignation. “They’re such bullies! Whose child has never encountered a slight illness? Do they consider themselves to be the only ones who are decent while we are not? How preposterous of them to put the blame on you, Young Lady! I had to watch as Madam’s face turned white from anger. She didn’t eat even a bite of her noon meal when she returned and retreated into her chambers.”

 Jiafu went over, pushed the door, and marched in. She saw her mother seated opposite the dressing table, still donned in the same clothes she had especially changed into prior to leaving in the morning, clutching a handkerchief with one hand while pressing her forehead with the other. From behind, she appeared rather unmoving. She called to mind that her mother had always been of delicate disposition. She had departed with a heart full of hope only to return looking like this. With a heart rife with complex emotions, she ambled over, embraced her mother’s shoulders from behind, and said, “Mother, I am the one to blame. You’ve been implicated because of me.”

 When Madam Meng had just returned from the Grand Duke Manor, her hands were still trembling from rage. This instant, she gradually recovered her composure, wiped the corners of her eyes, and cleared her throat. Confronted with her daughter’s beautiful pupils gazing at herself with an expression fraught with contrition, she felt another suffocating feeling in her chest. She hugged Jiafu and said, “It matters not if I’ve been implicated. I just could not bear listening to them vilifying you like that. I am a mother, and it just makes my heart……”

 The rim of her eyes reddened once more.

 Jiafu raised her hand to wipe her mother’s tears.

 ”Mother, I’m not sad at all, so don’t you feel sad. I hadn’t known then, but now, the more I interact with them, the less I want to marry into their family. Whatever it is they want to say, I don’t care. I only hope that you won’t harm your health because of your anger.”

 Madam Meng only felt that her daughter was being sensible and was making allowances for her, eliciting even more sadness in her chest. She countered, “No matter. It’s just that fate hasn’t been favorable to us this time. We came all the way here only for us to come across this incident with Quan-ge. This talk of marriage hasn’t been fruitful, and they even groundlessly threw dirty water on you. I’ll ask someone to send a letter to your grandmother. We’ll pack up the next couple of days, and then we’ll prepare for our return to Quanzhou……”

 ”Madam! The Pei family’s Heir has come! He’s begging Madam for an audience.”

 Liu momo’s voice suddenly interposed from outside the door.

 Madam Meng was stupefied. She gazed straight at her daughter’s face and mumbled, “What is he here for now?” She swiftly dabbed the corners of her eyes and bid Liu momo to first invite the person inside. She scrambled to the mirror and patted some powder on her face until her complexion reverted to its usual pallor. Turning her head, she instructed, “A’Fu, go back to your room. Mother will go and check what he’s here for.” After which, she stalked out.

 Hardly had one wave subsided than another wave arose. She had barely just resolved the irksome matter with Pei You’an, returned home, and placated her mother. Yet here came Pei Xiuzhi again.

 Jiafu’s heart that had just settled was once again beset with distress. How could she just tarry in her room? A short while later, she stealthily slunk to the reception hall, skulked outside the window, peeked inside, and saw Pei Xiuzhi seated on a chair diagonally opposite her mother. He spoke, “Aunt, I immediately rushed over as soon as I caught wind of the matter. Aunt, I know you’ve suffered today, but I beseech Aunt to absolutely not take it to heart. How could Sister Fu have something to do with Quan-ge’s affairs? My mother also does not harbor such thoughts. You also know how extremely fond she is of Sister Fu and how she also wishes for her to join the household as soon as possible. It’s that old woman from the Song family who keeps interloping. She earnestly wishes that I don’t take a wife and thus keeps placing obstacles in the way. Aunt, if your heart turns cold from this point on, won’t you just be fulfilling her heart’s desire?”

 Somewhat displeased with Pei Xiuzhiu because of today’s incident, Madam Meng reluctantly responded, “Heir, it isn’t that my heart has turned cold, but your side was truly the first to cause trouble this time. For matters such as marriage, a match must be carefully selected from families of equal rank, and both sides must be willing. Our two families considered this marriage, yet we’re not of equal standing, and it’s our Zhen family who’s climbing high. Now that such words have been spoken, how can this marriage succeed? Although our Zhen family is of humble station, I only have one such daughter, and she’s been favored and treasured since young. With your mother’s attitude over on that side, it is futile for you to say anything else here.”

 Jiafu had occupied Pei Xiuzhi’s thoughts after he had laid eyes on her that day, and he had since grown extremely enamored by her. Upon hearing that the Song family’s side was sowing discord and that his mother heeded their words, with Madam Meng looking as though she was considering the notion of withdrawing from the marriage, he flung from his seat out of apprehension. He trudged a few steps before Madam Meng, knelt on one knee, and implored, “Aunt, please wait a little longer for my sake! My feelings for Sister Fu are sincere; the sun and moon can bear witness! So long as she marries me, I will definitely treat her well all my life! Aunt, I beseech you for your understanding. Allow me a few days. I will return and have a proper discussion with my mother. My mother will listen to me. If you leave with such a cold heart, what must I do?”

 Madam Meng never expected Pei Xiuzhi to get on his knees to entreat her. Taken aback, she promptly helped him to his feet, but Pei Xiuzhi refused to get up, remained on his knees, and insisted, “Aunt, if you will keep withholding your sympathy for me, I will not rise.”

 Jiafu tightly squeezed both her hands as she was spying. She observed as her mother was caught in a dilemma, appearing somewhat as though his words had swayed her. Jiafu strongly wished that she could barge in and immediately repudiate him. Just as her anxiety loomed, she heard a raging bellow, “You bully people too much! Do you think my entire Zhen family is dead?” No sooner had the voice finished speaking than the door was kicked open with a loud “bang”. Jiafu snuck a look and caught sight of her elder brother, Zhen Yaoting hurtle in. He stalked towards Pei Xiuzhi and barked, “My younger sister won’t marry! If no one really wants her, I will take care of her for the rest of my life. I cannot let her join your family only for her to suffer such hardships! You, go away!”

 Madam Mang watched as her son’s eyes became as round as balls, the veins on his forehead popping, and then scolded, “What are you doing here? Get out! This matter is none of your concern!”

 Pei Xiuzhi rose from the ground, peeved at his impetuosity, but for Jiafu’s sake, he endured with difficulty and preserved his usual demeanor, simpering as he soothed, “Ah, it’s Second Brother. Second Brother, cool your temper. My side is indeed to blame. I came here especially to make amends to Aunt.”

 The Zhen family was one of the most affluent families in Quanzhou who had maintained great connections and dealings in the prefectural capital. Whenever Zhen Yaoting jaunted outside, he was akin to some kind of overlord and was inured to the panders of every person around him. Just now, he learned that his mother had gone to the Grand Duke Manor to discuss marriage. Boiling with rage, how could he resist directly charging in? Seeing the smile on Pei Xiuzhi’s face, he refused to acknowledge it. He raised his brows and glared with ire as he snarled, “My younger sister is a proper maiden. You tarnished her name and spilled dirty water on her, yet you stand here promising to take her as your wife?”

 An unsightly expression gradually manifested on Pei Xiuzhi’s visage, and he ceased talking. Madam Meng loudly called for Zhang Da to come in and to forcibly haul her son outside. After a period of chaos and disarray, she restrained the disorderly emotions in her chest and faced Pei Xiuzhi to say, “I am currently in a state of confusion. I understand your intentions. Go back first, and let me think about it again.”

 Pei Xiuzhi knew that it was pointless to stay any longer. Prior to his departure, he assured Madam Meng over and over that he could persuade his mother. After he was sent out of the Zhen family’s main gate, his eyebrows were knitted together all throughout his journey back to the Grand Duke Manor. When he went inside, he learned that his grandmother had returned from Ci’en Temple. He paced to and fro in his room for a few times before ultimately heading to the northern room.


 Pei You’an sent his grandmother back, settled her to bed, and went back to his old room where he temporarily dwelled in for this trip. Not even a moment later, a maid arrived and said that Old Madam was requesting for his presence. Pei You’an strode over there once more. Seeing Pei Xiuzhi there calling out to his eldest brother, he in turn gave a slight nod and addressed him, “Second Brother”. He then turned to Old Madam and asked, “Grandmother has called. Is there something wrong?”

 Old Madam Pei said, “Your nephew had twice fallen ill without any rhyme or reason. Fortunately, it was nothing of great concern. Now, he can already leap and frisk about. Just that, the Song family over there blamed it on the Zhen girl, saying that they had an ill-fated affinity because Quan-ge became indisposed the moment she arrived. Your mother is also muddled and believed such an uninteresting folly. Although I don’t practice physiognomy, looking at that girl’s radiant countenance, and with her natural and unrestrained conduct, she doesn’t seem like one who would harm people. The Song family keeps talking rubbish and only wants to seize this opportunity to stir up trouble, aiming to tear apart the fated marriage between her and your second brother. Since you’ve examined and treated Quan-ge’s illness, do you know what caused it? What is the best way to cure it?”

 Pei You’an stared at Pei Xiuzhi. When he saw the other cast two fervent eyes at him, he hesitated.

 Since young, his talent had allowed him to garner the favor of his uncle, the Tianxi Emperor. Because he regretted his inborn debility, apart from practicing martial arts and keeping fit, he also began to learn medicine in his childhood. He once happened to procure medical texts from the Western Regions, contained within which were all sorts of the efficacy and contraindications of medical ingredients, wherein borneo camphor was classified as a fragrance. It had considerably piqued his interest, so he especially sought borneo camphor for experimental verification. Therefore, not only was he cognizant of its color and fragrance, but he also knew its properties as a drug and that very few people were intolerant to it. For such cases, contact with it would lead to swelling of the eyes and mouth, rashes on the entire body, and other such symptoms. If ingested by mistake, one would suffer palpitations and fainting in less severe cases, but it could at worst lead to suffocation and even death.

 If Heaven takes, Heaven will also give. When he was born, he was so susceptible to illness that his father had given up the generation name “Xiu” and singularly christened him “You’an”, choosing “You’an” for its meaning.1 Not only was he outstanding, innately talented, erudite, and had an exceptionally retentive memory, he also had an eyesight and a sense of smell different from ordinary people——extremely keen. On the night of Old Madam Pei’s grand birthday celebration, he rushed back home all evening. After entering the room and passing by that biaomei from the Zhen family, he detected the scent of borneo camphor incense her body was emitting. He had made nothing of it at that time, but Quan-ge had soon fallen sick. Noticing the symptoms, he caught a whiff of the residual scent on Quan-ge’s clothes and was thereby able to determine the cause straight away.

 The reason why he chose not to directly explain the cause of the disease at that time was that, after passing by this biaomei from the Zhen family and after hearing her abrupt address of “Da Biaoge” that made him freeze in his tracks, when he turned his head and steadied his gaze at her for that brief moment, she had struck a chord deep within him.

 At the outset, he had not recognized who she was. When he saw her blushing face, evidently embarrassed by his own indifference, he remembered that the girl standing opposite him was the one who had traipsed in and out of the Grand Duke Manor several times many years ago, the visiting niece of his aunt from the second branch, Meng-shi.

 In those years, he was already a teenager, distinguished, accomplished, and renowned in the capital. The image she had given him was that she was but a young radish whose baby fat had yet to fade away, with milky white skin and big round eyes, her two pupils reminiscent of moist grapes that had been dipped in water, limpid and bright. She had neatly trimmed bangs, and her jet-black hair hung on her two small shoulders. Whenever she saw him, she would hide far away. That was all. Never did he expect that many years later, he would see her here again. She had grown into a slim and graceful maiden with a naturally good appearance, but what left a deep impression on him was not the pretty face that gazed up at him, but her eyes.

 That moment, she had her eyes wide open as she gazed at him without so much as a blink, her pupils revealing what seemed to be a joyous expression teeming with gratitude and trust. Such a feeling……

 It seemed as if he and she once had a good old friendship and were now only reuniting after a long period of separation.

 Her unusual intimacy made him feel a little out of sorts, but he did not find it disgusting, only that it had left a striking impression. After he educed that Quan-ge’s condition was related to the incense she was wearing, due to his usual cautious nature, he did not reveal it on the spot and instead withheld it.

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 For his grandmother to summon him right this moment and ask about Quan-ge’s disease, Pei Xiuzhi obviously ought to have pleaded with her to personally make a decision.

 Originally, he would have naturally explained it based on facts. But thinking of the scenario in Ci’en Temple, he pondered for a brief instant and finally uttered, “I still haven’t identified the cause of Quan-ge’s illness.”

 Pei Xiuzhi exhibited a look of disappointment, and Old Madam frowned slightly. All of a sudden, the mixed and disorderly din of footsteps emerged from the courtyard, and the faint noise of an argument was audible. It seemed that someone had forced their way in, but a granny had obstructed them.

 Yuzhu had been outside the door of Old Madam’s room. Upon hearing the hubbub from the courtyard entrance, she rushed out and asked, “What’s wrong? What’s with the unnecessary racket? Old Madam is having a discussion in her room!”

 A granny promptly stepped forward and explained, “Miss, the young master of the Zhen family has come over and is clamoring to meet Old Madam. He looks rather angry. You should go and have a look.”

 Stupefied, Yuzhu hastened to the courtyard entrance. Sure enough, she saw Zhen Yaoting standing there with several grannies thwarting him. With a scowl, she stomped over to him and questioned, “Young Master Zhen, what are you doing? Do you think you’re a monkey wreaking havoc in Heaven? Old Madam’s place is not the Heavenly Palace!”2

 Zhen Yaoting raised his eyes. Recognizing the head maid he had seen on that particular day, he declared, “My younger sister has been wronged. I want to meet Old Madam!”

 Yuzhu had heard some matters after Madam Meng’s visit this morning. Because she was on good terms with Madam Meng, she was inwardly displeased in her chest, originally annoyed at his recklessness and audacious words. But as she listened to his manner of speaking, it seemed that he had come to evince the injustice his younger sister had suffered, so she abruptly said, “Wait a moment. Do not stir trouble. Let me first go and pass on word for you.” Following which, she hurried in and came out a moment later, saying, “Come with me.”

 Zhen Yaoting briskly trod after Yuzhu inside. When she arrived at the door, Yuzhu glanced at him and whispered, “Speak properly when you meet Old Madam. Old Madam is not unreasonable. Do not recklessly provoke her.” After her adjuration, she stepped forward and announced, “Old Madam, the Zhen family’s Young Master is here.”

 Zhen Yaoting entered and saw Old Madam seated there, beside her was Pei Xiuzhi and the Pei family’s Eldest Young Master.

 Although Madam Meng had driven him out of her room earlier, a raging fire still remained in his heart. The more he brooded over it, the more indignant he grew. As heat began rising to his head, he stormed here by himself out of his own volition. The Pei family’s gatekeeper was not informed of the purpose of his visit, but because he was an acquaintance and a relative, he was naturally permitted entry. He directly charged to this place but was obstructed by a granny. His anger had originally soared high, but now that he was in front of Old Madam, in the end, he still did not dare to be rash. First, he knelt down and performed a conscientious kowtow. When he heard Old Madam bid him to get up and ask him what the matter was, he rose to his feet and went on, “Replying to Old Madam, my mother went to the manor today. How she was treated earlier, I think we are all aware, so I need not say more. My younger sister’s marriage is still under debate. It has not been long since a decent person like her came here, yet she was inexplicably implicated for no reason. I was truly enraged! Now that I’ve already gone this far, I am not afraid to offend anyone! Didn’t your family claim that my younger sister’s Eight Characters are no good and that she would harm Quan-ge? Would your family dare to have my younger sister hold Quan-ge again? I’ll keep my eyes wide open this time. If he will react the same way he had on the first two occasions, you need not open your mouths; our Zhen family will roll back to Quanzhou tonight and will no longer have the face to take a single step into your Grand Duke Manor again! If Quan-ge will be fine, we dare not ask you for anything else but to take back those words and to never again utter awful things about my younger sister!”

 A hush fell in the room, save for Zhen Yaoting’s rapid breathing as he stood there.

 ”Yaoting! You must be insane for coming here only to behave atrociously in front of Old Madam like this! What kind of drivel are you spewing?”

 Along with a rush of hasty footsteps, the curtain was lifted. Zhen Yaoting whipped his head around and saw his mother flouncing in with Madam Xin.

 Madam Xin wore a sullen face, and Madam Meng’s complexion was similarly unsightly. She darted over and ruthlessly struck her son on the head, abruptly yanking him down and demanding him to kneel with her. Facing Old Madam Pei, she uttered with overflowing tears, “I truly haven’t taught my son well. He ran over without letting me know and blurted out all sorts of crazy and unfounded ravings.” She confessed, kowtowing as she acknowledged her transgression.

 Zhen Yaoting’s face reddenned through and through as he countered, “What did I do wrong? I just cannot sit idly by while my younger sister suffers grievances!”

 ”Shut your mouth for me!”

 Madam Meng pressed his head down, but Zhen Yaoting straightened his neck and kept his body rigid.

 ”No matter!” Old Madam Pei suddenly said, “It’s alright. This child also did it out of his love and concern for his younger sister, so he was only a little anxious. Get up.”

 Madam Meng loosened her grip on her son, but Zhen Yaoting refused to rise and kowtowed to Old Madam once more as he pleaded, “Beseeching Old Madam to make a decision! Please let my younger sister approach Quan-ge once more! Whatever the outcome will be, I will accept it!”

 In the end, Madam Xin could not restrain herself. She bitterly snapped, “You, child, what are you saying? We were doing just fine, so why are you cursing my Quan-ge all of a sudden?”

 ”You all shut up!”

 Old Madam Pei’s voice put a stop to it. She mulled over it for a moment and slowly said, “The words of the Zhen family’s child sounds preposterous, but thinking about it carefully, it may not be unfounded. Just heed his words and have them both come and get together again in front of me, so we can finally be clear about what’s going on!”

 As soon as these words were delivered, everyone was flabbergasted. Madam Xin hurriedly remonstrated, “Mother, that can’t be! If by any chance Quan-ge falls ill again, won’t he suffer too much?”

 Old Madam replied, “Quan-ge is my great-grandson, so I naturally love him dearly. He is precious, but if I wrong the Zhen family’s daughter, my conscience will not bear it. So be it. Go and bring Quan-ge over!”

 A perfect silence prevailed in the room once more. Madam Meng’s heartbeat was rather erratic. Suddenly, she felt a rush of joy as she thought about the possibility of her daughter’s grievances being redressed. But she also grew incomparably nervous that sweat began seeping from the hollow of her palms. Finally, she sorted her thoughts and told Zhen Yaoting in a quivering tone, “Did you hear Old Madam’s words? Quickly go and fetch your sister!”

 Zhen Yaoting yelped, leaped up from the ground, turned around, and dashed out. In less than two quarters of a period, Yuzhu entered from outside and softly announced, “Old Madam, Young Lady Zhen has arrived.”

 Old Madam Pei nodded and ordered all the people in the room to withdraw. Pei Xiuzhi wanted to stay but was also invited out.

 ”You’an, you stay.”

 Old Madam Pei commanded.

 Jiafu stood outside the door, somewhat in a state of absence. Never in her dreams did she expect that, after a series of twists and turns, things would turn out like this. After catching a glimpse of the people from inside filing out in succession, she simply hung her head. When Yuzhu called, she carefully trod inside. Upon lifting her eyes, she saw Madam Xin sitting there, tightly hugging Quan-ge above her lap and staring at her with an alert and abhorrent glare. Pei You’an was positioned by the window, his two eyes taking a quick look at her, then turned his back and gazed outside.

 ”Take a seat. No need to be afraid.”

 Old Madam Pei smiled faintly at her.

 Jiafu gently expressed thanks and sat on a stool.


 That afternoon, they finally managed to get through it.

 For Madam Meng, in her entire life, there would probably never be another day like this afternoon, a day as long and torturous as today.

 The sky gradually darkened, and they started lighting the lanterns at the Grand Duke Manor. Yuzhu briskly approached with a smile across her face, leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Aunt, Quan-ge isn’t sick! He has already fallen asleep! Old Madam said to have the Young Lady remain and have her sleep in her room for a night. You can come pick her up tomorrow.”

 Madam Meng shed tears and firmly clutched Yuzhu’s hand, never letting go. Yuzhu unhurriedly sent her off outside the gate of the Grand Duke Manor. When she returned home, she barely slept all night. The next morning, she came early again and saw her daughter already up and waiting for her at the entrance of the building. The rising sun shone on her body, and she was poised there looking all pretty, delicate and lovely like a tender young willow in spring.

 Madam Meng fetched Jiafu and made headway to the second entrance of the Grand Duke Manor. One of Madam Xin’s trusted grannies hastened over to them with an almost sycophantic smile, “Lady, our Madam would like to ask you to go back to discuss matters with you. Madam also said that there is no need to bother about the Song family. This affair is between our two families.”

 Madam Meng fixed her steps and gazed at her daughter who was looking at her with eyes wide open. She lifted her hand, affectionately stroked her hair, leisurely turned around and returned, “May mama pass on word for me. My A’Fu is still young. These two days, I suddenly realized that I’m reluctant to part with her and that I don’t wish to marry her off so soon. She and the Heir also haven’t been formally engaged yet, so I dare not hold the Heir back. May Madam seek another good marriage match for the Heir. I will take my daughter back to Quanzhou first.”






1 The “generation name” here is the first character of the given name of children of the same generation. If you’ve noticed, Pei Xiuzhi and Pei Xiuluo share the same “修, Xiu” character, but You’an doesn’t as explained in the paragraph. “佑安, You’an” is a name for wishing peace and security on someone.

2 大闹天宫: Monkey Wreaks Havoc in Heaven, story about the Monkey King Sun Wukong from the novel Journey to the West. The Heavenly Palace (凌霄殿) is the Jade Emperor’s heavenly palace in Journey to the West.

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