Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 16: 16

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What is he here for?


 When voyaging the sea, there had always been a rule that one must not thoughtlessly invite people of unknown origins aboard halfway through the journey. More than that, although these people were all dressed as ordinary traveling merchants, each and every one of them had a valorous air around them; that man they had addressed as “Young Master” was of stalwart build and had the keenness of an eagle. Zhang Da was practically a member of the Zhen family and had been their steward for many years, so he was typically circumspect. With the mistress on the ship, how could he easily allow these people aboard? Just as he was about to utter words of refusal, the man yelled out to declare, “Fret not! We haven’t just done business at Zhennanmen once or twice and must arrive there as soon as possible. We truly have no ship to use, and we fear that our journey will be delayed. We have observed that your family’s ship is rather swift, so we implore you to let us join you. When venturing outside, it is inevitable for one to encounter trouble along the way. This will be mutually beneficial. It will also be convenient for us!” After saying this, he tossed a silver ingot worth five taels towards the bow of the ship.

 Zhennanmen was one of the most prosperous areas in Quanzhou. Zhang Da listened to his sincere manner of speaking and his reasonable choice of words. He made a few more inquiries concerning their business in Zhennanmen, and the man answered one by one, each reply containing not the least bit of error. He truly sounded like a person familiar with the area. He hesitated, told them to wait a moment, and sought Madam Meng for her response.

 On the shore, Xiao Yintang’s attention seemed to finally divert from the official ships to the deck. Two eyes swept over, and just before he could see her, Jiafu abruptly whipped around and dashed into a cabin a few steps away. She was in such a panic that she did not pay attention to what was under her feet and tripped on her skirt, staggering and nearly stumbling to the ground. She looked around and grabbed the cabin door with one hand, stabilizing her body. She then stood still and immediately looked towards her mother, desperately shaking her head.

 Madam Meng noticed that her daughter’s face had suddenly turned pale, and she cast aside Zhang Da to hasten over.

 ”Mother, don’t let those people aboard! I don’t like having strangers on the ship!”

 Noticing that her daughter’s mood seemed to be amiss, Madam Meng was extremely worried. She no longer had the heart to bother about anything else and abruptly told Zhang Da, “It’s better to have less troubles on board.”

 Zhang Da complied, returned to the bow, flung back the silver ingot the other party had thrown, and said with a smile, “Gentlemen, my apologies. Although we’re heading to Quanzhou, we have to stop by several places along the way for at least a few days at a time. We fear that we might delay your journey. It would be better to look for another ship.” 

 The man who shouted displayed his displeasure and said, “We’ll give you more silver!”

 Zhang Da promptly gave bow and smiled, “My deepest apologies. It would be inappropriate to permit outsiders aboard because there are womenfolk on the ship.” After which, he ordered the sailor to hoist the sails and start the oars.

 The man’s eyes faintly revealed an expression of aggression. The man stood on his toes and leapt onto the bow of the boat. His one hand grabbed Zhang Da’s lapel, and he said, “I’ve already asked all over. I’ve wasted a lot of time exchanging words with you, only for you to ultimately decline. Are you deliberately making a fool out of us?”

 Zhen Yaoting had been wandering about on the deck before entering the cabin. Suddenly, he saw some movement on the bow of the ship. Seeing that someone had forcibly ascended the ship and grabbed Zhang Da’s lapel, he immediately rushed over and shouted, “Let go of my Uncle Zhang! Where did this madman come from? You dare act wildly on my Zhen family’s ship?” Before he could land a hit, the man had already shoved him away, rendering him unable to stand on his feet, falling back for about six to seven steps without ceasing until his buttocks ultimately sat on the deck. When the servants saw that their young master had been lunged to the ground, they surrounded him one after another.

 Zhen Yaoting exploded with rage. He rose from the ground and ordered people to seize the bastard and jump on him all at once.

 Zhang Da was astonished, now knowing that he had encountered a person that could not be reasoned with. But they were already at the boundary of Fujian, which was only a few days away from Quanzhou. He did not panic and only said, “Master, your honored self must quell your anger! Who doesn’t encounter trouble when journeying outside? It’s part of our expertise, so we can easily accomplish it. But it’s just as I said, it’s inappropriate. Our family does not fear trouble, but when trouble arrives, we will naturally face it. We also frequently go in and out of the prefectural yamen……”

 ”Let it go! Come down!”

 The young man who appeared to be the young master suddenly opened his mouth. The person who had charged onto the ship turned his head and saw that his master’s brows were tightly wrinkled. Appearing rather afraid of him, he immediately released Zhang Da’s lapel, pushed Zhang Da away, whisked around, hopped out of the ship, and stood behind the man. Without anyone knowing what they had discussed, the few people turned to leave.

 Zhen Yaoting’s fall just now was not at all light, and he felt a slight pang when he got up. Now feeling quite humiliated, how could he be willing to let it rest? He still rushed to the bow of the ship and cursed at the back figures of those people, “If you have the guts, then stand there for me! Weren’t you acting like some lord just now? Are you leaving just like that? Turtle-like bastard, shrinking back into your shell!”

 Zhang Da had wanted to obstruct him, but it was too late. He saw the young master suddenly freeze in his tracks, turn his head, and sweep his eyes towards Zhen Yaoting, his gaze dim.

 Zhang Da had followed the old master to travel the length and breadth of the country since his youth. He was a man of long experience with a mind of wide scope. This moment, seeing the young man’s expression, he felt rather shaken for no reason. He knew that this person had been provoked to anger. They were outside, and to have one less incident was more ideal than to have another. At once, he called for someone to pull Zhen Yaoting away, bowed to him incessantly, and then ordered the ship to promptly go offshore.

 Jiafu had been hiding behind the cabin door, watching Xiao Yintang narrow his eyes and finally retract his gaze, shaking his head to his entourage who had a scowl on their faces. Those people followed him and turned to leave.

 Jiafu was so nervous that she almost could not breathe. She felt that her hands and feet had become limp until she watched the back figures of Xiao Yintang and his party fade away. When she opened her hands, a layer of cold sweat had formed on her palms. She latched onto a chair to support herself and slowly sat down, beginning to drift into a daze.

 Madam Meng had also witnessed the earlier scene and rebuked her son for being crude and impetuous. Zhen Yaoting refused to give in and stuck out his neck to say a sentence or two. Jiafu was distraught with anxiety. Leaving her mother and elder brother, she got up and trudged back to her room, threw herself on the bed without changing her clothes, and shut her eyes.

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 Scenes from her previous life flashed in front of her eyes one by one like a trotting horse lantern.1

 She originally thought that after freeing herself from her marriage with Pei Xiuzhi and returning to Quanzhou, no matter what changes the capital would undergo in the future, all of it would have nothing to do with herself, and that it would even be more unlikely that she would meet Xiao Yintang once more. However, never did she expect that Heaven would help her only to one day trifle with her. In this life, she crossed paths with him in such a way even earlier than in her previous life.

 Jiafu recalled the somber look he had cast just before leaving and could not help but quiver.

 The Third Prince, Prince Yunzhong, Xiao Lie, was a man of great talent and bold vision. He was adept at reading people and knew how to make good use of them. He was also a shrewd, reserved, and forbearing person. Only being as such was he able to save himself from his eldest brother, the Tianxi Emperor’s suspicion and jealousy for nearly two decades, until ultimately, he became the final victor in the open strife and veiled struggle of the three brothers.

 Xiao Yintang was his son. Certain characteristics of Prince Yunzhong would naturally flow in his flesh and blood. Jiafu had been with him for many years. She could not dare say how deeply she knew him, but she was also aware that he had acquired many of his father’s tactics and scheming. As for how vicious and merciless he was, she need not mention.

 Those people who had risen in position, who among them had hands that were not awash with the blood of another?

 She remembered clearly that in her previous life, shortly after she married Pei Xiuzhi, not a year later, the Yongxi Emperor, who was once the regent Prince Shun’an, began to attack Xiao Lie, who had always lived in seclusion in the southwest. How could Xiao Lie just sit still and await his doom? Thus, the conflict among the brothers commenced this way.

 Jiafu really could not think of a reason. At such a critical juncture, Xiao Yintang, Prince Yunzhong’s heir, suddenly appeared here in secret, even venturing to Quanzhou in person. What could have drawn him to Quanzhou, and what did he want to do there?

 For today’s incident, her elder brother also was not totally in the wrong, but with that temper of his, his being too crude and impetuous, she feared that he would suffer a heavy loss sooner or later. Quite evidently, Xiao Yintang’s trip outside ought to be a clandestine operation, and since he did not want to attract attention, he let it go. Otherwise, given the crassness of her brother’s cursing, how could a person like him just turn around like that and leave?

 Fortunately, they weathered through without mishap. There were no setbacks, and he stormed off just like that.

 Jiafu’s heart was in great turmoil. For several days, except for necessary matters, she did not take even a single step out of the cabin. Seeing her daughter’s glum countenance and wan complexion the past few days, Madam Meng had initially thought that she was ill, but upon closer observation, she did not look like she was sick anywhere. She wanted to probe but could not pry out anything even after asking and began growing a little anxious. After bouts of worrying, she vented her anger out on her son and complained that he had given his younger sister a fright that day. Zhen Yaoting called to mind that his younger sister had indeed become like this after that day, and regret overcame him. He started to think of ways to enliven Jiafu and professed that he would start handling matters more seriously. Madam Meng then asked him to check the accounts with Zhang Da. Hardly had he read even two pages of it when he started yawning endlessly and fell asleep there.

 Towards her elder brother, Jiafu also bore some helplessness similar to Madam Meng’s exasperation at his failure to make good. She could only comfort herself that there would inevitably be a day where her elder brother would truly become sensible. Seeing that her mother was worrying about her and that they were almost home, she managed to barely keep up her spirit to deal with her grandmother’s displeasure.

 On this day, the group finally returned to their home in Quanzhou.

 Old Madam Hu had received the letter half a month ago, and her people were among the servants who had gone with them, so she had already known ahead that her daughter-in-law had rejected the marriage. She was primarily upset, but Madam Meng did something that departed from her normal behavior. She maintained a bold front before the Old Madam and knelt down in front of her, explaining that a marriage must be carefully chosen to attain harmony and prosperity. This marriage had many obstacles in its way, which was already inauspicious in itself. More than that, the Pei family, apart from their Old Madam, housed very few kind people. If her daughter were to be reluctantly married in, she feared that, in the end, things would turn out contrary to the way they had wished, so she had rejected it out of her own initiative. Zhen Yaoting knelt down alongside her and solemnly swore to Heaven that he would henceforth repent sincerely, mend his mistaken ways, and handle matters well in the future so that he would no longer worry his grandmother.

 Spilt water was difficult to retrieve, and the people had also returned. Old Madam Hu was displeased, but she was left without the choice. Moreover, the end of the year was coming. Family fleets, docks, shops, and local authorities scampered around at every place doing all sorts of numerous activities. All were exceptionally busy. Just like that, the marriage, which was something she originally had great expectations for, was quickly considered to be a thing of the past.

 Madam Meng breathed a sigh of relief and was bustling about all day long assisting Old Madam in managing certain affairs. Jiafu also aided her, and her elder brother was forced to follow Zhang Da while whining incessantly to the high heaven all throughout. The days seemed to have returned to their original pattern.

 But the incident that happened on Fuming Island that day had never escaped Jiafu’s mind.

 She had heard clearly that he was also headed to Quanzhou. For fear of encountering him again, she had not taken a single step outside since returning home. In this way, over ten days had passed. Everything was calm and tranquil in the city of Quanzhou, which gradually began to exhibit a festive New Year atmosphere.

 It was the eve of the New Year. Jiafu surmised that he should have already left. Her heart that had been fraught with distress all day long finally eased.


1 走马灯 (zǒu mǎ dēng): lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival

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