Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 19: 19

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Chapter 19

Young Lady, do not be afraid.


 He lifted up the blade in his hand and struck down, concluding Wang Jin’s suffering. The Golden Dragon King sheathed his sword and lifted his mask off, revealing the visage of a middle-aged man. He paid respects to Xiao Yu who was gazing at him and had a hand supporting him.

 Although a beard had shrouded the man’s features, Xiao Yu recognized him at once. He exclaimed in surprise, “General Dong?”

 The Golden Dragon King’s given name was Dong Chengmao, and he had once been a subordinate of Grand Duke Wei, one so valiant and skillful in battle. Countless were the merits he had garnered that Grand Duke Wei, prior to his death, had written a memorial recommending Dong Chengmao for appointment to the Tianxi Emperor. Later on, throughout both the reigns of Tianxi and the Young Emperor, Dong Chengmao had invariably occupied important positions. By the time that the Young Emperor was alleged to have died in an accident, leaving Prince Shun’an full sovereignty over the state, Dong Chengmao was dismissed from his post on the groundless charge of treason. When he was about to be taken back to the capital for trial, bound by shackles and detained in a cage, one of his former subordinates had intercepted the journey, and no news of him surfaced from then on.

 Who would have thought that the Golden Dragon King reigning over the South seas these recent years would turn out to be the mighty General Dong of years past?

 Dong Chengmao sighed deeply. After an exchange of words, he said, “Your Majesty, I have been secretly searching for your whereabouts for several years, but there was no news of you all throughout. Fortunately, Eldest Young Master never abandoned hope. This time, he came in time and had made prior arrangements, otherwise, even if Dong Chengmao were to die a thousand deaths, it would not be possible to erase such a crime!”1

 Dong Chengmao recalled the sordid scene just now and still felt a certain trepidation. Before he could apologize once more, Xiao Yu unhesitatingly balked his attempt. Dong Chengmao said, “Your Majesty, Eldest Young Master, wait here for a moment. I will go and gather everyone here.” After which, he whisked around and made himself scarce.

 Xiao Yu faced Pei You’an. “Teacher, how did you know I was here?”

 Pei You’an replied, “The Jinyiwei have extraordinary networks of intelligence. Keeping an eye on them is tantamount to having your own eyes and ears. However, they are extremely secretive in their operations, and a clear hierarchy exists among their subordinates and superiors. The information they gather is kept confidential. Unless the superiors intend to let the subordinates know, even if one were to plant their own people inside, sometimes, the information they manage to glean may not be exact. This time, Wang Jin went to Quanzhou. If his intent was merely to arrest people, why must he expend superfluous efforts by having merchants submit a registry of workers in such a grand scale? It could have sufficed to directly arrest them all. The way he handled the Jin family also stirred up quite the noise, which greatly departed from his usual approach. I had surmised that he ought to have dredged something up and deliberately cast a bait. This move of his can be described as a double-edged sword. Although it did lead you out, it also completely exposed his intention. I exploited this opportunity to my advantage, and I found you by following him.”

 Xiao Yu was still bedraggled all over, and a gust of night wind blowing past was enough to elicit a shudder from him.

 Pei You’an promptly untied his outer cloak.

 ”No need. Teacher, your own health is more important. I’m not cold……” Xiao Yu quickly moved aside.

 Pei You’an showed a subtle smile. “You might as well. I can still withstand this wind. You’re damp all over. You mustn’t freeze.” As he spoke, the cloak had already been draped over Xiao Yu’s shoulders, and the belt was being tied for him.

 The cloak was warm, as if it still contained some heat from his body. Xiao Yu gazed at Pei You’an, not moving an inch, and glistening tears gradually surfaced from his eyes.

 “……many thanks, Teacher. I was so stupid that I actually fell for his trap……”

 Pei You’an shook his head. “Your Majesty, you mustn’t undervalue yourself. Wang Jin has been in the trade for many years. Crafty plots and machinations are impossible to guard against. Your Majesty, how could you have conjectured that he would be that cunning? Your Majesty may be young, yet you are sharp and discerning. You found yourself in dire straits, yet you preserved your childlike innocence. If the late emperor in heaven were to know, he would surely be comforted.”

 After consoling the boy, he added, “Prince Shun’an is determined to eliminate the Third Prince. His Highness also isn’t a man of no particular talent, so I fear that war will break out before long. The situation is complicated, and it is difficult to foretell who will triumph. You cannot be seen for the time being, and you also cannot remain in Quanzhou. Go with Uncle Dong and wait to hear from me in the future, alright?”

 ”Everything will go according to Teacher’s plan.”

 Xiao Yu wanted to say something else, but he paused, then opened his mouth again to utter, “Teacher will always be my teacher, but I am no longer the emperor. Teacher, please stop addressing me as Your Majesty, and just call me Yu’er. After all, becoming the emperor no longer matters to me anymore. Teacher’s loyalty for me has never wavered for the past many years, and saving me today is testament to how great your devotion is to my Imperial Father. I never want Teacher to jeopardize your own life for my sake. Teacher, can you promise me?”

 Pei You’an stared at the boy and saw that the other was gazing up at himself with a solemn expression and earnest, limpid eyes. He remembered how, as a child, this young man had dozed off while reading in the study whenever his drowsiness had overtaken him. He felt some warmth gradually springing up in his chest, and he nodded with a smile.

 Dong Chengmao hastened back and warned, “Your Majesty, Eldest Young Master, it is not wise to stay in this place for long. Let us quickly depart.” He then took a gander at Wang Jin’s corpse on the ground. “Eldest Young Master, should we dispose of it first?”

 ”Uncle Dong, can you guarantee that you can safely escort His Majesty tonight?”

 ”Eldest Young Master, rest assured. Everything has been arranged. Nothing can go wrong.”

 Pei You’an pondered for a moment and intimated, “If my suppositions are correct, there should be a group of people in Quanzhou scouring for His Majesty’s whereabouts at present. If they are able to detect anything to whatever extent, it will not be so easy to shake them off. Leave the body. No need to dispose of it.”

 His remark was somewhat ambiguous. Dong Chengmao was initially struck dumb, but after mulling over it again, it all dawned on him. He laughed heartily and praised, “Eldest Young Master’s thoughts are quite thorough! If we use these corpses to keep those people busy for a few days, it will no longer be much of a problem.”

 Pei You’an smiled and led Xiao Yu away.

 Xiao Yu took a few steps, hesitated, paused in his tracks, and continued with a lowered voice, “Teacher, had the Zhen family’s daughter not saved me, I would have long been dead. That Wang Jin, since he already knew that the Zhen family had taken me in, now that he’s dead and I’m leaving just like this, will she be in danger?”

 Pei You’an was slightly taken aback, and he then assured, “Worry not. Two groups of Jinyiwei had gone South this time. When Wang Jin arrived in Quanzhou, the other received wrong information and ventured to other places to search for you. Wang Jin and that person often contended with each other both openly and in secret. With the desire to keep all the credit to themselves, the two never exchanged any information. Wang Jin is now dead. Those two servants from the Jin family who were previously ordered to toss you into the sea had been beaten to death and died on the spot after Wang Jin captured them on the sly to interrogate them. No one else is privy to the ins and outs of what has transpired.”

 Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and his face broke out into a smile. “Good to know. I was only afraid of implicating her.”

 Pei You’an turned his head and said, “Uncle Dong, whenever the Zhen family’s ships are out at sea in the future, please look after them a little more.”

 Dong Chengmao returned, “Eldest Young Master, fret not. You need not say it. I already know.”

 Pei You’an shifted his sight towards the direction of Quanzhou City from afar, then he trod away. The figures of the group quickly faded into the vast and obscure darkness of the night.

 Just shortly after their departure, Xiao Yintang and his men finally arrived within the vicinity. Finding the corpses of the Jinyiwei on the ground, their eyes could not help but express bewilderment. He stood aside and watched his attendants swiftly search the corpses. A while later, the attendants got up to report, “Lord Heir, there are absolutely no traces on the corpses!”

 While Xiao Yintang was ruminating, the wind announced what seemed to be strange movements in the distance. One of his men in charge of keeping watch scampered over and informed, “Lord Heir, there are soldiers approaching!”

 Xiao Yintang glanced at the shadowy figures of people bearing torches in the distance and frowned. “Disperse! See to it that you do not expose yourselves!”


 The Lantern Festival was two days away. The city originally ought to be a scene of merry people celebrating the festival with a never-ending display of fireworks painting the night sky and lanterns speckling the sea, yet this year’s Lantern Festival panned out a little differently. Not only did the local authorities prohibit lantern displays and traditional folk performances, but they also imposed a curfew, strictly ordered inns and other citizens not to welcome guests without travel permits, barred all city gates and ports leading to the open sea, and subjected each person, carriage, and ship leaving the city to rigorous inspections. The people in the city were overwrought. Rumors began to surreptitiously proliferate in every street and alley, saying that the Golden Dragon King’s men had infiltrated the city. Local officials had been vigorously searching and seizing suspects, and those found to have no household registration or travel permits were all apprehended.

 Just as Jiafu was burdened with worry the past few days, a small issue plagued them at home. This matter was not quite an ordeal, just that it was rather vexing. Firstly, a few days ago, their grandmother had mentioned that she wanted to find another marriage match for her grandson, but Zhen Yaoting refused to acquiesce, and chaos ensued for a few days. Secondly, by the end of the first month, according to custom, the Zhen family would launch the first big ship of this year out to sea. He was singularly determined to board the ship and follow along, but his grandmother and Madam Meng naturally did not allow it. The family had not been at peace since the end of the year because of these two matters. The day prior, Zhen Yaoting had gone to his grandmother to dispute once more, and he was naturally unsuccessful. Their grandmother feared that he would sneak into the ship, so she instructed someone to lock him in his quarters for the time being and release him once the ship left. Unexpectedly, early the next morning, they discovered that the window had been pried open, and the person had vanished at some unknown time. They hurriedly bid others to search for him. Those who had gone early in the morning returned one after another and reported that they had heard no news of his whereabouts. It had not been peaceful in the city as of late, and the gatekeeper mentioned that he had just witnessed officials and soldiers patrolling the nearby streets. Their grandmother and Madam Meng were a little anxious, and Jiafu was also severely distressed.

 Gatekeepers of the front, back, and even corner gates all solemnly vowed that they had never seen the young master go out. They had also searched everywhere in the property, but he was nowhere to be found. Jiafu wondered where else he could have gone and suddenly thought of a place, so she promptly hurried all the way there.

 The Zhen family’s property was rather vast. In the northwest corner of the rear garden was a workshop their father had used in his youth.

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 Jiafu’s father liked to do carpentry work and build models of various ships when he was younger. Zhen Yaoting took after their father in this regard and often tailed after him to play here in his childhood. Later on, their father had grown increasingly busy all year round, so it had become rare for him to even drop by this place for a visit. This gradually became a safe haven for Zhen Yaoting. He was also skilled at woodwork, but since their father’s death, this place had been deserted over time. On an average day, the door was bolted shut, and even servants seldom wandered past.

 Jiafu rushed to the workshop and stood at the doorway, hearing the distinct sound of wood blocks being smoothed and carved. She breathed a sigh of relief and leaned towards the crack between the door and its frame to take a peek. Sure enough, she saw her elder brother standing in front of an old table, bending over to carve a piece of wood. On such a cold day, he only had a single coat donned on——he was divested of his outer coat which seemed to have been discarded haphazardly at the side, yet his face was drenched with sweat.

 Jiafu motioned for Tanxiang to hasten away and inform others, lest her grandmother and mother would continue to worry, and she herself pushed the door open and traipsed in.

 Upon seeing his younger sister entering, his hands did not cease moving. He only said, “Sister, I know what you’re going to say. Go ahead and say it. I’ll listen, but do not disturb my work!”

 Jiafu was initially quite incensed, but now that she actually found him here, and as she observed his face bathed in sweat, her heart gradually softened. She surveyed his surroundings, let out a sigh, and took out a handkerchief. Wiping the perspiration off of him, she asked, “Brother, I’ve been thinking, why do you insist on getting on the ship? Can you tell me all about it?”

 Zhen Yaoting remained reticent and only continued smoothening the block of wood.

 ”You’re still thinking that Dad has not died, that he’s only stranded in some place unknown and could not return on his own, and you’re still holding on because you have not ventured out to look for him yourself, aren’t you?”

 Zhen Yaoting’s hand paused.

 Jiafu sat down on a pile of old timber beside her and hugged her knees in a trance.

 At first, Zhen Yaoting persisted on carving the block of wood, but his movements gradually progressed slower and slower, until he ultimately came to a halt and remained motionless.

 The lighting in the workshop was rather dim, and the air smelled faintly of mildew. Jiafu was lost in thought for a moment before saying, “Brother, I know you still miss father after all this time, and as do I. I have longed day and night for him to be safe, but it is now an impossibility. You cannot go on like this. There are a few things I have been wanting to tell you for quite some time. Since the timing is convenient, I will go ahead and say it all! If you find them unpleasant to hear, that’s only because I’m telling the truth. Do you remember what happened when we returned from Fuming Island? This isn’t to say that you were completely in the wrong. In the first place, that man had been rude to Uncle Zhang, and you were right to protect him, but then that man jumped off the ship, and those people behind him——they did not look like good people. What’s best for us is to have fewer troubles when we’re outside, else, what if we suffer some losses? In the end, you couldn’t bear not kicking up a fuss. Fortunately, those few people left by themselves, otherwise, no one knows what would have happened.”

 Zhen Yaoting grunted, “Sister, you’re wrong. That man was the first to provoke us. He went so far as to shove me to the ground, yet I’m to blame because I uttered a few curses?”

 Jiafu retorted, “Can you even defeat him? Do you know who those people are? You uttering a few curses may seem trivial, but if you offend someone we cannot afford to offend and implicate the whole family, what are you going to do?”

 Zhen Yaoting muttered, “Who they are——well, what of it? Our family is in Quanzhou; who here doesn’t hold us in some regard?”

 Jiafu replied with a sardonic grin, “You already know another place as great as Quanzhou. When you had gone to the capital a year ago, did you not realize it even a little? There, any kind of person, so long as they are an official, will always deem us inferior if we are to come across them. As for those who have even a little power, if they have the intention to harm us, will it not be as easy for them as trampling on ants?  Brother, I said nothing then because you had been bent on protecting me with all your heart. That day when you forced your way in to meet the Old Madam and spouted such uncouth things, if we had not been lucky enough to encounter a person as amenable as the Old Madam, thereby succeeding by a fluke, would you still have made such an attempt had it been someone else?”

 Zhen Yaoting was stumped for words.

 ”We must first stand up for ourselves. If you become strong enough, others will not dare to trifle with you. People must first stand on their own before they stand in front of others. You are in Quanzhou. Whenever you step out the gate, people address you as ‘Master’ upon hearing your name, but that’s all owing to the family business Grandfather and Father had established, and not because of your own merits. Bluntly put, in case you alone encounter a mishap, who will settle matters on your account? I need not say more of it, but let me talk about Sister Yuzhu. You have taken a fancy to her. She is but a maid, yet what can you do, Brother? You can only seek her out in secret, and you will be considered lucky if you can tell her a word or two. We cannot tell for certain whether or not Sister Yuzhu likes you, but even if she does, do you have the courage to march over there with dignity and ask to take her away from that place? You don’t!”

 Zhen Yaoting’s face slowly flushed crimson.

 ”If you cannot bring yourself to study, so be it. Grandmother and Mother have long stopped compelling you. But Brother, should you not, at the very least, bear the responsibility of being the Zhen family’s only son? I still recall that day when Second Biaoge came to our house. You rushed out and declared that if your little sister cannot marry, at the worst, you will support her for life! Brother, it is truly my good fortune to have you to protect me. But Father is gone, and Grandmother is old. If you keep going on like this, how can I rely on you?”

 Following her emotional outburst, Jiafu’s eyes glistened with tears. “Brother, why was it that our family wanted to have me marry into their family? Why had Mother done her utmost to pander to them? It was because Grandmother feared that you would fail to succeed and be incapable of taking over the Zhen family’s business someday. She wanted to use me to secure a backer for you! But the water there was so muddy that Mother could not endure it, so she brought me back. Brother, if you truly want to cherish and protect me for life, then you must move forward and assume the role of a respectable elder brother. Do not merely indulge in fanciful ideas all day long. Work hard and establish yourself, else, although Mother had pushed back my marriage——even receiving Grandmother’s reproach for it, there will still be other families lined up for me. In our family, Grandmother’s word is absolute. Do you understand, Brother?”

 Zhen Yaoting was dumbfounded.

 When his sister spoke of Yuzhu, he felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle. When she began speaking of the marriage with the Pei family, he felt like he had taken a blow to the head.

 He had always believed that his sister marrying into the Pei family was what her good fortune could grant her, presenting her the prospect of becoming a respectable figure in the future, but never did he think that there was such a conundrum.

 Swamped with immense shame, his head drooped lower and lower, and he began wishing that a crack in the ground would appear for him to burrow into. After a while, he raised his head and proclaimed through clenched teeth, “Sister, you need not say more! I know I’ve been a fool! What kind of person will I, Zhen Yaoting, be to take advantage of you, Sister, in such a way?! Dispel your worries. Never again will I let Sister be wronged in my stead!”

 Every time in the past, despite their tender remonstrances, no matter how many times he was admonished or castigated at home, her elder brother would always accede on the surface but thereafter revert to his inveterate ways. Not once had she seen him demonstrate as much genuine remorse as he did this moment. She also felt within herself that her elder brother’s response this time completely differed from that of his previous.

 The first step was always the most difficult. Even if he could not immediately mend his habits, so long as his heart had been kindled, then it could be considered a good start.

 The gloom and dejection that had been weighing in her heart the past few days finally dissipated. Jiafu glanced at the ship model he had been working on at the side and said, “Brother, once you finish this, give it to me.”

 Zhen Yaoting scratched his head. “I’m not as skilled as Dad. If it doesn’t repulse you, I’ll give it to you.”

 Jiafu replied, “I like everything Brother gives me.”

 With a grin, Zhen Yaoting hastily went on carving the wood pieces and said, “The parts are almost ready. Wait there, Sister. I’ll assemble this quickly.”

 Jiafu nodded and sat to the side, resting her cheek on her hand with a simper as she watched him busily going about work. A while later, Zhen Yaoting could not locate his ink marker,2 so Jiafu stood up to help him find it. She surveyed the place and saw that the ink marker had fallen next to a pile of wood in the corner. She trod over and stooped down to pick it up. Upon raising her head, she inadvertently caught sight of a man’s foot in black boots behind the pile of wood, exposing half the toe of his shoe.

 Jiafu was so alarmed that her heartbeat could be likened to the thumping of a drum. She steadied her thoughts and was about to feign ignorance, aiming to leave as if nothing had transpired, when Zhen Yaoting strode over and said, “It’s right in front of your feet, Sister. Why didn’t you pick it up?”

 Jiafu grabbed the ink marker and got up. She turned her head, snatched his arm, yanked him straight out, and said under her breath, “Brother, I suddenly remembered how anxious Mother was just a while ago. I came out to find you, and you’ve been working for a while, so we better head back. This ship can wait. You can finish it slowly. It won’t be too late to give it to me then……”

 After which, she tightly squeezed his arm and very quickly muttered in hushed tones, “Don’t look back, don’t speak, and leave with me!”

 Zhen Yaoting could not make head or tail of the situation, but upon seeing his sister’s eyes focusing straight ahead, her expression laden with apprehension, he opened his mouth, only to close it again.

 Just as the two were about to pass the workshop’s main gate, a voice commanded from behind them. “Stop!”

 Jiafu’s scalp felt numb. She jerked the clueless and unsuspecting Zhen Yaoting towards her and bolted out with utmost exigency. She opened her mouth and was ready to shout, when a figure fleeted to the side. The doorway was barred, and a long sword as bright as snow was thrusted in front of her.

 Jiafu recognized him at a glance. It was that man who had affronted them on their ship on Fuming Island that day!

 Zhen Yaoting was initially stunned, then he abruptly mustered a reaction. His eyes stretched open, and just as he was about to unclose his mouth, the man had already stepped forward and smitten Zhen Yaoting’s nape with a strike of his palm. Before Zhen Yaoting could expel a word, he lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

 Jiafu heard footsteps from behind her. Her head jolted to the direction of the sound, and she actually saw Xiao Yintang emerge from behind the pile of wood, unhurriedly sauntering towards herself. 

 His gaze, frigid and merciless, was like a sharp knife pointing at her face, seeming as if it could pierce her skin and penetrate deep into her flesh. His thin lips, however, curled up into a gentle smile. “Young Lady, do not be afraid. I may not be a kind person, but so long as you do as I say, I promise I will not harm even a strand of your hair.”

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