Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 24: 24

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Ah, what a beautiful meimei. Even my heart cannot help skipping a beat when I look at you.


 Two days later, Pei You’an took Jiafu to Wuding City.1 After settling her in his own residence, he changed his clothes and proceeded to the Prince Manor.

 A map that was typically stashed behind the wall had been unfolded and was now being scrutinized. Xiao Lie heard a report from outside informing that Pei You’an was requesting an audience with him. Instead of stowing the map away, he plainly lifted the curtain and ordered someone to summon him in.

 Pei You’an promptly stepped inside and greeted Xiao Lie with a bow.

 Xiao Lie was already over forty, yet he still appeared as graceful and dashing as he did in his youth. He directed his gaze at him, surveyed him from head to foot, and with delight in his eyes, he said with a smile, “Good to have you back. I worried greatly for your safety in the past several months you were out for your trip. How fares your grandmother? Has everything been well?”

 This relationship between Pei You’an and Prince Yunzhong, Xiao Lie, could be traced back to several years past. When the young Pei You’an had departed from the capital, he turned to the garrison outside the mountain pass his father, Grand Duke Wei, had guarded prior to his death. The once benign and openhearted Eldest Young Master had become a changed person, transforming into a man scanty of words. He would dauntlessly rush to the forefront of the cavalry in every battle that, on one instance, he had sustained injuries and gone missing. On a frozen and snow-covered land, at the point of his demise, Prince Yunzhong had chanced upon him and furtively brought him along to Yunnan. It had seemed that Pei You’an was not fated to perish. After some great care, he was eventually out of harm’s way and, upon his recovery, he had since felt a debt of gratitude to Prince Yunzhong for saving his life. Ensuingly, the Young Emperor vanished, and Prince Shun’an came to power. In those years, the southwest frontier was in a state of unrest because of the constant conflicts that beset them, so Pei You’an lingered there and judiciously aided Xiao Lie in stabilizing the southwest. He was fair in his conduct, strict in laws, and was capable of employing methods in line with local circumstances, deftly dealing with every individual no matter their differences. Many a time, he would cleverly intervene to resolve the conflicts among non-Han ethnic groups to the extent that all ethnic groups in the southwest came to revere him. Xiao Lie regarded him highly and often sought his advice whenever he grappled with complex military and political matters. At the end of last year, because Pei You’an longed to see his grandmother, Xiao Lie granted him a leave of absence, and he thus returned to the capital, where he had not set foot for many years, for several months, returning only now. Xiao Lie also had deep respect for Old Madam Pei, and now that Pei You’an finally returned, he made a few inquiries with a joyous heart.

 Pei You’an answered, “Although we had not seen each other for many years, Grandmother has fortunately been healthy and well.”

 Xiao Lie sighed, “I lost my mother early in my childhood, so it is only inevitable that I have some regrets. When I was still living in the capital, I was fortunate enough to have received Old Madam’s affection, and I am grateful for it to this day. It is a pity that I now have a multitude of fetters that keep me from roaming freely. Otherwise, I would have personally gone there to offer my felicitations on her grand birthday.”

 ”You’an thanks Your Highness on behalf of Grandmother.”

 After the two exchanged mundane dialog, Xiao Lie’s expression turned solemn. He paced back and forth in the study for a while with his hands behind his back, and then turned around to lock eyes with Pei You’an. He spoke, “Now that Prince Shun’an has appropriated the throne for himself, he has since been sharpening his sword for me. You’an, as you know, I have been searching for the whereabouts of the Young Emperor all these years. If the Young Emperor is alive, I will support him and install him back to the throne. Unfortunately, I never managed to uncover anything, and whether the Young Emperor is dead or alive remains uncertain. I also know that you still have not given up on him. Have you gathered any new information?”

 His tone was replete with sincerity. With an impassive face, Pei You’an replied, “I dare not hide it from Your Highness. After leaving Yunnan and meeting Grandmother, I deliberately went to Quanzhou where the Young Emperor might have been to do a clandestine investigation. I only heard that the Jinyiwei clashed with the Golden Dragon King, but I unfortunately did not glean any intelligence about the Young Emperor’s whereabouts. Because I had also been out for some time, I was left without a choice but to return without success.”

 Xiao Lie frowned slightly. “This Golden Dragon King, where exactly did he come from? Why would he contest with the Jinyiwei?”

 ”I also have hardly any clue, but judging from how the Golden Dragon King has been behaving, it seems that he opposes Prince Shun’an’s ascension. It is only natural that Prince Shun’an yearns to eliminate him.”

 Xiao Lie pondered for a moment, then nodded, “Well, there is this so-called ‘human effort is a decisive factor’, but it also hinges on whether or not Heaven will deign to bestow a bit of luck. You have just returned, and you are probably exhausted. Rest well the next few days, and do not wander out. Your health is the most important thing, so you should take more care of it.”

 Pei You’an showed a humble smile and said, “Many thanks for Your Highness’ solicitude. You’an will keep it in mind.”

 Xiao Lie studied him for a moment, nodded his head, then dismissed, “Go. Remember, come to me whenever you need help. You also know that your father and I had been great friends in our youth. I have always regarded you as a son or a nephew. There are also plenty of things I need you here for in the time to come.”

 ”I received Your Highness’ life-saving grace back then, and all these years, Your Highness never abandoned me. It is a blessing for You’an to be able to help with Your Highness’ worries and burdens.”

 Pei You’an offered Xiao Lie a deferential salute, “You’an will retire first.”

 He faced about, and just when he was about to step out of the study, Xiao Lie suddenly called out to stop him. He said, “You’an, you are already twenty-three, are you not? Yintang is younger than you. Although he has yet to marry, he has been engaged for quite a long time. He is now only waiting for the Zhang family’s daughter to fulfill her filial mourning before they wed. You should also start a family, so you can have other people to care for you. Do you have someone you like? If so, I will arrange matters on your stead. If not, I can find you a match.”

 ”Many thanks, Your Highness. How can one start a family when one has yet to establish himself? You’an is not interested in this matter as of yet and does not dare to trouble Your Highness.”

 Xiao Lie watched him leave, and the smile on his lips gradually diminished. He ambled to the window, placed his hands behind his back, and gazed out northward. Stuck in a trance for some time, he muttered almost inaudibly, “A’Jing, did you see that? Time is fleeting; the hair on my temples have turned gray, and he has grown this much……”


 Pei You’an trod out of Prince Yunzhong’s study and strode towards the front gate of the Prince Manor.

 Xiao Yintang stood on the topmost step of a pavilion by the roadside, the sun casting its splendid rays on the golden-thread embroidery adorning the ceremonial garb he was enrobed in, magnificent in its entirety.

 Pei You’an continued to walk forward. When he drew nearer, he nodded marginally at Xiao Yintang and called out ‘Heir’. Xiao Yintang grinned, sauntered over, and said, “I heard that you are back. We have not seen each other for some time. I was just going to look for you, but I never expected you to drop by on your own. Well, did you have a smooth journey?”

 Pei You’an returned with a smile, “Grateful for the Heir’s concern. Everything went well.”

 Xiao Yintang also smiled. “Good to hear that it went well. To tell you the truth, I was also out on a trip just a few days ago. Although I returned without accomplishing anything, I also managed to succeed in some way…… You mustn’t laugh, but I had gotten myself into a predicament, and it was a woman who helped me. That woman, it could be said that I lost my heart to her at first sight.”

 Pei You’an smiled. “A fair and graceful maiden is a good match for a gentleman. This is an auspicious thing, so why must I laugh? I congratulate the Heir.”

 The corner of Xiao Yintang’s lips curled up. He stared at Pei You’an and intimated, “That woman had been snatched away midway through her trip to Yunnan. It just so happens that it was one of my friends who had done so to the person I love. I am now faced with a dilemma. You’an, you are lauded for your wisdom. If it were you, what would you do?”

 Pei You’an peered at Xiao Yintang and responded, “Now that the Heir has consulted me, I will speak frankly. To tell the Heir honestly, I passed by Chengjiang Residence two days ago and lodged in the posthouse at night. I did exactly just that: I intercepted the journey of a person loved by another midway through. That woman is my biaomei, a resident of Quanzhou, the sole daughter of a respectable family. By chance, a nobleman took a fancy to her, which could be considered a blessing——if taken as a wife, it could be considered a great fortune; as a concubine, it would not be too much of a grievance. However, that nobleman had forsaken the rites of betrothal and sent someone to seize her in Quanzhou to directly take her to Yunnan. As the Book of Rites states, ‘If there were the betrothal rites, she will become a wife; and if she went without these, a concubine.’ Her parents, relatives, and acquaintances are all of lower station, as such, with all due respect, if that nobleman succeeds, I fear that my biaomei will be deemed inferior to even a concubine. This is a matter I simply cannot tolerate. Where does that nobleman intend to place my biaomei? After indulging in momentary pleasure, has he ever thought about how anxious her family will be if they hear no word about their beloved daughter? Hence, I hampered his attempt and became the meddlesome villain. I would also like to ask the Heir a question: should I not have intervened in such a way?”

 Xiao Yintang’s face gradually turned grim.

 Pei You’an gave a dim smile. “That night, I told that crafty slave that Biaomei is like my own sister. Those were words from the bottom of my heart. Heir, put yourself in the shoes of another; if someone treated the Heir’s sister in such a way, would the Heir be totally indifferent? I, Pei You’an, am willing to bring a romance to a happy end, but I will never allow anyone to desecrate my biaomei like that, no matter how noble that person’s identity, or how lofty his position. What does the Heir think?”

 Xiao Yintang was bereft of speech.

 Pei You’an then cupped his hands in obeisance. “I will retire first.”

 ”You’an, do not step any further!” Xiao Yintang abruptly exclaimed and briskly caught up to him.

 Pei You’an arrested his step.

 Xiao Yintang marched back and forth by the roadside for a while, and then said, “You’an, after listening to what you just said, I seemed to have been enlightened, and I am deeply remorseful. I reckon you also know that the one who brought your biaomei from Quanzhou’s Zhen family to this place was none other than myself. Because of my thoughtless impertinence, I have truly wronged her. You are aware that there is a limit to what I can do given my identity. I cannot step out of Yunnan, and she lives in Quanzhou; one in the west, one in the east. When I first encountered her, Quanzhou happened to be embroiled in some turmoil, so how could I have sent someone to her home to properly state my identity and act as a matchmaker? It is not that it never crossed my mind to postpone it, but you also know that the imperial court has since been suspicious and envious of my royal father. If I simply wait, I cannot tell how many days or years it will take, and just, how long can the Zhen family keep their daughter at home?2 After ruminating over it, I truly am most entranced by her, so I ended up resorting to such extreme measures. Blame me for being too impatient. You were right in your reproach! I was the one at fault, and I hope for forgiveness.”

 Pei You’an’s sight was intent on him. His expression finally easing, he said, “For the Heir to realize that what he had done was inappropriate is a good thing. Since such is the case, I will send her back to Quanzhou one of these days. I hope the Heir will never again disturb her peace.”

 ”Don’t!” Xiao Yintang instantaneously exclaimed.

 ”At least not now,” he added after a pause.

 Pei You’an looked fixedly at him.

 “You mustn’t misconstrue. You also know that that Lord Ma dispatched by the imperial court is always out to find fault with my royal father. The Yunzhong Prince Manor is in a precarious situation and could be attacked at any time. She knows I had gone to Quanzhou, and she is now cognizant of my identity. If anyone finds out that she is somewhat involved with me, not only will my royal father be at risk, but she, too, will suffer the detriment. It is not that I am distrustful of her, but there are times when people lose control over themselves. This is not only for the sake of the Prince Manor, but also in consideration of her safety, which is of vital importance, so it has to be carefully cogitated on.”

 Pei You’an mused over it for some time, then unhurriedly returned, “The Heir’s concerns are not unfounded. I will consider the appropriate time to send her back.”

 Xiao Yintang nodded with stark earnestness. “You’an, you are her elder brother, and I have also always treated you like my own brother. Now that this matter has ultimately reached you, I will say it outright. I fell for her at first sight. If I have her to accompany me in this life, I will die without any regrets. I offended her quite awfully before, so much so that it had mortified her. Can you allow me to see her so I can make amends for the wrong I had done? No matter how badly I will be scolded or beaten, I will readily accept all of it!”

 Pei You’an stared at Xiao Yintang, but before his eyes, what unfurled was the scene from that night——the imagery of that girl in disheveled clothing rushing over and clinging to him, refusing to relinquish her hold with immense desperation. The memory that ensued was of her entire person wrapped in his own clothes sitting there obediently, her eyes wide open as she gazed at his face. He sensed an odd feeling slowly bubbling up in his chest.

 ”All right. I will pass it on for you once I return.”

 He answered after a pause.


 Pei You’an’s dwelling was formerly one of the residences of a local chieftain. It was not very grand and had a three-entry layout,3 but its buildings accorded with local architecture and were resplendent with decor and carvings of all kinds, its interior giving the impression of a different world altogether. In the main courtyard stood a three-story round building with a conical roof, and from the bedroom on the third floor could be beheld the entire cityscape. The bedroom was speckled with exotic baubles and embellishments from various tribes, all ornate and beautiful, and covering the floor were thick rugs woven with intricate patterns. However, it seemed that Pei You’an had not been very fond of the room and left it vacant for a long time, and only when Jiafu arrived did Pei You’an order someone to tidy it up for her to settle there. Jiafu truly liked this place. Early in the morning, before Pei You’an had gone out, he told her that he had sent someone to Quanzhou to relay word of her safety to her family, so Jiafu was now only waiting for him to send her back. This day, Jiafu roved around the residence in a rather jovial mood, feeling as though she had returned to the carefree moments in her childhood when her father was still alive.

 The sky gradually turned dark, and Pei You’an finally came back.

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 As the sky dimmed, Jiafu perked her ears up to listen to the movements at the front. As soon as she heard his footsteps shuffling in, she snappily drifted out to meet him like a spirited little bird.

 ”Da Biaoge! Have you eaten yet? I waited for you so we could dine together!” Jiafu flashed him a honeyed grin.

 A maid reached out to pick up the cloak Pei You’an had cast off, but Jiafu grabbed it and hung it up.

 Pei You’an gazed at her fluttering rear figure and smiled faintly as he replied, “In the future, you should go ahead and eat first. No need to wait for me.”

 Jiafu assented. While they partook of the meal, he sat in his usual seat, and she perched herself beside him, handing him rice and soup all the while with such lavish solicitude that she looked as though she would readily rub his shoulders and massage his back. Not knowing whether Pei You’an was not inured to it or whether he simply had something in his mind, he hastily set his chopsticks down and sat up straight. He told Jiafu, “Eat slowly and come to my study after your meal.”

 Once Pei You’an left, Jiafu also lost her appetite. Thinking of his staid countenance, she could not help but feel a little perturbed. She quickly finished eating, brought a pot of tea, plodded to the door of the study, and pushed the door in after a few gentle knocks.

 He was sitting behind his desk, reading and writing, when Jiafu nudged tea to his side and softly said, “Da Biaoge, tea.”

 Pei You’an motioned for her to put it aside. Jiafu put it down and stood by the side.

 Pei You’an’s writing did not cease, nor did he look at her. He only uttered, “I have already spoken to the Heir about you. No such thing will reoccur in the future.”

 Jiafu’s smile burst forth in all its effulgent glory, and her eyes shone with brilliant gratitude. “Thank you, Da Biaoge!”

 Pei You’an paused for an instant and threw a glimpse at her. “But the Heir mentioned that he wants to see you again and apologize to you for his previous actions. Do you want to see him?”

 Jiafu was horrified, her eyes instantaneously stretching open as round as balls. “No! I don’t want to see him! And I don’t need his apology! Besides, we have nothing to do with each other, so why must I meet him? Da Biaoge, you didn’t agree, did you?”

 Pei You’an let out a faint sound of agreement and said, “Understood. I will tell him for you.”

 Jiafu then breathed a sigh of relief, mused for a moment, and asked, “Da Biaoge, when can I return to Quanzhou?”

 In all honesty, in her heart, she was still reluctant to leave. She was most reluctant to part with Pei You’an.

 She had no idea why, but so long as she could see him by her side, she simply felt at ease.

 Pei You’an replied, “Wait for some more time. When the time is right, I will send you home.”

 Noticing Jiafu’s puzzlement, Pei You’an enumerated Xiao Yintang’s concerns and further explained, “His worries are not unreasonable. Your family is completely unaware of his identity, which is actually for the best. You are cognizant of many things, so the risk you may face is also greater. After I deliberated on it, I deduced that it is safer for you to stay with me for a few more days.”

 Jiafu was aware that Pei You’an was indeed doing it for her own good. She did not disapprove of his decision. However, once she became associated with Xiao Yintang, a sense of dread immediately rose in Jiafu’s heart.

 Would Xiao Yintang truly let her off?

 She could not help but conjure up memories of her past. At that time, in the first instance, much like at present, she had caught Xiao Yintang’s fancy and fallen into his clutches. Subsequently, after Pei You’an brought her back, she was still unable to ultimately disentangle herself from Xiao Yintang.

 Xiao Yintang, that man, would he truly yield the object of his fancy so easily like this?

 Jiafu’s apprehensions about Xiao Yintang were soon confirmed.

 Half a month later, on this day, she welcomed a visitor. This was a visitor that Jiafu never would have predicted would come.

 It was Zhang Fengtong, Xiao Yintang’s betrothed.

 Zhang Fengtong was the daughter of the Zhang family, an aristocratic family politically influential for generations, and was renowned for her feminine virtues since her childhood. Prince Yunzhong had caught wind of her virtuous reputation and decided to betroth her to his son when she was fourteen. Unfortunately, she had quite poor luck. She was already nineteen this year, but because she consecutively had to observe mourning for her mother, grandmother, and grandfather, she had yet to wed Xiao Yintang as the end of her filial mourning was still several months away from the present. However, the entire Prince Manor had already esteemed her as the heiress consort, and she also frequented Wuding prefecture for a leisurely excursion. Before she even entered their gates, she had already garnered unanimous praise from the residents of the Prince Manor.

 She arrived at Wuding prefecture a few days ago and was primarily going to leave today, but upon learning that Pei You’an’s biaomei had come from far away, she stopped to tarry for another day. Seeming to hold no contempt for the Zhen family’s background, she condescended to drop by in person to meet her.

 Pei You’an was not at home. In order to preclude any and whatever accident, Jiafu dared not to step out for the past half month and had gotten quite ennuied. To fritter away time, she leaned behind the window of her bedroom and idly counted passers-by in the distance. All of a sudden, she saw a magnificent carriage rolling along the street and halting at the gate. Then, the Pei family steward came to report that Zhang Fengtong had come to see her.

 Zhang Fengtong had an average appearance, but she had a round baby face. She would first flash a wee smile before she spoke, and listening to her voice made people feel as though a spring breeze blew past. Such was a woman that nobody could dislike.

 In her past life, it was only at the last moment that Jiafu realized that she was not quite a saint.

 She was merely an ordinary woman who felt bitter and resentful because her husband favored other women.

 Jiafu and the nineteen-year-old Zhang Fengtong sat facing each other. Seeing the other smiling at herself and calling her ‘biaomei’ in a gentle voice, when her sight landed on the face opposite her, the anguish and sorrow she had suffered before her death that had been imprinted on her bones and inscribed on her heart seemed to course through the whole of her being once more.

 She felt her blood run cold from head to foot. Suppressing the chill it had evoked in her heart, she lowered her eyes and preserved her reticence.

 Zhang Fengtong cared little about how verbose her interlocutor was, because so long as she was present, she was typically that person who would dominate in all matters.

 After she complimented Jiafu’s beauty and deportment with the most sincere words of praise, she dismissed all the servants, and then positioned herself next to Jiafu. She tenderly grasped Jiafu’s hand, examined her, and softly sighed, “Ah, what a beautiful meimei.4 Even my heart cannot help skipping a beat when I look at you. No wonder. How could the Heir be willing to part with you?”





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1 Not even sure what Wuding is anymore. In here it says ‘武定城’, which literally translates to Wuding City, but in other paragraphs it’s ‘武定府’, where 府 could mean prefecture or manor/residence, so I’m a little confused. I translated it as ‘prefecture’ because the Prince Manor is inside it. As the largest estate in the province, it wouldn’t make sense for the prince manor to be inside another residence.

2 Xiao Yintang is worried the Zhen family might marry Jiafu off soon. “How long can they keep her at home?” is sorta asking “How long will she stay unmarried?” Since Jiafu has already reached marriageable age.

3 A three-entry layout would look something like this:

4 Meimei (妹妹) literally translates to ‘little sister’. I have decided to keep the pinyin version of the honorifics in a dialogue when the people involved aren’t close or aren’t actual siblings to lessen the confusion.

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