Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 6: 6

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Grand Duke Manor


 A slew of people crowded the dock and gaped fixedly at the large ship that had just berthed. Behind the cabin doors were the beautiful figures of servant girls prancing to and fro coupled with grannies bustling about. Curious to find out which great family’s womenfolk had entered the capital by waterway, a profusion of footsteps paused in succession to observe from the sidelines.

 Madam Meng retrieved a veil of purple muslin from Liu momo’s hand and donned it on her daughter’s head. The purple veil touched Jiafu’s shoulders and shrouded her face. As she stepped out of the cabin with Madam Meng and Zhen Yaoting’s assistance, her veil fluttered with the wind, its edges lightly parting. Through that slim and fleeting gap, what hove into her view was a fine steed halted on the shore, and mounted astride on horseback was a sheltered noble son——a young and handsome man enrobed in brocade, his hair bound by a golden hairpin. Against the backdrop of dusty travelers surrounding him, he was conspicuously elegant and striking. 

 His sight flicked towards that direction and lingered there. When Jiafu and her party emerged from the cabin door, his eyes brightened. He swiftly hopped off his horse and strode over to welcome them.


 Pei Xiuzhi hastily ascended the deck, greeted Madam Meng, and uttered with a radiantly beaming face, “I’ve kept track of the days of your trip, thinking that you ought to arrive one of these days, and every day I’ve been looking forward to it. The day has finally come. Did you have a smooth journey?”

 Madam Meng’s last visit to the capital had been three years ago. After her husband’s unfortunate death, she never set foot north again, but amidst this, she became acquainted with Pei Xiuzhi. He had ventured to Quanzhou with the second branch’s Pei Xiuluo, her immediate nephew,1 the year before the last, and they had lodged at the Zhen residence during this sojourn.

 “With Second Young Master’s blessing, everything went well,” replied Madam Meng, her heart dancing with glee.

 Zhen Yaoting called his second biaoge, and the group of stewards that accompanied the Zhen family greeted him with a unified salute under Zhang Da’s leadership. Pei Xiuzhi nodded, then shifted his eyes to Jiafu.

 The last time he had gone to Quanzhou, she was only fourteen years of age. She had already blossomed wonderfully then, and the image of her had inhabited his head even when he returned to the capital. He recalled the instant she stepped out of the cabin just now. When the wind brushed past her veil, although he only caught an ephemeral glimpse of the beauty, he found her otherworldly countenance more and more tantalizing.


 He gazed at Jiafu as he addressed her, his tone extremely gentle.

 Jiafu only responded with a subtle curtsy, breezed past him with a swarm of maids and grannies to the shore, and boarded the family carriage that had awaited there.

 Pei Xiuzhi swiveled his head and stared at her departing form until she disappeared into the carriage. When he recovered his composure, he reached out his hand to assist Madam Meng to the shore. Taking the lead, he shouted to the obstructive passers-by to make way, escorting the Zhen family mother and daughter all the way back to the Zhen family’s residence.


 The Zhen family’s residence was located in the west of the city, not far from the Grand Duke Manor two streets away. It had originally been a private residence of an official in the capital, but because he was appointed to a post in a different province and was short of silver, he simply sold the residence, and the Zhen family thus purchased it for the imminent marriage. A few months ago, a steward had come in advance and had already tidied it up to pristine condition inside and out.

 Madam Meng and her entourage trod inside for a brief respite. She changed her clothes, strung her pair of children along, brought servants and meeting gifts, and boarded the carriage once more to head to the Grand Duke Manor to ‘visit relatives’.

 Old Grand Duke Wei had been an outstanding founding minister of Great Wei. He followed the Great Ancestor3 and battled alongside him in the far east and distant west, laying the foundation of this hereditary inheritance for his descendants. The perimeter wall of the Grand Duke Manor occupied more than half of the street. On the southeast corner boasted a guangliang gate4 with stone lions seated opposite each other down the steps. It had eaves and square pillars painted vermillion, with decorative motifs representative of their superior rank artfully emblazoned above. Lofty and solemn, brandishing a style so imposing and out of the ordinary, it was vastly different from the main gates of average official households, depicting the transcendent status of the Grand Duke Manor.

 The gate was not usually wide open, and it was closed at present. Only a side door for daily access was unbarred for entry where several gatekeepers were stationed with both their hands tucked in their sleeves. They caught sight of the Second Young Master leading people from a distance and, like a wisp of smoke, dashed over to welcome them. When they spotted Madam Meng who had just alighted the carriage, they greeted in ceremony, “The Lady has arrived. Our Madam has sent someone to inquire just now. Kindly come inside.”

 Jiafu had already doffed her veil and was supported out of the carriage by a maid and a granny. She stalked after her mother and brother through the side door, paced along a corridor, and bypassed a hall. Finally, they reached a courtyard in the southeast and were welcomed by a glossy black half-opened gate. This was where the Grand Duke Manor’s eldest branch resided.

 Madam Xin was dressed in homely attire and was ensconced in a large loose purple outer coat. From within the room, she could perceive the noisy tumult of grannies and maids outside the courtyard. Aware that someone had arrived, she smoothened the hair on her temples but chose not to rise until the din of nearing footsteps were audible. The peal of Madam Meng’s laughter rang in as she queried, “Is our dear Madam inside?” whereupon Madam Xin rose to her feet and sauntered outside with about six or seven maids and grannies in tow. When she caught a glimpse of Madam Meng, she replied with a smile, “Right, I’m coming!” Leaving aside her people, she hastened her steps and zealously received Madam Meng, sighing as she condoled, “You, too. It must have been exhausting coming all the way here. You haven’t even taken the children to rest first. Even if you were a few days late, what could anyone have done? You didn’t think I would eat you, did you?” After which, she admonished her son, “What have I been telling you before? So impatient, not even letting them stop for a breath first.”

 The maids and grannies nearby all giggled and chimed in, “Our Madam has the heart of a bodhisattva. Just now, she was thinking about how wearied Lady must have been from the journey. With such distress, even Second Young Master was scolded.”

 Madam Meng quickly returned with a simper, “We’re not tired. It’s been a long time since we’ve last seen each other, so I missed you. When we arrived today, I started wishing I had wings so I could fly here.” Having said that, she prompted her children to advance a few steps to present a courteous greeting.

 Zhen Yaoting bowed with his hands folded in front, and Jiafu also curtsied at Madam Xin. Madam Xin appraised Jiafu with her eyes, moved forward, and lovingly grasped her hand. She sighed to Madam Meng, “How did you raise such a bright and beautiful daughter? I always say that I do not have this kind of blessing. If I had such a daughter before me, I would have someone to share intimate conversations with.”

 Madam Meng always reveled in delight whenever her daughter was swathed in praises, yet she countered, “A’Fu is foolish and ignorant. I hope she won’t be a pain to handle in the days to come. Let me first pray to Buddha.”

 The granny beside Madam Xin rejoined, “How so? Our Madam could never. She’s already quite fond of her.”

 After various intimacies, adulations, and prates about their reunion, Madam Meng was led to her seat. Madam Xin frowned faintly and asked the granny next to her, “Have the people from that side not arrived yet?”

 Hardly had her voice faded away when the yell from a maid outside the door burst in, “Second Madam has arrived!”

 Madam Meng briskly sprang up to meet her.

 Jiafu raised her eyes and watched as her maternal aunt, Second Madam Meng, was ushered into the room with a few other people. Upon her entry, she smilingly explained, “I was already here earlier, but I wanted to wait for the third child to join me. But he sent back a manservant, saying that a teacher from the Imperial College praised his essay, so he couldn’t immediately return. He asked me to accompany his maternal aunt on his behalf and that he will greet you once he comes back.”

 She wore an affable smile on her face, no different from how she was before.

 In truth, earlier on, it was Second Madam who first had the intention to introduce Jiafu to her son, Pei Xiuluo, but she also had some reservations about the Zhen family’s background. From her standpoint, Jiafu would, at best, be apt to become her son’s concubine. She had sounded out Madam Meng in private, intimating that should Jiafu enter their household in the future, she would treat her as her own and never wrong her. That moment, Madam Meng had feigned to be deaf and mute, leaving her unanswered. Second Madam also knew that the Zhen family was disinclined to permit their daughter to become a concubine, so she no longer pursued it. She never expected that, shortly afterwards, the person in question would be handed to the main branch.

 Madam Meng only had one such daughter and, in any case, would never allow her to become just anyone’s concubine, regardless if the other party was a grandson from a Grand Duke Manor. However, when someone from Madam Xin’s side put forward a suggestion, Old Madam, the one who had always been at the family’s helm, flatly consented. Madam Meng had also deliberated on it. Although her daughter would become a widower’s second wife, if she married into their family, she would become the honorable madam of the Grand Duke Manor’s Heir and give birth to an impressive and dignified son. Furthermore, the second son of the main branch was a jewel in the crown both in character and appearance. There really was no reason to object, so the marriage was thereupon settled.

 Because of the previous incident, Madam Meng was originally worried about the slight awkwardness that would pervade when meeting her sister again. After observing that her attitude was as before, she deduced that her sister harbored no ill-feelings, whereupon she disencumbered her heart and lauded her nephew for his progress. Jiafu and her elder brother also performed a decorous greeting once more. After the relatives finished recounting the past, Madam Meng inquired, “Is Old Madam well? If there is still time, I will take the children to kowtow to the elderly lady.”

 Madam Xin sent someone to inquire. Not long after, the granny returned and reported, “Old Madam has been in poor health these days. She is in the Buddhist hall and has not finished reading the scriptures. She expressed that the Lady has had a laborious journey coming here and does not need to kowtow. She also bid Madam and Second Madam to be hospitable and not to slight the relatives.”

 The marriage between Jiafu and Pei Xiuzhi had long been determined, and every single person in both families were fully cognizant of it; however, because Jiafu had yet to fulfill her filial mourning, everything was only verbally agreed upon and no formal rituals were executed. Old Madam now designating the Zhen family as “relatives” was to not segregate them as outsiders. 

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 Old Madam Pei had been in poor health the past few years and rarely showed up to receive guests in person; everyone had long been inured to it. Moreover, the Zhen family were not such distinguished guests for the Grand Duke Manor, so Old Madam’s reply was a matter of course to everyone present. When they had sent someone to inquire, it was nothing but a formality.

 Madam Meng hurriedly rose. “Then I will not disturb Old Madam. I will just bring the children to kowtow when Old Madam’s birthday comes.”

 The birthday was three days away, and it was soon enough. Madam Xin nodded in affirmation. Madam Meng looked around again, but there had been no signs of Quan-ge’er from start to finish, so she asked.

 Madam Xin smiled and answered, “That family mentioned how much they missed Quan-ge’er. My back has been sore the past two days. Quan-ge’er always kicks up a fuss, and it was too much for me, so I had him sent there.”

 Truthfully, her words were mere prevarications. Madam Song had sent someone to pick up Quan-ge’er the preceding day, claiming that she had obtained a rare treasure and longed for her grandson to peruse it. Madam Xin had been reluctant to let him go, but Quan-ge’er began caterwauling on the ground, creating a wanton and unreasonable scene. Left without a choice, Madam Xin was compelled to ask someone to take him away, but he still had not returned until today.

 The corners of Second Madam’s mouth exposed a sliver of ridicule. Madam Xin was able to spy it and grew slightly incensed, but she still maintained the smile on her face. A few utterances later, she peered at Second Madam. “You sisters have not seen each other for many years. This opportunity is hard to come by. If you have things to talk about, just go ahead and say it. No need to worry about me.” Her manner of speaking was very sincere.

 Second Madam smiled and responded, “We’ve already had quite a lengthy chat just now, which I think is good enough. My nephew and niece are probably tired. It will not be too late to talk about the rest next time.”

 Soon afterwards, Madam Meng took her leave. Madam Xin wanted her to stay for the evening meal, but Madam Meng politely declined. Madam Xin then dismissed, “Alright, you’ve all had an arduous journey. Go back and rest early. I won’t keep you here.” After which, she got up and saw them out.

 Jiafu had been rooted stationarily beside her mother since they came in. Despite having her head half-lowered throughout, she could sense Pei Xiuzhi’s penetrating gaze flit towards her from time to time. Seeing him again, she could not help but recall their last scene as husband and wife in the previous life——pathetic, lamentable, ridiculous, and hateful. Right this moment, him flittering his eyes at her so many times like this had her heart fraught with unease. More than that, she was averse to being a spectator of the superficial pleasantries between Madam Xin and her maternal aunt, as she had already been privy to the shameful secrets of their inner court in her past life. She desired not to stay even half a moment longer and yearned to just bolt out of the main gate at once. As for Zhen Yaoting, he had just arrived in the capital and had not been here for several years, so to him, it was once again a novel experience. He detested being constrained in this place to listen to women’s perfunctory chatter and had already grown impatient. When he heard that they were leaving, he loosened up and snappily followed them out of the door.

 Regardless of Madam Meng’s repeated refusal, Pei Xiuzhi not only sent them out of the main gate, but also personally escorted them to the Zhen residence. Madam Meng was incredibly moved. After getting off the carriage, she invited him inside for some refreshments. Pei Xiuzhi glanced at Jiafu and revealed a simper, to which Jiafu abruptly spoke, “Mother, we just arrived today. The house is a mess, the luggage has not been unloaded, and there is no firewood in the kitchen. It would be uncouth to invite Second Biaoge inside like this. Let’s invite him in next time.”

 Somewhat stumped for words, Madam Meng looked at her daughter. Examining her grave expression and her solemn tone of voice, she was puzzled for an instant.

 Without waiting for Madam Meng to reply, Jiafu turned to Pei Xiuzhi and continued with a faint smile, “I would like to thank Second Biaoge for all the trouble today on Mother’s behalf. Second Biaoge naturally will not dislike the cold tea at home, but my Mother has journeyed long and just arrived today. Second Biaoge also witnessed that we hardly stopped for a breath when we first arrived and immediately went to visit relatives, so she is quite exhausted. Second Biaoge, please forgive us for the many inconveniences today.”

 Pei Xiuzhi had wanted to follow them inside, but with Jiafu’s intimation, he arrested his steps. He could only concur, “Biaomei is right. Then, I will leave first so you can all rest.”

 Madam Meng told him to travel safely. When he disappeared, she pulled her daughter over to link arms with her as they ambled inside. Her whole person relaxed, and she she smilingly conveyed, “What you said just now was right. Mother is a little tired. It’s just that, it’s rare for him to be this solicitous. He even sent us back to our home. The person left without having even a sip of tea, so I feel somewhat apologetic. What’s more, you two aren’t strangers anymore. Wait for Old Madam’s birthday to pass……”

 “Mother! Second Biaoge and I are not even formally betrothed yet. Even if we are, our family mustn’t let him stay too long. He accompanied us all day today. If we keep him any longer, I fear that gossip will arise.”

 In stark realization, Madam Meng sighed, “It’s still you who’s considerate. Mother actually forgot for a moment.”

 Madam Meng’s impression of her daughter had always been that she was soft, delicate, and docile. Now that she was about to marry and enter the Grand Duke Manor, she initially felt perturbed, but she never expected that her daughter would grow to be so thoughtful, even filling in for her negligence. Astonished though she was, she was comforted by the notion that her daughter had matured and earned some sensibility.

 As Jiafu trod slowly close to her mother, she said, “Mother, go and rest first to regain your energy. I will have someone send a visiting card5 to the Song family. If Madam Song is vacant, let’s visit the Song family after noon. She is my foster mother. I want to visit her at an earlier time to pay respects as well as to express our sincerity.”

 Feeling both distressed and gratified, Madam Meng replied, “I was initially afraid that you would be too tired and would prefer to go tomorrow. Since you’ve already said so yourself, then alright. If we receive a reply, we can head earlier. The sooner we can go, the better.”

 After Jiafu sent her mother back to her room to rest, not even a single fiber of her being bore any fatigue from her travel. She entertained herself by observing Tanxiang and the young maids tidy things up while awaiting the Song family’s response.

 Before noon, the person sent to deliver the visiting card returned and brought a letter, informing that Madam Song was requesting for the Zhen family to come by around the period of the monkey.6

 Jiafu had already anticipated such a reply.

 She had dealt with Madam Song in her past life. This “Foster Mother” had a scope higher than the top of her head7 and was of irascible disposition. Along the way north, Jiafu had already incurred Granny Ye’s discontentment. After the other had gotten off the ship and returned to the Song family, she doubtless must have blazoned Jiafu’s every word and deed to her master. With Madam Song’s nature, how could she hold back? Even if Jiafu had no plans to go at present, she certainly would have summoned the mother and daughter over.

 Her so-called ‘son-seeking talisman’ was just the prologue.

 Altering her fate had occupied a large part of her thoughts since she had awakened. Whether she could achieve her wish or not, her next move was the key.

 Presented before her today was a great opportunity that she must seize.

 Jiafu suddenly felt agitated, and a burst of nervousness sprouted in her heart. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When her mood relaxed, she called for Tanxiang and said, “I want to take a bath and change my clothes.”


1 Not that it matters much, but there’s a slight nuance in this. 嫡亲的姨, which I liberally translated to “immediate nephew”, suggests that both Madam Meng and Pei Xiuluo’s mom (Second Madam) were from the same mother and are both di (legitimate) daughters. This is just to differentiate her relationship with Pei Xiuzhi.

2 表妹 (biǎo mèi): younger female cousin via female line. Okay, so I’ve been contemplating about this long enough whether to translate this to something along the lines of “younger cousin-sister” (biaoge similarly as something like “elder cousin-brother”), but with the seniority and the numbers, “second elder cousin-brother” sounds too long, while “second cousin” destroys the nuance, so I’ve decided to just keep the pinyin for all of them.

3 太祖 (tài zǔ): Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)

4 This Guangliang gate (Guangliang literally meaning “bright and wide”) is a specific type of gate reserved for high-standing nobles, ranking only below the wangfu gate (as in, gate of a prince’s manor). It looks something like this:

5 拜帖 (bài tiē): name card used when visiting others

6 申时 (shēn shí): 3-5 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)

7 An idiom meaning someone has “keen eyes” or an acute perception.

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