Wishing You Eternal Happiness

Chapter 9: 9

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Da Biaoge will come back.


 Jiafu followed the road and hastened back to Rong Fang’s place. After settling down, Rong Fang asked her what had transpired during her brief excursion. She only chose to explain the part where she met the guest, omitting her encounter with Old Madam midway. The whole afternoon, she did not take a single step outside.

 As the sky gradually darkened, visitors and clansmen convened, and the Grand Duke Manor was ablaze with lights. Pei Xiuzhi; the Second Master, Pei Quan; the Third Master, Pei Xiuke; and several respected elders of the clan welcomed guests in front of the longevity hall. Madam Xin, Second Madam, and some matrons from the clan entertained the womenfolk from every family who had come to the manor to celebrate. When Jiafu arrived at the longevity hall with her mother preceding her, many had finished offering their birthday felicitations, and only womenfolk from the younger generation remained. She mingled with a group of bright and beautiful women, stood on one corner of the hall, and looked up. Pendent from the ceiling at the center of the hall was a rectangular inscribed longevity plaque with the four huge characters “Beautiful Jewel, Stellar Splendor”1 in sparkling gold Pei Quan had written as birthday felicitations for his mother. In a conspicuous spot midmost the longevity table sat a decorative brass tray, lying horizontally above which was a pair of long-handled ruyi2 conferred by the emperor. On either side, longevity peaches and cakes were piled up to form a pagoda hill; lined up left and right were an agglomeration of gifts signifying longevity, splendid head ornaments and beautiful clothes, bolts of brocade symbolizing endless auspiciousness, riches and glory——all akin to gold and jade filling the hall. Old Madam Pei’s appearance was nothing like when Jiafu had seen her earlier in the day. This evening, she had a beaded crown on her head and was garbed in ceremonial raiment for titled women, clutching a cane carved from agarwood with a dragon head engraved onto it. Her presence replete with wealth and honor, she sat upright in the middle of the hall, appearing rather florid and radiant. With a brilliant smile spread across her face, she repeatedly nodded her head and bid those before her who had approached to pay respects and offer birthday felicitations to get up.

 Jiafu’s identity was a relative from the younger generation, and she thus lined up at the back. Led by women of more prominent standing to present respectful praises, she offered birthday felicitations to Old Madam in unison with the people in front. Maintaining her radiant smile, Old Madam Pei told everyone to rise and head to the back hall to drink birthday wine. With a tumultuous peal of joyful laughter and merry chatter, they exited from the longevity hall.

 Arriving to this day, practically no one in the clan was unaware about the marriage between the two families of Pei and Zhen. Madam Meng and Jiafu had also become the focus of attention of those surrounding them. One after another, womenfolk from the Pei clan took the initiative to strike a conversation with Madam Meng, praising Jiafu’s grace and beauty while at it. Kept in her mother’s shade, Jiafu sheepishly lowered her head, perfectly assuming the conduct of a well-bred young lady while covertly paying attention to Quan-ge’er.

 The solitary incident a few days past was insufficient to illustrate her ill-fated affinity with Quan-ge’er. In her careful deliberations, tonight was also an opportunity.

 Although Quan-ge’er was foolhardy beyond limits, he also possessed an innate astuteness unique to children. He knew that the Grand Duke Manor was nothing like the Song family, where his maternal grandmother would allow him to do whatever he pleased, and was slightly afraid of his paternal great-grandmother. When he caught sight of his maternal grandmother, Madam Song, he clamored to be transported to her side.

 Tonight, Madam Song was swathed in flattery from the people around her, suppressing even Madam Xin’s prominence, so how could Madam Xin send her grandson over there? She asked a person next to her to plant him firmly beside her, prohibiting him from taking even a single step. As such, even when the birthday banquet came to a close and guests began filing out in succession, Jiafu still could not find a suitable opening to draw closer to the child. She could not help but feel a little anxious.

 With the marriage looming large, she must make the most of the great opportunity presented before her this evening. By the time her mother and Madam Xin finally sat together, Quan-ge’er had gotten sleepy after raising a ruckus all night. Madam Xin called for someone to send him back to the room to put him to bed, and he was carried away.

 Jiafu knew that she would not have another chance tonight. Suppressing her disappointment, she could only continue to shadow Madam Meng in socializing with others.

 Around the period of the boar,3 the birthday banquet concluded, and all the remaining guests were consecutively sent off. The Wei Grand Duke Manor that bustled with merrymaking all evening gradually quieted down.

 Madam Meng, who had been unceasingly preoccupied since she arrived here, was exhausted by this time. Because her son had already taken his leave first, she took Jiafu with her to bid farewell. Madam Xin expressed her thanks and conveyed that, because of her assistance today, she managed to conserve some of her energy and wanted to personally see them off. Madam Meng knew that other matters awaited her and did her best to dismiss her insistence in sending them off. Amidst their conversation, a head maid around twenty years of age with an oval-shaped face,4 decent in attire and charming in appearance, approached them, smiling as she said, “Madam, Old Madam invites you over and has a few things to tell you.”

 This head maid’s name was Yuzhu. She was the one who accompanied Old Madam Pei when Jiafu chanced upon them earlier in the day.

 Madam Xin answered and was about to turn towards a trustworthy housekeeping momo, wanting to tell her to make inventory and ask servants to sort out the precious utensils to be stowed into the storehouse on her stead, but the momo was nowhere to be found. A maid then explained that something had required her attention, so the momo had gone ahead. As Madam Xin frowned and began to grumble, Madam Meng offered, “Since Old Madam has called, it must be an urgent matter. If you trust me enough, let me count it for you.”

 Greatly delighted, Madam Xin thanked her for the trouble, left everything to her care, and turned around to hurry away.

 Madam Meng faced towards Jiafu. “A’Fu, if you’re tired, Mother will ask someone to take you home first. It should take me a while to finish this.”

 Jiafu was aware that her mother had gone to great lengths to be on good terms with Madam Xin all for her sake. Distressed, she countered, “Mother, let me accompany you.”

 Madam Meng was unwilling. Jiafu also knew that the storehouse had manservants bustling to and fro to move things around, and her mother was probably afraid that they would bump against her, so she no longer insisted.

 Yuzhu suggested, “Many thanks for the trouble, Auntie. Why don’t I first take Young Lady to Old Madam’s room while waiting for you? It’s nice and warm there, with no people moving around recklessly. Auntie can pick her up once it’s over.”

 This Yuzhu had once been the daughter of a large and illustrious family. When she was around eight or nine, her family fell into dire straits, and she thereupon entered the Wei Grand Duke Manor. Because of her outstanding appearance, ability to write and use the abacus, coupled with her efficiency and competence, she became a capable head maid who served Old Madam closely. At twenty, she was still unwilling to be matched for marriage, so Old Madam let her stay. Since she had said so, Madam Meng naturally felt reassured and urged Jiafu to head over there and rest.

 Jiafu followed Yuzhu to the main courtyard where Old Madam dwelled and saw a few silhouettes from the window of the main hall, the sound of conversation faintly floating outside. Yuzhu explained, her voice lowered, “Old Madam summoned your uncle and aunt from the second branch just now. They must be inside. Let me take you to the side room.”

 Jiafu replied, “We have troubled Sister.”

 Yuzhu gently retorted with a smile, “How can Young Lady address me this way? Just call me by my name. Young Lady, follow me.”

 Jiafu was led to a side room, its interior well-lit and comfortably warm. Yuzhu let Jiafu sit on a couch, placed a pillow behind her waist, took a fur blanket to cover her legs, and said, “If Young Lady is sleepy, go ahead and sleep here. No one is likely to come in. I still have some sweet maple tea over there. Let me bring you a pot.”

 Tanxiang expressed thanks on Jiafu’s behalf. “I can go and serve it.”

 Yuzhu nodded with a smile and took Tanxiang out. Just as they trod out the door, they immediately caught sight of a wet nurse and a maid carrying a cloak-covered Quan-ge’er approaching. They explained that Quan-ge’er had just woken up and was caterwauling about going to the Song family. The wet nurse could not appease him and hence decided to look for Madam Xin.

 Yuzhu frowned and shushed her. “Madam is currently discussing matters with Old Madam right now! Carry him back and coax him first.” She dragged the unknowing wet nurse out.

 Before the sound of her voice died away, Quan-ge’er had already twisted his body to extricate himself from the maid’s embrace. Looking at Tanxiang’s unfamiliar face, he scurried towards her.

 Yuzhu sighed heavily and hastily caught up to him, yelling, “There is no one in that room. Ge’er, do not go in.”

 The door opened from inside. Jiafu’s face peeked out. She said, “Let him in. I don’t mind.”


 In the central hall, Old Madam Pei was perched on a chair, her head divested of the beaded crown, and had still not changed out of her ceremonial attire. Her sight swept towards the sons and daughters-in-law standing across from her. She spoke, “These past few days, you have all been troubled to prepare a birthday celebration to amuse me, this old woman.”

 Pei Quan briskly replied, “Mother, how can you say such things? Who says we’ve been troubled? Besides, it is our duty to do so.”

 Madam Xin and Meng-shi nodded in agreement.

 Old Madam Pei smiled faintly. “A lot of good things have happened to our family as of late. My birthday is not worth mentioning. Zhi’er has been assigned to a post, and Luo’er is excelling in his studies. I am extremely glad.”

 Over the last few years, Old Madam Pei had been in poor health. She dwelled in deep seclusion and had not acted this way for a long time. She beckoned her son and daughter-in-law to the front, who in turn observed her solemn expression. Under the impression that she was discontent with tonight’s birthday celebration, they were somewhat apprehensive. When she opened her mouth, what came out were actually words of praise. They breathed a sigh of relief and broke out into smiles, saying, “It’s all thanks to Mother’s honor and good fortune.”

 Old Madam Pei countered, “I’m an elderly lady. What honor are you thankful for? As long as you will not disdain me in your heart when I become muddled and senile, I am fully content and satisfied.”

 Today’s birthday celebration barely just ended, and this sentiment was truly too grave. Madam Xin and the Pei Quan couple were stunned and immediately felt alarmed and perplexed. Pei Quan remonstrated, “With the way Mother said those words, it truly makes it seem like this son is such a person. When I happen to make a mistake and end up incurring Mother’s disapproval, should Mother teach me a lesson or beat me to death, I would accept it. How can you curse yourself like this?”

 Old Madam Pei remained unspeaking. Diffidence and inhibitions gradually sparked in Pei Quan’s chest.

 Pei Quan had originally hoped that this appointment by Protection Privilege5 would fall on him this time, as he had not been promoted to a higher official position for many years. However, because of the Song family, it ultimately fell on his nephew, Pei Xiuzhi, so he was naturally disappointed. Compounded by Meng-shi‘s vociferations about the main branch dispensing two thousand taels for it, it enkindled even more ill-feelings in his heart. On the surface, he was normally amiable and easygoing, but he never expected to be called over to hear such words after tonight’s birthday celebration. He did not dare open his mouth.

 Madam Xin and Meng-shi exchanged glances.

 Old Madam Pei ponderously drew out a breath and said, “Everyone has been in a cheerful mood today. I shouldn’t be spoiling your spirits, but I have some matters in my heart. I was thinking that if I don’t say them today, who knows when the next time will be?”

 ”Mother, please do not hesitate to tell us!” Pei Quan promptly entreated, and Madam Xin and Meng-shi echoed.

 ”I will say it, then. Today, I wandered out of my room and overheard servants gossiping behind my back. Such words were utterly intolerable to the ear. I cannot figure out just when the Grand Duke Manor started losing even the most rudimentary of rules that servants would become complacent to this extent. After considering it carefully and at length, only a few words came to mind: subordinates follow the example of their superiors. If the masters above do not uphold their manners, the servants below will naturally emulate them.”

 Meng-shi did not utter a word. Madam Xin’s expression slightly transformed. She hesitated and said, “It’s all my fault for failing to teach and manage the servants well……”

 Old Madam Pei waved her hand. “I know you’re all busy. I called you over to say these words, not to listen to you confess your mistakes, but because I have plenty of sentiments in my heart. Life in this world is like a white steed flitting past a crack.6 In my youth, I watched as your old man followed orders from above with the resolve to secure this family property. In the blink of an eye, I already have a great-grandson. From ancient times to the present, few who live amidst riches and honor know when to stop their feet. As for those who subdue themselves and observe proprieties persistently and without complaints, they are even rarer. The Pei family’s circumstances are no longer as great as in the earlier years. However, I want to impart you these few words. I want to remind you that mud support each other to build a wall the same way people support each other to build a family. If you keep fighting amongst yourselves, the Pei family will implode within a few years even without others doing anything to kindle it.”

 Cold sweat seeped out of Pei Quan’s forehead, and Madam Xin and Meng-shi wordlessly hung their heads.

 Old Madam Pei shook her head. “You also cannot be blamed. As a matter of fact, the one who ought to shoulder the most blame is myself. These past few years, I’ve been too indolent and failed to fulfill my duty as your elder……”

 She muttered irresolutely to herself then aimed her gaze at Madam Xin. “I know that the family only has few earnings, and you each have your own difficulties. I will replenish the silver shelled out for Zhi’er‘s appointment from my own private savings……”

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 Madam Xin was struck dumb. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Old Madam turned towards Pei Quan and Meng-shi. “I also cannot allow your second branch to suffer losses. When Luo’er marries, it will cost quite a lot. How much I give the main branch now will be how much I will provide you when the time comes. This is all I can do and nothing more. If you deem me unjust, I hope you all try to understand me. Put the matter behind you, and do not harbor any hostility. If outsiders learn of such things, where will we put our face?”

 Pei Quan stepped forward and flumped to his knees, kowtowing as he implored, “Mother, this son absolutely cannot take this silver. It’s all because I was muddled that I went so far as to bother about my nephew. Your honored self must quell your anger for your health. Our esteemed elder, your honored self’s good health is our Pei family’s blessing.”

 One after another, Madam Xin and Meng-shi spouted words of self-accusation.

 As glistening tears faintly surfaced from Old Madam Pei’s eyes, she went on, “To tell you the truth, I didn’t care one way or another about today’s birthday celebration, but I understood your concern, so I acquiesced and met guests to make you all happy. I just hope that you can also understand my heart. Misery and happiness have no door; if either comes, one brings it upon oneself. I have lived up to this age and have witnessed the vicissitudes of wealth and honor. So long as the family is of one heart, it won’t be impossible for today’s adversities to experience a reversal tomorrow. That’s all I have to say. If you find me reasonable, remember my words when you return to your respective places. To me, it is a blessing worth more than a hundred birthday celebrations.”

 Pei Quan kowtowed. Madam Xin and Meng-shi also concurred with utmost humility, agreeing without much deliberation.

 Old Madam Pei looked towards Madam Xin. “Quan-ge’er isn’t too young anymore. He will turn five after the new year. You should properly teach him the rules and customs. From now on, do not allow the Song family to take him as they please.”

 Madam Xin was taken aback and hesitated before saying, “They’re the ones coming over to pick him up themselves……”

 Old Madam Pei scoffed and centered her gaze at Madam Xin. “Is his surname Pei or Song? You only think about your son. What about your grandson?”

 Madam Xin’s face reddened all over, and she lowered her head in shame.


 Late at night, around the period of the rat, Pei Quan and Meng-shi exited from the northern room.

 After the people left, Yuzhu trod in and asked if she should attend to her for her night time routine. The elderly lady seemed to not have heard and remained rooted on her seat, staring absently at the water clock7 in the corner of the room.

 Only less than a quarter of a period left and this day would be over.

 It was already this late, yet Old Madam still had not gone to bed. Though puzzled, Yuzhu also dared not ask and only stood beside her to accompany her for a while. Suddenly, she recalled what happened when they had gone out together earlier that day, and her heart instantly became as bright as snow. “Old Madam, the Zhen family’s Young Lady is in the side room right now. If Old Madam will not sleep yet, should I go and call her over to have her accompany Old Madam for a chat?” That said, seeing that the other neither nodded nor shook her head, appearing as though she was trapped in the distant memories of the past, Yuzhu quietly walked out.

 Jiafu entered the room and greeted Old Madam with a curtsy.

 Old Madam turned her head and saw her approaching. She revealed a faint smile and remarked, “Yuzhu is truly meddlesome. She called you over here this late. You must be tired from tossing about all day today. There’s nothing for you to do here. Go back and rest.”

 Just now, Yuzhu had come over to impart a few words to Jiafu. The idea was that the other was hoping for her to come over and say a few good words to gladden the Old Madam.

 It was clear that neither Yuzhu nor the elderly lady in front of her expected the eldest son of the eldest branch, who had left the capital many years ago, to return this evening.

 But it left an impression on Jiafu. She remembered that in her past life, he had indeed returned on this night, but it had been very late. As for how late or what particular period it was, she was unsure.

 She gazed at the elderly lady’s figure in front of the lamp shadow, which looked rather lonely after she had doffed her beaded crown and ceremonial garb. In that very brief instant, she suddenly regretted her earlier schemes.

 If Quan-ge would fall ill, this elderly lady naturally would not be able to rest properly tonight.

 There was no harm in delaying her own matters for one night. This elderly lady should be allowed to pass her 60th birthday to her heart’s content.

 She slowly drew out a breath and said, “Old Madam, Da Biaoge will come back.”

 The elderly lady revealed a faint smile and nodded her head. “Good child. Go and rest.”

 Jiafu bit her lip and ultimately decided to keep her words to herself. She gave her a curtsy, faced about, and plodded towards the entrance.

 “Old Madam—— Old Madam——”

 As she strode towards the doorway, all of a sudden, a voice burst in from outside the courtyard, sounding somewhat ear-piercing in this deep and still night.

 Jiafu’s footsteps paused, stopping at the doorway.

 Yuzhi bolted out and scolded the granny who had just ran in, “Are you insane? What are you shouting so loudly this late at night for?”

 “Eldest Young Master is back!” The granny was gasping for breath, her expression rather strange as she gestured with her hands.

 ”I almost couldn’t recognize him!”







1 The phrase here is “宝婺星辉”, liberally translated as “Beautiful Jewel, Stellar Splendor”. 宝婺 is an alternative name of a constellation. It refers to a goddess/deity, often to praise the fame or good reputation of a woman whose conduct is noble. 星辉 says that this woman is as splendid as the stars. Often used to congratulate a (elderly) woman’s birthday. Another website explains: beautiful like treasure/jewels, radiant/glitter/splendor as stars (Source: Snowy)

2 Ruyi is a Chinese curved decorative object that serves as either a ceremonial scepter in Chinese Buddhism or a talisman symbolizing power and good fortune in Chinese folklore. (Source: Ruyi (scepter))

3 亥时 (hài shí): 9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)

4 This actually says 鹅蛋脸 (lit. goose egg face), one of the most desirable face shapes in Chinese beauty standards, similar to the photo below.

Actress Liu Yifei

5 荫补: lit., to be appointed to office (by virtue of) the protection privilege, i.e., on a hereditary basis: Appointment by Protection, a process whereby an official in service, on attaining a particular rank, was entitled to nominate one or more sons or other relatives for official status. All “protected” nominees were required to study under the Directorate of Education at the capital and pass an examination before they were fully qualified to be considered for appointment in the civil service. 

6 A white steed flitting past a crack is an idiom for how fleeting time is.

7 I suppose this is a mechanism to tell time used in ancient China. It looks something like this:

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