Witch hunters

Chapter 3: the twisted kings ambition

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Micha walked silently away his smile of contentment melting into a face of pure excitement and intriougue. Noting this, Fortune made her opinions known

"I see you're as chatty as ever." She laughed manifesting to him through an illusion. Her white locks matched his, while her deep red eyes let nothing escape. Her dress was like a night sky filled with bright stars.

"it's a trait I've always had." Micha laughed rubbing his rearend "so what do you think?"

"She has a lot of potential." Fortune thought, recalling how the form of that girl exploded in a blue-white glow. "are you sure it was the right thing to give away such a powerful ability?"

"yes." Micha nodded his face turning into a twisted smirk "since my sword betrayed me for my brother, I need a shield that can block said sword and my brother's spear."

"seriously? what is up with you and getting into pissing contests?" Fortune facepalmed while Micha laughed at he words.

"hey now I get into these contests for the same reason i'm an illegal because I need to." Micha whispered "remember lesson one?"

"the way to gain strength isn't just training but also competing." Fortune said with a defeated groan, "I hate it when you do that"

"What's rule number four of dealing with women?" Micha asked again with a mischievous smirk. Deadpanning she activated a telekinetic power and slapped Micha in the face. "Point taken." he huffed while holding his jaw.

Reaching into his pocket he took out his phone, then opened his calendar to see an appointment and smiled, "This is it." Fortune nodded "time to ramp it up, are you ready?"

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"do I need to answer?" Micha nodded his face calm and determined with a voice as cold as ice as the two walked into the cystaline fissure in reality. "first the Archangel, then my brother and finally the Witch."

Micha walked down the halls illuminated in an ocean of deep crimson. A large door opened to reveal cages upon cages of people, young and old, men and women, mutants and non-mutants. The room was filled with a stench of death, fear had seeped into its walls, while the cages echoed with screams.

In Micha's eyes, they are all demons who deserve only pain.

"hey." Micha greeted with a smile, his light and effeminite voice growing deep as a wave of bloodlust consumed the large area. It forced those who lost their sanity to run from the bars of their cages. the people who were still sane felt a weight on their shoulders as he approached a single cage.

In front of Micha was the heavily scarred and arm-less body of agent Brace. Micha deemed him worthy of death after he discovered incontrovertible evidence of accepting a bribe from a criminal drug ring. His only surprise was the lack of media tracking, as if those Lords had permitted him to take these rouge agents...

Micha shook his head not wanting to believe that he was being controlled. Activating 'scanner' he saw the large mass forming in his chest, terminal cancer. More specifically the kemo resistant kind, one that is interwoven with the healthy cells within the heart. If this power he spent eight years perfecting and training works then YH is his for the taking.

"ULTRESTORATE." Micha called darkly as he grabbed Brace, who didn't react due to having all five of his senses turned off like everyone else in the room, shortly before the agents scarred body began to glow.

Micah stood ideal, gawking in pure awe and choking anticipation as the body corrected itself to its most biologically correct form. The cancer within his body evaporated like mist leaving a healthy heart pumping blood. The scars littering his body were replaced by the red fur of a wolf while his arms grew back. Even his body was rewound to that of a younger man, leaving Micha impressed with his investment.

taking out a voice recorder he began his log "date: 13XX November XX. project: 84112, code name: 'Ultrestorate', status: successful and ready for use." He said proudly "comencing first human test."

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