Witch hunters

Chapter 7: War

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The empress of the heavens stares down at the twisted king like an ant. Conversely the twisted king of man glared hatefully at the empress who did him wrong.

Isabelle smiled at Micha with a bright smile, and a glance from Micha was all it took to bring back the immense anger beneath the surface. Despite the monstrous lengths he took to destroy his family, their happiness, and their joy, the smile still existed.

The smile his brother had as he watched him....

"Let me take your sadness away..." that disembodied voice repeated, stoking the rage in his heart further as all faded to black except for Isabelle. Her smile....

That smile....

The twisted king stood motionless, his eyes fixed on the heavenly empress. For several minutes the two eyes were locked, Micha's rage building every second until the dam cracked. That was when the twisted king screamed.

The wrathful benshee wale from the bowl of hell captured all's attention as they covered their ears. The bright smile of the heavenly empress grew wider, impressed that such a simple thing could set off the man.

Conversely, the Onigami looked on with worry. Observing the surrounding people, he armed himself in case a fight broke out. Based on their previous encounter he doubted he could do much on his own but maybe the other one could do something. As such, he drew his spear and tried to ignore the agonizing screams.

The left hand protected herself from the cry, the strength alone nearly shattering her shield of ice. Slowing down the currents of air she reinforced her shield, while using stored shadows to reinforce her body but even that did little to help. The world, resonating with the wrathful cry, bore witness to a broken man as it came to its nadir.

The twisted king, whose beauty surpassed that of any woman, looked on with an unsightly tearful expression. The hollowness of his dim red orbs matched the hollowness of his breath. Everyone was watching as her god slowly and ominously approached this unknown lady.

To prevent the inevitable fight that would ensue, she tried to stop her god, but she was stopped. Looking back, she saw the eye patch girl from before with a serious look on her face. She restrained her with strings covered in weird symbols

"Don't get involved." the young lady warned in a frighteningly serious voice. The queen of curses watched on, coldly tracing her fingers over her eyepatch, which gave off an intense pain. Having seen this form of her beloved mentor before she could only feel shame for her best friend's actions.

Again, she felt guilty as various 'what if's' and 'should I's' tortured her mind. Could all of this have been avoided if she had kept her mouth shut about what she had heard? While her brain shifted into overdrive reliving the moment when her master faced his rival, she felt sickened.

A grin she wore just seconds ago disappeared from her face as she was approached. The depths of her soul trembled with overwhelming, primal fear. Looking upward to the twisted king of man, she could do little but gawk with bated breath as he touched her. He was a husk, an emotionless being without mercy. As she was greeted by those cold bottomless eyes, the heavenly empress couldn't help but think of the witch's.

"Move." she commanded her body yet nothing would happen as his palm covered her eye and she was filled with-

Nothing. She felt no pain, no flames that attempted to consume her soul or a parasite forcing its way into her mouth. Nothing.

"Next time just punch me." Micha laughed softly, his voice hollower than his eyes "then I'll finish the job." He slowly dropped his hand, walking past his relative.

"Michaaaaa!" Veronica whined running after him with waterfall tears "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AMMMM!"

"Lord wait up!" Teka yelled swiftly skating over the ice formed beneath her feet which evaporated just as quickly as it created.

"those two..." The onigami looked back at the two women, his eyes once again filled with pity "they are monsters. what will Micha do to them?"

"Let's get moving," Isabelle sighed, eyes to the floor, knowing her mother would have a cow when she heard this, not to mention the head and the principal. Nodding his head the onigami joined the heavenly empress inside the fortress to prepare for the war to come.

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A vessel belonging to an angel witnessed the exchange from within the crowd with a wide smile.

Within the walls of the iron fortress, far from the audience being entertained, the onigami and heavenly empress met their third compatriot. A young man sat in a room meant for covert discussions, though it was used for more inappropriate matters, with a look of displeasure on his face.

"what the hell was that?" a silver haired young man scowled, his single eye glowing a dark blue as he was passed by the two. Grabbing a cup and filling it with water, the rainbow eyed male took a long, loud, sip counting the seconds with every sip. It didn't take long for the silver haired man to reach behind him, slap the cup away and grab Ogasa by the throat. "I asked a question and I deserve answers!"

"We were checking one of the candidates Zavan." Isabelle's voice stopped Ogasa's spear less than a millimeter away from Zavan's neck. Zavan looked at the woman as she restated the file she had read earlier. "Micha Esperonica, 21 years old, blessing:degrade, exposure:three years ago, location:town island, time:4:56."

"Out of all 50 candidates, he is the most recent." Ogasa continued, leaning his spear on the wall after he was let go.

"What do you think of him?" Zaran asked, honestly curious about this young man "will he interfere with our mission?"

"Not if we keep our distance." Isabelle sighed, taking a seat at the table "but considering his interests he might indirectly."

"indirectly?" Ogasa questioned,"how so?"

"Micha is obsessed with powers and wants to create the fruit of genesis." the blue eyed lady said looking at the males as she rubbed her pelvis area "Its only a matter of time before he uses an experimental move against someone by 'accident'."

"unfortunately the safety commission cant interfere with YH to that degree." Zavan sighed before grumbling "why did they put a former psycher as the principal?"

"Criminal." Ogasa corrected while filing his nails "there's a difference."

"who gives a shit?" Zavan growled, his face red. "I can't get rid of an unknown factor."

"Oh wow, Mr. Circuit Boards is scared." Ogasa laughed causing Isabelle to become worried.

Ogasa." she warned but the pinkhaired man merely brushed her off. Walking up to his fellow man who was easily two or three feet taller with a smug grin on his face. Sensing a fight once again Isabelle yelled the first idea that came to her mind "what about we lessen his chances!"

"what?" Zavan asked. He displayed the same expression of surprise as his pink haired counterparts, despite his vantablack skin lack of color.

"Well, other than the paper test, which should be done by now." She checked the completely imaginary watch on her wrist. "We can however eliminate him in the physical, decreasing the chances of him being picked."

"Good plan." Zavan nodded,knowing it was the plan with the greatest chance of success "and if he's still chosen?"

"We can plan that out later" Ogasa said looking at his phone which displayed the sight of hundreds of people stepping into portals "everybody is heading to the arena and I hate being late to a bloodbath."

The first of many wars ,silent and loud, unneeded and asked, between the empress and the king was about to begin. The winner would be decided by death and would have the divine right to rule.

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