Witch of Darkness

Chapter 22: Rocks

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"Um, so you need help with the Dark Barrier spell, I understand," said Mr. Errol, not raising his head from the notebook in front of him.

"Is there any method that could help me?" asked Beatrice as she looked at her teacher without any expression on her face.

"You can go now, It's done, you don't need to do anything, you can live normally," said Mr. Errol, causing Beatrice to go up and leave the room with a puzzled expression on her face.

After talking about that, Beatrice began walking back to her room, but just as she was halfway there, Beatrice suddenly felt a sharp pain on her arm.

Merely a moment after that, a Dark Barrier emerged around Beatrice, as she now stared at the small rock that had hit her on her arm.

As she walked back to her room, Beatrice remained stoic as the Dark Barrier remained around her body, but unlike what she had expected, no rocks hit the barrier, causing Beatrice to be somewhat puzzled.

But still, Beatrice took Mr. Errol's advice and did not pay much attention to it, rather focusing on reading the notebook in front of her.

After a few minutes, Beatrice had already become focused on the notebook when she suddenly felt a sharp burst of pain in her head as a rock cruelly hit her straight in the forehead.

Without a second thought, Beatrice once again activated the Dark Barrier spell, before once again focusing on the notebook.

As she was reading the notebook, Beatrice endlessly reactivated the Dark Barrier spell again and again, an unknown amount of times.


Feeling the warm water flow over her, Beatrice let out a relaxed sigh when suddenly, a rock hit her in the arm, causing her to instantly open her eyes before once again activating the Dark Barrier spell.

After finishing her shower, Beatrice threw herself onto the bed to go to sleep, with the Dark Barrier spell still active.

"This was really tiring," mumbled Beatrice as she couldn't help but instantly fall asleep.

A few minutes after Beatrice had fallen, she who usually slept really well suddenly opened her eyes as she felt an ever so familiar pain on her thigh.

Without even moving, another Dark Barrier emerged around Beatrice, and a few moments later, she once again managed to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a few minutes later, Beatrice once again opened her eyes before activating the Dark Barrier spell.

This cycle continued on and on, Beatrice would fall asleep, and then a few minutes later, would be woken up by a rock.

At midnight.

Just as Beatrice wanted to once again fall asleep, she suddenly opened her eyes and got up from the bed.

Without any words, Beatrice began making her bed again, throwing every single rock she found inside of it in a corner of her room, to be disposed of later.

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Just as Beatrice had finished making her bed, her eyes suddenly became bloodshot as she threw the rock that had just hit her right into the pile.

But sadly, Beatrice had thrown the rock with s much force that the pile was suddenly smashed to pieces, and the rocks were thrown to the entirety of her room.

Rather surprisingly, even though Beatrice had thrown the rock out of anger, and left herself with no time to react, the rocks that were send flying towards her were suddenly stopped by a Dark Barrier that appeared around her a few moments before.

In her anger, Beatrice did not pay attention to this, but after she calmed down, a smile couldn't help but appear on her face.

"That's indeed very useful," mumbled Beatrice as she once again became focused on gathering the rocks from all corners of her room, but just as Beatrice was looking at the now clean room, a rock once again hit her in the thigh.

Without any anger, Beatrice threw the rock onto the pile before going back to sleep, this time with a smile on her face.

Even though the smile on Beatrice's face disappeared fifteen minutes later, when she was woken up by another rock, no more anger was present on her face, rather, she emotionlessly picked up the rock before throwing in in another corner.


Looking at the second pile of rocks that sh had begun creating after midnight, which was only on sixth the size of the first pile, a satisfied expression appeared on Beatrice's face.

After that, Beatrice took a small shower before walking into her experimental room.

A few moments later, a small Dark Bolt appeared in Beatrice's hand, but compared with her previous Dark Bolt, this one had some large differences.

Suddenly, the bolt flew off towards the bed in the middle of the room, but just as it was about to hit it, the bolt suddenly flew under the restraints of the bed, through the place where the left arm would be restrained.

As soon as the bolt passed through the restraint, it suddenly took a ninety-degree turn, and in only a few moments, passed through all of the restraints, but suddenly, in a mere moment, the Dark Bolt slightly touched the bed, causing it to suddenly disintegrate.

"This Is actually is even more challenging than keeping it on while sleeping," mumbled Beatrice as she looked at the small rock that had just hit her in the arm.

As that happened, Beatrice couldn't help but think of some other methods to train.


"As expected of someone with her amount of natural Spiritual Energy, she's improving very fast," thought Mr. Errol as over the course of only a day felt the mana that he delegated to that spell begin to be consumed slower and slower.

Suddenly, a genius idea popped up into the mind of Mr. Errol, causing a devious smile to appear on the face of Mr. Errol.

At that moment, a new mission suddenly appeared on the mission counter.

'Hiring a Mage Apprentice who has fully mastered the Dark Barrier spell for three days, 50 elemental stones, no life threatening danger'

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