Witch of Darkness

Chapter 40: Light

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Suddenly, Beatrice broke out of her trance as William had finished emptying out the experiment room for her to use.

As she got up from the bed, Beatrice couldn't help but feel nostalgic, remembering the past from long ago.

Walking into the experiment room, Beatrice shook her head, causing her to suddenly return to normal, with whatever emotion that had existed on her face being annihilated.

But even so, in the back of her mind, even though Beatrice did not pay much attention to it, something existed, perhaps a remnant of a distant past, of someone long gone, someone that had changed.

Closing the door behind her, a dark Bolt suddenly appeared in Beatrice's hands, before beginning to change and shift, morphing into another shape.

Without any warning, a small explosion took place inside of the small room, as the Dark Bolt suddenly sped up, surpassing the sound barrier as moved across the room.


One hour later,

Walking out of the experiment room, Beatrice couldn't help but sit on her bed, but compared to usual, the look in her eyes seemed completely different.

Just as she was about to reach under the bed and pick up a book to read, Beatrice suddenly looked at William.

"Go and organize the experiment room, but don't make any sound," said Beatrice, as a rare feeling of exhaustion swept over her.

'I didn't do anything to exhausting today, that's weird,' thought Beatrice as she placed her head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, being uncharacteristically lazy.

After around thirty minutes, Beatrice's eyelids slowly covered her eyes, without her even noticing.


As Beatrice opened her eyes, she was not inside of her room.

Suddenly, Beatrice became serious as she looked at the dark void around her.

'Where am I?' thought Beatrice, looking at the endless darkness around her with a frown on her face.

After a few minutes of looking around herself, Beatrice suddenly noticed something far off in the distance, causing her body to suddenly start floating.

Without even paying attention to the fact, Beatrice began slowly floating towards something, a small dot of light in the distance, surrounded by endless darkness.

Minutes, hours, days or even years could have passed, but Beatrice was completely unaware of them, as she slowly but surely floated to the dot of light, causing it to become bigger and bigger.

Eventually, the white dot became so large, that it looked like a small sun, emitting light in all directions, warming the entirety of the world.

As she became closer and closer to the sun, Beatrice first began sweating, then began feeling pain all over her body.

After walking all the way to the sun, Beatrice's skin began burning, but even so, Beatrice did not seem to notice, merely walking closer and closer to it, seemingly to her doom.

Sometime, later, Beatrice's flesh, beneath her burnt skin, slowly began melting, but thankfully, at this time, Beatrice was extremely close to this miniature sun.

And without any hesitation or fear for her life, Beatrice stretched out her hand towards it.


"That was a weird dream," thought Beatrice as she fell into a warm embrace, causing her to relax nd close her eyes.

Suddenly, after several minutes, Beatrice opened her eyes in horror, staring at the threads of white hair that had landed next to her.

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"Mother?" mumbled Beatrice, being extremely confused.

If normal Beatrice had landed in this situation, she would have long since realized what was happening, but right now, Beatrice was extremely tired and confused.

Hearing what Beatrice called her, a weird smile could be seen on the face of the woman behind.

"That's not a suitable name for me, is it," mumbled the woman behind Beatrice in a warm tone.

"Hmm, a name more suitable for me would be...," said the woman, wanting to continue her sentence.

But sadly, just that was about to happen, Beatrice regained her senses.


Even though she was awake, Beatrice still stood with her eyes closed for several minutes, only slowly opening them over ten minutes later.

Feeling the warm bed behind her, Beatrice couldn't help but let out a smile, as if feeling two warm hands behind her.

Around twenty more minutes, Beatrice slowly got up from the bed, took two small bags hidden inside of her room out.

After that, Beatrice walked out of her room, not walking toward's Mr. Errol's office, but rather in the opposite direction.

Five minutes later, Beatrice had arrived at a certain counter.

"What do you have to increase mental clarity?" asked Beatrice as she stared at the shopkeeper in front of her.

Hearing that, the shopkeeper took out a small booklet before handing it out to Beatrice.

Looking through the booklet for a few minutes, Beatrice took out one of the small bags from her robe before taking out thirty elemental stones.

"Give me a Lesser Clarity Potion," said Beatrice, causing the shopkeeper to walk inside of a certain room behind the counter.

Several moments later, the shopkeeper came back, potion in hand.

"Here you go," said the shopkeeper, handing the potion to Beatrice, then taking the elemental stones on the table and placing them inside of the counter.

Without waiting even a moment, Beatrice took the cap off from the potion, before immediately drinking it.

"Thank you very much," said Beatrice as she looked at the shopkeeper, before walking back to her room with a frown on her face.

The moment Beatrice entered her room, she walked up to her bed, before taking out a certain book from under it.

'Light Mages, spells and counters'

Opening the book, Beatrice ignored the Light Spell's described, but rather began searching for something else.

After a few minutes of searching, Beatrice finally found it.

'Effects of casting Light Spells on Dark Mages'

'All Light Spells including supportive ones like Light Healing and Blessing, may have adverse effects on the Dark Mage depending on their power, for spells not meant to attack, effects may include loss of spirit, confusion, and exhaustion

Wiping away the cold sweat on her forehead, Beatrice continued reading this book, beginning to look through the Light Spells.

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