WITCH – The Revolt

Chapter 138: Book 2 Chapter 3

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"How about you stop bickering and help us bring the food into the tent? It started to rain!" Hanno came in and shooed them behind the tent. It was raining softly.

They quickly brought everything into the tent and made themselves comfortable on the ground. They did not have any large furniture, as they moved along the river with the centaurs. They had pillows, blankets, a flat wooden table... Things that could be quickly loaded onto a big cart when the centaurs moved on. The cart was next to the tent.

Julia's new family gathered in the tent. Flora and Hanno flirted during the meal. Leopold watched them amused and kissed Julia's cheek. Finn was lost in thought and didn't notice Marko stealing the food from his plate. There was a herb salad and braised mushrooms.

"Tomorrow is the competition of manipulation of the centaurs, right?", asked Peter. "The last two years of this competition have been quite turbulent. I'm a little worried about our tents."

"They will certainly pay better attention and not tear down a tent like last year." Flora laughed softly. "Although it was funny when Finja's tent was knocked down last year."

Finja was the tribal elder among the centaurs. She was three hundred and sixty years old. A proud age for centaurs, as they had a life expectancy of four hundred years.

"She was terribly angry and both centaurs had to apologize. The one who tore down the tent and the one who made him do it." Hanno grinned. " Dandelion and Lars. And then kids knocked down one of the tents while playing. But I don't think our tents are in danger. We're too far away from the spectacle for that." Dandelion was Flordeli's father and Lars was Kalle's father. Kalle, however, resembled Oskar more. Aurel's father. It was rumored in the tribe that Kalle's mother Ernestine had an affair with Oskar. However, both disagreed.

Josefine sighed. "I would like to see the competition."

"We can decide tomorrow whether to go or not", Peter murmured. "Last year I was almost run over by several centaurs. I would like to do without that this year."

"I think they expect our presence", Leopold replied. "After all, we are their guests."

"I don't know..." Julia sighed. "They don't let Josefine and Fiete watch, because some of the centaurs are afraid of them."

"I don't mind, sweety." Fiete winked at her.

"Hanno and I could go alone. And you have a nice day", Flora suggested. "But we don't have to decide that now."

The centaurs did not allow the dragons to attend their competition or to approach their tents without invitation. They were very careful, but they tolerated the large reptiles, as they had promised not to endanger the tent village and its inhabitants.

Julia leaned against Leopold and looked at the two dragons. Josefine snorted angrily and Fiete looked at Peter with a gentle smile.




Lea sorted the registrations of the new students. This year there would only be one new class, as only ten young witches and wizards had registered. It was a very small group. A disturbingly small group.

Storms had damaged the roofs of the academy, which is why the school started classes later than usual this year. The buildings had to be repaired and renovated first. Without this delay, only eight students would have registered, as the magic of two had only shown itself a few days ago.

"Is everything alright?", asked Shay. "You look worried.”

"Last year we had thirty new students. But this year only ten will come. That's not much. And none of our new students come from a noble family. They are the children of farmers, traders... The common people."

"Is that unusual? Or bad? That there are few? And no noble ones?"

"That they are not nobles is not tragic, no. Just a bit surprising. As far as I know, the last time this happened was twenty years ago. Mother was upset about it. But the small number... I don't know. For that, I would have to look at the records of recent years. Please pass on the registrations to the teachers so that they can start planning."

"Of course." Shay took the notes and grinned. "The queen doesn't like the common people very much, huh?"

"She thinks they are important, but she values witches and wizards in the nobility. What are the children doing?" Lea referred like this to the two young servants she had taken in. Chloe and Benjamin were twins and both now seventeen years old. After losing their parents to soldiers, they saw Shay as a surrogate father, but they detested humans. They accepted Lea near them. They understood that she didn't want to harm them. She let the two work with other elves and wolves in the laundry. The human staff was instructed to be kind to the two and reduce conversations to the bare minimum after Benjamin lashed out at fourteen after a man pulled him away from a shelf Benjamin was not supposed to go to.

Since then, there have been no more problems. Lea felt sorry for them. She had never seen such frightened servants. She wished her mother hadn't ordered Cleo to punish their family for something they might not have been involved in. It was cruel. Unnecessarily cruel. Julia and Peter had never been found. There were only burnt bones. Lea suspected that they were dead. The queen did not want to see this and looked for her youngest with visions. So far without success.

"The children work hard." Shay smiled proudly. "They do their best. I'm very happy with them."

"Good." Lea nodded. Shay would be a good father... He is a good surrogate father.  "Thank you. Go now. The teachers are waiting for the registrations."

"Of course!" Shay left her office and bowed farewell with a wink.

Leah sighed. The Queen. She wanted Lea to marry Moritz von Krater after the von Strahls' sons refused an engagement. The two were now married to two other witches. The son of the von Schmalbergs had also rejected the proposal. He felt too young and his parents supported the decision. Agathe had been outraged. Now she urged Lea again to a possible engagement. Lea had refused, but her mother didn't want to hear about it. It was time for marriage. She wanted Lea to marry soon and then look for a new director for the academy.

Lea had no plans of leaving the academy. She liked her job. And she had never gotten along very well with Fritz's best friend. Moritz was nice, yes. But she still didn't like him very much. Lea and Moritz just didn't get along. So she wasn't worried. To the horror of his parents, he also refused immediately.

Cleo, on the other hand, had fallen out with the queen. She still worked on the council, but her relationship with her mother was strained. In addition, Cleo had secretly married Charlotte half a year ago. Both the queen and Charlotte's parents urged the two to dissolve the marriage. In vain. The newspapers, on the other hand, reported favorably about the connection when they learned about it. And through the press, the Queen had also found out. Nevertheless, gritting her teeth, the queen finally accepted the marriage, fearing an upheaval of the people. The people celebrated in honor of Cleo and Charlotte for two days. Without the permission or request of the Queen. Charlotte's parents, on the other hand, were still causing problems. They tried to force Charlotte into a divorce and threatened to disinherit her. Charlotte had only laughed about it.

Lea could only laugh about it too. Why didn't the queen rejoice for her daughter? Like the people? Like Lea? Charlotte's parents had promised her to an older wizard. It was about trade relations. Therefore, Lea understood why they were so upset. Still, she thought it was silly.




She could not see her daughter. No matter how hard she tried to find her with visions. Julia had disappeared.

Friedrich wanted her to accept that her children were dead. Fallen victim to a dragon. But that couldn't be true.


Somewhere out there was her Julia. Her little girl.

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She wanted her back.

If Julia hadn't disappeared, she could be at military school by now. And then, in a few years, she would be a powerful witch. She could take over Cleo's old position, now that Cleo was no longer suitable. The stupid child had resisted her.

But if Julia had never disappeared, then maybe Cleo would never have rebelled...

And Lea?

She also worried her.

And to make matters worse, there were rumors that two small children had been spotted in Fritz's estate. Two children. Were they his? And Paulas?

"Honey? You seem upset. What's going on?" Friedrich looked at her worriedly. The two had dinner. There was a casserole and various salads. Agathe hadn't touched her plate yet. "Please eat something. The casserole tastes wonderful. Torsten wrote to us. He and Annemarie are doing great."

"I'm not interested in Torsten's letters."

Friedrich sighed. "I know. He asks if we will come to Rosina's first birthday."

"You're welcome to go. I'm staying here. Maybe Julia will be found soon." If only I could see her... It feels like I'm being prevented from doing so...

"Honey... You won't find her... And Queen Franka and King Heinrich also wrote. Do you remember? They want to discuss with us further plans against the centaurs. The troops we have sent them are probably not enough. A group of centaurs had raided a village and taken away all the food and valuables. The soldiers weren't there early enough."

"I have read the letter. You can negotiate with them about it. You don't need me for that. I'm sure you'll decide well on my behalf."

"If you think so. However, I do not think this is right. We both have to appear. Anything else would seem ridiculous. What should our allies think? That you don't care about them? Eat something. Please." Friedrich pointed to her plate.

"All right."




Late at night, Finn, Josefine, and Julia were still talking. As was so often the case.

It was virtually impossible to share a room without talking at night. Or to start a pillow fight in which Finn always served as a spectator.

Finn was lying on his own soft mat and had pulled the blanket up to his nose. "Are we going to the competition tomorrow? Or not?", he asked worriedly. "I don't know if I should go... When Peter was run over? But Marko wants to go. Or is it enough if Hanno and Flora to go there?"

"I'd rather you don't go", Josefine murmured. She had pulled her mat to Julia and snuggled up to her. That's how they almost always slept. "I don't want to be alone here."

"Your uncle is here too", Finn objected. "And I've stayed here for the last two years. But I want to see the competition. And maybe Peter will stay."

"It's exciting to watch." Julia yawned and played with Josefine's long hair. "Maybe I'll stay a bit, but leave earlier. I don't like that they don't let Josefine and Finn watch."

"Or you stay with me." The dragon girl half-rolled on Julia, laughing. "I won't release you until you promise to stay here!" She stuck out her forked tongue.

"Fienchen!" Julia laughed. "I won't stay long, I promise. But Flordelis would be sad if I didn't go!" Fienchen. Flora had introduced the nickname for Josefine.

"No. That's not enough!" Josefine did not move away from Julia.

Finn laughed softly. "Oh come on, Fienchen! We'll be back quickly too!"

The dragon girl pouted, but she lay down next to Julia again. "All right."

"That Leo doesn't get jealous!" Finn shook his head. "If you two do something like that..."

"Why?" Josefine grinned broadly. "We are family! And YOU are also constantly cuddling with Juli. Is Marko getting jealous?"

"I know. Fiete also cuddles with Juli... And Peter doesn't mind." Finn grinned. "And Marko gets jealous. He wants to cuddle along! Yesterday he asked me if you might want to swap rooms with him."

"Family!", repeated Josefine, this time with a theatrical sigh. "I don't switch with him! In addition... Our place is with Juli. Fiete could smell it. But I think he would like to kiss Peter." She turned back to Julia. "Do you mean Peter will let him someday? Or do they remain friends?"

"I don't know. Peter is not attracted to others. Not in this way, even if he likes to flirt. I think he loves Fiete in his own way. Even if that means they might remain friends."

"Maybe?" Josefine sighed.

"Maybe", Julia confirmed.

"I bet Peter will kiss him someday!", announced Finn. The two girls laughed.

"I can hear you!", shouted Peter through the curtain. Apparently, he was standing in front of their room. "Close your eyes and sleep! And I kiss whoever I want! And if I want to!"

"How about Fiete?", Finn teased him.

"Sleep! Now! All of you!" And Peter walked away.

"Pillow fight?", asked Josefine quietly.

"I want to participate!", they heard Marko shout through the curtain on the other side. Leopold laughed.

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