With Class Cards In Another World

Chapter 1: Chapter • 1: And So I Was Sent To Another World…

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This has been going on for some time. Roman Ofnir was sitting in pitch darkness on the floor of an absolutely incomprehensible area for him. The vast emptiness prevailed around, which caused only internal anxiety and hopelessness.

The last thing he remembered is going to bed after finally getting Jalter to his Chaldea.

However... Why is he here? A place that heavily resembles Limbo?

...Is he dead?

Roman has considered this idea many times during his stay here.

He still has a fresh living and breathing body. So...he can't be dead. So far this has not been possible.

Luckily, he's used to living alone. Being alone with just his thoughts and imagination is fine.

Though... He wishes it wasn't so bloody warm in this vast dark void. And those screams, cries, and whines will shut up already. It's a damn annoyance.

He gets it's dark and boring here, but what can he do?


His saving grace is they will eventually shut up. Though, after a lot and he means lot of crying and screaming.

Roman let a breath of sigh of relief leave him.

Finally, it's quiet. Who knew people could scream and cry for so long? He sure didn't.

As he was about to indulge himself in his mind filled to the brim with different worlds and characters from daydreaming before going to bed - he suddenly heard something strangely familiar.


Roman's eyes visually widened. His brain worked in overdrive and found the answer.

' My ringtone?'

He's at a loss. Why is he hearing his ringtone here of all places? And why did sound like it came from inside his head?

As if hearing him, a blue holographic interface appeared before his eyes. It glows brightly in all its glory, displaying lines of text.

Upon seeing it, Roman instantly flinched back and paled white as a sheet. He knows what comes next and he's not sure whether to celebrate or strangle himself. His E-Rank Luck just had to follow him, huh?

Roman blinked. He then blinked again.

What? This was his sole thought.

Roman's eyes gleamed. Another chance at life? He will gladly take it. Even if he likes the comfortable void around him, he would like to live again.

So, sorry Void-chan!

" Yes."

Roman was given a few shooks.

First; How in the bloody hell does he have 10,000 Karma Points?

Second; Why does the lady sound like a desperate car salesman trying to seal their first car?

Third; Why is the damn Void so freezing cold now?!

Shaking the last two thoughts away, he asked the first one. And the answer he got was odd.

Roman eyes narrowed. Something fishy is going on and it isn't his ex-girlfriend!

Unfortunately, he can't do anything. Well, he can, by saying No and staying with the Void for all eternity.

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...The Void is warm again? Roman looked around with eyebrows lifted up. Can Void-chan hear his thoughts?

Now he really wants to leave!

' It's cold again! So she does hear my thoughts!' Roman's face paled.

Now not caring about who or what is helping him, he opened his mouth.

" Forget about my earlier question! Just give me the Deluge Package, you were talking about!"

What greeted Roman was a cute 'eep' and the sounds of paper falling. Following it was kind of older women's voices that asked; are you okay.

" I'm fine!" Roman's 'Agent' yelled in a flustered and embarrassed voice.

" Oh, that was cute."

He remarked, getting another cute sound like last time, making him chuckle.

" You! Even if you are my First! I won't take your comments like this!"

Roman eyes flashed. She just sealed her doom.

Breathy, Roman voice echoed out," So I'm your First, huh~?"


The sound of someone falling greeted Roman.

He laughed hard at hearing this. Oh, gods, he loves teasing people. No wonder people hated playing LoL with him. Instead of talking about someone's Mom or their dick, Roman teased. He teased like there was no tomorrow. The reactions for priceless. With just those reactions alone, he became slightly famous on YouTube and Twitch.

His little helper's reaction rekindled those memories.

" AH! Just get on with your life already!"

The cute flustered voice of hers, only made it so much better.

Roman smiled brightly as his screen flashed.

A glowing white door suddenly appeared in front of him. Next was her voice again. This time, far more colder and emotionless.

"... Thank you for using Transmigration Omni-Department. Please rate us 5 stars."

Roman chuckled as he sat up and dusted his pants off.

" Definitely ten starts alone with that voice. But I will rate it higher if you give me your number?"

" I hate you. Why would I do that?"

Stepping towards the door, he twisted the knob and opened it.

" Don't you know Hate-Sex is the best Sex?"

"...Goodbye Roman. Have a good second life."

Hearing this and the sound of the phone turning dead, he snorted. What a Tsundere. Why can't she be like Void-chan trying to freeze him in place? Maybe these two should get together for Coffee. Coffee helps everything, after all. It's not called the Liquid of the Gods for nothing.

" Well, see you on the flip side Void-chan."

Giving the Void a wave and smile, Roman let himself fall into the vast whiteness inside the door.

Right when he let go, he lost consciousness. The last thing he saw was two blank crimson eyes that promised both pain and...love?

...Oh Gods, his second life is gonna suck so much, isn't it?

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