With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Beast Tide 3

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{My shield is about to break! Someone! Take over me!}

Hearing Annabelle's warning, a mage quickly came over to set up her own magic shield, preventing any holes from forming in the wall of magic shields. Annabelle took this chance to chug down a mana potion to recover her mana, but I can see that the Rank D mage is beginning to struggle to maintain her shield due to the heavy bombardment of spells. I had to reduce the number of incoming attacks so that she can hold on longer.

Using a lighter, I lit three sticks of dynamites and tossed it into the backlines of the beast tide, where the ranged monsters are located.

{Boom! Boom! Boom!}

Three thundering explosions resounded continuously as flames spread over the fragile ranged monsters. Despite the mages within the beast tide, such as Goblin Shamans or Orc Mages, setting up magic shields, the power of the dynamites is too overwhelming, instantly shattering the shields and killing many monsters.

Due to the density of the monsters packed together, I estimated that over a hundred monsters were killed by my three sticks of dynamites. A pretty good number of kills for the cost of only 3000 mana. I created these dynamites before the beast tide started and I had two extra dynamites left. So, I did not have to tap into my mana to create more weapons currently. I returned to shooting my arrows at any monster which looks dangerous.

Several people with spears and partial chainmail armour ran past behind me, rushing to reinforce a different part of the wall. Those are the town's guards, who are in charge of maintaining order and defending the town during peaceful times. Now, they have been delegated to preventing any monsters from scaling the walls and attacking the archers and mages. The melee adventurers are still waiting behind the gate, to defend the town in the scenario that the gate is breached.

So far, the situation is still manageable, but the Troll hasn't made a move yet. It was just standing menacingly at the back of the beast tide, observing the battle as its own army dies in drove. I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about what is going to happen next, but I had to focus on the current situation first.

Soon, half of the beast tide had been culled. Sure, although most of the monsters that died are the Rank E Goblins, it still caused the beast tide to not seem as intimidating as before. This feat of dealing so much damage to a larger army could only be accomplished due to the Town's wall. Although this town is brand new, the kingdom did not scrape on the budget spent on the walls, allowing it to resist the attack of the beast tide.

{The Troll is moving!}

The shout attracted everyone's attention, causing everyone to look at the Troll in the distance. Sure enough, it picked up its massive club and was making its way towards the gate.  Since I was stationed directly on top of the gate, I will be on the front lines of the fight against the Troll. I began trembling. This Troll, with its higher than usual intelligence, will be the strongest foe I have ever faced yet. I couldn't help but feel... excited!

I lit my two remaining sticks of dynamite and threw it at the Troll. The Troll visibly snorted before swinging its club, sending my dynamites flying high into the air where it exploded like fireworks. I followed up my attack by shooting arrows at its joints, which seem to only do minor damage.

Everyone automatically focused fire on the biggest threat, the Troll, with their spells and projectiles, but it was to no avail. Most of the damage done to the troll is light, and even if some of its flesh get blown off, it regenerates instantly. That's the Troll's special ability, fast regeneration. The Troll is capable of healing any injuries as long as the injury isn't too bad.

The Guild Master yelled for everyone to use their strongest attack against the Troll, but everyone is clearly already giving it their all. This guy didn't underestimate the enemy, did he? Despite our efforts, the Troll finally arrived in front of the gate. Being 5 meters tall (16 feet), it peered over the 4-meter tall (13 feet) wall. Its mouth curled up into a sadistic grin as it raised its club, ready to smash down onto the wall. The Guild Master shouted in panic:

{Damn it! Everyone, retreat!}

Everyone immediately retreated far to the sides, casting magic shields to block off the portion of the wall the Troll is targeting to block the possible flying debris and shrapnel from the attack. Perfect! I was afraid that my next attack will be too powerful and end up hurting the adventurers, but the shields casted by multiple mages should prevent that.

As I was retreating, I pointed one of my gauntlets at the Troll's face. Multiple hidden tubes popped out of my gauntlet, each one containing a miniature missile, each no longer than 10 centimeters long (3.94 inches). Although my missiles aren't high-tech weapons which include heat seeking technology or laser guidance, it travels fast, far and packs a heavy punch.

While creating the gauntlets, each missile cost me 5000 mana each, making a total of 60,000 mana for the six missiles on each gauntlet, more than one third of the cost of the entire gauntlet. Since the Troll is very close to the wall, I fired only one missile to see its effects. The troll noticed my attack and quickly swung its club towards my missile to block it, just like it did with my dynamites.


The missile instantly made contact with the club, causing a massive explosion, along with a lot of smoke. All of the magic shields shattered after absorbing some of the impact. Thankfully, everyone on the wall had already retreated far away from the Troll. There was a lot of smoke, but I can see the shadowy figure of the Troll retreating. Despite coughing non-stop due to the smoke, I could hear the Guild Master giving a command to the mages:

{What the hell happened?! Cough! Cough! Mages, cast wind magic to clear the smoke! Cough!}

Using magic, a strong breeze soon blew away all of the dark smoke. However, everyone's confusion and shock were only amplified when they saw the current scene without any smoke obstructing the view.

{What the hell happened to the Troll?}

{Why is half of its head gone?}

{Its right arm is gone too!}

Shocked comments from the adventurers around me described the scene perfectly. Standing there is the figure of the Troll. The once dominating monster now looked pitiful with half of its head destroyed, exposing the remaining part of its brain. Its right arm is completely obliterated, and its body is completely drenched in blood from the wounds all over its body.

This! This is it! The wonderful feeling of dominating over fantasy creatures with modern weapons! To be honest, I had gotten bored of shooting Goblins and Orcs with the guns I created. I had experimented with more powerful guns, which are capable of blowing pieces of the monsters' bodies off with a single shot.

You are reading story With enough mana, I can create any weapon! at novel35.com

However, a gun is still a gun, and even though I used different types of guns, the feeling they gave me is too similar to each other. I wanted to try something new! Thus, these missiles were created as a new way to show off the power of technology.

As the adventurers discussed the scene, the flesh of the Troll began to squirm with squelching sound. No way! Is it really going to regenerate?! Half of its head got blown off, no way it is still alive! After a while, the flesh finally stopped squirming without any healing done. Just as I thought that it was all over, the Troll began to move its mouth, and it actually spoke?!

{The- The D- Demon King won't let y- you off...}

(You have leveled up to Level 17.)

With that ominous statement, it slumped forward and fell over, dead. The monsters, now no longer under control by a powerful boss, are panicking and attacking each other. The fights between the Goblins and the Orcs are especially fierce. But everyone's mind was occupied by what the Troll said. It would be big news if what he said about the demon king is true. Also, did I say everyone's mind was occupied by what the Troll said? Because I really meant everyone without a screw loose.

{Eren! What was that thing you did at the end? I saw you shoot something at the Troll before it exploded.}

Annabelle sneaked up to my side before whispering her question into my ear. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

{Annabelle, did you not hear what the Troll said? He said the demon king will take revenge on us.}

{I know that. But what did you shoot at the troll at the end? It seems really powerful!}

I sighed before explaining to Annabelle:

{You know my special dynamites, right? This is basically a better version of that. I can shoot it and it creates a large explosion as you have seen.}

After finally appeasing Annabelle's curiosity, we continued wiping out the now disordered beast tide. Afterwards, I went to meet up with John. He hugged me as soon as he saw me, his face full of tears, as he thanked me for saving his life. I patted his shoulder awkwardly and told him he did a great job.

Annabelle didn't snitch on my new weapon, leaving everyone to wonder what blew the Troll up since everyone was panicking when I fired my missile, thus not noticing my actions.

Finally, the battle ended satisfyingly for me, but I can't say the same about the melee Adventurers. Alex complained in the bar:

{What! I thought I would get to fight a Rank B+ monster.}

He was instantly silenced by Annabelle, who lightly slapped him on the back of his head and said:

{You should be glad that the only thing damaged in this town are the walls. Who knows how much damage the Troll could have caused if it enters the town.}

Rubbing his head sheepishly, Alex turned towards me and suddenly spoke seriously:

{I heard you saved John, thank you so much. If you require any favour, just tell me and I'll do it.}

Surprised by his sudden change of tone from his usual playfulness to his current seriousness, I replied:

{C'mon, we are all one party! Helping each other is what we should do!}

John quickly inputted his own opinion:

{I was the one saved by him, so I should be the one repaying him.}

Alex gave us a thumbs up and was about to speak, but Sally, who was drunk again, interrupted and changed the topic:

{I wished I could see Eren in action. All I heard was cheering from the bottom of the wall!}

Our party continued talking deep into the night, spending a portion of the reward on booze.

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