With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: That is my world now!

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As I walked closer, I could see Charles seated behind a table and a chair was already waiting for me on my side.

David: "Is this a job interview or something? I just wanted to let you know I'm not interested

This made him chuckle.

Xavier: "No this is not a job interview. It's more like a talk among friends."

Among friends huh? Friends don't break into your home and trap you in a mind space.

Man I don't like being kidnapped again ...

As I sit down at the table, I simply wait for him to continue, concentrating on other things as I relax a bit.

Xavier: "Like you I'm a master at these mind games. Even if you try something I already blocked your powers here."

I fold my arms in front of my chest and try to activate my Sharingan, but it does not work.

David: "So Mr. Charles Xavier or do you prefer Professor X? How can I help you?"

He closes his eyes and then a cup of tea appears and he starts to sip it. He knows that this tea is not real right?

Xavier: "Charles is fine. Let me enlighten you a bit. During the past few months I have observed you. At first I thought you were a telepath like me, but after witnessing your powers I changed my mind. You also don't seem to be a Mutant, so tell me what exactly are you?"

David: "What if I told you that I'm a simple human being with bad luck? But telling you anything is probably not even necessary because you are already in my head and trying to read my memories."

Meanwhile, the room became dimmer and I began sipping imaginary tea too.

Xavier: "Then I wouldn't believe you and you already know that I can't look into your memories because you fight so hard against my telepathy."

Did he notice my attempts? Let's see where this goes.

David: "It's because I would like people to stay out of my mind if possible. Let's end this here Charles. I have something more meaningful to do than sit around in your mind space."

Charles became more serious as I stood up and started walking away.

Xavier: "No one has allowed you to leave yet Mr. Blake. In this talk we will determine if you are a danger to the outside world or if you can be helpful to us.

Laughing at his words I turned around.

David: "So my options are to get detained or to work for you is this how it works? Nah not gonna happen."

Charles exhaled a bit and said.

Xavier: "I think you don't have a real choice here. Only we can really help you in this world even if it means restraining you."

Wow, I thought Magneto was the bad guy but Charles is probably even worse.

David: "And how will you do it?"

I activated my Sharingan and changed Charles white room to a dark void with only a red moon enlightening our area. Charles eyes became wide at this.

Has he really not noticed that I also had a cup of tea in my hand and changed the lighting in the room? Or did he assume that it was his doing?

David: "You're too full of yourself, Charles. You see I simply wanted to ignore you and your X-Men. But now it seems that I need to restrict your actions a bit."

I step out of the light and into the shadows.

David: "This is my world now and I advise you not to leave the light. There are things hidden in the shadows even you don't want to meet."

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I see him shaking at this words.

Charles: "Wait we can talk through this. With my guidance I can help you even further enhance your powers..."

Not interested in hearing more of this, I shatter his telepathy on me.

Suddenly I dropped to my knees while holding my head. Even if I could break through his telepathy, it cost me a lot of mental strength to do so.

To get out of his mind control I used the same tactic as you would use if you wanted to break out of a Genjutsu. I stopped the chakra flow completely in my body and afterwards I let my chakra go haywire to force his mind control to break.

Afterwards it was simple to take over his mind space with my Sharingan.

Getting enough strength to look around I noticed that I was still in my living room. Three people were in front of me. Storm, Cyclops and a collapsed Xavier in his wheelchair. They appear to be panicking at the attempt to wake him up.

Getting up, I was thankful that I wasn't already in the X-Mansion or something like that.

When Cyclops saw me he got angry and put his hands on his Visor.

Cyclops: "What did you do to him? Reverse it or I will force you to do it."

Am I hearing things wrong or did the guy just treat me at my home? Staying calm I say.

David: "If you don't want him to stay like this forever I think that you should probably leave right now."

Getting none of it he steps closer and his visor starts to brighten up.

With some chakra focused in my body, I dashed behind him pressing my hand against his head and shocking him with my Raiton chakra. Dropping him to the ground.

Storm: "Wait that's enough we got it."

Since the white-haired beauty tried to de-escalate the situation, I also relaxed a bit, I didn't really want to destroy my own home in a battle against her.

David: "Pick up your friends and leave. Also tell Xavier that if he does something like this again, there will be no mercy on my side anymore."

Suddenly Night crawler teleports in and growls at me.

Storm: "It's fine, get Cyclops and bring us out.

After listening to her, he simply picks up Cyclops and walks to her.

What the hell, man, that was creepy.

Storm: "What is with the professor? Will he ever wake up?"

I watched them in a quiet manner and really didn't want to talk to them any more. But then I exhaled loudly and calmed down my nerves.

David: "He will awaken in one to two weeks. Make sure that he hears my warning."

Storm simply nodded at this and Night crawler teleported them away.

As I massaged my temples, I could only hope that not all the organizations and teams in this world would start showing up at my doorstep.

To calm down my mind, I sat down on my couch again and started to work further on my iron throne.



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