With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 20: Chapter 18: Dealing with Pierce

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A few hours before the attack on the Triskelion in a meeting room on the top floor.

Natasha's POV:

The last month was very busy. We rescued Steve Rogers from the Arctic Ocean, or more specifically, Coulson and his team did. After that, Clint and I were assigned to take care of the Hydra cells all over North America.

We could pinpoint nearly twenty bases and smoke them out because of the file David provided for us. A large majority of the facilities were laboratories for tech or gruesome experiments on people.

Somehow Pierce and his followers disappeared after the meeting between director Fury and David. There were over forty missing agents. Who knows how many of them are still working here?

Sadly, the file did not have all the names of the Hydra agents.

Suddenly I could hear a commotion outside. I looked through the window of the meeting room and saw over a hundred soldiers storming the area in front of the facility.

I turn around and shout, "Director Fury we are under attack and we need to get out of here!"

Nick Fury was a bit stunned but didn't say anything. He presses a button under the desk and an alarm starts to ring throughout the whole building.

"We need to move to the basement, there is a Quinjet prototype we can use." said director Fury in a hurry.

Suddenly shots were heard in the building and people started screaming. But there was nothing we could do to help them.

We moved to the elevator that leads to the basement and waited for it.

However, before the door opens, someone starts shooting through it. Nick Fury pushes me away and gets hit by a stray bullet in the process and drops to the floor.

The elevator door opens, and a man with a mask and a metal arm steps out with an assault rifle and aims at me.

But before he could press the trigger, I fired my wrist shocker at him. This caught the soldier off guard for a bit and he dropped his weapon.

I tried to get to Nick Fury but in the next moment the soldier tears off the shocker and attacks me.

Evading his metallic arm, I used his body as a ramp to get on his shoulders. Then I used some fiber wire to strangle him, but he put his metallic arm between his throat and the wire. With his other hand, he grabbed me and threw me across the hallway.

The last time I met someone with this strength was David.

"Romanoff get away from him he is a super soldier" shouted Nick Fury with a

hoarse voice. Then he takes out his pistol and starts shooting at him.

However, the super soldier simply used his metal arm to block the bullets and walked up to Furry.

I stand up and pick up the assault rifle.

"I'm also here don't ignore a lady!"

I shot a grenade from the grenade launcher attached to the weapon, but he evaded it by jumping down to the lower floor.

Then I ran to Fury and helped him stand up.

"We will still use the elevator, I have a key card so it will not stop on our way down" said Fury while holding his bleeding chest.

We arrive at the basement which runs below the entire island. Fury uses a folding knife to block the elevator door from closing again and we move on.

There were a lot of labs and other important research facilities down there, hidden from the public's eyes.

But for us, the most important thing was the Quinjet prototype built by Stark in the underground hangar.

"Hang on there director Fury as soon as we get in the Quinjet we can get out of here."

Nick Fury didn't say anything and simply nodded to me.

We used a small golf car to get to the hangar. We ignore the labs and the scientists working there who have either left or closed up their labs to hide from the terrorists.

Normally, Nick Fury's alarm would alert the other Shield facilities, but it's not clear whether the enemy interfered with the signal or not.

I tried to send an SOS message to some people and most of them did not get through.

After arriving at the hangar, we saw the Quinjet in the middle of it. We walk to the rear ramp, which also serves as the entrance, and get inside.

At the same time a bunch of soldiers stormed the hangar.

I close the rear ramp and lay Fury on the ground. The soldiers outside start to fire their weapons, but that do nothing to the Quinjet.

Smiling at this, I walk to the board computer to start it and also to open the ceiling.

However, when I press any button nothing happens. Suddenly I heard a voice through a megaphone.

"Did you really think it was so easy? Of course one of my agents had already sabotage your little plane there."

It was the voice of Alexander Pierce... and he continued.

"Agent Romanoff don't make it more difficult than it is. Open the door and join the new world order. If you don't open the door we will blow our way through. Just give me Fury and surrender."

I ignored him and grabbed the medical kit. Using a special torso tourniquet to stop Fury's bleeding. Afterwards I sat down and thought about how to get out of here.

The only way out is to wait for help. If no one comes I will use the assault rifle to take as many out as possible and then when nothing works use it on Fury and myself...



David's POV:

Upon entering the building I noticed that my eyes became sharper and I could see the chakra of the people clearly behind the walls. In addition, I noticed that my eyes no longer drain my chakra when active.

Taking out my smartphone and turning on the front camera, I saw that my eyes had finally advanced. I grinned and walked forward to some soldiers who had begun to gather before a staircase. Three of them were Winter Soldiers.

I inhale oxygen and spit a ray of fire at them in third hokage fashion, engulfing them completely and burning them to a crisp.

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Running past the corpses I jump down the stair case.

By following my sensor ability, I landed in an area resembling a hangar.

I could see Alexander Pierce, five soldiers with cutting torches trying to open a Quinjet, a super soldier on the jet, and Bucky Barnes near Alexander Pierce. There were also two people in the Quinjet.

"You brought a lot of people to capture a single man. It took me an eternity to take them all out." saying this I walked closer to them.

Hearing my voice they all turned around and were shocked except the two super soldiers.

Pierce looks at me and says while stepping behind Bucky "So you are the guy with the glowing eyes. I never thought you came to save Fury after he tried to use you."

I only smirked at him and said, "Who said I'm only here to save Fury? I would also like to take out an organisation which was long overdue for extinction."

The soldiers draw their weapons at this statement.

"I slaughtered nearly all of you men out there and you think you guys can kill me?"

I looked at the five normal soldiers and they all fell to the ground.

After seeing this, Pierce turned his head to the ground and shouted at his super soldiers.

"Kill him but don't look him in the eyes!"

They started shooting at me, so I activated my lightning armor, evaded the shots, and appeared in front of the super soldier on the jet. Then I concentrated the lightning armor into my hand, I formed Kakashi's icon jutsu in my hand, and rammed it into his chest.

I pulled out my hand and saw Bucky already on the wing of the jet.

I throw a knife at him but he blocks it with his vibranium arm. However, I was already in front of him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying into some wooden boxes on the ground.

After seeing that he is not standing up, I glance at Pierce, who is still looking down, and jump to him.

"That was all of them. And you are next!"

As he hears me, he draws his weapon and fires a few shots, but I simply shift my body to avoid the bullets. With one hand, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the jet.

He starts to cry and beg, "Please I have money I have friends we can make you our new leader you would rule the world!"

He stops struggling after a while when I squeeze his throat harder. As he is no longer emitting chakra, I drop him to the ground.

Then suddenly I feel someone move behind me and jump to the side only to see Bucky hitting his fist against the jet

"You're still not done? Isn't that a thing of your buddy Steve?" this makes him look wide eyed at me.

I use the moment to catch him with a Genjutsu.

Searching through his memory I found the Hydra programming and deleted it simply from his memory. Afterwards I let his memory of his past erupt.

He drops to his knees and takes off his mask, saying nothing.

I let him be, walked up to the jet entrance and knocked.

"Baldy? Natascha? Are you there? I took them out, you can come out now."

Natasha opened the ramp after a while and looked at me in shock.

"David? My message reached you?"

"Yes." I glance past her to see Nick Fury's chakra is nearly vanishing and walk towards him.

Kneeling down on one knee, I put my hand on his chest. His breathing was ragged.

"Can you save him?" asked Natasha worriedly.

"I never did it before but I will try."

Concentrating my chakra in my hand and sending it through his body, I was able to see him begin to regenerate and his chakra stabilize.

Exhaling loudly after hearing him normally breathe, I sat on the ground as my body started to feel numb from overusing my chakra.

"He should be fine in a few weeks."

Natasha looked relieved when she heard this.

Seeing that she was also fine, I stood up and left the Quinjet.

I looked around but Bucky was nowhere to be seen.

Natasha walked up to me and said "Wait where are you going?"

"I took everyone from Hydra out, the rest is up to you guys." saying this I started walking away.

When I walked out of the facility I could see some helicopters arriving and Hawkeye was in one of them.

Knowing that they would deal with the rest I transformed into a raven and flew away.



David had no idea that this massacre was being watched by another bald individual who was very interested in his eyes.

"I never saw such darkness in someone's eyes. If this one doesn't do something soon his soul will be the prize."

Saying this the woman who was wearing a hood summoned a portal and walked through it.


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