With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Traveling

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It's been two years since the incident in New York.

When the Ancient One transported me, I landed somewhere in Italy. It took me several days to find some towns.

I also needed to discard my weapons and tactical vest, because people looked at me as if I was crazy as I walked into town fully geared.

And why didn't I put my gear away in one of my ravens?

Because this power seems to come from Tamat and when I vomited this fu**er out, he also took the ravens as well as the ability to fly as one with him.

But the most terrible thing is that he also took a large portion of my chakra reserves with him.

It took me nearly one and a half years of training and meditating to increase my chakra reserves to a level at which I didn't feel weakened by the chakra loose anymore.

I also didn't get totally nerfed because I sto... I mean I borrowed some of the techniques from the Ancient One.

After seeing how she performed her magic, I could copy the process and do the same with chakra.

This opened up a lot of possibilities for me and the price was chakra for this.

I couldn't open portals yet but summoning and creating stuff worked just fine.

That is also a plus because I don't need to buy weapons or other equipment anymore. I can summon it and make it as hard as I want in exchange for chakra.

After much trial and error, I finally managed to create Bunshin/clones that are unable to fight but can distract or confuse their enemies. In the same way I could create my own ravens out of chakra. They didn't have a pocket dimension, but for observation they were good enough.

Additionally, I also recreated the quick equip ability of my old ravens. With a negligible amount of chakra, I create a swarm of ravens and let them fly around me. As they do so, I automatically create the stuff I need on my body.

I did this of course not only because it looked cool... but also because it could intimidate people if they see this.

The other thing was my Sharingan and my chakra.

My chakra was yellow gold under the influence of the mind stone but now has returned back to blue.

Also after sending Tamat to a galaxy far, far away, I stopped using my Mangekyou Sharingan to avoid going blind. Even when I did not feel any effects yet, bleeding from the eyes seemed unhealthy.

I will keep it as a secret weapon to deal with enemies who can push me into a corner.

However, that doesn't mean I don't know how to use these powers, as I learned about them after I awakened the Mangekyou.

It seems that I can absorb with my left eye every kind of chakra or energy. While my right eye can control any kind of chakra and energy. Which makes my eyes pretty overpowered.

There was also something else. When I used both of my eyes something else awaken in them. However, I was unable to pinpoint what it was. But the only things that come to my mind are Susanoo or maybe a different Mangekyou ability.

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But when living in the Marvel world, it's only a matter of time before I need it.

But back to my time when I was ported away. After arriving in Italy, I spent my time traveling from place to place and only training and sight-seeing.

What happened to New York after I was ported away?

I have only seen on the news that the accident in Central Park was reported as a terrorist attack, I had no idea what had happened to my home or company back in New York.

As a precaution to stay off Shield's radar, I bought a new identity here and threw away my old smartphone.

I simply wanted to avoid the Avengers and other organizations for as long as possible, because they will probably try to kill me if they find me.

Staying off the radar also meant that I didn't know what the actual events were.

Another reason I kept a low profile was because I noticed a woman flying over Europe from time to time with a large amount of chakra in her. I was pretty sure it was Captain Marvel searching for me.

After killing Nick Fury, I did not expect anything less from her. However, she appears every three months and searches for me all over the globe, which is a bit stubborn, but understandable in some ways.

After I spent some time in Italy I traveled all over Europe till I landed a few days ago in Germany to enjoy the small things there.

But while I was sitting in a bakery and eating a pretzel, I suddenly felt something strange flying over me. I initially thought it was Captain Marvel again, but after checking, I realized it was something else.

It was a military helicopter and in it was the mind stone...

I thought after I threw it away maybe Thor picked it up and brought it back to Asgard. But it is evidently not the case, and Hydra or one of its former members obtained it.

According to the direction they flew, I suspect they'll be bringing it to Sokovia, which means the Maximoff siblings will be there too.

Wanda is one of the most powerful people in the universe and Pietro is there too... both have the potential to do great but also can destroy everything.

The question is, what could the Mindstone do to Wanda and Pietro without the Scepter to keep the power in check?

It could be the same as what happened to me, or even more horrible since Wanda could be even more unstable.

Making up my mind I paid for my pretzel and traveled to Sokovia to visit the most powerful witch and a speedster.




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