With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 40: Chapter 38: Escape

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Before I could do anything, Wanda stepped forward and used her telekinesis to slam nearly twenty people to the ground knocking them out.

"We have no time for them.

Let's get out here before it's too late!" said she with a stern face.

"You are the people who sneaked onto the battleship. I watched you."

"Yes. And you are the guy who followed us the whole time.

But I hadn't realized that you came with a friend." I say while smiling at T'Challa and Okoye.

"I came later to help a stubborn person." said Okoye while walking towards the stairs.

T'Challa grabbed Klaw and pushed him after her.

"You can follow us but don't get in our way." said T'Challa without turning back.

I look at Wanda, who still holds Pietro to help him walk and we just shrug our shoulders and follow them.

When we arrived at the hangar, we could see that the ceiling was closed and that meant we couldn't simply fly out.

Looking down, I saw 'Natasha' standing at a Quinjet with many knocked out inmates lying around.

When she noticed us, she looked a bit stressed.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be somewhere in Europe?"

I make a hand sign to stop the others and walk closer to 'Natasha'.

"No, I thought I visited some people here. But tell me, Mystique... what did you do to Natasha?"

Her eyes widened when she heard me saying this and she tried to escape.

But I was faster and grabbed her by her neck with one hand.

"I already know who you really are. Take your true form!"

She first tried to resist, however when I squeezed her neck harder, her body started to change and a nearly naked blue woman appeared in front of me.

I noticed that my Sharingan copied the transformation process, allowing me to reproduce the process with my chakra now.

"Thank you and now tell me what you did to Natasha?"

"I did nothing to her... I only... took her form to get in here." She managed to say while I still held her neck.

Suddenly I felt my belt being pulled and I was dragged away with it, releasing Mystique in the process.

I nearly crashed into a wall, but I ripped the belt off at the last moment and landed on the ground.

"Okoye, run! I can't move!"

Standing up, I turned around to see T'Challa frozen in his battle position, while Okoye held a spear and a man levitating above them.

Klaw, on the other hand, was already running back into the prison.

"Erik! don't look... this man... in the eyes!" screamed Mystique while gasping for air.

How long did she spy on Shield to know about my powers?

"I would prefer if you didn't hurt my companion," said Magneto, looking at me but not directly in the eyes...

F**k, we have no time to fight this guy.

"I got a bit upset after seeing her transform into someone I know.

Let's call it a day and get out of here." I say while walking closer to him.

Magneto raises his brow at this. "You are right. I have no time to spend on you."

Then he flew up, stretched out his arms and the walls and the ceiling crumbled and all the metal debris and sharp objects started to come at my group and me.

I spit two fireballs, one at him and one at Mystique and dashed toward him

When I saw Wanda block all the metal objects with a shield, I changed my target and sped toward her while avoiding the metal objects flying at me.

Meanwhile, Magneto uses some debris to save himself, as well as Mystique.

After entering Wanda's shield, I searched for a way to get us out of here.

"Goodbye." I heard Magneto say.

Afterward he raised his hand and swung it down.

The ground began to break beneath our feet, sending us crashing through the levels.

To ensure that we really die, he sent even more metal down to crush us.



While falling, I grabbed Wanda's arm and said, "Concentrate on stopping our fall! Leave the protection to me!"

She nods and I activate my Mangekyou Sharingan.

A white aura began to surround us.

My eyes and body started to hurt. But, I didn't care and created my Susanoo in its skeletal state.

While the metal bounced off my Susanoo, Wanda used her magic to stop our fall.

Looking around after landing on the ground, I could see that T'Challa held Okoye in his arms to protect her, while Pietro was lying on the floor.

It seems this whole ordeal put a lot of stress on his body and he lost consciousness because of it.

Wanda also looked around and when she saw that it was my skeleton, she fell down on her knees weakly.

It must have really drained her to protect so many people.

"Blake? What the hell are you doing here? Did you do all this?"

Damn, I know this voice.

I turned around to see Cap with Falcon standing there, but something was strange.

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They looked like they had been beaten up pretty badly.

"No, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not the villain this time.

It was actually you guys who fu**ed it up." I say while checking on Pietro and Wanda.


What the f**k is this now? A Pokemon?

The next moment, metal debris flung in every direction as a nearly 10 ft humanoid figure with a helmet rose from the ground.

Did the metal crash into him as it bounced off my Susanoo?

"You skeleton there! Because of you, these things fall on me! I will destroy you!"

After saying this, he ran headfirst into my Susanoo and hit it with full force. This caused cracks to appear on the rib cage.

How strong is this guy?

T'Challa wanted to attack Juggernaut but I stopped him.

Juggernaut tried then to break my Susanoo further by repeatedly hitting it with his fist, but it didn't work this time.

Suddenly the robotic voice rang out again.

"The purge begins."

After it said this, small explosions could be seen everywhere and water started to come from holes the explosions created.

They want to drown us down here?

Falcon realized it too and grabbed Cap.

They flew through the hole we came down from while evading the water.

As soon as they disappeared through the now open ceiling of the prison, water began pouring in, closing the opening and gradually reaching our level.

If I do nothing now, we will die.

I use my Susanoo's hand to grab the Juggernaut and throw him in the air.

"Everyone stay in the aura, or you will die!"

I inhale air and concentrate on the Katon chakra in my throat.

And spit out a giant fireball at him.

At the same time, I used my right eye to make the chakra in the flames draw nearly all oxygen from the air.

Then, I compressed the fireball to the size of a football.

The flames turned first blue, then violet after they were compressed.

As a result everything around us began to melt, even my Susanoo a bit and Juggernaut's helmet and skin too...

The fireball hits Juggernaut and sends him against the water masses above us, evaporating them.

"T'Challa, don't let go of Okoye and Wanda, hold on to me!"

My Susanoo grabbed both of them with one hand and with the other, it grabbed Pietro.

Wanda placed her arms around my neck and I focused my chakra into my feet and jumped up.

I felt my chakra start to run low, but I had no choice but to push through.

When saw Wanda that we might be unable to pull it off and her eyes started to glow red.

I felt her magic entering my body and the aura around Susanoo had now taken on a red hue.

Then red wings appeared on the back of the Susanoo and we started to fly up.



We managed to fly out of the prison only to see it sink under the ocean.

Above us, a small violet sun could be seen illuminating the area.

I used my left eye to absorb the energy of the fireball to keep myself from collapsing in the air and also to make the sun disappear.

Wanda looked into my face and her eyes widened in shock.

"David, your eyes are bleeding!" she cried worriedly.

But I patted her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Let us land and get out of here."

She nodded but still had a worried look on her face.

We landed on the water surface and my Susanoo suddenly collapsed and we fell into the water.

It sucked the last bit of my chakra even when I absorbed the fireball.

Floating on the water, I could see a battleship coming from the left.

To my right, I saw Falcon fly down while holding Cap.

After grabbing someone from the water, he flew away with them.

It seems they still saved Bucky in the end.

Suddenly my vision became blurry and I couldn't see anything.

Then, I felt someone moving me and shortly after T'Challa's voice could be heard,

"Stay awake! I can't let a person die who saved my life."

And then the world turned black and I lost consciousness.



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