With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Angry Woman

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Today was the day I could finally put these ugly glasses away. As Shuri said, it restored my eyesight but it was not as clear as before.

I had a goal today and it was to master the ability Mystique gave me.

While sitting on the grass, I channeled my chakra into my skin. I tried to do the same thing to my skin and body, as I did with the clothes in the lab.

I could feel a tingle on my skin, but nothing happened.

It was like something was missing. After some minutes of trial and error, I discovered the problem.

I needed a complete image of the target that I wanted to transform into.

Pulling out my phone, I found a photo of Pietro and Wanda that I took when they were drunk in Sweden.

I concentrated on Pietro and analyzed his characteristics.

It would be easier if I could see him directly, but he was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up to test my abilities.

Then I channeled the chakra in my skin again. This time I could feel my face and hair changing.

I started the camera app and saw that I looked exactly like a drunken Pietro.

While it was funny, I noticed my chakra was slowly draining while being transformed, even though it didn't do so when I applied it to my clothes.

Playing with this power taught me a few things.

First, while transforming into others, I couldn't use their powers.

Second, if I change non-living things like clothes, it costs me no chakra to let them stay changed. However, if I use it on something alive, it drains my chakra.

Third, I found out that I could also transform things that weren't attached to my body just by touching them, but only non-living objects remained transformed if I let go of them.

When I tested it on a rabbit, it stayed a bear when I constantly infused chakra into it.

This leaded me to the last thing, I was able to transform into someone much taller or smaller than me, but I couldn't shape shift into animals for some reason.

Maybe it was because we did not share the same genetics or something like that.

After testing this all, I transformed into Pietro again and made myself smaller and larger to get used to it.

"Pietro, I thought you were sleeping. What are you doing here? And did you see David? I wanted to speak with him."

I could try to prank her now, but she would definitely know that I was not Pietro if I started speaking.

Therefore, I transformed back and Wanda looked like she saw a ghost.

"Pietro, did your powers evolve?"

"Nope, it's me, David. I got this ability from the blue woman in the Raft."

Then I stand up and switch between myself and Pietro's appearances, back and forth.

"Aha, and how accurate is it?" she asked skeptically.

I shrug my shoulders and check out my transformation.

"If I can get a good look at the person, it's pretty accurate, I would say."

"And did you do it?"

"Did I do what?" I asked innocently.

"Transformed into me too?!" she asked angrily as her eyes began to glow.

I backed off and waved my hand in front of me, "No... of course not. I would never do something like that."

When she heard this, her energy began to erupt, "You pervert that's inappropriate!"

Damn, she found out!

"Wait I only..."

Before I could explain anything she blasted me already away and walked back into the house. Never anger a woman who can blast you with a hand move.

Lying in the grass, I felt no real pain from the attack but it was still unpleasant.

I have transformed into her once or twice while training the ability... My sole purpose was of course to find out whether I could change my gender or not.

But I don't think she will listen to me at the moment.

I should go and apologize to her and then find out what she wanted to talk about.

If I had to guess, it had something to do with the almost kiss yesterday.

After giving her some time to calm down, I also went back home and entered the kitchen.

Pietro was also awake, so they sat at the kitchen table and ate some fried eggs. There was a plate on my seat too but it was empty...

When I looked at her she only made a "Hmph" sound and looked away, which made Pietro smile... this dude drives me crazy.

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It seems I will stay hungry till she calms down, since she cooked for us the last couple of months.



For most of the day, I was ignored by her. So I wanted to make up with her and ventured into town to get some things.

When I got there, I saw Pietro and Shuri walking around. I can only hope that his pure soul finds peace in the afterlife, when Okoye finds out about it.

But at the same time if you never take risks in life, you will miss a lot of chances, so I was a bit proud of him.

After getting the stuff needed for my plan, I walked back to the house only to sense that Wanda was upstairs in her room.

"Wanda, can you come down, please? It's important." I shout while transforming my voice into Pietro's.

As I said, sometimes you have to take risks... She probably will get mad, because I used Pietro's voice to lure her down.

But otherwise she would probably ignore me.

She comes down, sees me and looks a bit angry at me while putting her hands on her hips.

But before she can say anything, I press a button on a remote and a projector turns on and starts to project The Dick Van Dyke Show on the wall.

Wanda looks surprised and then walks towards me.

Is it a win or a loss?

She grabs the remote control and starts fast forwarding the show.

"I already saw this part." she said, then sat down on the couch and made some space for me.

So I sit down and we begin to watch the show.

After a while, I say, "I'm sorry that I transformed into you, but I only did it to test my abilities. I promise that I will never transform into you again."

"That means you would transform into other women?" she asked, while her eyes grew wide.

Oh shit...

"No, then transform better into me!"

Make up your mind, woman!

She closed her eyes for a second to think about what to do with me and then said.

"I have decided! While training, I will allow you to change into me, but only if I'm with you.

Outside of training, you can only transform into other women if it is not avoidable."

My new ability was limited by a higher being...

It was so funny to watch her get agitated about it and even set up rules.

But in order to make her happy, I decided to give in. Furthermore, her suggestions would not really hinder me in any way.

"Yes, ma'am!" I say while looking seriously at her.

Seeing that I was serious, she nodded her head happily and we continued to watch the show.

By doing the old trick of stretching and then putting my arm around her shoulders, I brought us even closer to each other.

Wanda turns her head to me and looks me in the eyes before closing hers, waiting for me to make the next step.

But before I can do anything, her phone starts to vibrate and T'Challa's face appears as a projection in front of us.

God damn, not again!

"David, there is a problem and I will probably need your assistance with it."

The projection changed and I could see Captain America, Bucky, Falcon and Blackwidow walking through Wakanda's border, while a cuffed and gagged Klaue was with them.

Do they seek refuge here in Wakanda to escape Tony? How the hell did Natasha appear on their side?

"I will soon pick you up to help me assess the situation there."

After I nod at him, he closes the projection.

I let go of Wanda and changed my clothes to a more battle-ready outfit, while Wanda did the same because she wanted to come with us.

This will be troublesome if they start a war with Tony here...



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