Wizard King

Chapter 110: 95: Surprise Motherf*ckers

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As everyone was milling about making backroom deals and secret alliances, the court crier stepped up before every and then shouted. "The retrials of the c-convicted... Death Eater will begin in 5 minutes!"

Even the slight man looked off put as things of a dark past being dragged out of their hellish prison and back to the forefront of everyone's mind.

Walking towards his seat Harry was soon joined by his ever faithful and loyal maids, Rem & Ram!

Tobry forced them upon him, the house-elf never stopped worrying about him. The short little humanoid just kept on going about having extra security detail. Ha, like he needed protection, not to sound arrogant but he could handle himself pretty well and whoever approached him with evil interiors. Well then he could show them what the boy-who-lived was all about.

In the end though, he conceded to Tobry's request, if anything just to have a piece of mind and not be bugged all day by the house-elf about it. Tobry might be a well spoken and refined house-elf, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to force what he wanted and thought was proper to get down.

Nodding his head to both women, Harry took his seat while Rem & Ram stood to either side of him. It was not an unusual sight to see a lot of Lords and Ladies with hanger-ons; that was aristocrats for you, they just couldn't go anywhere without someone being there to wipe their asses for them or arse kiss to high heaven.

Looking about the massive chamber Harry counted off the 500 or so Lords and Ladies that made up high society in the Magical Britain. Each representing their house whether it be small like Knight households or massive like the few Marquises houses that remained in this land.

They were the people that held all the power and most of the wealth in the Magical Isles of old King Arthur.

Harry spotted all the big players here, except for one which he found odd. He thought Lord Nott would be one of the first people in court today trying to lobby hard against this proceeding, but he guessed the man couldn't stomach seeing all his old comrades who he murdered with, raped, and caused all sorts of mayhem to be dispatched right before his.

Harry imagined he was already packing up and withdrawing his son from Hogwarts as he was looking to flee to better lands that welcomed the Darker arts with open arms.

It would make his Casus Belli with his family obsolete as he would have to track them down and wage war over magical country borders, but Harry would find it a much better comfort seeing him taking the first international Portkey out of here.

"Alright," Madam Longbottom shouted once everyone was seated, her voice was amplified to be heard loud and clear. "Let the proceeds begin!" she exclaimed as she struck her gavel down on her block.

"Bringing in the first convict," the court crier out. Being the ever present norm he was in this place.

In walked in a gaunt bony man dressed in the usual Azkban wear of long black and white overalls and tattooed with magic damping runes and the prison insignia right in the middle.

The man looked around sharply as he was hauled in by two Aurors to either side, as he was chained up from head to toe and even had a muzzle on his face. Harry could see the arrogance on his face as he was forced to talk a seat right in the middle of the chamber as his copper brown hair fell in front of his face.

He looked dirty and flea bitten as if he got dragged out of the sewer more than anything, Harry was glad he was far away from him so that he didn't get to smell his god awful stench. It was a minor blessing.

Still though, it showed the injustice that Sirius suffered. For over a decade he was imprisoned in that horrid place when he was truly an innocent man all along. It was a miracle he didn't go mad or just waste away like most do in that place.

It seem like that wasn't the end of visitors as three wraith like creatures cloaked in long ripping black cloth which head their faces glided inside behind the prisoner and Aurors.

Instantly there was near pandemonium as everyone in the chamer knew what these creatures were, Dementors. However while everyone was taking in sharp breaths, shouting and yelling, or in most cases screaming like little girls, Harry focused on the creatures.

He was the presence of these foul creatures before and he knew them well. What was strange was that he didn't feel that cold hopeless aura like all the joy and happiness was being sucked right out of you that you usually do when you are on these creature's presence.

It was indeed quite peculiar...

"Shut it you little misbegotten sissies," Madam Longbottom roared out, cutting through all the noise and near hysteria like butter!

"I can't believe you are all the representatives of this great country. Where did we go wrong to have you lot leading us?" she asked as her cold iron gaze ran across the room.

"Have a spin, these creatures have been tamed by our ancestors long ago. We are the masters, Not them. Rember that, or else I will give you the whipping your mother should have long ago," she shouted as she waved her cane.

Even though she was an old frail woman who was going on in her years, she still looked like a terrifying vengeful spirit in that form.

It seem like everyone wised up and decided they rather face these soulless creatures than Madam Longbottom herself. It was a wise choice he thought, he didn't want to face that old woman himself!

"Now continue," she waved her hand as she took her seat again.

Doing as commanded of him the court crier, unfurled a long parchment, "Mulciber II of House Norvz. You stand here on the account of 137 Second Degree Murders, 37 First Degree Murders, 14 Rapes, 21 Kidnappings, 5 Robberies, 28 Arsons, 1 Voluntary Broomslaughter, Aggravated Assaults, Hate Crimes, Conspiracy to bring down this State...." and the list just went on.

Harry had to give it to him, the man really went on a spree. He shook his head in disgust.

Mulciber II was one of Voldemort's most senior Death Eaters, these who were either old chums of his from Slytherin house or younger Slytherin alumni, mostly pure-bloods, and people highly useful to Voldemort for their wealth, skill, or ruthlessness.

There were called the Dark Nobles, the ruling body of Voldermort's little army. They were bestowed with the Dark Mark on the inside of their lower left arm. These were his inner circle, those he summoned to his side, and who sat at his high table. They were given the honors of learning the three Unforgivables Spells right from Voldermort.

[A/N: I did that so not every average joe could know the three Unforgivables. So if you watched the movies you know the people at the high table in Malfoy manor are the only ones that know the spells. So that is like Dozen or two people like Snape, Bellatrix, Lucius. This makes them dangerous since they could one shot you, and creates a sense of danger. And I do not want the Unforgivables overused, only used in rare situation.]

Being branded with the Dark Mark was a symbol of the highest status and honor in Voldemort's little new world, but was also something of a dangerous burden, as it allowed the Dark Lord to track, communicate with, and summon his chosen few.

There were also some people who a bit on par with the actual Dark Nobles, such as relatives of the True Death Eaters like Narcissa Malfoy, or big backers like Walburga Black and so forth. They weren't given Dark Marks, but still they were held in high regard.

On the other hand, people like Peter Pettigrew were branded with the Dark Mark as well, though they was considered to be much lower ranked than any other Death Eater, as Voldemort disdained them, and didn't trust them, but they were of great use for him. Thus they were given the Dark Mark so that he could keep a closer eye on them.

Age plays little influence on one's induction into the group, as Regulus Black became Death Eaters at only age 18, all that really matters is their devotion and maybe their social stands as well.

The next level down were those allowed to wear Death Eater garments in order to command the respect they engendered, but were not Marked. They were official members of Voldermor's little army, but weren't too powerful to gain his notice and be welcomed into the inner group. Genuine Death Eaters also regard these faux members with disrespect, as they did not hesitate to speak down on them, nor outright attack them.

On the lowest rung was a mass of supportive rabble, loyal to Voldemort but not useful enough to him to deal with him directly. They were given orders and opportunities to commit crimes or advance themselves through the ranks of the Death Eaters. On the same tier were witches and wizards under the Imperius Curse, and non-humans of different degrees of sentience such as Werewolves, Giants, Hags, Ghosts, Ogres, Vampires, Inferi, Trolls, and much more. These were pressed into service by the Death Eaters, and sentient groups that would have ordinarily remained neutral were brought into the fold with false promises that their grievances would be avenged upon victory in battle.

They are used as expendable cannon fodder more than anything, meant to overwhelm their enemies through sheer force of numbers.

There were other ranks that really didn't fit like Trainers, who were in charge of secret training camps for new recruits. Or spies of course, and much more.

Getting back to the topic on hand, it seem like he wasn't the only one who didn't want to hear this monotony of gruesome misery.

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"That's enough," Neville's grandmother said as she held out her hand. "I think we heard enough!" she said as she honed on the Death Eater.

"Do you have anything to say?" she asked with a sneer of disgust. Nodding her head to the Auror, they removed the muzzle.

A deep chuckle left his chest as his shoulders shook in amusement, he faced everyone with his haughty gaze. He said nothing, but his face said it all. He had absolute faith that his Dark Lord would avenge him.

"So be it, stay silent like the dog you are, " the new Chief Warlock said with a shrug of her shoulder. As with another nod, the Death Eater was muzzled again.

"I will call the vote now," she said, cutting to the heart of the matter and skipping all the bullshit. Madam Longbottom was a no nonsense woman, he wanted everything done strictly and effectively.

"Who believes that Mulciber II deserves a much-...."

Just as the elderly woman was in the middle of speaking, people begin to pour out of the fireplaces that lit the chamber all around.

Dark green flames cast shadows everywhere as people in long flowing cloaks with eerie masks flooded the place.

Wands were raised and pointed at the occupants of the room, and eerie silence fell.

It was like Magic itself jinxed him over, he was just thinking about Death Eaters and their hierarchy and now here were a bunch of them right in the middle of Wizengamot.

Instantly Rem & Ram were on guard as he could feel them tense up behind him.

The fear and trepidation was ripe in the air, as both Lords of Magical Britain and Death Eater stared at each other.

Harry could see that they came well prepared as he counted a 100 or so darkly cloaked Death Eaters. They were of course fewer than the Lords and Ladies gathered here by a factor of 5. But when all hell broke loose, he expected a bunch to flee, others to hide, and most we just going to loose their shits.

Only a minority of a minority would stand up to fight, the others would just be a hinderes and more likely to cause more harm than help.

Breaking the silence was Madam Longbottom who was up on her feet and clapping her hands together. Everyone looked at the old woman like she had just gone mad. They all seem to forget the tense moment and just stare at the old woman.

Harry had to give it to her, that old bat really had some guts, even he wasn't willing to get up and paint a target on his back. He could escape from here as he made a bloody path towards the fireplace and back home. He even was already thinking about his fast path towards the nearest fireplace.

He wasn't a superman and couldn't take on a whole small army by himself no matter how powerful he had become. Yes, he might be able to whittle down their number in the confusion that was going to ensure any second now, but if more than he could handle gathered then he would be in trouble.

He might stand a chance in his Draconic form, but this place no matter how grand it was, wasn't enough room to dragon out.

It was better to retreat now and come fight another day.

However Madam Longbottom didn't seem to be having any of that as she smiled down at the gathered.

"I was expecting you all day Nott, why don't you come out," she said with a kind grandmotherly smile, however, Harry didn't feel any warmth from it but just icy coldness.

Stepping out of the crowd as the Death Eaters parted for him, was Tobias Nott how removed his mask.

"How did you know?" he glared at the old man.

"Come on, Tobias," she said with a shake of her head, "You were the most staunch opponent of this plan, and you knew that you couldn't have your way. So of course you would revert to your old ways, wouldn't you?"

Sneering at the old woman, he faced her head on, "It doesn't matter if you knew what I was going to do, you old crone. It's too late now, I have you where I want."

Chuckling lightly the elderly woman said nothing, and let the man rant on.

"I will be the new Chief Warlock as I should have been, and I will take a firm grasp of this country and lead it down the path it should have always been. There will be no more of filth ruining everything and bringing down your great society. We will take a firm grasp of your fate, and bring Magical Britain to a new era!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry just couldn't get enough of this man, he really was a bright ray of sunshine.

"You can not do this, Tobias," Cornelius Fudge shouted as he got up and shook his face red and his hands balled into fists. Harry was surprised the man was able to get the courage to stand up, but he guessed the idiot didn't like being sidelined and having his station robbed of an upstart in his opinion.

"Shut up, you fool," Tobias growled as he pointed his wand at the Minster direction which immediately had the man recoiling back. His undersecretary, the fat toad, had him seated back down as she whispered in his ear.

"And you," the man spat as he looked pointedly at Lucius Malfoy who sat beside his wife. Harry had to give it to the man, he at least had the courage to faced Tobias glare head on.

"How dare you betray the Dark Lord, you treacherous coward. Working with these Blood Traitors and muggle lovers."

"I have no idea what you are talking about Lord Nott," Lucius answered as he held his head high.

"Good, good, good," the man said as he nodded his head. "It's still not too late Lucious, you can join me now and end his charade, or you can go down with your new work buddies."

"You still don't understand do you, Tobias," the silvery blonde haired man asked as his gaze flickered to Madam Longbottom and he licked his lips in nervous regard.

"Don't understand what?" the opposing man asked.

Shaking his head, the Malfoy family head said nothing more and just sat back in his seat.

"Well if you have made your bed with them then so be it, don't blame me for what happens to you," he spat out as he turned his head away.

Tobias turned to the chamber at large and nearly everyone recoiled back in feat under his gaze, finally, then his eyes landed on Harry or in a more approximate area. But Harry knew the man had his sights upon him and to prove it...

"And you," the man repeated as he pointed his finger at him.



You motherfuckers never expected that, did you? Haha, now let's crank things up to the next level!

Dementor: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Demento

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