Wizard King

Chapter 147: 131: Function Pt.2

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After speaking to James Turner, the Oceania champion, Harry headed off to mingle with the gathered crowd with Hermione.

Turning to look at her, Harry smiled showing some of the playboy tendencies that he picked up from Sirius. "I nearly forgot to comment on your dress tonight."

"Oh, really?" the witch asked as she perked up. He noticed how she leaned into him waiting to hear what he had to say and share his opinion.

Hermione had done something with her hair; it was no longer bushy but sleek and shiny, and twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head. She was wearing a blue dress made of a floaty, periwinkle-blue material, and she was holding herself differently, somehow — or maybe it was merely the absence of the twenty or so books she usually had slung over her back.

She was really shining beautifully tonight and that was exactly what he told her, "You look very lovely tonight," he smiled at her. "No words could express your beauty!"

"I don't know about that," Hermione said uncomfortably as her hands twitched to the sides, "all this show of wealth and power. I don't think I belong here. I-I... I feel like a frog before swans."

Lacing his fingers around her's, Harry used his other hand to lift up her toward him. "Don't ever think that of yourself. All these people you see here are just shallow deep down inside, this is just something to fill that void. They don't have your personality and your brains. You are your own person and that is what I love about you!"

"Thank you," Hermione smiled at him as he watched the tension in her shoulders leave. "Anyways I don't know what to do, this is my one dress I bought for that special occasion mentioned in the school requirement list."

"Don't worry," Harry said, "I could get you outfitted with as many dresses as you want."

"Why do you have women’s clothing?" Hermione asked as she narrowed her eyes on him.

"Hey don't get the wrong idea," Harry held his hands out. "I got rooms filled with dresses and other stuff many of Potter women wore back home. I got no use for them and they are only just taking up space so I don't mind outfitting you with some."

"On that subject,"  Hermione as a longing look passed over her face, "you did promise to show me your family's very extensive library!"

"That I did," Harry smiled as he knew beyond dresses and jewelry what attracted Hermione's attention was book!

"Oh, you look very dashing tonight," Hermione pointed out, "You really clean up very well."

"Couldn't agree more," a voice cut in.

Turning around Harry found himself staring at Daphne Greengrass, she was in an elegant flowing green dress that fit perfectly on her and emphasizes all her womanly curves.

"Daphne," Harry greeted her betrothal with a smile as he took her in.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked. Harry was very glad to know that her tone was calm and polite, nothing of that scathing remark from before.

Harry felt like giving himself a pat on the back for a job well done. He really had out done himself the night before as the two most important women in his life were getting along very well with each other.

"Well, I got an invite so I decided to make myself present. This is after all the gathering of the season! Many members of great houses are present from all over Europe and beyond, best to get to know them and try to establish alliances!"

Seeing the confused expression on Hermione's face, Daphne smiled as she placed a comforting arm on her shoulder. "Don't worry, sister, you will get used to all this. If the things Harry has planned for you go through you will become a fish in water in no time at all. Anyways, I could teach you the ropes if you like, they are all so easy to handle; a smile here and polite thank you there and they would start thinking you are their closest ally."

"Thank you," Hermione smiled appreciatively towards Daphne, her relief clear on her face. Then eyes narrowing as she turned to look at him, she asked, "What exactly did you say Harry had planned for me?"

Under her unrelenting gaze, Harry felt like he sweated a few buckets as he gave her his best smirring smile that he could. Daphne really was a sharp one as she already had ideas of his plans even though he hadn't spoken them to anyone.

He did indeed have plans for Hermione in raising her up far from her position in life. Being a muggle born is hard in wizarding society as there isn't much opportunity for them, plus you have pure bloods exerting their own pressure on the muggleborns.

It would be a true loss having Hermione waste away as a disgruntled Ministry worker or something else that didn't fit her position.

"Don't worry about it," Daphne waved her hand. "We are the ones who really run things here," she said as she placed an arm over Hermione’s shoulder and they started whispering to each other.

Looking at the two of them getting along so well and planning things out for him, Harry wondered if he made a mistake in making them reconcile with each other.

As they were milling about, it wasn't too long before they came upon some familiar faces.

Seated at a table was the other Hogwarts school champion, Cedric Diggory along with him was his plus one for the night, Cho Chang.

Cho Chang was a very popular fourth year that played for the Ravenclaw team as a Seeker. Having been sorted into Ravenclaw House, she was presumably intelligent. She was easy to get along with and was a popular student at Hogwarts, with a large group of friends and many boys who admired her for her extreme beauty.

She was of Asian descent and an extremely pretty girl with long, shiny dark hair, a petite form, small dainty nose, and assets in all the right places.

His partner or competitor whatever he was at the moment was dressed in black and yellow dress robes, while his date for the night, Cho Chang was dressed in a beautiful dark blue dress.

With a polite nod of his head, Harry greeted them, "I see that you guys came to this gathering!"

"Why wouldn't we," Cedric asked curtly.

Eyes narrowing at him for his rude tone, Harry was about to respond before Cho smacked him in the arm, "Cedric! Be polite." Then turning to them, she bowed her head, "Sorry, he is just nervous for the upcoming first trial."

Looking up at the Hufflepuff with a sore look on his face, Harry just shook his head to himself. He had thought better of the pretty boy before, but now it looks like he had been proven wrong.

For a while now there have been arguments going on between the Hogwarts students as to who was the real school champion. Lines have been drawn and opinions were made clear.

Cedric on the one hand was supported by the Hufflepuff and by some Slytherin begrudgingly just to spite him. Cedric was called the oldest wizard, the one whose name came out first, and the such.

While Harry on the other hand was supported by the majority really. This included all Gryffindors, of course, Ravenclaws, some Slytherins and even Hufflepuffs. The reason was obvious, he was the more powerful wizard, and if there was one thing that drew wizards and witches like flies it was power.

He made it clear in the Hogwarts Dueling Tournament that wasn't too long ago when he faced off against the best of the best of the school and won, including against Cedric himself that he was the most powerful student in Hogwarts.

So it was obvious why Cedric might be a sour puss, Harry did after all steal all his glory and made himself, if not intentionally, but still his opponent in the games.

"Scared he might not make it," Daphne asked, in a tone that suggested she was only making light conversation, but Harry knew an insult when he saw it.

"No nothing like that," Cho Chang smiled. While a shade of red crept into Cedric's face, but before he could make any outburst Harry saw Cho pinch him in his arm, making him settle down.

Harry couldn't help it as a ghost of a smile spread across his face, he didn't know why people said women didn't run the world when clearly they had all the men on top in their grasp.

"I guess not everyone can handle the pressure," Hermione too cut in with a polite smile as if she wasn't really talking about Cedric but everyone in general while everyone knew very well who she was referring to. "It only takes a man of strong will and confidence to make it through this. Like Harry for example," she indicated towards him.

"He is already ready and set to go."

"Really?" Cho asked as she stared up at him.

"Yep," Harry nodded his head as he took a drink off a passing waiter tray.

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Snorting out loud, Cedric voiced his opinion for that, "As if! This is a secret first trial. What is there to prepare for?"

"Come on, Cedric," Cho Chang said in a tone showing how sick and tired she was getting of his attitude.

Daphne and Hermione on the other hand were just about to burst as shadows fell over their face, but Harry held out his hand for everyone to cease for a moment. "Wait," Harry said as he stared at the Hufflepuff asked with disbelief in his tone. "You don't know what the first trial even is?"

"No," Cedric answered with a shrug. "Why would I. The Headmaster made it clear as did the Tournament officials that it was a secret."

"So, you really don't know what you will be facing on Tuesday?" Harry repeated as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. What the hell had this idiot been doing the past couple weeks, didn't he even at least try to find out what was in the forest?

Shaking his head, Harry didn't even know what to say. That is the issue with so many Light Side members, they are too good of a follower they can't even decide for their own what to do. Goody two shoes who would never break the rules.

Cedric must have noticed his disappointment, because he suddenly got all defensive, "Stop acting like you know anything. You are just like the rest of us, nothing special." Turning to his partner, he voiced, "let's go, Cho."

Watching as they begin to leave with Cho Chang giving them apologetic smiles, Harry called out, "It's Dragons."

That seemed to give Cedric pause as he froze in place and Cho turned around to look at him, then the Hufflepuff carried on as if he didn't hear him, disappearing into the crowd.

"The gall of him," Hermione shook his head, "speaking down to you like that. Did he forget you beat his ass in a duel. I guess you need to do it again to give him a reminder."

Looking at his bookworm friend, Harry was surprised to hear those words leaving her mouth, usually she was the one who voiced caution and morality. Though on the other hand, he was glad to see her support as she was angry on his part.

Daphne, who was staring at him long and hard, asked, "Why did you tell him what the first trial was."

"It was only fair," Harry shrugged his shoulders, "everyone knows by now what it is."

"That doesn't matter," Daphne shook her head as her eyes narrowed, “better to see him suffer for the way he spoke to you."

"Don't worry, he would barely have time to prepare in the last few moments. Anyways," Harry smiled at her, "I plan not just to get past this trial, but to win it in a way that would wow everyone. I really couldn't care any less of his fumbling efforts."

"So you are that confident?" Hermione asked still with that shadow of worry in her.

"Confident? No, I think it is just a fact!"


Throughout the evening, Harry introduced himself to the other School Champions who were at the party.

His sole reasoning was to get to know them. The Triwizard tournament wasn't only a time for the schools to compete against one another to see who was the best. No, it was also a time for students to look outward and see the bigger wider world out there beyond just their classroom and their own little country.

Many strong alliances were created within these gatherings of schools as people made friendships beyond just their classroom and their time within the school.

Harry knew this was a good time to create friendships with people out of Magical Britain, people in high places who might assist him in against Voldemort if he ever chose to rise up.

That night he met many people; besides James Turner, and Cedric Diggory, he also had the chance to meet Viktor Krum the Bulgarian National Quidditch team Seeker, and the Durmstrang school champion.

He was a nice fella once you got past the gruff, surly and moody personality he puts on to keep others away.

He also got to meet that night Ali Abbassid the Jordan school champion. Now he was a wild host as he regaled him with many amusing stories. In the end, they were close as friends could be as they were deep within their cups and offering lewd comments to women.

A real low point for him he guessed, and he was quick to blame the alcohol as a gaggle of women surrounding him and Ali, but was pulled out in the end by the ear by Daphne and Hermione.

There were other champions at the party but they were either occupied by some folk trying to get to know them and close to them for some of that glory. Thus he was only able to meet those folk until he was approached by someone.

Standing on the balcony overlooking the Hogwarts lawn, Harry had a brief moment to himself as Daphne and Hermione went to freshen up. He was left alone and came out here to get some fresh air until someone else came to stand right next to him.

Turning around to see who it was, Harry was surprised to see it was her royal highness, Princess Catherine III.

"Your highness," Harry nodded his head to the Koldovstoretz school champion. She wasn't his Tsar or anything so there wasn't any need to bow before her.

"Mr. Potter or should We say, Duke Gryffindor," the white blond haired girl asked with a smile.

"Just Harry would do," he replied back. He wasn't surprised to hear that she already knew of that. Already people must be spying for her, to get closer. People were always bowing before those who they viewed as their superiors and who had the most clout than a princess.

"We thought the old blood had died out of Great Britain, but it seems like we are wrong. One of the four Ducial families is revived we see."

"You see correctly," Harry said as he took a sip of his drink to hide his smile. He really should have answered ‘you see partially correctly’, but words were words.

"We are glad then," the girl said as she held herself high. "You may seek our favor then!"

"Seek your favor," Harry laughed out loud. He knew what she meant, court her like so many of the other fools. "No," he said with a shake of his head "no thanks, usually it is the other way I believe."

Looking at the shock in her face, she slipped up, "You would have me seek your favor?"

"No, I see that is not possible so I wish you a good day," Harry said as he turned to leave. 

"Wait," Catherine called out as she walked up to him. "You would seek to refuse me." Snorting out loud, " I see now why you are called an arrogant man."

"Princess, I could care a rat's ass what you think of me. I barely even know you and you come up to me telling me to pursue you. For what? A one in a hundred chance that you would dain to look in my direction. I am not one of your fawners who love kissing your ass and I am no woman's simpleton.

So like I said before, a good day to you!"

"You would be making a grave mistake if you leave here," the princess shouted.

Turning to look at her, Harry just shook his head, when she saw she couldn't get what she wanted she turned to threats and violence.

"Oh," Harry said, "and what will you do?" he asked.

"You... you.."

"Okay while you think on that, I better be on my way. Got important things to do, and all that."

This time he didn't turn back at all as he left the Russian princess out on the balcony all alone.


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