Wizard King

Chapter 176: 159: Victory Pt.2

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"I want to congratulate you all on a job well done," Harry raised his glass on up high as similar gestures were followed through by his guests. They were in a massive ballroom which in its self was a startling revelation. Harry had no idea that the Fortress housed such extravagant stuff.

The ballroom was exquisitely decorated as Tobry really had outdone himself in setting up everything. Fine cuisine was laid out on tables with drinks in abundance, and there was pleasant music being played by some brownies that the house-elf was able to collect during the last minute.

This was a party for only the high ranking officers and personals. The Commander was there dressed in his finest uniform with all his medals gleaming sharply, so too where his Lieutenants here as well as was his Centurions. They had on their finest for this gathering, and stood proudly.

Daphne also brought along her family high ranking officers and captains who stood diffidently by her side.

His vassals were able to make it; some looked proud as peacocks thanks to the victories they won, and others looked as solemn as if their parents just died.

The twin mercenary brothers also were able to make it as they concluded the assignments he sent them off to do before the siege took place. That was why they weren't present while he could have used their extra numbers to even out his own during the battle.

Still they completed his assignments wonderfully and that was what counted.

Harry was also dressed in military uniform of his family colors of gold and red. Griffins were etched into the uniform and he had on plenty of medals and decorations which he had no idea where the house-elf even got them from. But still, he needed to look his best and fit in with this formal military celebration.

Outside was a whole different batter, even through the thick walls of the inner keep Hary could still hear the boisterous sounds of the regular soldiery partying it out. Cheers were being raised, chantey were being sung, laughter echoed freely, and so much more that showed they were having a good old time outside.

Their affairs was very simple to handle; meat and mead simply did it for them, and it looked to be more than enough for them.

The only people there to keep charge were the Decanus, but at this point Harry was pretty sure they had already joined in on all the fun.

"Today we have won a great victory against your foe," Harry continued with his speech. "Their military is all but crippled now, and we have them on the run. Now all that stands between us and complete and utter victory is one more battle. Which I have no doubt we will WIN. We are the Griffins of the Skies, nothing can stand between us and our righteous justice. TO Our Family! May We Be Ever Victorious & Ever Triumphant Over Our Enemies!"

Many shouts went up in answer as everyone raised their glasses up even higher while replying back, "Hear, Hear!"

Waving his hand for them to settle down, Harry continued, "Now first and foremost, I want to thank the men and women who made this all possible. To our Griffin Legion," Harry raised his glass.

"To our Griffin Legion," everyone intoned.

"Without them, we would have never stolen victory from the clutches of our enemy. So once again I want to say thank you."

Happy nods of heads were shared between the Lieutenants and Centurions, it was a good feeling to be recognized especially for your very own master and liege lord.

"To show my thanks..." Harry said as at that moment both his maids walked in with a large chest between each other. They came to stand right beside him on the stand he stood at and laid the chest in front of him.

"There shall be monetary rewards!" Harry uttered as he kicked open the chest and the gold within it was laid to bare before everyone. "Commander, I will be counting on you to hand out each man's share, but for now each Legionnaire gets 100 Galleons, each Decanus gets 500 Galleons, each Centurion gets 1,000 Galleons, each Lieutenant gets 5,000 Galleons, and the leader of your Griffin Legion, the Commander gets 10,000 Galleons!"

Basically, that translated in British pounds to mean he was paying each Legionnaire 2,500 pounds, each Decanus 12,500 pounds, each Centurion 25,000 pounds, each Lieutenant 125,000 pounds, and the Commander 250,000 pounds!"

So all in all after all the recompense for injuries suffered in the line of duty, and compensation for those families that lost loved ones. He had to pay over a whopping Million Galleons, or in British pounds, 25 Million.

War was indeed a very costly affair, even for him that was a costly chuck. But it was well worth it, these men and women bleed and fought for him, so this was just his way of showing his appreciation.

Nevertheless, he would soon be making this amount many times over after he dealt with the Nott family once and for all.

"My Lord," the Commander spoke up as the other officers were shell shocked into silence by his announcement. Still, even he was surprised as his gruff demeanor was no were to be seen at that very moment. "This is too much, my lord. I can understand wanting to reward the men, but you will be emptying your coffers if you do this. Please, I beg of you to reconsider."

"Are you seriously giving some soldiers all that money?" Ser Watts spoke up with his eyebrows furrowed. "It is their duty to shed their blood for their masters. They have no need for some monetary rewards..."

"Ser Watts," Harry looked down at the fanatic Light follower. Of course, he would think that, any sacrifice is worth it in the pursuit of the light. However, he was just a hypocrite just like all those you preach being Light wizards. Harry knew he wanted to say that money would have been better spent in recovering his and the other vassals that suffered during the way.

"Don't concern yourself with matters that aren't yours. I don't tell you how to handle your own personal business and I expect the same courtesy as well."

"All he means to say is..."  Baron Kerry tried to explain, but Harry cut him off before he could get another word out.

Holding his hand out for him to stop, Harry sneered down at them, "I know what he is trying to get at. And I believe my money is better spent on more loyal and useful men than others."

Harry watched them go fluster as he piqued their anger, but they weren't really worth his time or enemy. He turned back to the Commander and spoke up, "Commander, I am set on my mind. This is well deserved rewards, and if you make me I will force it down your gullets," he smiled wickedly.

"Then it is as you command, my lord," the man bowed his head.

"Thank you," Harry nodded his head appreciatively.  Then turning to the two mercenary captain brothers, Harry raised a glass in their direction. "I also want to thank the Crimson and Death companies. Captian Albert and Gilbert, you and your men have done a spectacular job! Not only did you manage to conquer the Nott family Villa and Mansion for me, but you also managed to mop up nearly all of the Nott family vassals one by one and even those that slipped through my vassals' fingers."

That final comment stirred some folks up, Harry could see how indignant he made his disloyal vassals who incurred some innumerable losses thanks to their risky venture. But he didn't really care one wit, they only had themselves to blame, if they had reminded loyal through his family though times then he would have returned the kindness, but then they choose the other option. And that only had one outcome, and one outcome alone!

"Captian Albert and Gilbert, kneel," Harry commanded as he brought out his sword, the sword of Gryffindor, with one flick and held it out before him pointed down. The two men turned from looking proud of themselves to confused, but they nevertheless followed through on his commands.

Coming to kneel before him, "Repeat after me," Harry said, "I promise on my magic..."

"We promise on our magic," the two men said after him, everyone in the hall looked to be confused except for Daphne who face was slowly being filled with realization.

"That I will in the future be faithful to my lord, never cause him harm-..." Harry continued and this time more people started to realize what he was up to. He was creating on the spot two new wizarding knights!

"and I will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit." Harry finished as the two man intoned after him.

"Now then rise, Ser Albert and Ser Gilbert as vassals of House Potter!" Harry commanded as he finished pressing his sword onto each of their shoulders, completing the ceremony. "You are now wizarding knights of this great realm, and you may now enjoy the benefits that come with being a wizarding noble."

Families like his that were so far up the power pole had the power to raise new knights. This used to be something that needed the approval of the Wizard King, but since there hadn't been one for thousands of years since the Dark wizard Mordred killed the last King of Great Britain.

Now families like his could get away with this whenever they wanted to, with no supervision at all, and Harry was making good use of it. The only thing that limited powerful families like his from creating new nobles indefinitely was having a place of power to call home. And it isn't like you can find a place that sits on a leyline wishy-washy.

The two brothers looked wordless, their mouths were gaping open as they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing. All they could do was mechanically get up and stand to attention.

"Ser Albert, I give you the lands that used to be that of the Knight House of Allen. The keep and its surrounding land is to do with as you wish. You may pick your House's new name and its banner at your own convenience."

Finally the man was able to speak up, "I ...t-thank you, my lord. And me and my brother shall be your most loyal vassals."

Nodding his head, Harry turned to the other mercenary captain, "Ser Gilbert, I give you the lands that used to be that of the Knight House of Finn. The keep and its surrounding land is yours to do with as you wish. You may pick your House's new name and its banner at your own convenience."

"Thank you, my lord," the man pounded his chest against his chest in appreciation.

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"You both have earned this," Harry said as he held out the two Keep wardstones to them. They were nothing like the stuff the powered his family home or even the fortress, they were two small gems the size of an ostrich egg of different colors. But they were the keys to the two estates.

"Heir Greengrass," Harry then addressed Daphne, "I want to thank you and your family for coming to our aid in our times of need," he bowed his head. "To show our appreciation, I would like to give you the Nott family Villa and Mansion to you," he said as he took out from his lordship ring two small wardstone the size of pebbles.

"This is indeed a fine gift," Daphne intoned ceremonially as there was none of that flirting in her attitude as she was composed regally while accepting the gifts. "I shall make some very fine us of it, and you have no idea how much joy it brings me rightfully taking my enemy's estates!"

"I am glad," Harry smiled, "and I would love to come visit them once you finish redecorating them to your taste!"

"It would be my pleasure to host you first among all before I show it off to society."

Nodding his head, Harry turned to his vassals, "Finally my liegeman! I wish to congratulate you Lord Bott, Ser Ryan, and Ser Eddie on a job well done. You have managed to secure for our family new keeps!"

"It was only thanks to your blessing, my lord," Lord Bott bowed his head.

"Yes," Ser Ryan nodded his head, "it is you we have to thank for this great windfall."

"Mmm," Ser Eddie nodded his head, "and we will all like your approval in the founding of these new houses."

"You have," Harry nodded his head. "I would gladly welcome to the fold these two knightly houses you have made. Simple oaths would do and the observance of your responsibilities."

Kneeling before him and making their vows, Harry welcomed two more Knighly houses into his vassalage, House Moss and House Hart.

Trying to wrap up everything as Harry was done with giving out rewards and congratulations, he was stopped as one fool decided to stand up.

"You did this on purpose didn't you," Baron Kerry shouted out loud. Everyone paused what they were doing and turned to look at the man. Standing besides him were both Ser Watts and Ser Gray who seemed to agree with him. "You set us up from the very start, and knew what would be coming our way. Didn't you?" he begin to get confrontational.

"I would watch how you address your liege lord," Daphne cut in with a shake of her head, "those are some heavy accusations to make. And do you even have proof about them before you go running your mouth?"

"Shut up whore," the man barked out. Then he looked back at Harry whose face begin to darken, "I knew from the start that you were fit to lead anything, brat. All you can do is scheme and plot like a dark wizard, and betray your own vassals! But no longer will we stand for this, we demand justice," the man screamed at the top of his lungs.

Harry was astonished at the man's hypocrisy, but more than anything all he saw was red. Not only did scheme for all he was worth for years to overthrow his family, but now he dared to confront him in his own fortress and dare to insult his intended.

"I... ahfah," before he could get another word in he begin to choke on his own blood as a sword, and not any sword at that, but the Sword of Gryffindor stuck out of his throat. He tried to paw at it helplessly, but it was stuck several inches inside.

Everyone watched shell shocked as the fool choked on his own blood before them all and then slump to the ground. Harry walked up the now cooling corpse and pulled out his sword he tossed with a bit of physical augment magic from the man's throat with a wet slunk.

His eyes were singularly focused on the two disloyal vassals who looked very much spooked out of their wits. "I see that the two of you are such adamant supporters of his, huh?!" he said which caused them to both starts sweating bullets.

"That is not true, my lord," Ser Watts tried to say, for the first time showing him the respect due his position.

Harry held out his hand to stop him, "I don't care what excuses you have to make, the two of you can simply leave," Harry waved them off. "No longer will you be vassals of mine, you can make your way in the world on your own, but from here on out you have nothing to do with me or my family!"

"You can't mean..." Ser Gray said hesitantly.

"Yes, from here on out you are excommunicated!" Harry said with great finality. There were many gasps through the hall, this was indeed a very big announcement. There is a reason why smaller houses put up with being vassals of bigger houses, this is a very bloody and grim world and greater power could pick a fight with you for no reason at all if you have no powerful backing, you would be sooner or later be ground into dust.

To make matters worse since they were already excommunicated by one great power, no one would dare accept them into their fold.

Harry could have easily finished off their families and taken back their land, but he wanted to send a message. Death is just too simple!

"My Lord, you can't," Ser Watts finally broke down.

"I can and I have," Harry said. "Now be gone," his voice echoed as he banished them from his fortress with a wave. Silence greeted his deed after the two men were all but gone before him. No one dared to say a word at all.

However that was when a messenger came running inside. "My lord," he shouted, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but someone was trying to make their way into fortress."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, "is there a force outside, " before his question could be answered the fortress itself shook.

Dust fell down from the ceiling as everyone tried to steady themselves in place, and that was when Harry heard the voice. It seemed to be coming from far away like someone was speaking through a tunnel.

Harry craned his neck until he saw a portal of some sort forming in the air before him.

"Lord Potter," Lord Yaxley greeted him with a curt nod.

Before him was the gathered leaders of the Dark faction. Each and ever single one of them was present and they all looked like they came with single minded goals in mind.


Important Info!

Military structure!

5 soldiers make a Contubernium lead by a Decanus, 10 Contubernium make a Century lead by a Centurion, 10 Centuries make a Cohort lead by a Lieutenant, 10 Cohorts make a Legion leader by a Commander.

Vassals of House Potter:

Baron Terrant of House Bott, Ser Ryan of House Cole, Ser Eddie of House Dehoff, Ser Myles of House Rogers (Loyal) 4

Knightly House Moss, House Hart, Ser Albert and Ser Gilbert two new houses (new) 4

Baron Kerry of House Fraser, Ser Watts of House Spencer, Ser Gray of House Pearce(kicked out) 3

Ser Gimbal of House Chalet, Ser Bret of House Porter(Extinct) 2

Sacred Twenty-Eight:

Dark: Carrow, Yaxley, Rosier, Parkinson, Flint, Bulstrode, Mort, Lestrange(Extinct), Nott(Soon to be Extinct), Black(Left faction, will join Grey)!

Grey: Greengrass, Slughorn, Avery, Selwyn, Burke, Maestro, Rabnott, Rowle, Crouch(Looking for a new heir)

Light: Diggory, Longbottom, Fawley, Shafiq, Shacklebolt, Macmillan, Bones, Potter, Prewett(Extinct)!


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