Wizard King

Chapter 178: 161: Threats

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With the two banished lords gone, the hall was greeted to silence only the sound of Harry pulling out his sword from the corpse on the ground filled the chamber.

And it was at that moment that a messenger came running inside. "My lord," he shouted as he came to a stop before Harry, breathlessly trying to control his breathing. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but someone or something is trying to make their way into fortress."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he narrowed his eyes, could the Nott family forces really be back seeking revenge or did they get help from some other family just like he did. "Is there a force outside?" he inquired from the messenger, "Come on, good man, be clear here, this could be life or death!" However before his question could be answered the fortress itself started to shake.

It was like a mini earthquake strike at the place as dust fell down from the ceiling as everyone tried to steady themselves in place, and not just fall to the ground. That was when Harry heard the voices. It seemed to be coming from far away like someone was speaking through a tunnel. For a good long moment he thought he just lost his mind until...

Harry craned his neck around and he saw a portal of some sort forming in the air before him. He dusted himself off as he stood tall, ready to face this invader that would be foolish enough to try to invade the heart of his family's military complex.

Then finally the portal opened up to a darkened chamber, it took a while for his eyes to adjust but one he did he saw that he was looking in on a gathering of sorts from within the portal. Everyone in the hall also stared open mouth at the sight before them. Daphne came over to his stand to stand right next to him.

"Lord Potter," Lord Yaxley greeted him with a curt nod.

Before him was the gathered leaders of the Dark faction. Each and every single one of them was present and they all looked like they came with single minded purpose.

Harry saw the very feminine man Lord Rory Rosier, the grimdark man Lord Perseus Parkinson, the creepy twins Lord Alecto Carrow and Lady Amycus Carrow, the manically smiling man Lord Hunter Flint, the heavy set Lord Kaiden Bulstrode, the seductive Lady Amaryllis Mort, the very person that just addressed him, Lord Corban Yaxley, and a young man who he knew nothing about but was seated on the High Table which was telling in of itself.

It would seem that there was no Lucius Malfoy present, Harry guessed he was busy fighting the war that his godfather started with his family right at the same time he begin his own. But he didn't know what rally happened was that he got booted from the High Table.

"My Lords and Ladies," Harry nodded his head politely but his demeanor was anything but. "What brings you here within my family fortress?" he asked. Basically inquiring why the fuck they decided to break through his wards and into his fort. They must have pooled all their magic to accomplish this, as nothing could get through the wards protecting his family fortress except for such overwhelming force as 7 families of equal standing to his combining all their might.

"We only wanted to know how things were going between your house and Nott," Lord Bulstrode smiled towards him, showing all his teeth.

"Ahhh," Harry chuckled softly, as he finally saw what they came here for. To save their faction member's butt as he already handed their ass to them for too many times to close to comfort.

"I am sorry to tell you this, but you are a bit too late. House Nott just left a few hours ago. They seemed to be in quite the hurry, if you wish I could see what had them in such a rush... Of course I will need to bring with me my men, for my safety you know."

A look was shared between them, it looked like this was news for them. Maybe they thought they could get here before it was too late to stop him from routing the Nott force, but they guessed wrong.

"You already routed them, huh?" Lady Mort muttered to herself. "Well..." she said as she took another look at him with some thoughts clearly passing though her head.

"I think that there will be no need for that, Lord Potter. I think you have done more than enough for them," Lord Yaxley said. "We will assess on your own how the Nott family is doing. And I am sure they will be willing to pay you and the Greengrass family proper recompense for the insults and injuries dealt.

"I don't think so," Harry said with a shake of his head.

"You will do as you are told, brat! Or else..." Lord Rosier started to shout. It seemed like he was still butt hurt from the trial of the death eater and when he was almost unveiled.

Lord Parkinson sent him a simple glance that shut him up, and he turned to Harry. "What else would you like boy. We will be willing to pay any price if you let the Not family off the hook."

"What could you even pay him that would satisfy anyone from destroying a Earl house and taking everything from it," Daphne snorted out loud, cutting into the conversation.

"Yes, my fiance has a very good point," Harry said as he rested a hand on the small of her back. "There is no price you can pay to stop me at this point, forget the satisfaction it would bring me in destroying the Nott family. A dark family," he added as he gave them all a pointed look.

"Now if you can please leave," Harry said politely before his tone became much darker. "I might let you all off right now, if not, I do something I might regret."

"We can not do that," Lord Yaxley said still holding out his smile, but Harry saw that it was slowly waning. "This is something we can not back down from. We can not allow a Earl house to disappear before our very eyes. There are very few precious old bloodlines left, and we can not allow you Lord Potter to sever it."

Harry felt like laughing out loud if his wrath wasn't bubbling over. Ha, they cared nothing for if some bloodline was over. All they cared was for the precious balance between each faction.

"Oh is that so now?" Harry asked very slowly as his face darkened. "So not only do you all involve yourselves into a matter that isn't your own. You try to interfere in a rightful and justified personal war between two families, which I might as well add as been approved by the Wizengamot. The very ruling body of this land that all Lords and Ladies swear to uphold and follow their ruling passed down. You also dare to assail my family stronghold, and the list just goes on!

Now tell me why should I give a Doxy's ass anything you say?!"

Silence greeted his proclamation as the two sides faced off with no one willing to back down a inch.

That is until the young man seated along with the other dark lords decided to speak up. He seemed to have steeled himself as he uttered, "You have no choice in this matter! You are just one Lord, albeit of equal standing to us, but are you willing to go up against the whole Dark Faction!?"

Turning his gave on the young man who seemed to be only a couple years older than him, near to Tonks age. There must have been something in his eyes as the young man flinched back, however Harry ignored it and asked. "Who the hell are you?"

"I am Lord C-..." he tried to answer before Harry held out his hand.

"I don"t give a fuck who you are, but stay away from our conversations!"

"Lord Potter," Corban Yaxley spoke up, "If you don't back down, than the dark faction would be left with no choice but to pursue other and more deadly methods to stop you!"

"Go ahead," Harry snorted. "The Light faction shall here about this, and lets see what they have to say!"

"You better listen up here, brat," Lord Rosier shouted, but he didn't get anywhere.

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Harry tapped into the wardstone, he long made a connection to it as it responded to him and his bloodline. The thing was nearly sentient as with just a thought it knew what he wanted.

Slowly the portal before started to close and Harry stared at the gathered Great Lord of the dark faction. "If you can stop me from destroying the Nott family, then by all means go ahead," he sneered at them. "But I won't be stopping for your sake!"

Finally, the portal was closed and only the people originally here in the chamber were the only ones left. 

Harry stood in his spot for a long moment contemplating his own thought. Antagonizing the whole Dark Faction wasn't a very smart thing indeed. If they all decided to gather in force against him there was no way he could stand up against their combined might. 

Still he stood by his decision, there was no way he could let the NOtt family continue. He might had dealt them a very grievous and crippling blow that would take them years to recover from, but today he made a blood enemy. 

For generations to come his house and the Nott family would be in an unending war.

This needed to end right now, not just for his descendants' sake, but also for his satisfaction. He would never forgive Theodore Nott nor did he expect him to do the same. 

Anyways he wasn't alone against the Dark faction, he could always turn to his own faction that he was one of the leaders of, the Light faction. They would never stand for this, and would have his backing if the Dark faction dared to make a move. 

But he needed to hurry, this couldn't be dragged out for any longer or who knew what other elements would enter the formula. 

Turning around, Harry saw that everyone was waiting for him and hanging on his word. They all saw him as their leader and counted on him for comfort and backing.

Daphne spoke quietly for only his ears, "They need you right now more than ever!" 

Turning to each of them in turn, and addressed them. 

"We all saw what happened today, the Dark faction know that we aproch victory and fears what it means. But we won't stop, our family would never fear what others might do or say. We will continue to ever strive forward in our righteous path, letting nothing stand in our way. For we are HOUSE POTTER!" 

A wild cheer went up as everyone clapped their hands and whooped out loud. 

Harry nodded his head to himself and Daphne smiled, "Well said, now are you going to follow through on it." 

Wrapping an arm around her waist, Harry grinned at her. "Hell yeah, I am!" 

"Commander," Harry called out, being with him as he issued his order in rapid fire. "I want you to gather our forces by first light and strike at the Nott family military stronghold, the Grim Fortress. Leave only a minor force behind here to guard the fortress, and make sure to take nearly all.

After that, it's to the final stop, the Nott Manor! That is where I will meet you!"

"Yes, my lord," the gruff man nodded his head. 

"My Lords," Harry then turned to his vassals. "I will have you join the commander in taking the Grim fortress. And once that is done, I will need you to hold it as the Commander moves forth with his army." 

A chorus of, "Yes, my lord," was all that he needed.

"Ser Albert and Gilbert," Harry then addressed the two old mercenary captains. "Before I have you checking out your new estates, I would like for you to render some assistance to my godfather, Sirius Black! I won't be too sure if the Dark faction will also be interfering in his war, but I will be feeling a lot better if you and your men went to him!" 

"Of course, my lord," the two men bowed their heads.

"Daphne," Harry turned to his fiance at last. 

She seemed to have just gotten off a phone call with someone and looked at him with her head held down as she sadly voiced, "I am sorry Harry, but this is all I can do, my father has summoned me back. It seems like there have been some new developments." 

"What sort of developments?" Harry asked. 

"It would seem that a Great Lord of the Grey faction has deserted and switched sides." 

"Okay go see to it," Harry nodded his head. "There is no need to worry, I got things covered here." 

He could have really used the Greengrass forces, but his forces were more than enough to take care of the final vestiges of the Nott family. 

"My lord where will you be going this urgently," lieutenant Alex asked. 

"We will have to deal with the Nott family Legendary beast, correct?! Well, we will need help in that department, and who better than someone of equal standing!" Harry said.

"Now there is one final thing left to do," Harry addressed the crowd, "to strike the last blow against House Nott to finish them once and for all."


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