Wizard King

Chapter 32: 27: Griffin Fort Pt.1

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"Why didn't you kill Voldemort yourself?" Harry asked as he gazed up at the giant, old Royal Gryphon.

"Aah," the old birdy said with a deep sigh, "the answer to that is very complicated and long winded, but to cut to the matter of things I am not powerful enough for that."

"You're not powerful enough to face Voldemort?" Harry asked in a disbelieving voice. How powerful can the evil fucker be if even an ancient beast as powerful as Old Gryp can't defeat him?

"Yes," the old creature said, "I am barely clinging to life as it is, my magic can only grant me a few more years of life if I do not exert myself too much. That is time I must use to mold my great-great-great-great-grandson here into the next leader of our kind."

Turning to look at Sunchaser who looked saddened to be reminded that his many times over geat father would soon pass away, Harry had no words to say. He knew the pain of losing loved ones and it must be even more painful that each day that passes by you know their time is drawing nearer.

"Anyways, my boy," Old Gryp said as he glossed over his death like it was nothing, "you underestimate the power of a Sorcerer. There is a reason why only a few rise up around the whole globe, every few generations. They are people that stand near the pinnacle of power, that have a very profound and abstruse understanding of magic. They are nothing compared to a common wizard. If they so wanted they can annihilate this whole country without breaking a sweat."

Not even trying to process what the old Gryphon said since he might just start to weep at the unfairness of it all. Harry turned to more practical things like, "Then why didn't Voldermort do exactly that?" Harry asked.

If he knew the madman well which he did thanks to having all his memories saved and backlogged in his head then he would have done it long ago thanks to all the resistance he faced here.

"Well he has Dumbledore that stands against him who will not allow that, and the other Sorcerers will not take to kindly to the fact that he just wiped out a whole country off the map no matter how small or quarreling they are. So people like Flamel couples, Faust, Michael Scot, Aleister Crowley, Julian, Virgil, Albertus, the Witch of Endor, Zoroaster, and many others will come out of the woodwork to teach him a very valuable lesson."

Just listening to him list all these historical figures that Harry heard about on and off made his skin tingle. Some of them have to be hundreds if not close to a thousand years and they are still alive and part of this world.

"Plus," Old Gryp said, carrying on as if not noticing Harry dumbfounded and stupefied expressions, "there are other legendary creatures found throughout Magical Great Britain that can match me might for might, and who would side with Voldermort; like Selena the Basilisk that you have killed."

"Well," Harry said with a weak smile, "thanks for clarifying it all. I guess it will just take time to process it all and wrap my mind against it."

"No problem," the old Gryphon said as he started to settle down. "And little lordling," he called out as Harry turned around towards Sunchaser.

"Yes," Harry said as he looked up at the massive creature.

"Don't lose hope, things might look bleak for you and the odds might be stacked against you, but never lose hope. As long as you keep trying, and you give it your best, you can die a happy man."

"Thank you," Harry said and he really meant it as the words of the old Gryphon uplifted his mood. Even if he had two giant brick walls blocking his path, he would smash them down if nothing along except pure willpower.

Peering at him in a very solemn tone with its milky eyes first the first time even sharpening into the true predator eyes of an eagle. "Reassemble the Griffin Legion, build up your power base, form alliances with other Great Houses, create pacts with other races, increase your hold, expand your land, let the gold flow, innovate new magical technology, recruit more people to your cause, better yourself, further your studies, dive deeper into work, attain more power, and seek new masters to learn under.

Do that," the old Royal Gryphon said as he drew himself up to his full height with his wings spread out to either side. "then know that the Royal Gryphon at your beck and call, and so shall all Griffin-kin that live in the Roost."

Standing up straight like he was in the military, Harry was so swept in the mood that he should, "Yes, Sir."

"Oh-hohoho," the ancient creature chuckled as he saw the young wizard's reaction. "Now head back, you have much that awaits you. And best of luck in your long winded journey."


"So how was your trip?" Sirius asked as Harry slide down Sunchaser's neck. Right now they were in the castle's courtyard, one of the few places except for the landing pad on top of the towers that could fit the giant creature.

Harry was thankful to be on solid ground again, even if he was more durable than an average man now, it still took some getting use to flying on the back of a giant lion/eagle hybrid with only its feathers to hold on to.

Still he seem to gain some G-force resistance, better lung capacity, and Gyroscopic orientation from the ancient Royal Gryphon heart feather since the flight down was much, much easier than the flight up the short distance to the peak of the mountain.

"It wasn't too bad," Harry replied as he patted the big bird on the head. Nodding its head to him, Sunchaser gave one final cry and took off towards the Roost.

"Did the Royal Gryphon give you their support?" Tobry asked as he walked up to him along side his godfather.

Turning to look at the house-elf it seemed like he knew a lot more than he showed, "Yes," Harry replied, "and I went through the ceremony."

"Good, good," the refined house-elf said, as he seem to let out a sigh of relief he did not even know he was holding back. "Now there is much that awaits your attention, Master Potter. Will you be staying to take care of them?"

"Aaaa," Harry said, he really did not want to, but knew he had, and could put it off any longer.

"We need to be on our way," Sirius said as he cut into the conversation and laid his hand on his godson's shoulder. "We have to visit all the properties and assess their states."

Sighing as if he did want to deal with this, the house-elf remarked in a stern tone as he looked at Harry point on, "Master Potter, I do not think you understand how grave things our. There has been no Head of House for nearly 13 years. There is so much that has piled on that needs your immediate attention. You can not go off into the countryside and dilly dally around leaving behind your duty."

"Well," Sirius said as he stepped forward, finally speaking his opinion. "I hate to break it to you, Tobry, but I do not think my godson is ready to take on all those duties. He is still a child and has a life to live. You have carried on for these last 13 years, I am sure you can do so for a couple more as Harry slowly takes on more and more duties."

"You..." Tobry faltered out as he lost his cool for a moment there, "that can not happen. This will need..."

"Tobry," Harry cut off, "I will take on my duties, I am ready," he said as he gazed up at his godfather especially. "But shouldn't a Lord know his own land and properties? What kind of Master will I be if I do not even know the lay of my land or its people and what it does? Would my parents and grandparents be happy about that?"

"No," the house-elf slowly said.

"Well then," Harry said before the house-elf could put up a proper agreement, "that settles it. Give me a couple of days to settle everything and I will go with Sirius, see all there is to see and once I come back you shall have me day in and day out. How does that sound?"

"Fine," the house-elf said after a long pause. "I shall prepare all the paper works for when you come back."

"Thank you," Harry said to the house-elf with a nod, then spinning on his feet, he uttered to the older wizard, "well we best be on our way since we are under the timer now."


Walking out the castle's gate and traveling all the way to the outer perimeter of the Potter land until they reached the barrier, Sirius stepped through the barrier with Harry right behind. It seem like the only way to apparate out of the land is to be beyond the barrier, so here they were.

Hary called bullshit on that but as Sirius and Tobry put it, he needed a deeper connection to the castle and all its land before he could allow people to apparate in and out. The only way to do that is to live there longer than the couple of hours he did so far.

The longer he lives there the more stuff will be unlocked for him. This protection was put in place by his ancestors so that the Lord of the House could at least try to get to know his or her land better.

Coming to a stop outside the barrier, Sirius turned to face him and asked, "I hate to be the one to ask, but are you sure you are ready to take on such responsibilities as Lordship?"

"Do I have a choice?" Harry replied with a shrug. "My house needs me, I am all that it has left."

"I know, I know, pup," Sirius said with a sigh, "it just that you are a child, you should be living your life, having some fun, and discovering more about yourself. Not taking on the hard responsibility of leading a Great Wizarding FAmily at only 14 years old."

"It's okay," Hary said with a weak smile as he rested his hand on his godfather's shoulder. He could see that this subject bothered him a lot, and he really just wanted what was best for him.

"No it's not," Sirius said as he rubbed at his temple, "You forget that I was once Heir to House Black for over 16 years before I ran away. I know how it feels to take on only a meager amount of authority, and let me tell you right now it is not fun."

Peering at godfather, Harry squeezed his shoulders to give him a sense of comfort and stated. "It is going to be alright. I can handle anything that comes my way. I have already slain a basilisk, prevented the rise of a dark lord twice and single-handled took down an evil menace."

Chuckling Sirius shook his head and remarked, "that was only because I was weakened in my time in Azkaban."

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"Still," Harry said, "three 13-year-olds defeated you. Doesn't that say something about you?"

"Ha, ha," Sirius said as he gave his godson a narrowed gaze, "let's have a duel on the training mat and see if you could recreate that miracle again."

Polishing his nails against his shirt and blowing a puff of fake air, Harry haughtily replied, "I wouldn't want to wound your pride a second time. At least the first time you had a plausible excuse, now there is nothing to shield you."

"Ow, you little bugger," Sirius cursed as he brought him in a headlock and started to rub at his head.

"Mercy, mercy," Harry called out through fits of laughter.

Letting him go after he got a good head rub in, Sirius said in him in a serious tone with barely control laugher underneath. "That should teach you to respect your elders."

"Alright," Harry said as he enjoyed their slight banter, "I have learned my lesson and seen the true light of your awesomeness."

"You better," Sirius said as he finally couldn't hold it back and broke into laughter.

"Well," Harry said as he rested his arm over his godfather's shoulder, "We will both be suffering under Lordship together, so at least that is something."

"Yep," Sirius said with a nod, sharing the moment of comradery with him, "Who would have thought that I, Sirius Black the disowned son would be the new leader of my house."

"That life I guess," Harry said with a shrug, "it is full of surprises."

"It sure is," Sirius said with a nod as they just stood there and enjoyed the beautiful sight of the castle down below and its wonderful orchard and mightily mountain."


"So how is Potter Fortress like?" Harry asked as they trekked through a mountainous region as they made their way to the Potter family legion.

"It better known as Griffin Fort by all— where the famed Griffin Legion is posted at," Sirius replied. "Ah, we are coming right up it now." 

Turning to look at where his godfather was pointing at Harry finally could make out a massive structure as the mist parted and the sun basked on the fort.

The structure seem to be seamlessly part of the mountain it rested on as it looked to be made of the same monolith. The walls that surrounded it were nearly 50 meters tall and looked as thick and impressive as well. They were darkish brown in color and in the setting sun, it looked near pitch black. Plus he noticed the intricate designs drawn everywhere on the fortress creating beautiful patterns.

There were clouds surrounding the immense fortress denoting how high up it was in the air. He could see countless arrowslits that dotted the fort like potholes. From here he could also see the battlements which were dotted with tiny ant-like figures and the fortress turrets and towers that stood high above. 

A waterfall cascaded down and other than that there was absolutely no way into the impregnable fortress. Treacherous snowy mountains surrounded in from all sides and with its only gate being blocked, nothing could come in or come out.

Turning to face his godfather, Harry looked at him puzzlingly and asked, "How are we going to get in?" 

"If one path is closed off for you then find another," Sirius replied with a broad grin. 

"I never thought this day would come," Harry muttered loud enough for all to hear, "the day Sirius Black spout out wisdom."

"What can I say," Sirius replied with a shrug, "I am full of surprises, that is why all the ladies love me." Looking down at his godson, he added, "You should really follow in my footsteps if you want my after pickings." 

"Har, har," Harry said, "now come on, be serious. How are we really going to enter that fortress?"

"Did you bring the two brooms I asked for?" Sirius replied with his own question. 

"Ow, I see what you are up to," Harry said with a knowing grin as he held out his Lordship ring in front of himself and two firebolts appeared floating in the air.  

Taking his own broom in hand, Sirius hopped on and called, "You may get my drift, but can you keep up?" 

"Oh-ho-ho, you are so on old man," Harry said as he hopped on his own broom and cracked his neck. 

"Old man is it?" Sirius asked, "let's see about, aye," he shouted as he took off into the sky. 

"Don't cry when I make you eat my dust!" Harry taunted as he took off right after him. 

"You mean you will be eating my dust! I have been flying way before you were even out of the crib," Sirius mocked as he took on more speed and dashed through the sky 

"Must be really sad then since I am much better than you," Harry goaded as he did some loops in the sky while flying deadly fast in the sky.

Just as they were trading light quips with each other and came closer to the fortress a burning red glow started to appear in the sky. 

Noticing the strange phenomenon heading towards them, Harry called out to the older wizard who was neck and neck with him and asked, "Hey, Sirius do you see that thing in the sky coming towards us?"

Turning to look at where his godson pointed at, Sirius immediately went pale in the face and swore out loud, "Fucking shit." 

At long last, Harry could make out what was plummeting at deadly speed, a massive fireball. 

The spell was the size of a fully grown man with an orange and reddish afterglow and Harry muttered under his breath disbelievingly. "Are they shotting at us?"  

Cutting through his incredulity was Sirius's shout of, "DODGE!"

Not needing to be told twice to do that, Harry ducked under the fireball that whizzed into the distance and readjusted his course back on track.  

"What the fuck was that all about?" harry asked his godfather. 

However, the older wizard's gazed was glued up ahead, and Harry just knew what was awaiting him as he turned his head to the direction his godfather was looking at. 

Hurtling towards them was not one or two or even three fireballs but over a dozen of the massive things careen at them. 

"Fuck me sideways," Harry grumbled as he held on tight to his broom and got ready to dodge like his life depended on it. Which in this case it did.


Griffin Fort: https://wallpaper-mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/High_resolution_wallpaper_background_ID_77700633976-1200x675.jpg


Some people think that Harry is OP but I want to emphasize that he is nowhere near the level of people like Dumbledore and Voldermort. 

I hope this chapter tells you how ridiculously OP they are, and how long Harry has to go to reach them.

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