Wizard King

Chapter 38: 33: Twin Sister Maids

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I just want to say thanks to all my patreons, and ko-fi, plus PayPal for helping reach this goal, it's double chapter week!!!!


"Yep, and upstairs is a sight to behold, plus the dining hall is fabulous, and the reception room is great eye candy."

"Ow, I got to see it all," Harry said as he couldn't wait to explore this place. "Is there food here?" he asked as that meatball sub wasn't nearly enough for his growing body.

"Hell yea," Sirius said, "let's go to the pantry room and grab some stuff, and we can pick up a nice bottle from the wine bottle room."

"Sound like a wonderful plan," Harry said with a nod.

Then suddenly out of nowhere two voices greeted, "Good evening, Master~"

Jumping nearly two feet in the air, Harry glanced around trying to spot the speakers until his eyes landed on two petite women.

The one on the right head ruby-colored eyes with a bubble gum pink hair, and the other one had sapphire colored eyes with sky blue hair. They both barely reached his neck as they stood at 5 foot 7 inches, with a delicate small frame, innocent clear eyes, and round ears perfect ears.

They both had the same pale rosy pink skin clear as a liquid pool, heart-shaped faces, small buttoned noses, rosebud lips, short delicate hands, and small calves.

Their hair was short barely reached their necks and for the light blue-haired some of hair covered her right eye and she had a pink flower-shaped ribbon. For the pink-haired one, her hair covered her left eye and she had a flower-shaped ribbon on her hair. Furthermore, they were dressed in a maid outfit, so Harry assumed help around here.

All in all, they looked like identical twins except for the different colored hair and eyes. Plus he had to note they looked so adorable, like cute little dolls.

Still they somehow they were able to sneak up on him, by god knows what means.

Calming his beating heart down, Harry took comfort in the fact that they seem to be calling him master, so he guessed that they did not mean any harm.

Turning to look up at them, Harry did his best to politely greet them, "Hi, who are you guys exactly?"

"We are your humble maids, Master," they both girls answered at the same time while they bowed their heads and slightly lifting their dresses up.

Turning to look at his godfather for reassurance the man nodded his head, "These are Rem and Ram, the one with the blue hair is Rem and the one with the pink hair is Ram. They are your family's Living Constructs which help around in the Mansion and take care of everything!"

"Wait," Harry said, "Living Constructs! What is that?" he asked as this was the first time he heard this term.

"Living Constructs are golems that have sentience and free will. They can form complex, have feelings and emotions, plus are indestructible war machines."

Ignoring the last part, all Harry's mind was set on was sentient machine. "Are you telling me that they are fricking android?"

"What's an an-dod?" Sirius asked as he totally mispronounced the word.

Not even wanting to begin on that complex subject with him, Harry's thoughts raced across to a different field. This was like a sci-fi imagination come to life, this world was so fucking weird.

It was like the wizarding world was all over the place, there is the use of owls which is so medieval even if they are fucking intelligent birds. Then there is the unimaginable stuff like spacial warping whither it be magically expanded briefcases and his Lordship ring. Now here are real-life androids come to life like in the Bladerunner.

Seeing that his godson was ignoring him, the older wizard shook his head and slowly proded him to get him back to reality. Once he saw that he was looking at him, the animagus wizard uttered, "You are very fortunate, Living Constructs can only be created by skilled and legendary Golemancer who are at the height of their trade. I kid you not when I say they cost an actual arm and leg, plus a kidney and heart.

Treat them well, they have feelings and emotions like any old regular wizard."

Snorting, Harry responded with, "Do you think I want a Terminator shit on my hand, or a robot revolution? Ha, there is no way I am going down that path."

Staring at him like he couldn't understand a single word that came out of his mouth, which he actually didn't, Sirius gave him the clear what the fuck face.

"Aaa, you wouldn't understand," Harry said as he waved it off.

Turning back to look at the two Living Constructs maids, Harry smiled down at them and stated. "Well met, Rem and Ram," he said as he offered his hand. "I am Harry Potter, and I guess I am your new master, huh?!"

The first one to react was the picked haired maid as she slowly, and uncertainty reached out with her hand and shook his. "Good to meet you, Ram," he said as he offered his hand to the other twin.

She was much slower and shyer on the up take but finally, she shook his hand as well and he greeted her, "Good to meet you too, Rem."

"It is okay if you just call me Harry," he voiced as he really wasn't too sure about two cute girls calling him Master.

"You are our Master," Rem spoke up, "we have no right to call you by your name."

"Come on," Harry said, "if I tell you to can't you do it."

"If that is the case, yes," Ram answered, "but it would not be proper, Master."

Sighing Harry could see he would not be able to break them out of their habit, so he said nothing more on the matter.

"We heard your conversation, Master. Would you like a meal and some wine brought up?" Rem asked him poliatly.

"Yes, that would be wonderful," Sirius uttered with a nod.

"Then if you can follow me to the main dining hall," Ram said as she gestured onward. Then whispering to her sister, he could hear her say, "Sister could you please prepare a quick meal."

Nodding her soft blue colored head, the maid ran off as she went to prepare their meal.


"Do you really have to taste my food?" Harry asked. Right now they sat in a massive dining hall where the table seem to stretch out to infinity. Bright golden chandelier lining the place and lit it up. Candle wicks where brought out by the maid to create a comforting atmosphere as from behind he could hear some music playing in the background

Both him and Sirius sat at the front of the table on soft-backed chairs, cushioned with elegant pallets.

Before them sat a variety of dishes, and Harry was just amazed at how fast the petite blue-haired maid was able to whip this all together. Plus the most important addition, the wine. From the bottle that Rem poured out from, Harry caught the date of 1955 on it.

So with nearly 40 years of life span, it must be really good he thought.

Harry tried to dig in, but Ram was adamant that she be his feeder. "Your sister just made this, how on earth can there be poison in it? Are you doubting her or something."

"I am not doubting my sister, her parameters just like me so not allow any treachery in our systems. Still, there is the risk that the ingredients might have been poisoned or tampered with."

"What about Sirius?" Harry asked as he pointed to his godfather who was digging in with gusto.

"You are my first and only priority, he isn't," the pink-haired answered back.

"Hey," Sirius called out, "that hurt," he voiced as he placed his hands on his chest and put on a hurt expression.

"She did not mean that," Rem tried to comfort as she rested a comforting hand on him. Continuing with his act, Sirius pretended like he was touched to the very core and wiped some false tears away.

"Will you let me do my duty, Master," the maid asked in her ever patient voice.

"Fine," Harry said as he let her take first bite at his food. "But just so you know," he said, "I have poison immunity. Plus my Lordship ring can alert me if my food is tampered with."

"Still precaution are necessary," the pink-haired maid replied as slowly chewed his food. "It is safe to eat now," she said once she was done.

Before he could pick up a spoon for himself, Ram was quick to the action and handed him one. Before she let go, she asked, "would you like me to feed you, Master?"

"What? NO, I am perfectly able to feed myself," he uttered as he couldn't believe what she was even saying. He did see on the telly that some nobles where so useless and vain that they actually had people that fed them.

However he always thought that was a fantasy made up by the common man, but who knew that is was actually true.

Taking the spoon from out of her hand, Harry started to feed himself like a normal sane person. After a while Harry looked up at her and asked, "Could you just tell from that one bite if it is poisoned, or do you wait to see if you died? What about so acting poisons, how do you catch that?"

"My taste buds are built to recognize the smallest microscopic detail. Plus just like you Master, I have poison immunity."

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"Mhm," Harry simply said, then silently watching them he saw that they were not eating and asked, "Do you not need to eat. There is plenty to go around and we can never finish it all."

"That is very kind of you Master," Rem said with a bright, beautiful smile, "but as Living Constructs, we do not need to eat, drink, sleep, breath, or do many of the human necessities."

"That must be real sad," Harry voiced as he looked at them in pity. "You can taste the most fine delicacy or drink the most wonderful beverage."

"We have taste buds just like I mentioned before," Ram interjected, "even though we do not need to eat, our creator was gracious enough to grant us excellent taste buds."

"Yes," Rem said with a nod agreeing with her sister, "still just like humans require food for energy, we need to recharge once in a while."

NOt being able to respond to Rem thanks to someone, Harry patiently said, "Ram."

"Yes, Master, " she asked in an innocent tone as she blinked her eyes at him.

"I do not need you to wipe at my mouth. I can do that by myself."

"Of course, Master, she said with a nod as she stepped back. Harry could have sworn she was doing all this on purpose, but it was very hard to tell with her poker face that she constantly kept up.

If she wasn't so cute, he had no idea what he would have done. Maybe lose his shit at how constantly she seem to care for him like a baby.

Finally finishing up his meal and getting through with only a handful more incidents, Sirius was first to get up as he yawned out loud. "I am beat," he announced as he stretched his limb, "what do you say to check out this place tomorrow? he asked.

"Sounds like a plan," Harry said with a nod as he too felt quite weary.

"Alright, I will see you in the morning," he said as he walked out on him.

"So," Harry said as it was just the two of them inside the massive hall. "Do you know where I could crash for the night."

"Yes, let us both lead you to your room," Ram stated.

"Okay," Harry said as he got up once he wiped his mouth clean, "lead the way."

Following behind them as they lead him down the hall way then up the stairs, Harry same up to the first floor of the mansion. Doing some twists and turns Harry took in all the sights that the mansion had to offer.

Before long they entered a corridor that lead into an empty wing, which seem to be taken over by a single room. Coming up to a large, white pristine door with golden intricate designs that lead to the aforementioned room, Rem swung it open for him letting him inside.

Walking in then taking in everything the room Harry glanced all over the refined and affluent suite. The theme of the room blue and white which flying griffins etched into the walls.

On the far side stood three large glass windows that opened up to the backyard, however, right now they were curtained closed with massive blue drapes.

In the center was a large king-size bed that could fit a family or an orgy of women and me.

Next to the bed were two bedside cabinets on either side with softly glowing lamps. Beside that was a massive drawer that had a mirror on top, and across from it was a large wooden back wardrobe.

Standing off by itself was a golden dressing screen with wonderful griffin designs.

Off to one corner was a desk and chair that acted as a study area. Beside it where shelves after shelves of books on hand. In another corner was a lounge where three soft cushioned chairs sat around a low table with a bouquet on top.

Off to another side was a small winding stair that lead up. To either sides where two double doors that lead to more rooms. Plus a single door that was slightly ajar and lead to a bathroom and shower.

"Wow," Harry said as he was amazed at not only how big the place was but at how opulent it was. It was truly a bedroom fit for a king, or as in this matter a Lord.

Walking up to the bed, Harry touched the soft silken sheets and immediately felt like jumping in it before, Rem called out. "Would you like me to draw a bath for you Master."

Turning around, Harry saw that the blue-haired woman stood hallway into the bathroom. Since he was already there, Harry just nodded his head. At this point, he was too tired to argue that he could handle it on his own.

Glancing once again at the room Harry just couldn't believe it that it was all his. You could seriously fit two of the Dursley's house in this place.

From inside the bathroom, he could hear Rem shouting, "it is ready Master." Giving the bed one more pat, Harry made his way to the bath and from the corner of his eye, he could already see Ram digging in the wardrobe for a suitable nightgown for him.

"Thank you, Rem," Hary said as he saw the bubbling bath ready for him.

Picking up a towel from off the rack set aside, Harry was about to start undressing but saw that the blue-haired maid wasn't leaving yet.

"Ah? What wrong Rem?"

"I was going to help you bathe," the woman simply replied like it was the most obvious thing.

Going red in the face in embarrassment, this certainly topped it all, who the hell needs help taking a fricking bath. Plus there was no way he was undressing before somebody else, even if she was a cute, adorable thing that he felt like pinching her cheek.

Unless he was sleeping with the person, he wasn't going to bring himself that low as to undress before them.

"Certainly not," Harry exclaimed. "I can do that on my own."

"As you wish, Master," she said with a bow, and Harry could detect the hurt tone in her voice.

Before he could call her out and apologies for his outburst, the maid ran out and shut the door behind herself. Sighing, Harry stripped out of his clothes and tipped toed into the bath.

This time sighing contentedly as the hot water soothe his aching muscles, Harry lead back inside the tub and let the water do its work. Before long, the soothing water and the bubbly foam sent him off to a light snooze.

Suddenly he was awakened to a knocking at his door, "Master?" a sweet innocent voice called out. "are you alright in there?" it asked.

Remembering where he was, Harry came out of the bath which was no already cool to the touch, and grabbed himself a towel to wrap around the waist. "Yes, Rem, I am alright. I just took a light nap."

"Okay," she said, "but it would be better for you to come to your bed since it is a lot better for a nap."

"I know," Harry chuckled as he used another towel to wipe himself off. Then resting the second towel on his shoulder, Harry opened the door and walked back into his master suite.

Ram must have picked out his clothing because a blue soft pants and long sleeved shirt was set out on his bed. Looking around, he couldn't spot the two maids so thinking that they left to let him sleep, he put on his own clothing and got ready for bed.

Suddenly from the door on the left, both girls came back in and this time without their maid dress but nightgowns instead. They were simply pants and long sleeved shirts like his that matched their eye color.

"Aaaaa, what's going on girls?" Harry asked wondering what they were doing here.

"We came here to sleep with you of course," Ram answered.

Before he could say anything, Rem dropped her head and uttered, "I am sorry that I failed you, Master. I haven't been the best maid and have bothered.

"No..." Harry tried to begin, but her sister continued.

"Yes, you are our first Master and it is clear we do not know what we are doing."

Come on, girls," Harry said, "you did plenty good. I... The fault all lies with me. This is all new to be, being served hand and foot on. So I just think it will take some time getting used to."

Smiling at him for the first time, Ram nodded her head, "then we have much to learn for each other."

"Yes," Harry said then watched as the two girls made their way over to his bed. "And I guess you can stay an carry out your duties," he added.

"Thank you, Master," Rem said as she came awfully real close to him until she was rubbing his body against her's

"What are you doing?" Harry asked as he really did not expect this at all.

"We are here to serve in any way we can," Ram answered as she gently rubbed his chest with her hands.


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