Wizard King

Chapter 51: 41: Girl Feud

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Walking through the campsite by himself, here and there Harry met familiar faces from Hogwarts.

Oliver Wood, the old captain of Harry's Quidditch team, who had just left Hogwarts, dragged him over to his parents' tent to introduce him, and told him excitedly that he had just been signed to the Puddlemere United reserve team.

Next, he was hailed by Dean Thomas, a fellow Gryffindor in the same year as him, and he could have sworn he spotted the Crabble and Goyle, and where ever those two idiots are then their master isn't far behind.

A little farther down, he saw Cho Chang, a very pretty girl who played the same position as him on the Ravenclaw team. She waved and smiled at Harry playfully, and he returned the gesture which surprised her when she did not get the blushing mess he used to be.

Finally, at long last, he spotted that familiar brown bussy hair he could spot from a mile away. Strolling over he saw that she was hanging out with fellow Gryffindors from the same year.

"Hey guys," he called out as he made his way over to the fire that the witches sat around it in a small circle.

Turning up to look at him, he saw all the expressions that Hermione's face went through from confusion to shock, then suspicion and back to shock.

"Is that you, Harry?" one of the witches perked up. She had long blonde hair in curlys, large green eyes, pale silky skin, and a round sweet face. She stood at 5 ft 5 inches, with large bosoms that had to be an E-cup at the very least, with wide hips and curvy frame.

"In the flesh," Harry replied as he spread his hands wide, "how have you been doing, Lavender?"

"I am doing good," she answered as she eyed him up and down, and bit her lips when she took him in.

"Hey Harry," Sally Smith waved to him shyly. She was a shorter, petite kind of girl with light blonde hair braided, and brown soft eyes. She had a rounder face with a bit of baby fat, pale smooth skin, an arched eyebrow, and a snub nose.

"Hey, how is your brother?" he asked as he remembered the sulky Hufflepuff in the same year as him.

"He is doing fine," she answered as he could see the onslaught of a blush creeping in for keeping a conversation with him this long.

"Wow, you really got a lot taller," Fay Dunbar noted. She was a much taller girl nearing his height with brown hair that reached to her shoulder blades. She had sharp blue eyes, a long face with sharp features, a straight nose, full red lips, a toned athletic figure with all the right curves, and large breasts that fit perfectly.

"Thanks," Harry said with a grin, "now I guess you can't call me short stuff anymore."

Giving him a wink, she stated, "you sure as hell ain't that anymore!"

"Is that really you?" Hermione asked as she got out of her dazed state.

"Yeah, did you expect someone else?" he joked.

Seeing that she wasn't biting, he comforted, "You could say, I hit a growth spurt doing the summer."

"I hope in all the right place, mmm," Lavender Brown mused to herself, but he was able to catch it with his enhanced hearing.

Horny teenagers, he thought with a shake of his head, but then he released he too was a horny teenager! Nevertheless, he won't be denying any time that he did not appreciate their attention.

Just then from out of one of the tents a young woman walked out, she looked like an exact copy of Lavender but much older with a few inches of height, a much more mature face that brought out her beauty really well, and an amazing F-cup size bust.

"Hey girls," the young woman waved at them with a wave, "having fun?" Then she noticed the extra figure, namely him, and asked, "And who is this cutey?"

From the expression on all the girls' faces, it remembered him of angry cats that had their toys stolen from. He really would have been surprised if they started spitting and hissing like ones!

"Sis," Lavender whined just like any younger sibling would.

"Aaa, don't worry," she said unabashedly, "I would only steal him for a short bit so that I can make him ready for you."

Unable to hold himself back, Harry broke into laughter, coming here was so worth his time. Offering his hand for her, he stated, "I would assume you are Lavender's older sister."

Shaking his hand and holding it a bit too long than necessary, "Well, would you look at that smart and handsome, what a wonderful combination," she joked and could have sworn she flashed her cleavage just for him.

"Yes, I am her older sis, Lily Brown."

"Really!" Harry said.

"What rings any bells?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Its the name of his mother," Hermione added.

Recognition blossoming on her face, she pointed her finger at him and exclaimed, "Your Harry Potter!"

"Yep," he said with a shrug.

"You have no idea how much my sister talks about you," she giggled.

"Sis," Lavender once again whined as this time she hide her face to hide her embarrassment.

That got a good laugh out of everyone and laughter broke all around in the circle.

"You guyyys," the blonde hair witch griped.

Then once again, they were interrupted as a very familiar figure came barging in as she shouted, "You little bitch!" like an angry lioness as she had her fist balled into fists.

"Tonks?" Harry asked as he never imagined he would see her with how she was acting around him.

"Harry," the witch also asked as she too looked as shocked as him.

"You know each other?" Lily helpfully cut in.

"Yeah," Harry said with a shrug.

"No," Tonks contradicted.

"Is it yes or no?" Fay slowly asked.

"We are cousins," he said as he pointed between them.

"He is no one of important," the valiant witch stated.

"Wow, why didn't you tell me that you had such a hot cousin?" Lily inquired with a grin as she looked between them.

"Its nothing like that," the witch replied as she turned her head but he could see the blush on her face. Then as if she was remembering something, she turned her glare back on the busty witch and snarled, "You think you could make me forget what I came here for."

"What would that be," the young woman asked as she innocently lashed her eyebrow.

Snarling like an angry beast, Harry wouldn't have known what would have happened if he did not step in between them. "Alright cool it, the both of you."

Ignoring him, the plucky witch spoke over him and barked out, "You think I wouldn't figure out that you told Erin Samael that I was interested in him!"

"Did I?" she asked as she rested her chin on her hand.

"It always you who is meddling in my life! Who else could it be?"

"Alright fine," she said with a sigh, "I might have told Ivy and she must have told Belle and she must have told....."

"I don't care," the Metamorphmagus shouted as her eyes turned an angry red. "You lost any right to involve yourself in my life after what you did!"

"Okay, okay," Harry said as he knew he had to put a stop to this before it became violent.

"Get out of my way," the Auror growled.

"ENOUGH!" Harry shouted which started everyone from side watchers to the two involved.

"You don't know what you are involving yourself in," Tonks barked out.

Lily on the other hand looked close to tears and kept on whispering, "Sorry, sorry, I am sorry."

"Yeah, I might not know what going on here, but it is clear the both of you are not acting like adults!"

"Yea," Hermione nodded as she got up from her log, and made her way over. "Whatever this is I can see it is weighing the both of you."

"Yes, Hermione is right," Harry agreed. "Whatever it takes you are both going to make up and discuss things like grown people."

"That's never happening," Tonks declared as she narrowed her eyes at everyone.

"It is," Harry rumbled as he stood at his full height and matched her glare inch for inch. When she turned around, Harry was quite surprised. He really thought they were going to stay in that position all day until their eyes went dry.

"Why don't we get some water?" Lavender helpfully tried to ease the situation, "we are kind of running out."

"Sure," Harry said with a nod.

With that, they all got up from the fire and headed out only before Lily thew up a ward to protect their stuff and tent.

Spotting a water pump, each person filled up a bucket to carry which the busty witch summoned.

"Isn't that more than enough?" Harry asked as he counted 7 buckets among them.

Sniffing, Lavender replied, "that would barely last us half a day. A woman has needs."

"You mean you will be using all the water," Fay joked.

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Shaking his head, Harry spoke to Lily, "alright summon three more."

"It's alright," Lily said with a soft smile, "we can come back for more."

"I can carry two more," Tonks stated.

"I do one more," Fay said with a shrug.

"Who said anything about carrying them all?" Harry asked. "Just do it," Harry said to the busty witch.

Nodding her head, she summoned another 6 buckets. Filling them up, Harry took out his wand only for concealing sake as he lifted them all into the air with his telekinesis.

Taking a sharp intake of breath, Hermione hissed, "That underage magic!"

"Oh, come on, they won't know this place is brimming with magic use," he said with a wave as he indicated all the people doing magic about. Among them were kids his age and even those younger, and he even saw little children with their parents' wands shotting small spews of magic.

Grumbling under breath, Hermione said nothing more since he had a point, but still he knew how much she hated breaking the rules.

"Wow, that is some very fine control," Lily noted, "I would have already spilled all the water if I had to focus all the while."

"I could do more," Harry said with a shrug as they made way for people to draw water and back to their camp.

"Here," Lavender said as she proffered her bucket, "my arms are already getting tired."

"I can lift everyone's bucket with no problem," Harry stated as he took it from her.

"Can you carry mine?" Sally asked in a near whisper.

"Sure," he said. "What about you guys," like a flood gates everyone gave their buckets to him except for the two grown women.

"I can easy lift them," he said to them.

"This is punishment for me," Lily simply answered.

"I have no problem carry this small load," Tonks stated.

Without a word, he lifted the buckets out of their hands and brought them over to his side. "Stop acting like petulant children," he simply voiced as they looked over at him.

With that silence prevailed the group, wanting to break it, he pointed at other kids wearing different kinds of uniforms.

"Hey look at that, kids from other schools!"

"There are other schools besides Hogwarts?" Lavender asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, there are a bunch of other premier schools like Hogwarts all over the world in other countries," Hermione answered for him, ever the wise one. "Those kids," she said as she pointed out some Latin American kids, "are from Castelobruxo located in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. They are a school that mainly focuses on  Herbology and Magizoology."

"So schools focus on subjects?" Fay followed up with.

"Yes and no," Harry answered. "Schools like Hogwarts and Mahoutokoro," he said as she pointed to Asian looking kids, "are more general studies."

"Other like Durmstrang," he said as she pointed out European kids, "focus on certain subjects. I know Durmstrang focuses on the Dark Arts."

"I see that you have been doing your readings," Hermione said with a pleased, happy nod.

"Been heading the old reading stacks," he stated with a shrug. "I finally want to take you down from you top position in our year."

"Oh-ho-ho, you want to challenge me, Harry James Potter?"

"There would be no else," he said as he looked her in the eyes.

"You are so on then!" she said as she gave him a challenging grin.

"Could you please stop flirting," Fay asked in an exasperated sigh.

"We were not flirting," Hermione quickly defended herself as a deep blush crept up her face.

"I wouldn't mind flirting with you," Harry voiced as he gave her a wink.

"What about me?" Lavender asked as she shook his hand and gave him a small sad smile.

"You too, sweetheart," he said as he gave her a suggestive eye raise.

"Harry," Hermione shouted in a scandalized voice.

"What sister, you got you turn," Lavender voiced as she turned on the bussy brown hair,  "now I want his full attention on me.

And for a moment he swore he also heard another soft, "What about me too?"

Before long they reached their campsite, and Harry set aside the buckets of water for later use. "So," he said as he smacked his hands together, "What do you guys want to do? The game is in 5 days so we have plenty of time to explore and do other stuff."

"There is a bunch of menageries in town," Fay voiced, "seeing a whole lot of magical creatures from around the world sounds fun."

"They got Auctions going on," Lavender said as she clapped her hands and jumped up and down, "there has to be a lot of rare goodies!"

"What about the amusement park?" Sally asked, "they have a lot of fun rides."

"The carnival sounds good," Tonks finally getting in on the conversation, "there is food from every single country there!"

"There are a bunch of rituals going on that we can freely participate in," Lily mused out loud.

"They have interesting seminaries going with a range of topics on magic," Hermione spoke up as she twiddled with her fingers.

"Alright all of them sound like good ideas," Harry declared with finality drawing the ideastorm to a close. "We can do them all if you guys want, but what about the amusement park that Sally pointed out and the carnival so that we can get some grubs. We can do the rest tomorrow and the days after. Sounds like a plan?"

Nodding their heads, everyone was in agreement and they started to head out. Catching up to Lavender, there was one question his mind that kept on bothering him, and if somebody knew or in this case answer his questions it would be her.

"Hey, Lavender."

"Hey, Harry," she greeted back, then in a whisper, she added so as not to be heard by the other girls. "You know in private you can always call me Lav, that sounds a lot more intimate."

"Lav it is then," he said with a nod, anything to make a lady happy.

"Thanks," she said with a sweet smile, "I would love for us to get to know each other much better," she purred to him as she ran her fingers along his hard muscled chest.

"Same here," he nodded as he would love that very much indeed, but he had to focus and ask what he came here for. "I wanted to ask you, Lav what happen between them?"

"Oh, you mean your cousin and my sis?"


"Well I remember that they used to be best of friends in Hogwarts, like me and Parvati. Ow, how I miss my bestie it would have been so much more fun if she was her, and she would love to get to know you better too."

"Focus lav," he said as he tried to get her back on track, "you said used to be, yeah?"

"Mhm hmm, something happened between them, I don't know. Lily always blamed herself for it, and ever since then they have never been on talking terms."

"Mmm," he mused, then turned back to the blonde witch and smile at her. "Thanks for sharing, it means so much to me."

"Anything you want, dear," she answered with a giggle.

"So it's dear now?" he asked with a single raise of his eyebrow.

"Ow, we are going to be so much more than that," she answered as she wrapped herself around his arm with her soft bosoms pressing against his chest. "Aaa, I so can't wait for the school year to begin."

"What about right now?" he flirted back.

Turning to give the other girls a glance, she turned back to him and answered, "I wish, but I got others who are eyeing me."

Chortling, Harry just couldn't wrap his head around a woman's mind, if he wanted something everyone be damned, he would go for it. Breaking off from him, she went over to chat with the other girls leaving him along.

Suddenly, he was cut short from his wandering thoughts as a voice growled, "You had no right!"


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart


Lavender Brown: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Lavender_Brown

Fay Dunbar: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Fay_Dunbar

Sally Smith: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified_Gryffindor_girl_(VII)

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