Wizard King

Chapter 77: 63: Deception

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Being fully decked out for war with his Battle Robe on, his wand in his holster, and even a spare strapped to leg. Harry watched as Sunchaser landed right before him as he too was ready for battle with his armor on and talon extensions gleaming in the early afternoon sun.

Bending its head for him as he jumped on to its back and made himself comfortable as best he could, the Royal Gryphon took a few step forward until the grand gathering of his army was presented down below in the basin.

People were hurrying about like busy bees as they prepared to go off to war for him and his cause, Lieutenant Alex who was aside his Griffin followed by Lieutenant Riley who landed on his left with his Hippogriff silently watched the preciation going on with him.

"Are they ready?" he asked, his two Lieutenants. 

"Yes, my lord," they shouted together at the same time with nods of their head. 

Kicking Sunchaser to take another step forward as he then followed it up with spreading his wings out as if he read his mind, though that wouldn't be far off the mark at all since they did have such a close connection. 

Nevertheless his action got all the soldiers' attention even those who were watching from the precipice and balconies of the fort that would be staying behind to keep the fortress operating. 

Taking a deep breath, he knew he would have to give something inspiring to the men and women who would be risking their lives and well being. 

"ATTENTION," he shouted which had all the soldiers standing tall and n order. 

"Today we will be putting down a rebel knight who thinks himself better than us! Who think he can steal from us and what is rightfully ours. Who thinks he can easily mow us down with his rebel force. Is that TRUE!" 

"NO, Sir, No," they all shouted back. 

"I can't hear you!" he bellowed as he directed his ear at them.

"NO, Sir, NO," they shouted as their voices echoed over the whole pass and mountain waking even the dead. 

"That is what I thought, and now we will show him exactly that. We will be the ones coming into his home. Destroying his armies, reaping justice upon him, and bringing the ax down on him. WE will show him who the GRIFFIN LEGION is. Are you with me Men!"

Breaking out into loud cheers, even those who weren't coming had their blood pumped as if they were the ones going to battle instead of boring guard duty. 

"Then we ride OUT!" Harry called out as he heeled Sunchaser and he begin to take to the air. Soon he was followed by his two Lieutenants then by hundred upon hundred of men and women own Griffins of all sorts right at his heel. 

Soon the very sky was dotted out by his men, to go off to War.


Spotting House Chalet Keep from off miles away on the back of Suncahser, the same couldn't be said for the residents who did not notice the approaching army from the sky at all. It was thanks to massive clocking spells that he had cast that prevented anyone to spot them through the mundane ways like sight, telescopes or even satellite and the magical as well. 

Spotting a grand force gathered in the hills surrounding the castle thanks to his Magic Sight, Harry directed Sunchaser there with his men following right behind him.

Landing right before Sirius who was astride Murderbeast, he saw that right next to him was a new face. The man introduced himself as Colonel Fraser, the new leader of the first regiment since Michal had to step down to take his new role as General of the Black host. 

Harry also spotted Remus with a shadow mastiff that he used as a mount trailing right behind him. 

Smacking him playfully on the back, Sirius laughed, "Good to see that you could make it, pup! Now," he introduced his force, "let me give you the honor of introducing you to the First Regiment, the Hellhound units lead by yours truly Colonel Fraser!" 

Looking around he saw 900 solemn and dark faced men and women on giant two-headed dogs with eyes of molten lava, fiery tails, and dripping saliva that ate way at the ground. Hellhounds were very deadly and powerful creatures, beasts that were well known for spitting out lava to burn their enemies and corrosive breath that tore down anything it ints path. 

Not letting himself be out down, he pointed to his 2 forces of 1,000 men, "and let me give you the honor, Lord Black of introducing you to the First Cohort, Griffin units lead by you guessed it Lieutenant Ale, and the Second Cohort, the Hippogriff units lead by our newest rising star Lieutenant Riley!"

"If you are done..." Remus cut in as he shook his head at their immature behavior. 

The two of them just laughed sharing the same inside joke with each other, if you got a powerful army behind you it always feels great showing off about it.

Once they were done laughing about with Remus shaking his head like a disappointed mother in the background they finally turned to the task at hand. 

"Alright so let's talk strategery," Harry declared. Already there was a map of the castle keep laid out right before them which he or more like the Micro Griffins helped greatly recreate. 

"So the exact force that Ser Gimball has is 400 of his own men, 600 mercenaries, and 500 recruits that he is training up," Lieutenant Alex begin with as the map which was so mundane as you imagined would be. Coming to life as a near life like structure of the keep appeared with the surrounding land and the soldiers mentioned. 

"That much worse than the estimates we got," Colonel Fraser noted. 

Snorting, Lieutenant Riley asked, "What are you counting those recruits? They are nothing but a hindress to the enemy and would break at the first sign of battle."

"Colonel Fraser still does have a point," Remus agreed, "we are sieging the keep not having an open field battle."

"That will be troubling," Harry agreed. It was always recommended that you 10 times your enemies number for a siege and even then it would take ages to fish them out if they are well armored and supplied. 

"Continue Lieutenant," he said with a sigh. 

"As you picked up Sire, the place is also very heavily warded with plenty of protection shields, anti-apparition, and so much more. Plus they have 60 magic cannons at the turret, with plenty of magic ammunition stockpiled, and of course over 200 Keythong being penned up."

"So it does not look good at all," Harry concluded. They had the superior number on their side of course, and much better trained, equipped and want victory more than their enemy which was of course important in an army.

However Ser Gimball also looked to be very well prepared and could last a very long siege if he wanted to. Harry could of course push it, there was no doubt of his victory with his men right by his side, but he would be losing a lot of them to clean up house, men that he needed to face Voldermort.

All the work he tried to accomplish would be lost and go down the toilet just like that, and it could demoralized his men who now were looking up as things were getting better. 

"Well we could always call for assistance," Sirius recommended, "I know Amelia Bones would help, and Madam Longbottom might as well. So this little rebellion had to be squashed over head before it even begins."

"No," Harry said with a shake of his head. "We would be a laughing stock if people found out we couldn't even take care of our backyard. Forget about making any more alliances or plays, no one would even consider us."

Reputation was very important to a noble house, it was basically everything. And if people found out that he needed help to put down his own vassal, he would be considered more than weak and he might even bring down hungry jackels upon himself. 

Plus anyways, he knew he had to act right now. Calling for aid would take days maybe even weeks, which was time he did not have at all. Soon Gimball would wonder were his men were and begin to ask himself if he knew. Who knows at that point how he would react, no this needed to be put down, right now, right here.

Looking at the keep long and hard, he saw that his options were closing fast. A prolonged siege was out of the question since he would incur too big of a loss. Help was also out of the question since it would take too long to arrive.

"So what do we do?" Remus asked. 

Rubbing his chin a thought struck him, one that was very devious and dangerous, but it might work and get us all out of this situation. 

Turning around to face his adoptive father, and his men- he knew that they wouldn't like it one bit. 


"So tell me again why we are flying right into the jaws of the enemies?" Remus asked still not believing that he allowed this idea. Just as he pointed out they were on Hippogriffs while he took a Griffin to differentiate himself from the others with only 10 honor guards and Remus right besides him 

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"Well if honest to god battle isn't the way to go, I say go with trickery he answered. It always makes up for the short coming if you have all the luck of the gods on your side."

"This is foolish," the man continued with a shake of his head as they came within close sight of the Keep wall. Men at the battlements spotted them and so as not to incur their wrath and fears, he landed right outside the keeps front gate. 

Jumping off the back of the Griffin, he choice not to come in force with Sunchaser so that he didn't frighten his rebel vassal to shit. Better to pretend to be a weak, incompetent lad that was in over his head then one with mean intentions, that would have his enemy's guard down. 

"Herald me," he whispered to Remus as they walked up to the gate with a drawbridge pulled up leading down into the rocky canyon below. Seeing the look on the older man, he rolled his eye, "that's what nobles do. I of course can't introduce myself and these guys are more of guardsmen and won't do a adequate job."

"Fine," he said with a sigh as he walked before them and shouted to the guards, "INTRODUCING Lord Harry Potter, Master of House Potter, liege Lord of House Chalet."

The two guard posted at the front gate looked at each other wildly, never expecting this, until one of them spoke up. "Aaaaa.... I will send word up." 

Doing just that, soon he got word back, and begin to delay them asking to prove himself and so forth. 

With Magic sight he could see through the wards and walls and at a much further view. The keep was like a stomped on ant hill as everyone was rushing about trying to hide all contrabands, weapons, men, and basically everything else. 

Chuckling to himself, this worked out perfectly for him, let them go ahead and defang themselves. It would be all the more sweeter when they were all caught unaware and with their pants down!

Finally, he guessed things were deemed sufficient to welcome him. Letting the drawbridge drop they entered the gateway past the murderhole and down the twisting bridge that held steep falls to either sides until they reached the main gate. 

Coming into the main courtyards, he noted how inadequate the place was compared to the Potter Manor as it was squit and ugly. Standing at the steps that lead inside the main keep was Ser Gimball a aging man in his later years but still strong and commanding. 

Then there was his wife, a real beauty who looked to be half his age or more of hs daughter than anything else. 

Behind them was a older boy near Bills age if he had to guess, from the man first marriage he read about. Then there was a little girl 4 or 5 years old that shared her mother's look. 

"My lord," the man announced with a obnoxious smile which he found unpleasant but he still returned a curt nod. "Ser Gimball it is nice of you to welcome me into your castle."

"Its my honor," the man nodded his head, "but if you had told me that you were coming my lord then I would have prepared a feast in your honor."

"Its fine," Harry held out his hand to stop him from butt kissing. 

"Fine gentlemen send letter before they arrive," the man's oldest son spoke up with a sneer. "It's only the uncultured that arrive unannounced."

"Ah, I am sorry," Harry said with false sincerity, "I am just new at all this, but doesn't a vassal accord his liege lord his due respect?" he asked, playing it nice for now. In other circles, this would have called for a discipline immediately. 

"My apologies for any disrespect my son has shown you, my lord," the man quickly stated giving his son a hard glance.

"None taken, with such a loyal vassal how could I take insult at their foolish son?" he asked, trying insult at the man-child who grinned his teeth in angery but held his tongue back.

Then wanting to know why he was hear he asked, "To what do I own the honor of your visit, my lord?" the man finally asked. 

"I am here to take your oath of course," he answered frankly like it was the obvious thing which it shouldn't have been if the man wasn't planning a rebellion. 

"Oh?" the man asked, clearly looking like he did not want to. "Why don't we supper first," he quickly changed the topic. 

"Of course," he answered with a shrug, then suddenly asking, "Would you mind, Ser, if my man had a look around. I would love to know the state my vassals are in." 

"An inspection?" the little snotty man child shouted. 

"Is that not in my right?" he asked innocently. 

"Of course," the older man answered with a waning smile, "let my guards lead him around." 

"Thank you," he said as he nodded to Remus, then sending him a telepathic message mind to mind, 'Remember your mission! It is promount that you complete it or we're dead men walking!'

Nodding his head, Harry followed the small family into the keep to sup with them while they each planned to get rid of the other. 


"So I heard what happened to you living with those savage relatives," Gimball approached the topic. 

"Yes most misfortunate," he stated. 

"Mmmm, I would have taken you in, my lord, and raised you like a son," he declared. 

Of course, he would if he could have, Harry sneered, he could see that the man would have loved to make him his little puppet. 

But he continued with the charade and stated, "thank you. I believe I would have loved it here in this quaint little keep."

Seeing the flash of anger run across the man's eye at the perceived insult at his mention of who much lower they were compared to him, the man did well in quickly hiding it. 

"So how is Hogwarts coming along?" Lady Nia Chalet inquired, not stating the obvious of course such as why he wasn't there and instead here nothing them.

"It's fine," he answered, "we have the Triwizard tournament coming up so that should be exciting," he answered totally ignoring her underlying question.

Suddenly, he could see the wards go down as he had his Magic Sight on the whole time, it had been a bit of a strain on his eyeballs, but it was well worth it as a smile split his face. Remus finally did his end of the job, now it was just his left. 

"Yes, it has been decades since the last one has been hosted, will be a very spectacular event."

"Yes," Harry agreed, then changing it up, "about your oath, Ser."

"Ahh...." the man said as it was obvious he did not want to swear them. The oaths of vassalage were Unbreakable Vows that had many points such as no harm should be visited one on liege lords in any way or form, aid and so forth. 

It was clear the man did not want to swear any of them, and it was exactly what he asked "Do you not want to swear your oaths to me, Ser?" Then with a shrug, he added, "I guess you wouldn't want to if you are staging a rebellion!"  

At that utterance, everyone went silent in the hall, and then finally the man spoke up with narrowed eyes, "So you know?!"

"Of course I do, that why I have an army stationed right outside your Keep." 

"An army?" he snorted, "where?' he asked as he made a show of looking around. Then eyes harding, "I was going to let you go, and deal with you in my own time, but now it seems like I would have to break guest right"

"There our just waiting for my signal," he replied ignoring the man's threat. 

"And that would be?" the idiot son that he didn't even entertain the ideas of remembering his name asked with clear contempt and ridicule. 

"Oh, something big and flashy I guess," Harry said, "maybe something like this," he added as he got up from his seat. 

With that, he begin to transform......

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