Working to travel the world of my creation

Chapter 5: 5

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Guan liting came down with a fever. 

Because the quality of the needle was too low , it caused a minor infection.

The original was indeed spoilt. The moment he well sick there was someone more then happy to fuss about for his sake. This someone would refill his water, cook for him, massage his forehead and even feed him. 

These past few days guan liting was quite care free. Ah, this is life! 

"Liting" speak of the devil 

Guan liting looked up at the towering forehead above his own.


"You have been sleeping on my bed for a week." 

"En" For the past few days he had been occupying this person's bed to rest.

"I have been sleeping on the floor for a week." 

"Indeed" There was only one bed after all.

"And your fever has receded alot now." 

"Right"  Usually cultivators heal faster than normal mortals after all.

"Which means you should be heading back now." 





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Guan liting stretched uncomfortably as he lay on the grass outside of Yu gongliu's quarters. 

Anyways Guan Yibei wouldn't be picking him up anytime soon. This was both his way of apologizing and expressing dissatisfaction. All though giving away a gold teal wasn't such a big deal for someone of his status but neither was it something that could be done without batting an eye, on a whim.

Suddenly he felt a shadow blocking the sunlight above his head . 

"Liting." The shadow spoke .

"Before you tell me to move, you must know that this is the only place with good sunlight ." In other words, I'm not moving. 

"I was going to practice swordplay." 





With both hands supporting his cheek Ming gongzhou starred at the back drapped in black. 

Don't look down on Yu gongliu's gentle nature. Look down on his sword form instead. It can't be considered as just hack and slash, but it's also only hack and slash . Not only is it ugly to look at but also dangerous. 

Because the nature of his swordplay is made to be forceful and unpredictable, it's movements are extremely random and strength consuming, fast and powerful. But because it mainly focuses on assault it's defense is very low. Most of the time it's just a hit or miss for the form practicers , if they can manage to get used to it then hit, and if their weak bodies can't manage to handle it then miss. 

Very bold and straight forward. 


Actually this guy liked the original a lot. The kind of like where you'd want to bully the person in bed . Unfortunately his budding spring garden was a one that would rot . Guan liting was like the Yu's unlucky star, one that was destined to bring misfortune to all who cared about him. 

All though this was a prediction already made by his mother who proved it's accuracy by her delivery death. Neither she, nor his father were willing to give up on him. The more they tried to prevent things, the more things slowly took place. 

So and so , Yu gong Liu is killed by Bai Hukui . 

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