
Chapter 2: What a nightmare… O a rock

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*stomp, stomp, stomp*

The beast lurks trying to hunt its prey shaping into different monsters and sizes and the monster picked a dragon

hiding in the bush shin hides as he sweats and his heart beats faster as the monster comes closer sniffing the area, shin closes his eyes just to open his eyes again as the mouth of the monster was open eating him

falling, falling, and falling trying to reach for the ever-lasting darkness but the only thing he reached were souls grinning and laughing as they mentally torture him

finally, after a long and long night, someone or... something said to him: "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up" over and over again until... he finally wakes up

he cant seem to get over the nightmare.... looking around in his small apartment he stands up, shower, eat, workout, and then dressed up going to his work as he adjusts his tie, looks at the time and it was... 6:30 the job starts at 7:00 i wonder who is there?

*doorbell rings*

"Welcome shin, have a great day"

He waved

and goes to his room, opening the door in the back of the room can be heard.... halo music? shin goes to it and sees sekutsu just staring at a big rock with a word carved into it: SKYRIM 4 WILL BE RELEASED

sekutsu turns back to see shin and immediately tackled him on the ground she grabbed something in her chest and she pulls out.... so mc you will roll a 6 and she pulls a whip but anything lower will be a sword.... and he got 1 she pulled out a BIG FUCKING SWORD

sekutsu swings it and shin barely dodges it and sekutsu goes to her senses and puts the rock on her chest quickly and greets shin

"Hello shin, w-why are you here?"

shin tilts his head to the side

"But... its vacation"

shin raises his eyebrow

"Its awakening day?"

Shin with a shocked face gets a note from his pocket and it reads " Sorry, i was excited about work"

"Well... you can always come with me and go shopping"

shin nods cause.... nothing will absolutely go wrong right?

they leave the building and go to their house and also giving their contacts, shin changing in his house he goes to her location and she looks pretty fine

"Hey!" she waves

and shin goes to her and pulling out his note which reads: "did you wait to long?"

"Oh, i just got here"

shin feels relieved

as they walk to the mall sekutsu ask a question

"So shin, why do you always have a mask? its not like the virus is here"

And shin explains to her in writing: "Well, my teeth is yellow and I'm kinda um... uhh... whats do you call when you don't wanna talk about it?"

"No, its fine i know now and thanks for being honest"

and shin smiles

You are reading story Workplace at

after a few hours of shopping and eating a man approaches her and greets her, he was handsome with purple hair and an incredibly smug face that you want to just PUNCH THE SHIT OUT OF HIM

"Hello my name is Chikan yaro, and I'm her fiance"

shin looks at sekutsu's eyes and.. it was filled with hatred and mad about his lies

"Sekutsu, shouldn't we be dating? since you know we are fiance's?" 

"Y-yes, we should..."

as they walk leaving shin, the Nobody character looks back and grinned as he gropes her chest... no one helping her, ah yes... where the hero holds his arm to stop him and his grip is so powerful the nobody character just says "H-how strong" no fuck that let's beat his ass

he balls his fist and he disappeared, the enemy blocks the kick  pushing him back and releasing sekutsu, the enemy points his arm to the ceiling and a wolf-man hybrid and laughs


shin removes his mask and tells the enemy

"Shut the fuck up"

and the bastard fell to the ground and passed out, shin puts his mask in a split second and holds sekutsu's hand and went to a bar, the bartender asked him why the long face? (sorry, please forgive me)

shin wakes up and looks around with sekutsu in his side... why is she smaller? and sekutsu also woke up


"Why are you screaming?"

"Why am i here? who are you?"

"Im sekutsu, and welcome to my mansion"

"Y-your sekutsu? why are you small?"

"Oh please, that only happens if i have many stuff at my dimensional space"

"and... what happened last night?"

"Drunk, go home, wrong direction to my house, guards picked me up and you, sex"

"Is the last one true?"

"Sex? you have a big dick dude like you could ruin a whole family"

"Lets not speak of this again please"

*rings bell*

A team of maids gave them their clothes and showered them

"W-wait i can- i can clean on my own"

"Dont try"

and then he was sent back home... how anti climactic

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