World hopping as a spatial magician

World hopping as a spatial magician

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World hopping as a spatial magician

Review: 9.1/10 from 18 ratings

waifu catalog fic.
For those who don't know the waifu catalog is basically a r34 economy system. It's designed around you picking a world that gives you a certain amount of points based on the world's difficulty for the average person. Ratings for difficulty are 1-10 with 10 being worlds like Warhammer 40k, and specific timelines/places for Marvel or DC. These points allow you to buy things from a catalog, which ranges from abilities, perks, vehicles, demiplanes, and you guessed it Waifus. The premise of this fanfiction is the main character is a dude who picks Magic the Gathering, specifically the plane of Zendikar which gives it a rating of 8. So pretty high up with lots of points to spend, he picks up the elder bloodline from witcher, the powers of Galactus from marvel, and a "shroud" one of the unique powers from the catalog that also augments his spatial / time abilities. Along with some other auxiliary stuff like talent for magic or martial abilities and defenses like defense from possession or mind control. The other major thing he does is pick one waifu as his starting companion.

I would caution most people to know that the waifu catalog has a major skew towards general mind control aspects. Half the catalog is about various "bindings" and ways you can make cash by basically capturing random waifus off planets and then selling the ones you don't want. My fanfiction will mainly be avoiding that side of things. While the shroud ability he picks is straight-up mind control with additional benefits like spatial abilities, one of the story elements is that those aspects of his power do not work. The catalog definitely leans towards the more physical inclinations of attraction. Personally, the reason I like fanfictions/harem is for the characters themselves and their personalities. Kind of hard to display a real personality when the person is brainwashed into either loving someone fanatically or literally mind-broken completely. So I will be throwing out the majority of that aspect of the catalog, but in general, I'm a big fan of the whole point system and how it gives a decentish guideline on not having a completely busted system like many fanfictions with litRPG systems tend to have. So while my version of the catalog will not be a 1:1 it certainly will take advantage of the economy provided. Though don't get me wrong this is definitely some wish fulfillment story, but hopefully at least a satisfying one instead of an empty one.


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