World Hopping: Avenge Our Love (Cleaned up MLT)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The First Break Up

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Cold, it’s like his whole body was being held under icy water, the piercing chill traversed across his skin, soaking into his flesh and blood, penetrating into his bones, as if his heart would stop beating in the next second due to the extreme cold.


Song Yucheng opened his eyes abruptly, only to find himself lying wet on the cold floor. Not far away, the thermometer hanging on the wall had its crimson scale line stuck at the terrible number 3.


He felt powerless to complain.


He was promised that as an enforcer of the Time and Space Management Bureau, he would receive generous treatment, but now it was all bullshit. At least in the real world, he was a well-known lawyer in the legal field, but in his first mission, he almost froze to death."


He stiffly crawled to his feet and changed his clothes, adjusting the thermostat at the same time. Once his body temperature returned to normal, he took the time to sit down and look over the plot introduction provided by the system. 


Immediately afterward, he was overwhelmed by the description, the tone of which was so sour that it made his teeth ache.


There were always losers who were lost in love, who lost their human dignity and sacrificed their integrity for the sake of love, willing to become a joke.


And in this lifetime, the original owner of his body was just such a joke.


Coincidentally, Song Yuchen’s first mission world was a modern world, where gay marriage was legal. The original host has the same name as Song Yuchen and was a naive young master who was taken advantage of by his relatives after the death of his parents. Even more unfortunate was that Xu Muzhi, the only “long-legged uncle” (长腿叔叔 is a Chinese term that refers to a handsome man, usually an older man who is tall and has long legs. It is often used to describe an attractive male celebrity or a man who is admired for his looks. The term has become popular on social media in recent years.) whom he regarded as his benefactor was an outright scum.


Who would have expected that Xu Muzhi had carefully groomed him for five years and painted a fairytale-like dream, just to make him a better substitute for someone else? And all these cruel truths reared their ugly head on the day he was preparing to confess.


“I won’t do it!” A young man stood opposite a tall man, his eyes red and swollen; he didn’t dare believe what he had heard. They were in a suite – his gilded cage.


He has no living relatives left, and Xu Muzhi is the one who understands him the most. But Xu Muzhi knew very well that he still had his parents' inheritance to fight for, and his own dreams to pursue. Yet now, Xu Muzhi is ordering him to ruin his own reputation and future, all for the sake of being a stepping stone for his perfect unrequited love, his white moonlight, Chu Rong.


As he looked at the face of the one he used to love the most, a sense of desolation and sorrow overwhelmed him, and he felt so cold that he could hardly move his hands and feet.


"Xu Muzhi, I've been by your side for five years. Other than this house, I haven't asked for a single penny from you. As long as you come to eat with me, I will prepare the best food for you even if I have to drink cold water for the next three days. And as for your preferences, I have always taken note of them. I thought this was the test of love between two people. You are dominant, so I can be humble. But now, you tell me that I'm just a substitute."


"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"


Clutching tightly to Xu Muchi's sleeve, the young man hoped to see even a glimmer of concern in his eyes. But sadly, there was none. The contempt in Xu Muchi's eyes was like that of looking at trash, making it all too easy for him to understand his position in Xu Muchi's heart.


From beginning to end, he was just a worthless plaything.


Heh, "plaything," what a pitiful and laughable term! The remnants of the original body's resentment and despair continued to impact Song Yucheng's mental space without stopping.


He woke up from fragments of the original body's memories and suddenly smiled. But then, the message that came through his phone made the irony in his smile even stronger.


Secretary Yang: Mr. Xu said that he wants you to act according to the script, not a single word can be different.


As if to echo the message, the computer on the desk sounded with the arrival of a new email. Song Yucheng walked over and looked at the script for "Swapping Lives," which was attached to the email. At the same time, the related plot became clear.


This reality show, called "Swapping Lives," was the most crucial trigger of tragedy in the original owner's life.


In recent years, reality shows have become increasingly popular, and "Swapping Lives" is one of the hottest programs. Its biggest selling point is to swap people of different professions and families and let them experience each other's lives.

In the words of Xu Muzhi, this program is the best platform for Chu Rong to turn around his public image.


Chu Rong was a child star, with good acting skills, good looks, and excellent academic performance, making him the most famous national little brother. Now if he wants to transition to a gentle male god, he must have someone to play off of.


But such a person is hard to find. They must come from a decent family, not be too unsightly, and be willing to follow the lazy script. Who else would be more suitable than the original body that had been trained by him?


It can be said that it took a lot of effort


Looking through the script, Song Yucheng coldly eyed those "textbook" scenes that were nothing but boring cliches. Instead, it was the secretary who sent him the script that aroused his interest.


Speaking of this secretary, he was also one of Xu Muzhi's many little lovers. Their physical relationship was well known, and their price was even openly advertised. It could be seen that Xu Muzhi's so-called true love was not as deep as the sea.


After all, on the one hand, he would proclaim undying love, while on the other, he would not stop sleeping with others, and even raised countless doubles to create an image for Chu Rong. It was so ugly and hypocritical that it was nauseating. Only the original host, a fool, would be brainwashed and give up on himself because of Xu Muzhi's words of "cheap goods."


Thinking of this, the sarcasm in Song Yucheng's eyes became even stronger.


The phone rang again, interrupting his thoughts. It was the same secretary from before. It was probably because Song Yucheng didn't reply promptly that she called again.


"Did you hear Mr. Xu's order?" Secretary Yang's tone was very harsh, and he even added a hint of disdain. As for his next sentence, it was full of threats: "Don't forget, everything you have is given by Mr. Xu. If you can't handle such a small matter, don't bother finishing your studies."


After speaking, the secretary, as usual, waited for Song Yucheng to apologize first.


This secretary is not a good person. He doesn't have much ability and is just a lackey of Xu Muzhi who used his body to climb up the ranks. According to common sense, there is no need to deliberately make things difficult for him since there is no grudge between the original body and him.


In the end, it's because he is feeling guilty.


Xu Muzhi had many lovers, and he kept this person around just for convenience. But this person, despite taking Xu Muzhi's money, was having an affair with a young man. It just so happened that the original body had seen them together. Therefore, even though he understood that the original body would not say much, he was still afraid of any potential exposure and wished to kill the original body immediately to avoid future trouble. That's why he made things difficult at every opportunity.


But the original body was a fool and thought that Secretary Yang was Xu Muzhi's right-hand man, always tolerating and conceding to him.


Recalling the previous life, Secretary Yang saw that the original body had been abandoned by his scumbag lover, so he took the opportunity to spread rumors on the school forum while the original body was participating in a show, claiming that the original body was being kept by someone else and even posting a bunch of obscene photos. As a result, Song Yucheng's fingers holding the phone involuntarily tightened due to the residual emotions from the original body.

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After all, for the original body, Secretary Yang's revenge was the real beginning of his descent into despair.


Although he had been abandoned by his scumbag lover, he still had his studies to rely on. But when he was expelled from school for disciplinary problems, he truly had nowhere to turn and lost his reason to live.


"Trash, waste, scum." He didn't know how many times he had received hateful private messages on Weibo since the show aired, and it had never stopped. The news about his expulsion from school had also spread in the community, and everyone's eyes towards him were filled with "cheap" and "dirty."


He was truly speechless. Each of these unfounded accusations was like a sharp blade that pierced the original body's heart, leaving it riddled with wounds and bleeding profusely.


After all, they should all pay the price for this.


The intense hatred penetrated every fiber of Song Yucheng's being, casting a bloody hue in his clear eyes. However, it was just a moment before he regained his composure.


Years of experience as a lawyer in the real world had already exposed him to all sorts of ugliness, even the most hideous demons. For Song Yucheng, the difficulties faced by the original body were not life-threatening. And the current little secretary jumping around in front of him was nothing more than a clown.


With his phone on speaker, Song Yucheng flipped through the photos and unsurprisingly, after only a few pages, he found evidence of the secretary and the young hunk having an affair. After giving it some thought, he realized that his original self was not very smart but holding onto this evidence would give him an upper hand. Both the secretary and Xu Muzhi were not good people, so he wouldn't let them off easily.


Moreover, his task was to make Xu Muzhi wear the green hat, so he might as well let the secretary give Xu Muzhi a taste of his own medicine first.


Thinking this way, Song Yucheng chuckled lightly and suddenly asked the secretary, "I noticed that every time you speak to me, your attitude is very arrogant. But I don't understand, since we are both selling ourselves, why do you think you are superior?"


"What did you say?"


"I said we're both selling ourselves, so why do you think you're better than me?" Song Yucheng's tone had a playful tone as if he thought of something interesting. However, the sarcasm between his words was like a slap, hitting the secretary hard.


"The young boy's clear voice naturally carried a sense of purity, but each word he spoke was vulgar to the extreme, almost perfectly restoring Yang Secretary's relationship with Xu Muzhi. It tore off his last layer of dignity and left him exposed. Yang Secretary was usually concerned about his face and had become used to relying on Xu Muzhi's power, but he never allowed anyone to insult him like this. Especially not by Song Yucheng, a castoff. He was immediately so angry that he trembled and his tone became furious, "Song Yucheng, you're asking for it."


"Isn't it you who is courting death?" Song Yucheng's voice gradually became cold. "Even if I'm just a toy of Xu Muzhi, you, a tool for releasing sexual desire, no nobler than me. Don't order me, you're not worthy." With that, he hung up the phone, turned to log on to a website, and did something else.


The filming period for "Swapping Lives" required a summer, during which he would be away from Yanjing, and it was crucial to ensure that the backyard would not catch fire. Especially after he had just torn his face with Yang Secretary, who would never let him go, he had to be extra careful.


Song Yucheng's methods were always decisive, and he naturally understood the consequences of not getting rid of the roots. Moreover, the resentment that remained in the soul of the original body was too strong, and he had to deal with one first, to calm himself down.


So that night, on a Weibo gossip magazine's account with a large number of followers, a photo of Yang Secretary and a popular young meat in an affair appeared. Yang Secretary was hanging passionately on the young meat, with a posture that was not suitable for viewing. It quickly became a hot topic and even topped the search rankings.


It's over...

Upon seeing the photo, Yang Secretary felt a chill in his heart. Wasn't this the exact scene when he was caught by Song Yucheng with the little fresh meat on their date? He never expected that Song Yucheng would actually have evidence and would use this method to expose him. As he scrolled through the sea of gossip news online, Yang Secretary's face turned increasingly pale.


He couldn't spare any time to confront Song Yucheng; he had to think of a way to manage this scandal immediately. Otherwise, if it reached Xu Muzhi's ears, the consequences would be unimaginable.


However, his wish was not fulfilled. Several public relations companies that were previously on good terms with Yang Secretary simultaneously went silent and pretended not to exist. As for the little fresh meat, he couldn't even be contacted directly.


This might really blow up.


The feeling of danger enveloped his heart, and the secretary stood still in a daze, feeling like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered with no ability to resist. And then, the message from Xu Muzhi on the other end of the line made him sit on the ground, his back soaked with cold sweat.


Xu Muzhi's message was: "If you like to play, then go play with them."


Play with who? The thought of the means of playing with people in the circle made the secretary pale with fear.


He had followed Xu Muzhi for so many years, and no one knew Xu Muzhi's thoughts better than he did. This one sentence cut off his future directly. The secretary sat still, helpless, as the fear engulfed him bit by bit.



At this moment, however, the real situation of Xu Muzhi was far from the furious image that people imagined. After all, the secretary was nothing more than a dog that he had raised and could naturally lift up or send down the road to ruin. What surprised him, even more, was actually Song Yucheng. Xu Muzhi had played with him for five years and naturally understood that Song Yucheng had a temper, but he did not expect that he would dare to reach out to him.


Tools for venting and substitute dolls were unimportant to him, but what he disliked the most was someone acting on their own. Xu Muzhi's lips curled up in a playful smile, but his eyes were extremely cold, clearly a sign of anger.


"Do you want to give him a warning?" Xu Muzhi's confidant asked proactively.

"No need, just keep an eye on that little thing. As long as he follows the script, we don't need to worry about anything else," said Xu Muzhi, and he sent a message to Song Yucheng himself, with only one sentence: "If you can't act well, Secretary Yang will be your fate."


This is a warning to others by making an example of one person.


After seeing the message, Song Yucheng instantly understood the sarcasm and threat in Xu Muzhi's words.


After seeing the message, Song Yucheng instantly understood the sarcasm and threat in Xu Muzhi's words. He knew that even if he got rid of Yang, who was pretending to be someone he wasn't and caused Xu Muzhi to lose face, he would still be just a nobody in Xu Muzhi's eyes, someone who couldn't make any waves. He was still useful now, so Xu Muzhi didn't bother with him. As for the reality show, if he dared to deviate from the script, Xu Muzhi would not easily let him off. However, having inherited the memories of his original body, Song Yucheng understood that if he really followed the script, he would still be subject to public condemnation afterwards.


How interesting. It's a dilemma where there's no good way out.


However, just at that moment, the system gave a prompt that interrupted his thoughts, and upon looking at the contents, Song Yucheng couldn't help but laugh.


Doesn't this count as being unhappy if I'm not being naughty? Why did the golden finger have to be given such a name?


"System: The Profession Green Hat System has been successfully restarted, activating the inherent talent of the original body, [You will never guess what kind of beauty my hands can give]. ~"


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