World Of Game

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Familiar World

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My head continues to ache while my body felt as if I had slept for a thousand years.

Even with the mysterious state I'm in, I remembered the time I was knocked out. 

The sounds around me are faint and my eyes refused to open, am I in a hospital? Did my head got hit that hard?

If I open my eyes, who will I see first?

Suddenly, my chest swelled in shame. If it's my mom, I'm not sure if I'm ready to look at her face.

Even when things have been rough between me and my mom, I don't hate her.

And I know she doesn't hate me.

Emotions are shit, some people would say and I agree.

If I weren't so annoyed by mom reprimanding me of my laptop I wouldn't have been stubborn and let myself get my head blown towards the wall. I deserved it.

After a while, I decided to quit being a coward and force myself to wake up.

" .................. "

I tried to move myself, feeling my fingers twitch, then try to put some force on pulling my eyelids open.

A soft tired groan escaped my lips as I finally feel myself opening my eyes and suddenly, a bright lit color blinded me temporarily and a see foreign ceiling. 

I slowly sit up and take time for my view to adjust and look around the room I woke up in and became confused. I'm not in my room nor in a hospital. The walls were dull brown with concrete, while the floor are brick made, there are only tables, a desk and acloset present. I look down to my bed seeing my own tanned legs.

Am I kidnapped? But if I were then shouldn't I be in a basement or something, shouldn't I be tied up?

I shake my head, there's no time being dazed, I'm fully awake so I need to get out and call my family.

I got out of bed and stand up with two legs, and sees the door at the other side of the room. Once I began to walk, I almost stumbled. I grip the wall feeling my legs shake like it's forgotten how to move itself.

I let out a deep breath and use the wall to support myself as I'm on the way out of my door, if someone kidnapped me I should find something to defend myself or hide, what if a person is outside the door waiting for me?

What should I do?

Is there a suitable weapon for me?

I then stopped and go towards the desk, I need to make sure, my parents always told me to think before going somewhere, right now I'm in a stranger's house, I need something to protect myself.

Rummaging through the objects on the drawers, some empty bottles, jewelries, and coins, and stopped unto a pocket mirror resting on the corner in the drawer.

I picked the dusty mirror up and oberve the solid corners of the cover. Mabye I could use thing this to hit someone who will attack me and run away.

Even if I hate pussying out, I think it's a good idea. I wipe the dust away from the surface and suddenly saw myself in the mirror. I feel my mouth gaping.

A wave of confusion shock me as I look into my reflection.

It shouldn't be that suprising since my appearance doesn't change much, but when was I so.. clean looking? I still look the same, it's just my face looks like it got edited with a filter.

I kept the mirror on my grasp and look around.

Mabye if I look out the window I can see what neighborhood I am in. 

Touching the soft silky curtain I moved it away and peek outside the window.




My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, outside is an unnatural view of what looks like a city, several buildings stuck themselves with eachother. Many food stands rest on the corner near the road to where a crowd walks by with unusual clothing.

Just where am I exactly?

It look like I'm in a different world because never do I see anything like this on sites.

I open the window sill and look up, since when has the sky been looking like that?

An unnatural color of red, pink and orange swirl around the sky like a painting, following the view are a flock of birds passing by. Several murmurs are heard around the people walking by, compared to my hometown, it's really crowded here. 

I might be dreaming. I raise my hand and began to pinch my arm. Feeling the slight pain I figured out this isn't it at all.

What happened during the time I lost my conciousness? Did I go to the future and realized I slept for how many years or something?

No it seems way too far-fetched. Then what are other possiblities?

I pursed my lips in frustration.

The moment my laptop hit my head, did it cause me to faint from blood loss? But what if that's not the case? What if I died or seomthing, the thought of death creeped me out, who doesn't? If any of that is true, am I in the afterlife or transported to another realm or something?

Thinking of the thought, I didn't get excited. Transported to another world huh.

If it's like this then it wouldn't be possible to have a world of monsters since it's common in anime?

As I was deep on my thoughts, a loud knock bang through the door and I jumped, while the sound it sudden, it made me remembered the time my mom knocked on the door before accidentally killing me. The sound contiues as I slowly walk towards the door and open it.

Instead of a shady middle-aged man since that's what I was expecting to see, it is a woman who appeared. She looks like she's in the age of 60-70 and stared at me with a scowl placing both hands on her hips as if she knew who I am. 

I felt a bit threatened but decided to be polite. " Um.. can I help you? "

" When will you complete the bills? " 

The woman snapped in a stern tone.

" Huh..? "

" You said you'll start paying the whole amount today morning, so where is it? " The woman ask again snapping her fingers. " Unless you want to plead again for extensions you'll pay double the amount. "

What the hell's going on? 

" I don't understand.. I think you got the wrong person. " I said as I try closing the door, but the woman kept the door in place.

" Mei, don't play with me, if you can't take the deadline's seriously I might have to let someone else take your room instead, we have no more space left. "

What? Hearing the woman explain to me made me contemplate for a while making me realize this is not a house, but an apartment. The thought of tending a home for myself made me uncomfortable, no way am I ready to be in a life of living by my self.

Suddenly I raised my head at the woman. " How'd you know my name? "

No way, is there another Mei in this world?

Before the woman can say anything, another voice came from downstairs. The woman turns around to where the voice is. " Yes yes, just wait for a minute longer! "

I watched her sigh and take out a cigarette from her pocket feeling dumbfounded.

" Listen sweet, I can't give you any chances, whether you give the payment or you'll be kicked out. " The woman said with no more anger except exhaustion in her voice. " Busy morning and will stay busy today since it's the signing up for kids taking on that academy. "

I've never been so lost in all my life. 

My mind has been filled with the same sentence repeating itself all over again, what is going on? What academy?

Suddenly a group of men came upstairs and walk towards the woman.

" Don't have time ma'am, rather give us news you're building's stocked with people. " One of the men said as the others kept their stance in place. Did I just see a gun on one of the men's pocket?

" A-Ah well.. " 

The woman began to stutter and I felt so confused, I look like a moron right now, who doesn't when you just suddenly woke up and got roped into this?!

" Other building's filled too by tourists, if there ain't any space left, might as well kill one of 'em guests. " Another man who had a gun suggested. " Then we can have room of our own. "

What did they just say?!

I panicked. " U-Um..! "

Hearing my voice, everyone turn their heads towards me.

The woman who was sweating bullets earlier also turn her attention to me.

What am I going to do, what I know by far is that my new body is living in an apartment short on money and that today is something of an event, other than that, I'm digging graves.

I grip the door as I began to speak. " I don't have any use to live here, you can have my room, have anything, I don't think I have any use here except for my clothes but you can have them too, cross dress I don't mind, I should go, bye! "

I immiediately burst running pass them as my heart beats loudly in repeat, not wanting to see the stupified faces of those people.

Sorry woman I just met, I'll pay my bills someday, I'm sorry!

Running down the stairs and pass the crowded people who were waiting for update on a new room. My head still spins in confusion.

Soon, I went out of the apartment with a ragged breath, it's been a while since I've run like this. My arms gripping my knees tight before raising my head to see a colorful view of a festival and people walking around.

" Hi, welcome! " 

Many sellers were seen to greet the tourists with souvenirs, foods and weird items that looks like it was made from high tech stuff, them there's vehicles driving in different models passing by, I think I saw one with colorful trails from one of the cars.

I look down to my pocket, at least I collect the money this body only have left. Rummaging through the drawers is a good choice after all. I inspected one of the coins I collected, it looks like any other cash you see but except the carvings are quite unique, mabye I could find somewhere to spend them wisely. 

I walk around the area to explore more, not caring I'm still in my pajamas since they feel pretty cozy and since it's so many people I'm sure no one will notice me much.

Moving through the crowd, I muttered the word sorry everytime I accidentally hit someone. Its that tight sheesh.

For a quick moment, I halt by seeing a man infront of me doing some tricks to impress the newcomers, making shapes out of fire and dance during the process, many people clapped, another performer sat on a mat as he did impossible body twists.

Even if it's another world I'm in, I feel like I'm in Disneyland.

" Welcome to the city of Gamei. " One of the tour guide announced to the group of people.

" Gamei.? " I felt like I heard that word before.

Last time I heard the word Gamei was one of the light novels I used to read and it was the name of the city too. Surely it's a coincidence.

Suddenly I feel myself being pushed to the ground with a grunt. My palm push the rocky concrete to make myself stand up and see a stranger who I believed pushed me.

The man gave me a glance before walking away.

I rub my ass standing up. " Wow.. so much for saying sorry.. "

I was about to continue exploring until I hear a coin drop near me, turning my head to where the sound is I walk and and pick up the coin. Huh, I look around and keep the coin in my pocket. Sorry, it's rather me or the coin will stay on the road for too long. 

I then felt something unusual, I pat my pocket and feel they're surprisingly empty except the coin I just picked up.

I look down trying to find my money, it could have fell when I was pushed down but it's impossible since it's kept securely. Suddenly I look up and see the same man striding towards an alleyway with hand on his pocket.

.. Did that man stole my coins? 

No, it can't be unless he's really that talented to grab a money from a deep pocket of my pajamas. But I have to make sure, otherwise I can't find anywhere else to eat and sleep. 

I silently weep at the thought of sleeping on the road.

I ran towards the stranger to make sure as he began to walk out of my view. 

“Hey! Excuse me! "

Following where the guy went I took a sharp turn towards the alley and damn this area is crowded too. What kind of event is happening today to bring an amount of people to visit? I continued moving across the strangers and see that I'm catching up as the familiar man took another turn.

Come on now sir, no stealing from a girl who doesn't know anything about this world like a new born baby!

" Damn it, I got no time for this..! "

I sped up towards the man from the back and quickly tackled him.

The stranger was startled and began to turn to me before falling down to the ground.

" I'm sorry sir! But I need to confirm something! " I said as I try to calm the panicking man down while holding on the him.

" No.. no! I didn't steal your money I swear! " The stranger cried out.

I stopped strangling him and look at him speechless. He seriously just said it, not even hiding it properly. 

" Please give it back sir, I don't have anything left except for my savings. " 

To which I didn't work for, I don't even have a clue what my new body does for a living considering I just arrived here unknowingly, oh and there's my other clothes left in the apartment but I was too scared shitless to even care bringing them before.

The man didn't respond as he kick my stomach trying to escape my grasp, I flinched in pain but held him, reaching my hand to check through his pockets.

I hear a dangling of coins and decided to dig my hands to get them until I see a flash of an object passing through my right. My cheek suddenly felt a sting of pain, and something liquid dripping on my skin.

I avert my eyes away from the stranger and touch my right cheek, blood?

You are reading story World Of Game at

I look down at the stranger who let out a creepy grin, his hand stays in a position as if he throwed something, his knuckles then let out an audible crack.

I slowly look behind me to see a dagger plunged on the wall, now stuck.

Holy shit, a random guy just threw a dagger at me?! I feel my soul having the urge to leave my body immediately.

" I got no time for bitches like you. I have an appointment to go to! " The man grit his teeth and push me to the ground and quickly stands up to get away from me.

What'd that bastard called me? I push myself to stand up on my feet as anger burst inside me, what kind of appointment do you need to go to push a defensless girl to the ground you bastard!

I ran again trying to catch up to the guy but slowed down feeling my body strained. Shit, did my body got hit that badly? 

Tch! What to do now? I'll just leave it be, money is just money, heck! I can't survive for one day and I'm experiencing this much stress! Also- my pride, I won't allow for anyone to tickle my pride for this!

I let out a sigh and turn towards the wall where the dagger is, I walked towards it and hold the handle of the sharp blade and try pulling it. 


I tugged harder. 

The fuck?

I use both my hands to pull the dagger out of the wall. What kind of ridiculous strength did that guy even put just to intimidate me by throwing this piece of crap towards the wall?!!

I even place my foot on the wall for extra strength but no use! 

I groaned before seeing something shiny on my view. On the side of the handle from the dagger has a signature painted on gold, at least that's what I think it is.

Hm, to think of it, the sharp thingie looks pretty expensive, I wonder if I should sell it? How much coins does it cost?

" Hello there, are you hurt miss? "

A voice startles me and I turn around to see another stranger standing there with a smile.

I didn't reply to him as my eyes were fixated on his appearance.

The man looked like he's really rich with that expensive looking suit and elegant frame, although he looks pretty much older than me, he's pretty good looking having that long black hair pulled into a ponytail that's slicked above his shoulder and those crescent dark blue eyes covered by his spectacles which may swoon girls my age, but of course not romantically, I don't want to be a creep.

It could be me but the man's beauty looks like it has been painted by a deity, as if he's a fictional character. I'm not exaggerating, I'm already out of my simping phase already I swear!

He walks towards the dagger beside me and pulls it out of the concrete wall easily making me dumbfounded. What the f- 

The man adjusted his glasses as he inspect the weapon. " .... "

" Ah, is something wrong sir? " I ask. Is the item some kind of big deal? How about giving it back sir? I need to sell it to make money! Or mabye ask other people who got connection who knows, I'm needy!

" Nothing to be concerned of miss. " The man eyes locked towards the handle before smiling politely. " You should get going, this area isn't safe for teenage girls like you, especially near a hooligan's base. "

I'm sorry what?

" H-Hooligan? " I repeat. The stranger I just brawl with is a gangster?! 

I mean, he was easily riled up so I don't think he's a good gangster.

But still! That guy nagged my money! Then again, I am no match for him.

I sighed in defeat not noticing the man staring at me. " I witnessed you picking a fight with the gentleman. "

I flinched. 

" Ah.. about that.. "

" No worries, " He interrupts me as he waves the dagger casually. " He must have stole something from you hadn't he? "

" He did. " Technically not from me, I just stole it from another me.

" Pretty expected from a gangster in a low level place like this. " The man said as he place the dagger in his coat. So much for me selling it. " I don’t mind assisting you, I do need something from him as well. "

" Um, alright. " I nod cautiously. At least I got some assisstance, even if the hooligan still got some weapons in him, the elegant sucker looks like he knows what he's doing all the time.

There’s really no harm needing a help from a stranger I just met. Not at all.

" Great. " The man smiled once again before walking to where the hooligan ran. I'm pretty sure we're far behind and might lose him though.

I chose not to say anything as I began to follow him through the tight area. 

The place looks like a maze, no people or buildings seen and the loud noise from the festival isn't heard from here, the only thing I heard is mine and the man's footsteps together with the dripping of pipes above us.

The whole atmosphere is silent around us and it makes me uncomfortable.

We then headed towards two pathways and I look between them, another trouble came. If we went to the wrong way I'll just be stuck in this alley with a random handsome stranger.

The man didn't pause as he quickly turn to the left making me confused.

I ran behind him before awkwardly glancing at him, his expression didn't falter but his eyes focus on the way he went to without hesitation as if he knows the direction where the hooligan is running to.

Suddenly I hear a splash of a puddle from ahead of us.

" *Pant* *Pant*... Hahh.. "

We both turn towards to where the noise is and see the same guy who stole my money.

It seems he's trapped in a dead end. Hah, serves him right.

The hooligan let out deep breaths from running before eyeing at us. He step back in fear.

" What'd you want?! "

The elegant man walked towards the hooligan. " I just want some questions. "

" And I want my money back. " I cried out from behind the man. " Please. "

" Tch. " The man clench his jaw before grabbing something out of his pocket revealing a knife and throws it towards us.

I close my eyes and guard myself with my arms waiting for the sound of it piercing through skin until opening them to see the man caught it between his fingers.

Oh wow.

The man position the weapon on his hold before throwing it above the hooligan towards the rusty pipes. As it sliced half of the pipe it fell towards the hooligan's direction and drop beside him with a loud clang startling him.

The hooligan screamed in suprise before facing forward seeing the man appearing near him and land a blow to his face.

“!!” Hearing an audible crack from his face, The hooligan hit The ground, hard.

He quickly get up holding his nose in pain before scrambling through his pockets checking is he still has something to defend himself.

“Shit! “

 The hooligan whispered before looking up to where The knife is stuck above on The rusty pipes.

He raise his Hand before in a quick bliss The knife that was stuck on The Pipe above us suddenly appeared on The hooligan’s grasp.

I witnessed in disbelief. How The fuck-

How did that Guy do that?! Magic?! 

I mean.. I am in a different world so I guess it’s possible??

The man looked unimpressed as he raise his both his hands waiting for The hooligan to run towards him.

Sir- are You fighting with fists against a man with a knife?!

The hooligan waisted no Time to strike first as he aim The blade towards The man’s chest, but The man quickly grab his wrist before twisting it.

“GAGHH!! “ The hooligan screams in pain before dropping down to his knees.

The man then finally Let Go, sure that The hooligan will stay put.

“ Now that I’ve held You down, You will answer my questions as promised? “ He ask.

“ I.. never promised anything.. “ The hooligan grit out.

The man sighed before using his heel to step on The hooligan’s injured wrist causing The Guy to scream again, except more louder.

I just watched in both shock and fear as if I’m in an action horror movie.

“ Screaming is not The answer I wanted unfortunatey. “ The man said before twisting his heel on The man’s wrist.

I close my eyes, shit thats going to hurt.

Screams followed but The hooligan didn’t respond other than that.

It’s really a slow and already process but heels on your wrist that’s already twisted is hell.

Sure The hooligan did try to kill us but its mostly self defence, I should stop before I can witness anything gory.

I ran towards The man and pull his sleeves.

“ U-Um sir, I think thats enough. “ I voiced out.

“FUCK-.. FINE! “

Me and The man both looked at The hooligan who lay his head down.

“ We’re.. ordered by our boss to target several of the first year students applying.. “

Target? Students?

“ Hm. “ The man hummed. “ Specifically first years? Why’s that? “

“ I-I don’t know! Its just that someone is giving advices to the boss and that’s all I know! I swear! “ The hooligan cried out as he hold his injured wrist.

The man stared at The hooligan as if trying to check if he is lying before nodding his head.

“ The information I’n hearing are filled with holes but I’ll inform this towards The headmaster. Thanks for cooperating. “

Hearing this made The hooligan pale.

" Y-Your working from Union Nights? “

" I'm a secretary. " The man said before glancing at me with an undreadable expression, he then fix his glove that was wrinkled. " I was part of the staff welcoming the kids signing up for the academy. Now enough chit chat, I'm taking you for interrogation."

He then strike his hand towards the hooligan's neck making him collapse immediately to the ground unconcious.

I froze. Union Nights. Academy. 

U.N. Academy from the same novel.

This is definitely no coincidence. 

If everything about here is the same as Lord Of Game, then that person beside me.. I stared at his harmless face. Black long hair. Glasses. deep smooth voice. 

" Oh and before I leave I want to know your name miss. "

I blink at the man's question before answering. " R-Ryu Mei! "

The man smiled. " Then Miss Ryu, as much as I am in a hurry, I didn't notice you anywhere during the welcoming but don't worry there will be another tomorrow. " 

He gives me a card.

 " You'll need this as a confirmation as a student, everyone at your age needs to attend to UN, but don't worry you'll enjoy the experience. "

I glance at the card as I listened to the man, looking at the card in a golden print it read: 

Union Nights Academy Student Application Card.

Student.. To when I remember, U.N academy is where the protagonist of the novel schooled. If I'm going there then..

" I am Alois Kagisaki, but please call me Alois. " The man greeted politely with the a small bow. " Like I said earlier I'll be working at your school as your secretary, please come to me if you have any troubles or complaints there. "

Please. Stop talking, I don't want to listen anymore. My whole heart just collapsed in my chest. I've transmigrated inside the novel I hated.

" Oh and here. " Alois hand me a napkin. " It's for your cheek. "

I hesitantly grab it from him still in shock as I wipe the dry blood on my small wound. 

I'm so dead.


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