World of Souls Online

Chapter 7: Chapter 1.6 The New Home

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Chapter 1.6 The New Home


Lilith and Daeron returned to their place on the stage. The audience applauded nonstop for a couple of minutes.

"I hope you all enjoyed the demonstration," Lilith shouted, giving air kisses at the same time. "Believe me, this is only a small part of what you'll be able to use in the game."

These words revived the audience, and the applause came with renewed vigor.

"Now there's just one small thing left, and you and I can head to the final testing location," Eric Schneider announced as the applause died down. " We'll pick six people from the audience who will receive a certificate for the free purchase of a set of equipment for our game."

"Let us ask Lord Daeron to choose three female winners," Selena Atkins said and made an inviting hand gesture.

Lord Daeron snapped his fingers, and the staff reappeared in his hand. Tapping the staff once on stage, a bright magical weaving appeared beneath it, and soon Daeron rose smoothly above the stage and headed into the hall.

Quickly circling the hall, he finally stopped at the first lucky girl and extended his hand to her, saying: "Be my chosen one, lovely lady."

And when she held out her hand, he gallantly kissed it. But it happened with a little embarrassment. The girl had forgotten that he was a hologram, so she stood up and leaned on his hand to keep her balance. As a result, she had to lean with her other hand on the man in front of her to keep her balance. The incident was quickly rectified and Daeron set off after the next chosen one. Soon all three were standing on stage next to Daeron.

Secretly, inside herself, Melinda hoped she too would be chosen, but he never even looked in her direction once. Now it was Lilith's turn.

"Now we will ask Duchess Lilith to choose three male winners," Eric Schneider said and made an inviting hand gesture.

Lilith flapped her wings and soared into the air. Gliding on her wings, she slowly circled the hall, picking out the lucky men. Then she took out her whip and flung it into the hall. The whip twisted around her first victim… or rather lucky one. Lilith then slowly pulled herself up to him, allowing him to enjoy the lovely view. She did the same with her next victim.

It was the turn of the third lucky man. Lilith looked toward the sector where Melinda was sitting. Lilith smiled and threw her whip. There was a cry of surprise next to Melinda. The whip coiled around Melinda's neck. And Lilith slowly moved toward her.

‘Oh… What's going on here,’ Melinda thought to herself in surprise.

Schneider noticed that something was going on when Lilith was already next to Melinda.

"Um…, Lady Lilith, you can't choose her," Schneider said.

Lilith turned her head in his direction.

"Why not?" Wondered she.

"We already have three girls," he said, "you just have to pick one more man."

"Moo…" Pouting her cheeks, she turned to Melinda and looked into her eyes. For a couple of seconds, she stared blankly. Melinda froze, not daring to even blink. Lilith smiled and leaned into Melinda's face.

From a distance, it might have looked like she was kissing her, but she wasn't. There were still a couple of centimeters between them. A distance that each of them could have easily overcome. After a second, Lilith moved to her ear and whispered. "Until next time, baby."

Melinda's cheeks flushed involuntarily. She expected a wild reaction from the audience, but there was none. Even the people seated nearby didn't react to the demoness' last words. Without a second thought, Lilith extended her hand to the forty-year-old man in the next row behind her.

"Here's the third," Lilith said loudly.

Soon all six chosen ones were standing on the stage and they were ceremoniously presented with their certificates, after which they remained standing on the stage.

"We're now going to have to move to another location at *** street. And unfortunately, it won't be teleportation," Atkins informed the audience.

There was both resentment and laughter in the audience.

"Transportation will be provided by quite Earthly transport. We have prepared a couple of dozen buses for you. Each bus has its two-digit number. It matches the last two digits on your pass. So, you can go downstairs. The buses have already been served. You'll be given further instructions upon arrival."

Melinda pulled out the pass and looked at it. The last two digits were 46th. As she made her way down to the entrance, she saw that the road was blocked by rows of buses. It took some time to find the 46th bus, which was already full. The only one missing was her.

Everyone seated inside was a woman, which surprised Melinda a little. Soon a woman dressed in corporate clothes and carrying a clipboard entered the bus. She introduced herself to everyone as Simone. She had been assigned to supervise group 46. She quickly went through the names of those present. The people in front asked her the same question that bothered Melinda.

"Why are there only women on the bus?"

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"Because you're all in the same group. And if you don't mind undressing and posing naked in front of a crowd of hungry men, then I can put you in that group," the woman answered the question.

Though the answer did not convince the majority, no one asked for it again. An hour later they were arriving at their destination. The skyscraper looked similar to the previous one, the corporate headquarters. Even the logo on the building was the same. And if it weren't for the other surrounding buildings, it might have seemed as if they had returned.

Inside, the same identical lobby awaited them. Simone led the group to the elevator.

"The first ten floors of the building are public areas - dining halls, fitness rooms, swimming pool, stores, and administrative offices. They are accessible only to employees of the corporation, including you. On the next ten floors are the gaming pods. On the next twenty floors are the residential apartments. These are where you will live if you pass the test. Now take turns going up to the ninth floor. Please note that you are not allowed to use your phone or take pictures or videos in the rooms."

There were 36 girls in Melinda's Group 46. The first thing they did was take turns interviewing them. They asked all kinds of questions, including questions about their health. A couple of times they emphasized that pregnant women were not allowed to use virtual reality pods at this stage. Also, if they got pregnant during the beta test, they would be immediately suspended from participation.

Then a couple of documents were given to them to sign: a non-disclosure agreement, a personal data processing agreement, an insurance agreement, and an employment contract with the corporation. The latter would become valid after they passed the test.

When they finished the formalities, Simone took them to another floor where the infirmary was located. Here they had their blood drawn and had a minor examination.

"I know you're already a little tired, so we're going to take a break. Now we will go down to the fourth floor, where there is a buffet prepared for you. "

The buffet occupied the entire floor, and all the participants of the future beta test were gathered there. The participants were given an hour and a half to relax, which they gladly took advantage of. During this time, they could move freely on all of the first ten floors. Most, like Melinda, decided to stay on the buffet floor. Here there were cushioned chairs near the dining tables. Free food and wide screens with entertainment programs complement the pleasant atmosphere for relaxation.

After the time of rest was over, the groups began to gather together again. Group the 46th also gathered around Simone, awaiting further instructions.

"I hope everyone has rested," she said as the group gathered around her. "You have a test to do next. So, let's go to the 19th floor. This floor is where you will participate in beta testing from now on. The floor is available to groups from 43rd to 48th. Each group will have their room."

Melinda's group went up to the floor. They were led to a room that was labeled "Group 46" at the entrance. The room itself was large, with rows of game pods.

The pod for the game was a kind of sarcophagus with a glass-rounded lid. The capsule was installed at a slight angle. On the side was a control panel with a touch screen.

"Would the same capsules be available for home order? " Asked one of the girls.

"Yes, they are, but the version is different," confirmed Simone. " Don't look at the fact that they look so complicated. They're easy to operate. Everything is automated. No more complicated than running the washing machine at home."

The girls laughed at that comparison.

"Now for what comes next," said Simone, when the girls had calmed down a bit. "We strip down to our underwear. There are lockers along the walls to put things in. I hope everyone is wearing swimsuits? " She asked those present.

It turned out that not everyone followed the advice and wore bathing suits.

"It's okay, so you'll stay in your underwear. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. There are only women here, no men."

"Why do we have to take our clothes off? Who cares what you wear in the capsule," asked one of the women.

"You should have been told that your body will feel what you feel when you enter the game," they all nodded vigorously. "So, in a stressful situation, our body will try to secrete different fluids. And it's not just sweat or urine."

There was a look of disgust on everyone's face. After all, who wants to wet their pants in public.

"Does this happen to everyone? " Asked uncertainly the woman who was standing next to her.

"Yes," replied Simone, "there's nothing we can do against the physiology of our bodies. So, before we start, I strongly recommend that you go to the bathroom."

Half of the girls rushed to the bathroom, following Simone's advice.

"Can't we leave the game at any time?" Melinda asked the tortured question she had matured while waiting for the girls to return.

"True," Simone confirmed, "you can leave the game at any time, and your physical body will be safe and sound. But if you run away from every danger, you won't get very far in this game. So, bear it while you can. And only quit the game if you can't take it anymore."

Now the rest of the girls rushed to the bathroom. Finally, after a quarter of an hour, everyone was back together. Simone continued the conversation.

"Now you're ready," she smiled, "as I said, only get out if you can't stand it anymore. After you lie down in the capsule, and it will start up, you will find yourself in a space that is unfamiliar to you. Don't be frightened, I'll be there beside you too. Now choose your capsule and undress. Our staff will help you start up the capsules. I am waiting for you inside."

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