World Of Swords

Chapter 1: Xu You

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In a certain region of the Three Thousand Dao Teritories on a Mountain Peak sorrounded by large number of protective array's sounded the cry of a baby.

  The cry came from a extremely luxurious  room, inside of the room stood a slender man with a inconspicuous rusted sword at his waist, on a bed in the center of the room stood a woman, she sorrounded by several other women, one of which held a little baby girl in her arms.

"Give her to me" said the woman.

"Yes mistress Wu Jing" replied the other woman.

After which the other woman give the baby to Wu Jing.

As Wu Jing held the baby in her hand a name inexplicably entered her mind.

"She is fated to the name Xu Yue" said Wu Jing.

After she said this the man, who was named Xu Chao immediately looked at the sky, after a few seconds he looked back at Xu Yue then sighed  "I see"  after a moment the man became serious again then looked at the other women.

A jade token with Xu on it appeared in one of the women's hands.

"Go to the treasury and bring back Heaven Rank Body nourishing treasures" Wu Jing looked hesitant for a second the sighed, even with her cultivation base being pregnant for 127 years and consciously nourishing the child with all her might took a toll on her.

A few minutes later the woman came back with three small boxes , Wu Jing waved her arms then the boxes came towards her, as they opened three pills came out of them, Wu Jing took all three of them and begun meditating, a few minutes later her pale complection gradually became more rosy. The Heaven Ranked pills which would make low level cultivator explode if they even so much as smelled them were easely refined by her.

After that both Wu Jing and her Husband looked at the Sleeping Xu Yue and smiled.

The Origin Sword Sect was the oldest and most powerfull sect in the Sword Region. The headquarters of the sect stood at the center of the region. Sourrounding the center of the region stoot ccountless cites, this was the most prosperous place in the entire region. Even though a vast majority of people couldn't see or feel it they knew it was there.

The headquarters of The origin Sword Sect stood upon a giant mountain and on the top of that mountain stood a little girl that looked 4-5 years old holding an oversized sword.

The girl was the daughter of the Sect Master Of The Origin Sword Sect, the day after she was born a sword came out from the back mountain of the sect, the sword could not be moved away from her.

Today was the day she could finally begin training with the sword.

Even though she tried to look calm she coudn't hide the exited grin on her face when she though about beginning training.

"I can finally start training" Xu Yue thought she shuddered when she remembered what happened what her mother caught her training secretely.

After waiting for a few minutes she could see her father flying towards her. As he aproached her she could see the look on his face, even though he tried to look stern he couldn't hide the doting look on his face no matter how much he tries.

"Today we will begin your training" he said.

"Yes Father" said Xu Yue failing to hide her exitement.

"Before you start training you need to know a few things. The first thing is what cultivation is"

Xu Yue was quite exited, she heard several people she met talk about cultivation but she never knew what it was.

"Cultivation is the proces to attaining immortality you must remember this , some people chose short term gain over long term profit they will shot themselves in the foot by neglecting their foundation"

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"Before attaining immortality cultivation is devided into 9 realms i shall only talk about the first 5 realms you will learns of the others later, The first Realms are Body Refining, Foundation Establisment, Soul Enlightening, Qi Sensing  and Qi Refining Realms"

"Todoy we shall only talk About the Body Refining realm, it is devided into 7 stages Skin Refinment, Mustle Refinement, Bone Refinement, Organ Refinement, Blood Refinement and Brain Refinement  these 6 realms are what most common cultivators go through"

"There is another stage after this that is not known by most cultivators It is meridian Refinement to complete it you need the help of a higher rank cultivator to help you map your meridians"

Xu You looked serious as she was trying to imprint these cultivation realms in her mind.

"Most cultivators use cultivation techniques to cultivate, but in our sect there are no such things, we only use sword techniques, by comprehending these techniques your realm will rise naturally.

"Today i shall begin teaching you the very basics of swordsmanship, our sect does not have a specific sword style all of the disciples learn the same basic technique [The Origin Sword Style ] this technique was created by The Founder of the sect. The mastering of this techinque is the most basic requirment for being considered a swordsman in the sect.

"Even though this technique is quite simple and easy for beginners to practice it is extremely profound and can match the strongest Heaven Ranked techninques if cultivated to Greater Acomplishment"

"To begin practising the sword not only does the body need to be prepared, a strong mind is also required, to begin your training you shall begin swinging your sword i shall corect your form, you shall not stop until i tell you to"

"Yes father"

"Good then begin swinging your sword with as much strengh as you can"

Xu Chou was quite tense even though he knew that his daughters strengh was quite great in fact her strenght was greater that most foundation establishment cultivators he was read to swoop in and ready rescue her.

As Xu You began began swinging her oversized sword his worries began to disappear, after a while he bagan pointing out her mistakes.

At first Xu You felt it was quite easy to swing the sword around but after a while she felt that it became much harder, what she didn't know what that it was her father increasing the gravity around her.

As her father began pointing out her mistakes she tried  to correct them no no avail, a while later she saw her father begin to throw small stones at her sword to point out het mistakes. At first she felt no difference but after a while she found out that her swings were much stabler.

Xu Chou was absolutely shocked by the speed of his daughters improvement even though she had his guidence her improvement speed was staggering.

After 5 hours of training Xu You became more and more tired, not from the swinging itself but rather from the proces of correcting her mistakes, still she started loving the proces of feeling her improvement more and  more beginning to train even faster and wit more vigor

"You can stop now" said Xu Chou having calmed down a little, he waved his hand and a bottle filled with blue pills appeared in Xu You's hands.

"You can take this pill to recover from your fatigue"

Xu You took the pill and felt a sweet taste in her mouth she felt invigorated and better than she ever felt in her entire life

"Can i continue training"

"No, the deal i made with your mother mentioned a maximum of 5 hours of training each day"

Xu You felt quite sad at the thought of having to wait until tomorrow to train, but when she saw the look on her father's face she knew that todays training was over.

After today she began training like this every day, and continued this type of life for three years.

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