World Of Sync

Chapter 3: The First Day

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Chapter 3 - The First Day

The afternoon hour is busy for the students who've passed the exam. In the parking lot of the school, families are saying goodbye to their kids who've passed the exam. Telling them to be careful, 1 dad being reassured that their kid wants to do this instead of entering the family business. 


Team Aura stands by Captain John's SUV, saying their own goodbyes. Zeke's Uncle Bob wipes the tear forming in his eye after giving his nephew a strong hug.


Bob: I still remember the days you were this little, when you were play-wrestling with your old man!

Zeke: Well, I get to wrestle with criminals now!

Bob: I wish your parents were here to see ya move into your big boy pants!

Zeke: Don't worry, I'm just happy you're here, uncle Bob!

Bob: *pats Zeke's head* and I always will be, you little trouble maker.


Ally squeezes Kai with a big hug.

Ally: You make sure to write to us everyday, right?

Kai: Yes ma'am!

Ano: I can't promise you'll be able to read them very well.

Ally: We've read your handwriting for years, honey. We'll be fine.

Chester: You 2 get 1 injury on any of these mission things, and you're coming right back home! you hear?

Kai & Ano: Yes sir!

Chester: And Ano, you're the oldest brother. You make sure you look after Kai, okay?

Ano: Don't worry, 

Noah: If you kill anybody we're not showing up at the court

Kai: I'll just blame the murder on you, then.

Noah: Kai,...uuh I'm turning your bedroom into a man cave so, stay at your new place ok? But don't forget that promise!

Kai: Sure thing! I'll miss you, too


Saiko finishes reading a text from her sister.

"As much as it pains me to say this, make sure you show respect to John. He's an immature imbecile, but he's somewhat capable as an Elite Guardian. Don't forget to look after your teammates, too. Even then, I expect you to be as diligent as I taught you. And build the amount of credits your team has."


Captain John: Alright, everyone. We're heading out.

Several cars drive out the lot and into the street.

Zeke: So, captain, uuhh

John: John, kid

Zeke: Ok, Johnkid! What's your house like?

John: *sigh* as much as it pains me to say this, it's ours now. I'm laying down a ground rule before we even get there. Don't go into my room without permission.

Saiko: Shouldn't you be enthusiastic? You're our Captain, our main source of inspiration.

John: Yeah, you got a point.


The vehicle slows down in the driveway. Captain John leads the team to the front door, unlocks it and gets ready to open it. He looks back at the team behind him with a grin.


Captain John: Look at your new house, pipsqueaks!


He throws the door open, letting the team walk in the living room and take in their new surroundings.


Kai: Woah! That TV on the wall is huge! 

Captain John: What? That's a normal sized TV. At Least the kind that ya stick on a wall.

Ano: it's the biggest TV we've ever seen.


Saiko walks into the kitchen and opens the cabinet, seeing several paper plates and cups.

Saiko: This is nice, nothing too fancy.


Zeke opens the fridge*

Zeke: Hey, Captain John can I have a soda!

John: Your uncle gave me notes on ya! Soda makes you hyper, right? Only on training days!

Zeke: Damnit!


Captain John leads the team upstairs.

Captain John: Here's the upstairs, with your bedrooms.

Zeke: I call the best one!

Saiko: we haven't even see-

Kai puts a hand on her shoulder*

Kai: Just go with it.

Captain John: The backyard's a little small. But we can still use it for training and what not. Welp that wraps your tour up. 


Captain John's phone rings, he's received a mission alert.


Captain John: Oh, I better be off. 


He almost walks through the front door before turning around to face the team.


Captain John: Look, I prefer to do this stuff on my own. I'll show you the ropes later. But for now, I need your word that you won't do anything that'll get you into trouble. Can you do that?


They all give him their word. And with that, he's off. The team sit in the living room.


Kai: Well, guys. If we're settling in, why not choose a good first mission?

Ano: we just got here, let's rest for a bit.

Saiko: I'm with Ka., the sooner we get out there, the sooner we get to proving our worth. They'll decide how often we'll get assigned missions depending on how well we perform them after our first few days. So we'll just have to pick a good one fast.


Zeke finds tv remote on the dresser underneath the TV*


Zeke:  Let's look at the news and try to get a head start!


They start watching tv, a while passes with basic news segments on weather, and international affairs going on with other Districts. Until everyone's phone goes off with a mission alert.

Saiko: Huh? Look.

Newscaster: Breaking news! a bank robbery on Parker Avenue has just conspired! Authority urges those listening to clear themselves from the streets-

Kai: That's the mission alert we just got! And it's not too far from here.

Zeke: Must be why they assigned it to us! If we start running, we can catch them!

Ano: Captain John took the car… Guess we're going the long way.


3 bike riders with bags on their backs speed through the almost empty streets of the city's plaza. Team Aura have quickly made it thanks to their speedy traversal skills. Kai hops off of Ano who let him piggy back while he road ice waves.


Zeke: Look! They're coming down the street!

Saiko: Okay, we'll have to-


Zeke leaps from the small building and dashes towards them, causing a car to abruptly turn and brake.


Saiko: Zeke!

Ano: Damn it!


Saiko and Ano head down too, one riding an ice wave, the other swinging on lamp posts. following him. Leaving Kai on the roof, with an annoyed expression.


Talin: …Did they really just leave us here?


Zeke swiftly stops in front of the bikers.


Biker #1: Woah, shit!

Biker #2: Who the hell!?

Biker #3: calm down, you 2. See the robe?

Biker #2: Aw, no… a Guardian!

Biker #3: A rookie, obviously. *Gets off the bike* I'll take care of him


Zeke chuckles, excited to face his first challenge and dashes towards the cocky biker readying an electrically charged slash. But the biker suddenly pulls out his own Sync, a Scythe on fire, and swings it at the approaching boy, who reacts and immediately flips back from getting hit. The biker tries striking him again but Zeke dashes to the side and kicks him in the face, and barely dodges a slash that the biker almost lands right after getting hit.


Biker #2: Damn, he's fast!

Biker #1: Don't worry, we'll help!


The 2 other bikers attempt to reach for their Syncs in their pockets, but are interrupted by Saiko summoning thread around their wrists and yanking them towards each other, causing them to violently bump into each other. Her, Ano and Kai have caught up with Zeke dashing over to them to regroup.


Biker #2: Shit, there's too many rookies!

Biker #3: just head to the casino! I'll hold these bears off and meet you there!


The scythe welder tossed his bag to them, and sense a fire wave to keep the rookies back. The other 2 bikers head off, with the one left behind getting ready to continue fighting.


Biker #3: So, you kids ready to dance?

Saiko: No, actually. I think we're done here. Ano, ice wall!


Ano questions her motive, but forms an ice wall big enough to separate them from the biker. 


Saiko: Let's hurry up and head to the school!

Kai: What for? We're just letting them get away!

Saiko: Don't be reckless. I'll explain everything later.

Night falls on the city, as Team Aura walk to the library upstairs in the school hallway.

Kai: Alright, what's the next step?

Saiko: You still haven't figured it out yet? We got exactly what we needed.

Kai: Huh? But-

Saiko: You weren't paying attention. He said they'd meet at "the casino", we just need to figure out where.

Zeke: Oh, I see! The school's media center has records for us rookies to use! We can figure out which casino they're probably meeting at! I was honestly ready to just brawl it out.

Saiko: You'll get your chance later, once we track them down.

Kai: Aw, man. I completely forgot we could use this thing in the heat of the moment!

Ano: Not surprising, "Mr. C in map studies"

Kai attempts to spit an insult back, but Ano immediately puts a hand on his mouth.

The team walked into the media center, with a few fellow rookies already there. 2 of them are studying a map of a part of the city on the wall. One team are at a table discussing how they should decide which missions they choose. 

Saiko walks up to the woman at the desk in the middle of the room.  


Saiko: Hi, ma'am, we're looking for the robbers who were announced on the news a while ago.  Can you pull up every casino within Vilson District?

Desk ma'am: Sure thing sweeties! 

You are reading story World Of Sync at


They receive the records, and place them at an empty table. Separating the 2 papers to analyze them.


Saiko: There's a casino on the beach boardwalk in the coastal area. And the other casino is around half an hour north from here.

Kai: If I were these guys, I'd imagine we'd choose to meet at the one closest to the city.

Zeke: They'd also probably pick the one we wouldn't think they'd go for.

Ano: Zeke has a point.

Kai: Let's split up, We can go to both of them. 

Saiko: And if they aren't at either, we'll report back here.

Zeke: I'll go with Kai! Please?

Saiko: …Zeke goes with Kai (Zeke:Yes!) Ano goes with me. Everyone keep your phones on you 


Zeke, Kai, Ano and Saiko put their hands in a hand stack. and shout "Break!".


At the coastal area casino. A guy in a black hood leans on the wall of the building's backside. Looking at the beach across the street. He rereads text messages on his phone from someone agreeing to meet up with him at his current location.


Hooded Guy: Jeez, when is that asshole coming?

Hooded Guy #2: That "asshole" had to keep low from being caught.


The man who agreed to meeting him walks around from the corner of the casino, hearing him.


Hooded Guy: You got the stuff?

Hooded Guy #2: Yeah, you got the money?


Before they can seemingly make a trade, Saiko leaps from the roof of the building. Ano, who stays on the roof, forms an icicle for Saiko to form a thread on. And 2 more threads form on the guys ankles as she continues falling, immediately yanking them in the air as she lands.

Saiko: Alright. You guys might not be who we're looking for. But, before we find out what you're trying to sell, Let's find out who you guys are-


Her thinking out loud is interrupted, as she removes the hood from the buyer. Revealing it to be…


Saiko: Wait… aren't you our history teacher?

Hood Guy: Look! I just wanted something to ease my mind, okay!? My classes are vicious! You understand, right Saiko!?


Ano ice waves down to join the strange event going on.


Ano: Uh, did you rob a bank earlier?

Hood Guy: Does it look like I did!?


Saiko searches the sellers pockets, and snatches a small box of candies.


Hood Guy: Those are just hard candies with mind stimulants in them, okay!?

Saiko: …Well… Let's hope the others are having better luck.

Meanwhile, in the north area of the city. A busy street, glowing signs from stores and sidewalk lights softly illuminate the night. Especially for the girl who's watching the busy street from her apartment window, across from the casino.

Inside the casino's backroom. The scythe biker from earlier throws the bags onto a table that sits in front of Quin and Wallus. In the middle of the purple lit room.


Biker #3: You guys got lucky! These little goodies here almost got us arrested.

Quin: Eh, you can get thrown to the wayside, if necessary. We need the money, not you

Wallus: I don't believe you're in the space of selling anyone short, after yesterday. Quin.

Quin: Hmph, you'll learn not to talk back to me once I fix the status quo between me and a fight with those brats.

Biker #2: Listen, you 2! We've been doing chores for you guys for a while now, and we want something in return!

Quin: Something in return? Serving someone in a higher position than you should be a reward enough!

Biker #3: Nah, me and the boys have been talking it over. And I decided I want them to get a place to stay, wherever you guys are hiding.

Wallus: We can't just accommodate anyone we work with, Slain.


The Biker takes off his helmet, and tosses it to the side.


Slain: So, I gotta beat you in a fight or something?


Wallus raises his head in protest of his idea.


Wallus: What I'm saying is, you'd need to be apart of us to stay with us.

Quin: Seriously? You're inviting the stragglers?


Wallus quietly looks at him with a face that tells him to shut up.


Biker #1: Woah… Uh, Slain? I don't think you should risk your life just for us to get a bed-

Slain: Risk? I'm not risking anything. This is the type of action I want! …Still though, I'm not sure if I wanna join a crazy group that's just hiding in the shadows.

Wallus: I implore you, there's more to us than you think.

Kai and Zeke run to the outside wall behind the room. 


Kai: 3 motorcycles were parked in front of the casino.

Zeke: I feel that cool scythe guy's aura in there too.

Kai: It's definitely them!

Zeke: Ah man, I'm so excited! Our first mission's about to end In success! Should we use a cool phrase? Or maybe practice a cool pose before we catch them by surprise?

Kai: Zeke!.... 


Kai takes in Zeke's worried face.


Kai: Ok… you pick.

Wallus: If you agree to hear us out, you can meet us at this address.

Quin: Erck, absolutely not! I'm already rubbing knees with enough peasants, Wallus.

Slain: You know, joining just to get under the pompous prick's skin would be pretty beneficial…

Quin: What did you just call me!? *Quin activates his Sync* You think I'm just gonna let a lowlife talk down to me?

Slain: I think you're all talk, buddy.

Wallus: *walks in-between the 2* Alright, calm down. We don't need to explode over this.


Zeke throws a bolt to the wall, exploding it. Causing a giant hole in the appear.


Kai: Woah! You could've warned me!

Biker #2: shit! I told ya they'd find us!

Wallus: Slain! We'll cover for you and your guys to escape! Quin! You and I will… Quin!?

Quin stares at Kai, with malice brewing inside him.


Quin: ...You!

Kai: What the!?


Quin hops outside and prepares to fight


Quin: It's time you repent the mistake you made of fighting me!


He's about to attempt a strike on Kai with his whip before Zeke dashes to Quin's side out of nowhere and kicks him straight in his hip, causing him to fly back a bit before getting his footing back.


Quin: I'm not in the mood, you brat!


Zeke dodges his lighting whip, and jumps off the floor zipping to the apartment wall, casino wall then appears right in front of Quin. Who misses another attack with Zeke immediately dodging it.


Quin: Tch! Speedy little-


Wallus watches Slain lead his buds through the door, before turning around and seeing Kai aim his hand at him. 


Wallus: Hm?


Kai (in his mind): Just focus… Just focus… 

Talin: …Now!


A ball of energy is shot at Wallus, who swats it away. Receiving a blowback of wind from breaking it. Causing the table behind him to break and the bags to scatter around the room.


Quin gets distracted by this, as Zeke zaps behind Quin from a distance, and dashes with his hand in a claw shape overflowing with electricity. Wallus throws a punch to the ground with a bit of aura being sent, causing a large burst of dust to rise.


Wallus: No more games, Quin. Slain and the others left during the fray. We're leaving, too.

Wallus grabs a bag, and he and Quin use their abilities to dash through the air. The dust clears up as Zeke waves it away.

Kai: They're getting away! And they got the money!

Zeke: Not all of it!


He points to the other 2 bags lying within the rubble.


Kai: I tried getting that big guy to move so I could grab the bags, I'm glad my plan kinda worked!

A few moments later,  Ano and Saiko regroup with the others.

Ano: Really, the same guy?

Kai: Yeah, he was pretty pissed about the last time we fought.

Saiko: l finished sending our mission report to Captain John. If nobody is hurt, we should head home.


Kai and Saiko grab the 2 bags, and the team starts walking down the road.


Kai: I feel bad leaving that destruction there, I hope Captain John gets the report sent right away so some repairman can fix all of that.

Ano: Well, just be glad nobody in the place was hurt. 

Zeke: Plus, we got names for those 2 baddies, and stopped them from getting away with the stolen money…

Saiko: And within an acceptable timeframe. 

Kai: Not bad for a first mission!


The team continue heading home as a blue and pink butterfly flaps over the moon.

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