World Of Sync

Chapter 32: Camping Trip

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Chapter 30 - Camping Trip


At night, several people are sitting in the auditorium. Lucas stands at a podium with Ruby, Terra, Nilph and Luke standing to his side. The audience is filled with normal spectators, flashing cameras and a news crew sitting in the front.


Lucas: And the next part of this "Vilson Structure Revision Act", Is giving more job opportunities to those with lesser Aura areas. The low amount of your Aura shouldn't jeopardize your futures! We'll be requiring all businesses, public or private, to additional planned out jobs with an Aura requirement even those in poverty have a chance with. Furthermore…


Lucas continues his announcements, as Luke's focus is shifted to Nilph's distraught face. He nudges his arm with his to get his attention.


Luke: It's pretty amazing we managed to get this far, right?

Nilph: Yes, It is…

Luke: I'm sure Lewis would be happy with this.

Nilph: I… hope so.

Terra: Do either of you remember that there are cameras pointed at us?

Luke: Oh we're fine. It's not like we're saying anything illegal.

Ruby: Still, it's important to show respect during such conferences.

Terra: And you just broke that by speaking, Ms. Future District Leader.

Ruby: W-what? I was agreeing with you!

Terra: Excuses.


Our point of view transitions to the conference being viewed on a phone by Kai, who's lying on a sleeping bag In an empty decaying building. The other Aura members in the room are occupied doing other things as they listen in. Captain John counts the ration bars he has in a bag while sitting on a rusty desk. Zeke sits on Saiko's back for her as she does push ups. And Ano rests his eyes while laying on his own sleeping bag next to Kai. Who turns over to lay on his back, and rethinks about yesterday night, when Captain John announced their camping plan.


Kai: Wait, what did you say?

Captain John: I gave it a thought for a while.

Ano: Wow, really?


Captain John rubs off the snarky remark.


Captain John: And I figured, Abandoned Block would be the easiest place for Shadow Sun to pull any schemes. They know this, and so do we! They're always one step ahead, so this time,


He slams his fist into his palm to emphasize his next words.


Captain John: We need to be an extra step above their step! We're gonna camp there for as long as it takes, and see what happens.

Ano: But how are we going to find them in that place?

Captain John: Simple, we'll take turns scouting the area. They can't run forever.

Saiko: Um… What about our school work?

Captain John: …It can wait.



Kai's recollection in memory is finished just in time for Captain John to get everyone's attention.


Captain John: Alright everybody. We're starting our first patrol of the place. Remember, we keep our phones and their location on. If you find anything, immediately report it. And don't engage unless absolutely necessary. I'll head out with Kai, and investigate the west and west south areas. And you other 3 will handle the opposite.

Kai: How come you want to tag along with me? And why only tonight?


Captain John: I know this is important to you, and I don't have a guarantee that you won't rush any Shadow Sun members. We'll start doing teams of just you 4 tomorrow. I still like working on my own, remember?

Zeke: You guys think we'll really catch something this time?

Kai: We have to…. I feel like we're running out of time before something bad happens… We absolutely have to. I 

to find Xaylan beforehand…


Ano puts a hard on his shoulder in support.


Ano: We'll get somewhere this time. I'm as sure about it as 


 bad at studying maps.

Kai: You're still on that!?

Ano: We spent half an hour trying to find a cafe because you couldn't understand Saiko's directions.

Kai: Shut up!


Kai and Captain John are busy as they inspect an empty building with pieces of rubble all around. Captain John uses his Sync to push off a big rock that they think could reveal some sort of secret. But it only reveals cracked ground. After inspecting the other 2 floors, they end up on the roof.


Captain John: Alright, nothing in this building. Let's head over to that one.

Kai: Yeah…

Captain John: Hey, don't sweat it too much, kiddo. 

Kai: That's easy for you to say! If we don't catch them this time, what's gonna happen? Xaylan's the only lead I can think of that can help me understand Talin and my ability! And besides. The longer it takes for us to find them, the longer they can plan-


Captain John pulls out his flask and hands it to Kai.


Captain John: Here, take a quick sip and calm yourself.

Kai: Uh… I'm not sure.

Captain John: It's not what you think it is, trust me.

Kai: Uh, okay, I guess.


Kai takes the flask, closes his eyes and starts drinking.


Captain John (in thought): He doesn't know it's actually just raspberry juice.


Kai's eyes immediately spring open in disgust.


Captain John (in thought): 

know that he doesn't like that stuff. Haha.


And then, Kai dramatically spits out into the air. As Captain John laughs.


Captain John (in thought): And I was right, this 


Kai: Bleh! You jerk! Why!?

Captain John: I don't know, I felt like it. Here. 


He hands a water bottle over that Kai quickly snatches and starts chugging.


Kai: Ugh! Let's just get to the next building. Jeez.


Captain John (in thought): And now, his worrying has been put at the back of his mind.


The 2 head back through the door that led them to the roof.


Ano, Saiko and Zeke finish their inspection of a 1 story building, and walk out of it, aiming for the one across from them next.


Zeke: Man, stakeout movies usually had something cool happen by now.

Saiko: Keep your expectations low. We're likely not going to find anything for the first night.

Zeke: I know, I know. I just wish we could skip the boring parts.

Ano: *stretches and yawns* Yeah, that'd be helpful.

Saiko: The more we search the areas, the closer we'll get to something. Let's keep going.

Ano: Hey, Zeke? How come your Aura senses aren't picking anything up?

Zeke: Well, even if anyone I recognize is around here. We still have to be a certain amount of range within each other. If they're where Kai and Captain John are, I don't have a chance of sensing them. And if they're using whatever changed their Aura during the sign up thing. It's gonna make things a lot harder.

Ano: Geez. Anything that can mess with your Aura senses has to be incredible.

Saiko finishes fixing her shoes as she and Zeke talk in an alleyway before heading out.


Saiko: I'm really not sure if I'd enjoy it.

Zeke: Come on! One movie from the Zero Of Space series with me, and I won't bother you about it again!

Saiko: I'm just not that into sci-fi. Are you really sure this series is something I'd like?

Zeke: I'm positive! 

Saiko: Why do you want me to watch something with you so badly anyway?

Zeke: Well-

Saiko: Actually, forgive me for such a stupid question. We're friends, after all.

Zeke: Exactly! 

Saiko: Hm?

Zeke: I know we don't share a lot of the same likes, but we're still friends! So I wanna introduce you to more stuff I think we'll both like! We already share that one musical!

Saiko: …Fair point. Let's discuss it further after we're done with our scouting. 


Saiko and Zeke walk down the street trying to decide which building to check next.


Zeke: How about that one?

Saiko: Hm. It's too intact, which could mean it's been one of the least disturbed buildings.

Zeke: All the more reason it be useful, right?

Saiko: Good point.


The 2 head inside and start inspecting it. Just a little while, and Saiko comes across a mini cabinet behind some rubble that holds cups with a coffee pot.


Saiko: Why would this be in here?

Zeke: Maybe they tried to keep supplies spread out?

Ano creates a sheet of ice underneath a big rock that's blocking stairs to an underground area. A dry ice explosion breaks it into smaller pieces that he and Kai move out of the way. They then head downstairs.


Kai: If we're gonna find anything, it's gotta be underground.

Ano: I wouldn't be surprised.


As the 2 continue walking down, Ano notices Kai's distressed face. And walks a bit quicker to be beside him to talk to him.


Ano: Hey, are you okay?

Kai: I'm fine.

Ano: I don't believe you.

Kai: That's fine.

Ano: …You're scared we're not gonna find anything, aren't you?


Kai stops quickly and snaps.


Kai: Of course I am! How many missions have we been on where the guys we're dealing with get away!? I don't want that to happen again!

Ano: Kai, it's only been 2 days so far. 

Kai: I'm sure that thought:s helpful for you guys, but every minute we don't find something makes me even more worried! You guys get to have a Power, a normal Sync, and the only lead I have at figuring out what I am is-

Ano: Who.

Kai: W-what?

You are reading story World Of Sync at

Ano: You mean 

 you are, idiot. I already had to correct Vanessa on that, I didn't think I'd have to correct 


Kai: I just… it's killing me that I don't know anything… I'm tired of it and would give anything to change that.

Ano: Just keep your head screwed on tight. We'll find something.


The 2 continue down the stairs and make it to the underground floor. 


Kai: This place looks a little similar to the underground outside of the city. I guess subway stations were more important around the time Abandoned Block was being built.

Ano: Seems about right.


Kai turns on the flashlight on his phone, and the 2 start walking deeper down the tunnel.


Kai: You ever wonder if the 

 that caused development of this place is still out there?

Ano: Not really… but now that you mention it… If it was, wouldn't it be around here somewhere?


This sentence causes Kai to stop in his tracks. Ano only notices a few seconds later, and turns around confused just to see him frightened and smiling nervously.


Kai: H-hey, um, maybe we get Captain John to investigate this place instead?


A beeping sound that comes and goes quickly causes the 2 to stiffen up. Kai walks up to Ano and they try to squint their eyes to see anything from their spot.


Ano: Hold on… I'm starting to sense Aura pretty close to us. I can't tell what Power it is, though.

Kai: …Wait, if it was a beep… 


Kai turns his flashlight off. And their eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. Ano lowers his head and sees a faint red sensory light running across the ground. He points to it to get Kai's attention. They walk over to it making sure not to trip it. And see a very small light projector with a red gem attached to it. Kai quickly messages the others.


Just a few moments later, the rest of the team make it to their location.


Kai: It's some sort of security thing. And it looks like it has an Aura stone on it!

Saiko: It's a laser sensor. I used to have to avoid them during acrobatics and stealth training. 

Zeke: But why did it beep?

Saiko: Not sure, could've been recalibrating.

Captain John: I'm calling Lucas to see if he had any Guardians planted them here.

Kai: But the Aura stone-

Captain John: I know. But better safe than sorry.

Saiko: The stuff we found in that cabinet… and this…


Lucas picks up after a few rings.


Lucas (on phone): No, I didn't… I think you all know what this means.

Captain John: Yep. They're here.

A hooded figure runs through one of the tunnels underneath Abandoned Block with a frightened individual with a muffler on their mouth being pulled with them by a yellow lit whip with dormant Aura. They hop over 2 laser sensors and make a right before making it to an untightened sewer cap. The figure slides it over and stealthy checks the area before jumping out of the sewer. He takes off the hood, revealing it to be Quin. And he pulls the kidnapped individual up to the surface, despite their physical protest.


Quin: Quit squirming already! 


He runs and pulls them to the closet building. A very wide and somewhat tall building with the roof and some of the higher floors broken off. There, a group of people are sitting, heavily scared and worried. Sui continues shuffling papers and getting her Aura stone machine ready on a wooden desk that was placed there by her. Quin enters through the back door and takes his Sync whip off the person and shoves them to the crowd. He walks over and hands Sui one of the resignation forms she and Wallus collected from the sign up.


Quin: That was Kelli Dooley from the apartment on Apple Street. I think that's it.

Sui: Perfect! We can start in just a few minutes.

Quin: A 

!? We need to start 

! Making sure we had routes to avoid those Aura pests while we took the subjects was hard enough! Especially with Zeke! It's only a matter of time before they find us!

Sui: Relax! Remember the Aura suppressor bracelets I made? I took one of them and remodified it to send a small wave of Aura suppression to everyone already here. One extra person with a low amount of Aura shouldn't stand out, so we're covered for just a few minutes. 

Quin: Sounds pretty sloppy for a genius.

Sui: Ugh, whatever! You made sure to double check and make sure you brought everyone along with their Syncs?

Quin: Of course I did! Just hurry up and get this over with! Why couldn't we have just done this at these idiots' homes!?

Sui: Factoring in the amount of time it takes for us to get to each individual's place, the time they'd report us and the time Guardians would be able to track us. This was the better option. One spot for quick results!


One of the members of the crowd, scared, stands up and slowly walks over to the frightening Shadow Sun members.


Bob: H-hey! 


Quin only moves his eyes over, clearly not interested in anything he has to say.


Bob: U-uh. Listen here! My son is a Guardian!


Quin slowly walks over to him.


Bob: He may only be a rookie. B-but I'm sure he's gonna come with his team and-


Bob just finishes reading Quin's annoyed and menacing face. And promptly sits back down with the crowd. 



Sui; Oh! By the way, friendly reminder! If you try escaping, we 

 have to use harmful procedures! So just hang tight, ok beauties!?

Quin: I don't get it, why couldn't we have just knocked them out and brought them?

Sui: Xaylin said to use as less force as possible, I don't see why though. If there's no pain, it's not really worth it.

Quin: Come again, weirdo?

Sui: Yeah! It's like my pops always told me, you can't get anywhere with knowledge unless you're willing to feel pain!


Sui finishes clipping papers on a clipboard and walks to In front of the crowd.


Sui: Okay, everyone! We're gonna make this quick, then some Guardians can come and save you! We're just gonna take your Sync and use some of your Aura to make an Aura stone! Starting in alphabetical order, Amy Simions?


Amy raises her shaking hand. Sui walks over and takes the Sync off her, and places her finger in the hole on the Aura stone machine. Just a few seconds and the Aura is filled. And Sui continues the process.

Kai and Zeke walk down the street, talking as they come up to a turn.


Zeke: But if Slug Sir could 

 Action-Man's Justice Kicks, then they technically should've won in the season finale!

Kai: Justice kick is supposed to triumph against evil no matter what! It's established in episode 1! Wait- why are we even having this argument!? I stopped watching that show years ago!

Zeke: I still watch the vhs tapes sometimes. The fights got wilder as the series went on.

Kai: I'm not surprised. Noah should be entertained by it for a bit.

Zeke: …What 

you been watching lately?

Kai: Honestly? Nothing outside of random reruns of shows and movies. I'm too focused on Shadow Sun to really do much else.

Zeke: You know you shouldn't strain yourself like that.

Kai: I know! …Jeez, I'm starting to think Beast had a lot of luck having a mission with people specifically tied here. It'd be great if we had that same case.

Zeke: It could be worse, at least you started picking up something earlier! Though, are you sure it's not Aura?

Kai: I'm sure. I… felt this back when we attempted to raid Shadow Sun's old hideout. It's like some sort of extra sense. Talin, can you tell what I'm talking about?

Talin: It sounds familiar, but nothing I can describe.

Kai: As usual.


The 2 continue walking, but then suddenly, a very small spark of electricity ignites from Zeke's head. And the 2 stop in their tracks.


Zeke: Wait… it's super faint, but way too recognizable… is… is that my uncle? Is he here?

Kai: What!?


Zeke gestures to Kai to hop on his back. The 2 climb and make it over a small building. And as soon as they hit the ground, Zeke grabs his wrist and pulls him as they start running down the street. 


Zeke: It's starting to become stronger!

Kai: I'm starting to sense a bunch of people, too! What's going on!?


The 2 turn a corner and see a wide and tall, decaying building. Zeke sends a bolt to the wall which causes it to collapse, and they see the crowd down the road as they continue running.

Kai: Woah, what the hell!?


As Kai sends an alert to the others, the 2 quickly recognize the Shadow Sun members.


Kai: It's Quin! And the girl!

Zeke: Hey! 


And as quickly as them, Quin and Sui recognize who's running toward them.


Quin: Agh! I knew those brats would show up! Sui! How close are you to finishing!

Sui: I just have about 6 names left! But I don't think we'll have enough time! 

Quin: Damn it- What do we do!?

Sui: I need to finish packing our stuff up! And then I need to do something else that's important.

Quin: Spit the details!

Sui: I can't explain it now! Just hold them off! 


Sui dashes back over to her desk.


Zeke: Kai, you stand near the kidnapped people and defend them with your energy spheres! I'll handle fighting them up close! 

Kai: Right!


They jump over the broken wall and run around the crowd. Kai stands in front of them to protect them as Zeke zaps over to Quin, who slashes his whip at him forcing him backflip back.


Bob: Zeke!


Zeke turns his head back to the crowd and sees his crying uncle.


Bob: Zeke!! I'm so glad you're here!

Zeke: Uncle Bob! You really are here! 


Kai turns his head to face his friend's uncle.


Kai: What's going on?

Bob: Those fiends kidnapped all of us! They took out Syncs and sucked some of our Aura out and placed it in jewelry!

Kai: Wait, what!? Don't worry, we're getting you all to safety! Just hold on!


Bob sits back down and wipes his tears before turning to the person next to him.


Bob: That's my boy! and his friend out there! We're safe now!


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