World Of Sync

Chapter 5: Puzzle Piece

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Chapter 5 - Puzzle Piece


A water drop from a leaky faucet falls into a light puddle. The drop echoes through the room along with the steps coming down the stairs from the outside. Slain and Wallus enter the underground of a parking garage, where one of Shadow Sun's hideouts is.


Slain: *whistles* Don't know what I was expecting.

Wallus: Come on, we'll talk to the leader.


Slain and Wallus walk across the garage. Slain looks his side and sees a few sleeping bags, a sleeveless man doing push ups, and a young woman with a battle scar looking back at him once their eyes meet. He winks at her before entering the hallway. The 2 walk around the corner and stop at the last door down the hall.


Wallus: Xalyan, it's Wallus!

Xalyan: You may enter.


Wallus opens the door with Slain behind him, and a silhouette rises from the chair. He walks in front of the table.


Xalyan: Wallus, it is good to see you're ok, who is this?


Wallus gets on one knee.


Wallus: Chief Xalyan, this is a street walker with exceptional combat abilities. I believe-


Xalyan raises his hand as a gesture to get Wallus to stop.


Xaylin: Wallus, you know I don't take kindly to those types of terms. We're equal.

Wallus: Sorry, I just want to give you the respect I feel you deserve.

Xalyan: You followed me here, that's all the respect I need.


Slain continues to look surprised at the welcoming atmosphere.


Xalyan: So what's your name?

Slain: I prefer my nickname, Slain

Xaylin: Alright then, Slain. What business do you have joining Shadow Sun?

Slain: I-... To tell you the truth, I just wanted some place for my comrades to be able to sleep in. I, however… I want action.

Xalyan: Action?

Slain: Yeah, I wanna have fun the way I wanna. The thrill of winning a fight by the wit of my skills is the main reason I even bothered learning how to fight. If you guys can give me risky stuff to do, that's fine by me.

Xalyan: …Welcome aboard!

Wallus: Wait, really? Just like that?

Xalyan: We need any help willing to join. And if what you said is true, his combat abilities will definitely help.

Wallus: Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You invited someone like Quin.

Xalyan: Still at heads with him?

Wallus: I'm going to kill him one day.

Slain: So, uh… do I, like, sign something?

Xaylin: Oh, no. But I have an important mission for you.

Slain: Already? I'm flattered.


Xalyan hands him a mini camera from his pocket.


Slain: …You wanna give me more info?

Xalyan: Wallus tells me you and him have interacted with a young teenaged blue haired boy, with a Sync form that has blue markings that align with his face.

Slain: Yeah, we have.

Xaylin: He's… his Sync is technically someone important to me. Atleast, if it is him. I want you to bring me photos of him.

Slain: Uh-

Xalyan: I need to be absolutely sure that it's who I'm thinking of. I can't act on any further plans until then.

Slain: Got it, checkin' out.

Wallus: I'll accompany you.

Slain: Nah, I'll be okay. Besides, I got a personal errand run.


Slain closes the door behind him as he walks out.


Night switches to a peaceful afternoon, and the park is lively. A young small kid holds on to a thick branch growing from a tall tree, trying to hold back tears from his fear of heights clouding his mind.


Mom: Don't worry, honey! The sweet Guardians are gonna rescue you!


The mom of the boy shouts at him, reassuring safety. His attention to her turns to Kai being hoisted up by Saiko's thread 


Kai: Hiya! 


In no time at all, The 2 get the kid back to his mother, and wave them a good day as they head over to Zeke and Ano, who's waiting for them.


Ano: The kid's safe?

Kai: Yep!


The 4 walk through to the exit. The grass is brightly lit by the sun as the people spend their time in the park. A couple lays a blanket down for their picnic. A friend catches an airborne flying disc. A blue and pink butterfly lands on a flower that the 4 walk pass.


Zeke: You know, this is the least eventful day we've had this week!

Saiko: Probably because we have no robbers or crazed fans to deal with.

Kai: So… Where's our Captain?

Ano: Oh, yeah. He kinda disappeared this morning.

Saiko: He must've had a mission pretty early in the morning. It's getting annoying how absent he is.

Kai: Professional Guardians must have an insane amount of stuff to do, so I bet an Elite like him has twice as much! Besides, he trusts us to be on our own for a bit.

Saiko: That doesn't excuse much, though.

Ano: No kidding.

Kai: So, how are Hera and the-... I mean, how is Team Beast doing?

Zeke: They're doing well! Hera told me they've completed 3 missions so far!

Ano: That's good to hear.


Zeke looks up at the sky, with nothing to really say.


Zeke: I hope things get more interesting, today.


Night time comes fast. Zeke uses an apartment's perron stairs to quickly hop up to the rooftop. He holds a thread for Saiko to pull on as she runs to the top. Ano with a piggybacking Kai quickly make it to the other side of the rooftop.

Saiko: Were your patrols okay?

Kai: Yeah!

Ano: The place was quiet, Kai jumped at a cat that scared him.

Kai: Quit talking. 

Ano: It was pretty funny.

Kai: I'll slap you.

Zeke: Me and Saiko helped a sweet old lady push her candy cart out of a lake. She gave us this box of chocolates as a gift!

Ano: I could go for some.

Zeke: Saiko had a couple, already. So she agreed to let us have the rest.

Saiko: I like sweets, okay?


Zeke hands her a candy from the box.


Zeke: We all do!


The 4 enjoy the box of delights, but Kai feels an inner discomfort, not coming from him.


Kai: …Huh? Talin?


The other 3 diverge their attention to Kai.


Talin: What… are these things? 

Kai: Oh, they're just small candies… you okay?

Talin: I've… been observing everything around me for a while… the way these cities look, the way people talk… I still don't remember much of my life, but… it all still feels so different.

Kai: Huh… that makes sense. I can kinda imagine how that feels… I don't know how, but I'll get your memory back, Talin. You've already helped me so much, so I absolutely have to help back.

Talin: Thank you, Kai. Truly.

Kai: Becoming a professional Guardian will definitely help. More reason to become one!


Zeke bends over slightly to become eye to eye with Talin.

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Zeke: I wish he could talk to us, too. I wonder what we'd talk about.

Talin: You'd probably get me to fight with a lizard my size.


Saiko's phone rings.


Saiko: A fight's broken out in a bar near us. They're involving their Syncs. Let's go.


They arrive at the Pint Of A Time bar quickly. Saiko and Kai bust open the door, ready to fight. Saiko shouts to cease all action, but the both of them are caught off guard by their Captain. Who's doing a good job winning the fight himself. Michael plops down to the floor after getting punched.


Captain John: *laughs* Is that the best you guys got!?


Michael gets back up, and attempts to throw another punch. But Captain John easily dodges it, kneeing him in the stomach for his troubles. He uses his Sync to shoot a fireball, Captain John summons a black and purple-ish shining whole with his hand, and the fireball gets absorbed into it.


Michael: Ah, shit. Is that a black hole!?-


A white hole then appears in front of Michael. The fireball blasts him square in the face, causing him to fall backwards.


Michael (in thought): Of all guys… why'd I have to fight a freaking Cosmic Power Guardian?


Thud. He hits the ground.


Captain John claps his hands sarcastically.


Saiko: Captain John?


His attention turns to his team.


Captain John: Oh, hey guys.


His attention then focuses on Saiko's deadpan expression.


Captain John: Hey, don't look at me like that! That guy started!


Bartender: He's telling the truth…


Michael sits against the wall across from the bartender's counter, tied up with Saiko's thread. The 5 sit at the counter to listen to the bartender, as he cleans a mug.


Bartender: I appreciate your Captain taking care of that guy. He's got 2 other friends, if I'm not mistaken. That guy comes here every month for a share of my money. If I don't, they threaten me that something bad will happen. But I just couldn't afford it this month. This place is tanking.

Saiko: And so, they got rough…

Kai: Alright then… Let's put a stop to that!


Kai bawls his fist into the air.


Kai: Picking on someone who won't fight back… We'll stop those jerks from bothering you, again. Mister!

Bartender: Are you sure? They said if I ever call a Guardian, I'll have hell to pay.

Kai: Don't worry, we'll get the message across!

Saiko: Now, we gotta figure out how to draw his friends out.

The 2 look behind them, and see Michael already looking at them.


Michael: N-no… I can't just rat them out like that! I'd never forgive myself! 


Saiko reattaches a thread to the pile that's tied him up, and pulls him up to his feet.


Saiko: You're gonna start talking, pal.

In the attic of a closed down shop. Slain sits on an old wooden chair on the balcony inside., with Carlos sitting on the edge.


Carlos: Hey, run this by me again. Me and Michael got free space to sleep in the hideout. But now we're on a stakeout with you?

Slain: Simple as that. Once Michael comes back with our money, we're going brat hunting. Either we find them on our own… or they catch Michael at the bar.

Carlos: Wait. You're not gonna just let them arrest him, right?

Slain: Of course not! The moment we get the pictures, I'll find him, get you 2 back to the hideout, then I'll go look for something fun to do… maybe go on a date?

May: In your dreams, pal.

Slain: Aw, come on. You invited yourself to this little stake out. Clearly you're a little interested in me, which I don't blame ya for.

May: You seemed… normal enough compared to everyone else at Shadow Sun. I wanted a change of pace. Though, losing to some high schoolers makes you a little less attractive.

Slain: Damn! Feisty.

May: So, is your guy's coming anytime soon?

Slain: Oh, yeah. If he got the cut, he should be here any second- 


Zeke busts through the door, immediately popping up behind Slain, forcing him to dodge a kick.


Slain: Shit! May, get up!


May steps up, activating her Sync, an ice arm. Zeke zaps back over to the others who just entered the room.


Kai: It's you!


Slain: So, we meet again children! I'm not running an orphanage here!


Slain and May hop down and start brawling. Slain focuses on Kai who has the support of Zeke. Slain manages to sneak a couple of snapshots of Kai, before he decides the fight's gone on long enough.


Slain: Alright, let's head out!

Kai: What!? You're not going anywhere!


Slain and May attempt to escape to the window at the balcony, but Zeke cuts them off. Kicking them back to the ground. 


Carlos, who was hiding underneath a table on the balcony, hops down and uses his Sky Power to form a mist that covers Slain and May.


Carlos: Come on! 


The 2 dash towards the window. May manages to head through the window, but Slain waits for Carlos to get out of the fog.


Carlos: They got me! Go!

Slain: What!? I'm coming down!-

Carlos: I trust you Slain! You'll save us! Just go!


May shoots an ice shard hitting the wall near Slain, getting his attention. He forces himself to head down 


Kai: Well, at least we got one of you guys.

Carlos: I gave the best man I knew a chance to run. You guys can do whatever you want with me!

Saiko: Good. Because you're gonna have fun answering some questions.


Xalyan goes through the pictures Slain delivered. He fixates on Kai's face markings, with a face of brood.


Slain: So, my friends got captured by the damn brats. I, uh, kinda wanna rescue them.

Xalyan: …

Slain: Dude?

Wallus: Xalyan, are you okay?

Xalyan: … We'll deal with your friends later. We'll have to start making preparations soon.

Slain: Wait, what!?


Xalyan walks out of the room. Slain almost follows, but Wallus gently places a hand on his shoulder.


Wallus: Leave him be. He's… likely dealing with something.


Xalyan stands on the roof of the building, and looks at the moon. His whirlwind of emotions only allows a single sentence to come out of his mouth.


Xalyan: it's been awhile, old friend.


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