World Symphony Mediator

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: “Start of the Beginner Quest”

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Ai really didn’t know what to say to that. He really didn’t know what he felt at the moment. He didn’t think he hated the elves just because of what happened today. That was just one incident that reflected poorly, but couldn’t possibly illustrate everyone in Pymule or the elf race in its entirety.

He thought of Avra and Athiel and even the shop NPC who asked him for help to settle a dispute fairly. None of them were terrible or bad people. They’d been kind enough to him and helped him all in their own ways. Yet he knew that being kind to him didn’t mean that they were kind to other people. 

For now, to Athiel’s question, he answered. “I...don’t.”

Athiel seemed relieved at his answer and gave him a stiff smile. “For that I am grateful. I wish for you to understand us elves, envoy. I recognize that it seems almost superficial that we only care for beauty, but what you call superficial is our life. The most important thing we hold.”

Athiel suddenly stopped and looked at the ground beneath their feet. Ai couldn’t see their expression or how it changed as they talked.

“I know you think the people’s hatred towards the Keygiver is too much, but please understand. To you, the Keygivers’ choice might not seem like it warranted the hatred of the elves, but to us elves, Keygivers are people who threw away their life, their identity, their blood. Seeing them throw away what the elves considered to be their lives and taking on a brand new task is a mockery some of us cannot accept.”

Ai tried to register it in his mind. He realized that he might’ve been a bit too closed minded about it. In his world beauty was only the surface. People who cherished beauty more than anything, maybe even their own family or themselves, were considered vain or narcissistic. The elves were different. Beauty to them was as important as children or family members or faith to the people in the real world. The elves couldn’t live without it and would rather die than give it up. It was their entire life, their whole world. Though he still didn’t agree to calling them abominations, he could see things a bit better now, confusing as it was.

“It is the way of the elven society.” Athiel continued. “I hope you’ll continue to understand us. You are one, after all.”

Ai touched the tips of his pointy ears. It felt odd and half the time he was here, he had forgotten that he was an elf. Though he still didn’t understand why, it didn’t change the fact he was one. 

Walking a bit further down the curvy road of the forest, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was a temple made from stone and wood. It was that tall or that big, about the size of a small house. Ai could see carving on the stone walls, though he couldn’t really make heads about what they could possibly mean. He swore he saw Tilvanette’s likeness in there and maybe even the flow of Aethera’s chiton like gown.

Athiel pushed open the stone doors. It swung groaned and swung heavily outward, revealing stone steps going down underground. It felt a bit damp but it was clean and the way was illuminated by torches placed on the walls, though it was still a bit dimmed. The steps weren’t that long. Soon they reached another set of doors, this time out of wood. Athiel opened those as well and as it opened, Ai could see a medium sized room with the same stone walls, this time with no carvings and slightly dirtier. On the opposite end of the room was an altar with candles, offerings, and an open book that Ai assumed was a magic tome. 

As he walked further into the room, he realized that he and Athiel weren’t the only two people here.

There was another elf. They looked quite young with a short, pixie style haircut, darker skin and white priestly robes. In their hands was a thick staff taller than them topped with a clear crystal that gave off a slight hum and glow. Next to the elf was someone that Ai knew. Player Eusyca_, who gave Ai a slight condescending glance and scoffed.

Ai tried not to look at Eusyca_ too much or give her any sort of acknowledgement. The other player had decided for herself that they would help each other during this quest and didn’t really give Ai a chance to answer for himself. Faced with her again, Ai wasn’t really sure how to deny her demand. He wasn’t even supposed to continue being an elf. For now, he was just going to ignore her and not give her any indication that he was onboard in being her little assistant.

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“Welcome.” The elf with the priestly robes bowed, the hood of the robes almost comically swallowing their head as they did. “The two of you are here for the test, yes?”

Accept the quest: [An Envoy’s Path]?

Ai swallowed nervously. There was still time to think about this. He glossed over the conditions of the avatar change before because he was eager to get the hell out of Pymule and be someone else with a preferably easier starting quest. The condition stated that after completing this beginner quest, there would be no changing. If he wanted to do that, he would need to sign up for another account and go through the entire start of the game again. 

Ai firmly accepted the quest and gave a nod to the priestly elf. He already made up his mind. He would stay as an elf and as a mediator. He discovered many things while he was one, and opened some paths. It was a shame if he gave that up. He didn’t want to go back. If he was going to complete this quest with a C or lower then so be it. He would push through the difficulties ahead and do his best.

The priestly elf nodded their confirmation then tapped their staff on the hard ground five times, each one sending slight vibrations through the ground. After they stopped, nothing happened for a good few seconds. Then, the walls shook heavily, making Ai slightly panicked because of how it closely resembled an earthquake. Slowly, the stone slabs on one of the walls of the room shifted, the stone creaking against one another as it slowly created a doorway to a hall that ended in darkness. There was a cold and humid air that flew out of the newly opened doorway, sending shivers down Ai’s spine. 

What was at the other end of that hall?

“There lies a slumbering beast deep inside.” The elf said. “This temple was once a place where one could worship the deity in peace, but with the beast rampaging  we have been forced to vacate the temple. Yet this spot has a very high concentration of magical energy, making it the perfect spot for our worship. We beg thee envoys, please take care of the beast.”

Ai felt hopeful at first that he could pass this quest with at least a D. He didn’t believe in himself too much, though he had that momentary lapse of hubris before, but he didn’t want to fail either, so D seemed like the appropriate ranking for him. 

Taking down a mystical beast? He was going to fail or, he hoped, scrape by with at least a sliver of his HP. Not only was his stat abysmal, he didn’t really have any good offensive skills either. He had [Biased Mediation], but the skill would take some of his HP, and his HP amount was nothing to talk about either so the damage wouldn’t even be good enough. 

Eusyca_ on the other hand looked completely calm. Ever since Ai saw her last, she’d been getting some upgrades on her armor. The red orbed staff that she had was replaced with a thick fancy looking grimoire, her beginner mage robes were also replaced by a leather coat style mage outfit with high heeled boots. Ai looked down at himself and grimaced. Honestly he forgot to buy new better armor for himself. Eusyca_ probably thought he was stupid too as she have him a once over.

“Which one of you would like to go first?” The priestly elf asked, their eyes moving between Ai and Eusyca_. 

It seemed like only one of them could go at a time. Though he felt slightly relieved that he didn’t have to team up, he admitted doing it alone wasn’t exactly the good option for him either.

As Ai hesitated, Eusyca_ had already charged forward, confidence brimming in her step and poise. Firmly, she declared that she would be the one who would take on this dangerous beast first. Ai watched her from behind.

Though she was sort of condescending to him, Ai truly admired her confidence. Ever since they met, Eusyca_ knew what she wanted and wasn’t scared once to admit it. For that Ai wished she would succeed in defeating the beast.


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