X the Elf

Chapter 10: 10 – Questions

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Several days had passed since his arrival, only three days remained before the ill fated date of his duel and he wasn’t closer to freedom. He knew most of this time would be spent gathering information and what little he had left use it to prepare for the fight. Too few moments of clarity all said and done, but he had no other alternative. X would have to use everything and everyone to his advantage. He had to know what the slaves’ plan was, then he’d weight his options. Preparations had to be as precise as he could muster them. He spun several lines of thought while pretending to do his duties.

The family returned before evening fell upon the mansion. Lord Derreick locked himself inside his study room while everyone else enjoyed a rest. X daily schedule left ample time to devise and plan.

Amidst his busy working hours the young Lord called him to his chambers.


“How’s your day Leandro?”

“Alright.” The boy stared straight ahead, lost in thought for a brief moment. “I spoke to my father and told him to give you free time each day to come and talk with me.”

“I gather he wasn’t enthusiastic about it?”

“He was surprised... I think. My father considers you... a shady slave. He asked me what we had talked about, and he laughed when I told him your questions. Anyway, he allowed me to talk to you for a couple hours each day. With your duel soon enough, I think he doesn't mind about my request.”

“Merciful. And he ordered you to tell him everything we speak about, isn’t it?”


“Of course he did.” X gaze fell over his eyes which made the youngster lower his. “And if you tell him or not depends on you, but what depends on me is to give him something to earn his respect. What do you say?”

“My father's?”

“I merely want to talk and rest. I’m frail as they come and have no magik trick under my sleeve. What danger the likes of me pose? But your father’s words... I don’t want to disappoint him. He thinks highly of me. I shall oblige.”

“Eh... what do you mean? I don’t quite follow...”

“Leandro, wouldn't you want to attend the academy? Study amongst others your own age, away from your parents. Fail a class, try not to smear your crap too much over your fellow students, break the teeth of those disparaging you or your friends, get yours broken in return, ditch classes at every opportunity to go have fun somewhere else with your gang. Oh, and the girls! If you think everything I said sounds amusing, girls are exponential fun. Until they don’t. Anyway, my point is, if given the opportunity Leandro, wouldn't you chose to give everything up just to experience a little of that life?”

X exposition of what he missed out being locked inside his sick body laid heavy on his soul. Every time his sister came back home he felt his envy and jealousy rising while his sister showed off her life at the academy. What was left for him? Be. To exist. Not to live.

“You still carry hope, don’t you?”

“.... yeah...” Leandro wiped a falling tear.

“I’m dying soon. I have no opportunity at the duel. I was born in the wrong side. No... I was born wrong. Sure, I no longer cry about it, I’ve come to terms with it, but if given a chance, I want to leave something behind. Something. Anything. And if someone like your father thinks this frail and useless carcass deserves the slightest of caution... Then I’m elated. And I have the wish- no, the duty to answer such... belief. I want that much. Of everyone I’ve met, I think you’ll understand me.”

Leandro’s mind was lost, his sights looked down and his hands trembled. His own life had been sequestered in this room, in his own diseased body. Meanwhile, everyone else had fun, learned and lived their existences to their fullest; he alone bore the dark designs of whatever deity put him there.

X stared down on him with a smirk, the conquered reflection shined on his ashen ocher eyes.

Leandro looked up, took a deep breath and spoke. “What do you have in mind?”

“Entertain me a question.” X smiled. “From useless slave to young upcoming Lord.”

Leandro awaited with interest.

“How would you escape this city?”

The boy had expected an interesting question, he wasn’t disappointed. “Mmh... difficult question.”


“Contrary to what everyone would want you to believe, no, it’s not impossible. Would you do it alone?”


“First problem would be the slave collar, which, you don’t have. Well then... this problem’s already out of the way. Next would be... Getting out of this mansion would require sneakiness, prudence and patience. Doable. The real problem is escaping Saint Jaulea. At every hour of the day there are always preying eyes. Many slaves have being caught by simple passersby or patrolling knights.”

“Mhmm. Let’s say you have a big group rebelling. Some prisoners want out.”

“In such cases the barrier would be erected.”


“Yeah, you know, like a big sphere to protect the whole city, encircle it, no one out, no one in. Well, it’s not impossible to break it, but requires time and resources.”

“Time fleeing creatures won’t have... Act quick before getting surrounded.”

“Exactly. We high citizens have our own relics. Devices that let us pass the barrier. You could use one of those. It’s one possibility...”

“The other?”

“Prevent the barrier from going up. As I told you, difficult, but not impossible.”

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“... how’s the barrier deployed? Is there like a lever?”

“Hah. No. They’re called gatekeepers. Four in total, two in each city entrance. They’ve got several enchantments to make the barrier function. I think they rotate and such.”

“Piece of cake. Why hasn’t anyone tried climbing the walls?”

“There have been attempts. But it has proved nigh impossible to avoid patrols and watchtowers.”

“Not impossible but pretty darn high difficult,” said X. His mind focused on several problems and possible solutions. He relaxed his facial muscles. “As your father suspected I’m a danger. His wish was fulfilled same as mine. Now, only to get me a relic or beg a gatekeeper to let me pass. Then pray everyone else to look the other way as I walk trough the gates and barrier. And all in less than three days. Yeah, I think I can do it.”

They both laughed.

“But... wouldn’t you at least try?”

“If I had... several years time and unlimited resources, sure. Why not? But no. Some destinies are firmly written in stone. Still, one can dream.”

Leandro stood up and went towards a locked box over his table. He opened it and took out a necklace. He threw it towards X, who almost dropped it. It shined a golden bright with an encrusted a luminescent turquoise rock in its center. Intricate engraving and glowing markings surrounded it.

“Is this pure gold?”

“All but the relic stone. The shiny rock holds the magik.”

X observed the necklace.

“This is my relic. It’s nothing special, everyone else’s are the same, HUF issued.”

“Oh... this one is used to cross the barrier?”

“Yep. We don’t usually carry those inside the mansion. They are reserved for outside use.”

Was it a test? Maybe kindness? A sadistic type of kindness indeed. Freedom in hand, yet so far away. X returned the necklace. Now on his hands, Leandro looked at it, then at X.

“Don't you want it?”

“For my escape? Walk right out the gate and when everyone asks me, tell them I wanted a breath of fresh air. But don’t worry sires, I won’t be late.” X glared at the boy, it was a serious matter. “Don’t test me like this, it verges on distastefulness.”

“I didn't mean it like that.” said Leandro taken aback.

“Everyone knows it. In this House and elsewhere, someone like me has zero chances to get away, even with a relic.”

Was it mockery? Or innocent indulgence of being?

“You are as much a prisoner as me. All this... I hate it all... I can’t stand it!”

“Then why don’t you escape yourself. No one has a knife to your neck, nor are your hands nor feet tied.”

Inaudible words, semblance shaking, a boy struggling to speak. “C-can’t... we escape together?”

“No. It wouldn’t work out. Make your own decisions, carry out your own actions.”

Leandro felt as he always did. Rejected and embarrassed. “You’re a coward!”

He threw the necklace into the floor. Like a kid making a tantrum he tried to hide his head on his chest, tears flowed down. X picked up his necklace.

“This is important.” X walked towards the desk to put it inside the treasure box closing it down.


X words were met with indifference, the boy turned towards the window, staring outside, a red tint decorated the horizon.

“I’ll take my leave. Good day.”

X learned a lot with their conversation. Still, many things would have to be left to chance. Would he tell Lord Derreick? X was certain Leandro wouldn’t, because it would be akin to tell on his own weak self.

[Taking advantage of youth. What a role model.]

When all is said and done he’ll thank me for it.

[Quiet the contrary will happen.]

He wouldn't be the first...

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